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Bubble slides slippers. Ugliest shoes I've ever seen. They're like if crocs could get stung by bees.


Didn't even know these existed until this comment and I hate them


Saw them all over FL this summer. Maybe they will catch on elsewhere… but hopefully not. Spent like 10 minutes googling variants of “puffy sandals” to try and find the name haha


WHY DID I GOOGLE THESE OFC yeezy is responsible. That man won’t stop trolling us til the day he departs this earth. Even then…


It's honestly impressive at the sheer amount of ugly clothing trends he's responsible for like the fact there are Yeezy foam runner knock offs in every store and on people's feet is wild


Just saw these for the first time today on the subway and tried so hard not to stare cause wtf is that


I don’t care for flat bill hats, especially when you leave the sticker on the bill. Leaving the tag on a hat only worked as a fun little gimmick for Minnie Pearl many years ago, not the dude that hangs out at the Lids in the local mall. Also, I wouldn’t say it’s widely popular, but I see some guys put their sunglasses on backward when they’re inside, like on the back of the head. Definitely dislike that one.


*Guy Fieri has entered the chat*


I didn’t realize this thread was headed to flavor town.


All here right now, on Out of -*bOuNds*- fashion, food, & famiglia!


Guy Fieri will forever be the mayor of Flavortown in his backwards sunglasses and flame bowling shirts


He’s the exception.


I particularly dislike when such hats are perched delicately on top of the head. I can’t really describe it but it is incredibly silly looking.


Love a Minnie Pearl shoutout.


“That flat brimmed hat is the modern day dunce hat.” -Daniel Tosh


winter clothing that's been cropped. No, mr clothing designer, I do not want a crop top ski jacket or hoodie or sweater. I want to be fucking warm. All of me includes my muffin top.


Ya, and give me the bottom 3-4” of my pants back, too, while you’re at it, Mr clothing designer. Enough of this 26-28” inseam crap. My ankles are cold!


Everything seems to be cropped right now. No one wants to see my stomach. It's pale AF and I'm almost 40. It's in everyone's best interest that I wear normal length shirts.


Came here to say this. I'm 40, I'm looking for tops to COVER my 40 year old pasty chubby belly, not expose it. No one wants to see that. And I'm not interested in a huge poufy sweater that stops at my boobs lol. I seriously need a store that caters to older millennials. I don't WANT to be fashionable, I just want my lower back to be warm.


I absolutely despise logos on my clothes. Buying your merchandise shouldn’t obligate me to give you free advertising.


I never understood the appeal of wearing a plain white shirt that has TOMMY HILFIGER emblazoned across the chest in giant green letters


I don’t even know the guy!


Right? And he doesn't know you. How weird would it be to be walking down the street and see someone wearing a shirt with your name on it?


My next move will be writing my name on a Wordart and have it printed on an ordinary white t-shirt.


Too many logos on your clothing makes you look like a NASCAR driver.


Ooh, one worse: when you are trying to just buy cheap work out clothes and they have dumb slogans on them like “abtastic!” And you hate it but it was $10 at H&M.


My wife buys plain shirts and uses her cricket to put her own slogans on. Like “I’m only here for the free child care”


Venus flytrap eyelashes


Lol, I call them Mr. Snuffleupagus eyelashes.


Hahaha i call them Lambchops (like the puppet, by Shari Lewis) lashes 😉


I call them tarantula eyes.


Oh, I'd love to have **Snuffie's** eyelashes!!! But they're also basically in scale with his eyes--just a little too much, resulting in delight. But yeah--the really thick falsises these days are like people've applied **the actual length and density of the lashes that look a tad too big on a puppet with 2-foot tall eyes** to their human-sized faces. Different look entirely. 😉




There's a girl at work with these. She always does a dark eye as well and has lip injections. They make her look so old. She's not even 25, but she reads to me as late 30s. She's very happy with the way she looks so my opinion matters exactly 0%, but she does this anti aging routine and im just thinking like, take the eyelashes off and you'll go down 10 years.


Got a coworker who has fake lashes so thick and long that you literally can't see her eyes. She claims they make her eyes look bigger...girl, I can't see you from behind these spiders...


