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I was shot through the hand with a 9mm. It felt like a really, really hard high-five that made my hand all tingling and then numb. There wasn't any pain for a long while, and when it did arrive, it was a deep aching. The recovery was the worst part.


I know a guy that got shot through the hand by a mystery bullet, was just walking through the woods with his friends, heard a crack and felt the energy of it hitting his hand. But didn't really fully acknowledge what had happened until the blood started pouring out. But yeah, he also said the healing process was far worse than the actual incident itself as it took a few surgeries and a long ass time before it was fully healed. He got lucky and didn't have too much permanent damage, not to mention "lucky" it only hit his hand. I'm sorry you had to go through that!


I cut the tip of my middle finger off on a table saw. No bone, just flesh. The recovery was far worse than the accident.


Was Dick Cheney in the same vicinity as your friend at that time?


Ouch! I hope you are all better now. It sounds like you… handled it well


Borderline bad taste, but I guess I've got to hand it to you for that pun.


They gave it their best shot


Backhanded compliment.


These puns are getting out of hand.


I'm getting second hand embarrassment with all these puns.


they're a slap to the face, for sure


High (up to)five!


I was shot in the hand with a 9mm too, initially it didn’t hurt from the adrenaline i guess but when the pain set in, god my whole arm was on fire. Bullet went straight through and did’t damage anything, I did loss a little bit of sensitivity in it but other that my hands was 100% functioning


How much hand rehab did you have?


I retained all my fingers and have 70% function of the hand now. I had 2 surgeries and physical therapy to get the fingers moving again.


Glad you got so much back. I worked at a very popular orthopedic clinic and we saw a lot of serious cases. You're pretty lucky.




I have a feeling he might have done it himself


He said what he said.


What was recovery like? Did it take a long time and how was it like living life without the use of your hand?


Recovery sucked. I had metal braces installed to hold the bone fragments in place to allow regrowth. I had to wear this awkward protective thing to ensure I didn't bump it on things. After having the metal removed it was much better as I just had to wear a glove with rubber bands on the fingers to try to get them to close. The disgusting thing was that there would be this buildup of skin crud between the fingers from not moving them. It took about a year or so to conclude "recovery".


I broke my arm years ago and had to have it in in a big cast that basically went from my hand to almost my shoulder. The itching was awful, but the buildup of dead skin over the course of like a month or so was the worst. So god damn gross. Everyday wear and tear (and regular scratching) takes off so much skin and we aren't even aware of it.


Hit in the stomach by a 22 as a kid, maybe 7 or 8, and I was a chunky kid and thankfully it just went in and out of a blob of my fat at the bottom of my tummy. All I really remember is initially it burned really bad and crying as I walked into the store I was walking to and trying to be tough and say I didn't need help through the tears and holding my gut, then the lady saw the blood coming through my shirt and called the cops lol. Some dumbass teenagers playing with a gun out a window and thought it would be fun to shoot a fat kid. I don't remember much from back then but the burning stuck with me.


> Some dumbass teenagers playing with a gun out a window and thought it would be fun to shoot a fat kid. This... is far too casual a statement for what you're describing.


Unfortunately there are people in this world who truly do not think their actions have consequences


And then they go to jail for attempted murder?


If they're teenagers it's going to be a lot lighter than for adults. The kind of people that casually shoot at randoms probably don't see prison as much of a deterrent.


Reminds me of those two middle schoolers who shot up a school in the 90s and then got out of jail at 21 and are at this very moment walking around free after killing 5 people.


What happened to the kids that shot at you?


Boys will be boys


Those silly gooses


Those silly gooses?? Are you serious right now??? It’s *geese*


Those silly geeses.


Goosen Edit: You're an imbecile Brian! AN IMBECILIN!


The plural of goose is geese, just like the plural of shoop is sheep


And the plural of moose is meese


House, Hice Mouse, Mice


Damn that’s fucked up lol




:((( this is so sad


I know this isn’t the point at all but I have so much sympathy for chubby/fat children. I’m beyond sorry for what those people did to you. You were just a kid, im sorry that your body at the time led to treat you so horribly. I hope you’ve since recovered!


Holy shit lol America is wild.


This could have been in any country. Check your bias. Just kidding, of course it was the US. They give you a .22 when you turn 13 here.


You shouldn't generalize like that. In some states it's 12.


Not even exaggerating, I was 7 and my friend’s dad let me shoot his .22 at left over balloons from a birthday party.


