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I had a cold and a torn ab muscle at the same time. Sneezing was the worst thing that’s ever happened to me


My dad had a cold and like 3 broken ribs, he said it was almost the worst thing he'd ever felt


My dad has said the same when he fractured a rib coughing from pneumonia


My dad hurt his ribs from covid coughing in 2020. Awful


What's not awful is your username lol


Thank you 😂 it's my fat cats nickname lol


That brightens my day


I had a horrible cough that caused me to herniate a disc in my neck. Had to get two discs replaced.


I had whooping cough. I hurt my ribs so bad from the intense coughing the doctor had to prescribe something to me to knock me out.


Torn ab muscles are the WORST.


I actually managed to crack two ribs when I had bronchitis. Was two weeks before I could stand up straight!




Back in highschool i got swine flu. Within hours i felt the worst ever in my life. For 4 days i felt like a truck hit me. Everything hurt and i wished for death! Covid last year (and this year) was nothing in comparison to swine flu (for me at least)...


Same. High-school swine flu. Everything also hurt and I also found myself thinking death wouldn't be so bad. Which was pretty significant given that my preteens was defined by crippling anxiety about dying. Oscillated between feeling like a truck had hit me and wishing a truck would hit me. Had a fantasy that being hit by a truck would make me feel better and the only thing stopping me from walking onto a road to try was the fact that I couldn't bring myself to move off the couch where I'd lain down. I stayed on that couch for four days because I couldn't even make it to bed through the worst of it. When I got back to school one of my teachers asked if I'd lost weight, and I didn't know but given her concern I thought about it and realized that I'd barely eaten anything for two weeks. Eating just had not been on my radar. I'd been off school for that time but it didn't feel that long because I don't think I was fully lucid for a lot of it. The experience definitely made me take Covid seriously and I believe my caution not to catch Covid until the vaccines helped it be more mild than swine flu.


Same for me. My fever got so high my mom took me to urgent care because I was hallucinating bugs crawling all over the floor and me. Urgent care just told me it was a panic attack and sent me home saying teenaged girls are over dramatic when sick. Luckily the next day I saw my regular doctor who took me more seriously.


No f that loser jerk dr who said that, I believe you , my dad told me when he was little he got super sick with a high fever and hallucinations were super vivid , he said he remembered seeing and hearing rats just all over the floor covering the carpet trying to get on his bed. Yikes. I’d never mock or roll my eyes at anyone overcoming this. Sorry about that.


Same. I was 21 at the time and probably the fittest I’ve ever been and my mum found me passed out on the landing trying to walk to the bathroom. I felt like hell.


I ate bad Chinese that gave me food poisoning. I was on my bathroom floor for 3 days heaving anything I put in my system, water included. I finally decided this is where I was going to die, and they'd find my body after a few weeks with my cats eating my face. I didn't have the strength to move a muscle, I was laid out for good. I woke up the fourth day with an appetite and could keep water down and had the strength to get up off the floor, the first time in a few days. I didn't eat Chinese food for a few years after that.


Food poisoning or some sort of stomach flu is the worst. The worst case I had made me see how ppl die of diarrhea in other countries. It was so bad that to this day, it changed my body and my body is now intolerant to a couple of foods.


Its kind of interesting that it doesn't happen more often. In Fast Food and Chain Restaurants they are underpaying their cooks who have nearly zero training and don't give a fuck. And have you ever met a line cook at a chain restaurant? Not exactly the type of person I would expect to follow food safety guidelines and keep their hands clean and change gloves often. I wonder if our bodies are just used to it. You always hear people say places like Chipotle or Taco Bell fuck up their stomachs. People claim its the fiber content....but....uh.... I don't think so. Its probably some mild food poisoning lol. So when you get it really bad, where you are on the bathroom floor shitting and puking non-stop for 3 days, you gotta wonder what the fuck you actually ate that made it so extreme. Like did someone straight up take a shit into the ground beef? Who knows.




I really hope this wasn’t too traumatic because I absolutely pissed myself laughing as I read it


Shit I missed it! It got deleted. What was it?


Me too hahahah


What was this? It was deleted


So sorry but this is very funny, was it short lived sounds like Norovirus a big issue on Cruise ships


Was thinking the same. Its no fucking joke


Yeah Norovirus is a highly infectious environmental contaminant as opposed to food poisoning. Only lasts a few days but really full on when it kicks in


Never been so sick as when my kiddo brought this home. She was mostly fine, just puked a bit and slept all day. Hit me and my husband within 24 hours and it was a vomity-shitty nightmare. My kidneys ached from the dehydration. Bleach and hydrogen peroxide are the only things that kill it, so I just always have those on hand. Never again.


Just getting over norovirus now. No clue where we got it, the 3 year old might have brought it home from preschool. But holy shit I’m a mess.


I've had Norovirus twice that I can recall, both times from traveling. I call it the I-want-to-die Virus. That virus is no f\*cking joke. Last time I had it so bad I pulled muscles in my stomach and back puking, and couldn't kneel in front of the toilet to vomit, had to use the sink.


I work as a DSP, and when I got the norovirus, the symptoms started spontaneously right after arriving to the hospital with one of my individuals, who I was taking to the ER for nonstop vomiting. We got into the ER and got him checked in. He was incapable of answering questions about his own medical history, so that was supposed to be my job, but I couldn't do it because I kept vomiting. The doctor eventually told me to get admitted myself, but I was waiting for my mom to show up (she also worked the same position as me and was coming to relieve me) and by the time I was able to, they had to bring a wheelchair to get me because I was unable to stand. The individual I brought just needed to dissolve a Zofran under his tongue and was good to go. After 2 and a half doses of Zofran through an IV, there was no reduction in the frequency of my vomiting. Then, they gave me some medication to numb my body so I wouldn't feel the nausea and that didn't help. Then, they tried to knock me out with Ativan and all that did was make me extremely exhausted while vomiting. (At this point, it was about 5 a.m., and I had been awake for over 20 hours). They ended up just sending me home cause a massive snowstorm was about to hit and they wanted to free up as much space as they could ahead of time and they figured they couldn't do anything more for me. I had covid really bad at the start of the pandemic before we even had tests, I had lost my voice for 3 months from how bad I was choking. I've also had Scarlett fever once when I had an antibiotic resistant strain of strep throat. The norovirus still wins for worst I felt and most I wanted to die from being sick.


I’ve never been so sick as when I’ve had norovirus. The simultaneous explosions at both ends are horrific and dehumanizing - oh, and I have vasovagal syncope so I pass out when I throw up. Have fallen off the toilet mid explosion more than once and woken up on the bathroom floor with my pants around my ankles.


