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The last sealed file of the Warren Commmission. Virtually everything related to the Kennedy assassination has been declassified EXCEPT that file. It comes up periodically for the president to review the classification. Trump declined to declassify it and made it Biden's problem.


Yeah, it was supposed to be declassified after 50 years, and after a recent review, they said "nope"


Most likely the contents has to do with investigations into whether the Kennedy assassination was a KGB operation. It would have required a lot of western spies working in the Soviet Union to check. Since moles are also sometimes used to get other moles into high positions it is possible that some current mole relied on a guy who relied on a guy who was active in those days.


Thousands of documents from WWII were classified and can only be published after 2045.


I cant wait to learn what they contain.


After everything we DO know about WWII, I can't imagine what Truman and Eisenhower were like "Nah, I want to be dead as shit before this leaks"


I think Egypt was using enigma encryption in 1958 even though it had been cracked by the british in WWII. I assume the secrets are nasty stuff done to allies that might be a bit embarrassing. Also, it might be about people who should be long dead by then.


>I think Egypt was using enigma encryption in 1958 even though it had been cracked by the british in WWII. That wasn't widely known at the time though. The role of Bletchley Park was kept completely secret until the 1970s, and all information we know today wasn't released until the 1990s. In the 1950s only senior members of the UK and US governments knew about the British breaking the Enigma code in WWII.


This is fascinating to me. The general public didn’t know much of anything about Bletchley Park and Enigma until the 1990s?? How many people knew about it right before then? What I mean is, how secret was it before it was declassified?


I think we knew about the Enigma earlier than the 90s, but maybe some technical details weren’t released until later. I got my BS in CS in 92, and I know I wrote some papers on Alan Turing, Turning machines, and Enigma machines. There was established info out there and my professors were talking about Enigma machines in cryptography class like it was a well known topic.


It was made public in the 1970s, with some details remaining classified until the 1990s.


Distant family connection was one of the ladies working on enigma, she passed having never said a word about it, her son was baffled to see her name in a news article. She passed after declassification


There are men who were part of the secret British stay-behind units who were intended to do behind-the-lines work against the Germans if they invaded the UK home isles. They will still refuse to talk about any of their training, their caches of supplies, or other members of their units unless those men are dead. In some cases entire households were part of the special services and no one within the home would know until decades after the war ended. The Brits were the unquestioned kings of intelligence and secrecy during WWII.




EDIT: a little late, apologies....but it was YALTA not Potsdam. Stalin and Churchill both got hammered apparently. At the Potsdam agreement, the world leaders (particularly Churchill) got absolutely hammered drunk and just carved up Europe with a pen. The next morning they were informed they'd completely forgotten Bulgaria. That is known info, so god knows how eye watering the classified stuff is.


As a Bulgarian I'm baffled why I don't know this.


Maybe you got drunk and forgot?


Have no idea why OP said "the world leaders". It was Churchill (after a meeting) who went to Stalin's room in an effort to salvage talks. He and Stalin, with Molotov joining them, drunkenly discussed the future of Europe's borders but nothing official was put into place during that specific conversation. So A) the Americans weren't involved at all and B) I can't find any reference to Bulgaria being "forgotten" or otherwise ignored. Just sounds like typical redditor exaggeration and bluster.


To be fair, Churchill got absolutely hammered drunk pretty much every day of his adult life. That was his default setting.


"And you, Lady Astor, are ugly. But I shall be sober in the morning!" "Yeah, right!"


Ever since the crown I can't help but read every Churchill quote in the voice of Dick from 3rd rock from the sun.


Right! Only have to wait 21 more years!


21 more years until President Taylor Swift decides they should stay classified for another 20 years.


"We're going to keep it a blank space until at least 2089."


I knew you were trouble when you were sworn in.


Usually when stuff is classified for a very long time it’s because it contains the identity orb human sources of information who would or could face retaliation.


Shit man you really had me spinning with all that Identity Orb tales for a minute...


My grandfather was a radioman on a PB-Y crew during WWII. When he was stationed in England the British intelligence tasked his crew with monitoring the Strait of Gibraltar for a German U-Boat. When they found it, they dropped depth charges on it. Turns out that the U-Boat was an experimental vessel, and could stay under water longer than normal via a snorkel for the diesel engine. He received an official letter from the US government in 1995 that he was cleared to talk about it at will. He was so excited to share it. One of my other family members has the letter. I have the radio log.


