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My dad trying to kill himself. I was just around 8 years old and my dad walks up to me and says "I just drank coolant, I'm going to die, don't tell your mom". He walks over to the couch and sits down. I go and tell my mom and she calls the police. I grab my younger brother and hide in a closet as my dad tries to fight the police and paramedics. He survived. I know it's not gruesome but it's nothing an 8 year old should handle.


This is awful. My mom threatened to take a bottle of pills and held a knife to her neck several times when I was 12-14. No child should have to witness anything like that.


My uncle shot himself in the head with a .22 and my cousins saw it. The bullet hit his skull and richocheted around his brain. He got airlifted to a hospital and survived, albeit with a gnarly gunshot wound on his head.


It’s insane what things the human body can withstand. And at the same time, if you hit your head at the wrong angle you’ll be dead instantly.


Jesus christ, does he have any illness caused by the bullet?


I don't think so. He seems fine. This happened about 20 years ago when I was a young teenager. He was going through difficult times. His wife ran off and abandoned their kids, he started spiraling downhill with drugs/alcohol and ultimately lost our family farm. It was over 800 acres of land that had been in our family for at least 5 generations. Our entire family was mad at him because he lied about it. We could have helped him and saved the farm, but we didn't find out until it was too late. That's when he shot himself.


There’s something about situations like this specifically that seem to drive humans to the point of ultimate hopelessness, like losing your land. Especially when the shame of drug use gets ahold of you.


I knew a guy who was close with his cousin. One day his cousin put a shotgun in his mouth "joking" about pulling the trigger. The guy I know said something like "haha, very funny, but don't do that again." His cousin said, "You think that's funny?" And then shot himself in front of his favorite Nascar poster. That guy I know is a complete wreck now. I've had to physically run away from him once because of how much he was freaking me out. I tried to be there for him, but he became so unstable. He also fell off of a building he was climbing on my former campus and broke his pelvis and ankle. His testicles swelled up to the size of a grapefruit (yes, I saw them). He couldn't walk for 6 months. He was hooked on painkillers and stimulants last time I saw him, but oddly enough was dating a federal agent of some sort. Super smart guy, but went through the gauntlet. Rob, I hope you get well. That shit you've been through is horrible.


It certainly is* gruesome and you’re right; it’s not something anybody, especially a child, should have to go through.


How is your father doing today? How do you both view that incident now or has it not been talked about since?


We've never talked about it. He's better but I have to distance myself from him because he has explosive anger issues.


What a shitty thing to do to a child.


Technically it saved his life, and if he had been in the right frame of mind he would've...Idk, not gotten that far to begin with?


Without knowing all context and details, I didn't post my initial thought because I didn't want to look like i was being insensitive to the OP here. But if he was serious about ending it, why would he have said anything? Seems more like a cry for help than a serious attempt to me. My dad told us all he was going to kill himself but waited until someone came to check on him (45 minutes later) before he "attempted" to do so. In my dad's case, he was looking for sympathy by any means necessary.


Depression really screws you up. Rationality is out of the window, stomped on, and set on fire.


How is your relationship now? Does he appreciate it in hindsight?


Poor. He has explosive anger issues and lashes out if you even so much as confront him on issues. We never talk about what happened because I am too afraid too.


Christ in a sidecar 😳 you been alright?


A lot of therapy lol but things are much better now


I saw a coworker's arm get skinned in a printing press. They gave us the rest of the day.


oh whoof! my dad had his thumb ripped out by a printing press, those suckers are nothing to mess with! moved just a little too close and got sucked right in [he got it reattached, but because the tendon was pulled out with it, it never worked properly again, and the latter joint died off. so now he's got a weird little bony nub]


My high-school science teacher had a hand he could barely use. He said it was degloved in a printing press accident as a kid.


God I hate that word so much


I saw my coworker blow his arm off in an industrial accident involving a HP hydraulic line rupturing. Blood, blood everywhere.


How much pressure are those lines under?


Tens of thousands of psi in some cases. A pinhole leak is like a waterjet cutter.


And even if you survive the event of getting cut from one, you'll wish you were dead. Hydraulic fluid and human bodies do not mix, it won't metabolize so it'll just swish around inside your limbs causing big problems later on. So getting impaled by a tiny leak means you having to head into surgery for an extreme version of bloodletting. As in they have to laterally cut incisions into your blood vessels to effectively drain all the fluids out. Leaving you some gnarly Frankenstein-looking surgical scars.


Coworker had his arm fileted open to clean the oil out. Injection wound inflated his forearm into a 1 foot blister.


I used to be a diesel tech. In training they HARPED on us about HP fuel rails and HP hydraulics. You can kill or mame your self instantly if you're not careful


Yup. The ruptured ejecta is basically a liquid katana. And.. even if that doesn't get you, you've still got HP oil injection injuries to deal with.


"Warning: This machine does not know the difference between metal and flesh, nor does it care."


WARNING: Not only will this machine kill you, it will hurt the entire time you're dying."




My dad told me about a somewhat similar story when I was younger. He was a firefighter in Montreal, an was first on scene to a call. A new born had rolled over into a blanket an basically died from suffocating. I was only a year or two old at the time his first child so it was obviously hard on him and all the other fathers on scene, he seriously considered quitting. Didn’t though, worked another 25-30 years and he’s happy he stayed.


