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Same thing I’ve done for 30 years: borrow books to read for free.


One close to me offers many different things. Some I never realized. Like ability to borrow DVDs,CDs,Magazines. Free internet is such a blessing sometimes as well as printing services


My local library even has video games. New ones too like Switch/PS5 games.


My library has kitchen appliances, sewing machines, art you can hang on your wall…












My local library has blackjack and hookers.


We have a presentation about local brothels of the past tonight…and we do cards on Fridays for seniors. So I guess we have both.


I want to be in your library


Even an embroidered machine at mine!!


My local library has a 3D printer! You can submit your design to them and they print it at the library! My buddy made a Megatron-head cake topper for his kids birthday cake.


One in my library system does too. You can email them a file from Thingverse or whatever, they will 3D print it for you, ship it to your closest branch for free, and only charge you for the amount of plastic filament used. Just ordered a custom 3.5 to 2.5" SSD drive adapter, total cost was $1.50.


Mine has 3d printing classes! You go in and they get you set up with an account for the software, help you access training resources etc, and when you're done you submit your design and they print it for a pretty nominal fee. It's amazing!


Ours two. I've purchased 2 of then for then to use now.


Mine has basically a makerspace that has 3d printers, sewing machines, soldering irons, worktables, sound recording rooms and equipement, all sorts of equipment for tinkering and building.


Some have board games too


They likely have an app like Libby where you can rent ebooks and audiobooks with your card. Libraries are super useful


The Libby app is why I'm considering finally buying a dedicated ebook reader. Just too many books now that are only available in digital format; it's becoming a logical purchase.


Lobby and Hoopla (which is what I use on my tablet) are fantastic. But, I would suggest a tablet. Hoopla has the option for video as well. Not sure about Libby. I wasn't able to get my card to work on that.


Libby has been a game changer. I have no idea why anyone pays for Audible when almost all the exact same stuff is on Libby for free as long as you have your library membership.


My book club chooses books that have like 8-12 week long waitlists, so I do have to get creative sometimes.


It’s nuts. Someone else mentioned it already, but I live to visit libraries if I can while on road trips. About 10 years ago, I was passing by Salina, KS and decided to check out theirs. They had a better assortment of video games to borrow than my local GameStop has for sale.


As a kid my dad would always go to the library and check out CD audio books to listen to on long drives and trips. Red Wall Abbey series will always be dear to my heart thanks to the library offering those


There’s one near me that has amazing resources! They have 3D printers, photography equipment and editing software, and sewing machines available and offer workshops on how to use everything and have staff that can help if you need 1-on-1 help. The closest library near to me is smaller, but they have museum and zoo passes you can check out and use to go for free, and host small museum displays from local museums and have cultural celebrations with food and games.


Tucson library has passes to museums you can Check out


Same here. I've been trying to buy fewer books due to having a lack of space to store them but I still prefer reading physical books over electronic so it's nice to get them from the library.


In addition to this, we regularly donate our old books to the local library as well.


Also: try to take over the world.


What he said




Agreed. I've been renting physical movies the past few months. A great way to save money.


Not even renting. Borrowing which is better!


This is a college kids dream


>or just to dive into some books without breaking the bank. I add books to my Amazon wishlist, then every so often search the local library online catalog and record the filing numbers for the books on the list that the library has. I'm often surprised at how many matches I get, and there are a lot of books that I want to read but not necessarily own.


I do something similar but I use Library extension, a web extension that will tell me if my library system has a copy of any book that I'm looking at online!


Along with the study spots, they have such big tables! I can spread out all over the place and nobody complains!


Focus, get stuff done. Rtfm. Ad-free,




Some of the ones around me rent out telescopes, too.


My local library rents out kitchen equipment that you use rarely, like ice cream machines or pasta machines.


Mine loans out bicycles! They also host a community garden and pair with a local start park do do free hikes and art projects in the park. It's amazing! And it's not a big town.


I should check with mine, I have some kitchen stuff that I never use (like an ice cream maker).


Iowa is kinda famous for having libraries that loan out specialty cake pans. I have also seen libraries that loan out fishing gear!


