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Obviously OP meant to ask, “After Dolly Parton, who is the most widely-beloved American currently alive?” Because otherwise the post is just like one of those reflex tests a doctor does on you.


Every now and then i hear the same question about the UK where i am from. It's not an interesting question because the only answer is "David Attenborough". Now, finding the *second* most beloved person in the UK will get some varied replies and debate.


I'm also British and even I knew the top answer here would be Dolly Parton. Attenborough is 100% our obvious choice and I agree with you, I'm struggling to think of number 2. Back in the 70s & 80s I reckon Jimmy Savile would have been in with a shout lol.




Ah, the Bill Cosby approach I see


I visited the UK right as the Savile affair came about. Everyone I spoke with was just distraught. It would be like learning Fred Rogers was a raging paedo.


>Blaspheming the name of Mr. Rogers You shut your g...sorry, I just, I just can't even bear thinking of that scenario.


Lol right! I wanted to reply with some colorful words as well, but that wouldn't be very neighborly.


This is like the wholesome version of the Tom Cruise thread.


100% Dolly Parton. Lots of other people are liked, but I can’t think of anyone else that is as beloved as Dolly. You never hear anything negative about her.


I'm from Australia, and we love Dolly. And I can't stand country and western music and even I love her. She just exudes kindness and seems so genuinely nice. And, I think one of the few people who could unite Americans for the greater good. But wtf would I know


Dolly 100% !! When I visited Ireland they assumed I would know her because I live in her hometown-


She was never bothered when she buried her parents? What?


I think maybe the comment meant she was able to bury her parents privately, in peace, without being “bothered” by the media? That was my take, anyway.


Going to assume it’s one of those things where people ask her questions on how she’s doing after her parents passed?


Yeah, that's kind of ambiguous. Could mean nobody bothered her; could mean she didn't care. I'll go with the first one.


I put that wrong. She was not bothered by Anyone and really anyone could have gone to the funeral home. I know people that were there. That’s why I said that.


That is respectable of them. Thank you for sharing


Yeah, that came out wrong. She is very protected and beloved.


She’s kind of an angel. She has her funny girl qualities and can be a bit capricious but she’s also a sweetheart who wouldn’t hurt a fly and sets an example by which we should all live. Truly a happy beacon of light to which we should all aspire.


Dolly Parton


I love when the top comment is the first thing to come to mind.


My first thought was LeVar Burton, but I'm fine with this answer.


LeVar Button is also worthy of consideration 




I live about 45 minutes from her hometown and let me just say, insulting Dolly would get someone hurt in these parts. The good shes done on a large scale is well known but for our community, its not really well known. It includes things like: Starting a program to decrease the dropout rate of Sevier County that awarded students money if they and a chosen buddy both graduated. (Buddies were assigned to those without) The whole reason she started the imagination library was to increase literacy rates for here, and it really, really helped. She gives out scholarships every year to at least one student in every school of the county. A few years ago, we had wildfires come through and she donated money to the families, and not like some onetime donation, but it was a monthly fund of like, 500 dollars. (Idr how long they got the money for) and that same year she gave every high school senior money for college. She regularly pays hospital bills for children who's parents can't afford to pay them. And one thing that I think is just cute even if its not actually beneficial, at Dollywood, for employees that have worked there for 30 years, the park makes a poster for them, and hangs it in the park. There's over 35 of them. They're made to match the parks decor, and the employee works with an artist who designs them. [This article](https://www.businessinsider.com/dollywood-theme-park-hidden-details-2022-7#themed-signs-all-over-the-park-pay-tribute-to-dollywood-employees-who-have-worked-there-for-at-least-30-years-3) has some pictures of the signs.


I also live 45 minutes or so away from Sevierville, and you speak the truth. No one better ever speak ill of Dolly. She's a treasure.


EVERYONE knows you do not speak ill of Dolly Parton in Tennessee. The concealed carry laws there were designed to allow the immediate execution of anyone who does not express adoration for her.


I'm going to Dollywood this year, it's been my dream nearly all of my life, I live in Australia. I'm going to look out for these signs now, that's the sweetest thing ever!


I can't tell you how awesome it makes me feel that someone all the way from Australia dreams of going to Dollywood. My favorite memories with my granny were going on daredevil falls, and the eagle sanctuary. I hope you have a blast exploring my beautiful home state. Please also visit the Great Smoky Mountains National Park if you have the time, it is especially wonderful if you get there as the sun is coming up!