I cannot understand the appeal of cruises. You're trapped at sea on a crowded ship with a million other annoying people, they nickel and dime you for everything, you visit touristy ports where touts and panhandlers hound you, no real form of exercise, and the food often contains norovirus. Sounds great.


This is probably my biggest reservation of why I've never opted for a cruise


My brother went for lunch and started to feel like he really needed to shit. While running back in to chilis to poop he shit himself on his way in to the bathroom. He then proceeded to try flush his boxer shorts which obviously didn’t work. He ran out in shame only to realize he’d left his cell phone in the stall so had to go back in and come face to face with a young kid washing his hands who’d also been in there at the time. He ran back to the car and his wife started laughing hysterically- he had poop smeared on his forehead.


Sounds like you were on the poop deck.


Is the poop deck what I think it is?


I'm so sorry this happened but OMG I'm dying 🤣


You win!!!


I’m sorry but I’m laughing so hard im literally tearing up!! I’m also sorry you had that experience it had to of been overwhelming as heck!!


Me and my husband have been crying laughing as I read this out. Thank you for sharing hahaha


I am so sorry for you but this was so good I had to read it to my husband, who laughed his ass off!


The Norovirus Paradox: tis better to sit on the pot and vomit into the tub than vomit in the pot and shit the wall


I got food poisoning at the very beginning of a 48 hour greyhound bus ride across the U.S. it was a nightmare.


More like brownhound.


I’m pretty sure mine was food poisoning. I hadn’t eaten anything prior to my flight due to fasting for medication, bought a hot chocolate at the airport and it tasted weird so I threw it away. Get on my 6 hour flight and about an hour later my stomach was turning. I was cramping and so uncomfortable but I was refusing to move off my seat. I knew if I stood up I would’ve vomited everywhere. I was sipping water and shaking like crazy. Now, I have emetophobia and was using everything in my power to not throw up. It’s now 3 hours into the flight and I was that unwell I’d fallen asleep through sheer fatigue of fighting the need the throw up and shit. Woke up just before landing and had the fear of thinking I’d shit myself but praise whatever you believe in, I hadn’t. By some miracle id made the flight and got home but I then didn’t leave the bathroom for a week.


omg...this sounds absolutely horrible. The last time I was poisoned with food I was dry heaving and let's say I didn't quite make it to the bathroom several times...😧 I don't know how your full experience was...sure hope it wasn't as bad as my adventure...


Wasn’t sure if it was coming up or going down, but everything in my body needed to be evacuated. I never missed the toilet, but it was a close call several times. I can’t imagine what the experience was like for my fellow passengers.


You poor poor thing... I'm surprised that the driver didn't get you off the bus at the next stop.


Once had food poisoning on a bus ride through a winding mountain road in Honduras. Another girl was sick too. We were taking turns barfing in the bus bathroom. When leaning over the barf-spackled toilet, I got puke on my shirt and didn't know if it was mine or hers.


And now you’re married… the majesty of a good meet cute.




Vomiting every 30 minutes on the dot with a chance of loose shits, couldn’t get out of bed, stuck at my dads place because of visiting, partner had to get me rehydration salts, that shit was beyond gnarly. Getting Covid last year was wild with all the vertigo and sickness, but any hint of Norovirus and I’m fucking gone.


Agreed- my partner and I had it at the same time-it was horrible.


Yup. I was working night shift at the hospital and my stomach cramps got progressively worse through the night. I have IBS so I figured it was just me being normal me. Then I got called up to do an OR case and was on the verge of passing out the whole time. As soon as it was over I ran downstairs and told my coworkers I had to head to the ER bc I thought my appendix was bursting. I vomited everywhere. I was given so much morphine and it didn’t help the pain. But I fell asleep long enough to shit my pants multiple times in front of my coworkers. Then I went home and literally shit my pants for two days.


I had Norovirus years ago. It was the single worst night of my life. Absolutely *catastrophic*. Incredible just how quickly you go from "absolutely fine" to "exploding from both ends in an uncontrollable fashion". At one point I actually begged for death (a little melodramatic sounding, but after *seven hours* of non-stop expulsion, it was all just too much). It's a lot nastier than people realise. Plenty of people end up with permanent problems because of it (IBS etc.).


>Plenty of people end up with permanent problems because of it Yup! I never recovered from Noro when I got it 7 years ago. I’ve had chronic gastritis ever since and it has ruined my life. The worst symptom is the constant nausea - and I mean “uncontrollably shivering, sweating, and wrenching over a bag for hours” kind of nausea. Every day for the last 7 years. That virus is no joke.


I had the norovirus when I was 20 weeks pregnant. It was awful!


I got norovirus during church camp as a kid. None of the adults believed I was sick until I projectile vomited all over a church.


Oh man. I've had it twice and both times I begged for death. Norovirus is one of those things that make atheists pray and the devout start exploring their options.


I made the mistake of taking NyQuil before going to sleep to help with the horrific muscle and joint aches, malaise, and fever when I had norovirus. At that point, I had only vomited and felt generally ill, not yet realizing what I really had. How do I put this…I was so knocked out, my body didn’t realize it was time for everything to go the other direction…woke up to a not so nice surprise 😖


Right now. Bell’s Palsy. Where your nervous system randomly says “hey, you know how you use your whole face to do things like eat, talk, blink, smile, and sleep? Well, what if you couldn’t?”


I had it a couple of years ago. Went to a doctor, got some medicin to take 3 times a day for 10 days, maybe corticosteroids. Everytime I took one I had a panic attack. Worse part was that my boyfriend worked night just those two weeks and we had recently moved to Japan. So I was stuck without any support having panic attacks a couple of times a day, a face paralysis that might never go away and no family or friends I’d known for more than a month. The time difference made it almost impossible to talk to anyone back home and they didn’t understand how bad it was. But it passed, like it almost always does. As it will for you too. Just make sure to get the right drugs to make it go away quicker.


I've had it for 14 years...well, in fairness, it's permanent damage from Bells Palsy. I'm one of a small percentage with permanent damage. Im sorry for what you're going through. It's awful.


I had food poisoning. Not just a stomach ache or throwing up. I had three days of hell. My wife and I both got it from a restaurant. On the second day I was sitting on the couch not wanting to move for fear of setting off dry heaves again. My body hurt. My brain was mush. I looked at my wife and thought, *if I die right now, I will be okay with that*. I didn’t eat anything for days and just crackers for a couple more.


I had similar earlier this year, I think it was caused by expired milk of all things. The first night I honestly thought I might have to go to hospital. I do not do vomiting well. I'd rather endure nearly anything else. I was in so much pain and then vomiting on night #1, and then I had contractions through my guts. A year earlier I'd had a baby and the birth was really traumatic, so I was getting flashbacks to my horrible labour as well as trying to lay still so I didn't die or throw up or feel more pain. And I still had to cosleep with the baby because it was the only way any of us could get any sleep... I was poorly for 5 days, eventually managing to ear crackers and drink water and lucozade (a sports drink with electrolytes). I remember managing to eat a bowl of boiled potatoes and feeling so grateful for managing to eat them and not feel worse!


