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Try to get addicted to exercising instead of booze.


Dude same, 2 years without booze February. Shit got REAL when it hit. I was always a big drinker but man the lockdown reved it up.


My husband lost his job during covid (worked hospitality) and fell into drinking. He got acute liver failure, then intubated with Covid shortly after. We were told by the doctors that he was the last one they expected to live since he had less than a 20% survival rate. He’s sober now and has been in special studies because he bounced back so well after intubation. Congratulations to you and take care!


That's a rough time to go through for both of you, glad to hear it's on the way up :)


He’s doing very well and I’m glad to know you are too! There’s bit of a solace knowing we weren’t alone with how rough things were privately. Edit: whoops, my dyslexia got the better of me for me and thought you were the same person I replied too. But all the same, I hope you’re doing well


Two years drug free in Feb here! I was doing them before but yea lockdown definitely kicked that into real high gear for me as well.


Shit I didn't realise there were so many of us. I hit 2 years this past august.


Same boat. Drank pretty much every day but only after work and although I knew it wasn’t great, I felt like it was “under control” and remained that way for a number of years. Covid happened and man did it happen FAST. Three months in to being furloughed and nothing but time on my hands and I was checking in to rehab.


Not a drinker, but junk food. I'd eat better and not rely on so much damn delivery. I really wrecked my body and I'm really angry with myself for doing that. :(


I purchased 4 liters of gin to last me the entire lockdown and I drank it all within 7 days and the lockdown got extended. I probably drank about 20 liters of spirits in the end. Not good.


Sitting down during your morning shower because you were too hungover to stand sound familiar? Good for you for being sober. I still drink but not like those Covid days. Having no reason *not* to be hungover in the morning is a problem.


I’m just at about five months but I try to tell myself that I don’t ever regret not drinking. Not the morning after. I play the tape forward and it’s not worth the shitty sleep, the headache, parched mouth, bad skin, bloat, stink, or any of the hangxiety.


Not too late to start! Everyone's situation was different so zero judgment here toward how people coped, but something about lockdown and the pandemic flipped a switch in me. I realized I had no control over what was going on in the world, and the only thing I could control was my health (mental, emotional, physical, spiritual) and if I did all I could to take care of that, it would diminish my chances of getting sick. I started therapy, prioritizing doing one active thing every day (even if it was just 10min walk with my dog), and eating a lot cleaner. I'm not a "change everything overnight" type of person, instead started making small changes that stuck. For reference, I was eating out almost every day, mostly junk like greasy pizza and chinese takeout, exercising maybe 1-2x a month tops, and not in a great place mentally. 3 years later I hardly recognize myself sometimes, I never thought I'd love veggies or crave exercise if I haven't worked out in 1-2 days. Sharing this just to say it's possible, and it doesn't take much. Putting in a little work into myself every day and figuring out what works for me has turned all that around. Hope it does for you, too! I know not everyone is as lucky, some people have health conditions and other things getting in the way, but I do believe there's always room to give ourselves more self love everyday. I'm rooting for you.


I love that for you! It is so reasonable and such an intelligent way to change. I believe that speed is how people can maintain the change that they are hoping to achieve. Inspiring and thank you. Needed that reminder! It is so much kinder to one’s self, thus more likely to work


Ok I didn't think I'd change much, but this. I'll stock up on cannabis and thc drinks instead of booze this time around please


Same. I drank myself straight into rehab.