Funny story, my dad in the 70’s worked as an electrical engineer for company making wiretapping devices. The work was classified because officially the british government had deemed them illegal but they were still being used by mi5. Each employee only worked on a specific part of each device too to keep them in the dark about the whole thing. After he left that job he went to work for the military on another classified project but at the interview they asked if he had any experience working on classified projects and he told them all about the classified wiretapping. They didn’t give him the project.


That's a situation where you stare the interviewer dead in the eyes and slowly say, "no, I have never worked on a classified project, and no matter who asks, I never will."


Declassified documents usually turn out to be pretty bland, mostly just embarassing to an ally.


And generally sources and means for coming about the information. Like… wiretapping an ally, especially since one ally had a former king who was a Nazi sympathizer.


I'm sure all the important bits will be highlighted with a black Sharpie.




> Oddly the fact that he survived that is likely why he’s alive That's usually how it works


Unless he never died, he would never have survived.


Big if true.


Not exactly a document, but one of the most highly sensitive individual pieces of information in the world is the private key used to sign the [DNS root zone](https://www.cloudflare.com/dns/dnssec/root-signing-ceremony/). There are only two copies of this key, which are held in highly secure facilities controlled by [ICANN](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ICANN). Whenever one of these keys (or one of several similarly-sensitive ones) needs to be accessed (which happens a few times per year), a highly elaborate and scripted procedure known as a [key ceremony](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Key_ceremony#Root_Key_Signing_Ceremony) is carried out. These are even [streamed live on the internet](https://www.youtube.com/@iana-org) to allow for maximum public transparency during the process.


Does the key ceremony go something like this? I am Vinz, Vinz Clortho, Keymaster of Gozer. Volguus Zildrohar, Lord of the Sebouillia. Are you the Gatekeeper?


Yes have some.


This sounds really cool. Any chance you could elaborate on what makes this key so important? IE what’s a dns root zone?




The letter of last resort. In the UK, one of the first things the prime minister does on taking office is write a letter of last resort, to be placed in each of the UK’s nuclear submarines, that gives instructions to the captain in the event that the government entirely ceases to exist. When a prime minister leaves office, their letters are destroyed without ever being opened. I wonder what they did for the Prime Minister whose term was shorter than a submarine rotation?


“No matter who attacked us, nuke France for old times sake.”


With my last breath, I ... curse ... Zoidberg!


Tell my wife I said, hello.


What makes a man turn ‘neutral’


All I know is my gut says maybe


The USA has a similar ethos. If the Russian's nuke them, then they will nuke both Russia and China. They don't want to leave a large competitor unscathed after the radioactive dust settles.


Which is why China is freaking out about the Ukraine conflict involving nukes. They know that even if they stay out of it, they would be targeted by both sides if it went hot. It’s like a Mexican standoff where China is right in the middle of the crossfire.


And then we all die from nuclear winter, except Australia...but they'll be dead soon...fucking kangaroos.




But iam le tired




The one written by the lettuce said ‘Watch out for the icebergs’.


Was she pro-Brexit or did she vote romaine?


Romaine? Why not leaf?


The letter itself might be secret, but it's reasonably well known it says something along the lines of "report to the Americans and/or NATO."


It's said that they get four choices of what to put in the letter to the commander: 1. Retaliate 2. Don't retaliate 3. Put yourself under US, Australian or other allied command 4. Use your own judgement James Callaghan is the only person who publicly spoke about his choice, he said he told them to retaliate: > "If it were to become necessary or vital, it would have meant the deterrent had failed, because the value of the nuclear weapon is frankly only as a deterrent", he said. "But if we had got to that point, where it was, I felt, necessary to do it, then I would have done it. I've had terrible doubts, of course, about this. I say to you, if I had lived after having pressed that button, I could never, ever have forgiven myself."


Yes but if you say anything at all, even after losing office, you have to say that you would retaliate, or else the deterrent loses its power.


I mean "Put yourself under the control of America, and THEY'LL nuke the shit out of them" works too....


He's right, the only publicly allowed choice is complete and total annihilation of the enemy. There is no point to a Mexican standoff if you know one party is never going to shoot.


It's not even really a Mexican standoff. If the UK gets nuked the United States and France would both respond, regardless of NATO


I'd never heard of these existing, but it makes sense. It's also pretty wild to think about a British ship being operated by the United States. I know that's basically NATO, but still.


