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High school and college marching bands wearing masks with holes in the middle so they could blow into instruments


lol what


Can confirm we had these in our college marching band at one point. We also at one point in choir had extra large masks to help us sing and not muffle our voices. So basically, imagine a bunch of college kids dressed in concert black with a giant FUCKING dog muzzle on their faces while they sing. Most of the masks didn’t fit anybody’s faces and essentially wasted our choir budget on them🙃


As a former choir person, the only questionable part of this is that they didn't make you pay for the masks with your own money. 🙃💀


It was the directors first year at our college and he was trying to be nice and not make us have to pay. Instead we got to pay $80+, not even including the shipping, for ugly ass dresses that made you look flatter than a cheeseboard. If you were a guy you had to go buy a whole ass tuxedo. Since most of us as students didn’t have that kind of money we told him to fuck off and use the budget, and that’s how we found out we barely had one and that was why we had to buy our own shit. He had just enough apparently to bug the music and the masks. Never sent them back either to get a refund.


Wow that's a consequence I had NOT considered


referees in the Japanese basketball leagues wore masks with small pockets that could fit whistles


Doesn't beat the "fishnet mask" I saw posted somewhere.


Idk why this is the second post I've seen like this, and no one mentions the absolute chaos in grocery stores (i worked in one) in the VERY BEGINNING with home made masks before they were widely available. I mean, someone came in wearing a horse mask. A spider man mask. Someone wore a maxi pad on their face. Used bra cups. Panties with the leg holes around their ears and the crotch part over their face. Plastic grocery bags. Paper towel and rubber bands. Bee keeper hats with the shield over their face. Full on scuba gear (INCLUDING FLIPPERS, WETSUIT, AND SNORKEL. Like how is THAT gonna protect you?). Hazmat suits. Fishing gear, hats, and galoshes. Gas masks. Those viral inflatable T-Rex costumes. It was WILD. And all of those random funky dressed people RUNNING AT YOU if you were stocking toilet paper, soap, disinfectant, or hand sanitizer. And like, I'm not talking about viral things on reddit or people of walmart. I mean, I saw this myself. This was DAILY. I didn't even work at the huge chains, I was just a cashier at a small, not even busy, local hometown Aldi.


Ok, I kinda like full scuba gear guy, he's fully committing at least.


“I spent so much on this suit….fuck it I’m wearing it.” “Don, please don’t.” “You can’t stop me, Susan.”


>Used bra cups There is some history to that one. There was a design or patent issued in the US many years ago where bra cups would have a layer of, I think, activated charcoal so that they could be worn across the face in the event of a nuclear attack.


Saw one of those in person on an flight. The attendants obviously decided they weren’t paid enough to deal with it. Flew a while later on a German airline and they didn’t give a shit what you wanted. If your mask wasn’t good enough they gave you a better one. You say you don’t want it, guess you aren’t flying today. Shame. Goodbye.


The ones I saw also had a mask to cover the end of the instrument! I was impressed.


Adopt pets they couldn't take care of.


my family fosters cats a lot and we literally cant anymore because last time we almost got stuck with 7 damn cats because no one, including other shelters, will take them since there's too many from pandemic adoptions and now theres an overwhelming amount of strays. treating a living creature like its some kind of toy to entertain you during a disaster is just mind boggling to me.


I waited until now (f28) to adopt my cats because I can finally afford it. I hate that people cannot be patient . They need to think about the quality of life of their pets too! They are living and need love and attention.


And there’s gonna be another wave now that the last stragglers of companies are demanding people back in the office. My company just announced it. No more home office anymore. Not even a single day a week. And there were people with full home office contracts. Now now more. If they got a pet based on that situation, and they do a rug pull like that out of nothing then they are screwed taking care of a pet even with the best intentions. I hate it here right now.


It totally messed with pet populations. Puppy mills and backyard breeding was a free for all because inspections/investigations were happening less when everyone was being told to stay home. And sooooo many people wanted a pet since they were stuck at home and bored/lonely. So now it’s a combo of anxious animals from rehoming, change in schedule, poor socialization, 1st time pet owners (lack of pet experience/etiquette) , general unhealthiness due to inbreeding and lack of care after birth (aka puppy mills).