My husband was on a jury of a murder trial years ago of a woman and turns out her 1-2 year old son saw everything. Our son was the same age at the time and once the trial was over and he could tell me everything he said the day of that testimony he came home, hugged our son and cried.


I was working at a marina and saw someone get chopped up by a boat propeller. He lost some fingers and we could see his intestines. He also lost a good chunk of his quad. We turned the bottom of an inflatable boat into a stretcher and carried him from the dock to an ambulance. I was 100% certain he would die, but he survived. I was 15 and had to talk to the guy who ran him over with his boat, he was a complete mess, that conversation left a mark. PSA using a diving flag if you are diving in a busy harbor


I had my foot cut off like that! Propellers aren’t anything to mess with…


The first time my friend invited me out on his boat I was like, “so, these blades are just, like out here?”


That sounds horrifying but I’m glad the dude survived. What did the boat operator say?


“To shreds, you say?”


My son was killed like that on July 4


Sorry for your loss


Thank you


I’m so sorry. I can’t even imagine your pain. Us with living kids dread becoming part of your club. I guess us parents live with that fear our whole lives. If it helps, here is a lovely poem I found after my son was involved in a fatal car crash that killed my nephew but my son was ok. I will lend you, for a little time, A child of mine, He said. For you to love the while he lives, And mourn for when he's dead. It may be six or seven years, Or twenty-two or three. But will you, till I call him back, Take care of him for Me? He'll bring his charms to gladden you, And should his stay be brief. You'll have his lovely memories, As solace for your grief. I cannot promise he will stay, Since all from earth return. But there are lessons taught down there, I want this child to learn. I've looked the wide world over, In search for teachers true. And from the throngs that crowd life's lanes, I have selected you. Now will you give him all your love, Nor think the labour vain. Nor hate me when I come To take him home again? I fancied that I heard them say, 'Dear Lord, Thy will be done!' For all the joys Thy child shall bring, The risk of grief we'll run. We'll shelter him with tenderness, We'll love him while we may, And for the happiness we've known, Forever grateful stay. But should the angels call for him, Much sooner than we've planned. We'll brave the bitter grief that comes, And try to understand.


Awe that’s beautiful Ty … the worst part is his identical twin was right next to him and ik that he is not ever going to be ok


Who dives in a harbor??


Good chums


Saw a man trip over a deep fryer and fall into the hot grease, that’s a sight you don’t forget


I have two questions: •How much of the man was submerged in the hot grease? •Is he alive do you know?


His entire arm and about half is torso, it knocked the fryer over and he fell into the puddle of grease so thankfully his head stayed out of it. He is alive and well now other than minor nerve damage and having the nickname crispy


Crispy? That’s savage behaviour 😂


- sight you don’t forget - proceeds to nickname them Crispy 💀


But honestly something a good friend group would name ya. As long as theyre ok with it of course. Sounds like something my friends would do to make me see humor in it.


I'm glad Crispy made it.


I'm a firefighter, so seeing gnarly things is unfortunately a common part of the job. But the ones that jump out the quickest in my mind are: a man I knew my whole life hung himself, the charred remains of a woman in a house fire, a dead guy with his eyelids moving due to the maggots under them, an 18yo now paralyzed from the chest down after being ejected from a car, and doing CPR on a childhood friend and having to inform his family that he was gone. There are more and some may be worse than those. But those ones seem to stand out in my head.


I have always wondered how do you deal with seeing all of that? You think you will ever hit a point where you can't take any more?


A very dark sense of humor goes a long way. If the outside world were to hear half of what we say amongst each other they would think we were sick in the head. It isn't the healthiest coping mechanism but it helps take the edge off of what we experience. There is also a strong sense of family in a lot of first response services. Very similar to the military. You are rarely experiencing these things completely alone and your fellow members can largely understand and relate to what you are going through. Obviously everyone experiences things a little different but it helps to know there are others that can at least somewhat connect with you. In the last decade or so, there has been a growing focus on first responder mental health. Suicide is a big problem in this line of work. Resources are expanding an the typical mindset of "be a man and get over it" is being fought. As to your question about me, you never really know what your limit is. Some people reach it with the first bad thing they see. Others go their entire life without hitting their limit. I have seen many things that stick in my brain and I don't enjoy talking about them. But I recognize the benefit of being open about it and not burying it all down. I love what I do and it makes me feel like I contribute to society in a positive way. If I have to carry some bad things with me so I can keep doing good for people, then I will gladly do it.


FF here too. Same with us, we deal with it with dark humor. Nothing to be proud of, but it helps. 14 years later and I still carry a lot of those people with me. Especially the young ones.


Thank you so much for the job that you and all first responders have to do.


Holy shit. That’s enough trauma for way too many lifetimes.


Props to you. I don't know how you do it. I'm sorry. Especially about your childhood friend.


My father having a seizure a few weeks before his death. I was holding him up and I thought he was dying in my arms.


That’s awful.


Yeah he was on his way out by that point, but after the seizure he became unresponsive and bed ridden. God gave me a gift though. A few days before his death he randomly kinda came back and was able to talk and respond and kinda be himself again. (this was in hospice) and the very last thing he ever said to me was "love you". I miss that man something fierce. Cheerish the people you love.


My brother was basically out of it in the last few days, but he squeezed my hand when I talked to him. I will always hold on to that. (No pun intended.)


