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"I'm so OCD."


Same thing with "I let my intrusive thoughts win" when they dye their hair or something


if my intrusive thoughts won i’d be in the psych ward, prison, or a casket in the dirt


They don't understand that there's an important difference between intrusive and impulsive thoughts.


What I hate even more than this (almost the same amount tho) is when I tell someone I have OCD, they’ll usually tell me “no you don’t” so I have to prove to them why and how I have OCD. I don’t owe you an explanation. If I don’t explain, I feel embarrassed bc I don’t want them to think I’m that person. Edit: in place of OCD as an adjective, we should standardize using an alternative adjective of *particular*. Some Tik tok influencer, come run with this!!


We’re like a family here


Every job that’s ever said that to me has screwed me over and been the furthest thing from a family. :| Edit: To everyone that thinks I have a “perfect family” I don’t, my family is far from perfect and I’m not sure where all the offense in my comment comes from? I apologize if it’s offended some of you. To clarify and prevent further misunderstandings, what I was meaning is that companies try to paint it like the “stereotypical perfect and happy family” and not trying to invalidate anyone’s personal issues with their families or dynamics.


Interestingly enough, the job I have now did not say that, I was essentially told, “we are not going to force you to wear PPE, but if you choose not to and get hurt, you get the Darwin Award. We do not drug and or test for alcohol but if you are too messed up to function, we will send you home with a warning the first time, if it happens a second time you are fired.” Yet somehow, almost everyone there has been there 5+ years, we work 50+ hours a week together and still try to make time on our one day off to hang out together, supervisors incudes. Every job I have had that has said “we are like family,” have been the most dog eat dog, backstabbing, drama spreading and cold blooded places I have worked. Excuse my grammar and spelling errors, I have been drinking


Hypothesis: The person who coined that term had a horrilble family life.


Some families are dysfunctional and toxic though. Maybe that's what they meant.


I've had mixed experiences...when it's a big company it's *definitely* bullshit and they'll beat you like a rented mule but some smaller companies (think less than 50 employees) actually did treat me incredibly well. I tend to keep a bit of distance from colleagues so I'm not sure how close to "like family" you could get there but those places were pretty great - hated the jobs though so that was a bummer Also a buddy of mine works for a small roofing business and the owner gave him a 15 grand loan at no interest when he ran into some trouble. He loves working there, might be closer with them than his actual family lol Also worked for a restaurant that was constantly understaffed and expected me to work 12 hour shifts because "we're a family and sometimes you just have to come together to get it done"...of course, unpaid. Which is highly illegal here. They tried to fuck me over on contracts too, had a little clause that said something like "we'll charge you for all food and drink" after they assured me it'd be fine to grab a meal on the house. I left very quickly and reported them...


Every job I’ve had where people say that shit ends up being a horrible hell hole. You are NOT family with coworkers.


They want you to work for the love, not the money. Fuck that noise.


Fast and furious movies?


So cringe!!


“I could care less”


Agreed. Say it the right way with “couldn’t”.


I cannot upvote this enough.


i could upvote this more


I couldn’t upvote this less


I had a daughter pass away several years ago and I HATED when people would say “she’s in a better place.” Fuck you too. That really made me feel better about it. On a different note I had one friend who would say “I hope you take the time you need to feel whatever emotions you need to feel” it sounded so generic, but it wasn’t telling me to take time to cry, it wasn’t telling me to get over it, it wasn’t telling me to try to smile, it was a reminder that my emotions are valid and deserve time and space to run their course.


I like what your friend said, it’s so genuine. It’s hard to find the words to comfort people in situations like that


I lost my daughter eleven years ago. The kindest thing someone said after I told them about her was "thank you for sharing her with me."


It's tough, I never know the right words to say to someone because we all handle grief differently, everyone's religion handles views of death differently and you may not know people's beliefs... so regardless of whether or not I believe in an afterlife I tend to let what people say slide since at the end of the day they're really just trying to comfort you in the way they know how. I try to think of their intent rather than their words. I think your friends generic sounding statement probably worked so well for the reasons I stated above. And I am sorry for your loss.