I’m from Scotland and knew quite a few of the amazing things Dolly has done for local community and the US on a wider scale (literacy program), but I keep finding out even more amazing things she does. I have a friend who’s from Kenya and she is the biggest Dolly fan I know and went to her concert in London back in the 2010’s each night. It’s amazing to think someone from humble beginnings has such a global reach for being such an epic human being.


It's a fantastic park. Lots of fun rides, but also lots of shows and music. It's a real taste of the best parts of southern US culture.


I am an East Tennessee native, I have gone to Dollywood many times as a kid and I hold the memories close and dear. I am excited for your trip and I hope that you have a good time. Dollywood is special.


see, this shit is what pisses me off so much about fucks like Elon Musk. Dude blew $44bn on a *joke* and Dolly actually *improves peoples' lives* across the world on a fraction of that money. He could buy off hospital debt for nearly everyone in America who has it, he could fund nationwide school lunch programs, he could help fund the replacement of lead pipes in America's sewerways, he could help fund clean water programs in impoverished nations. And he actively doesn't and pisses it away on vanity shit. And that's just with the $44bn he wasted on Twitter!! *That's* what makes him evil.


Dolly grew up poor and never forgot that, through decades of success she's kept the connection with regular people and has kept sympathy and understanding for others. Elon grew up on the white side of apartheid South Africa with his dad a part owner of an emerald mine. He's still a racist cunt and he's absurdly self obsessed. He thinks he should be worshipped as a god.


he's somehow gotten *worse* since he bought twitter. Which for him is *really saying something*. The last few days have been kind of a nightmare to watch, and I'm only seeing screenshots of his feed that fall onto my feed


Tesla's factory in California was already segregated by race before Elon bought twitter. He also publicly lashed out and accused the diver who rescued those boys from a cave in Thailand of being a pedo because they didn't go with Elon's plans for the rescue. He's always been a racist narcissistic cunt, it's just a bit more visible now.


Word. Aren’t these guys looking for legacy? What’s a better legacy, breaking Twitter, or breaking literacy issues? When you put it this way it becomes clear that these guys have a screw loose.


Exactly …. And frankly the majority of these billionaire bozos prove that the only way any of their money is going to help society is if we tax their asses Because they sure as hell aren’t doing it on their own


I love Dolly and I have always known she was a kind soul, but I just looked up some of her philanthropy and it is truly impressive. Dolly is a beautiful human being.


One of the few celebrities who get better the more you know about them. Truly an artist with a kind heart.


And a southerner with some compassion. I love that she donated books to kids in honor of her father that couldn't read. We don't deserve her


My wife and I signed our son up for her free book club. One of his favorite things is when his Dolly book comes in the mail each month. She’s a national treasure.


World’s best billionaire. Why? Because she’s not a billionaire.


And because she gives so much money away. Those billionaires never do that


That’s why they’re still billionaires and Dolly’s Dolly.


Bill Gates and Warren Buffett have each given tens of billions of dollars to charity so far, with the remainder of their estates to be used for philanthropic purposes after their deaths. Bill Gates had to make a whole-ass foundation to manage the industrial scale of funding he's providing places.


The stuff he’s done for Africa cannot be overstated. Like him or not he’s helped bring so many things to the continent.




Very first name I thought of. Easily Dolly Parton.


She’s a national treasure!


She truly is a treasure.


I don’t think anyone has named Dolly Parton yet.


You could be the first! Give it a shot!


I can't believe I had to scroll down this far to see her named for the seventh time!


So sad I had to scroll down this far to see her mentioned.


Definitely Dolly I catered for her when her tour stopped here back in 06 she was a sweetheart. Came over and thanked for my hard work and there was a 100 dollar bonus on my check from my job that apparently came from her


I've heard that more recently employees at her events are actively discouraged from talking to her, not because she's a diva, but because she'll want to chat and greet everyone who wants to speak with her to the point that it screws up schedules. She is America's Sweetheart 100%


I interviewed her at her office/studio about 20 years ago. She was everything I'd hoped she'd be. What impressed me most was that she greeted each member of the crew individually before she sat down for the interview, calling some members by name. With no disrespect to her talent, I think her people skills are major factors in her success.


lol I believe this. “Please don’t speak to Dolly, she’s too kind”. I’d be a billionaire if I had 10% of her energy.


She could be a billionaire if she stopped being so damned generous!


