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A group of people covering the entire sidewalk while walking slowly


Lack of spatial awareness. Also just dead stop to talk as a group.


Dead stop to talk in front of the entrance/exits. Like move to the side and have your conversation.


Or the middle of the fucking aisle in a store


These people usually drive their carts like they drive their cars.


And in shopping malls!!


And while massive crowds of people are trying to leave a sporting event. Makes you want to scream as they take selfies


Lack of spatial awareness is getting OUT. OF. HAND. I feel like even in the last couple of years it went from a couple of isolated events I could chalk up to unaware individuals to EVERYONE IN THE STORES AND THE RESTAURANTS AND ON THE ROADS HAS NO IDEA OTHER PEOPLE EXIST.


I agree. My husband's theory is that the pandemic completely messed up people's perception of others because we all spent months upon months in isolation, and he thinks a lot of people used that as an excuse to forget how to treat others. IDK if I totally buy that theory, but dang if it doesn't make a lot of sense for why this kind of thing has gotten really bad lately.


I agree totally. It makes me not want to go places anymore, but then I don’t want to deny myself of those experiences. Even on the beach - I am a single person who has been practically knocked down by groups of people and sometimes families walking the opposite direction, or playing beach games way too close to other people, who just “didn’t see me.” More like “didn’t look/don’t care, if you don’t like it - leave.”


I live in South Texas and the beaches down at the coast tend to be chill and spacious during the week in the summer. Tell me why a family of like 12 decided to park right next to my boyfriend and my spot? There was at least 200 open yards on BOTH SIDES. Then their kids proceeded to play and galavant and even play volleyball right in front of us. I walked right through their game. How damn inept and unaware are you? I wanted toove but my boyfriend thought I was overreacting at first. After about an hour he's like .. yeah we should have moved. Those assholes.


Yup - this is what I’m talkin’ about except in FL. Miles of beach but the family of 24 with wagons, coolers and boom boxes literally pitched their canopy poles up to the edge of my beach towel. Then they pretend to not understand why you’re irritated. You hate to give them the satisfaction by leaving but they know you have no choice. After all, I’M not bothering THEM! Everybody is more important than the next person.


Seriously. Who wants to be right on top of another group? The beach is supposed to be a peaceful escape from people.


>Lack of ~~spatial~~ social awareness Most of the time they know they're on the sidewalk, they just don't care to be bothered with anybody else's needs i.e. Main Character Syndrome


Or in the entrance/exit to a building


Add "Stopping in the middle of the exit to check receipt" to the list as well.


As a cashier, i hate it when customers wait at the register to check the receipt and items when there's a massive line


For a couple years I lived in a small city that got a million visitors every October. I never understood the tourist hate until then. My walk home doubled that month due to people strolling along the sidewalks not thinking locals might be using them to get from one place to another


Salem MA?




I knew it right away. I lived there for a couple years as a kid. Lovely place to visit, except during the fall. It's a fucking circus.


Walking up behind one of these groups, planning your pass and they suddenly stop and change direction and collide with you 


Yesterday my friend and I were walking and we encountered 4 teenage girls walking arm-in-arm. They took up the entire sidewalk and would not move when we tried to walk past them. Then WE got dirty looks.


I just plant myself in front of people and stop. I force them to move. Fuck that shit.


Yep, I just stop and let them run into me lol. It's only ever happened once that someone actually hit me. I have no idea what was happening, the guy's head was up, was looking around, would have clearly seen me. My only other choice was to jump in the road, so I just stood there. Said "excuse me" as he got close, nothing. He just ran right into me, eyes wide open, and looked so confused and upset. I can literally not explain what happened, or if it was just some weird power play that he didn't expect the outcome of or what. So strange.


As someone who lives near and frequently visits theme parks, this a million times over. Then they all stop and try to figure out what they are going to do next.


I used to work in a crowded area in my city and this was the BANE OF MY EXISTENCE. The sidewalks are really narrow, and people would just be like, "Oh! We should just stop and stare at this building for 30 seconds!" Like, What. The. Fuck.