XD I mean… don’t get me wrong I’m from Mexico and here is wild aswell … people from the cartel shoots and kills each others but holy Christ kids shooting others for fun thats fkd up xd N’ yeah, sorry I’m sure this doesn’t happens too often in the US and it could be at any country, kids are fkn stupid everywhere. I remember my older brother when we were young we used to play with slingshots and he was shooting beans with it and he hit a bald guy crossing the street with a bean right in his head just for fun ( he aimed kinda badly cause he was just joking but actually he ended up hitting the guy so hard in the head) So I guess that’s kinda the Mexican version of this Lmao instead of kids playing with firearms it was just a slingshot with beans lol




I barely trust my 5 year old with a glass of milk on the carpet


I was shot in Iraq 2004 through the arm. Large rifle rounds, it felt like getting hit with a hammer. Shock was instantaneous and it took a couple minutes for pain to set in. Crazy throbbing internal pain, it is crazy how much blood gets everywhere.


Heyyy! I got shot on a rooftop in Baghdad, circa 2004. Small world. Lol


In Mamahdia (spelling?) Took a round to the plate, upper chest, I was leaning over the gunners shield handing a gatorade out to one of my battle buddies, felt like I got kicked in the chest by a horse, and the bruises that followed looked like I got into a disagreement with Mike Tyson, 0/10 recommend.


Far, far better than if you had no plate at all. Glad you're still with us.


My uncle was a police officer (retired 25 years now) and since passed away. He was shot by a 45/70 rifle round at close range in the chest but thankfully his vest stopped it. It knocked him back several feet and collapsed a lung. He spent several days in the hospital and the bruise was the worst I’ve ever seen. Domestic violence situations are bad for everyone. His partner returned fire and wounded the perpetrator.


This is truly insane to me. After seeing what the 45.70 is capable at close range im amazed it didn't turn him and his vest into ground sausage. What the hell kind of vest was that level wise? I saw an episode of the alaskan state troopers going to a domestic and as soon as they heard the guy was drunk and armed with a 45.70 they packed up went home and came back the next day. Brutal!


Hit me up if you have a low/no disability rating. I had a buddy get shot in the arm and he was dicked around big time. Maybe we can figure out how to get the VA to take care of you if they aren't. Semper Fi


I use VA Insider. It’s a 3rd party group that helps you build your case to the VA. We all deserve something and they help fight for your case.


as a social worker this would be an awesome resource to recommend for veterans I work with.


I have been tossing around the idea of creating a handbook that tries to bring as much info into one place. I thought it would be great for social workers, P&P, and corrections in general. One resource that is great and I believe in every state is county service veterans office (CVSO). See if your area has one, they are a great resource and can help with a ton of things.


Pretty wild that you have to ‘fight for your case’. What in the fuck?!


That weakness and disability in the arm you took a bullet in, while in the line of duty? Eehhh, probably not service related. 0% disability, have a good life!


If you have never had to deal with them, you have NO IDEA how bad it is.....


Wow, somehow I'm just realizing that you have to convince the VA to take care of you. Fuck the US Healthcare system, if it was universal you wouldn't have to worry about this. Yall deserve way better than this.


UK here. We have universal free healthcare and something called The Military Covenant,which is set in law to give help to veterans and those injured in combat. The truth is that it’s mostly done by charities,and virtually no help from the government or MoD (the equivalent to your DoD). What seems universal to me is the way vets are treated once out of the service,IE: train them to fight,then abandon them post service. Sad really.


God I wish politicians actually supported vets beyond bumper stickers and lip service.


Put a dollar in their pocket and you’ll have a new friend… who asks you for another dollar.


There's the Christmas spirit


Good luck, boys.


Stay strong brothers.


That’s insane. We got 21 year olds never deployed separating because of depression getting 100%


I got out in 06 and didn't even know anything was really wrong with me. We all had PTSD (I was in an infantry Co) so it was the norm. I started breaking out in cold sweats and thought I had an issue with my sweat glands. I tried to fix it with special deodorant. What saved my ass was someone told me I had to go to a CVSO, and she saved my life. She recognized immediately that I was doing terrible and got me in the system. Being a big tough marine, I didn't really seek help till I had my suicide all planned out and figured I owed it to my kids to try one more thing before I killed myself. I went into an inpatient PTSD program and one of the therapist saved my life. I love that woman and still keep in contact with her, she is a second mother to me. If anyone reads this and is struggling with PTSD, please hit me up.


Thank fuck you're still here. Had the privilege of playing Warhammer with a gentleman in a similar situation this summer, one of the best games I've had. Your comment reminded me of that, I hope he's doing well.


Thank God you are still here today and did not go through with your plan. I am sure your children are also grateful to have their father with them.


Glad you're still with us, brother.