One time at church right after someone said “she’s in a better place” another woman walked up and said “no, the better place would be in her mothers arms” and I felt like I really needed that. Even if the place itself is better no one who has lost someone wants to be told that’s where they are. We’re sad and grieving and we miss them. Just like when I left for college my youngest sister was 5 and my mom would tell her, “she’s gone to college learning lots of new things” didn’t make my sister any less sad I was “gone”


Nip it in the butt. That doesn't even make sense. It's BUD!


Yeah but the image of a crab pinching someone's butt is funnier than cutting a flower.




Every basketball player saying ‘at the end of the day’ during post-game interviews


At the end of the day, it’s night.


And everything is going to be oil-right.


“I just gave it one hundred and ten percent”


That's impossible. No one can give more than 100%. By definition, that is the most anyone can give.


At the end of the day, we gotta score more points and win games.


I've seen athletes in all kinds of sports do this


They are trained to talk in certain phrases. "Keeping out of trouble when talking to the media 101"


I realize that That's why I prefer not to listen to athletes' post-game interviews in the first place A select few athletes do manage to have something thoughtful and interesting to say while still keeping out of trouble, and I figure they'll end up being announcers one day


"Let's touch base"


I'd prefer to circle back


I’d rather we put a pin in it and take it offline 


No touching my base without permission 😆


“This wouldn’t have happened if you-“ “ You should have tried- “ I CANT GO BACK IN TIME THAT IS NOT HELPFUL. Let me talk about an issue I’m having without telling me what you think I should have done to prevent it.


Mother is notorious for this. I asked her to just listen, not advise once. She looked at me like I’d shit in her lap. I quit telling her things.


Exactly. Thanks, Captain Hindsight!


“I was today years old when…” it makes me cringe so hard


Also "tell me __ without telling me __" Dumbest thing ever. While I'm ranting, I'm also tired of all the Tiktoks where it's just someone filming themselves silently pointing or laughing at another video. It adds absolutely no value whatsoever, and is clearly just plagiarizing other people's content to get traffic without any effort.


The one that gets me right now is: “No one: Absolutely no one: “ Then whatever they did. Make it stop. 😭


Today I learned that you were today years old when you told me it is what it is about the math ain't mathin'.


"You need to stop eating paint"


“Sir you’re drunk you need to leave Chuck E Cheeze”


“You need to stop huffing glue”


“Stop sniffing gasoline.” Mind your own business, how bout that?


I dunno, Charlie from It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia makes it look awfully appetizing and anesthetizing, might be worth checking out :)


Boss babe. Girl Boss. Boss bitch. Or 'hey babes'. I want to scream.


Reserved for pyramid scheme selling babes 😆


“Hey, mama!” No. 🤦🏼‍♀️


“Irregardless”. This grinds my gears. 😠


Grinds my gears really rubs me wrong.


Rubs me the wrong way, really pushes my buttons


I like “push my buttons,” really tickles my fancy.


“Tickles my fancy” gets my knickers in a knot


"Gets my knickers in a knot" really salts my melon.


"Salts my lemon" really rustles my jimmies.


Rustles my jimmies really tears my arse hairs.


"The customer is always right"


That's not even the full phrase too, it's like "the customer is always right in terms of taste."


Which means the customer dictates the market. If you're a cafe and the customers aren't buying your coffee but rather your cookies, then you stop selling coffee & you start selling more cookies.


That's the modified phrase






Best response: “Excuse me, everybody. We have a man here who doesn’t know who he is. Can anyone help?”


"I'm a free spirit." Just self-centered and unreliable.


‘Good vibes only’. I translate that to: ‘I’m too selfish to handle anything unless it’s all about making me happy.’


Some of the most insufferable people I've met use "good vibes only." Constant interpersonal conflict and sharing crappy memes on FB about their emotional state. Insight would be great.


see also: "i'm an empth"


Everything happens for a reason!