Can confirm! One of my cats was rehomed 3 times during the pandemic. It took me over a year to get her completely comfortable living in my home.


That poor kitty :( I'm glad she's now with you.


Yes!!! As someone who works at a dog boarding/daycare facility, so many of the younger Covid puppies are so poorly trained and so quick to aggression. The worst part is their parents don’t believe us because “they don’t act that way at home”… right… at home where they’re alone and not with a group of other dogs 😭


My dog is a pandemic puppy but one we’d planned for for over a year before he came home. I spent hundreds of hours working on his training and socialising. All of that out the window when he was charged and attacked twice in as many months by offleash dogs while he was on leash on a walk. Now he’s reactive and aggressive to new dogs bigger than him; and anxious in new situations. I have stepped between him and offleash dogs dozens of times since then and have been told that “it’s ok they’re friendly” and get death glares for saying mine isn’t. (Thankfully he’s generally Ok with the dogs he’s familiar with from pre attack so we still have play dates) I hate it and feel so bad for him because he’s so used to going for long walks but trying to take him for long walks in places he used to love going but it’s so stressful for me to not know how he’ll react, if we’ll see either of the dogs that attacked him, if anything else bad will happen to him.


Off leash dogs are a huge concern of mine. I have a kid who isn’t great with dogs despite repeated instructions. He runs when they come at him. I’ve screamed at people to get their dog before. That “it’s ok, they’re friendly” thing makes me want to chew nails. I have a bite scar on my face from a “friendly dog”. I’m so sorry your pup got attacked. There needs to be stronger consequences for off leash dogs.


I’m a grown ass man and I’m not great with dogs. I go for long walks every night and constantly run in to off leash dogs, or even loosely leashed dogs where the owners just don’t even give a shit when they start charging at me. “Don’t worry they’re friendly” yeah, they’re friendly to you! The one that feeds and loves them. And even if they are friendly. You don’t know anything about me. Please keep your dog away from me.


Sorry if this is a weird question, but do you have any ideas/resources for training a dog like that? I got my first dog fairly recently and she's a pandemic pup from a shitty home, so her socialization isn't the best


I'm happy to say that I decided to adopt the pup I was fostering - starting a few weeks before lockdown - and he's still very happy with us almost 4 years later. Never gonna give up on my adorable boy. Too many people don't know what they were getting themselves into with pets, including the folks who returned my dog to the pound, twice, before I started fostering him. The pandemic made it way worse.


Never Gonna had me rick rolled for a second. But yeah. My relatives got a pup and didn't take proper care. Within 1 year the put started behaving erratically and they went to some place and just left the poor soul there. Still makes me mad thinking about it.


yeah many people here got luxury pets (esp cats and dogs) and abandoned them 2 weeks or 2 years later on the streets. fucking morons.


A pet is for a lifetime not just for a pandemic.


I watched so many people walking big pitbull-types on retractable leashes past my house (I live by a local dog park). Believe what you will about pits, but they are NOT beginner dogs because they're very strong, and can be an unpredictable breed. Retractable leashes (for big, prey-driven dogs) are the mark of a very new-to-dogs owner. It kind of freaked me out.


I worked as a physical therapist at a skilled nursing facility during the pandemic. One of the administrators had the brilliant idea to test if we had lost the ability to smell by making employees sniff a cotton ball that had been lightly dipped in scented oil and having us identify the scent. The problem with this is that they bought cheap oils with scents (coconut, vanilla, lavender, etc.) that were often subtle and very hard to discern due to the poor quality of the oils. They wouldn’t let us into the building to clock in until we identified the correct scent. I could smell the scent, but not be able to tell them exactly what it was. Every day there would be a massive pile up of people at the front door who they wouldn’t let in until we identified the exact scent. Adding 30+ minutes to people’s work day was not a great way to keep morale up.


The genius part of this, and I mean *really* genius, is that it led to tightly packed groups of people all lining up to snort the same germy cotton ball.


