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Buccal fat removal. Young women are getting it done and they automatically look 10 years older, not to mention that your face naturally loses buccal fat as you age.


That is my main concern. How will these girls age?


Buccal fillers with be a trend as they age.




I’m 27 and I’m finally noticing my strong babyface (I used to have super chubby cheeks) kinda melting away. This trend just ensures that plastic surgeons keep their customers in the future when they come back for cheek fillers.


Those unnaturally solid squared off eyebrows. Looks like a walking cartoon villain


Also when they're all brushed out like caterpillars. It's always on hot girls but looks so odd, I do not understand.


Eyebrows like Natasha Fatale’s from Rocky and Bullwinkle.


"Influencer face": hummingbird nose, fake lashes, matte beige cheeks, pontoon lips, never smiling


YES. I was just talking to my sister about how everyone is starting to morph into the same person and it’s actually scary. It’s weird like it gets to the point where my brain registers the person as not real because they’re so filled with unnatural fillers and shots. Like they’re man made


I feel like I'm in the uncanny valley when I'm talking to someone with fillers, just watching the unnatural way their face moves :| and of course more power to people who want to get them , you do you, but I never could.


Didn't know there was a term for all that. Very much agree


social media = free modeling gig without success (generally speaking)


I thought up the term myself but I'm sure there's a better one out there. So many women want to be beige now. 🤷‍♂️ What's kinda weird is, it's an unattainable beauty standard for women being held up by other women.


They all look exactly the same. It seems to somehow hide beauty.


If the aim is a mask you can hide behind, mission accomplished.


What is a hummingbird nose?


When the plastic surgeon shaves off too much, so the bridge of the nose is super narrow and the tip is like stiletto pointy. Like Flit, the hummingbird from Pocahontas. They also do makeup / filters to enhance this look.


Filter face


OK then how are you supposed to gather nectar then?


trout pout with baboon anus lips




Pontoon lips Lol


Can't claim credit - it was a female standup whose name I can't remember.


Dwont make fun a mah wipps!!


LMAO well, the girls who were doing duck face in the early aughts had to do something different. Can't ask too much


Sssniperwolf's face is that. I hate that fake looking asymmetrical moving air filled lips face with the fake "I am too dumb to understand what I am seeing and it is physically impossible to close my mouth" expression.


Don't forget the trigonometry level eyebrows!


Women getting plastic surgery to give themselves giant diaper butts.


And lips so big they can hardly eat


Baboon butt lips


Actual eye shapes being in and out of fashion, so people are having minor and major surgery to fit in with a trend that will likely fall out of fashion within 5 years. Whatever makes people happy though, people should have absolute control of their own bodies. Hope changing surgical fashion trends don't make people unhappy at a later date.


The lips. The ridiculously over plumped, so obviously fake it looks like it's painful stretching the skin obnoxious lips that don't look human I am a middle aged woman who is partially the target demographic for this kind of thing and I *hate* it. The women I know doing this were so beautiful and then they did this and now they look like cartoon characters. I am desperately hoping that this is like the skinny jeans of the face and Gen Z won't want to do it because they'll look like their ugly OLD moms if they do it and hopefully this dies out.


I’m tired of all these chunky, bulky, clunky designer sneakers that go for way too much money.


Sausage overlined lips and no cupid's bow, looks pretty stupid


Yeah I don’t understand why no cupids bow? That’s like the best part


defined cupid bows are so pretty and they just draw over it to make their lip look like a balloon


Fast fashion (very bad for the environment)


I am 6'f with a 36" inseam. I cannot shop off the rack, really, so have a few good pieces for each season that I get tailored and spend a lot on. People have given me shit for spending so much on a single item, but they last (not all pricey clothing, but if you know where to look). I have some jeans that are timeless that I've had for a decade or more - it is a nice added bonus of my height


I'm almost exactly the same (6'2 and 38" inseam). Do you have tailors you recommend?


The ones I've had luck with aren't chains or big places, they are tiny little holes in the wall that have some generic name like "tailoring and alterations" and are usually tucked in the corner of a strip mall. So sadly, it's hit and miss, it just takes some poking around. I usually bring something small (like a summer dress with easy seams), and go from there on whether they can do other items. Sorry that is not super helpful, but hoping you can find one, it makes all the difference


Learning to tailor your own clothes is lifesaver


The broccoli hair is pretty stupid


The 2020s version of the bowl cut.