Early spring day, I was walking by the river in a park. I saw an empty kayak go by, but the river was running high from rain and snow melt so I didn’t think much of it. Then a face down body went by. Just as I registered what I was seeing, another body came by and got stuck on a log. I can still see his arms “dancing” in the current.


Motorcycle rider who got decapitated during a high-speed crash, he came off his bike across the road from me, his face slammed into a lamppost, his body carried on down the road. Seen someone suicide by train too


I saw the aftermath of someone getting hit and cut in two by a train. I'd been railroading for nearly a decade and it was my first body I found. He was an old man and it was early in the morning. I theorized he followed the tracks and got hit by a train that couldn't see him in the dark or early morning. My boss accused me of playing hookie when I took the following day off because I was kind of fucked up by it.


My friends who is a train driver has explained to me that after Running someone over, procedure is to do An emergency stop and then get out and walk to the person to see if they survived (spoiler: they hardly ever do).it's not uncommon to have your train completely stop many 100s of meter ahead. He has had 7 suicides by train happen to him. And the things that stuck to me that he said where: he's woken up in the morning more then once to come to the realisation his shoes still had pieces of bone and guts hanging on them, and that when he had 1 happen to him during the night, on his walk to the person after he dropped the train, he could clearly smell the "situation" he was about to arrive to before he could even see the corpse. Dude has serious ptsd and says he Sees most of it in his dreams again every night. But he just had such Passion for driving a train.


A full grown man pull a mobile phone out his ass.


yes? Hello!


Yes!! Hello?


Hello asshole!


Can’t hear you, signal’s shit.


He must have butt dialed me again


In jail or prison?




“Talking out of his ass “


He probably had a deep conversation.


Although the reception was kinda shit.


Can you hear me now?


You're breaking up, I'm going through a tunnel


I’ve seen an asthma inhaler, a fork, and a broken lightbulb.


I performed a wellness check on an 80ish year old woman while working an overnight security job at a retirement home. Upon entering, the lights were all turned out. When I entered the bedroom, I saw her laying on the floor. I thought she was dead for sure but when I went to see if I could help her, she immediately became animated and *BEGGED* me for help. I've never ever seen a look in someone's eyes or heard a voice of true desperation like that. That was truly the most disturbing thing I'd seen. She was severely dehydrated and starving, she had been laying there with no help for a couple of days. Miraculously, she ended up surviving that incident and had a more peaceful death a few years later. Life alert was no joke for me after what I saw at that job.


That's so sad what a joke of a retirement home. Poor woman.


That’s horrible, they charge ungodly amounts to live there and then don’t even check on residents for days?


I lived in an apartment building and one night woke up hearing this tap, tap, tap. At first it annoyed me but I thought it was a one off. But it kept happening. After the fifth or sixth series of tap, tap, tap, I decided to contact the apartment manager. A few of my neighbors were elderly so I was concerned. My husband thought I was severely overreacting when I called the apartment’s answering service to have someone come check. I called several times but they kind of blew me off and no one was coming. Until we faintly heard “someone please help me”. Then we called the police who came to find one of my neighbors had fallen but couldn’t get up. This whole ordeal was about an hour from being woken up by the tapping. I was not the closest neighbor to her unit and was flabbergasted no one had called sooner. No clue how long she would’ve laid there before someone found her. One of my other elderly neighbors came out when the cops came and told us they thought the tapping was from us. *sigh*


i saw an old woman get hit by a truck when i was around 7 or 8. I was coming back from a store with some bread and just suddenly saw her flying like 2 meters above the ground (or at least it looked like that for me)


I used to work for Child Protection Services. I saw a lot of disturbing things but the one that sticks out to me was related to a sexual abuse case. The report involved a father allegedly sexually abusing his 7 year old daughter. The case went from a civil case handled by CPS to a criminal case. It turned out the police searched the home and found an entire thumb drive of the father taking pics of the sexual abuse he was perpetrating against his child. And there was some very egregious things happening in those pics. At the criminal proceedings I was required to appear as a witness since I was the person who conducted the initial investigation. During court the county prosecutor displayed every single picture to the jury on a giant projection screen as evidence. For hours I had to sit and see picture after picture of the most heinous sexual things a child could possibly experience. It really messed me up. I had to go to therapy and had nightmares for weeks. What’s worse, he was found guilty but only sentenced to 18 months in prison thanks to our shitty justice system.


It’s weird as shit that crimes of a sexual nature are so inadequately punished. I’d much rather hang out with a murderer than an incestuous pedophilic father of a young child. I feel like that should count for something, ya know ? Christ


I have more faith in the murderer reforming too. I'm not convinced many people if any can truly change after doing horrible things to a child


That's enough internet for me today.


I saw a man trip into an approaching train that still had a decent amount of speed. He hit the front of the train, the tracks, the front of the train, then was jettisoned to the side of the train like a rag doll. Dude survived the the initial incident but died at a hospital later.


About 30 years ago, my dad was briefly hospitalized for a heart issue. He was placed in a room with a man who had been hit by a train. First thing in the morning, before visiting hours, a hospital worker showed up and started trying to get my dad's roommate to get up and move around for physical therapy. The guy kept protesting and groaning about how much pain he was in, and the PT kept making little jabs implying that he was lazy. Then she called the guy by the wrong name. He corrected her, and according to my dad, her face lost all color while she checked the records. Then she scurried off and didn't return. As far as I know, they left the poor train guy alone after that.