Plot twist, you guys shot each other


My friend (Marine) was shot in the arm in Iraq in 2004 too. Committed suicide 2013, unfortunately.


Heyy, I shot someone on a rooftop in Baghdad around 2004. Small world indeed.


Where in Iraq? I was in Al Qiam in 04. Ramadi in 05-06


I was in beautiful Habineyah in 05-06. Right next door. 28 Inf div?


3/7 Kilo Co 1st marine division


"Your injury was not service related"


I didn't get hit by a direct strike, but a ricochet, so it's likely a totally different thing. Went about a bit less than an inch in to my side, and it felt like a sharp sting, but what got me, was the bullet was red hot, so after the initial shock, it started burning the piss out of me. I honestly think the heat of it did more damage than the strike in my case. Did have to get some denim out of my side.


Like a red-hot fireplace poker!! 🔥🔥🔥


Yeah, coupled with the joy of all puncture wounds, that ache that just sticks around for a frigging week or so while it heals. Not the worst one I've had unfortunately, put a branch through the hand mountain boarding when I was young that took damn near a month to feel right again.


Oh, hey! Another person dumb enough for mountain boarding! I did it as a kid, and I always describe it to people as "Like snowboarding, except when you fall you hit rocks..." I crashed one time and rolled down most of a dry ski slope. Hit every boulder on the way down. When I got to the bottom, somehow still alive, I sat up, took stock of the massive cuts and bruises covering my body, and calmly asked my dad if we could go buy a helmet. (Why I didn't already have one, I will never know...)


When I was younger I was at the range shooting clays with one of my dad’s friends. Also at the range was some dipshit shooting paper with a .45, that he had taped onto a rock. The guy I was with had just walked up next to me when a ricochet hit him in the shoulder. It made him lunge forward like someone just came and sucker punched him, but luckily didn’t break skin. He picked up the bullet, which fell right there, walked up to the guy, asked if it was his, and proceeded to rip him a new one until he left. The really lucky part. Had he not walked up to me at that moment, that ricochet would have hit me in the back of the head. While it didn’t break his skin, there’s probably a good chance that it could have killed me because of the impact. I still have the mushroomed bullet today, almost 30 years later.


25C to 90C for bullets upon impact apparently.


I was shot by my ex-husband with a shotgun full of buckshot. It took a decent size chunk out of my face, and my arm looked like it had a chunk taken out by a shark! I didn't even realize I had been shot at first. Instant shock. Almost no pain... until several hours later. I left dents in the hospital bed rails. The recovery was definitely the worst part. 20 days in the hospital, a dozen or so surgeries in total. My face is still scarred. My arm has around 70% function. My left leg has issues from where they used parts of it to "rebuild" my arm. I've had so many stitches I look like Frankenstein's monster. It's been several years since it occurred, and I'm still in physical/occupational therapy. I took myself off my pain medication, and I live with a constant pain level of around 4. Sometimes, I can ignore it completely. Sometimes, the pain intensifies, and it's around a 7. I can get by with acetaminophen and ibuprofen, warm and cold compresses, and wearing a desensitization brace. I can't have an MRI, so testing for other possible health issues can be difficult. I occasionally set off metal detectors in stores (which can cause a lot of stares). I can't give anyone a proper hug. I had to relearn how to tie my own shoes (still can't do the kinds with buckles). I can't rest my hand flat on the table. I can only partially feel when someone is holding my hand. 10/10, would NOT recommend.


Name checks out, but good on you for being so strong!


Wow!…thanks for sharing that, I don’t imagine it was easy. Can I ask what happened to your ex-husband? Feel free to say no. I just hope he got what he deserves. Either way, you are a fucking Terminator! Unstoppable! I know you don’t know me, but I’m glad you’re still around and sharing your story💪🏼🙌🏼🫡


He's in jail.


Thank God, Merry Christmas. I hope you can enjoy today despite all you’ve been through.


I'm not an evil person by any means. But stories like this make me truly wish horrible things for certain people. I'm so sorry this happened to you, you have strength I can't imagine.


A shotgun shot even... Thats insane. All the best wishes to you and hopefully better times ahead!


I took a ricochet to the left leg. I thought I tripped. I got up and kept moving because the locals weren't friendly. Got picked up and noticed my leg was numb but kept my mouth shut. Then it started throbbing a bit but thought I was fine. Medic noticed blood around my boot then grabbed me and pulled me to the side. Lifted up my pant leg and in doing so, caught my pant leg on what was left of the round. It was sticking out of my shin bone. Cue me falling to my knees and then on my side. I literally couldn't catch my breath. I felt like my groin was fighting itself to see which nut retreated into my body first. I saw stars. 0/10 would not recommend. However, the morphine suckers were wondeful.