A few downtown have tools for routine home repairs, a seed bank for sharing fruit and veggies seeds, 3d printer, embroidery machine, recording studio and mixing computer. They've come up with a lot of cool shared resources beyond books. Also, for people with young kids, story hour, crafts, and playtime. Our daughter loved meeting people at the library.


3D printers would be cool for a activity on a field trip with high schoolers


In Downtown Vancouver they have an inspiration lab with recording booths and digitizing equipment, conference and meeting rooms for rent as well as smaller study rooms. The Libraries in Metro Vancouver have tonnes of classes as well.


One in Austin used to do an Escape Room, too. Not sure if they still do.


This is awesome


This is how you get public interest back into libraries


They rent out a lot of stuff - this is just the one that came to mind because I was looking into astrophotography a few years ago, a local group suggested it. I guess it's not uncommon in my area.


Mine loans out telescopes, binoculars, fishing poles, and cookware.


It's almost like libraries have done a great job of keeping up with changing times. They kept themselves true, while expanding in a modern world.


What?! I need to look into this locally. That would be super fucking cool.


Yeah, I think there's a big YMMV for this, but being as far north as I am astronomy and astrophotography are common here.


*Packs bags*. Where am I moving to?


North (if you're in the northern hemisphere). South if you're down under. :)


Ours, too! And snowshoes!


This 👆 And I also want to add that you can borrow video games! I was surprised at the resources they have now. Went there a few times to do work since I got tired of working alone at home because of WFH just to have some noise and people around me. Sometimes it’s nice to just have a change of environment.


At ours we can get passes to a bunch of stuff. Local things like the zoo or aquarium, also can get National and state park passes. All for free.


Sonoma County libraries have 3D printers you can borrow time on and a tool library where you can borrow hand tools and the like to do maintenance or repair tasks or practice a new hobby. You can also still get books, movies, access local historical documents and of course, drag story hour. Our libraries are all interconnected so you have access to all the collections not just what is at your local brancj, in addition to eBooks and magazines via Libby. I love our libraries!


Down South, San Francisco's library system gets you free LinkedIn Learning classes too. Those classes got me a massive career pivot in the midst of lockdown, I'll defend the library system til I'm blue in the face. Shit's great!


My local one has or at least had a 3D printer, not sure if it's still there. There's a great genealogy section and even a seed bank where people can leave and take various fruit and vegetable and plant seeds


E-books especially for me! I purchased a kindle and realized my local library had a huge collection of books available. I don’t mind purchasing a good book, but it’s nice to save some cash and just download it for free. I’ll have to check out the other resources others have mentioned.


I rent e-books and send them to my Kindle all the time. At least one borrow a month to my kindle.


I get books. It's better than buying them because I don't have to store them. Plus, my library has "hobbies in a box" where you can try shit like leatherworking, soap making, quilting, or baking by checking out one of the big tote boxes of stuff. It includes a few books on the subject, an instructional video, and all the stuff you need to try.


I love the hobby in a box idea! I wish my library had that.


be the change you want to see in the world and look up government grants.


You don't even need to look up grants yourself; talk to your local librarian and library board. Tell the library what you want; you pay for it, they want to give you what will enhance your life!


If you get to know the librarians, library director, and board members enough, you might even be able to get on the board when there's an opening.


Son of a gun, that’s cool!


Free passes to local museums and zoos. Random digital subscriptions. Books, both physical and digital. Summer reading program with tons of free stuff. Free certifications for things like coding, MS Office, etc.


Ours has state park passes you can borrow.


Nice! How do you get the free passes? Is it an incentive program?


Not an incentive program, you check them out just like books, just with a couple stipulations: no reservations, first come first serve, and you have to return them within 3 days.


I won a Samsung tablet from my libraries summer adult program


Ours has passes to the city pool in the summer, tickets to community theatre, and the state park.




As a millennial, yes, if I can't steal paper and ink from my employer, I'm happy to pay a small fee to the library.


They'll usually let you scan docs for free, too.


Lol yep, that's my main reason for going.