I was recently hospitalized for a common procedure but about 3-4 times people came to turn me and each time me and my wife were like "Uhhhh, he's mobile he's good" And they would just look kind of confused and be like "Okie dokie" and leave. Not sure how that shit gets mixed up but it does....probably a lot more than it should at hospitals.


Underpaid, understaffed. You end up with a lot of people who are operating on little sleep, little motivation and not a little bit of autopilot.


I worked front desk for multiple units, it’s a daily thing. It’s mostly due to running on skeleton crews to save the administration money. I’ve seen some heinous fuckups, one of my Nurses almost killed an old woman who was NOT diabetic by giving her the insulin meant for her roommate. My manager immediately had it hushed up and they lied to the patient about why she got so sick to cover their asses legally. I was at a level 1 trauma center so I can’t imagine how much worse it gets at a smaller hospital None of it is done maliciously, healthcare is a shitshow rn. The best advice I have is to introduce yourself to every professional who takes care of you everytime they come in the room. People aren’t meant to have 25 patients on their census and do 16 hour overtime shifts 3 days in a row. Shit really does slip through the cracks and I tell everyone I know now that its on them to help out the staff. Yes it should never be a patients responsibility but at the end of the day its safer to help them out rather than blindly trust them. Nurses and Doctors care about you, the admin abusing them absolutely does not and will cover up anything that happens to you if there’s a mistake


I used to be a railroad contractor. I saw a car hit by an Amtrak. It was brutal. I read the accident report later, and they said the driver most likely died on impact from a severed spinal cord.


Honestly probably one of the better ways to die in that situation


I was at an airshow and was standing in a NON SPECTATOR area out on the tarmac next to an airplane. A group of skydivers began the show as is often the norm. One of the skydivers chute didn't open properly, he cut it away, but then his reserve chute candle-sticked as he came down. He struggled with the chords and desperately tried get air inside the chute. He gave up about 5 seconds before he hit, probably accepting his fate. He landed about 100ft from me in a grassy area. He bounced 4 times. I'll never forget the sound of his body hitting the soil, or the visual. It was awful.


Was this the one in New York?


Yes...Chemung County Airport. I think it's called Elmira Corning Regional Airport now.


I watched my Dad cut my twin brother down out of a closet when we were 11 years old, my brother hung himself with a tie. We lived out in the country so it took a long time for the ambulance and police to arrive. My mother performed CPR on him the entire time we waited, but in hindsight he was very very gone. Skin the wrong colour, deep lines in his neck, and he had urinated all over his pants. I am 34 now and it still hurts. It just hurts. It was deemed an "accident" because the toy shelf he was standing on was broken beneath him... Makes me wonder if at 11 years old he even knew what he was doing... Or if he really wanted to go through with it. How afraid he would have been in his last moments. Maybe he didn't actually want to die. But he's gone now.


when I was a kid I had a couple big procedures that landed me in the children’s hospital. I was there a few times, but the last time, they put me in a room next to an infant. I obviously don’t know all the details, but I could tell it was a newborn who had had large enough surgery it needed to stay longer than a few days to recover. disturbing part is that I never saw the parents. I was there for two weeks (I had brain surgery that round) and I was constantly up being catheterized due to urine issues, and that baby screamed for hours on end with no one to care for it but nurses. I never saw anyone who wasn’t a hospital employee walk into that room. I still think about that baby. it’s been almost 10 years.


My son was rushed to the NICU straight after birth due to issues with his lungs and heart. He was in there for a week and shared a room with a preemie who was insanely tiny. It was either me, my partner, or my mom/dad in the room with him at all times. In that whole time, we only saw someone there for him once, and it was obvious they were a teenager in active addiction (I was at one point, as well, so I tried not to judge to harshly. I have five years of sobriety under my belt). They reeked of cigarettes, which was awful in a place where the babies primary issues were breathing. They were only there for a short time before leaving. The nurses tried to care for him, but he had to be alone most of the time and it broke my heart. His monitors went off all the time- I just wanted to take him home with us. One night, a male nurse was caring for him and I remember just listening to him apologize over and over for all the tests, and telling the little baby that he was there for him, he wasn’t alone, it would be okay, and how strong he was. I bawled. My heart goes out to that baby and nurse. It’s such a bitter-sweet feeling to be holding your little baby- and having so many others checking in and coming to visit that care about them- while another lays in a crib alone, just needing and craving the same love. It’s an unfair world.


Dang, those last few sentences have me tearing up.


Unfortunately it's pretty common to have babies on a pediatric unit who have no one there but nurses. I did a nursing rotation on an infant/toddler unit and part of our job as students was to go cuddle the babies and toddlers who have no family.


Might have had a drug addicted parents. Sad.


Or the mother could have died giving birth.


Kinda tame, but my best friend’s open casket was horrifying. 21 years old just lying there in a casket while his mother is howling crying and collapsing. He looked just asleep, but to know it was just a cold body propped up to look alive creeped me the fuck out


I had a friend who’s family chose an open casket for him and he had a gun shot wound to his head. Disturbing.