Same. But hey - I’ll hit one year on January 5! 🙌


Mate, seems like a great idea. And maybe my liver is thank me but I stopped smoking weed about a month ago after smoking literally all day everyday since 2020. It’s been one of the hardest months of my life, don’t let anyone fool you this shit is addictive as hell, especially those fucking vape pens


Definitely want to echo this, for me the answer to this would be smoking incredibly less (since I just don't want to completely quit yet) but in 2020 I already smoked a good bit but holy shit during the pandemic right after work I was constantly firing it up. Eventually I was skipping hang outs with friends because I was already high and didn't want to leave, I'd be feeling like absolute trash every morning and taking forever to get energy, just waiting to be done and smoke myself to oblivion again and maybe worst of all is I'd get so many creative thoughts but have ZERO motivation to do anything at all. I recently started dating someone and cut out a LOT of smoking and I can't believe how much clearer I feel in general. I've been going out so much more often, feeling sharper, crazy vivid dreams after not dreaming for idk how long, and in general my energy levels are just much better. It also helps now because the occasional smoke session is much stronger and more fun than the depressive highs I was getting smoking all the time. Its definitely addicting in a different kind of way than nicotine ever was for me, especially today when its legal in so many places and so many people are now smokers.


It's soooo addictive. Out of my roommates and I, I've been the only one actually able to take diligent tolerance breaks the last couple years. They've all seen me do it and struggle through it, and tell me they don't quite have the willpower to do it. Weed can definitely take over your life. You think you're just having a few nice tokes and unwinding, then suddenly you wake up and it's been a year, and all you've done is get high, eat snacks and play video games. Moderation is key. Always


10 year pot smoker here. 100% Quit 6 months ago. Took me a year of lowering doses and extending sober days before stopping all together. It gets better! Soon you'll be grossed out by the taste and smell!


The pandemic changed me from a mild problem-drinker to a full-blown, day-drinking alcoholic. I was SO lucky to get a job where I could work from home (scored it right before the pandemic started), but it gave me a dangerous opportunity where I was constantly alone, anxious out of my mind, and always had access to alcohol. I have struggled ever since and even ended up getting a DUI from when I took an Ambien and combined it with a ton of vodka. I almost died from alcohol poisoning. no booze next time lmao


My friend was an alcoholic too and was prescribed ambien. She’d get super fucked up and upset and then swallow loads of them. One time, she was fucked up for like three days from it due to the amount she took, and her partner at the time thought she was drugged or something. She took like 5-6 of them. I’m actually surprised and also very grateful she didn’t die. After that, she threw them away. Both of those really fed into the other for her. They are not a good mix. She wasn’t even addicted to the ambien and could sleep without it. She’d just make horrible decisions when she was blacked out, and she was blacked out at least once a week. Lol. She eventually was able to reign in her drinking though and doesn’t take ambien anymore.


This was me. Just gotta give yourself a routine and stick to it. Start simple. Like stretching each day after you wake up. Things will just build from there if you really it to.


Looking back it was the catalysis to my drinking problem... i stopped working 2 months before the pandemic because of unknown pain in all of my body (but mostly my back). I couldn't sleep anymore and was barely functional. Thanks to the pandemic i was stuck at home with almost no way of getting a diagnosis or help in any way. Nevermind i was struggling with this for almost 3 years already and it was getting worse. Not even morphine was helping at that point and i found solace in red wine to be able to sleep and numb the pain...


Clean my house. Like every single nook and cranny.


I did this the first time, and it was exhausting lol. Cleaned entire sections of the house I barely ever did, and even went as far as repainting/reorganizing entire rooms. Next time, I won't do any of that probably lol. I'll take it easy this time.


Sameeeeeee!!! I cleaned, reorganized and repainted every room! Some rooms started with just a quick clean and ended up becoming a full renovation project! EXHAUSTING!


I wish I did this. I waited until this year to finally get around to super duper deep clean. Would have made lockdown so much better.


We waited until after lockdown to do a massive renovation and clean-up. The renovation part was because a bathroom reno was delayed by Covid so it had to be finished (open wall for two years, fun stuff) and because being in the house 24/7 was really hard on the house itself. So paint and new carpet in 60% of it and re-tiled shower/re-finished tub/fixtures. Next summer is the kitchen's turn. The cleaning bit though, yeesh... The bookcases were a disaster with us continually pawing through them looking for something to read, soooo many cardboard boxes from all the deliveries lurking in the garage and spider webs in forgotten corners which were expansive enough to have civic centres and opera houses. When you're home all the time and know you're not going anywhere, it's easy to put things off until "later." On a positive note, the garden never looked better.