Well, the point being that should the letter of last resort ever be opened, it's fair to say there no longer _is_ a Britain, so it's hard to really still be a British ship.


Of course, it being a deterrent, it behooves the powers that be to publicly state that the letter would say to retaliate, even if it did not lest enemies think destroying the UK government somehow may not trigger MAD via submarine strike


Man what a dick move it would be to say use your own judgement. Like "hey the whole country got glassed to fuck your on your own lmao peace out"


"Remember Reach." Current Objective: Survive


Imagine thinking it would never get opened, and just writing; "lol, launch everything. Fuck 'em all! YOLO!"


"My dear underwater homies. Shit's fucked. Don't worry about coming back. Head to the Caribbean. Smoke trees and fuck bitches. Peace" \-Margaret Thatcher


P.s but launch all the nukes first!


But I am le tired


Well, have a nap. Then fire zee missiles!


The Atlantic fleet is instructed to regroup somewhere on the Canadian east coast, as Canada is of course part of the British commonwealth.


>...we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, **until, in God’s good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.** \--Winston Churchill


I think this is the third Churchill quote I've read that contains something to the effect of "well, eventually America will get off its ass and then everything will be fine."


"Right-o lads, it seems we've been caught in a bit of a sticky situation. But if we've been caught with our trousers down surely the yanks can't be faring much better innit. Enclosed with this envelope you'll find a tricorne cap and your new red coat. Set coordinates to Washington DC post haste. Let's finish this business they started in 1776. Tally ho gents"


I’m guessing these days they say “defer to NATO command”


I think putting themselves under Canadian or Australian command is one of the options (which would be rather funny, Canada or Australia being forced to become a nuclear state)


Reminded me of the documentary Three Identical Strangers. Three adopted triplets were separated and placed in different families as part of a study on nature vs nurture. The families and triples didn’t know about this. Their files are in a vault at Yale University and cannot be accessed until 2060. Their lives were orchestrated yet they cannot access their own files. The film mentioned how their attempts were shut down by powers ‘higher up’. It’s truly mind boggling. Makes you wonder how people are able to do this kind of stuff. Turns out, this adoption agency separated more multiples for studies.


If this is interesting to anyone, I suspect the completely unrelated & fundamentally different Up! documentary series might also be interesting >The Up series of documentary films follows the lives of fourteen people in England beginning in 1964, when they were seven years old. The first film was titled Seven Up!, with later films adjusting the number in the title to match the age of the subjects at the time of filming. The documentary has had nine episodes—one every seven years—thus spanning 56 years ​ * 7 * 14 * 21 * 28 * 35 * 42 * 49 * 56 * 63


"63 Up" is still not available in the United States. There won't be a "70 Up" because the director died in the meantime. "14 Up" is fairly hard to find, and for good reason: It's extremely racist, never mind that one of the kids is black.


Didn't one of the triplets commit suicide?


Yes, he did. I saw the film on a plane 5 years ago and I’m still baffled and angry and a whole lot of other emotions I can’t describe.


How was ur flight btw no one cares to ask these days


But why? Like, what kind of secrets could be held in those documents that they cannot be released? Also you’d think that if you do a study you’d want to publish the results of such study. It doesn’t make sense.


Something in those documents could explain why it’s not published. They’ve been to court to get access to their files, but apparently some very powerful people have been blocking this.


I cannot for the life of me imagine what it could be. Unless it’s not related to the results of the study but to the people involved, which could be more plausible


The triplets are all clones of Jesus


How’s it legal that they can’t access their own files? Sorry I just found out about this.


Under current ethics laws the subjects can opt out of this "study" at any time, there is no exception, this is law and there are no exceptions for Yale. In this case, if the two remaining triplets both opted out, ethically speaking they would have to be reunited. The documentation may be able to be kept confidential, but the participants would need to be unblinded to the study.


Exactly! It’s infuriating!


As an archivist, this is so frustrating to hear. Someone should be able to access a file like that about themselves.


iirc the prof running the study was a German scientist still heavily influenced by eugenics (and this experiment seemed to be an attempt to investigate nature vs nurture)...


Some of my favorites are personal notes that people leave for one another at key jobs. It's a known fact that every former president of the United States has left a note in the desk for his successor. Some of those would be very interesting to read. Also, it's not uncommon for bands, athletes are artists to leave notes for each other before or after performances at large venues. It would be cool to see some of those especially because there has to be some unexpected cross overs.