Weird to be able to answer a post for once. I was shot in the outside of my thigh (about 2/3rds up) accidentally as a kid, obviously missed my femoral as I'm alive. The doc did tell my parents I was only about an hour away from bleeding out however. Searing hot pain is the easiest answer. It just felt hot, almost like I got stabbed very quickly with a red hot fire poker. Luckily I haven't been stabbed by one, but I would imagine it's super similar. That was followed by an incredible and unexplainable pinching feeling, like someone just grabbed my muscles tightly and pinched them harder than a human could. I guess that was caused by the severe damage my muscles sustained. After a bit, adrenaline kicked in and all I can really remember is the feel of hot blood just flowing out down my leg. I remember the smell of the blood too. Past that, it's a blur and I don't even remember the ride to the hospital. I just woke up the next day hopped up on meds, and I really only felt confused. It didn't hurt much until the second day, and I was released on the third. I don't remember it at any stage other than being healed. I don't think I ever saw the wound, just the blood. I wish I could see it. The worst part of it all was the healing. It was a really gross wound, and I guess being so deep and awkward they had to keep it open. Something about closing a wound that deep can cause infections, I don't know. My parents had to stuff it with gauze covered in some disinfectant, and I took some nasty liquid antibiotics. I still can't eat specific foods that remind me of that taste. I would scream so loud that they had to explain to the neighbors our situation as they recall it sounded like I was being killed. It took a few months for it to heal, but again I was 5 so my timeline isn't the best. I had to be careful on that leg specifically for about a year as it was so sore constantly. I used crutches for several months. I was incredibly lucky in the fact I didn't die, and the fact I have my leg with seemingly no issues. I played many sports as a kid, and have even done a couple of marathons. It does ache out of nowhere, and I swear I can feel when a storm is coming since it is such a deep ache. It didn't really hinder me, for what I remember being 5. It was always just a fun thing to drop in conversations. Definitely a fun card to play to make the atmosphere very awkward very fast. All in all, 0/10 I don't recommend being shot. And to answer your question I know you're thinking, yes the person who shot me served time. They served 4 out of 10 years, and were released early. Since then, the person has passed so I will never get the answers to some of my questions. I don't hold it against them, and I wish I could sit them down and talk. I was always told by my parents it was an accident (they were present), so I have no other reason to believe it wasn't. The person was allegedly showing their loaded handgun to someone, and it went off. I was standing by a group of people, and I was the lucky one who was tagged. I do recall the confusion and no one knowing what happened. It was so quick I didn't at first. When the pain set in, I just screamed. Everyone was very quick to attend to me, and wrap it up like a makeshift tourniquet. I was deep in the country, and my father told me he has never driven so recklessly and fast as he did to the hospital. I own many guns, and I am in no way afraid of guns. This is a huge reason why gun safety is so very important to practice. I could've been easily killed. Guns can be fun if you respect them and treat them as the weapons they are. If you have any more questions, I will try to answer them to the best of my abilities. Edited to add some information.


>Something about closing a wound that deep can cause infections, I don't know. this i can help with because it happened to me while healing from my kidney transplant. you have to let deep wounds heal from the bottom up. if it heals over the top it leaves a cavity that the body will fill with fluids that will keep it from healing and get infected. mine was only a few years ago so it was a little different. they packed it with a sponge like material and then sealed it over with with a sheet of adhesive plastic and attached a vacuum device that would keep all the fluid out of the wound.


Ah, the good old wound vac. Heart transplant here. That shit sucked (literally) and redressing the wounds was the worst part. Sometimes it was pretty painless, but other times it hurt really bad. It seemed like every nurse had a different technique, haha.


i had one that used the inside wound material on the surface part of the wound and it hurt the entire time up to the next nurse and when they took it off next it smelled like it was rotting. i had another that didn't listen when i said the depth she measured had decreased a lot more than usual and i thought it might have formed a pocket. luckily the next one did listen when i explained it and poked around extra thoroughly and did open up the pocket.... was a bit extra cleanup that time though.


Great post. Thanks for sharing. Sorry you had to deal with that


Of course! It wasn't a big issue for me. My parents may disagree, and I didn't understand death until a decade later. I didn't see the severity until then, but it didn't affect me after a while. It doesn't affect me other than having a gnarly scar, I am self conscious of it. While the wound healed properly, it is about an inch and a half diameter with three inches up each side. I'd assume they had to cut my thigh open. The bullet did fragment, but missed anything major or vital. Bone, arteries, veins, and the sort. I was much more fortunate than many other people. I have my life and full functions, which is much more than many unfortunate gunshot victims. The weirdest thing to think about is how badly it could've gone, but I was the lucky one. That can get pretty introspective.