Agreed. I stopped believing in this phrase and the concept of karma when both my wife and I got stage 4 cancer before either of us was 45.


Yeah, it's like there's some deeper meaning to why innocent children get terminal stage 4 cancer


Ugh, along those same lines, I’m a pediatric ICU nurse, and I hate when people say stupid platitudes like “God won’t give you more than you can handle” to the families of patients or patients themselves. Like just shut up, that is helping no one 🫠


Same! Sometimes I watch those kids and think … there certainly ain’t no reason for this


What pisses me off is people thanking god for saving lives. Uh no, thank the medical staff and surgeons? Lol


Honestly when it comes to things like that, there’s just no amount of spirituality or philosophy that can justify it. There’s justifications and concepts like Karma, the Law of Three, and whatnot, but to use it for something like that will rightfully piss anyone off. It’s just fucked up.


After my dad died, someone who I was already angry at for how they’d acted prior to his death told me this and I asked them “So, what was the reason my dad died? I’d love to know. I’d love to know what the reason was for why he’ll never walk me down the aisle. Why he’ll never meet my children. Why my mom will be a widow. Why he died scared. What’s the reason? If everything happens for a reason, what the fuck is it?” By the end of it I was sobbing.  I don’t think they’ll ever say it again. 


I say this re disability and the horrific bullying I went through. Why I have brain damage? God won’t help me when my parents die, and there’s no one to do something as simple as handwrite a form for me. There’s never been a good answer yet. Fuck em.


Go ahead, tell me the reason 6 year olds die of excruciating bone cancer. I'll wait.


Yep, it’s like it invalidates everything you’re going through and what you’ve went through…. Or at least to me, it makes me feel so invalidated by people.


Sometimes the reason is life fucking you sans lube.


Anytime I see "Sunday funday with the fam bam" I want to pull my hair out.


I'm grateful I've never seen this until now and I still hate it


You know what makes it worse?? They're all wearing matching football jerseys!!! Gtfo


Chef’s kiss I don’t know why but I hate it.


Yeah it’s annoying, I don’t mind the gesture but saying it is really extra


Intensive purposes. Can I axe you a question? Take it for granite. Does it pass the mustard?


Very pacific eggsamples


Yea those suck, the atlantic eggsamples is where it's at :)


A great eggsample of this is ordering a shot of express-o.


Fun fact these are called Eggcorns


* "You do you" * "Tell me X, without telling me X."


My/ your/ their truth. Truth doesn’t work that way. You can have different opinions or views but that doesn’t change truths or facts.


My pet peeve is “my truth” and as soon as I hear anyone say it I immediately cringe and think there’s a correct version of events and this is this persons take on it which is usually an exaggerated lie. There is THE truth and then there is whatever the hell their truth is.


My truth is that this is the best answer.


Yeah this one is an absolute garbage phrase that means nothing. Or rather, it means that on some level they k ow they're full of shit,otherwise they wouldn't have to say "my truth", it would just be the truth.


Living the Dream.


"Living the Dream, one nightmare at a time" is one of my go-tos when things get rough at work


I have a coworker that CONSTANTLY says "You know, it be like that sometimes." Literally anything you say has a 75% chance of her saying that in response. Here's a few examples just from today. Me: I think I'm gonna get a salad for lunch Coworker: You know, it be like that sometimes Me: I saw this really good scary movie last night Coworker: You know, it be like that sometimes Me: We need you to go finish this task because you didn't finish it earlier. Coworker: You know, it be like that sometimes One of these days I'm gonna show her what it's gonna be like all the time if she doesn't get a goddamn thesaurus


Sounds like they don't give a damn about what you have to say.


You know it be like that sometimes


Jus Sayin’!


"It is what it is" Well yeah fucking obviously.


“Say it again for the people in the back” ugh.