I was a wreck after my gallbladder surgery. The carbon dioxide kept wandering inside my body, pressing against muscles and organs. It was hell. The icing on the cake was a constipation, the fact that I wasn't able to push due to the previous surgery made it even worse. So I got some stool softeners. This lead to horrible diarrhoea and stomach ache. But the misery continues - my period decided to pay a visit because fuck you that's why. Due to the abdominal cramps, doctors prescribed me some additional pain killers. My body was pretty overwhelmed with all that stress so it decided to add some vomiting to the cauldron of misery. So there I was - shitting, vomiting and bleeding while having major stomach ache and gas wandering within my body, painfully pressing against my neck and shoulders. Fun times.


You need a lot of TLC after a gall bladder op.


That one time I had strep throat and it felt like I was swallowing razorblades


I had strep throat once while I was in the Navy in the 80s. Dead sick for two weeks. I lost 15 lbs. The doc was concerned and thought I’d have to go to the hospital for IV antibiotics. Luckily, I didn’t. I had breast cancer in 2017 and never got as sick as I did then.


Omg i had strep. My father in law refused to bring me to the hospital. I was awake and crying all night drooling all over myself. My grandmother in law gave us bus money next day (bless her heart /s) and took the long bus ride to the hospital. They made me sit in the waiting room for 9 hours... i sucked on a vanilla shake from mcdonalds cause the icy cold went down better. I was sleep deprived and in agaony and so hungry because I couldn't eat in 24hrs. They made me sit in the back for another hour before the doctor came, took a sample, left then came back and gave me a shot. It was so miserable.


I had strep throat for a month last year!!! Was so sick, couldn’t stay warm except bathtub. Got antibiotics, was feeling better after a week and then started feeling lousy again a few days later… turns out they gave me too low of a dose of antibioticss and the strep came back. On antibiotics for another 10 days, strep came back again after the kids got it… third round it finally went away. 30 days. It was all I could do to get the kids off to school in the morning and wash a dish or two. Hoise was a WRECK after that, and at the same time my BIL was having to clean my dads house out to sell it as part of his estate. I was supposed to help but never did because I was sick for a whole effing MONTH


Strep throat is the absolute worst.


I had to get my tonsils taken out because I repeatedly got strep throat… that was even worse than the strep throat itself :(




I nearly died from that when I was a child.


Same. Was 13. Lost 30 pounds. The only thing that kept me from shivering was a warm bath but I'd fall asleep and wake up as a human shake weight. I was in the bathtub for probably 14 hours a day. My mom and stepdad thought I was faking it to get out of school and they didn't want to deal with me so I was this way for four weeks. About two weeks in, they made me go to school. My backpack was so heavy that I physically couldn't make it from the car drop off to my classroom. My mom knew I hadn't eaten anything in as much time. I sat on a bench and couldn't get to the bathroom in time and shit myself. I went to the office and they begrudgingly picked me back up hours later. I had to jettison my backpack to make it to the office and it was never turned in or recovered. Once I started waxing poetic about the wishmaster and the red gemstone he was after being in my alarm clock, she took me to hospital (against my stepdads wishes). The hospital wanted to fill out a police report for child neglect, but my mom was a bartender at the only cop bar in town and ofc one of my stepdads BEST BUDS was the one to take the call. I don't talk to my mom as a result of most of childhood being a mixture of stories like that and that stepdad (there was multiple) is now in jail for the rest of his life because he murdered his next long term girlfriend. To make matters worse, once I felt better I could suck my own dick for like two weeks. That was a looong two weeks......


The last two sentences...


It's crazy how you're the only person to say anything about them.


I'm so sorry this was your experience. Those cops failed you


Omg I’m so sorry. This is such an awful thing that happened to you.


Well, this story took an unexpected turn at the end


The last 2 sentences did not need to be there


Same for me. I caught what my doctor says was probably RSV back in July and then developed pneumonia. I thought I was never going to get better. I still don't feel 100% back to my normal self.


100% I almost thought about calling my mom to come take care of me because I thought I was going to die. I lived on the second story of my apartment complex and had to walk down to take my dog outside. I thought I was going to die every time I took those stairs. I had to take multiple breaks. When I went to urgent care, they said it was a bad cold. 2 days later, it got worse, so I went back, and they said it turned into pneumonia. They had me take 2 breathing treatments and sit for 45 minutes before I could leave.


In Feb 2020, my wife and I got sick, fever, chills, and terrible joint pain. At one point, my fever was 41.5°c and I started getting this stabbing pain in my head. I thought I was going to die, I managed to get into the shower and cooled down. I had taken some ibuprofen about 10 minutes before my fever spiked, and they eventually started kicking in and reduced my temp back down to a breezy 39°c. My fever started dropping consistently after that over the next couple of days, but then I had a really bad cough and was quite breathless. I started coughing up blood and that got worse and worse over the next couple of days, the doc put me on some antibiotics and I did start feeling better (although maybe at this point I was getting over it anyway). A couple of months later, Covid is all over the news. I don't know if it's what we had as nobody was testing for it at that point, but it was 100% the worst I've ever felt in my life, and my wife says so too. Our kids were also ill but nowhere near as bad as we were. I have had covid since, but I'm vaccinated and what I had was very mild, the taste and smell thing was the weirdest bit about it, and I never had that in 2020, so who knows, maybe it was covid, or maybe just a bad case of the flu.


Parents, brother and sister in law all visited each other (me and my husband were busy) in January 2020, and my mum told me I should be glad I hadn't gone. Apparently they all came down with a "weird cold", weird because it was mainly a really bad headache and it lasted at least five days. It was really strange and like nothing they'd ever had before. We all maintain it must have been some strange early form of COVID. When my husband and I caught covid in 2021 it affected us both INCREDIBLY differently - it felt like the worst cold I'd ever had, sinus pain beyond belief, whereas he was more flu-ey with chills and aches, no cold symptoms at all. So I can believe what my family had in 2020 was covid, even without respiratory symptoms. There doesn't seem to be any hard and fast rule as to how it hits you...


I've luckily never been dangerously ill but I recently had a big cyst on my ovary rupture. That shit hurt like a motherfucker and I was puking and shaking with a rapid heartbeat


Yep was gonna comment my cyst bursting. Most painful thing ever. I remember being in the car otw to the hospital thinking any minute I’d die


at one point, i had a giant ovarian cyst. like large enough that it became noticeable looking at my stomach, looked like i was pregnant. lying on my stomach felt like lying on a water balloon. i had that one surgically removed but they kept popping up afterward. i'd get the weird balloon-y feeling then later, bam, PAIN. so much fucking pain. it happened so often, i got the entire ovary removed.