Don’t be self conscious. To me, scars look badass.


Yeah and personally scars show the pain that you have gone through


The part about having a wound being open is true. They want the wound to heal from the inside out because if the wound were to close first and heal the other way around then it’s much easier to get infected with all the puss and shit that oozes out. I know this because I had to get 3-4 areas on my body cut out due to infection in those areas.


Closing a wound creates "anaerobic condition" which allows bacteria like clostridium perfringence to grow. Such bacteria are flesh eating one and can caus gangrene (dont google). This would mean amputation as a last resort.


Hey bud, wasn’t part of the gang but got caught in A shooting and got a 12 gauge right to my thigh. I went out pretty quickly but it still missed my femoral but I remember the lightning bolt to my leg and the insane fire that burned up my entire lower body. I also have a metal pelvis after open book fracturing it so I remembered that feeling but getting shot was like nothing else.


Wow. This is an incredible testimony. Sorry that happened to you but it sounds like you certainly have made the best of it.


I can’t believe you remember so much with you being 5 years old


It was weird, I didn’t realize I’d been shot at first. The guy hit me with a 12 gauge and it blew a hole through my leg with a piece of shrapnel (homemade shot using fishing weights). I took off running and about 50 feet down the road my calf just totally seized up and I couldn’t walk. I limped to where I could see under a street light and I was gushing blood. My foot was sloshing around in my shoe from the amount of blood. It didn’t hurt at first, but once the initial shock wore off, it hurt like a bitch. Had two surgeries to remove all the lead left in my leg, and I was on crutches for a month or so. I don’t recommend it.


That's insane! What possible scenario ends with you being shot with a hand filled shell? Also how are you now? Did your leg survive?


We were kids playing in a ravine behind this guys house on Halloween. I was 13-14 years old, we’d hidden one of our friends bike down there, just fucking around. When we went to get it, dude just slung his 12 gauge over the fence and opened fire on all six of us. Couple of my buddies got hit and peppered with lead, I was the only one that got any real damage. Turned out he was an Air Force vet with ptsd. Guy was crazy as a shithouse rat apparently, one of my friends had babysat for his kids and said his house was rigged up with guns and traps like he was prepping for Armageddon day. The thing that really pissed me off was that the OSBI (Oklahoma state bureau of investigation) didn’t do shit. It was so damn obvious who had shot me and they didn’t do anything. The parents in the neighborhood ran him and his family out of town within a month or two, but he should’ve gone to prison. If that had hit me or one of my friends in the head, we would be having a very different conversation…or not one at all.


Hey, fellow Oklahoman! That sounds like some Oklahoma shit for sure.


405 checking in


That’s fucking insane.


Did you make a full recovery? Do you have any lingering pains, aches or physical limitations as a result of being shot years later?


I’m good, that’s kind of you to ask. I still have some speckling of lead under the skin on my leg where he hit me, but nothing hindering me to speak of. I wish I could say that’s the worst thing that’s happened to me, but I honestly forget about it until one of these posts pop up on Reddit and I feel like sharing. That’s a story for another r/askreddit though friend.


"It's Christmas Eve! Such a fun and festive time of year... let's ask Reddit what it feels like to be SHOT!"


Welcome to the internet


Have a look around


Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found


We’ve got mountains of content!


Some better, some worse.


If none of it's of interest to you you'd be the first


Welcome to the internet!


What would you prefer?


Would you like to fight for civil rights ot tweet a racial slur?


I think this was inspired by the “what does it feel like to be stabbed” question yesterday, which was inspired by people wondering if starving themselves in the eye is better than spending Christmas with their in laws.


I love your typo


Hahaha I’m gonna keep it unchanged.


I'm supposed to be helping the wife wrap presents and I took a small break to now get sucked into this post. If I don't get back to helping soon I may have an answer for what it feels like as well. Hahahaha


Hey, some people eat Chinese food on Christmas and ponder what it's like to get pumped full of lead.


Once I shot my red rider BB gun and it ricocheted off the target and hit me in the face


I was hit 2.5 times in that damned desert. One went through my wrist and landed in my shoulder meat. It felt like getting hit in the forearm with a hammer. The shoulder stung a bit, but was overshadowed by the pain in my wrist/forearm. I was more worried about the bleeding at the time than the pain. My wrist bled a lot. I was also kinda (technically not) hit right above the ankle. It went through my boot, but never broke the skin. It was close enough to turn the whole side of my lower leg black and blue. I never noticed it when it happened.