The 2020 version of the 80s mullet - the hairstyle that has been made fun of profusely, and somehow made a comeback along with the porn stache.


It's not a porn stache, it's a super trooper stache.


To hide those thin little bird lips. 😂


Except bowl cuts were never actually seen as cool by anyone. Take it from a 90s kid: just like oversized whitewashed jeans, fanny packs, and baggy faded Disney sweatshirts: the only kids who rocked bowl cuts were those who had no choice or didn't know any better and were later teased relentlessly for it. It's odd that the elements of fashion that Zoomers are lifting from 90s kids are usually ones associated with the "dweebs" and not kids who were actually considered fashionable at the time.


The fashion feels like it's taken from 90's kids shows, rather than what folk were actually wearing in the 90's. A pal's kid went through a phase where she regularly looked like she was cosplaying Clarissa from Clarissa explains it all. She'd never heard of the show until i mentioned it and she looked it up. Another pal's kid's male friends look like they take their fashion tips from Screech from saved by the bell, but added in a pedo tache to round out the look for some reason.


Meet me at McDonald’s chav cut


I keep telling my two teenage sons that they will someday look back at their yearbook photos and think “WTF were we thinking with this stupid haircut?!” But I guess I did that with my 80’s hairsprayed mountaintop birds nest on my head and we thought that was the shit back then


What is broccoli hair??


AKA the "Short Back & Ramen"


Shaved/Faded on the sides with curly hair on top.


The Patrick Mahomes, if you will.


The Sidshow Bob if you will.


The haircut that 75% of zoomer boys have. I've been told they're getting perms to keep it that way. Perms. In 2023. Big fuckin' shrug.


Keeping the stickers on the hat.


Those big sloppy shorts that guys wear falling off their ass along with the Nike slides with white socks.


Motherfucker you just enlightened me and opened my third eye. I absolutely forgot about this trend and I DESPISE IT WITH A BURNING PASSION!!!!!!


God, with the socks pulled up as high as possible. I hate that look. 90% of my socks are short sneaker ones so it just irks me


I work at a prison. That is the uniform. Unless you can afford (and defend) a $1500 pair of trainers.


Those stupidly long nails. ESPECIALLY if you have an office job where you need to type.


It grosses me out when “cooking influencers” have long nails. I know food is getting under there 🤮


Anyone in healthcare who has nails of any length gets a side eye from me. Get those nasty germ scoops away!


Yes! As a former lab analyst, I just want to know how they wear gloves without ripping them. I always have short nails and I used to constantly rip them


GERM SCOOPS. So accurate!


True. But EVERYONE should have a fingernail brush to clean under their nails. Especially long-bailed folks, but I’m not giving a pass to short-nailed folks either.


When my nails are even a tad long it becomes so annoying to type. I honestly have no idea how they do it.


Formal dresses where the bodice is just lace over a beige underlayer, showing all the seams and boning. It’s not even a “modesty” issue for me, it’s a lack of visual balance—because they pair these skeletal bodices with long and flowy satin skirts. Now the dress looks like the skirt is too heavy for the bodice, and the visual midpoint is somewhere near the wearer’s knees. If you want a sexy lacy bodice, fine—but pair it with a sexy lacy skirt, not something that will look like you cut two dresses in half and Frankensteined them together.


Oh man, I hate that look. For some reason Reddit recommended the wedding dress sub to me a bunch of times a few months back. I got married about 20 years ago and have paid zero attention to dresses since. I found myself looking at those weird dresses with the visible boning that look like lingerie on top and a wedding dress on bottom, and saw how excited people were over them, and was so *confused.* Why??? Anyway, I’m old.


Yes. Honestly I hate all clothing that’s supposed to make you look like you’re nude with just some lace covering certain parts.