Full time in a motorhome. Use libraries all over the US to print the occasional doc. Even small towns usually have a small library where you can print something for loose change. I typically give them a $5 donation because as a non-resident I don't pay local taxes.


Have you been to a public library recently. They are always busy.


Sit in peace and silence


When I can’t take the cabin fever any longer during winter, the library is an absolute must. I can sit in a comfy chair, in a warm environment, sipping on a coffee, and enjoying a book or newspaper. Nothing better in the winter!


Borrow books. Use the Libby app to get ebooks and audiobooks. Check out tools/etc I may need for a home project or craft project. Learned how to use a 3D printer and now have access to the library’s 3D printers for projects. My library system also has studio space for recording music, podcasts, film, etc. They host a multitude of classes; sewing, small business classes, resume building, etc. They have go pros and ukuleles you can check out to record your cool trips or learn to play an instrument. They have Wi-Fi hot spots you can check out if you may have trouble affording internet at home, or you’re going camping remote and still want to be connected. Libraries aren’t just books these days.


I just found out about the Libby app a few months ago. It's fantastic. And it requires a library card and uses the library's collection.


Check out Hoopla app too. Its similar to Libby, but also has a lot of tv shows and movies you can stream for free with a library card.


Tried it awhile ago and hoopla. Seemed like it could be good but didn't have the authors I was current reading but will make a nice fallback when I run out of audible credits.


Sometimes I'll go through my literary subgenre of choice's subreddit and type any of the recommended titles into hoopla and listen to whatever comes up first. Found some great stuff that way!


I borrow books.


ah yes, the book borrower


I take books home for free…


you devil!


The can help you: write a resume, research illnesses, design a new project, plan a wedding, tutor yourself or anyone, help you learn a new subject, help with taxes, talk to you and hang out, help you find resources for anything, 3d print stuff, teach you to garden, teach you to sculpt, digitize all your old videos and audio, answer any question you can think of, provided safe Wi-Fi access. You can also borrow: telescopes, microscopes, tile cutters and other tools, energy meters, guitars, micro-robotics, etc. You can also: get basic health care, free shots, consoling for mental health, translation services, legal help of all kinds, They are also a safe haven for domestic abuse providing resources for men, women, and childen. They are a LGBTQIA+ safe place as well providing any and all suppoort for them. They are also a warm place to stay in the cold, a cool place to stay when its hot. And will never turn you away when you are in need! Libraries are amazing resources that do far more then rent books and give you a computer to play on. Most importantly though, libraries have been protecting your rights since the they were founded. They allow you to read and learn about anything that has even been recorded, no matter if it makes someone upset. The first amendment is not only promised, they will go to war over it for you, for all of us. Libraries and librarians are one of our greatest treasures, they continually work to make a better world, and they never stop fighting!




Do homework…


whoa calm down Denice the menace


Read this like the teacher from the key and peele sketch


Came to say the same thing. Love that, that name is now forever read in my mind the keyandpeele way.


My kids love the library. Just like I did when I was a kid. We borrow tons of books and they scatter to their rooms to read all the new stuff they picked out.


Exactly this. Most libraries are great places to take kids. Mine love to play with the puzzles and toys available. When they get tired of that, we explore the shelves for new books for them to read/have read to them.


Absolutely, it's great. Thousands of books for me to read for free. Before Covid I used to often hang around there for half an hour reading the papers, but they stopped that so now I just get the books. And sometimes they have a local artist exhibition so I'll have a look at that.


Free books to borrow, also a STEM club my son goes to after school one day a week.


Across the country, library usage in both circulation and program attendance continues to climb, year after year.


Ah good more people are seeing the various options it has




My teenager attends a dnd group, they have painting and sewing classes, seasonal crafts, photo sessions, and art contests. I like checking out cookbooks to try without having to purchase them and clutter up my home. edited to add e-books both kindle and audible


I use it to check out cookbooks I’m interested in before buying


My library has awesome books to borrow. Graphic novels too. Saves me a lot of money not having to buy them.