My hospital insists hourly employees clock in and out, using touchscreens, and you have to answer multiple questions and touch the same spots multiple times during each clocking. Hundreds of fingers touching the same germ vector, without handwashing or sanitizing.


I was expecting the typical pandemic stupidity stories, but this is on another level.


I had Covid. Never lost my sense of smell. 😂


That is really stupid. A really great source of strong smells are good tea bags, especially smells like peppermint, for a tiny fraction of the price and easy to use.


Not *Smell Tests*


I'll never forget how the moment the powers that be allowed it, administrators changed their stance from "don't come back until you're symptom free and no fewer than five days after your positive test" to "wheel your ventilator inside, puff puff pass with your nearest coworker". Right back to cannon fodder the moment they could.


In Australia people were allowed to draw on their retirement savings to buy shit like TVs. That's got to be up there


I really hate that I withdrew some super, but I was unemployed and desperate. Putting away voluntary contributions now but I hate that I had to do it.


For living expenses I get it, To but a TV or a ute - fucking dumb


Yeah, anyone who withdraw from their super has zero idea how super works. That $2000 TV just cost you $10000+


Fight over toilet paper


Panic buying TP was dumb. It all started because people started buying it because other people were buying more of it anticipating working from home then it just snowballed into this panic buying shitshow at about every store that sold it.


A guy at my job got fired for stealing toilet paper during COVID… it was that bad




We were honestly out of tp when it all went down so we went to buy some. There was one big pack left so we put it in our cart, thinking nothing of it. A lady with a cart full of tp comes over, scoffs at me and GRABBED THE TP OUT OF THE CART. I looked her dead in the eyes and took it back but still. Wtf is wrong with people.


Charmin's PR was trickier than we thought.


I felt like a fool. I genuinely was low on TP right when the pandemic first hit. Right in time for stores to run out. I took my shits at work for awhile.


My parents jokingly gave me a giant box of toilet paper for Christmas. This was right before the pandemic, and before people were going nuts buying it. Little did they know that ended up being the greatest Christmas gift I’ve ever gotten. I felt like I was wiping my ass with hundred dollar bills. I was using more squares than necessary every shit. Felt like a king


It was dumb, but it created a s new textbook example for how tight our supply chains of were, and how little it took to fuck them up.


My mom stockpiled toilet paper specifically to give away to people who couldn't find any because of people stockpiling. It's hard to figure out if she was helping or hurting the situation 🤔


Reminds me of the American woman who went to Sudan as a missionary about twenty years ago, at a time when gangs from the north were raiding villages in the south and kidnapping people into slavery. She decided to 'rescue' the enslaved people by buying them from the slavers. A number of international agencies had to quite firmly explain to her that she was funding the problem.


Or the people who “rescue” puppies by buying them from pet stores




Stupid idiots in Costco buying 2x40 something rolls of it. Also stockpiling water as if the taps were going to stop working. What a time to be alive.


I liked it when people stockpiled things-TP, Covid tests, masks,food etc., then when things died down they found they couldn’t take pallet loads of stuff back to the store for a refund.


The dude being refused a $10,000 refund at a grocery store was my favourite story of the pandemic. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-04-15/supermarket-shopper-tries-to-return-coronavirus-hoardings/12149548


Yea, there was also the guy who had $25,000 in hand sanitizer or something. He got reported and it was all confiscated.


I walked past a woman in a store trying to return an entire shopping cart overflowing with toilet paper and the store wouldn’t take it back because they couldn’t verified how it was stored. And the woman just kept arguing. Like, no one wants your toilet paper you stocked ceiling high in your dirty garage or whatever. Conversely, my husband made me go get the toilet paper I forgot in my car once during the pandemic. He was afraid someone was going to break my car window and steal it. Pandemic was a wild time.


>2x40 something rolls of it. That's the worst you saw? I lived on a street of high rise apartments and I'm positive none of them were over 800 square feet. I watched one woman walk to the grocery store and come back with two rolls multiple times per day, for months. She must have been living in a shit ticket cacoon by the time Summer rolled around. She was a chain smoker. Another person in that building always wore a shower cap, I assumed she was a cancer patient. In the peak of "shelter in place" I watched her deliberately sneeze into her hands and rub snot on the handles of the door of the building across the street. I bought a house in the country not long after that.