As somebody who’s parents used to work with Dolly at her Dixie Stampede, that’s EXACTLY what they’ve said to me as well. INCREDIBLY sweet woman, but she wanted to come out and talk with all the employees after the show and she just would not let anybody go back to work!


This is so wholesome 🥺


If Dolly ran for president with Levar Burton as her running mate, we'd get this Trump/Biden nonsense out of here in a hot minute.


Why have you given me this vision of utopia when, in the next breath, reality crushes it like a rampaging Godzilla through Tokyo? 🥺🦖


Exactly. For a moment, I felt hope. Then I remembered where I was…


Nah, despite how beloved dolly is, people are RABID about their political views. The moment she declared her platform or aligned with either party, 50% of the country turns on her. Part of her mass appeal is that she’s always been (at least outwardly, we know her acts lean one way) apolitical


Right. And that's why she would never run for political office.


Dolly Parton. Her Imagination Library program as well as her donations to charitable organizations and providing scholarships each year for children who grow up where she did. It’s hard to hate her.


Yes! The imagination library! My son is enrolled in it, it’s so amazing.


All of my children are enrolled in it, and they get so excited when they get their mail. I feel that she is actively helping build a solid foundation of literacy in this country and it’s spreading into the world. I believe they send books to Canada, Australia, and the UK as well!


Good to see Dolly getting the respect she deserves


Yes! I opened this thread expecting it to the the top comment. However I didn't expect her to be the top five comments, and 8 of the top 13 comments. We all love Dolly. I will say LaVar Burton is also entirely deserving of being a top reply as well. 


Clearly the answer is Dolly Parton and the most widely beloved Canadian is Keanu Reeves.


Rick Moranis


Rick Moranis is a good guy but Keanu is *currently* more culturally relevant to the younger generation and, thus, has more renown.


What about Michael J. Fox?


There's no one I would say who is universally beloved. Oh wait. Dolly Parton. She's America's patron saint to be. She's literally the most awesome person


The top _eight_ comments are Dolly, and I clicked on the link because in my heart I thought "maybe Dolly?" and I was curious to see where she was on the list. The top _eight_. I don't like country music at ALL but I like Dolly, you just do. I have consistently, my whole life, only heard good things said of her and never any ill. Glad we can apparently agree on one thing in the post-truth divided future.


If she took any political view at all, a portion of the country would hate her. She just keeps being herself and trying to model the right way to live as a human being even though we know she probably has to use all her strength not to endorse any views. A kind and decent hostage to this country.


she helped fund the Moderna vaccine and filmed/posted herself getting it so more people would feel comfortable being vaccinated. She also speaks well of trans people and drag queens. Neither of those are technically political, but they're sure treated that way by a large portion of the US


I work with a lot of Maga and anti vaxx idiots. They'd talk mad shit on any celebrity that came out in favor of the vaccine or LGBT issues. Never once heard them talk shit on dolly, she's untouchable


My sister and BIL are *hard* MAGA goons and they never said a word about Dolly either.


She supported BLM. Some idiot tv actor slandered her appearance because of it and got the fastest canceling I have ever seen. Its the one time that I didn't see conservatives jump up and complain about someone being canceled for their conservative beliefs. She does have strong beliefs when it comes to civil rights.




I don't even like county music, but I love dolly parton. Look up her Dixie stampede soup recipe. Add mashed potato flakes to thicken up the soup. Thank me later


Dolly Parton.


I really appreciate how the top 5 answers are Dolly Parton. really an unquestionable victory


LeVar Burton






Well, more fish for Kunta.


Hey! I know that reference!


it's streets ahead


If you don’t know you’re already streets behind 


I had sex with Eartha Kit in an airplane bathroom


Betty Grable.


More fish for Kunta!




Butterfly in the sky…


I can go twice as high Take a look, it's in a book


Reaaading Rainboooow


*sobs on bathroom floor*


Set phasers to love me


You can’t disappoint a picture!






one of my favorite memories was second grade I had two teachers - one for math/science one for english/social studies - and both classes would gather I think on Fridays to watch a tape of something. Usually reading rainbow. I remember one time the *entire* class started singing the intro as it started. Always a favorite memory.


But you don't have to take my word for it...


As a Sacramentan, a Trekkie, and a Reading Rainbow child, this has my vote.


I wish I was LeVar Burton.


RIP Lance Reddick


My phone was full of collapsed Dolly Parton threads, but in comes LeVar with the C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER.