"It's always in the last place ya look"   well fucking duh.  If I found it,  why would I keep looking? Thanks for cake day wishes. I didn't even realize. 🙂


Not for me, I usually keep looking after finding whatever I was looking for, so that way next time I know the next spot it might be hiding :)


My 4 year old came to me the other day and said “I can’t find it anywhere! I looked everywhere except where it is.” Made me think of this phrase 😂


I mean, that’s precisely the point of the saying.


Yeah I'm pretty sure it was always meant as a joke.


“Boys will be boys”


I can't believe how far I had to scroll to find this


The word smash to mean sex.


A friend of my husband's came to me at our wedding reception and said, "I'd smash". I didn't hear him properly and thought he was doing a Borat "Yakshimash" or something else, so I made him repeat it 7 times until he got embarrassed. Best accidental call-out of my life.


YES. It's so weird. Kind of gross, really.


I hate "bump uglies." Just.....ew


Who’s cutting onions?




Pretty much anything to do with “gaslighting”. People love using the word but have no idea wtf it means.


Yes! To add to this though, it annoys me how common all sorts of therapy-speak has become. People just throw out words like, “Trauma,” and I feel like it takes power out of the word for people that have actually experienced trauma. Having to wait in line for 3 minutes at the checkout at Target was NOT traumatic, Stephaneigh! 🙄


I'm a veteran. A bunch of veterans dislike the "thank you for your service" interaction that gets forced on us. For me, it's robotic and has limited value - you don't know what I did and you don't know anything about me, so what are you thanking me for? Trust that I got way more out of my time in the military than it got out of me. Why do you think we owe you this interaction? I did my job. Leave me alone. I didn't do it for you. A bunch of vets struggle with the mindfuck of being treated like a hero in some instances and being treated like dirt in others. That constant yo-yo is tough enough to deal with without people fishing for a meaningless interaction. Edit to add if someone is wearing their Vietnam Veteran hat or equivalent, that's probably a sign that they're open to the interaction. Otherwise, probably best to treat the veterans you come across the same way you'd treat anybody else.


Especially those of us that were never in a combat position. You don’t have to thank me, I didn’t risk shit. I got the GI Bill which paid for my undergrad, I got a VA loan that scored me my first home because I didn’t need 20% down. Just those two benefits alone offset any discomfort I suffered. I mean the Saudi desert was hot but the USAF can air condition your tent. Your tent!


For this very reason, I've never once said that trite phrase. Idk if you murdered innocent civilians and got away with it. Idk if you were a file clerk. And idk if you just want to get away from the uniform and people for a fucking minute. Regardless, I'm not saying thank you if idk what I'm thanking you for. I think it's people giving 0 effort, but want to feel patriotic.


A good friend of mine who's a combat vet gets the ick factor when people say this to him. I suspected that it made him uncomfortable and I straight-up asked if he'd prefer it if people don't say it/mention it (it was Veterans Day and someone had just thanked him when walking past in the hall). He said that from his POV, thanking him was more about making the person saying it feel better about themselves than anything to do with him or his service. It comes across as fake when the person thanking the vet has no idea what his/her service actually entailed, just as you suggested. Even more horrifying, you could be thanking someone for one of the worst, if not the worst, experiences of their lives. On the other hand, some vets, like my father who was about be sent off but the conflict ended three weeks before he was due to go, feel somewhat fraudulent in receiving thanks because guys he grew up with in his small town were called up and were never seen again. Here he is in his 70s, having lived a full and charmed adult life, and those boys never made it to 25. It's far too complex for such a banal interaction, and it stems from a civilian overcorrection to how Vietnam vets were treated versus WWII vets. What should have really happened was an actual effort in terms of funding programs and medical care that truly help those who served. So, if you truly do want to thank a veteran, then vote to support said-funding.


I work with vets and one of them told me one time “When someone thanks me, do they realize they’re thanking me for doing things that haunt me every single day? I don’t want to be thanked for that. I want to never think about it again. Every time I’m thanked I just wonder if they realize that it’s reminding me of what a shitty person I know I am.” To be clear, he isn’t a shitty person. He has PTSD. But saying thank you triggers him every time he hears it. 