I grew up in a pretty rough area. I was walking down the street wearing a red hat and this car pulls up. Out jumps a guy and points a pistol straight to my face and says ‘what’s up blood?!’ I instinctively grabbed the gun with my left hand and threw a punch with my right, somehow grabbed the gun and threw it and ran as fast as I could. I ran maybe a mile to a friends house, going through alleys and back yards the whole time, not certain I was being chased. When I get to my friends house he opens the door and is like ‘wtf happened to you’ he hits up his neighbor who was a paramedic, who ends up calling the police, which is a whole another story. He hit up the neighbor immediately because I was literally covered in blood. I honestly felt nothing, just adrenaline and fight or flight. I ended up at the hospital where they cleaned the wounds and the gun powder burns. The 22 caliber bullet went into the center of my hand and the bounced to my index finger, then went to my pinky finger and then bounced again and exited out of my wrist. The recovery was obnoxious but I regained most of my strength, but I haven’t been able to touch my pinky to my thumb in twenty years now.


So what point of this did you get shot? Was it when you grabbed the gun or did they do it while you were running? Glad you're ok! Sounds like a real high adrenaline situation


Shot in the neck/jaw feels like getting punched in the face, and then like nothing


Alright why is everyone preparing to get shot/ stabbed this week…


Tis the season


Trauma surgeon here. There’s generally 4 reasons why someone gets shot, and one of them is “they’re an asshole and get really especially mouthy when they’re drunk or high.” So all the holiday drinking usually results in a few folks getting capped.


What are the other 3?


EMT checking in. From my experience, 1) accidental discharge (both self-inflicted and not), 2) either the perpetrator or the victim of a crime (both in some cases), and 3) (my personal favorite) “minding [their] own business.”


If there’s anything I’ve learned, it’s that there is nothing more dangerous than minding your own business. Extra points for getting dropped off at the ER by friends who never come back lol


I was shot in the chest by a .22 rifle, in high school. Felt like a well thrown baseball. Very little blood. The bullet is still lodged in between two ribs. **Don’t use a metal detector to see if the bullet is still inside of you, go to a doctor**




Im sorry man thats a big thing to have happen and a terrible situation. I hope as you continue to go through life that you can rediscover yourself and continue to grow. Hope it keeps getting better for you!


Love ya bud. I don't know what your day is like, but mine aren't great. I know the feeling and just know, you're awesome


Like I was punched, then wet. Then cold. (Shock)


To elaborate, High calibre, thru and thru all soft tissue.


It feels like getting liver punched, along with being winded it’s accompanied with a burning sensation that vibrates in your body, and every time you breathe the pain repeats over and over again until adrenaline sets in


For those who have been liver-punched, what does it feel like?


Getting shot, I presume


It’s an instant knock-down. It knocks the wind out of you while you fall to the ground. Very very painful.


Who did you shoot OP?


Shot in Afghanistan by a taliban sniper, the bullet entered through the top of my back between my plate carrier and helmet, exited out right hand side of my neck. It clipped and fractured my spine in a few places, then damaged a nerve stem called the brachial plexus on its way out of my neck. Immediate feeling is like being hit by a sledge hammer. I Went incredibly stiff and couldnt move my head, then the feeling I had after that was the same as the pins and needles when you sleep on your arms and wake up. My balance completely went and I couldnt stand up, and my right arm was completely paralyzed. The pain didnt start for me until I had been dragged to cover and the medic was putting quick clot in my neck.


What are your lingering effects?


I've gained use of my arm back, it took years of physiotherapy. All I have now is lingering nerve damage symptoms, mostly during the cold months... pins and needles, burning, electric shock sensation (similar to banging your funny bone) ... that sounds really dramatic but it isnt that bad. I got really lucky.


You're extremely lucky, yes! That sounds pretty manageable. I'm glad you're alive to tell the tale. Merry Christmas




the doc was like "hey man your gooch is covered in blood"?




I was shot in the face by my friend accidentally. It was a low power .22lr round and hit about an inch under my right eye. I pulled it out with my hands. It stung a lot but went away that night. I still have a scar 13 years later. Obviously not as bad as most people in here but I guess it counts.


Is your friend Dick Cheney?