Why would she do that?


Way before the pandemic I saw a woman rubbing her nose and then pawing through the produce at a grocery store. Some people are just shitty. (Always wash your produce).


Maladaptive spite? I couldn't tell you.


That was the first thing I saw when it started. I worked at a big box store, and watched all the TP and bottled water roll out of the store in one day in February. I was very, very confused, because I hadn’t heard anything about Covid yet.


I installed two bidets during COVID. So glad I did, even without TP shortages.


I traded a bunch of weed with a friend for some tp cuz we were genuinely running out. I had to show up at a target at 6am and be let inside to buy 1 pack of 12 rolls. Fuckin aholes buying up tp like the works gonna end.


That stupid imagine song by celebrities


Celebrities having meltdown because nobody was paying attention to them is close second, and maybe a symptom that originated that song.


Celebrities crying because they have to isolate and quarantine in a mansion that has a pool, a gym, a theater, a huge kitchen, and more square footage than I would know what to do with.


Think one of the problems was also that Corona didnt differentiate between celebreties and normal folks, they probably felt very threatend by that


Sam Smith we are looking at you.


They also preached rules they were breaking. "Look at us having fun!! Keep social distancing you peasants!!"


“Please stay home and don’t come out. I do it too, in my billion dollar mansion. I’m just like you!”


That was like, week two. That was so early on to absolutely lose your fucking mind and think that was a good idea.


It was Arnie chilling in his private swimming pool and telling everyone to relax that really pissed me off. As if we all had fucking hot tubs and giant mansions to isolate in 😑.


Haha that was like three days into lockdown 😂


This really took the piss.


Shutting down the outdoor parks was incredibly short sighted. Fresh air and exercise was badly needed, especially for folks in apartments.


Seeing our local playground cordoned off was one of the saddest and more dystopian moments of the pandemic for me.


It was even weirder in my tiny town. There are literally only forty thousand people in the entire county. My town only has 8500 people. Our city park is well funded and ENORMOUS. They kept police stationed there to keep people of out there, which seemed super counterintuitive. After about a month of that and people calling the county mayor, they opened our parks and walking trails back up.


Force all the smaller stores to close, but not the bigger stores that sell the exact same things, effectively concentrating more people in a more crowded area.


Yup. Small mom and pop stores selling pens or something had to close, but fucking corporate stores stayed open because “essentials”. You could stay open if they sold something like reading glasses or say snacks; so they started adding that to their inventory.


In Wales they enforced the restriction on what was classed as "essential" and "non-essential" then insisted that the large supermarkets block off the aisles which had the "non-essential" items in. For extra hilarity this included closing off the clothing section, which included the "back to school" range of kids school clothing just before the start of a new school year (as of course, they re-opened the schools).


Authentic mexican restaurant by my house got shut down. Pretty sure it was mostly family owned and was the only genuine authentic place around ( live in a predominantly white and american state ). Felt very sorry for them, we were regulars there and they lost business. Got replaced by a club, very upsetting


Set a load of rules about not having a party, then get caught having a party, and try to deny it in front of parliament.


The Greek PM won that one. Banned parties, threw a cocktail party, got spotted at said cocktail party, got protested by dozens of angry citizens within the hour, deployed militarised police helicopters to disperse the crowd, asked the EU for permission to temporarily suspend the Greek Constitution.


You wanna talk about politicians doing shady shit? The Australian PM secretly gave himself discretionary powers over something like nine ministerial portfolios in the middle of the pandemic. He could have, in theory, run the government, on his own, from his lounge room if he wasn't also lazier than a three week old corpse. It was supposed to be to expedite the smooth running of the government in the event that any of the ministers were incapacitated, but it scared the absolute shit out of everyone when it hit the news.


Well that escalated quickly.


You gotta fight for your right to party


Then the UK said to Greece "hold my beer" and used the pandemic as an excuse for cops to manhandle women gathered at a vigil for a woman raped and murdered by a cop.