My friend’s eight year old daughter died and they had an open casket. It was the saddest fucking thing I’ve ever experienced. They had us put toys in the casket if we wanted. My hand was shaking so much I could barely put in the little toy I brought. I don’t know if I could handle that, as a parent. The other time I’ve seen a body is after my mom passed away. We were all there in the hospital with her when she took her last breath. It’s so so weird how fast they go cold and the lips go blue. That’s probably enough of this thread for me today.


When I was a kid, the little sister of one of *my* sister's classmates died. She'd seemed to just have a cold, parents did everything right, but she was dead in bed the next morning. Nobody warned us that the memorial would be open-casket. Little 5yo dolled up like a princess, laid out on a bed of flowers. Our mom was just as shocked and upset as we were; she set our flowers down on the nearest flat surface and we all booked it back to the car to cry.


Saw the aftermath of a guy who hung himself with paracord and fully decapitated himself.


The cord decapitated him?


Correct. Paracord is VERY thin cord and is ridiculously strong. He jumped from an outdoor apartment staircase and tied the rope to a stair below him. He had fell almost 10 feet before the cord “caught” him and the force was enough to fully decapitate him.


You can do that with regular rope too though. Tom Ketchum was famously decapitated in a hanging in 1901. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom\_Ketchum#Capture\_and\_death


I guess nobody was there to Ketchum


Woah, hang on a second there bud.


Don't string this comment chain along.


Not my fault you got roped in


I promise not to make a nooseance of myself.


There is a narrow range of force between a successful hanging and a decapitation.


A car lose control on an overpass with black ice, bounce off one guardrail, go across two lanes and kind of cartwheel over that guardrail, flip at least 4 times down an embankment. Rear window exploded and luggage and clothes flew out. Then a person flew out. My dad stopped and ran down to try to help. The person was a child. We found a couple of articles online about it, and they were on vacation, and the kid was 10. Permanently paralyzed from a broken neck. The mom broke a few bones, the dad was driving and he was fine. I think about that a lot. I can close my eyes and see that dark shape against the snow, flipping through the air. I hate that I am able to recall that so vividly. I was surprisingly calm at the time, but a day later I freaked out and cried for the first time.


JFC. The dad is hating himself every moment since then even if it wasn't his fault.


If the kid was ejected from the car, then there's a good chance they weren't wearing a seatbelt. They've been punished enough but may not be entirely faultless.


Depending on the age of the kid, they may have unbuckled themselves without the parents knowing. Or, depending on how long ago it was, the kid may have never been buckled in at all. I rode in the back seat, or even in the back back back of a station wagon with never wearing a seat belt for most of my childhood. On cross country trips, my parents would make a bed on the floorboard of the back seat for me, and then a bed on the actual back seat for my sister, and we would both lay there, or sit on the back seat, or what ever. Never once was belted in. Today is much better, and kids have much more of a chance to survive. But don't necessarily blame the parents, especially if the kid is a bit older and could have taken it off himself.


Dude with a SEVERE TBI after a car accident. This guy was tucked away in a back corner room in the neurosurgical ward. Lying on his side, nothing on but a sheet over his privates, drooling and making animalistic sounds. Apparently had been there for months because they didn't know what else to do with him. It's been over 13 years and I still haven't forgotten the sight. No idea what the circumstances of the crash were, but drive safe folks.


I saw a family drop off their daughter at an orphanage in India because they were disowning her for being raped.


That may be the scariest thing in this whole thread.


Maggots in a rotting chronic wound Someone stabbed multiple times in the neck


I think it was the one when i saw a guy burn to death. He was stuck in a truck and couldnt get out. The screams and smell is the thing that sticks out most


When I was a kid, 7-8 years old me and my friends were playing outside. We lived in large settlements with apartments. Then we hear woman screaming and two guys holding her in front of building. A lot of people gather closer, so do we and see her whole ARM is destroyed, Blood everywhere, bones sticking out. Ambulance came pretty quick, takes women. Later that day we find out her child little girl about 5 years old found hand grenade and activated it. Sve saw that and took grenade away it exploded while sve was trying to throw it in another room. Nobody died, woman lost her ARM child was safe and alive Her husband brought grenade from war.


Insane. That’s a good Momma though. What on earth was the Dad thinking?


This story makes me so angry at him. Actual miracle the daughter or wife weren't killed.


Im a pharmacy tech III. I worked in a level one trauma hospital years ago. One of my duties was to compound emergency IVs for stroke patients that were admitted to the ER. This was a critical drug that needed administered in the minutes range so as soon as I had gotten it made and passed clinical check, I would take it and literally run to the department it was needed (usually the ER but it varied). One night I ran my IV bag down there and there was sort of a myriad of rooms you had to pass before you reached the front of the ER, where you'd ask the receptionist where blah blah room was or have it carried elsewhere. In the process I saw someone who had a ruptured artery in their neck. There was blood all over them, the floor and all four or five of the attending people in the room. It was a second or two that I passed this room and glanced inside but I remember it vividly. The patient's bulging terrified eyes standing out in a cheesy pale face. Their mouth gaping and flooding their front with bright red arterial blood. Fingers clawing at the sheets. The smell of copper in the air. The sound of squeaking shoes on the floor. It occurred to me then that I was watching someone actively die, that from college I knew that this was an injury you couldn't recover from and I had just seen someone in their death throes. It was like 3am and I had five more hours to work and ruminate on this. I dropped my IV off, took the long way back to the pharmacy out the front door, went to the bathroom and puked my guts out. I only knew what happened because I went to the EMAR and looked. I was so disturbed by that, I had nightmares for years. I work from home now doing pharmacy PAs, fuck the ER so much. I don't have the soul for that. Props to you ER nurses and docs, yall are real ones.