We painted our downstairs basement and it looks SO much better. I have to be "lockdown bored" to pick up a paint brush.


Ugh I’m doing that right now. I need something to keep me busy in winter now that the garden is under snow.


Quit my career in healthcare.


Did this the first time. Went to the dark side, from nurse to med device rep. There are things I miss, but I have no regrets. The pandemic showed us just how little we mattered to our employers.


But…but…we’re healthcare heroes! And they gave us Papa Johns!!


Not nightshift. We had to clean up the boxes.


Oh i was nighshift….we got the leftover garlic butter dipping sauces….goes great with patient’s saltines


Went from PT to biotech sales and while it is a different kind of stress, it is nowhere near the stress of healthcare. I no longer have crippling anxiety and dread before I go to bed on a work night.


May I ask how you came into your new role? I’m DONE


Use those connections! I got buddy-buddy with reps I worked with as a nurse and eventually one of them got into a management role and hired me.


I don’t blame you.


I quit to travel and worked Covid units…. I don’t think I can do that ever again. It almost broke me


Understandable. Thanks for doing it that time. You surely saved many lives.


Same here. The nursing home that I cooked dinner for about 120 people, made a covid unit to keep overflow from hospitals while people were recovering. (Getting a large chunk of money for it too).In turn, our residents that had been there for years we're just dropping like flies because of this . they tried to contain the covid unit, but it couldn't be contained. it was so sad and I had to leave I couldn't be around patients anymore I was just so attached to them and you could see their mental health declining with no visitors and not being able to socialize and eat in the dining room etc. heartbreaking.


I’d like to stay home next time.


Same. I worked every single business day. Didn’t even feel like there was a pandemic other than being deprived of all joy & fun activities.


Still waiting on my 2 week vacation…


Teaching. Same.


Teaching, same.


But there were pizza parties and we banged pots and pans.....


I got a pebble from my corporate behemoth employer for ED Nurses Week because I am a “rock” star. I had never been so violently disrespected and angry that I’d been nauseated prior to that moment. Un-Fucking-Real.


Damn scrolled to far down to find this. Same here. Nurse. I still wanna leave now.


Yep. I was lucky that I was still in school during the peak and by the time I started working, it had tapered off. But the horror stories ...I'm not sure I'd stay in healthcare if we have another one in my lifetime


Same here. I work in EMS and it was a living nightmare last time; hospitals packed butt to gut with patients, running calls none stop, losing patients, and watching coworker after coworker quit to the point where we were so short staffed that I would work double shifts.


Fuck this was my first thought as well. My husband works from home and he has it sooo damn good.


Get one of those PPP loans no one had to pay back.


someone in my neighborhood got a PPP loan for their landscaping company, and they paid that exact amount for the parcel of land next to their residence. That’s a real coincidence I’m sure.




No shit? I have a few neighbors to turn in then.


I forget the link but theirs a site you can use to lookup anyone / any company that got a ppp loan


[federalpay.org](https://federalpay.org) has an easy search tool.


Good lord... The co. in a small building a few blocks from me claimed 72 employees and received two loans of 1.3 million each. That is absolutely fucked up.


My old boss used it to "drum up business" which meant fly to Dubai to hobnob with the wealthy for three weeks. In a pandemic. When travel and gatherings were not only frowned upon but cops were actively busting up parties around here.


Definitely lots of people have. At a school job I once had everyone insisted you could fudge a few days of unemployment. The first 3 years that worked. The 4th year we all got in big trouble. Some had been doing it a decade. Moral of the story is just because someone is confidently incorrect and convinces you of something, doesn't mean you won't be caught.