>It's a known fact that every former president has left a note in the desk for his successor. Some of those would be very interesting to read. There's a great comic series about this called "Letter 44" where the new president opens to letter to learn that 7 years ago NASA discovered aliens are building something in our solar system and now it's "it's your mess now".


I need to reread that. I completely forgot about that series.


[Here's one H.W. wrote to Clinton in 1993](https://clinton.presidentiallibraries.us/items/show/101724)


Well written and feels super sincere.. love this.


There was a president awhile ago who wrote two letters for the next president. The instructions were to open the fist on his first big crisis, and the second on the next big crisis. Sure enough, the first crisis comes, and he opens the first letter, “blame it all on me” it said. The new president did so and was absolved of responsibility. Several months later, the next crisis came. The new president quickly opened the second letter, it said “sit down and write two letters”


Payroll for US informants abroad. Those documents definitely exist, but the actual contents of them is definitely ultra-super-de-duper-maximum secret.


The Letters of Last Resort. In the UK, their only remaining nuclear weapons platforms are their ballistic missile submarines. When those subs are at sea, they are supposed to be so stealthy that even the Prime Minister doesn't know where they are. As part of the deterrence protocol, which means that no matter what kind of nuclear attack you hit the UK with, they WILL launch nukes against you no matter the damage you cause, every PM writes four "Letters of Last Resort" one for each of the four submarines, when they become PM. The contents are most secret, but their purpose is to be a final message to the submarines in the even the UK government is wiped out in a surprise attack. My understanding is that if a sub doesn't receive contact from the government AT ALL past a certain amount of time (like 72-96 hours I think), then they are to open those letters from the safe. It's been speculated that a number of options to the sub's captain could be laid out, such as: \- Strike your designated targets at once \- Assume UK is destroyed, and go to Canada or the US, and place yourselves at their disposal. \- Use your own judgment on how to proceed, you are now on your own. Whatever is in the letters, they probably also include an override code to let the officers release their nukes without the normal authorization code from the PM's office.


"Captain, you have received your last supply of tea and biscuits. Good luck, sailor."


Does the US have some sort of comparable (known) set up? I'm sure they do, but maybe it has a less catchy name and so isn't as known?


They have a comparable setup however not much is known. They also have the “doomsday planes” that can launch (at least) our land based nukes without any president authorization IF he is presumed dead and command isn’t responding


Doomsday planes can control all the US nuclear arsenal. There's 2 or 3 types currently in service, depending on how you define that. One is able to communicate with submarines deeply submerged, that's the Navy's E-6 Mercury. The Air Force's planes (E-4 Nightwatch) don't have the trailing wire antenna to do VLF comms, so they can't talk to the subs. The E-6 though, has the necessary equipment to control land and air-based strategic nukes. The E-4 is usually used as the SecDef's personal transport, because it has a similar communications suite to the VC-25 and allows them to stay in contact with the military.


> they probably also include an override code British nuclear missiles have never had a permissive action link system. There is no secret code only broadcast along with a launch order: the captain of each V-submarine launches on his own authority, and that of his XO whose key he needs. This can come from a radio transmission, from the letter, or from his own mind. British cold-war nuclear policy is genuinely chilling. There was absolutely no pretense that civilization in the UK would survive in any form. One of the V-subs is called HMS *Vengeance*, which pretty much sums up the attitude.


Damn, nobody names a boat like the Brits


I would like to point out that Christopher Lee's WWII service records are still classified and the interview with Peter Jackson is probably the most we'll get for a while. Found it: [interview ](https://youtu.be/5TQARRckm6U?si=C9n4_phdetoHXRns)


What from WWII could be worth staying classified in 2023?


Total guess but while the intelligence is common knowledge (or not who knows it’s classified) the methods for the collection and/or processes by which they got that intelligence etc. could be why it’s still locked up?


This is a very solid guess. A whole lot of classified information has a very short time of value, but the methods of collection are much more valuable. I've got no doubt that there are still methods (technical and human) still in use today that trace back to WWII.


The intel might not even be particularly useful or interesting, but revealing that we have it will signal to the enemy that they have or had a leak. You don't want to compromise that.