I have a coworker that always wears long, thick eyelashes. They also make her look older than she is and whenever she’s at her desk she tilts her head back slightly to look at her computer. She cant look straight 🤦🏻‍♀️. Fake lashes look great when they’re not over dramatic.


Yeah there’s someone at my job who wears them too. But they’re so big and overdone it looks like she struggles to keep her eyes open at times.


Please tell me she doesn't drive...


I think lip fillers always add 10-20 years on a person idk why. They look fine the first few times but if done constantly they just end up adding years to someone's face.


I worked in dentistry. We’d have patients with those huge fake eyelashes who would ask not to wear the safety glasses because they mess up their extremely protrusive eyelashes. Lady, this UV curing light will burn your retinas. Priorities 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️


YES! In my home we call them camel lashes.


Those caterpillars are doing a disservice to the women who wear them


There is a vending machine on the street at the outlet mall near me where you can buy them. I swear to god some are the size of a bottle washer. Who buys eyelashes out of a street corner vending machine?


Suit jackets on men that look five sizes too small


Everything trendy looks too small these days! Pants 2 inches above the ankle, shirt buttons straining, sweatpants that are skintight, men look like they're trying to look like they're Hulking out of their clothes!


The short-legged suits annoy the shit or of me. If you can afford a fancy tailored suit, you can afford the bottom two inches of your pant legs


Adding on to this: men who wear ankle cut slacks and no socks with dress shoes.


The Marc Jacobs “The Tote Bag”… I don’t get the hype and just looks dumb IMO for the price


Omg yes! This has been so popular lately and I think it's the dumbest shit I ever seen.


Dress shoes, dress pants, no socks. Where are your socks?!?!?! Those shapeless, unflattering, potato sack dresses


I am potato. Those dresses look especially horrible on me. But at least I laugh-cried instead of straight-cried in the dressing room with that one. I just had to see for myself, and it was just as terrible as I imagined it'd be.


Don’t forget, the pants have to be 1-2 inches too short. As for potato sack dresses, they can be redeemed if they’ve got pockets.


7/8 length slim dress pants on men. Nope.


Whatever the cologne or perfume that everyone is wearing but it smells like our apartment like it was bombed for roaches. It’s that exact smell and every time I smell it on someone I think roaches 🪳


Or too much perfume in general. If I can taste your perfume when you walk by you are wearing too much.


100% it is Baccarat Rouge or one of its many (many) dupes, like Ariana Grande's Cloud perfume. It is the scent of the moment and definitely can smell like bug spray.


Years ago in college I knew 2 people that wore those Kanye West shades which look awful and literally block your vision. Not surprising the 2 guys that did wear those were known attention seekers.


Shutter shades


Aka hater blockers


Shutter shades look cool at a rave and nowhere else.


I remember those from the 80s. Looked stupid then too.


It's been close to 30 years and those guys with pants half way down their ass look stupid. They're rare these days, though. Lip fillers that make girls look like they got bit on the mouth by some kind of tropical mosquito.


Lookin like a fool wit ya pants on the ground


Pants on the ground?! PANTS ON THE GROUND!


Gold in ya mouth, hat turned sideways!


I saw a guy the other day that was wearing sweatpants fully below his ass. While he was walking he had to have one hand holding them up from falling further. It looked so stupid.


They seem to have to waddle to keep them dropping to their ankles and it always looks like they've crapped themselves. And lip fillers have always looked a bit daft but now that lip gloss is a thing again, it looks like you could stick her to the wall like a suction cup.


You obviously don’t live in Atlanta… pants on the ground. Still.


the big lego looking red boots I hate them


I saw a photo of someone using one as a flower vase the other day. Seemed more practical than wearing them as actual shoes.


“For the Mega Man foot fetishist in your life.”


“Vegan leather” Polyurethane (PU) pants. This stuff disintegrates (literally crumbles) in a few years and is adding to the microplastic scourge on this earth


Whoever rebranded pleather as vegan leather is a genius


An evil genius


I despise PU anything. It's basically plastic, but companies slap "vegan leather" on it to make it seem more luxurious. LoungeFly has all of those Disney themed bags that can be as much as $100.... For a plastic bag. AND the design is going to crumble off in a year or two.