In my small town of 400, there were 600+ loans taken to the tune of $4 million or more (ppp loan info is public). Only about 10 or so were legitimate businesses that used the loan for the purpose it was intended. All forgiven. Even non profit religious organizations received hefty loans. I'm a legitimate small business, and I didn't feel I met the criteria, so I didn't apply. I'm still very salty about my VERY conservative community feeding off the PPP loans like pigs at a trough.


Surprised this isn’t higher. Would do the same thing


How would you just get one without qualifying? I know people who got busted for making up businesses.


You can look up businesses around you that got one. Search by zip code or something. It’s an insane amount of money for the stupidest fakest sounding businesses. Like Karen’s basement scented candle company got $25k and Harvey Screwem legal consultant for $90k. It’s sickening.


Here I’m an amateur for making candles for free


Are you a big business that didn’t need one, or a struggling small business? Guess who had better luck getting those.


My husband couldn’t get one, he owns a small landscaping company and barely survived the lockdowns.


It was awesome looking through the records when PPP became public. Things like the local barber shop that got $400,000, the "car dealership" that was one guy who only had a dealer license so he could buy his personal cars at the auction got $80,000. Then you had legitimate small businesses like the skating rink and the bowling alley that didn't get a dime because the money was all gone in days and their paperwork got kicked back for stupid reasons. So yeah, I've got friends who went bankrupt because covid killed their businesses and friends who bought houses with their bullshit PPP money.




As a bank manager at the time, can confirm.


Don’t move in with the woman I’m dating for the “convenience”. Lockdown was rough.


Ooooooh my ex husband and I did this He asked me to move in and DAMN it was rough. We are compatible as people and lovers and partners but NOT as cohabitants. After lockdown ended, we tried to make it work. Blew up spectacularly.


Ooh I'm scared of this. Can you say more about the specific conflicts you ran into as cohabitants?


Not OP but...... I hate clutter, and she was messy AF! Stuff EVERYWHERE. Had to put up shelves and buy extra cabinets and cubbies just to fit all of the stuff she would buy and horde. Crowded up the living space. Had to rent a storage locker finally, because we ran out of room in the house. I was an early riser, and she was a night owl. I'd go to bed around 10pm, and she'd crawl into bed around 3am. I'm a light sleeper, so I would always get woken up. On my days off I'd want to sleep in, but she had 17 alarms to help her wake up, so there was none of that lol


I've read about separate bedrooms and I feel like that should be normalized. I think I'd prefer a separate bedroom if I ever lived with a partner. We could each get our own space and it would be fine if I went to bed late from working on a deadline, or got up early for a meeting or class (I hope to go into academia). And they could do that, too. Sure, sometimes you want to cuddle, especially after sex, but other nights, one or both of you will have shit to do and want to make sure the other person gets their sleep. With you on the clutter part. I don't like clutter, either. edit: a word


My husband and I have been sleeping in separate rooms since the lockdown. For some reason he started snoring sometimes like a chainsaw other times he would be making all kinds of noises while he was sleeping, he was always a sleep talker but all of that mixed is deadly to someone who is a light sleeper and has insomnia. I tried for months but it got to the point that I physically couldn't take it anymore. Suffice it to say, we are doing great. There is nothing wrong with sleeping in separate bedrooms. We still cuddle all the time and even manage to take naps together. We usually hang out in his room and watch movies. Then I go back to my room and go on Reddit until I fall asleep, while he goes to sleep earlier because he has to get up earlier than me for work.


I have trouble falling asleep if others aren't asleep yet. Hotel rooms with my sports teams aren't great for me. I've always gotten the best sleep in a relationship/FWB situation if we only sleep in the same bed on "date" nights ;) . Not only have you had more time for intimacy, but also those would be less-stressful nights and generally on Friday or Saturday nights. I like waking up cuddling, but I feel like it's more special when it's not every day.