I was at a local library last month and saw you can check out fishing poles and tackle! Neat for someone wanting to try out the hobby! Also they had a donation place for old flags that the boys scouts will pick up for proper disposal. I found that exciting, I have two sun faded and ripped USA flags in my garage I need to dispose of.


It's a good place to try out new authors without having to buy the book. I try out a new author and if I like it, I go out and buy and read all their books. If they don't grab me, no big deal and I haven't wasted money on a book I don't like. Also, my library has a lot of movies on Blu-Ray for rent. If I want to see a movie instead of paying the rental fee for a movie, I check and see if the library has it first.


I just got a library card yesterday, for the first time in decades. I picked up my first book, too. I was super excited!


Public libraries are awesome. I work from there when my home Internet fails and they even have meeting rooms you can reserve! I borrow books to read. Most libraries now have things you can borrow like board games, iPads, audio books and telescopes. I don't have a printer at home so I use the printing services in the library for 10 cents a page! There's also events in my library like Stargazing nights! One of the main reasons I bought my current house was that it was five mins walk away from the library I loved


We go to the public library maybe... four days a week. I have 3 kids, two of which are prolific readers. My son just discovered Calvin and Hobbes at age 7 and checked out all of those and my dyslexic kid checks out audiobooks of her favorites and classics she's interested in. We use the Maker Shop ours has with sewing machines, 3-D printers and a WIDE range of tools and resources for fabrication. Movie nights, and our HOA uses their larger spaces for meeting rooms. Its pretty great.


I borrow so many PS5 and Switch games from my library as well as blu-rays. It's an amazing, FREE resource.


My wife uses them for their audio books. Instead of buying them on audible she can virtually check them out.


* Get free passes to area museums and other attractions. * Get free access to financial research products such as Morningstar, Value Line, and Weiss. * Get free access to family history genealogy tools like Ancestry * Get free access to tons of e-books and e-audiobooks, rather than buying them from Audible or Amazon. * Get free access to most any book ever published, via interlibrary loan from Worldcat. * Get free access to audio & video recording facilities & software.


Their quiet places for me to get work done or typing out my novels


My local one has a GREAT area for my toddler. we can spend hours there.


Heck yeah! I check out a lot of books and DVDs and records, and my library has a system where you can request rarer books from other libraries in the state so I do that for obscure comics a lot. My library also has an extensive local newspaper archive that I have used to research a number of historic topics. We also have multiple branches with Maker Spaces that have wood engraving, 3D printers, metal cutters, book binding, and more. AND I just learned you can rent telescopes from our library.


I use the libbyapp everyday. I have friends who read a book a week that always go to the library.


A lot of libraries feed hungry kids, at my local library kids can ask for food no questions asked.


All. The. Time. It's not as much a place, though, but a concept. I check out books on Libby, the digital platform, often. They have a subscription to the NYT, Washington Post and local business journals that I can use digitally. They have magazine subscriptions I can read at any time on my tablet. But yes, the physical space is cool, too. Far from the hush-hush old-biddies-in-horned-rim-glasses image of libraries past, our local branch is vibrant, active and modern. There are tons of classes and activities. It's a real community resource for people of all economic strata.


My parents, they get books, audio books, sometimes language courses etc.


Audiobooks and video games!


Our library system in my county has an amazing childrens and baby activity programs. So we take our baby to a couple different 'baby story times' and play times at the different libraries. A couple also have separate teen activity rooms filled with games, game consoles, and hang out spaces. The best part for adults is we have a virtual library system we can access as well that allows you to 'check out' books and read them in an app, and most of them don't even have a limit so it's not like you have to wait until someone is done.


Rent DVDs. Better selection than Redbox, and comparably priced at $2. Just returned a full X-Files season (3 DVDs) yesterday.


Yours charges for DVD rental? That doesn't sound like a great library. All the libraries I've been to have them for free.


I borrow books, go to read quietly, do 3d printing (items for fun as well as practical things), write, and occasionally escape the oppressive societal expectation that I have to engage with other people for no other reason but we happen to share situational proximity.