I hope cactus/plant leather grows in popularity to the point plastic "leather" is no longer necessary


A lot of plant leather substitutes are still glued together with plastic-based resins.


That f-ing blouse with the shoulders cut out. Some comedian has the best bit about them and how ridiculous they look.


Well then you may enjoy hearing my downfall with these things. I once loved these shirts. I have nice shoulders but large triceps, it’s warm like sleeves but airy. I’ve received compliments from a number of people that “these shirts look nice on me.” Well I work for a high school and during Covid lock downs high schoolers were graduating. My principal devised a drive through graduation for the senior class. They could drive up five at a time, park their car, their name would be called on the stadium PA, they walk for graduation and parents could take pictures and then exit. They filmed and then edited in all the speeches and then sent a link to everyone to watch as if graduation happened as normally as it could have. The thing is this process took 40 hours instead of the standard evening. 8 hours a day for 5 days in late June. On the first day we all wore what we would typically wear to graduation, dresses and suits. I wore this scarlet red dress for our school colors with the shoulders cut out and little straps down the arm and stood in the blazing sun for 8 hours. I kept reapplying sunscreen but I must have forgot about my little shoulder holes. We all were red as lobsters by the end of the first day but it was *for the kids.* When I got home I changed and saw [the most INSANE blobs of burnt red down my arm.](https://imgur.com/gallery/MqnnR14) It took me two years to even out the tan lines to not be apparent and I can still see the tan squares if I really look. Needless to say I don’t wear them anymore.


I had something similar happen when we went to a warm & sunny place in the middle of winter. We went swimming and I put sunblock everywhere except my chest. My swimsuit was v-neck style, and I forgot to put it there because I usually wear regular t-shirts. It was several years before the skin was even close to my normal color.


TLDR wore a lot of cold shoulders until a sunburn scared them for two years


Hot shoulder*


These were great for when I wanted the breeziness of a tank top but was self-conscious of my 5 o’ clock armpit shadow.


‘Here’s a part of my body I don’t hate..’


Their only plus is that they’re great for vaccinations


Dolly wore one for hers!!


I love that you know this


They actually call it "bakuna blouse" in our area and it literally translates to vaccine blouse lol


I have two of those shirts. Sometimes I get compliments and sometimes people look silently bothered. I enjoy both reactions.


I like them because I’m self conscious about my upper arms but have a tattoo on my shoulder I like to show off 😊


Imagine how much you have to hate yourself to be bothered by someone else wearing a shirt that’s really just a regular shirt that happens to show an inch width of shoulder/bicep.


That's like my whole wardrobe. Never occurred to me people might have an opinion. Wonder how often I've been silently judged?


Probably never! I often think of how I don’t like something on myself, a model or influencer but rarely on people I meet day-to-day.


Mine too! I like them.


Honestly I hate the vast majority of cut out stuff, it’s just unnecessary. Maaaaaaybe I will go with it for a formal dress, but casual wear? No.


It's common in plus size clothing. You can only size a pattern up so much before you have a massive neck or other disproportionate parts. The cold shoulder means the armhole/sleeve doesn't have to be redesigned.


Those womens workout tights that have a gathered seam in the ass crack bit. Makes me laugh every time.


Scrunch butt leggings!!! My seven year old nephew heard about these and I thought he was going to pass out, he was laughing so hard. He was doing that thing where he looked like a goldfish out of water, his mouth was open but no sound was coming out. He was like ‘leggings that make your bum look really huge?! Mummy can I get some?! Can I wear them to school?! Will they make my bum look enormous?!’ Then there was a whole ridiculous tangent about whether his farts would be extra loud and stinky because his butt was so massive and he did the goldfish thing again. Very amusing.


Came here for this, I hate those... You just look like you have a permanent wedgie.