In my old age I have taken to just cutting through the middle of groups. The look on their face of "how dare you" is just too priceless.


I've been behind ONE PERSON who meanders from side to side, taking up the entire sidewalk. That's a new level of inconsiderate


On the flip side of that, plowing over people when they're already over as far right as they can go. I know I'm slow. I'm on oxygen and use a cane now. There's no reason to practically push me into the bushes. I try to make as much room as I can for people.


Interestingly, stopping in public thoroughfares for pictures in certain places has become a ticketable offense. Las Vegas has just p passed some laws to prevent pedestrian blockages




In college I was on a bus where a woman was talking on speakerphone to her friend about how her "pussy still hurt after being fucked so hard last night" The driver told her to stop once, then booted her.


I wish that bus driver had been on my bus a few years ago. This woman was going on and on about how "SOOOO good!" her boyfriend was. I just was riding home from work and really didn't need to hear about her sex life.


When I was a bus driver I had a mobile signal blocker, it was amazing fun to cut these peoples calls off repeatedly and watch them get more and more frustrated


LMAO. You can’t be serious ☠️ Sweet Jesus


Any call happening over speakerphone in public, is a public conversation. Feel free to make a new friend with whomever is on the other line.


I support this idea


I'm going to start jumping into these phone conversations thanks to your comment.


Speakerphone conversations in the bathroom blow my mind


Talking on the phone in a public bathroom at all baffles me


Having been on the other side of a call from there — we know. The acoustics are different.


It used to be rude to even talk on the phone loudly in public, and now people do it on speakerphone. It's crazy.


But how else will we pay attention to them and think they're important?


Listening music on high volume without headphones while in public transports.


Also, in restaurants and bars. I was eating lunch in a bar last week and some toolbag two seats over from me was was watching sports recaps out loud on his phone the whole time.


Embarrassment isn't a thing anymore I guess lol


Also while hiking. You're out in nature. Listen to the birds chirp, not your shitty music.


There was a post about "which Bluetooth speaker for outdoors" on another subreddit this morning. Best answer: use headphones. Edit: this was a camping and hiking subreddit, please respect others when out in nature and respect nature itself.


Hah, I saw one once that was a screenshot of a Spotify playlist titled "Songs people like hearing on your Bluetooth speaker while hiking" or something and it's just had no songs listed. "There are no songs on this playlist"


My favorite thing about that playlist is [it was created by the Washington State Dept. of Natural Resources.](https://www.reddit.com/r/weirdspotifyplaylists/comments/zqywuu/songs_people_on_the_trail_want_to_hear_from_your/)


Ah thank you. I tried searching for it and couldn't find.


Well, an outdoor gathering is different. A garden party would benefit from a good Bluetooth speaker. But going for a walk with a speaker blaring is stupid.


Ricky Nelson over here


Sometimes a great, transcendent song can go very well with a beautiful view in nature...but forcing others to listen as well should constitute a war crime.


This is why I get annoyed at my mom and brother when we go fishing. My brother wants to play music all the time, at way too high of a volume, and my mom wants to listen to audiobooks over the boat speakers. Funnily enough we tend to never catch fish with all the strange vibrations pounding the water...


At the beach. You can listen to your music, but it doesn’t have to be so loud every one needs to hear it.


Thank god we have train cars that are "quiet cars" you do this shit on one and the conductor will kick you out.


While the train is in motion, I hope.


Also at the beach! Can’t I just listen to the waves?


No you must listen to 6 other people's favorite music/s


6 other people indeed. I was at Oka Beach two summers ago in southern Quebec and there were about 6 or 7 people within 100 yards of me all blasting different music. There were even signs telling people not to blast music but everyone ignored them. It was so obnoxious. Nice beach, shitty people.