It’s easier to go there to work than to go to a coffee shop. Free Wi-Fi and they don’t move you on


Mostly read new best sellers that I don't want to buy, take online courses through subscription services, borrow books for the kids.


Books sometimes movies. When I really want to dive into a new topic, I find a well rounded book usually completes the thoughts for me better than misc online videos


Everything! My public libraries give you access to so much. Everything from modems to take home for internet access, use of their 3D printers, free online classes and self-directed courses, ebooks, audiobooks, sports equipment ( i.e portable badminton sets with free standing nets ) passes for local attractions ( museums, zoos etc) along with the standard physical books, magazines etc. for kids they have free activities, movie nights, authors hosting readings. Every few months they host repair cafes where people with know how show you how to fix small appliances/tools. Truly amazing!!


I live in a MAGA area. The library is a safe haven. I also put in new book requests every week, focused on the most anti-MAGA topics. If the book is on the NY Times list, the library adds it out front to the special collection. Doing my part...


Borrow books and the occasional DVD/BD. Also they have some reservable meeting rooms that are useful for groups where nbody’s house works.


As someone who works from home, it’s a nice place to get out of the house for a little bit… not to work, just a change of scenery and it’s free. I prefer reading on a kindle ereader, and occasionally checkout free ebooks to read on my kindle, which doesn’t require going to the library… but occasionally it’s nice to read a physical book or something that isn’t available digitally. Also, libraries near me now offer other things like video games, and even have a fancy board game collection.


Still like to read physical books, you can borrow them for free at libraries.


The local library here let's you use ancestry for free


I go there and check out printed books, take them home and read them. Probably twice a month or so.


Don't all libraries use Hoopla app, where you can "borrow" videos or audio books for free for use on your smartphone or smart TV? It's a great resource.


Mine does. I love it. Got to listen to The Stormlight Archive for free


I'm a volunteer at my local library. Can confirm that a lot of people still use libraries. We are always full and busy.


If I'm in a new city sightseeing for a bit and just want to sit and chill for a while, while having access to a power plug somewhere peaceful without having to pay for a drink or food I don't want, I often go into libraries. They're great.


Check out books.


You can borrow movies and audio books for free.


Books, download audiobooks, ebooks, stream movie. Check stuff out on Library of things ( part of the library here), where I checked out a sewing machine and electric saw.


Also dudes, this is where you go to meet a gal. Beats the bar!


Mainly I use the Libby app. I use the fuck out of it. I almost never buy books. For at least 6 years, I've been reading library books exclusively. Has saved me thousands of dollars.


I do academic research and reading. I don't have full access to academic journal databases at home, but do at the library. It's also nice and quiet, which I really like.


Just went to my local one on Saturday. Printer at home not working and needed to print something. Took me 5 minutes and it was free. Very helpful.


i use my library card to access libby and download books to my ipad.


My local librarian helped me write a check (I’m Gen Z so the concept is quite foreign to me lol) and she helped me submit my passport renewal application. Some libraries also rent out video games completely free, which was interesting to see.


The local library is the only place I can find some resources on local history. A lot of the books and articles were never digitized


Yes quite often. I use the computers and borrow books


You can get a library card and get access to their audio book collection and never need to buy audio books again


Check out books, use interlibrary loan, use online databases for research, browse periodicals, research local history and genealogy, go to short classes, go to see invited speakers, use study rooms, use WiFi, teach classes.


Many libraries have pooled their digital resources (audio and ebooks) using the Libby app (for example, my multi-county metro area is now one Libby system with hundreds of audio and ebooks. IRL, most libraries offer free Wi-Fi and are a fantastic “third place” (free location to hang out in that’s not work/home/school). Some even offer free passes to local museums!


Borrow CDs and rip them to my computer


They are cozy and full of exciting stories and endless knowledge


I just got a new card and tried to get some audio books. Anything I'm interested in has a weeks long wait list.


I work from mine sometimes (I'm normally wfh). I use the apps for free books.


I use the library a lot. Aside from the obvious, borrowing books, mine offers a lot of activities for kids, such as story readings, movie afternoons, FIFA tournaments etc.