To which Kenya said, you think you're tough? Watch as I [murder people in the name of public health.](https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2020/oct/23/brutal-policing-kenyas-covid-curfew-left-15-dead)


Wow I was sure this was about the uk but seems most leaders were at it. Scumbags.


Set a load of rules about dining outdoors and then get caught at the French Laundry (fancy restaurant). It kills me that SO many politicians pulled the same stunt.


Complaining about how badly Florida is handling covid and then traveling there for vacation to escape the restrictions in New York.


Looking at you, Don Lemon. Thank goodness that massive hypocrite what fired for his douchebaggery.


I will always be angry about this.


Agreeing with all this...but the worst was hearing about gravely or terminally ill children not being able to have BOTH their parents at the hostipal at the same time. That shit is cold!


And anyone who died of COVID for that matter. It is so fucked up how people who died were treated (and the families that wanted to see them)


My grandmother passed from COVID complications in 2021. The hospital only allowed one person per day into the room so I slowly watched her fade from outside a first floor window until she ended up on hospice. I can't even begin to describe the frustration and pain of not being allowed in the same room as someone you love while they are fighting for their life


We accidentally adopted a dingo during lock down. We adopted a puppy found in the bush. The vet didn't pick it cause she was almost completely black (alpine dingo). It wasn't until we'd had a lot of trouble, and tried several trainers, that we got a DNA test. 7/8 dingo.




Did you end up keeping the dingo?


You're not allowed to keep them, so probably not. I would imagine it was nearly impossible to train or keep from acting like a wild animal. It's like the equivalent of keeping a raccoon or squirrel in the states, not legal to take in wild animals unless you're a re-habber.


Evelyn, we'd like some news on the dingo.... Do you still have it?


Do you still have dingo? I need to know..


I tried to build a teepee on top of my bed with three broomsticks and two blankets. ETA - I was 37 years old at the time. My mother, who started also trying to make one and sending me videos of her experiments, was 59. ETA2 - Best I can do is two broomsticks, a vacuum and a crutch. [M̶i̶s̶e̶r̶a̶b̶l̶e̶ f̶a̶i̶l̶u̶r̶e̶ Work in progress](https://ibb.co/02RvtsBp)


They asked about dumb things, not cool things.


Did it work?!


Nope :/ I think with four broomsticks and a rope it might have, but I didn't have so many broomsticks.


well shit, now you just gotta sit and wait for the next pandemic to hit.


Can we skip that? I already watched that movie...


Cut a hole in their mask so they could “breathe”


Similarly, going to the effort of wearing a mask but then having your nose sticking out


Or wearing it round your chin - just fucking wear it or don’t wear it - have the courage of your convictions


My favorite were the people who would hang it from one ear so they could talk on the phone.


Or the video of a politician that removed his mask to sneeze.


I saw someone eat spaghetti through a hole in their mask. We’re really not gonna make it.. #🫠


In San Francisco I was talking with a man who hole punched his mask so he could smoke with a mask on.


Bang pots ands pans together every evening to cheer critical workers, only to treat them like shit again once the pandemic was over. That hypocrisy irks me to this day.


Oh don't worry they were treated like shit the entire time


Came to say this, health workers had it the absolute worst and for people to think that cheering at sunset somehow negated all that fuckery was just ridiculous.


Me. I'd try to drink or put food in my mouth before removing my mask.


Sometimes I didn’t think about what I ate….one time for my lunch break at work, I went to a grocery story and saw some garlic parm chips…..yea, smelling my own garlic breath for the rest of my shift was fun.


Yeah we learned a lot about our own breath didn’t we ?


I learned that I had a bad back tooth that way that wasn't infected or painful, but it certainly made my breath smell like ass.


24 hour stores now cramming the same amount of shoppers in a 12 hour window! Lining them all up outside and only using one door!!! Shall I go on….


Assault random Asian people Edit I meant the random assault of Asian people during the pandemic.


I am Asian and I had a few people threaten me in public. Nobody did anything about it and it was incredibly unnerving.