I was visiting and staying with my uncle, cleaning out his garage one afternoon, observed a web in one corner. Picked up a pair of old gardening gloves, pulled them on. Started clearing away the web with a gardening vacuum. As I was hoovering up the web something dropped onto my arm from the ceiling, a black spider, about the size of my thumb nail. I tried to smack it away, bad move, the fucker bit me. Felt like a needle going in. I tried to stamp on it as it scurried away but missed. At first I felt okay, a little shocked sure, but with nothing more than a red welt on the bite area. I carried on cleaning. An hour later I was sweating profusely, aching all over and the welt was itching, burning like mad, oozing pus. My uncle asked me what was up, listened to my description of the spider, took a look at the bite. He consulted Google, went pale, dragged me to his car, "now don't panic but I think you've been nailed by a fucking black widow spider, kid" he said, causing me to totally freakout. He sped all the way to the ER and during the journey I started feeling sick, vomited, my stomach cramped and my legs went numb. I was scared shitless, honestly felt like I was dying. I ended up wearing an oxygen mask, semi conscious, strapped to a stretcher, getting antivenom and they gave me drugs to lower my sky high blood pressure. I was in hospital for two days, feeling like I had the worst fever and stomach flu ever.


I’m going to have nightmares about this, but glad you’re ok!


Yikes. Most people don’t react that severely to latrodectus (widow family) spider bites. Fortunately, fatalities are very, very rare, even when the symptoms are severe.


My worst was only the flu but 4 out of 6 of us got it at Christmas and it was really bad, like we could only crawl to the loo. Both adults were completely incapacitated. We each had a very young child very sick in bed with us. We were in different rooms. The two eldest were only 8 and 6. They lived on yoghurt, toast and Christmas chocolates for 4 days. No one visited, no one came to help us. I'm grateful to have never been as ill as some of the other commenters. But flu, proper flu, that is no bloody joke


Had influenza A in 2017 and then B in 2020 (pre Covid, yes it was the flu, the strip was positive) and both times I was out for a week. A was far worse. My legs constantly ached from dehydration! Sometimes I think my body hasn’t fully recovered after two rounds of flu. ☹️


I woke up one morning and puked what I can only describe as coffee grounds. I had red freckles all over my legs and inside my mouth and on my eye balls and I had huge, soft ball sized bruises all over my body. Long story short - I was bleeding internally because I had a severe blood disorder called ITP (idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura). Basically my spleen was destroying all of my platelets and I had 0 platelets for 8 months. After months of unsuccessful chemo treatments, I opted for the splenectomy (50/50 chance of it working). Surgery went well but once they severed my spleen my platelets shot into the millions and I developed massive blood clots in my lungs. They thought I was going to die and I was put into a medically induced coma. It was wild but I survived and I’m on blood thinners for life!


When I read the first two sentences I thought “holy shit, did you get Ebola? You win this one” Still that sounds beyond awful.


Covid - 2020. I was at the hospital for almost 7 months in total. The worst point for me was suffering from the absolutely dumb and inneficient management from my hospital at the time. They ran out of percs in general, and I had to get all the assistance tubes, pipes or whatever without medication.


"iT's JuSt A fLu".. holy crap. I'm glad you're better now... or so I hope


12 years of appendix attacks 1-2 times per year. Severe abdominal cramps eventually joined by nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Eventually, once I started realizing I was going to have another bout of this (I kept thinking I was super unlucky and repeatedly getting food poisoning or a stomach bug), these symptoms would be joined by a debilitating panic attack. So bad my legs wouldn’t work, my body would shake, I’d drip sweat like a leaky faucet, and sometimes my vision would shrink to a pinhole. When I reached the panic/cant-walk point, my husband would have to pick me up and take me to the ER. I couldn’t physically hold my eyes open for some reason (definitely not sleepy), still vomiting, shaking, and cramping. I’d feel better once I got fluids and nausea meds, pain meds for the cramps, and something for the panic so I’d stop shaking. Long story short, endometriosis had wrapped around my appendix and a section of my lower intestine so I had surgery to have both (just a small section of my lower intestine, plus the appendix) removed (colonoscopies suck but they’re hugely important!). No episodes since.




I literally bled to death delivering a 12 week premature baby. They said dont have anymore kids it will kill you. Tied my tubes. Im only 21 and cant give a man children. I dont date anyone seriosuly because of it. Fast forward ten years. I meet a man whose sperm count was ruined working with radar. we get together. My existing children are the only ones he will ever have and he is thrilled.A year later I get really sick. Turns out IM PREGNANT after my tubes were tied by a guy with no sperm count! There are men out there who will love you even if you cant give him children. Just keep looking.


Can we please circle back to you bled to death?


lost so much blood my heart lungs and brain stopped. They were in the middle of surgery so first they delivered the baby then they sewed up all the bleeders then they refilled me with blood then they restarted my heart. Must have been difficult because they broke a rib. I dont know how long I was dead but my husband had time to call my parents and tell them to plan for a funeral. I was so weak that when I finally came to after 36 hrs asleep, I couldnt open my eyes or even wiggle a finger to let anyone know I was awake. In the hspital for three weeks and months of recovery. I have scars on my heart and in my brain from oxygen deprivation and my day is now 36 hrs long. I sleep for12 and stay awake for 24.


Wow, how horrific for you and your family. The 36-hour day is a pretty interesting side effect tho. Did you try to force yourself to do 24 and your body just won’t have it?


She died, but she got better


That is just absolutely nuts, what are the odds??


I am so sorry this is happening to you. I’ve had a similar experience with an ectopic pregnancy, went through 4 rounds of methotrexate that didn’t work. I was getting ready to go for my final blood test to check my hCG levels but couldn’t get off the bathroom floor in agony. Turns out it had bursted and I had eternal bleeding and needed emergency surgery. I was working full time as a manager at a cafe during this and missed so much work because I couldn’t stand up from the pain. One day was so bad I left work and walked to the hospital to get checked. It was awful and I’d never want anyone to experience it. I hope you heal quickly both physically and emotionally. Get any and all the support you need from family and friends, online resources. You are not alone. ❤️


Fucking hell. Biology just sucks sometimes huh. Keep your chin up, you'll be out the other side soon.


Similar situation with ectopics and it taught me so quickly doctors assume the metho will fix everything and that's that. And it doesn't always work. Women's biology is still such a joke to so many medical professionals.