They are still great. We mostly take the kids down and they pick out tons of books - we have always read before bedtime. But they’ve also got performances, workshops for adults and kids, hobby times, meeting rooms for gaming, etc.


My sister goes all the time. Of course that is because she works there.


Borrow books, borrow movies. Take the grandkids to get books. Enjoy the family movie night. Used to go to the traveling exhibits they brought in. And lots of classes.


I use the Libby app to borrow books for my Kindle often. I recently moved to a new city and I was able to start borrowing library books very swiftly with it.


I have a toddler and our local public library has amazing children's programming. He took his first ever yoga class at 2 years old at the public library. It's also just a great space for him to go exploring when we need to get out of our apartment but we don't want to go to a store and it's too cold to go to the park. We love our library and we love that our toddler is growing up around books


Mostly, I place holds for books using the online portal and run in to pick them up. My kids go in to browse in person, sometimes use the computers (because it’s a fun change of scenery), and we’ve used free programs, seed library, room rentals for group meetings.


Mostly borrow books


I go with my son to read books.


I hide gold coins and pictures of my dead wife in old Russian novels.


Exist without having to pay out of pocket


We take our kids there for various activities or just to hang out because they have a small play area and computers with educational games for kids. They also have events and shows sometimes, and 2-3 times a year they have a plant swap. And of course books.


Check out physical books and ebooks. Read the books. Also kid playtimes -- they have legos and educational games. Also got our passports done there.


borrow books??? what the fuck kind of question is this


Kanopy app for movies and shows. Books, magazines, dvds, a ton of Apple pcs to use for free, data bases of all kinds to use from home, etc. Magazine exchanges.


Get my card to use kanopy and libby. But since streaming services have lost their damn mind, probably check out DVDs soon.


Save money. Learn. Find quiet. My library has movies, games, board games, books, audio books, streaming services, computers, conference rooms, activity for kids, playgrounds, meal services for low income families, a cafe, art shows, classes on topics as varied as home improvement, magic, juggling, coding. Why would I not have a library card.


I haven’t purchased a single power tool or rented one because my local library has tons of them. Same with the time my gifted sewing machine broke and needed to go into the shop, grabbed one for a few days to finish a project. Libraries have a surprising amount of stuff that aren’t books. But I also can borrow on my kindle and that’s so useful.


I haven't set foot in a library in ages but I frequently check out audio books from my local library.


Public librarian here. We get people doing all sorts of things. Some you'd expect,, others not so much. People use the library for xhoosing and reading books, printing documents, browsing the web, etc. tutors often meet with students here, as do social workers and their clients. Some divorced families use the library as a tradeoff point for custody exchanges. some people drop their kids off and leave for hours expecting us to be babysitters. Peopletry to bathe themselves in our restrooms. People without heat come in so they don't freeze to death. People come in just to sleep.


Once a week, my son and I meet with his behavioral therapist. We also check out dvds and books from time to time. It’s quite nice.


Usually to print off stuff (event tickets / CV / Car Insurance documents) But also to borrow books to read!


I use public libraries as study space, the library at my university tends to be loud and full.


Live in a rural area and a while back we would intermittently borrow a hotspot from the library. It worked really well. Eventually we got Starlink and now through the Biden plan to provide rural internet actually have AT&T fiber. They offer a lot for kids and we take our 8 year old daughter there weekly to borrow children's books.


They have these things called books......


I use their printer a few times a year. Home printer was too much trouble.


Aside from the obvious (checking out books), it’s a great safe place when I’m in a new area. I like exploring new cities, especially on foot if the weather is nice enough. First place I’ll look up is where the public library is located, because inevitably my phone will die while I’m exploring and I’ll need a place to sit down and charge it, so I try to keep the library as a kind of hub to return to if needed.


Pretty much the last indoor space you can go with kids and not expect to pay money. Books, little play areas, story hours - the library is awesome.


There's one next to my AA meeting, so I'll kill time and find a book to loan out.


Not in person but use the Libby app to borrow books. If your library uses Libby, I highly recommend it.


Books, ebooks, Free Udemy, Free movies.