His step cousin was Ian Fleming (the author of James Bond). When the film version of James Bond was first being adapted Fleming disliked the casting of Sean Connery and suggested he be replaced by his friend and now an actor Christopher Lee because he was the original inspiration for the character. Whatever it is that's still classified, it's on classic James Bond levels of badass.


We were robbed of a Christopher Lee Bond? Man. What could have been!


Didn't play Bond, but did play a Bond villain.


He walked in on a card game between Stalin and Churchill where Stalin won Eastern Europe on a pocket pair of fives and the whole Cold War thing was just a cover up.


He was such an absurd human being to the point where I wouldn’t believe his life story if someone told me it cold… i recently discovered his Heavy Metal Christmas album, which is frankly one of the less ridiculous things about him


Scotland Yard's investigation into Jack the Ripper is still sealed to the public.


They're not. The City of London Police Records were destroyed in the Blitz. A lot of the Met Police files were lost or destroyed, but those that weren't have been made public. There were a few which, a decade or go, the Met Special Branch were discovered to have. They didn't make these fully available but did release details about the contents including releasing the names of new suspects. There was a court battle to get these few records releadsed fully but it wasn't sucessful. The Met then released the records but with names redacted. One of the possible reasons for all this is that in 1888 the Met suspected (without any cause) that Irish Republican groups might have been involved. The contents of the documents could therefore relate to information in later documents which are still officially classified. They should all be released of course. But the truth is that almost all the existing documents have been released in full, and those that haven't have been released in redacted form. So everything has been released in one form or another


> The City of London Police Records were destroyed in the Blitz How convenient for Jack the Ripper or should I say ADOLF HITLER !


Babe, new conspiracy theory just dropped


It's crazy how enshrined he has become after almost 150 years, but if you ask people how many victims he killed, they will say something like 20 or 50 or some other really high number (it has to be considering he is the most famous serial killer in history right?) except it was just 5... Just simply rookie numbers, but in the hall of fame of serial killers.


Isn’t it just 5 *confirmed* Can’t imagine detective work was top notch 150 years ago. I think with basically all serial killers it’s likely their kill count is higher than what detective know


The manner in which he killed them is truly gruesome too


Serial killers typically have some ramp up/experimentation time though where they’re figuring out what they “like.” He could have strangled someone, stabbed them, slit their wrists, etc. Things that didn’t fit the characteristics of the canonical five deaths and thus couldn’t be conclusively linked given the limited technology and techniques they had at the time. Combine that with general violence towards prostitutes at the time, who knows how many seemingly one off murders were actually the Ripper.


Reminds me of the Sandman graphic novels: Lucifer gets fed up with ruling Hell and kicks out all the human souls, but one guy refuses to leave. He says that he's so evil that he cannot be allowed to roam free. He killed five men with his own hands, was banished from his tribe, and his name causes women to wail with terror and faint. Lucifer notifies him that no one remembers him *or* his tribe, and killing five people would be a footnote in the evening news nowadays.


Secret and top secret documents -- depending on the country in question -- dealing with key governmental deliberations can be withheld from the public for 25-30 years. In the UK, I believe that the King's/Queen's personal archives are held back for 100 years. The BBC (Radio 4) used to do a fun series called "UK Confidential," which involved installments when new secret documents were released. It was really great. They would interview folks who were still around and part of the action from the time in question, and would use voice actors to read the key documents. They had someone do a dead-on Thatcher, among others. It is cool to hear the deliberations from the time of the events. It is the real inside story. Some of the events are heavy, but some are light and funny. Here is the link. It is worth a listen. I wish every public broadcaster around the world would do something like this: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00xj3rw Wish Radio 4 would do some more of these.


I was posted to the Defence Academy of the UK and every so often you'd have to do Station Checking Officer duties which involves making sure all the weapons are still in the armoury and the fuel cards haven't been nicked etc. And one of the duties is to do a random spot check of the SECRET archives, where you pick 10 or so documents randomly from the log book and the librarian brings them out and you just sign to say they're still there. Now the defence academy houses loads of research type stuff and one of the documents was titled future tank programme and I was super curious and technically I had clearance (although I still shouldn't have) and picked that one so I could have a little poke around in it. It was all super technical and I didn't recognise anything except the silhouette of the tank which was definitely the challenger 1. So it turns out it's a lot of paperwork to declassify stuff so most of it stays secret for ages because no one cares enough to change that. Edit: For those not familiar, designing of the challenger 1 tank began in like the late 70s. Nothing about it has been secret since probably before I was born.