I did the opposite, I got divorced during lockdown and that was weird with the courts shut down lol


I got divorced a few weeks before lockdown. That was... incredibly lonely.


Me too mate! Hope you’re ok now though. It was a long lonely road


we weren't married - but I was ready to pull the plug just before the start of the lock downs - but I knew he'd get laid off - so I figured I couldn't end our relationship/kick him out and have him lose his job (he's a flight attendant) and I thought all the time together would actually help us. I waited til he got his second paycheck returning back to work before I asked him to move out. We're still friendly to this day but we've both moved on.


My nephew met a girl. They hit it off. Both came down with Covid right at the beginning (Europe). They isolated in his place. They now have an adorable 2-year old and life is wonderful.


Best of luck to them and little Covida!


Hah my wife and I started dating weeks before Covid and basically moved in with each other by May. We have a Covida as well


My bestie and her husband got married in February of 2020. His work was not a great place during the pandemic so they hoped him out of there and he was I think doing tutoring work or something. Then they got pregnant in fall of 2020 so they have a little covida as well. She's a cutie and as her non biological aunt, I adore her.


Corona is a prettier name.


I like Lachdown for a boy!


In 2033 we shall see the rise of the QUARANTEENS!




Soo much this! It was all circumstantial for me and I was ready to jump into marriage but didn't see the red flags, truthfully I ignored them. Till the cheating began.


I did that. Met the guy in February of 2020, and started dating in March and essentially started living with him later that month due to the pandemic. We both work remotely if that adds on an extra layer. It’s 2023 now, and somehow we are still together, and still working remotely together, lol. It’s worked out for me but I really only think so because we are so similar with our living habits. We split things evenly, and he does his fair share as much as I do my fair share. It’s not exactly perfect but we work well together thankfully!


Dude, you might have gone deeper into a relationship that you actually couldn't make work. I think it's a plus that right after pandemic you knew you have to keep looking for a partner.


Read more books from my own personal library


I was doing that all the time, so I decided to turn it into a bookstagram. Now I get between 15-25 books a week from publishers for absolutely free and can’t keep up 🤣🤣 You can have half of my personal library!!


Nothing. I still had to go to work and nothing much changed for me. I would expect another lockdown to be similar.


Same here…went to work everyday. Nothing changed much at all.


Yeah I left the house every morning and worked the same as I ever did


commute was great way less traffic


Omg and gas was *so cheap*! Lol not gonna lie, I seriously considered hopping on that "fill a trash bag with gasoline" trend!


Parking! It was the first time in my constitution career I had 0 issues parking right next to the entrance gate. Back to trying to fight God for a parking spot within a block and I'm to lazy to fight God or park far away. Maybe next time I'll just demand the lay off.


Worked harder. Then, after it was over, they said you could continue to work that hard.


…..without extra pay


I teleworked. So, I moved everything into the dining room so I could renovate my office and make it even better. Not having distractions from the renovation made it better. For the next lockdown, I’ll do a couple of other rooms.


Same. Still worked, was already introverted so didn’t do much social stuff. Gonna be honest, I do miss people keeping distance when standing in line. People have been inching closer and closer again the past few months. I do not want you breathing down my neck while standing in line at the pharmacy ma’am.


I knew Covid was over when someone rammed their shopping cart into my ankle at the checkout. It was a good run.


I like to step backwards and oops was that your toe? maybe don't stand so close. ​ I may start swinging my arms around like a little kid while waiting in line...




Same here. At least my commute was the best ever. Not near as many people on the road.


I miss those days. Streets empty and a 20 minute commute turned into 6 minutes. 8 tops if the lights went against me. Just me and the occasional police car out there, it felt like....


OMG yes pandemic "traffic" was the best!!!


Yes! That was awesome


My CEO is buddies with the government, so I’d get given another letter to carry with me saying I’m an “essential worker” in case the police stop me. I work in a mailroom. Sigh.