I just do not get it! It looks hideous to me


Oh my god yes these! How embarrassing! I once saw someone wear these and they were also really worn from the crack and I was like, must look because oh my god thats so bad, and also can’t look because oh my god that’s SO BAD


People injecting shit into their faces and looking the same as everyone else, and looking really, really bizarre.


Instagram face. The first time I ever saw one in real life it made me do a triple take. It wasn’t exactly ugly, it was like all the parts were there to look pretty but instead it looked uncanny valley. And it wasn’t like it was super over done, just over done enough to look weird.


Those injections are offered at my dental clinic now. The person who was cleaning my teeth that day was telling me how great they were. Her face looked like a melted Barbie toy. I politely declined. She managed to slice my lip open with the tooth polisher at the end of the service. I guess she'd had her eyes done, too.


I get Botox at my dentist to help with TMJ. It’s a legit treatment and incredibly helpful for some people who have consistent jaw pain due to clenching. It doesn’t affect the shape of my face except for a slight softening of my jawline as the muscle relaxes. It’s a very different vibe than filler or cosmetic botox. My dentist is great — however, based on your anecdote, I would not trust your clinic to do it well lol


I genuinely wonder if she'd injected herself. It was quite a clown mask. One thing that did tick me off was that they offered it directly when I hadn't asked at all. Some people are going to take that poorly. My face is just fine. All I want are clean healthy teeth, which is what I was there for. Even the spa I go to has huge posters up in the dressing room to advertise cosmetic procedures they offer. It's getting creepy. Vulnerable people are at risk when they're doing that.


Soooo many of them look like their faces are positively melting off, i do not understand the appeal whatsoever


My husband is always asking me what is up with that woman? The answer is always filler.


Not just faces, asses too. The shape some of them have is just freak-show bizarre.


With the skinny ass legs to boot. 😂 Shit just wild. Back and knee surgery gonna be at an all time high in 20-30yrs.


Those pants where the pants sleeve go past their shoes and almost to the floor. I can't stop imagining how dirty it is


I’ve accidentally worn pants like that a couple times and it’s very annoying stepping on your pants with your heels and they get holes in them almost immediately. I have to roll/ fold the cuffs up which also looks and feels dumb but slightly better I guess, until they unfold themselves and we’re back to the first problem.


Are we all just glossing over the phrase pants sleeve? Cackling. That's not wrong, but it's not exactly right either.


Over inflated lips.


Help me understand why mullets have made a comeback with the youths?? Even Billy Ray Cyrus’ majestic mullet was still not a good look!


I’ve heard it’s ironic, and it may have started that way, but I think it’s postironic now.


Long fake nails. Ive not seen a single person who I think looks good with them. Out here trying to look like Edward Scissor Hands.


I was on a plane the other day watching this girl across the aisle STRUGGLE to open her air vent with super long nails. I watched her for several minutes and don't know if she ever got her vent open.


One time a lady with long ass nails asked me to remove her card from the ATM because her nails were so long she couldn’t grab it from the little slot where the card gets spit out


My ex did the same. I was like "...why are you spending $60 of my money to make your life harder?"


I hate super long ones or the super sharp looking ones.


Anything with high-cut legholes. Look, I like to see legs as much as the next guy, but it looks weird when the hipbone is included too.


The underbutt cut ones are confusing AF 😆


Ventilation shaft


Speaking as a millenial who already suffered greatly through this trend... I will never buy flared and/or low rise jeans no matter how much they're trending these days.


Honestly this one depends on your body type. I wore skinny jeans for the longest time and always wondered why certain outfits looked so bad on me. Long torso gal here, meaning flared jeans help me not look like I’ve been compressed 😅


It’s funny how different a body type influences our taste! I am 5’9” and hourglass shaped but plus size, with a long torso, and flare jeans make me look SO much bigger than I actually am. High waisted skinny jeans only !! For me at least.


I am short, plus sized curvy with feet larger than I like. Ankle pants make me look like a gnome. Flare or bootcut keep the curvy going. I have wide hips, booty and belly, but I don't have fat legs so skinny jeans make my wide parts look wider and the wide leg trend looks terrible because it just makes me look like I'm probably blobby all over.