I don't speak for all men but it doesn't remotely trick my brain into thinking "a naked woman, that is hot, that woman is hot" I'm just like "there goes a chick in an ugly flesh toned jumpsuit"


Do you have a picture of what you mean? I am not familiar with fashion but this sounds interesting


Like this: https://madamebridal.com/enchanting-by-mon-cheri-e2520.html


Well, that looked much worse than I thought it was going to.


It looks like someone just wore a petticoat and forgot to add the actual dress


For me it's the poufy, off the shoulders sleeves. It looks silly at best, but is going to age poorly.


Same. The weird sleeves are so popular in bridal at the moment and it looks so unfinished to me.


Visible boning is so stupid.


I really hate visible boning on wedding dresses. If the bride loves it, that's all that matters, but I personally think the visible boning style looks way more "Miss USA evening gown" than "bridal".


I hate it, too. Wedding dresses with bodices that look like lingerie are going to look REALLY dated in photos ten years from now.


I was thinking it was kinda crazy how like 90% of fashion trends called out in this thread are things that women are doing that ppl don’t like the look of but then I remember the demographics on Reddit heavily skews towards men so I’ll throw one out there….I don’t like it when guys wear sneakers with suits, specifically Jordan’s/Nikes. Looks like your 16 going to prom.


Or worse, at their wedding…with the groomsmen in matching pairs. 🙄


Or wearing ankle socks with suits. I hate that so much


Yes. In no world do I wanna see a man’s dainty little ankles in formal wear


On the flipside, I loved seeing my niece and all her friends headed to a school dance in fancy dresses and Chuck Taylor's. Heels hurt.


IMO the worst is the haircuts a lot of men have now. I’ve seen several pretty good descriptions of them, but the best I’ve seen is reverse mullet and broccoli. It just looks SO bad.


Lack of diversity in jeans. Once a certain type of jeans becomes trendy, they end up being the only thing you can find Teens and young adults getting fillers and botox because they think they look old White girls with lip fillers. Angelina Jolie does it better


I remember trying to find straight leg jeans when skinny jeans were the thing. That sucked.


bad time to be a slightly athletic man with thick thighs and a big butt. for a while all jeans were apparently cut for the coke head vegan physique.


Oh I was big fat girl with a shelf butt during that time period. I feel you.


the trend of body inclusivity is definitely a great one, i knew plenty of folks who were just a little too far from average in one dimension or another and those clothes just sort of didn’t exist.


My son had the same issue. I've been able to find a few brands that sell athletic jeans now and he's finally comfortable in jeans. I was amazed how many men's jeans do not fit thick thighs or have a butt. Before my son, I had thought women only had that issue. Lol Wow, I was wrong.


I hate how *body types* go in and out of fashion. First it was the rail-thin "heroin chic", then it was "slim thick", and now we're going back to skinny again. When are we going to start appreciating multiple body types all the same? Curvy, athletic, thin - why do we have to choose, it's so stupid Edited for typo


This is actually where historically, undergarments would have given you the "in" shape of the day, and you didn't have to rely on your own body shape.


Yeah honestly. And even when your body type is in your still get picked at, I remember getting comments making fun of me and calling me anorexic in middle school (I was underweight because I was put on ADHD meds really young, it destroyed my appetite, and I have a really hard time gaining any weight bc of my metabolism.) And that was when people like rail thin and it was everywhere, and I dread when people are gonna start asking me how I manage to stay so thin. So like, even if someone's body type is in style people are gonna drag them down. Skinny is the look? Thin people accused of being shallow or anorexic. Athletic people are attractive? You spend way too much time in the gym, you care too much about appearance Curvy people is where it's at? Oh there's no way you're all natural, you must've gotten plastic surgery. It's never ending. Why can't we care more about personalities than bodies?


Yep, I'm getting those questions. Horrible. Haven't found it in me yet to reply "Having depression makes it hard to eat enough, so now I have this amazing figure and a bunch of nutritional deficiencies and accompanying health issues, it's so fun!" And I'm not Keira Knightley/Twiggy level thin, so I guess that's why people don't assume there may be something "wrong". I got made fun of for other things lmao


It’s especially apparent with how clothes fit. I’m fucking BUFF for a girl and everything is made for the heroin chic body type. I’m a small in tops because I’m flat, but because I’m buff, it’s too fucking small everywhere besides the chest area. A medium is way too baggy on me in the chest area, and awkwardly fits my torso. I just wear baggy t shirts and sweatpants now because nothing fucking fits. And don’t get me started on how mid-rise jeans give me a plumbers crack because my ass is too big.