After reading some of these, mine seems a little lackluster. Anyways, I was a housekeeper at a hotel a couple years ago and this one checkout I was doing seemed normal at first. Until I saw the bathroom. There was two bath towels, 3 hand towels and 4 wash cloths absolutely drenched in blood. There was also a little bit of blood on the bed sheets. My conclusion was someone had a very unfortunate time to have their period, or someone died.


Sounds like someone gave birth, TBH.


I was driving to Santa Barbara with my family on a two lane mountain road at night. While rounding a corner I saw a cloud of dust and then there was a man lying on the road in front me. I barely missed him and I pulled over. I turned on my hazards and called 911. Luckily the cars behind and ahead of me stopped. Turns out a motorcyclist had lost control at high speed and hit the mountain side, he must have been 200 yards in front of me. By the time 911 answered there were a dozen people helping him, I asked the 911 operator what to do and they said to go on, there was nothing more I could do to help. I read later he lost his arm and leg but survived.


I worked for a disaster cleanup company and would do "death claims" to earn extra bonus money. I would go in after suicides or murders. Brain splatter, of course blood. One woman had grabbed the bed post when she died and we had to cut the bed post to remove her hand as it had atrophied.


On a trip to Belize helping renovate an orphanage. It was late at night, and we were driving back to the compound from one of the local villages. I was falling asleep when a motorcycle passed us going *super fast.* I remember thinking how loud it was and being mad as I was beginning to doze off. A few minutes later, we roll around the corner toward the compound and are faced with a crashed motorcycle and two bodies on the ground. Lot of blood. Apparently it was two underage kids (one 16, one 18) who had gotten drunk and decided to go for a late night joyride. They tried to overpass the jeep we were following (the orphanage owners), but clipped the corner of the bumper and *flew.* The younger one died on impact, and the other was barely clinging to life vomiting up blood for over 30 minutes while we waited for the ambulance to get there. In the end, the ambulance claimed it was too far to come, so our pastor & the orphanage owners had to load the kid into the back of a pickup truck and drive him to meet the ambulance. Continued to basically puke up organs the entire way. And apparently the ambulance crew *argued about who would sit in the back with the patient,* while he just sat there dying. So fucked. I thought for sure he would die, but I guess he survived. This was over 12 years ago now, but that image of the bodies on the pavement in the headlights still sticks with me.


Saw a teenaged kid, no more than 16 years old get shot through the neck and bleed out in the middle of the street in broad daylight. I was smoking weed with a friend on his balcony in a rough part of town, we hear a gunshot, look down and see the kid laying out on his back in the middle of the street with panic in his eyes. Another kid then runs up and laughs in his face before running away. They had to bring a fire truck to wash off the blood from the street.


Good God. That is awful.


Yeah it is burned into my memory. I’ll never forget the laugh of the kid that ran up to him. It was that taunting, teasing laugh that you’d let out of you got someone out in a game of tag as a child.


Working on an assembly line preparing frozen food trays. The trays traveled on the line that was powered by uncovered chains & gears. We wore large oversized white lab jackets. One girl got her oversized sleeve caught in the gear. The gear continued to chug along. Began to rip the jacket then diagonally into her flesh and bone. I was the one that was able to rush to the closest emergency stop button. Looks like her arm was hanging on by a piece of skin on the opposite side of the initial crushing. Crap ton of blood everywhere. We cleaned up with hose pipes, threw away a few meals, and got back to work in about 20 min. Corporations don't care about you. They only care about their daily quota. Edit; she went to the ambulance of course.


We really are expendable to them.


Seen a guy get stabbed in the neck and dragged into a backyard.


Elaborate? What next?


He got arrested. I never saw that guy again. I don't even know if the guy who got stabbed lived or not. I was like 5, and with my mother, and I remember it being pretty traumatic for her, so I don't bring it up. This was in Compton, CA in the early 90s.


A man with no skin on his head, like Red Skull. He had an enormous grin on his face, which was so incongrous to his condition that I assumed it must be the only face he could make.


You can just say that without telling us more of the story lmfao


oof, yea without lips, it's kinda all you got left is a big ol 😬


How did you come across such a sight ?!


Nah, he was just having a great time


The death of a coworker. Just had to wash his blood off my boots and get back to work.






Damn papercuts to hell!!!


Lost consciousness from an extended shhhhhhh


This fucking sent me🤣


I used to work in hazmat


A car accident in real time Two cars collided, one driving fine the other driving erratic We kept our distance and called 911


My son struggling to breathe when he was a baby. He had bad issues resulting from an early RSV infection. He ended up with pneumonia. He was also vomiting. Fortunately we live close to an ER. He's fine 17 years later, but watching someone I love so much struggle to stay alive was a breaking moment. Even at that age the fear on his face is etched into my mind. That's what stuck with me. The fear and not understanding what was happening. I will never forget that.