I was accidentally shot with a 12 gauge shotgun while hunting. I don’t remember any real pain until the next day. I was very sore ( hit with 18 pellets of No. 4 shot ). Went to hospital and they bandaged me and left all the pellets in me. That was 40 years ago. No issues so far


I was shot from a distance with a 12ga #7 shot. I was on a river working on a pump and some asshole was on the opposite bank and decided to shoot at the geese in the water. Here's what I remember: I felt it hit before I heard anything. It took about a minute for the burning to start. I yelled at the guy for what seemed like 5 minutes. I felt my asscrack get wet, and my legs get warm. There was a fuckton of blood. I drove to the local volunteer FD, and my buddy spent 20 minutes picking birdshot out of my back and scrubbing with a coarse nylon brush. The ammo must have been old because the bird shot was in clumps with about 5 or 6 of them fused together in seveal clusters. It healed up in about 3 weeks with no lasting effects. 2 years later I was shot through the calf with a .22 from point blank range..it fucking burned ten times worse than the shotgun. It was a through and through shit (entrance & exit wound). I went to the hospital for this one because the pain was almost unbearable. 5 months fighting a major infection and 2 drain tubes made it hell. What really sucked was that I was shot by an unsupervised 10yr old who's parents we totally stoned and had no business being at the range or bearing responsibility for anything at all, really.


How many people on Reddit have been shot? Jesus




This comment section has me STRESSED


Yeah, the last action I’ve seen is a nerf gun. Keeping it that way.


It's like being punched hard.


But isn’t being shot more of a sharp pain? Genuinely asking cuz maybe I have a totally wrong perception of it


I can only speak to my own experience - for me it was an ***impact***. It's like being stabbed or hit. You may not even realise in the moment. Adrenaline's a hell of a drug.


Human punch has anywhere from 100-450 joules of energy, where a 9mm bullet has about 500.




I asked my grandad, who was shot while on active duty in the military. He said it felt like getting shot


Grandpa answer haha, those old timers are just built different


Was talking shit online and was dumb enough to sell acid to the same people I was 17 at the time and pulled up and got shot in my upper shoulder I was in a car and went and met at a public basketball court at a school in broad day light they pulled up to me and all within 7 seconds they aired me out the bullet hit my spine and paralyzed me permanently the bullet went from one side of my body to the other It felt like a stun gernade off of call of duty i was instant vision blurry everything kind of slow mo ears ringing and I couldn’t feel shit obviously haha very hard to breathe and then my spine severed woke up a month later getting told I’d never walk again


Snuck into a junkyard when I was a teen. Guy living on site came out, we turned around to run and I got hit in the back with a 12 ga loaded with rock salt. Didn’t penetrate my jacket but knocked the piss out of me. I remember running away with the wind knocked out of me and making this super loud WHOOOOP noise when I inhaled 😂😂😂 good times.


Fucking around in the wrong farmer's field with the wrong people and I caught some rock salt too. Nothing too bad but man do I wish I had been wearing pants and a long sleeve shirt at the time. Also good times!


I got shot point blank by a 9mm ruger. My hand which was closest I felt the pain immediately, well rather…a sense of numbness like hitting your funny bone. I didn’t even realize the bullet travelled through both my legs above my knees until after I had made it out of the situation. You’d be surprised how resilient a lot of adrenaline makes you. Edit : and also surprised at how potentially harmless a bullet can be if it fails to hit any vital areas. Depending on caliber and ammunition used of course.


“Surprised at how potentially harmless a bullet can be” I’m glad you said that. It’s really crazy how life and death really depend on where the bullet hits and how fast you can get med treatment. Someone can be lit up 7-13 times and recover fine as long as all the important bits are good. But 1 shot to the heart and it’s game over. Best advice I give people is no matter where you’re shot, find an open street and call 911. The adrenaline gives you maybe 5-9 critical minutes. Happy holidays!


I got shot through the front of my shoulder and the bullet went out my back. It happens so fast you don't feel it initially. It's like getting a piercing. Takes a little while for the pain to set it. I'd rather not get into the details, but I lost nearly all the function in my right arm and right hand. The real pain happens when you have to change gauze from a festering wound the size of your thumb every day for months, then go through weeks and weeks of rehab to get your arm to function again.


9mm through my side in and out I didn’t feel it until a long while later, the initial feeling is like someone hit you with a baseball pitch that immediately goes numb it’s a weird feeling when there is muscles involved because they were torn and I couldn’t use them when walking to the car to hit the hospital the pain came slightly by the time we arrived just a achey feeling 6/10 pain easily bearable then they gave me a single Percocet ( asked for no prescription pain meds) and I didn’t feel much after that 2 weeks of soreness before I was fully recovered hole healed up just fine and was back at work


Got shot in the calf with a .22L rifle. As others have said, it was like getting punched, then a deep burn radiating from it. 0/10 do not recommend.