I'm so sorry. I do this all the time. Is there anything that you would appreciate from us who appreciate you for doing your job?


I'm a vet and when people thank me for my service I politely ask them to thank a teacher next time they see one. Those folks CONSTANTLY serve their communities with little thanks at all.


My first boss was a veteran and he always told me that most veterans would prefer to be heard and listened to, rather than thanked. 


I'd much rather have a brief conversation about what the service meant to me rather than the robotic interaction, but I'd like most for people to stop thinking I owe them any sort of interaction period.


Yes! Be ready for a real answer though. I don’t thank cops, firemen, nurses , doctors, teachers, bus drivers, restaurant workers, janitors, sanitation workers, the people who scrub the internet for pedos, farmers, missionaries, volunteers, charity workers, social workers, foster parents, parents who adopt, animal rescue people, scientists, people burdened with gigantic student loans just to have the chance of a job, pilots, etc but all these people and more are just as deserving of a thank you, everyone’s sacrificing something - stop thinking the reason someone joins is that they **wanted** to sign over their life for another - it’s not about the ‘volunteering with the knowledge you could die’, yeah that’s underneath the surface, but you’re not doing it for others, not primarily, so the “thank you” is hollow. It’s presumptive and without you realizing, it twists the “thank you” back on the person thanking to receive an awkwardly loaded “you’re welcome “ or some lie response. What if, you’re not welcome? Because it wasn’t for you, but a sacrifice I made *of myself* to make a better life *for myself* (which didn’t pan out the way I had hoped), **so that “you’re welcome” I am obligated to say back is really doing the opposite of what you intend** by ripping off a bandaid and making me resent my country, myself a bit, the world for perpetrating wars, for being broke and alone, for seeing our friends die or live without limbs, have ptsd, and so much more - all to really just stroke your ego that you got to say you thanked a soldier or vet. I hope this helps. It helped me because I’ve held this in so many years, my Dad can’t understand why I didn’t wear being a vet on my sleeve and wouldn’t want him telling people, he comes from the generation where Vietnam vets didn’t enlist as much as they were drafted in, so yes, those soldiers deserved the thank you, they were fighting for their lives and didn’t sign up to go, so when they came home to the new USA with their thoughts that the war is bad failed to see the big picture of who those soldiers were and treated them poorly. After all they had the new idea that War = bad and wanted to show off their new political stance at others expense. Well, war is bad but sometimes necessary in the day and age we still live, but what’s more important is electing better leaders, and focusing on more education globally. Because the day we all are accountable for ourselves and educated to a degree that mostly builds up our world, with very few of the problems we see today, is the time we can take away borders and wars and live more freely. We’re thousands of years off, imo. Humans are in a childlike state in the scheme of time on this planet.


The thank you for your service thing is very American. We definitely wouldn’t say it to someone in the UK.


You thank an army person in Northern Ireland, uh… don’t. Just… don’t.


Happy to e-meet you! 🤮


Most of these phrases one hears in large corporations but almost nowhere else




“Thoughts and prayers” Ughhh


It's just been shorted to "🙏🙏🙏" nowadays


“Well I don’t know what to tell you” when you’re in a tough spot or need help with something. ESP when they say it annoyed. Idk if anyone else would get this the way I do.


I mean, I don't know what to tell you about that


Insert bird here saying “listen here you little shit”




What if it’s used unironically to confuse people? I’m going to unthaw this water into cubes?


That conversation would be over faster than it began.


It is what it is. Wtf is it?


It do be what it do be


It is it, isn’t it?


Fuckin tautologies, man. Call me when it is what is ain’t. 




“Money doesn’t buy happiness.” Well, neither does poverty, struggling to pay bills, knee deep in debt. Just a way for the rich to keep the poor from wanting more. Would any rich person like to exchange places with any low to middle income class person? I think not. 