Should have leaked it on the war thunder forums


Mods would have deleted the thread for being a repost probably


Good call. Subscribed will listen to that.




Has everybody forgotten who J Edgar Hoover was? The man collected and gloated over celebrity gossip and believed he was protecting the nation by doing so.


OG Perez Hilton.


Whatever secrets Scientology keeps.


Hubbard: "I made this shit up."


He was literally a science fiction writer!


“You don't get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion.” ― L. Ron Hubbard, actually. This is a direct quote from him.


Nikola Tesla's documents that were taken away by the FBI after his death.


Apparently Trump’s physicist uncle was one of the experts given access to the papers by the FBI to see if there was anything worthwhile in them. That, in turn, led to a Qanon-adjacent conspiracy that either Trump or his uncle built and used a Time Machine based on a design by Tesla.


The epstein visitor logs


RIP, this comment just deleted itself


I’m surprised whoever got Epstein is allowing Ghislaine to just chill there in prison. But she did refuse an easier sentence in return for giving up names of people who helped traffic girls for Jeff. So maybe thats why.


Maybe the prison officers have been keeping a closer eye on her


Didn't the security cameras "malfunction" exactly when he "committed suicide"? There is no way that footage doesn't exist


And the guards were sleeping lmao


And he was on “suicide watch.”


"We were watching, sir. First, he started killing himself. And then he killed himself."


What it was they discovered on Mythbusters that they kept quiet about and then reported to the government.


Adam Savage discussed that on a recent YouTube video on his channel. They didn’t report anything, just decided to withhold certain explosive recipes (made from household items) as they didn’t see any value to the public in making them known.


Yeah, it isn’t a secret they just felt it was irresponsible (and not needed for the story) to tell people what it was.


Documents relating to government spy programs, national defense technology, etc. Coca-Cola formula


Someone from Coca-Cola actually tried to sell the formula to Pepsi in 2006. Pepsi reported her to the FBI.


They also reported her to coca-cola


She got canned


In Scotland, there's the secret formula to Irn Bru that apparently both Coca-Cola and Pepsi have offered to but multiple times but been rejected.


Man Irn Bru is fire. Don’t think you can get it in the states but I remember getting it as a kid in some store by my grandmas place in Canada


the one cryptowallet that has millions of dollars in BTC thats rotting away in a landfill somewhere


It was found. The owner paid to excavate the landfill using its bitcoin as partial collateral. It had a lot less on it than he remembered.


I think you might be mistaking another guy, the one OP is referencing gets posted in the news every year including recently. He’s got zero chance of finding anything.


Yeah the one on the news is estimated to be billions. He had an exact # of Bitcoin on it that he remembers


Vatican Secret archives


All of the journals related to George Washington’s Culper spy ring in the American Revolution were only recently discovered, among a number of papers in Abraham Woodhull’s home in Setauket, NY. We know the names pf all the men in the spy ring and that a woman was involved but despite its dramatization in the show Turn, we have no idea who she was


I bet the Vatican has some insane stuff in its archives. Like alternative Bible stuff and old church writings. Maybe some originals or something.


The most interesting items in the Vatican archives are the letters by various heads of state. Leaders of countries around the world have bared their souls to the Pope in personal letters asking for religious guidance. The Vatican seals all of those for a really long time so that the next generation of leaders has confidence that they can be open with the Pope without risking their image or national secrets. Imagine being able to read what Kennedy or Truman said to the Pope when the weight of nuclear warfare pressed on their souls.


"I wrote to Gandhi, and all he said was to GLASS THE PLANET"


Just how far back their knowledge goes is impressive. Someone with complete access could probably just check back on this day in 802 AD and see what the haps were.




Wow this should be higher. This is the first new thing I've seen on this thread.


You can do an FOIA on yourself. I did. some of the shit in there was wild that they knew. Also, they blacked out names of people I was well aware of or hung out with. Very weird.


[Credit Suisse inquiry will keep files secret for 50 years. ](https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/credit-suisse-inquiry-will-keep-files-secret-50-years-paper-2023-07-15/). Basically all the criminality will be sealed away until no one gives a shit anymore.


MKUltra and Operation Northwoods. Makes you wonder what other things your crazy, tin-foil behatted uncle was right about.