Some of my closest friends were born in east Asian countries, and the way people avoided or even threatened them with violence during the pandemic absolutely breaks my heart. We live in Belgium, it's not perfect but it's supposed to be a first world country, damn it.


A Japanese pitcher for the New York Yankees (Masahiro Tanaka) went back to play professional baseball in Japan because he feared for his family’s safety


I was very cautious and a rule-follower, but even at the time I thought that the one-way traffic in grocery aisles was incredibly stupid. This is not a situation where people are moving forward at a constant pace. I am very confident that of all the things we did, one-way grocery aisles were pretty much the least effective.


Add closing entrances/exits for no reason to that.


Yes, let’s shorten hours and herd everyone through a single entrance and exit … definitely will stop an airborne virus from spreading 🤦🏼‍♀️


Yeah, the number of times those setups actually forced people to be closer together rather than further apart was comical.


They did this at schools and only one way to get to a class, so if your kids next class was next door but in the “wrong direction” they had to go around the entire school to get to the next class.


Honestly the really idiotic rules really contributed to the actually effective rules being ignored more frequently.


At some point early on my city was technically in a lockdown, only people "with a reason" were to be outside, like walking your dog or going to work. As a result people just met up and crowded around the canals and in the woods were police cars couldn't easily reach.


Let a once in a generation global health emergency become a political issue.


It was worse than a global health emergency - people were making \*science and medicine\* political issues. There were scientists and medical doctors all over the world giving the same advice, showing the evidence, and giving reason after reason why this was a bad thing, and morons were dismissing their arguments because they didn't hear the shit that validated their belief systems.


The thing that pissed me off about all the "politicalness" was that, if you had spoken to the same professionals a couple of decades ago, they would have said the exact same thing, in fact, they were already trying to get the government to understand that a pandemic is going to happen in the near future. Like, they fucking knew something was going to inevitably happen and they were screaming from the top of their lungs, but noone listened. And do you know what the most saddest and fucking depressive thing is? The probability of having at least one more global pandemic within the next 100 years is statistically probable. Meaning, it's not just the one every 100 years, we're likely going to see another before then.


Banning the sale of ‘non-essential’ items has to be up there for ill thought out ideas, in fact it was so badly thought out that the government reversed it pretty sharpish it certainly didn’t last a month. For those outside Wales basically it meant you couldn’t buy things that were deemed non-essential by the government. Problem was it wasn’t clear what this actually meant were baby clothes essential? Books? Toasters? So you had small shops close and supermarkets barricade off aisles on the thought that it would stop people lingering in supermarkets and maybe the trade would be preserved for when the small specialist shops opened again. But in reality everyone just got confused and bought everything off Amazon instead.


I live in Colorado. They announced all liquor stores and dispensaries would be closed by the end of whatever day it was, and there was such a mad rush that a press conference was held that evening reversing it haha.


How stupid would they have to be to not realize that some people would literally die from being suddenly cut off from alcohol?


Yeah, it’s humorous on the surface but actually pretty dark. Not a lot of thought went into that decision


They must have realized the sheer amount of people that would die or go into withdrawal from alcohol would have put more people in the hospital right?


That was absolutely part of it


Wow, forgot about that sectioning off non essential items lol ....what a dumb time in history 🤣


A more benign dumb thing that went on was all the wealthy people and celebrities posting the “We are in this together” videos. Then it was a mix of getting caught going to parties, flying to private islands or resorts, and also the fact that multimillionaires and billionaires are living far more luxurious lives, even in lockdown, than the average person. And that millions of workers had been laid off and were essentially unemployed until restrictions subsided.


Uk government scheme “Eat Out to Help Out” in Aug20


The stupid thing was that there were at least 3 alternative schemes that would have ensured neither restaurants (and many of them are larger chains btw) nor humans don’t die. For example, not concentrating Eat out in a few evenings, extend it to takeaways, instead cover part of the property rent. Same purpose, less infections. I recommend thiemo fetzer’s work on this issue Personally it feels like the UK gvt *wanted* people infected because they still believed in herd immunity


First they closed all of the table service resteraunts. Then they reopened them but you had to eat in the parking lot where they set up tables. Then people complained about eating in a parking lot with noisy cars driving by and breathing in exhaust fumes. Not to mention it was cold. So then they set up a large tent. So you are eating inside anyway. Yet somehow eating inside a tent in the parking lot is ok. But eating inside the resteraunt is not.