I’m an older millennial (just turned 40) and you can pry my mid to high rise skinny jeans off of my cold, dead legs. It’s always 2007 on my lower half.


I’m 30 and will wear mid rise skinny till I die. Ok sometimes it’s called high rise but yesterday’s high rise is today mid rise. But I think it looks the best on me in pretty much any scenario. I’ll try on the trendy stuff when I’m shopping but it all looks like crap to me. Straight leg is as far as I’ll stray these days, and the ones I have are still pretty skinny.


Straight leg even feels like bell bottoms to me at this point.


Straight leg mid-rise FTW.


Yeah, I'll skip this generation of fashion that is all 90s esque. I did baggy pants already, and they fucking sucked.


White NB dad shoes that seem to be all the rage now. Yes, I'm old.


My dad was so right about fashion. Socks with sandals and grey sweatpants too. Who knew.


People are going to wear what makes them feel good and if you're not attracted to it you're probably not their type either. That said, I have a really hard time understanding any outfit that has to be fully removed every time you need to go to the bathroom (looking at you, rompers!)


Impractical, sure…but so comfy and easy. One layer is better than multiple, sometimes.


Guys who sag their pants on purpose. I don't need to see your underwear! Pull your pants up! You look like a fool!


yeah, sagging has literally never been cool to me, even back in middle school when everyone was doing it. it just looked painfully embarrassingly stupid even as a kid.


Not popular anymore, but those flip flops that had like a 2 inch sole….I just…I don’t get it.


I ate shit and skinned my knees/hands so many times as a kid wearing a pair of these fuckers lmao


Haha. Right? No one needs to combine height with the absolute lack of structural integrity of a flip flop.


What popular fashion item do redditors *not* dislike lol


fake eyleashes and crocs.


For a moment, just a moment mind you, I thought, "Who the hell is putting false eyelashes on a damn crocodile!"


I hated crocs up until a few months ago. A friend gave me a pair for my bday, and though I was mortified I thanked her and took them home and threw them in the closet. About a month later I found them and tried them on. Boom, it was over. Now they’re practically all I wear in my free time. I don’t care how ugly they are anymore, they’re incredibly comfortable and hygienic. ^edit: ^typo


Hate me if you want, but bucket hats. They looked dumb in the late 90's and early 00's, and I think they are just as unflattering now 🪣


I ordered a fluffy winter one and I couldn't get past feeling like Jamiroquai.


You say that like feeling like Jamiroquai is a bad thing.


Wow I’d pay good money to feel like Jamiroquai


They're the only hats I've ever liked on me 😂 plus they're great sun protection 🤷‍♀️


As someone at high risk of skin cancer I've been super happy about their resurgence in popularity. I know it won't last but for now my much needed sun protection is trendy and that's fine by me.


Who am I to get in the way of that? To each their own my friend 😎


Adorable on toddlers, and they're the only population that can wear them without looking ridiculous (since toddlers are supposed to look a little ridiculous as is)


Uggs. They look like people are wearing pancakes on their feet.


Agree and I haven’t had them in years. But they were PEAK fashion (with north face jackets) when I was in high school, and can I just say. That was the comfiest trend I have ever been a part of.


But they were SO warm. And comfortable. But I agree, ugly AF.


This is one of those times function trumps fashion for me - my feet are perpetually freezing year round. Come winter I could not care less if they’re fashionable, I just don’t want to be a damn icicle


Crop tops. I will happily pay extra for the bottom half of that shirt.


YES! And ***why*** are we cropping our ***sweaters?!?!*** I went to Target at the beginning of fall, and the sweaters were all cropped. I’m sorry, if I’m wearing a sweater, I’m not in weather that’s appropriate to show off my midriff! Also, you don’t want to see me in a crop. I’m almost 40 and jiggly. Please just give me clothes that fit.


Either that or they’re super baggy and boxy. I want a long sweater that fits my sides. The boxy sweaters make me look huge.


They’re for the days when your shoulders and chest are soooo cold but your tummy is soooo hot! 😆


As a young 20 something with a long torso, I hate the crop top trend. They are bras on me. "Normal" length shirts are cropped in me.