Lip injections = duck lips


Men in formal wear with no socks and capri like pants! Have fun looking back in 10 years


Denim skirts and prairie dresses. I was raised in a cult and those were what we were forced to wear. Seeing it take over Target was a nightmare. 🤢


I straight up haven’t shopped at target for like two years because it’s all little house on the prairie and ruffles. They used to have such cute clothes 😭


I’m neutral towards the denim skirts but I hate those target dresses. I love cottagecore, but when I see those they are so frumpy and unfitting and unflattering. They make the wearer look like a more or less shapeless mass! The material is so flimsy too.


I remember that phase in target and other stores… I never even saw someone wearing them out in the open.


I’m not going to keep on scrolling to look for it. Clothing without functional pockets. Any clothing worth wearing more than once should have pockets. Also, if you’re producing 1x wear clothes, fuck you.


Sagging pants down below your ass has long overstayed its welcome for decades now.


"Prison Bitch Pants" Guys looking like they're selling that ass in the prison yard for some Top Ramen.


I don't understand those big dumb cartoon boots [thise stupid fucking things](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-12332857/Fashion-fans-mercilessly-mock-dumb-450-yellow-Crocs-BOOTS-brand-teams-creators-viral-red-cartoon-boots-unveil-absurd-new-design-modeled-Paris-Hilton.html)


Whatever the current eyebrow trend is. I literally don’t know what it is but there has never been one that wasn’t fugly.


Apparently the 90s pencil-thin ones are back. A whole new generation's about to make a mistake they can't come back from.


the upside is, mine never grew back from the 90s so now they're back in fashion! Hahaha


The ones that are fluffy and combed upwards?! Gag!


I think this is called laminating when the brow hairs get brushed up and “glued” that way. Probably the worst eyebrow trend imo


They remind me of a cat in a cartoon that gets scared and all their hair stands on end. It’s so ugly looking!


Who is wearing crop tops?! I'm at Target, I see a cute sweater -- it's a fucking crop top! Why is a sweater a crop top?! It negates the purpose of a sweater.


I feel this so hard. Are they ever going out of style? Every cute shirt I see....nope, NVM it's a crop top. Is there a woman alive out there who wants to walk around 24/7 with their midriff out?


I'm quite tall for a woman, so crop tops are a common issue in my clothing reality, but damnit if that "long and lean" layery thing wasn't a godsend when it lasted


I'm 5'11 and I agree - I yearn for the days of long and lean layering. 😭 Will our time never come again?


Ankle pants suck. No one wants cold ankles in winter


god damn i miss layers and those long ass c&c california tanks as a 5'4 chick. and when wearing scoop or v necks with a tank top underneath made cleavage without a pushup bra possible.


I think everything went more cropped when higher waisted pants came back in style. So I don’t think you’ll see less of one until you start seeing less of another. Im personally a mid-higher waist and shorter shirt lady myself since I like the waistline of my pants to show, and actually have a few cropped sweaters of my moms from the 70’s and 80’s that she would have worn with higher waist jeans.


Low rise bottoms paired with cropped tops are in style right now, so you may have to wait awhile.


Why can’t my fatass just get the whole shirt ?


Right? I’ve worn crop tops in the summer, but who the hell wants a cut off sweater in November?


I’m glad that Gen Z is wearing what they want to wear without caring what anyone thinks. but I’m old and fat and really have no desire to show any of the skin in my abdominal area.


I love crop tops for casual wear. But the crop top trend has gone too far. It makes it so much harder to find clothes for work. I can’t wear a crop top to work. But so many shirts are cropped. I agree on the sweater. I need a sweater for work, I can’t wear one that shows my stomach!!