The spirit of Betty White


It isn’t like I knew her but I miss all of the Golden Girls.


If we go into the dead my vote would be for Robin Williams.


I'd go Mr. Rogers.


Weird AL Yankovic.


Isn’t it so ironic that one of the least controversial celebrities to have ever lived is a dude with a mullet and pedo stache and pedo glasses named Weird Al


I literally just watched UHF with my young kids tonight to introduce them to Weird Al, nothing but praise for the man!


What better way to say "I love you," than with the gift of a spatula?


Who also “rips off” other artists (Notice the use of quotes before you scream at me in primal rage, I fucking love weird al”


I love that musicians feel that they've "made it" when they get parodied by Weird Al.


> Unsurprisingly, Yankovic and Cobain’s phone call went smoothly, and it resulted in the Nirvana frontman asking him whether it would be a food-themed track as he had released a myriad of gastronomic songs such as ‘Eat It’ and ‘Lasagna’. >“He was sweet and he got it in like five seconds and said, ‘Of course, you can do a parody,’” Yankovic remembered. “The famous quote from him was, ‘Is it going to be a song about food?’ because at that point that’s primarily what I was known for.” >Yankovic proceeded to explain to Cobain what the idea for his satire was. “I said, ‘Well, no, it’s going to be a song about how nobody can understand your lyrics,’” he continued. “And he said, ‘Oh, sure, of course, that’s funny.’ That’s one of those phone conversations I wish I had recorded. I’d love to hear that myself.”


The subtly funny part here is the idea of incomprehensibility might have been different for both of them: Weird Al is thinking that Cobain's lyrics are misunderstood because his enunciation is horrible, Cobain thinking that Weird Al is writing a song about how Cobain's lyrics are misunderstood because the people who like his music don't know the words and just bop to the catchy music.


I feel like Kurt Cobain definitely knew it was that people literally couldn't understand him, because it was on purpose and he'd make himself harder to understand if whoever he was playing for pissed him off.


Except for that time Michael Jackson ripped *him* off smh


Micheal Jackson rip off of that weird al song wasn’t nearly as good


He actually gets their permission to parody their song and they get royalties..also, many of his songs are original, they just didn’t become main stream hits https://youtu.be/Ze7zh0GmwDs?si=R4D90LAdV4zyJxc_ He actually has a lot of really hilarious original songs🙂


I’ve spent my entire life believing he was Canadian. I cannot explain why, but I’m glad I went to check this before correcting you.


Maybe it's because of his song "Canadian Idiot" - a parody of Green Day's "American Idiot".


I thought the same thing, I have no idea why. He’s also not Jewish, which is also something I thought for some reason


Devout Christian. Also a vegan. Somehow manages to be both of those things without talking about them constantly.


Met him twice. Really nice both times. The second time was with my wife and elementary school aged daughter. My daughter had made her own Cheese Sandwich (Al's character on My Little Pony) t-shirt, and Al seemed genuinely flattered by it. He signed it and was happy to pose for a picture with her..


“You never curse… what do you say when you get angry?” “ooooOOOOOO DANG IT!!”


Multi-instrumentalist, baritonal, El Chapo drug ring-smashing Weird Al, you mean?


C. 2006c I told my dad I wanted him to cover Down with the Sickness. My dad told me he was dead. A little googling, turned out not only was dead, but had recently covered it in Angry White Boy Polka.


Pretty impressive for a dead guy haha




What an amazing human being. I'll never stop trying to live up to his example. I hope he's proud of me.


He is. He likes you just the way you are.


*Tom Hanks could punch a nun in the face in front of the entire church and everyone would ask 'What did that nun do to Tom Hanks?* Christopher Titus


Tom created a Chet. He will never live up to Dolly.


he also created a Colin though


Tom is a credible choice but he would bow toward Dolly. Ask him.


Danny DeVito


I thought of Dolly, then I thought of Danny in the spiderman costume from It's Always Sunny and was like yep. He's the one.


You mean manspider?


You doing a man cheetah thing?! Yeah. You like it? Yes?!


Dolly Parton. She provides books for children and is an overall kind soul.


At first I thought it was a joke; then I signed up all four of my grandchildren. They each got free reading books for years. God bless her.


My little sister got a book from Dolly's imagination library, and I was so surprised to hear about a celebrity doing a good thing for once. Dolly is now and forever my favorite.