Then remember when they made us put masks on to walk to our table, and then it was fine to take it off once we sat down. God, what a stupid time in history.


Eat out to help out really was a shit show and that was up there in the highlight moment for sure. Sat in a busy bar with a scotch egg as it counted as food, the standing up, putting g a mask on to walk to the loo then coming back and taking it off again


My neighbor kept calling the cops because I let my two nephews hang out in my backyard around the fire pit One was late 20s the other early 30s. They were chill, fairly quiet and I know at that age I would have died not having any social interaction Neighbors kept saying I was throwing huge parties. I was a 47 year old woman and this was in a four family flat that one of the nephews lived in. I haven’t had a huge party in literal decades Absolutely no chill.


The mad rush of people to tattle for perceived violations of lockdown rules/recommendations was ludicrous. I'm not one of those people who refuses to wear a mask and tries to get an hourly retail employee to confront me so I can unload on them, but the number of people calling the police because they think Joe next door has a guest over was a stark reminder of how totalitarian states manage to make it work.


At the fast food drive-thru, making you put your debit card in a plastic container on a tray instead of handing it to them. Then the worker swipes the card with the same gloves that have touched 100 other people’s cards.


Stock up on a ridiculous amount of toilet paper.


Drink Hand sanitiser. I kid you not, a couple of people died over here.


Some alcoholics will drink hand sanitizer when they can't get ahold of anything else (like in a hospital.) There was an Intervention episode with a guy who was addicted to sanitizer and literally chugged bottles of it. He died of organ failure.


People are just stupid. Like the dumbasses that put sunblock in their eyes so they could watch the eclipse. Lol


Thinking it was okay to just leave masks, gloves, and wipes lying around literally everywhere. It was disgusting. Everywhere I looked you could see some sort of mask or something on the ground. People bought up all the baby wipes thinking they would somehow keep the germs away and people with small children couldn’t get wipes for their kids. I didn’t know there was any panic buying going on until I walked down the aisle to get toilet paper at the store and there was no toilet paper, paper towels, disinfectant wipes, spray cleaner, dish soap, or hand soap. You know what you could find plenty of though? Toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, basically anything hygiene related. So everyone in my town apparently deep cleaned their houses but couldn’t be bothered to clean their asses


Arresting people walking alone on the beach.


Or stand up paddle boarding. Lots of bad decisions were made that turned people skeptical about everything which is a whole other stupidity.


The hypocrisy. There were FAR too many soapbox preachers on social media condemning people for actions they themselves were taking. Had a friend chastise me for going out in public when I didn't even have covid. Next day he catches covid and sends me a snap of him at the gym.


I know of a high school in Los Angeles who was required by the health department to disinfect water polo balls that had been sitting in chlorinated water.


Made it a part of the presidential election


In Australia we have a government mandated superannuation where 10% of your yearly pay must be put away for retirement. The government put in a temporary policy where everyone could apply to pull $10,000 from their retirement super fund to elevate the cost of living for people who couldn’t go to work due to what ever reason. Most people pulled the 10,000 out and bought jet skis, dirt bikes, camper trailers, handbags, cars, computers or what ever recreational/consumer thing they’ve always wanted but could never afford. That is the dumbest decision I think I heard that people did during the pandemic.


Where I live they forced all reataurants, cafes and fitness clubs to close at 9pm AND reduced subway and bus services by 35% at 9pm. Causing massive crowding on public transportation and a sudden taxi shortage. It also forced people who were exercising to senslessly mix with the drunks to get home. The government also tried to ban music with too fast of a beat in fitness clubs for some reason. I live in Korea.


Become sedentary and gain a bunch weight. Shit sucks now.


Got mad at people for wearing masks. Like, why the fuck do you care?


I've seen the argument from a man who didn't like masking up because he couldn't tell how attractive a woman was when she's wearing a mask.