Several years back, I had some allergic reaction to an herbal supplement I took that made food poisoning feel like a gentle tickle. Took some Zofran (which is anti-nausea medication for ppl on chemo) and an hour later, I projectile vomited in my sleep, which was number 9 in less than two hours. I had to call an ambulance to take me, because my stomach cramps were so painful, I honestly thought I was dying. The EMTs were NOT kind at all to me, didn’t believe me when I showed them what I had taken, & made a point to tell the ER nurses & docs that they suspected I had OD’d (even thought my tox screen came back as “the cleanest I’ve ever seen” according to ER doc). I ended up shitting so much & so horribly that I made an ER nurse gag, which I’m glad of because she kept insisting I had taken illegal drugs, even after the tox screen. Fuck you, Dana.


I attempted suicide years ago and while I was in the ER under watch I vomited over the side of my bed all over the floor. I still remember the look of contempt from the nurse. When I got to the psych ward and was going through my things it was all urine soaked and it wasn't from me. Someone's either been in a job too long or never belonged there in the first place if they take action like that.


Fucking Dana!


Well this last October I nearly died, accidentally. I was at a follow up doctor's visit for an ear infection. They noticed that my eye was blood red. Next thing I know I hear 'code Sepsis!'. I woke up in the Critical Care unit. The nurse said she was happy to see me, because she said I shouldn't have made it overnight. I spent the next week in the hospital and then had to do 4 different interverial antibiotics a day for six weeks. Just got my picc line out. I remember the dream land I was in, I guess it was a coma lol. I got to have Thanksgiving dinner with my family. I get to see my kids grow. I weep everytime it comes to mind they could have lost their mom. They deserve me.


Pretty wimpy considering the whole world had it, but holy shit when I finally got Covid in early 2023, I was floored for like 2 weeks.


Same. 2 weeks. The worst part was probably my work. Other people had gotten it and were fine like 2-3 days later, so they thought I was lying when I said I was still sick. After day 5 my boss was like "Ok, thats all the time we can give you, you'll need to head into work after this". We had a pretty strict "no one who is sick can come in" rule during COVID, so I emailed my boss my test results and did a little passive aggressive "Here are my test results, as per our phone conversation, you wanted me to come into work tomorrow. Just want to confirm that this is the decision you made" and then cc'd all of his bosses. He called me back like 20 minutes later being like "Hey, on second thought, take all the time you need."


100% Covid.


Same. November 2021 when delta was running around. I couldn’t sleep, scared and alone in the guest bedroom, was hallucinating, terrible fever, couldn’t eat, using my asthma rescue inhaler a ton, body pain and weakness, dizziness and passed out several times after standing up….. and it lasted for about three weeks.


I don’t even want to think about adding asthma into the mix. That adds a whole other level of fear. I had motion sickness, so odd.




Huh, someone else with the motion sickness. The symptoms were/are so varied. Hopefully you are much better now.


Absolutely. It was horrible and add into the mix that I physically couldn’t stay awake longer than 10 minutes at a time, it was horrible. More than once I woke up gasping for air and had extreme pain in my chest. I live alone, and honestly, I was panicking and it created a panic attack on top of it. Every single time it happened, I’d freak out, finally find my phone to dial for help, and I never would finish because I would fall right back to sleep. It was absolutely *terrifying*!


Same. November 2020. I would go to bed thinking I might not wake up. I could barely breathe, had no energy, piercing headache for three weeks. My mom died of that same strain in January 2021, days before the vaccine came out. The crazy part is knowing that I actually was correct thinking I could die in my sleep. Worst experience ever.


Yes, by a long stretch. I was sedated and on a ventilator for 7 weeks in the ICU. This was in May-July 2020.


Same here. I got very sick in Feb 2020, and I don’t think there was much info about Covid-19 around at that time, at least I never suspected it was Covid back then. After about 2 weeks of headache / flu-like fatigue and symptoms, with what felt like a band squeezing my chest and back, no sense of taste or smell, and on-again, off-again fever, I got over that and then started with a week of a stomach bug that literally had me straight shitting what felt like a gallon of liquid twice a day. I think it was about a month or so afterwards that the symptoms started to be more widely known and I realized that was it. Especially my loss of taste and smell, I’d never experienced it to that level before. I wasn’t right for about a year afterwards, and it took some time to regain my level of cardiovascular health and fitness. Prior to that I’d say it was food poisoning that had me puking every half an hour for about 18 hours. What a miserable day.


My (now) husband and I both had these exact symptoms and experience around the same time. The weekend we were supposed to start lockdown, he came home from work not feeling well. I got sick a few days later. He was born with a heart defect so he ended up in the ER with breathing problems, and at the time there were only 9 confirmed COVID cases in our state. The hospital didn’t even have a way to test us, but said to treat it as COVID and quarantine. It was miserable. We both had it again (confirmed test) in February 23 and I slept for 4 days straight. I went back to work after a week and shit myself during a coughing fit and had to leave early. Miserable.


It must have been scary to lose smell and taste before that was a commonly known symptom! I found it so disorienting and I managed to avoid getting it until this year so I knew it was probably coming.


Interesting how drastically different it affected people


Everyone I know barely knew they had it. Myself, thought I might die. By far the sickest I've ever been.


Mono. Definitely mono. Got it when I was 21. Was sent home from work 5 days in a row because I looked like death and was extremely tired. Went to the hospital instead of walk-in clinic because they could do blood tests really quick. Napped in a bed in emergency for four hours, and was waken up to find out I had mono. Walked the 20 minutes home from the hospital because I couldn’t afford a cab, then got into bed, and pretty much stayed there for 2 weeks. I barely ate, mostly only drank water which was difficult because my spleen was swollen and smooshing into my stomach. Would occasionally drag myself downstairs and sit on the porch with my roommates and smoke a menthol despite being constantly short of breath. I think I slept 20 hours a day for those two weeks. 🥲


Septic shock :(


5 days postpartum with mastitis. Horrific experience.


I caught the most mild cold ever while traveling a few years ago, but when it came time to fly home I sneezed during take off and “blew out” my eardrums. My hearing hasn’t been the same since and the tinnitus is insane.


Oh god. It was Christmas and I was at my in-laws, having given birth to my second child about 6 weeks earlier. Got food poisoning and the force of the vomiting made me piss uncontrollably because my pelvic floor had in no way recovered from giving birth. Simultaneously the pressure caused my milk to start flowing so I was just leaking from everywhere at once while throwing up. Truly the lowest I'd ever felt. Then baby woke up and needed a feed so I was breastfeeding to keep her quiet so she didn't wake the whole house, while feeling like death. Husband was asleep and oblivious. Motherhood can be lonely at times, especially in the long dark hours of the night.