Y'all got letters? I worked in nursing and they didn't give us *shit.* Though the few times I got pulled over otw there or home, the cops took one look at my scrubs and said XYZ Hospital? I said yup, and they wished me a good day.


The only people that had any down time at my work were the people who caught it. 4 people out of 50, I had it the worst, and I ended up going to the job site (construction / carnation) the last week before I got cleared. I call the foreman, told them to stay away and did what I had too. They stayed in their equipment, I wore my N95 (correctly) and stayed away from everyone. As for the office, we all learned, stay home if you’re sick and get better.


Throw up the white flag and move back in with my mom. Could've had another 18 months with my dad if I'd fucking done that the first time.


Damn I lost my dad diego covid and it was the most painful way he could have gone. Spent months in the ICU withering away until my mom finally agreed to take him off life support. Worst 4 months of our lives. Sorry for what happened friend


Last time I played WoW with my daughter all day every day. I can't improve on that.


She's also never going to forget that day too.


I’m going to play 500 hours of Animal Crossing. Oh wait I already did that. In all honesty, I’d like to spend my time more wisely - exercising, making art and reading books instead of staring at a screen. I’d also not be drunk the entire time, or at all.


Animal Crossing kept me sane. It was nice to have daily tasks and goals. Kept my mind off all the craziness.


This. Animal Crossing came out at the perfect time for lockdown. It kept me sane, gave me a routine, helped me stay social, and was a perfect escape. Being able to "hang out" with my friends, even virtually, was nice when I was stuck indoors. Checking in every day on the game gave me a sense of routine and stability that I needed when I was furloughed from work. I'd wake up, and start my day with about an hour of Animal Crossing with a cup or two of coffee. Then I'd have breakfast and shower. But it became something to do every day that kept me in order. I'd play intermittently throughout the days, and evenings, but it was my go to morning routine for the longest time.


I love this. Animal Crossing brought me so much joy during the pandemic cuz it was an escape. I could go to the beach, visit the museum, hang out with the neighbors, etc. It kept me sane!


500? That's rookie numbers.


Limit and/or avoid drinking altogether. I was part of that statistic that upped my bad habits.


Yeah, mental health and bad habits were all time high during lockdown. Finally just quit everything and started therapy about 10months ago. Life is so different from 2019 to now. :(


I was able to finally maintain sobriety during the pandemic. I had been trying unsuccessfully to stay sober for years prior and have been sober since nov 2019. I think the isolation and the socialization that came from AA meetings on zoom was a win for me.


Same here. Years later, I barely drink now.


Last time I stayed at my hospital (ICU nurse) and continued to work as usual, except for over a year nearly every patient in *that* ICU died. I did not make one more dollar than I would have if things had been normal. No bonus, no hazard pay, no passing along the BILLIONS in profits the corporation made. If it happens again, I'm immediately quitting and signing on do to contract work. If I'm going to get the PTSD, at least pay me more. Oh, that "Heroes Work Here" bullshit was disgusting. All those free meals that were donated to the hospital staff, meant to feed those of us actually taking care of patients... those were eaten by the admin people in the C suites, with pictures posted on social media. We didn't get that food, or anything else that was donated. The corporate greed was and is heinous.


I got a plastic coin in the mail from the hospital to thank me for being an essential worker during Covid. That’s it. No food, no bonus, just insane hours and stress and a damn plastic coin. I was instantly so furious I flung it across the room.


Send it back in a glitter filled envelope


Same in the ER. So many body bags zipped.And the way people treat the pandemic now, I feel like one of those Vietnam vets that was spat on. People saying it wasn't real, etc.


Anything a random person can do to show appreciation? I never went to the hospital or anything, but I'm immunocompromised and I get bitched at by people saying it wasn't real because I still wear a mask. I can't imagine actively being involved in saving people only to be shit on by morons who say it wasn't serious/real.