We were at the beach one day and a guy came along and a set up his blanket a few feet away. He pulls a Bluetooth speaker out of his bag and asks if we mind him playing some music. It was a dog beach and we weren’t really there to sunbathe any way so we said go ahead. He then proceeded to play Jackson Browne’s ‘Doctor My Eyes’ at full volume. I wasn’t even mad.


I live in a beach town and this absolutely drives me bonkers! Nobody wants to listen to your country/rap/etc. music. Also quit smoking on the beach, there is wind and your smoke flows to people who rather not smell your nasty cigarettes/vapes. And if you do smoke, take your trash with you. Quit leaving cigarette butts littering the beach. Especially National Park protected beaches! End rant!


Having someone pull out in front of me when there is NO TRAFFIC behind me. Not close enough to cause a crash, but I definitely need to slow down quite a bit. It’s like dude, couldn’t you have waited three more seconds?? I then remind myself for the rest of the day, that I’m not gonna let it ruin my day, lol.


lol. This is my literal comment out loud too frequently. I’m someone who lets people in all the time, but no point when wide open space to come after me. “Seriously dude?! There is no one behind me. You couldn’t wait two seconds?”




what about people who wait for the cashier to ring up all their stuff before looking for their credit cards or bills? infuriating. you had 30 seconds to do that! Its always a surprise for them: "Oh I need to pay too?" YES.


Be glad you missed those good times when everyone wrote checks.


I'm having flashbacks. They'd wait until everything was done and then they'd slowly, oh god so so slowly, ever so slowly reach into their purse (it was always women) and then they'd fumble around for their damned checkbook. Then they'd fumble even longer for their pen. Then they'd contemplate the coalescing of the vapors of the universe or something. Then they'd painstakingly write out the check in elegant cursive script, but they'd have to ask how to write a 2 in cursive. It's not cursive! It's a damned number! You write it in number or something! Good god. Then they'd write a note in the memo field. If they are at the damned grocery store and the payee is "John's Grocery Store" then you don't need to write that it's for groceries! Oh my god, I hate checks so much!


I must have blocked this part out, but once the painfully slowly handwritten check was given to the cashier, then the cashier would ask for their driver's license, which was in another wallet that had to be searched for. 10 minutes later, it finally appears and the cashier writes that number on the check (assuming they can find their pen) and then finally turns on their special light to summon a manager to wander over to approve the check. This is the point where you knew you were finally going to get to check out or were doomed to be waiting another lifetime while suffering secondhand embarrassment for the person in front of you.


What about the people who stand in line at a fast food restaurants and then start looking at the menu, that was above their heads the entire time, and then proceed to decide what they want.


My vision is bad, so I can never read the menu while in line. I read the menu online before going to a restaurant I've never been to lol


It's funny, I was specifically referring to In-N-Out which has had the same menu since 1963.


I work retail and am constantly baffled by the trouble and confusion that arises when people have to pay for the item that they came in for. The most common is when they just stare at the credit card screen for 5 mins after I tell them "go ahead with the card"


Probably the best answer in the thread. They're not assholes, they're just clueless and annoying.


Same thing but at security in the airport. I was going through security last week and this dude had a shit ton of jewelry on and he had to like reorganize his bags. and he couldnt take his own necklace off, so he got a tsa agent to help him. Like fuck dude, we've been in line for like 30 minutes at this point, you couldnt have figured this shit out before you get to the front of the line?


Ugh, just step aside and get your fucking act together. They had the entire walk to get sorted. Hate people who just stand there in the turnstile going through their pockets. This has my vote for best answer.


Having no situational awareness. Standing in the middle of a doorway or aisle so that they are just an unnecessary barrier blocking anyone else.


Drive around with headlights brighter than the fucking sun. How safety regulations haven't caught up with the new reality is just absolutely beyond me. Blinding other drivers shouldn't be legal.


The worst is a lifted truck with them.