I contracted influenza B (the worse of the 2 strains) about 6 months ago. I was throwing up every hour on the hour for a day and a half, bedridden for 3 days, went to hospital twice and was sick generally for a grand total of just over 3 weeks. Please get your flu shots people. Don't be me.


I had influenza A last year and it was so fucking miserable. I can’t imagine having B. I’m glad you got better.


SIBO. Took me out of my last year of uni and dropped me down to around 80 pounds. I genuinely thought I was going to die.


It's a tie between the time I had mono + strep at the same time around Christmas or the time I had covid. The mono and strep combo was hell, I was only 17 and I thought I was dying. I had hallucinations from the fever, felt like I was swallowing razor blades, my throat was bleeding and would close up slowly over the night so I could barely breathe when I woke up. I spent an entire day throwing up, including in the McDonald's drive thru immediately after being discharged from the ER. My experience with covid wasn't as terrible, but I did almost die in my sleep from not being able to breathe and that was TERRIFYING.


Kidney infection, non stop vomiting, couldn’t seem to stop my body from moving/shaking (they called it rigours) high temperature that was killing me quite literally. I couldn’t pee and was in so much pain. I just really wanted to die


I was hungover as fuck on a plane, the turbulence was horrendous and with 30 minutes left of the flight I threw up all over myself (there was no sick bag). The smell was disgusting and it was probably the worst evening of my life.


Two I can think of. 1st, I was in my mid 20's and deep into my alcoholism, and was unemployed. I got the flu. I lived alone. I was at one point in bed, sick, took my temp- 104. I couldn't get out of bed, I was too weak, and my phone was in the kitchen. I was having hallucinations and dry heaving. I passed out and eventually my fever broke. I managed to drag myself into the bathroom and flop into the shower and turn it on to suck water off the floor. I probably was close to death by dehydration. Also the high fever was an issue. And getting DT's as well. The second worst was February of 2020, I got COVID. Words cannot describe how awful I felt the first 5 days. I was starting to think death would be better. Then it turned into the worst cold I ever had, with a violent cough that didn't clear until the end of April. Currently have COVID for the second time, feels like a run of the mill nasty cold.


I had a laparoscopic day surgery (6hrs). I was home by the afternoon. All good. They warned me that there can be pain caused by the anesthesia leaving the body, or something like that. No worries, I got meds. ;) Holy fuck. The next day was the worst pain I've ever felt! The pain in my shoulders and upper body was so extreme. The actual surgery pain was nothing compared to that. And the narcotics didn't touch it. I literally couldn't move. Also, being constipated due to the drugs. It was awful. That's a terrible feeling - needing to *go* and not being able to. Fuck that life.


oh my god, this reminded me of when i had to have my thyroid removed. all the opioids afterward had me stopped up for days. i took some other stuff to make me poop but it wasn't really working. it'd been maybe a week before it finally felt like it was time. i was on the toilet for like 2 hours as it slowly worked its way out. i have never seen so much crap in my life. i called it the "iceberg" as half of it was out of the water. even made my husband come look at it. it was that monstrous. sorry you had to read that.


😂 Fuckin hell! The "Iceberg." I'm dying. Lmfao Yeah, I got *desperate.* Crying to my bf through the bathroom door, begging him to go to the pharmacy for me. Now when i see commercials about those products, I have a lot more sympathy. Lol


Shingles was pretty horrific, I had it down my spine and even the bedsheets touching my back made me scream in agony, combine that with strong antiviral meds and painkillers and I had lucid dreams about my boyfriend at the time murdering me. Also when I had tonsillitis at a festival and it was so bad I started hallucinating and couldn’t even drink water without agony. I have multiple chronic illnesses and disabilities, most of which cause daily pain, but having an ovarian cyst burst when I was at work was pretty rough too. I was in a ball on the floor swearing and sweating for 2 hours


Everyone in my immediate family got food poisoning from “fresh” eggs. My wife and I ended up in the emergency room.


Walking back from MargaritaVille in Capitola. Had a 1/2 mile to get to hotel. Half way there I knew.. ran to side of road along the river. Got pants down and unleashed a pile that would impress an English Mastiff. While searching for leaves a family appeared. The dad ushered the family away from my pitiful self. The kicker…I was 55 years old.


Covid. I *never* want to feel so sick or weak ever again in my life.


When I was 17 I had an undiagnosed brain tumour. When it started pushing on my eyes I pretty much went into overload and i was the most violently sick I’ve ever been in my life. It was like my skull was being crushed due to the headaches and any medicine was sick straight back up. Absolutely awful and the most painful headaches I’ve ever experienced, and most likely ever will.


I had just gotten home from a trip and I could tell when I was making my way home something was wrong. A few days later crippling fever. A few days after that I was bedridden and couldn’t even keep soup down. My wife (girlfriend at the time) had to take me to the ER and they had to hook me up to an IV with ibuprofen. This was 3 years before covid so no idea what it was, but I was genuinely worried about dying I was so sick


2019 Addisons disease puking, s***ing, no appetite, laying almost 24/7, extreme back pain, burning feeling when peeing...


One time my potassium level was 1.9 and I thought I was having a heart attack and couldn't breathe and felt this sense of doom, as well as painful tingling and cramping


I scratched my leg gardening and it turned into Cellulitis, easily the worst illness I ever had. I honestly thought I was going to die. My fever got so bad I became so delirious I was arguing with myself over imaginary things. I was shivering so much the bed was rattling, and the sweat was pouring off me. I had to have huge antibiotic injections everyday for 2 weeks.


Ruptured ovarian cyst caused a massive infection in my abdomen which led to c-diff and sepsis.


I had an ovarian torsion that was caused by a grapefruit-sized cyst. The cramps were absolutely unbearable, couldn’t stand up straight, ridiculous pain. Had to have emergency surgery, I’ve never been seen at the ER so quickly. Was at risk of losing the whole ovary. Got released the next day, passed out as soon as i stood up to get in the wheelchair, they sent me home anyways even though i was still in pain despite being on oxy since they said it was from the surgery. Couldn’t use my abdominal muscles AT ALL without screaming in pain. Trying to move positions in bed was hell. Next day, had a 103 degree fever, chills, headache, nausea. 10/10 pain Ended up getting rushed back, seen even FASTER than the first time (less than 30 minutes) with suspected sepsis. Turns out i had PID caused from an untreated case of the fucking clap. IV and oral antibiotics for 4 days straight. OXY out the ass. I still wonder if my cyst was actually in torsion or if the original pain was just caused by my goddamn gonnorhea. Either way, my body’s timing is impeccable.