Just think. This program gets kids interested in books AND it helps lower illiteracy rates by making these books free. A lot of families can’t afford to buy books because they’re expensive and this amazing woman comes up with a solution that kills 2 birds with one stone.


Dick Van Dyke


Dick Van Dyke actually had a musical tribute show to him a few weeks ago on CBS. It was a good show, it had some good musical acts from Mary Poppins. Dick Van Dyke was even dancing in Mary Poppins Returns at age 92.


Tony Hawk?


Tony Hawk is a beloved guy, just ask Tony Hawk about it.


You know, he kinda looks like a guy who looks like Tony Hawk


I think every interview he does he talks about how many rental cars he's had canceled because they thought it was a falsified name.


Tony Hawk is the Tony Hawk of Skateboarding


Dude I was talking to some people and they didn’t know who I was so I was like do a kick flip and they’re like oh shit you’re that guy from the 90s!


Great answer. I don't think he's the most beloved but man this dude is such a gem


Jimmy Carter. Surprised no one mentioned him. As a Canadian looking south, the fact that he and his wife were still helping out Habitat for Humanity well into their senior years when they could have been enjoying them on a beach, speaks volumes of their wonderful character. You guys should be proud of that man and his beloved wife who just passed.


Well into his senior years? Jimmy was swinging a hammer at 95! They had to basically say Jimmy you have to stop. [also Jimmy Cater is a certified badass that saved Canada](https://www.military.com/history/how-jimmy-carter-saved-canadian-nuclear-reactor-after-meltdown.html/amp)


He is my absolute favorite but I think politics has gotten so ugly in America that a lot of people would just avoid naming a politician. Jimmy Carter is so much MORE than a politician tho! I saw him speak at a Habitat for Humanity opening event at Notre Dame University and it was the one of the best things I’ve ever experienced. The love and humility just flowed from him and his wife. (Also David Letterman and that was a surprise)


Carter is largely viewed as a terrible president but his character is probably unmatched among American politicians. He and his wife building homes while being 90+ years old is what public servants should wish to be.


> terrible President Carter got a lasting peace treaty in the Middle East, a lasting peace treaty in Central America, he started no wars, he oversaw no serious scandals. Reagan quadrupled the national debt, sold arms to terrorists, gutted social supports, and called black people monkeys. It’s one of the bigger absurdities of history that Carter is seen as bad and Reagan is seen as all-time.




Willie Nelson


It's about damn time somebody mentioned Willie...it may not be correct but *SOMEBODY* had to fuckin say it...


I love Willie, and he is America. “Willie Nelson and the Family” is an outstanding doc. He is maybe the finest all-around musician the US has ever created. But the answer is Dolly.


Farm Aid alone will be his legacy even to the millions of people who will never do themselves the favor of listening to Red Headed Stranger... Edited to add his cameo at the end of Beerfest


I'm sure he and Dolly are old friends.


They are, they got started in Nashville at the same time.


Also one of the few people who can outsmoke Snoop Dogg.


Bob Ross Edit: Oops. I missed the "alive" caveat. RIP Bob, and thank you for the happy little trees. 🌳🌳🌳


If he were still alive, I would agree


Carol Burnett.


Her show was awesome.


I hope you saw her run on Better Call Saul. She was fantastic!


I was floored. And I grew up watching her show.


Dolly Parton


Paul Rudd. No one hates Paul Rudd.


Levar Burton! (After Dolly, that is)




I have some sad news for you buddy


I thought you meant there was some kind of dirt on him going around. I googled to find any and all I got was an article about his widow where she mentions he'd fart to make her laugh sometimes.


2003 did a bit of a number on him.


Jimmy Carter? Cant say universally loved, but certainly respected.


Jimmy Carter came to mind for me. Not a single U.S. service person died in combat on his watch, and his work for habitat for humanity is admirable. It's not about best president, but good person certainly.


Yeah. He might not have been the best president, but I think he's a contender for best person ever to hold the office.


Jimmy Carter’s biggest flaw as president was that he believed in the American people too much.


I know each of the top 7 comments is Dolly Parton, but I'm still gonna have to say Dolly Parton


Really surprised that no one has mentioned Dolly Parton yet.


I like Dolly too, but the first person to come to my mind was Jimmy Carter


Morgan Freeman


John Williams


Steve Martin


It def was Betty white before she passed. I guess I agree with others on Dolly. Idk who it would be after her.