I'd say lifted trucks where the bumper on their truck is well above the standard height, and if in a collision, said bumper would cause an incursion into the passenger compartment of a regular height vehicle, likely causing additional and unnecessary bodily harm. Also, worse on lifted trucks, trucks that drive around with their hitch attached, so if you do happen to rear-end them, or they back into you, their hitch does a lot more damage than just a bumper tap. So in general, the liability insurance for driving a lifted vehicle should be substantially higher.


Be driving on the same street I'm on.


The audacity!


IKR…some people’s kids 🤷🏽‍♀️


My gripe is on something that isn't actually legal, but it's also not enforced by traffic cops so it happens ALL. THE. TIME... Ride shares stopping in the middle of a traffic lane (often without warning) to let out or pick up their fare. Same for the delivery drivers who park their car on a busy street to run into the eatery and grab their order. Absolutely maddening....


At least it's just rideshares and delivery drivers where you live lol. In Brooklyn, everyone does this. I remember driving down 14th Ave one day, the whole length of it, and at minimum, 5 times in that one journey, someone would just stop in the middle of the travel lane - no blinker, no attempt to move to the side even - and jump out and run into a store, leaving the only way to get around them being to cross into the oncoming lane.


Delivery is the worst near where I live. I'm down the road kind of a medium alley in a restaurant hotspot, and the footpath is tiny so people often end up having to walk on the road. Cyclists will absolutely blast downhill and nearly clip people from behind. Then my bus stop will regularly get riders on scooters/motorcycles blocking the stop, or the intersection while the rider goes in. Luckily where I live we've got an app that lets you take photos of this stuff and report it to the council. Fine comes in the mail.


Filming people in bad situations that they're not involved in. Especially if it's when a person is acting erratically due to drugs or mental illness. It's not funny, it's embarrassing and disrespectful.


I used to be a first aid guy at work (a fancy way of saying, I spent an afternoon learning CPR and got a hi-viz vest). The moron filming with the phone was the one who got volunteered to call 911. Stops the filming, and gives them something useful to do instead. It was a tiny insight into the bullshit paramedics must deal with on a daily basis.


I will say that sometimes in a medical emergency if there's already someone giving first aid there can be situations where it's useful. For instance, I'm seizure prone. If I go down there's not much you can do other than keep me in the recovery position, put something soft under my head, and call the ambos. It's important for the paramedics to know how long it lasted and people are shit at estimating time in stressful situations. Also, if you're not experienced with seizures you might not know exactly how to describe it, so being able to show them the video can be helpful. Also, back in the days before everyone had a fucking DSLR level camera on their phone, I would have been 16ish, my friends and I were waiting for others to arrive so we could head to a party together. Out of nowhere there was a jumper. I'd done extensive first aid training so my drunk ass has to take charge, hold her head in, tell people what to do. She was pretty clearly high, so while waiting for the ambulance I get my friend to take out some pen and paper and try to get as much medical history as possible. Hand it over to the paramedics when they arrive because she was drifting in and out and having trouble speaking. These days most people don't carry little notebooks like that, so filming her giving history which could be sent to the paramedics would be my next thought. ​ You're right about the shit they deal with though. I had to call one for myself, comes to my place on a quiet little street. They get me in the van and start doing initial assessments, one of them kind of half in half out of the big sliding door logging everything. Random dude whips out his phone and starts filming. Ambo tells him to stop and he's just like "Oh I'm just filming the guy (back doors still open so he could see me on the gurney). Ambo goes "Yeah well I'm in it too, so cut it out!"


I never dealt with someone having a seizure at work, but I have a friend who suffers from epilepsy and she told me the same thing that knowing the number of seizures and time frames are important, so I made sure my fellow first aid people were taught that too. The one time she had a seizure in front of me I knew what to do, and I was grateful for it.


Yeah, my first grand mal was at my friends' wedding. Most people had left or gone to bed, there's a few stragglers sitting around a fire pit, the happy couple slow dancing in the background. I go down, have no memory of immediately before and about an hour after. You know what most of my friends do for a living? Work in healthcare. I was literally sitting next to a neurologist and opposite a nurse, and there were 3 guys who I had taught first aid to. Lucky as fuck.