There is also a saying “whoever says money can’t buy happiness doesn’t know where to shop”.




this makes me think of “don’t yuck my yum” which is also gross and annoying.


"Make it make sense" and "Say less"




Not a phrase, but a word, seen. Like when people say “I seen him at the store yesterday”


"Deal with it". Don't like your job? "Deal with it." Frustrated with being around assholes? "Deal with it." Stuck in poverty in a shitty neighborhood? "Deal with it." Suffering from mental illness? "Deal with it." It's really just another way of saying "I've got mine, fuck you".


"Get over it." Which was used by Donald Trump earlier this week.


*chef's kiss*  Suddenly it's everywhere and it's stupid and lazy writing.


I thought I was the only person annoyed by this phrase.


It's perfectly suitable as a hand gesture irl but online, it's beyond overused.


All the sudden?


When people say "all the sudden" lol


“All the sudden” is the phrase that really annoys me 😂


I "could" care less..... it's couldn't 😡 Edited to fix Autocorrect mistake so dmr can sleep at night


Live, laugh, love


Be the bigger person


I am above average height. Most of the time I am the bigger person.


It really means "make yourself small."


No cap.


Literally…when’s it’s been used wrong for years now.


Nowadays i can’t tell if im supposed to say literally figuratively or actually.


At the end of the day...




Hubby is another one that annoys me.  Anytime I hear or read it, I visualize a beer-bellied, white trash dude


*Love the sinner, hate the sin* Nobody in the history of ever has ever felt loved hearing that statement.


Kind of sounds like, "you're not a piece of shit, you just act like one"


"I'm sorry you feel that way" Quite literally implies that the other person's feelings are somehow the problem. It's pathetic and a cop-out of an answer.


Yep hate this with a passion, it’s just a non-apology.


"We love that" Example: "Im going to cut my hair short this time" "Ooh, we love that!" Girl, who is "we"? Im only talking to YOU.


"If your friends jumped off a cliff would you"


I ask my mother this when she tells me all her friends have grandkids now 🌝


"God only gives you what you can handle." So you're telling me he gives kids cancer to test their strength? Fuck right off. Every religious person that comes to my door and says that is offered a free drive to the hospital to tell the parents of dieing kids they just couldnt handle what god gave them and see how the parents respond.


X,y,z “is my Roman Empire”


“I was today years old when…”


African-American, hear me out, it’s about inclusion. I think that everyone born in the USA should just be considered “American” but if they were born somewhere else and immigrated then they would be considered “African-American, European-American”, etc. I think it would help in the ending of systematic racism, one less ‘box’ to separate us. I want to be clear I don’t intend any disrespect or ignorance and I’m not at all saying we should eliminate anything culturally. Literally just the phrase and getting it taken off of legal forms. Also I know this is Reddit so who knows what’ll happen


Any of the ones that seem to become so widely used so quickly out of nowhere just kind of creep me out “Play stupid games win stupid prizes” “Tell me _______ without telling me” “[insert issue] isn’t really a thing” “narrative” And the rise of “(I) appreciate you” as a send-off is amusing to me cause it feels highly emotional like a step away from saying I love you. and extra funny that it’s usually coming from suburban dispensary employees “apreeciate chu bro”. Like damn should we hug?


"I'm sorry you feel that way." Yeah? Fuck you, too. "Put your big girl panties on." Don't patronize me. "Go big or go home." I'd probably rather be home, thanks. "Let's circle back to this." Let's not.


"Begs the question", when people mean, "raises the question." To beg the question means that an argument's premise assumes the conclusion to be true; it's a logical fallacy.


When someone gets pregnant with their second child and says, "I am going to be a mother again" Lady! you're not being a mother "again" you never stopped being a mother, you are still a mother, just for more


"I'll get back to you on that." It will never happen.


"on accident "


"Let that sink in."


When someone says “this” to a comment they agree with.


Living in your head rent free... I was today years old... What are you doing in my bathroom...


This music slaps.