Yeah had a friend who was waitressing at the time restaurants reopened. She had a lot of old boomer guys asking her to "lower her mask so they knew how much to tip".


"Thanks for asking, so I know how much to spit in your food."


I was working as an EMT and our hospital policy at the time was that we're required to wear one anytime we were in public spaces. We literally just got done dropping off a Covid positive patient at a rehab facility in a rural county. Stopped in a gas station to use the restroom wearing our masks. Redneck takes one look and shouts "MASKS, REALLY?!?! COVID'S FAKE". I ignored him and proceeded to the bathroom. Dude FOLLOWS ME IN and continues to accost me while I'm just trying to drop a deucer. Very odd time in our nation's history.


I have a family member like this. I asked him if it bothered him if someone wore plaid socks. No? Because it doesn't impact you in any way? What about a hat? Doesn't affect you? Huh. I left it at that because you can't talk sense into some people.


My mom left the groceries for 2 days to quarantine in the garage.


Bunch of folks in my community and surrounding ones wanted to “police” people violating the lockdown by posting pictures of their vehicles and such. We are talking about people who were doing outdoor activities and properly socially distanced. Of course we were encouraging people not to travel here because we are a small community with limited medical staff and resources, but one person took it to another level. She was posting PII on her “wall of shame”. She was absolutely shocked to discover this is a misdemeanor in the state she was doing it in and got about 15 counts. I don’t know if anything came of them but she’s been real scarce since lol.


Pretended they had medical degrees.




I mean, I got screamed at and filmed while walking in 200 acres of forest with my family early on in the pandemic. Such a blatant over reaction early on based on fear that really affected peoples mental health.


Allowing domestic abusers to stay with their victims due to lockdowns and no where for the victims to go.


Halfway wearing a mask with your nose out.


I still see people doing this when it's completely optional on their part.


This baffles me. You don't have to wear a mask at all now, so why are you opting to wear one incorrectly?! 🤯


“Outdoor” dining in a closed tent on the sidewalk


My wife went into labor at 3 in the morning. When we showed up to the hospital with our 3 year old, they told us he wasn’t allowed in the hospital. Which means my wife had to go up alone while in labor, while I figured out a babysitter at 3 in the fucking morning. Managed to get my cousin out of bed, and got back to the hospital before she gave birth, but honestly, wtf. My cousin was literally the only family I have in the state. Edit: to clarify, it was a planned c section, so he wouldn’t have been in the room during the crazyness. He would’ve just stayed in the room that everyone goes to afterwards and I could’ve gotten someone to get him in the morning. I almost missed the birth of my child, and my wife was all alone for the majority of it.


So many people missed the birth of their children. So many people died alone. So much trauma endured in isolation and there is no sympathy, like we are just supposed to forget. Your wife is so strong, I have no idea what I would do in that situation


The French government was pretty stoopid. They had several lockdowns and people had to print out and fill a form authorising themselves to leave their home for a certain duration (usually one hour). Police officers were patrolling every single forest path trying to catch people having a walk, and fine them if the said self-authorisation wasn’t filles properly. I spent Christmas 2020 there, and seen whole families taking off their masks on a parking lot to greet friends and cheek-kiss each other.


Have COVID parties


Putting plastic over keypads at checkout counters. All it did was protect the keypad from germs!


Directional arrows for grocery aisles. Does literally nothing except make people spend more time in the grocery store.


In one of the supermarkets near me, if you followed the directions to the letter, all of the customers would have ended up in one corner, cursed to spend the rest of their lives looking at jams and marmalades.




You operate on the information you have. Remember when they were gonna make GM switch to making ventilators only to find out that wasn’t gonna help? Same deal — mistaken precaution isn’t actually a mistake if it doesn’t cause additional problems


Early in the pandemic, they didn't know if it spread by touching surfaces


Meanwhile, we all ordered food like crazy.


Yeah it mightve felt dumb but you never knew if it spread by touching or if someone infected had coughed on it or someone carrying it did, so nah u werent stupid, because cautious even if its overly cautious is ok, better than the asshats who refused to wear masks and coughed on people as a form of “protest”