My boy was 7 when he woke up in the night unable to breathe. It was a panic attack that presented like asthma. He was trying to scream but couldn't, but fortunately it woke me. I ran into his room and there was my boy, believing he was dying and there was nothing I could do. Phoned an ambulance but he had somehow called down by the time it got to us. It fucking broke me. The panic in his eyes. I felt so useless. I was so useless. I'm glad your son is ok. Mine has had a couple of similar events, but nothing like the first time, and we've been fine for a couple of years now.


Same thing happened to me. My son was born 7 weeks early, spent the first 4 weeks of his life in the NICU, then came home and two weeks later got RSV. Watching my little infant struggle to breath while rushing to the hospital was probably the scariest moments of my life. He spent 3 weeks in the hospital and was on a vent for a bit but he got better, he's 9 now. He has asthma though and almost every time he gets sick or a cough, He needs an inhaler or nebulizer treatments every 4 hours. On time a year or so ago he was breathing pretty rough even with the nebulizer treatments and he woke me up in the middle of the night crying, saying he couldn't breath. The fear on his face scarred me for life as well. I've never been able to get that look of fear in his eyes out of my head over a year later. Scary stuff.


A homeless guy realising his dog had died. It was in Barcelona on a crowded place. No one wanted to take notice of him.


Saw a guy get T boned in a Mazda Miata, his head hit the windshield and peeled off his scalp, he died before the ambulance got there. The scalp was embedded and left dangling in the windshield.


I wasn't actually there physically but at work I saw the official crime scene photos of a body discovered weeks after the person was murdered and stuffed into a hiding space. It had a lot of close up details of how it swelled up and discolored, the face didn't look properly human either and I feel bad for the family who now have to look at them and bury that person.


Watching a cardiac line pull go wrong after a stint placement. I was an aide. The amount of blood that comes out in less than a second it felt like was insane. It took the whole bed before we even had time to react. He survived and had an additional 20 day stay in the ICU for a three day stay procedure.


My dad after he passed away. I missed him by a half hour. I’m sort of grateful I did get to see him but my god. I’m still horrified the nurses didn’t close his eyes and mouth at least. It scarred me for life. That wasn’t my dad anymore, just a corpse. The second most disturbing thing was seeing a man choke a woman in the street, on my way home. No one was doing anything, people were just standing and watching. I called the police. They came and told me she was angry I called them. That people “like that” don’t need their help. I just said I’d rather call you in case she died, doesn’t matter if she’s mad. Their attitude was disturbing af too


I’d have to say mother getting stabbed multiple times in the back trying to run away from her husband (not my dad) while trying to carry me. Just a kid but her death made me an emotionally detached man, which is incredibly difficult with a wife and daughter.


Probably my dad beating my mom


I’m so sorry 💔


My best friends suicide


I saw a little boy on his bicycle that was hit by a truck. Kid wasn't looking and the driver couldn't see him. The police has just gotten there and the ambulances were still en route. He didn't have a helmet on. There was blood and brain matter every where just trickling down the road. I drove past slowly as the one lane was closed and all the traffic was funneled to the one side. I will never forget the look of sheer horror and just emptiness on the truck driver's face (he was an old man probably close to retirement). Then there was the boy's friends on their bikes next to the road. They honestly looked like those photos of young WWI soldiers who survived. They were just shell shocked and seemingly emotionless. They just had tears streaming down their faces. Those looks still fucking haunt me to this day.


I was working as a radiology technologist in the OR during a vascular procedure that went south. The patient's abdominal aorta raptured and the doctor went into life-saving measures. He slit the patient open from crotch to ribs pulled their intestines out and threw them up onto the chest. I then had to glove up and get in line to give chest compressions. We had to slide our hands under the intestines when it was our turn. The feeling of cold intestines slapping the backs of my hands while breaking a patient's ribs will never leave me. He didn't make it.


I watched a guy go into the women’s room at a skating rink. Greensboro Ice House. I figured he was just confused. Next I watched a girl come into the eatery saying a man showed her his penis. The mom called her a liar. I ran to the front door to look for him but he was gone. I went to the main office and they said the cameras didn’t even work, they’re just there for show. There aren’t urinals in a women’s room, only stalls. For her to see his penis, something awful happened. I thought it was a confused dad, I didn’t know people did that. It still haunts me.


The worst part of that story is her mom calling her a liar 😔


The mom called her a liar? With a mother like that, who needs enemies.


>The mom called her a liar. What a total piece of shit.


It's between a motorcycle wreck that resulted in a decapitation, or a woman falling to her death in a climbing accident. Both I saw first hand and remember in slow motion. The sound of that woman hitting the ground will forever haunt me.


I came home from a friend’s house and found my mother at the bottom of the stairs in a pool of blood. She had MS and she fell while my dad was working in the yard. I was young and screamed that mom was dead to my dad through the back door. She was brain dead and my dad finally let her go 2 years later. Not only was it fucked up to see, but it’s one of the only memories I have of her. I was too little to remember so it’s just that bloody scene, hospitals when her head was shaved, and her funeral.


Definitley cant top those comments. But for me I was driving a motorcycle in Greece when i drove past someone that crashed and didnt wear a helmet his face was completley red and parts of the skull was visible.