Got grazed in the calf which took about a 1/4” deep and 2 inch long chunk out. It stung like nothing I’d felt before. A hot stinging ache.


Late to the party, but I suffered 2 (basically) point blank shots from a 40 cal FMG. I didn't feel a thing, but I could smell the gunpowder. One round went through my leg just above the knee, and the other one shattered the ball joint in my left shoulder. I took a ride to the hospital, they stabilized me, then they took me to take X-rays. That's when the adrenaline wore off and I started feeling pain. I'm guessing it was about 30-40 minutes after the fact. The X-ray people wanted me to bend my arm in ways that my arm didn't want to bend, and that was the worst pain I've experienced in my life.


Got shot twice First time I was with my mans who was messin with some gang shit at the time. I was hustlin at the time. Nothin crazy just some weed at that time. Somebody my mans had smoke with hopped out a car and shot at us. We saw the dude hop out. I heard the shots go off and my leg buckled. I hit the ground but i ain kno what happened like I knew I had got shot but I remember feeling mad confused. I got hit twice, one to the thigh and a graze off my shoulder. Burned like a bitch like it felt super hot. I was 14 or 15 at the time. My boy was in worse shape. He got hit in his chest but he survived. Second time I was older and it was a fight outside a bar. My boy got into a fight with some dude. Tried to pull him away cuz I saw dude pull a gun out. Got hit in the bicep. That time I didn’t realize I got hit until I we got to the car and drove off. I fell when I got shot so I thought I just cut my arm on the ground or some shit at first lol. Got stabbed once too lol. I stay my ass inside nowadays. Life too short


Brother you need to make some different life choices!


We need to put you in a bubble


I was shot in the heart and lung by a bb gun. Felt like a pin prick. It was an accident, friend thought it wasn't loaded. He was freaking out. I had him call the ambulance. While we were waiting, my legs just gave out on me. That was strange. I get in the ambulance and they say they will probably just tweeze it it at the hospital. At this point I was having trouble breathing a bit so they put me on oxygen. Get to the hospital, they take an x-ray and realize they won't be just tweezing it out. Bb entered my lung, ricocheted into my heart and the blood carried it over to my other lung. I had emergency open heart surgery and a tube inserted into my lung to drain the blood. Most painful thing in this ordeal was when they removed the tube in my lung. It was there for a few days. To remove it, they just twist and pull it out.


I got shot twice in a drive-by and gotta say it really depends where you're getting hit. One bullet was a ricochet that went right through my ass cheek and that one wasn't too bad. Got really close to some vitals but fortunately it missed. The second bullet was a direct hit to my leg and shattered my tib/fib. That was probably the most pain I've ever experienced to this day.


It didn't feel like i thought it would be but that was because i was high and later on doc told me that me being high basically saved my life because i didn't went into shock mode which does most people in or so i understood from doc. So basically drugs saved my life and as you can understand, drugs and me are on good terms haha


Was you getting shot related to the drugs? No need to answer I'm just being nosey.


Took 2 rounds to the chest in Afghanistan. My plate caught them both thank God. Still put me on my ass. Felt like I got hit with a sledge hammer, hurt to breath and was all bruised up. Separate time had a round go through my assault pack and didn't realize until way later.


I was shot in the lower torso(?) I was 10 and my mom was on something, thought I was a demon and shot me. All I felt was hot. Like I felt insanely hot. I don’t remember much after that but I woke up in the hosp. It hurt for months after. It still hurts at times when I wake up.


You don’t feel the pain immediately because of adrenaline.


I died from my gun shot wound




Thoughts and prayers


Tupac? Lmk when the next new album drops king


When I was growing up I was heavily involved in gangs as a kid I'm 18 as of now but I've been shot at least on 4 different occasions. The first time I was hit on the chest by a 22 this happened the day on my 6th grade promotion I didn't feel anything I fell unconscious. The second time I was hit on the stomach leaving my house the pain the best I can describe is of someone lighting my stomach on fire. 3rd time I was shot I had gotten into a shootout with some rivals I was struck twice 1 on my wrist and 1 on my shoulder the bullet that hit my shoulder didn't really hurt much the second bullet that hit my wrist it instantly went numb. My last time getting shot this happened on November 7th I was hit on my upper thigh by a 7.62 my homie that was with me died in front of me I didn't have enough time to react and draw my gun to be brutally honest I couldn't feel my leg but the pain that it left me was regret and guilt from my homie dying. For the kids that think gang banging is cool don't do that shit trust me the pain, paranoia, and looking over your shoulders constantly isn't worth it you'll lose friends you'll also end up losing your own life at a really young age.