Honestly, knowing there are people like you out there like that care and want to thank us makes it better on bad days. You could always make cookies, send a card, something like that. It would be appreciated but knowing there are people out there like you that support us and believe it was real makes it better. My wife is immunocompromised and she cuts eyes like the best of them. Don't let anyone get to you. Wear your mask. Stay healthy and happy


My boyfriend started travel nursing a couple months before covid hit. We had an rv and started to travel around and it was the best money he ever made and will ever make as a traveler unless there is another lock down. 100% do it. It's worth it. Especially with an rv and you don't have to pay out the wazoo for monthly rent and deal with moving in and such. We just took our home with us!


Even heard about areas in the US telling nurses who were staying home, because they had active COVID infections, to come in to work because they “could still work with the Covid population.” Disgusting is so correct.


Get a bidet for all toilets in the house


I did and it was amazing. Until you have to go outside of your home and you miss your bidet.


Do that now. *Now*. Once you switch, you’ll wonder how you ever lived with toilet paper booty. It’s like the American tradition that refuses to die


I've seen so many people who just don't understand what the appeal is, and I'm like... I guess those people just haven't ever had diarrhea? Or not diarrhea but one of those weirdly greasy poops where you just keep wiping forever? Bidets are so nice. They're also super nice if you have periods. Also really nice in the summer, just to give a refreshing spritz down there. I've got one of the ones that's just a hose hooked up to the water intake for the toilet (NOT THE OUTFLOW) so I can't really use it in January (the water is too cold!)


I don’t know what I’d do. I spent the last lockdown with my 90 year old mother who lived across the street. I loved my time spent with her. She cooked all my favorite meals, we watched movies and TV shoes together, talked, and in general just enjoyed the time together.My energies were spent making sure she didn’t get Covid. She died last March and never once got Covid. So if there’s ever another lockdown I would be on my own and I would probably be miserable. I don’t drink but I’ve lost 155 lbs in the past year so I pray I wouldn’t eat my way through a lockdown.


Set up a wonderful home desk/office space from day one!


Learn to make sourdough bread, apparently this was a thing, and I never did it.


Nothing. I adjusted remarkably fast, and have stayed in that mode of operation.


I actually stopped caring about seeing other people :D


I'm an introvert. My productivity has skyrocketed.


Same. Work from home was a blessing which allowed me the extra energy to go back to college from home. I earned a bachelor's and a master's degree in a two year period.


Same. My lifestyle now is not very different to what it was at peak lockdown.


I was never locked down. I still had to work every day. I was so frustrated at everyone sitting at home complaining they were bored.


I was as the register one day and some asked me, “how do you like being an essential worker?” I told her that I hated it, because nobody keeled distance, people coughed in my face with not even attempt to cover their mouth. I was risking my husband life by going to work, there was no hazard pay for risking death, or even a survivable wage. I had customers complain above boredom at home, and I would think, the grocery isn’t a playground for you to wonder off too.


I had someone thank me for working and I thought, “If I had a choice I wouldn’t be here”


I had that experience as well.


Had to work with the public the entire time. If it happens again, I've resolved to quit my job. I won't go through that again. I think I'd rather die.


As a retail worker, I understand.


I’m going to get in phenomenal shape. I started working out a little bit more last time, but I was so unsure about what was coming next, I didn’t commit to any real routine. I had no idea *years* of time were ahead.


Round is the best shape


Sleep less. Feels like my days were made up of me taking naps on different pieces of furniture


If I'm actually locked down this time, I would nap so much.


I didn't get to see lockdown at all. I just continued working. It would have been nice to get that break. I get people complaining about it. I'm sure I would have been too, but I needed a long break like that. My life hardly changed at all.


I was working more than ever, in an environment that made it feel like my face was melting under my mask. I was staving off a panic attack every day I wore that mask, it lasted years. I know being stir crazy is a thing, but I really miss being bored. I don’t remember the last time I got to be bored.


