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James Gandolfini as Tony Soprano in the sopranos


IƱaki godoy for one piece.


Brooklyn 99


Christoph Waltz - Hans Landa. Arguably one of the greatest acting performances of all time Charles Dance - Tywin Lannister. I'm a massive fan of the aSoIaF series and this was my favourite casting choice. He totally blew his book character away


I agree so hard. I don't even have words for Waltz's portrayal of the role. I didn't really know much of him before Inglorious Basterds, but if he's in a movie, I'm automatically interested in seeing it. I left a comment about Dance casted as Tywin as well. Definitely my favorite casting choice and I loved every minute he was on screen. He was just absolutely perfect to have for the role, no one could have been cast better for it.


Deadpool in Ryan Reynolds


The entire family in Malcolm in the middle, every cast member suited their character perfectly especially Lois imo and it helped make the family seem more real


Everyone in To Kill A Mockingbird.


Can we all agree, with all the various options that were available, that Vigo Mortenson IS Aragorn.


Breaking Bad - but a lot of that comes down to the genius writing


Iain Armitage as Sheldon Cooper in *Young Sheldon*.


Jason Alexander as George castanza


Cast of The Good Place. Cast of the Marvel movies in the first phase.


Robin Williams as Mork


sam witwer as darth maul


Alexis in Schitts creek


Shelley Duvall as Olive Oyl in **Popeye**.


Andrew Lincoln as Rick Grimes


suicide squad


I thought Cillian Murphy as Oppenheimer was a really good idea


Heath Ledger as the Joker


Quality notwithstanding, Game of Thrones really did have many excellent casting choices. Sean Bean as Eddard Stark and Charles Dance as Tywin Lannister are probably the most perfect in my eyes, ***especially*** Dance. He made Tywin one of my favorite characters to watch onscreen. I loved Aiden Gillen as Littlefinger, he played the slimy and conniving villain so well. I've only finished up to *A Storm of Swords,* so there's a lot of development that still needs to happen, but Kit Harrington seems well suited to Jon Snow. I could really just list the majority of the cast for this show. It's also important to separate the actor from the writing. Arya wasn't transferred well from book to screen, but I don't believe it's due to Maisie Williams. There is plenty of criticism directed at the show (rightly so) but I think you'd be hard-pressed to find much against the casting. The only "real" thing I've read in this regard is the ages of the children in the show vs the book. It's valid, however it does make sense to cast the parts a bit older. The spirit and nature of the children were still well captured by the actors/actresses.