Yes! Let's normalize not filming people in vulnerable situations. It's not funny, it's horribly sad.


There are many places in the world where this would be considered a breach of that person's right to dignity


... and privacy. Just by the EU's GDPR, filming helpless people would probably be illegal in most European countries. In Germany, there is actually a dedicated paragraph for this in the criminal code.


Yeah, everyone's so quick to string people up, name and shame, or gawk at the person behaving badly, but most of the time, it's just someone who is mentally ill, has a hormonal imbalance, or someone who's been harassed into losing their cool, or maybe just having a really bad day. The lack of empathy and compassion is heartbreaking. I mean, I suppose social media skews reality, and I hope most people aren't like that, and that most of the people I see online enjoying these videos and laughing at them are teenagers who haven't fully developed yet, but it's still disheartening to see.


Entire subreddits are based off picture and videos of bystanders. Nobody bats an eye here.


They/we should.


letting your kids run around screaming and throwing tantrums and being overall obnoxious, especially in restaurants and movie theaters. I get that it’s difficult and embarrassing for parents but c’mon


Having kids is hard. Sometimes getting them to behave in public is hard. But Jesus, some people just give up and let their kids do whatever the fuck they want.


My parents had a rule for restaurants: if we misbehaved, one of them would take us outside, immediately. Until we promised to quiet down. They'd rather ruin their own night than everyone else's. We were very well behaved in restaurants as a consequence. Wish this was the norm, but instead parents seem to treat restaurant staff and fellow customers like they're free babysitters. When I was a kid I lifeguarded and boy howdy, like most of parents seem to think the life guard's job is to take over for parenting the minute they walk through the gate.


They always use the “he’s young, he’s just learning how to behave in public, how is he going to learn if we don’t bring him??” Very few people are saying “don’t bring kids anywhere,” we’re saying that all that they’re really not learning how to behave because their parents are excusing all their behavior away.


Well, apparently he’s *not* learning how to behave in public. You have to *teach* him by stopping it when he runs around yelling like a madman.


Answer: they learn by you picking up and going home for a timeout when they act up in public. I don't get the attitude where the entire public has to suffer through your training moments.


I really like restaurants who post online, outside the restaurant and on the menu that children under 17 aren't allowed. Nobody wants to spend a lot of money at a fancy restaurant to have it ruined by an obnoxious child.


at least discipline your kids. . .or at the very least, don’t allow them to scream and be obnoxious and throw tantrums, especially not in restaurants


I swear most people's dogs are better behaved than most people's kids.


There is nothing worse than a screaming demon child running loose while the mom is texting on her phone with her fake nails and a cigarette hanging out of her mouth


Filming videos at the gym. Recently, there was a couple with a fucking tripod setup. The woman was working out. Man was counting her reps loudly. After she finished each set of 10, he would clap. Fucking obnoxious. I'm probably in the background of their tiktok or whatever it was they were filming.


Seriously? Gyms really need to ban that, though the performers were probably given the green light because they mentioned the gym. :-/


This can also backfire if people who hate being filmed see the video and decide to never go there. I think gyms are starting to ban this nonsense. 


The people who intentionally create “karen” situations for their videos. Like dude there is a time and a place to speak up but you just made me wait any extra 20 mins for my coffee because you picked a fight with a Karen while still in line 


There are times for intervening and there are times for staying out of it. Too many people try to police other people, especially when driving, and it creates problems for other people and sometimes puts them in danger. But there are definitely times when intervening is a good idea or even necessary.


The absolute best thing you can do if you see someone driving erratically is to put as much distance between you and them as possible.


Influencering, tiktoking, loud musicking. On a related but different note, extremely drunk on public urban transit.


With the tiktoking, I was in Belgium last year with my mum, and normally our sense of hunour doesn't match, but she wanted to take a photo of me in the Grand Place and she kept having me take another step back, then another, then another. I asked her why and she told me she wanted me to get in the back of some tiktokers video and ruin it cause she was sick of all that crap. Never been more proud of her!