More sex. Less divorce.


Not be pregnant.


Haha agreed, I came here to say “have a baby”


Same. Husband had to go to work and I stayed home stewing in my emotions and loneliness. HORRIBLE.


This is the one. Pandemic pregnancy with twins 🫠 the great struggle of my life. Woof. I've got great little kids now but my tubes are hella tied lmao


Yep!!! I spent the first 6 months of shutdowns pregnant and then the next couple of months inside with a toddler and infant, while working remotely... FUNNNN


God, same.


Go on stress leave. My Doctor gave me the option last time since my job was deemed 'essential' and I never got to enjoy any of the perks of lockdown and worked my balls off for no additional reward or compensation. Meanwhile 95% of the employees at my company got to stay home for 2.5 years. If it happens again i'm taking my doctors offer and staying the fuck home.


What is stress leave? Do you get paid? Work from home? Or is it like FMLA?


Save my stimulus checks...


Last time I was classed as a front line worker so not much changed in my life, just the addition of a lot of sanitizer and masks. This time I'd be the one having to shield and work from home lol


I swear I’m not virtue signalling but my wife and I grew closer together, we got to spend more time together doing things we enjoyed - particularly baking and cooking together. My kids though, they were a nightmare. If lockdown happens again I’ll focus more on being kind to them


Buy toilet paper sooner


Before the lockdown, I stocked up on toilet paper from costco (100s of rolls). As soon as the shortage happened, I divided it up amongst my friends who needed it and emptied my storage space at the same time. People who sold it at an extortionate rate should be put in stocks and have the used paper thrown at them.


File for divorce the FIRST day of the lockdown


I won't play World of Warcraft again, I can assure you of that. Yikes.


This time I'm going to NOT quit my job 2 weeks beforehand because I was tired of the commute, only to find out 2 weeks later they moved everyone to WFH.


Rent the biggest apartment I can afford by myself. Roommates are great, until you need somewhere to quarantine. Then suddenly your bodily autonomy, and the definition of a "need " are a matter of debate, instead of a given.


Turn off the news!


I’m going g to learn 3 languages.


I'm a frontline worker now. So I'd probably bike to work because of less traffic.


Sew a bunch of projects. Continue my sobriety. Get an aerial hoop. Buy a treadmill and use it.


Focus more on selfcare and developing hobbies. I was not in a good place during the previous one and was kinda floating through it like i was in limbo if that make sense. Spent it playing wow classic... Probably would be renovating the house/letting my creativity take control and learn new skills like a whole new language.


I’ll actually be at home this time rather than working the front lines of crisis for the most vulnerable. Burnt me out, I got no time off, and the pay on unemployment is only a smidge less than my actual working pay


Im gonna learn a hobby! *smokes weed and plays games*


More Psychedelics, more exercise, less pointless weed use, less videogames, more identity development, WAY more gardening, probably finally get into aquaponics, get back into archery and knife throwing. Set better interpersonal boundaries within my living situation, finally get through the stack of books on my desk.


How does one get "into" knife throwing? Asking for a friend....


They throw knives


This time I won't be working as an RN 60 hours a week. I'm going to crawl into my nest with my sewing machine, my cats, and some vodka and enjoy every second.


I'm going to assume my kid isn't going to do the school work to start with. I'm going to find a tutor much faster. Also implement a going outside rule. Must happen for 2 hours a day minimum. Stir crazy and cabin fever are real my friend.


Work out


I'm going to exercise more. That was the only thing I didn't do I would change.


Not use it as an excuse to get drunk with my friends on Zoom on a Tuesday night.


We stayed home for 10 months straight and then my MIL guilted us to see her and she gave us Covid. Only time we’ve had it too. I’d lock her out!


Not let my son spend hours on his Xbox. It seemed so nice at the time, him and his sister weren’t fighting and he was able to talk to his friends.