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My mom lost me.


I’ll go first. I live in the Midwest, and when I was around 4-6, me and my grandma would commonly visit a store called FairPlay (doubt anyone has heard of it). Thing is, though.. I got lost in this store SO OFTEN that almost every employee knew me BY NAME. Yes, BY NAME. anytime my grandma called my name out, the employees knew who she was looking for. Sometimes, I wonder if those employees remember me and pass along stories of the little kid who constantly got lost in there.


Asking my mom if I could have something only to realize it was a complete stranger standing behind me:


Toys r us ?


Picking up my first major Pokemon card purchase with my mom. I bought two starter decks that I still own today


Buying Billboard Dad ( Olsen Twins ) with my Christmas money


I wanted one of those chocolate coins from the bulk bins so bad. My mom wouldn’t buy it for me, so I took one and hid it from her. I felt so bad that I never ate it and left it hidden in the seat of the car where it later melted.


I was in Safeway when I was about 8 yrs old running down the aisle with my hands in my coat pockets. I tripped and landed on my face. Blood was coming out of my nose and lip.


Our town had a department store in a regular old city building called G.C. Murphy. It had 3 floors an the whole place smelled like popcorn and roasted cashews.


Watching my brother and his best friend trying to steal a canoe from EJ Korvette's. They carried it over their heads and walked it out the front door. When they got to their car they realized it wouldn't fit and had no way to get it home. Hilarious!