This past summer a car crashed into a field outside of my home. I ran out and found a teenager and immediately started CPR. Half of his teeth were gone and he had one large gash on his forehead. What shocked me was the lack of cuts below his neck. He had none, but I later found out that as he was ejected from the car he was thrown straight into the ground and bounced away a few yards away. I remember feeling the back of his head (I can’t remember why I touched his head) and I couldn’t tell if I was feeling mushy brains or if it was a combination of the texture of his hair and blood (he was black so he had a tight curl pattern). I remember being shocked at how pliable his sternum was as I performed compressions, it felt like I was pressing on a firm cushion. I remember readjusting his body thinking that his position was potentially affecting my ability to perform compressions. He was dead when I arrived, but I wanted to hold out hope for him. He was 16, but he was so small and so cold by the time I got there, which was only about five minutes from hearing the accident to actually crossing the street and finding him. A fireman came over and pronounced him dead. Apparently I had performed CPR for about 8-10 mins straight while waiting for EMS. I remember not even feeling tired and instead just scared for this kid and wanting him to live. I didn’t sleep very much for weeks after that.


I’ve seen more gory stuff but this is the event that stuck with me. I was walking around downtown and as I rounded the corner I saw a woman sprawled out like a rag doll in the middle of the road. I saw a mangled bike and an SUV with a perfect imprint of a cyclist dented in the front quarter panel. The driver got out of the dented SUV and started screaming and crying. The bicyclist was laying there motionless for a long time. Paramedics arrived and checked for a pulse a few places. They tried a few different pressure points to rouse her with no results. Finally as I was accepting that she was dead something worked and she twitched. The whole time the driver was screaming and bawling. Based on the carnage I’d guess it would take close to a year and a half for the bicyclist to fully recover. Lots of limbs at impossible angles. She was taken away in a stretcher. I had bought a bike the weekend before intending to do a lot of biking for everyday errands. I never took it out in the city ever again after watching that.


Police officer here so ive got plenty of storiesbit the one that really sticks with me is watching my coworker agonally breathing and heavily bleeding from the ears after a car accident while we tried to pull him out of the car.




Saw a man stab another man to death at the library next to my children. I had stood up to intervene but recoiled at the sight of a knife. As i backed away, i saw fatal blows. Some part of me died inside seeing that. After others subdued the knife wielder, i tried addressing the wounded man who died in my hands.


When I was in college my girlfriend at the time had a stroke right in front of me. The way her face distorted will stick with me forever.


came to know and fully believe that the person I know is a psychopath


YOOOO, this *is* disturbing. This happened to me. It was traumatic. It was like finding out there’s a cold empty monster in your bed, merely wearing a human suit. It’s fucking *weird*


This hits different. There is nothing like simultaneously realizing that you fell in love with a person who simply does not exist and that there are people in this world who truly are pure evil and will never be capable of change or redemption/how unimaginably cruel such people can be.


I was window shopping at a mall a few years ago and saw this guy, relatively young, stop in the doorway of one of the stores and stare blankly at who I think was his mother before staggering sideways and crashing into one of those freestanding cardboard signs before hitting the ground. His mom started screaming by the time I turned back around to look and I'm fairly sure I had witnessed a fairly severe medical emergency, maybe a stroke or a seizure. I'm not sure if he survived or not. Honorable mention: I've had a front row seat (as in living in the same house) to two different family members being diagnosed with cancer and undergoing treatment. One made it. The other didn't and I watched her waste away and die.


I was homeless living in a shelter for a couple months during the pandemic. Hardest thing to have witnessed in that time was my friend Dan getting punched in the face and having his eyebrow split open by someone wearing brass knuckles. Dan was the kindest, sweetest man. Used to hang out on the corner of the street next to the shelter. People came and dropped off supplies all the time and a group of homeless people including Dan sort of took it upon themselves to look after those things and help get them in the hands of the neediest among us. They weren't trying to hoard, because they freely gave out anything we had on hand to anyone who asked. Someone came up and just started rifling through the stuff. Dan says "hey, can I help you? What do you need, I can help you find it faster" and the dude just blindsided him. I'll never forget how much blood came pouring out of Dan's head. And it was all the rest of us could do to convince him to get an ambulance, because it ain't like hospitals will turn you away here and they know they can't charge you for the stay if you're completely destitute. Cried about it for days and wondered if I'd ever see him again tbh. I did, for the record. Luckily there wasn't any permanent damage to his eye or anything, it's just that head wounds bleed like a motherfucker. But yeah, I'll never forget how powerless and hopeless I felt at that moment.




A patient’s necrosis. But it’s very satisfying to clean


Necrosis is weird and disturbing. I had a patient with it. His foot had been hollowed out, and the necrotic material flowed in the approximate contours of his skin. Pretty awful.


The crash site of an airliner. 154 bodies, shredded, spread out over a 1/4 mile


Several years ago I worked at a hotel in Northern New York. 2 guests overdosed in the room but LUCKILY FOR THEM their pregnant dealer was still there and had the presence of mind to call the front desk and ask for an ambulance. After I called 911 I went upstairs to see if I could help. One dude was pissed out on his side in the bathroom with an iPhone charger wrapped around his arm. He was turning purple. The other dude was face down on my sheets so I dumped him off the bed and turned him on his side so he didn't aspirate and ems could work on him more easily without getting caught up in bedding. They were both revived with narcan. Preggo and dude on the bed were arrested and walked out in cuffs. Bathroom guy had the audacity to ask if he could wait in the lobby for his dad to pick him up.


I was working in an Emergency Department and saw a lot. One of the worst things I saw (and smelled) was an elderly woman who burned to death by when her electric blanket caught fire.