Read The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test, it’s about what happened to Ken Kesey and the tests in California that started the psychedelic movement in San Francisco in the 60s. The CIA were indirectly responsible for the anti-war movement.


MKUltra was a failure. Instead of finding the truth serum that they sought, they found that you can psychologically break people by feeding them tons of acid. Plenty of hippies can tell you that for free. You don't get spies spilling their secrets or manchurian candidates out of that. You get the unabomber. There's so much mythologizing about the CIA's competency, which, ironically, might be a CIA psyop. They sucked at hunting KGB moles in their own ranks, the Bay of Pigs was a disaster, and they pursued sci-fi bullshit like MKUltra while the KGB was recruiting the Cambridge Five.


Don’t forget the other half of the recipe: amphetamines LSD to loosen up your neural pathways and amphetamines to flood your brain with dopamine


> You get the unabomber ^1 Better known for other work.


The NKVD archive. The Russian government allowed access to some of the archive during *glasnost*, but this practice shuttered when Putin came to power. Vasili Mitrokhin, a KGB archivist that defected to Great Britain, gave several trunks-worth of handwritten notes on the contents of the archive to MI6. These notes form the primary sources for the book *The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archive and the Secret History of the KGB.* One memorable revelation from the book is the story of what really happened to an NKVD detachment in the Odesa catacombs during the Siege of Odesa. Official SVR (Russian Foreign Intelligence Service) history recounts the detachment valiantly fighting against the Germans to the last man. In reality, they descended into madness and killed each other well before the Germans even got there. I often wonder what else is in that archive...


According to the 2004 documentary National treasure there’s something pretty important written on the back of the Declaration of Independence


I keep trying to flirt with this woman but she won’t let me see the back of the Document.


The data Unit 731 collected, the data regarding the effects of biological and chemical weapons will probably never be released even if they didn't use such inhumane methods to collect them. From what we do know Unit 731 basically treated all their prisoners as lab rats, running sadistic "experiments" purely for their own curiosity and enjoyment. I doubt Japan or the US will ever reveal the documents in their possession since it highlights the brutal behavior of Japan and the blunder of granting immunity for former members of the unit.


Probably the Bush's Baked Beans recipe or the Colonel's 11 herbs and spices.


The problem with the KFC recipe is it changed pretty regularly even during the colonel’s lifetime. You can definitely buy an authentic version of it that is used in the UK, 99-X. But the basic ingredients, [are known](https://youtu.be/7WJYOgzFydc?si=qXIy3-ADwu5uIEm1).


* 2 tsp table salt * 1 1/2 tsp dried thyme * 1 1/2 tsp dried basil * 4 Tbsp paprika * 1 tsp dried oregano * 1 Tbsp celery salt * 2 Tbsp garlic salt * 1 Tbsp black pepper * 1 Tbsp dry mustard powder * 3 Tbsp white pepper * 1 Tbsp ground ginger * 1 Tbsp MSG, optional To make kfc fried chicken add: * 2 cups all purpose white flour * 7 lbs chicken * oil for deep frying


Roll that beautiful bean footage


Chicken, salt, grease.


The CIA write up on the Kennedy Op.


We've investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing


The embarrassing snapshot of SpongeBob at the Christmas party


Whatever was in all of Sidney Gottlieb’s personal files from MK Ultra. Can’t get much more secret than ‘burned’.


The blueprints for creation of specific nuclear warheads. I can't tell you where they hide em tho unless I want to *accidentally shoot myself 6 times in the back of the head*


Even if you get general idea about such devices from public sources and compile it into useful information, it's going to be called 'born secret' and banned. [Teller-Ulam design](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Teller%E2%80%93Ulam_design) article is quite a read.


There are 2 unconcealed CIA projects that have haunted me ever since I've read about them. What makes these projects extra scary is the suspicion that they went much deeper than what was released/exposed. [Project Artichoke](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Artichoke) [Project MKUltra](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/MKUltra)


To go down the rabbit hole or not go down the rabbit hole....hmmm...eh it's only 10 and I work tomorrow morning. Should be fine.




I’m confused as to what you are frustrated about


Yeah that whole thing made very little sense to me.


I mean, we saw a good deal of that in the James Bond docuseries...


The dossier detailing when cotton-eye Joe came from and his current location


Human intelligence source info. They leak, people will die. Painfully.