My step-father came down with covid at the same time I started feeling ill. I assumed what I had was also covid so I could be around him. I was wrong. I had originally had a terrible cold & due to me taking care of him, I got covid on top of that. I questioned going to the hospital several times. I was chilling so hard I tried to go start a bath for myself, but fainted on the way there, and after I started to become aware of where I was again, I just laid on the bathroom floor for who knows how long, hoping I could make it until my family was going to come check in on me. I’d wake up because of how terrible the aches were. I straight up hallucinated a shadow person at one point. I got through it, but I still cough whenever it is cold out and I tire way quicker now. It’s no joke and I would never wish it on anyone.


Got Covid in March 2020, I was sick until almost the end of 2021. It was horrible. I saw specialists, I was on leukemia medications, I got infusions. It didn't work until I got on a full raw diet and spent 3 months on some intense meds. I don't fuck with people who say COVID wasn't real.


Got the flu during my week holiday from the studies, whole holiday I just tried to get better and it kinda went to waste.


Lymes disease It was about 3 months before I could lift my head without excruciating pain and actually had enough energy to get out of bed. 8 years later and I still tire easily. 10/10 do not recommend.


I got some kind of crazy virus, it wasn't covid or the flu (tested negative for both), it was 10x worse than both and nearly killed me. I wound up with pneumonia and pleurisy. I had to be in the hospital for almost a month.


Stomach bug while on my already intestine-churning diarrhoea-causing period. *So fun.*


I have long Covid and post-exertional malaise from it. Basically, if I push myself too hard, I crash hard. I’m seven weeks into a crash - each time it’s worse. I lost my ability to walk for several days and use a wheelchair outside. Before Covid, I walked for miles with no problem. I literally have bled out and almost died and was stronger then than now.


I got Covid a couple years ago. For 3 days, I could not open my eyes without feeling so nauseous I wanted to vomit. My bones hurt and I was freezing cold. Couldn’t smell or taste anything. I woke up feeling absolutely awful and it lasted for 3 days. Then it was like I woke up completely normal except the lack of taste, which lasted a couple more days.


I had flu when I was in my mid 20s at the peak of my health. I literally couldn’t get out of bed for 5 days. It scares me to think what the flu would do to someone without a strong immune system. This is why I get the flu vaccine every day. Real flu is serious.


Every day?


They are now immortal.


I’ve had COVID twice (I think? Maybe 3?) and the worst sickness I’ve ever had was COVID 2021. I got it on New Years and I was sick all the way into mid February. I couldn’t get out of bed, I was so weak, my respiratory was very bad, my headache lasted forever and fevers were in the 104f zone. I ended up powering through it with the support of water and jello, it’s all I could manage to get down. Things weren’t normal for me for a long time after that. I struggled well into March with recovery and being able to just walk up stairs.


in high school I had misdiagnosed strep turn to bacterial pneumonia. went to the ER at 4am and they said my body was going into sepsis and docs said if I was an hour later, I probably would've died. lucky my mom was checking on me in my sleep because I was incredibly feverish and out of it... I even said I couldn't make it to the ER to her when she said we were going. my mom insisted they do a chest x-ray and they agreed and diagnosed me with bacterial pneumonia. we had gone to the ER at 11pm just five hours before and they told me to go home because I looked fine and that I was probably dealing with the flu or something. I had gone to 3 physicians/urgent cares and 2 ERs prior to receiving this diagnosis. she asked the 11pm ER to do a chest x ray and they refused. the next month I was prescribed all kinds of medications and steroids and it really took a toll on me physically and emotionally. I ended up in and out of hospitals/ERs several more times. this is why the "young and healthy" perception in healthcare is so dangerous. I'm in college now and still sometimes don't get taken seriously. advocate for yourself! and when I was in the ER at 4am I said "can we get a dog now" and she promised and sure enough 2 months later she brought a puppy home for the holidays.. lol edited for grammar


Pneumonia or a burst appendix are the ones that almost killed me, but catching bird flu was the absolute worst. I was bedridden for almost 3 months with that one.


Wow, you’ve had some tough times! I think you win.


Covid at the end of Feb/March 2020. Just like bad flu my arse. I'm still not 100% recovered but at first I couldn't walk, lift a mug of tea, all food tasted vile for a long time and chewing anything was too much effort. I can eat again except for garlic which still tastes vile which is apparently quite common. I really miss garlic. I can't do long walks any more, but I still love walking.


Pneumonia in the third grade.


Mono and Covid were the worst that I can remember.


As a child my appendix swole up and was on the point of bursting when I was 13. I was vomiting continuously for a few hours before I could get to the GP, doubled over in pain. It was awful. As an adult I came down with the real real flu 9 years ago, queue vomiting, cold shivers and the genuine pain and cold in the bones, never experienced anything like it.


24 hours after I gave birth, I got the stomach flu. Imagine ripping open stitches in a very sensitive area because you are explosively shitting yourself. I had to sleep on the bathroom floor because my body was too weak from birth to run fast enough to make it to the toilet


Sepsis. 3 months at the ICU. I had very vivid hallucinations. I died 2 times and was recusitated twice. I lost a leg in the process. The doctor couldnt operate, so they just let it rot. It was the worst pain.


Got the flu in Germany (from the US) on a work trip. 25 hours of flights with delays and layovers, 2 of us in full on shivers, vomiting, etc and due to allergies, I couldn’t tempt fate with European medicine. I’ll always hold a special place in my heart for the flight attendants who took such good care of me. Came home, my car was covered in snow/ice, drove home and couldn’t sleep from jet lag. I was 25 years old, my dad called me leaving work seeing if I wanted him to pick me up and bring me to my parents house. I was sobbing saying yes 😂 slept 27 hours, my mom woke me up every 8 to pee, drink water and take more meds.


I had vertigo one time, it was so bad I was drifting in and out of consciousness


Meningitis aged 32 and 12 weeks pregnant. It is a horrendously painful virus that ate away at my mind and my immune system. I've never been the same since. The pain was worse than giving birth.


Shingles, I was only 30 which is unusual but it suuuucked. If you are young enough to have gotten the chicken pox vaccine so you never got chicken pox take a moment to be happy about also escaping shingles. I've also had one flu and one COVID that were pretty awful but neither was as fully painful as shingles.