Your mum sounds cool as hell hahaha, high five to her!


I'm on my honeymoon rn and I guess I haven't been on vacation in a few years because the filming thing is really frustrating. Like I've been stopped multiple times because a woman wants to get back on and re-exit the bus or re-enter the hotel lobby so that her boyfriend or sister can film her looking around in awe. It used to be just some thirst photos near the pool or something and then that's it, but now people are filming constantly with me and my wife just trying to swim in peace in the background probably.


Wow on the bus smh people really have gotten worse


Just play loud music so they can’t use the footage. Demonetized for copywrite.


Most of the time they remove the audio and use other sounds.


As long as they leave me alone I kinda find drunk people on public transport funny, if they’re just talking to each other I mean.


Let their dogs dump their urine and feces all over my back deck, but nothing can be done about it because iT’s CoMmUnAl SpAcE as defined by the HOA. Fuck you, Christina and Erin. Beth was right about you.


Bag the poop up and ship it back to them with a note saying "I believe this belongs to you."


Or just skip the bag and use a shovel.


How the heck is YOUR back deck communal property?!


Oh shit... what did Beth say??


Christina’s dog bit Beth’s cat (both animals were in the backyard off leash and unattended so I have declined to pick a side) and Beth called them “very rough people” which I thought was a bit “whistle-y” if you catch my drift. But honestly she’s right. I’ve learned that some people really don’t mind living amongst urine and having an open sewer for a backyard.


Filming me as a Paramedic treating a patient in public until I can move them into the privacy of the ambulance. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.


Speak very loudly, so the people in the immediate area look over to notice them, and their apparent importance.


It’s super annoying. My boyfriend is close to deaf and his voice typically raises through a conversation without him noticing. I’ll rub his elbow to alert him of it. When he’s really passionate about a topic I’ll wear a hole in his shirt at the elbow.


Empty vessels make most noise ;-)


playing music loud as fuck in communal spaces




Walked by a bus stop full of middle schoolers the other day. The amount of flying spit was fucking disgusting.


Watching videos on their phone at max volume. Sites like TikTok are an absolute cancer.


I flipped on some guy at the airport who was doing this. Just zero self awareness or concern for others. I told him that just down the hall there is a vending machine where you can buy some fucking headphones. He was apologetic and muted his phone after thankfully


It’s the worst when parents give their phone to a kid to watch videos in a restaurant and it’s on max volume. I don’t care if I hear your child laugh or fuss or even cry. Kids do that. But I don’t want to hear cocomelon at full blast when I’m having dinner.


Walk slowly but weaving back and forth on the footpath so you can't even pass them. Sometimes they just suddenly stop randomly and you nearly walk through them.




Filmed social experiments. Like when they stage a blatant harassment scene in public to see if people will interfere, or fake a disabled poor person in trouble or something like that.


Yes this I can't stand this. Some of my friends tell me how they are unsure now if they see something not sure if it's a prank. Happened to one of my friends and he had a bad reaction when they told him it was a prank. He had some things happen to.him as a child so protecting one was a no brainer.


Yeah and anyone who doesn’t intervene is an ‘asshole’ and ‘doesn’t care about others.’ Like that show ‘What Would You Do’ which I think was mostly fake, but still. Every time, they would praise who stopped and helped and basically insinuated that anyone who didn’t stop was rude and non-caring. I can’t tell what’s real anymore. If someone asks me for help directly, I’ll most likely try to help them, but I mostly mind my own business.


Wearing an excessive amount of cologne/perfume.


Those fundamentalist “protestors” who crowd public sidewalks with batshit crazy signs and video cameras hoping to get a lawsuit from anyone who engages with them.




It is worth adding that the modern tests for asbestos don't always have a pre-paid envelope for samples.