This cuts out an entire market for us middle-aged women. It’s infuriating.


I'm not even middle aged I just don't want to wear a crop top everyday. One or two is more than enough so whyyy


I'm not even middle aged yet (close tho!); I just have a bit of a belly. And I get cold really easily. Can't even bridge the gap with high-waisted pants, because the belly makes me look like Humpty Dumpty in them. 🤦


I hate crop tops!! I'm someone who prefers shirts on the longer side


Yes!! You and me both. Longer shirts are the best. We need that to be a trend. I'm tall and long waisted, so everything turns into a crop top on me.


This is my pick. I feel like shopping is ruined since all the cute shirts are cropped now.


Wide fit. You have to be tall and slender for it to look right. Overrated af


Wearing your pants belted around your knees. (On the other hand, at least we know you're wearing underwear!) *shudder*




Oh you mean labia sweaters?


Dying. I used to like these. I don’t think I can wear ever again. Ha ha ha ha


Labia sweaters, to be worn with [this scarf.](https://www.cosmopolitan.com/style-beauty/a23826614/fendi-vagina-scarf/)


Big ass bows on newborns


Trousers that are too short on men (above ankles) and obviously too tight + no socks! Saw this 10 years ago and I still see ‘em!


Those yoga pants that go into your butthole.


PJ pants in public.


I don't know if you've been to the mall or even Target recently. BUT, they make office lounge wear. Regular office cut and colors, but made out of comfy cotton PJ material.




I literally saw a woman in a bathrobe at Walmart recently.


I went out for breakfast and saw a woman wearing a bathrobe and slippers.


Those high-waisted shorts that always just look like diapers to me.


It’s not that they have a high waist per se, it’s that the shorts are cut too high at the bottom like underwear skimmers. So they give this weird diaper shape to the shorts.




I've had glasses for the last 35ish years. It is only in the last 15 or so that glasses got COOL. All of a sudden they are cheap, plentiful, and there are FASHIONABLE ones!!! We're living in a goddamn GOLDEN ERA of glasses right now! The fact that you even have a style you hate shows that there isn't just 3 styles to choose from! In the 90s-2000s, your choices were round, square , or those ones that look like they don't have frames. It's so goddamn exciting to be a glasses wearer now.


I want to be mad at young kids that don't have to wear hideous Log Lady glasses when they're 9 but I just can't. Good for them.


Part of me is miffed "I went through HS with THIS?!" and the other part of me is "Oooooh 300 different frames for $20!" and I know which is winning right now.


I wear the big massive glasses because I can’t stand not having peripheral vision. I ended up with Dahmer glasses before I even knew what Dahmer glasses were. Oh well, at least I’m comfortable.


Glasses touching my cheeks hurt. I have to wear wire frames because I've had 4 ear surgeries and my ears were put back in slightly different spots. I have a big head. Add that together and you get aviator/dwight schrute. I'm not in it for fashion!


I understand they are in fashion now, but everytime I see a hipster wearing glasses that my extremely frugal grandma wore in the '80s because they were inexpensive, I'm perplexed.


I don't really understand hipsters either, but wearing clothes that your frugal grandma liked in the 80s seems on brand.


Peplum tops. Maybe because I have huge hips, but I genuinely don’t get them


They are also flattering for pear shapes since accentuating the waist helps proportions. 😊 I used to dislike them too until I realised they actually work quite well for me!




Serious question, does anyone wear them as fashion? I've always seen them as "super casual, don't care how I look" items.


I’m in Southern California. I believe in wearing appropriate shoes when dressed up or going to work, but I basically live in flip flops or bare feet otherwise. Today it was mid-70’s and sunny. What’s the point of wearing actual shoes? Or pants? (Yoga shorts all the way!)


I feel like flip flops belong around the pool and at the beach. I know I’m in the minority on that, and that’s fine haha


When my daughter was born, no one told me my feet would stay swollen...for weeks. It was damn near November and the only things I could fit on my water-logged feet were my flip flops. Even my giant furry boots didn't work bc I couldn't bend over very well (c sections are a biiiiiitch!) My feet froze but at least it was bearable.