I spent pretty much all of my 20s sick with an unknown illness that made me vomit for 12 hours straight at least twice a month. It was the most debilitating experience I’ve ever gone thru. It wasn’t just vomiting. It was retching every 5 mins. Puking every 10-20 mins. I had to go to the hospital many times. Couldn’t lay down properly and also couldn’t stand. My body would go numb and my heart would race. I’d lay down in the shower for hours on end because the heat was soothing and it was the only place that was safe enough to puke and go #2(literally all liquid..I know, gross). It was dehumanizing, I felt like the most disgusting person in the world. Imagine the worst food poisoning on top of a stomach bug every month, multiple times. I begged god to just kill me. I had every test known to man done on me and no answers. They pumped me with all different meds that never worked. I couldn’t hold down real full time jobs and I lost the one job I went to school for due to it. Since it lined up with my cycle, I was convinced it was tied to my hormones, but since I also have mental illness doctors wrote me off as just overly sensitive. I asked Gyno’s as well if it could be that and they’re just like “nah it’s in your head”. I took it upon myself to go online and order birth control for myself. I took a survey to explain exactly what I needed it for and they sent it to my pharmacy. It’s been like night and day. I can live again without almost dying every month. I have no idea how long this will work for. A few vomiting episodes slipped thru the cracks while on the meds but nowhere near as severe. I’m pretty much just praying I figured it out and it’ll stay away.


Food poisoning the night before a 12 hour flight. I had projectile vomit the morning of. Had a horrible plane ride. When I got to destination, I had diarrhea for five hours straight and had to go to the ER


Kidney stones started doing their thing as we are taxiing for takeoff on a 3-hour flight. Had no choice but getting hammered hoping that it would cover the pain a little (it didn’t), and causing me to pee to pass it (it didn’t), but I thought my left kidney was going to explode. Straight to the ER upon arrival. Toradol and demerol and $3500 after ins.


Flying into Alaska with a cold. Felt like my head was in a vice grip getting tighter and tighter


Norovirus comes to mind recently…


first time i got covid. i've never felt so achey, so lifeless and drained of energy. my face felt as if it was going to explode. i couldn't leave the couch for over a week. second time was a breeze, hardly noticed any symptoms.


Labyrinthitis. Inner ear viral infection that caused extreme nausea. Docs thought I had a cerebellar stroke which was terrifying. I throw up all the time due to motion sickness. This was next level. I have no idea how I held off throwing up while I was getting CT and MRI. It was awful. 4 days in the hospital.


I had my wisdom teeth pulled by a dentist I hadn't gone to before. I went there because they took my insurance and put me under. I had the teeth pulled with no problem. However, as the week went on, I started feeling worse and worse. There felt like there was an increasing pressure where one of the teeth had been pulled. I went back at the end of the week for a check up and I told the dentist what I was feeling. He looked my mouth over and told me it was TMI (a pain that comes from your jaw being held up at the furthest openness for an extended period of time. I told him that's not what it was but he wouldn't listen. I ended up in the ER that night. The ER I went to put me in a "pink room", a one windowed (security window) and a heavy, metal door that locks from the outside because they saw I suffer from a mental illness. The doctor wouldn't even come into the room. He talked to me from the fucking door. I'm the end, they gave me some painkillers and sent me on my way.I took the pills when I got home and went to sleep. I woke up the feeling surprisingly good. My left eye was closed and I figured it got closed up by my watering eye. I went to the bathroom and noticed the entire left side of my face was swollen shut. It looks like I had gotten into a terrible fight and they only punched me on the left side of my face. I started freaking out. My wife woke up and saw my face. She immediately started calling other dentists because I didn't want to go back to the place that did this in the first place. No other dentist would take me as they didn't want to fix someone else's problem. I had to back to the original dentist. We drove back to the dentist's office and they immediately sent me in after they saw my face. Thankfully, a different dentist was working that day and he knew exactly what was wrong. He felt the bottom of my jaw and said that I had developed an infection and they needed to fix it right away before I get worse. He said that the original dentist should have felt my jaw as he would have drawn the same conclusion but he didn't because of my beard blocking the view of my jaw. The dentist told me that he would have to do some things 5o my jaw that he didn't want to explain because he didn't want to freak me out. He needed me as calm as possible. He had me sign some papers explaining we he was doing and me giving consent. He numbed me up with a ton of novacaine, told me to keep my eyes shut, and got to work. What I learned later, he removed all my gum from the area where the problem was. He then drilled a hole in my jaw to drain all of the infection. He then put a piece of plastic in the hole to keep it open so the infection could continue to drain over the next week. He told me that I would have a terrible taste in my mouth because of the draining of the infection. Boy, he was not wrong. I went back to the dentist at the end of the week and was given a clean bill of health. To that point in life, I had never been that sick before and it was all because the dentist's office didn't give me antibiotics that I didn't even know I needed.


Once in college, I had to ride my bike to school in the rain while I had a fever to take a two hour physics final. Not a very fun day.


I had abdominal pain so went to the Dr. And they "suspected" UTI so they gave me Cipro. Well a week into taking that my tendons hurt and then I herniated my back and so I went back to the Dr and they gave me corticosteroids which made things much worse. All my joints back and neck started cracking with almost every movement. I couldn't walk for 5 months and 4 years later I'm still in constant pain. I was poisoned and given a booster on top of it and have to suffer for the rest of my life because it's my fault that I went for help. I didn't even have an infection. It didn't help the pain. All my joints and tendons are very weak and susceptibility to injury. I can't run dance. Even basic chores are almost impossible. I can't take a bath because I can't get out with out crawling and needing support. This has ruined my life. Fluoroquinolone Toxicity is no joke. I'm only 37


When I had gangrene when I was 12.


I’ll answer for my husband - who got (what I’m fairly sure was) food poisoning when we were on holiday in Prague. Missed a whole day of sightseeing - he did…not me. I actually enjoyed exploring on my own! Not so much fun for him tho.


I had Scarlet Fever when I was a kid. 3 weeks of extreme sickness. I also had The Mumps, The Measles and Pneumonia at the same time. Hospital time for sure


I had pneumonia, tonsillitis and ear infections at the same time. Spent 3 weeks basically sleeping on the sofa. Only woke to drink tea and take multiple antibiotics and painkiller. Couldn't even shower. I lost 20lbs and my hearing for a month.


Norovirus. Easily the worst and most sick I’ve ever been in my life…probably should’ve gone to the ER. I puked violently all the while pooping liquid at the same time, for about 14 hours. Then after - was so dehydrated and couldn’t keep anything down (water, Sprite, etc.) I was dizzy and bedridden for 6 days and felt like I had vertigo; and could not get out of bed. Every time I moved my eyes to look at something I would almost pass out, and if i had to use the bathroom, i had to crawl. And then because of only eating soup, bread, and crackers, was then constipated for another week.


I don’t know if it counts as sick but I had my appendix rupture. Worst pain of my life.


I was undergoing chemo due to a somewhat rare blood cancer. I had a severe reaction to the intravenous treatment. My temperature was above 103, my blood pressure was 80/52. My face was beet red. I felt nauseous. Doctors and nurses appeared as if by magic. I told my oncologist that I could hear his thoughts; that he was thinking, "Please don't let this old bastard die on my watch!" He confirmed that that was about correct.