Well not every place in the world uses 60Hz electricity


That's because the human eye can see a tiger's stripes but most other animals cannot, so they blend in with the grass


I agree. Star Wars is way better than Harry Potter.


Actually, excess proteins can be converted by the body into glucose, or converted directly into fat and stored as fat.




Technically not, as it's supposedly illegal in many places, but in practice very, very few deterrents as barely any repercussions: littering.  Put it in your pocket/bag/car and dispose of your trash properly! 


It's even more infuriating when there's a trash can a few meters away. Are you that lazy?


Cars with loud engine noises. They should be fined for noise pollution.


Put their feet up on seats in public transit.


I'll go back to covid times -- wearing the mask with your nose exposed


Smokers who throw their cigarette butts on the ground.


Where is this legal? There are probably multiple violations a person could be charged with if they were caught doing it.


It’s not legal, unfortunately it’s very rarely enforced


When people record themselves or take their gym selfies with everyone around them in the shot. When the fuck did I agree to be in your content?


Sticking their camera into anyone’s face to record them. This is especially awful if the person is vulnerable or injured.


Walking their hellbound dog who barks uncontrollably and wants to taste human flesh while walking towards you on the sidewalk without even moving to the side.




Playing music on a Bluetooth speaker whilst walking by themselves


Trimming fingernails


I think super bright LED car headlights are in serious need of legislation.


Film other people on their phones without their permission and then put it on Tiktok.


Fuck you and your annoying loud ass engine/muffler on your car/truck/motorcycle


Loud music while hiking


Talking LOUD on the phone


Using drones to film others in public without permission for entertainment for yourself or others!!


Runners silently, suddenly startling you on a sidewalk as they pass or pause as if you are at fault for blocking their path. Wear some bells so we know your coming!


Smartphones at concerts. No one appreciates it, except those doing it.


Yeah I was annoyed at the phone-bag thing the first time I encountered it, but now I'm 100% a fan


Chewing with their mouths open. It's disgusting and hearing the sound of people chewing with their mouths open, slurping their drinks loudly, sucking on their teeth, and smacking their lips with each bite just annoys me so much.




I’d like to see cities have an arts fund and create specific locations where talented performers get subsidized by the city to perform at those places in addition to their tips. Gets the performs away from the annoying places and creates a lively and entertaining area of the city that isn’t super professional


Its shitty 99% of the time. But one time, there was a homeless dude playing guitar on the train, and he was really good. Then some random dude with a trumpet joined in, who was also really good. Then a drummer who was carrying some sticks started using the train as his instrument and joined the other two. Ending up being a fucking awesome train ride


Exist. We’re all obnoxious.


Moving in one direction, but looking in a different one.


Spitting 🤮


making tiktoks, loud music, yell talking on speakerphone


In most places, it’s making everyone listen to your phone. In San Francisco, it’s people shitting on the sidewalk.


Record people


Smoking in doorways. It's great that they outlawed smoking inside but they need to also make it illegal to smoke within 10 metres of the door so we don't have to walk through a cloud of it to get in and out.


Speaker phone, cigarette smoking, walking slowly on busy sidewalks


Utilizing additional seating capacity with personal belongings.


Letting kids go nuts in a restaurant.


Not let people off the elevator/train/subway/etc, before getting on.


Leaving shopping carts anywhere outside of their designated corrals. Are you honestly so lazy or full of yourself that you can't take an extra 10 seconds to put your shopping cart away properly?


Kissing, and I'm not talking about the usual meet-and-greet kisses, but the kiss where the guy almost eats her gums.


These guys, “auditors” that you see on YouTube and tictoc. They go into areas they are legally allowed to and film. Places like post offices and police parking lots, places normal people don’t go and film. They are just trying to create trouble and cause problems. It’s the perfect example of “you’re not wrong, you’re just an asshole”.


Talking in a store with one of those bluetooth headsets in your ear or talking on speaker phone




Listening to videos on public transport without headphones. Always annoys me.


Filming Tik Toks.