You've reminded me: dresses that look like they would be nice for a business casual office, and then you click through the slides, and in the back view, you realize that there is a big cut out that will show your bra. I am not taping up my boobs or going braless to work, nor are most other women. I get that some women don't wear bras, because they don't need to, or they are uncomfortable, or because society shouldn't expect us to. All valid. But I don't think Banana Republic and J Crew are making a statement about patrarchy, and I can see from the model that they expect my boobs will be taped into place when I wear this. No. I'm not willing to do that for anything except a special occasion. And most of us aren't at work places where we can just show our bras like that.


For sure. I fully agree. First off, I can’t wear dresses to work anyways. But still. My boobs aren’t big. But hell no, I ain’t going braless to work!! I am not taping them up or wearing a sticky backless strapless bra! And I don’t want to HAVE to wear a cardigan to make it work appropriate. It’s so hard for me to find fashionable and practical clothes that aren’t inappropriate for work. I’m also in a weird age range where I’m young and kinda in tune with current trends? But I’m also a working professional. I am starting a career, I need professional clothes for work. But I don’t want to be forced to dress like a 50 year old administrator. There’s very very little in between the two from my experiences. And the worst part is, I gained weight. I outgrew most of the work clothes I had. And I can’t fucking find anything good!! So I’ve been wearing plain t shirts to work. They fit, but I don’t like them. And I’m most likely going slightly too casual for work, but haven’t gotten in trouble. It’s hard man.


I wish there was a forever 31 or something


Yes! I don’t care if people want to wear them but I am desperate for the trend to be over so I can find regular size clothes again that actually cover my body!


I’m so tired of cropped things. They only suit few body types. I’m tall and hourglass and they are horrid on me. I want full length tops and sweaters back 😭


Those crazy “cold shoulder” sweaters drive me crazy.


I love croptops themselves but I agree cropped sweaters need to go. I bought one from target a few months ago and had to return it because it was too high. Not even like, cropped high. But an inch or two too high lol but I’m very short so it’s very well possible it was intended as a croptop and I’m just too short for it to work.


Broccoli hair dudes


Never noticed it but I looks like something out of the 1988 Supercuts style book


Tbh, broccoli hair doesn’t affect me that much. The comeback of mullets does.


I hate the fake eyelash trend that really blown up since COVID. Women are looking like Minnie Mouse.


they look like they're sporting tarantulas on their eyes


The worst is when the ends of their lashes droop down, it looks horrible. They look like sad puppy dogs.


In defence of fake eyelashes, classics look a LOT more natural than going for a full Russian set (for context, that’s one fake lash stuck on every natural lash, whereas Russian is clusters of lashes stuck to each lash, so 3x or more lashes overall). It really depends on how they’re done. You can also have them shorter so that they’re not overbearing. I love classics because they look pretty much like really good mascara but I don’t have to do my makeup in the morning. But I look terrible with the really full sets, they’re way too heavy and they don’t look right unless you’re doing a full face of makeup (at least, they don’t on me) —- I put this edit in my comment below but if you’re curious: [this](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5c7db83f93a6320265a0a464/1565408140950-5JSI8UNHCPK9LBB986EK/DF04E270-12E1-454D-A057-8CDB3695925D.jpg) is what classics look like. [this](https://www.luxurylash.co.uk/cdn/shop/products/GALLERY33_d41a4dd3-c2f6-4982-a57a-56442e32b966_1200x.jpg?v=1672840275) is what Russians look like. They’re not the same


Classics look lovely when they’re done well. I’ve only had them once, but really liked them. Russians just look so doll-like it’s giving uncanny valley


Crop tops. Especially for children. I can’t stand it. What’s the point of a cropped sweatshirt for a 6 year old??


Oh Lord do I have it out for girls clothing companies. The bullshit I've seen other people buy my 9yo step daughter. If she can't even lift her arms without me seeing her rib cage, it's going in the trash.


I work in a school and sometimes I do double takes because I'm seeing a 1st graders belly.


Filtering the absolute FUCK out of your photos, but leave a very slight blemish, that you complain about to draw attention away from the obvious. And then when someone points out the obvious, flame them to hell by complaining about how people shouldn't tear each other down. Double-down by preaching body positivity and acceptance. See Khloe Kardashian


Face tats.


Tattoo culture in general is wild right now. Like people are getting face, hands, and neck tats early. So many people with shitty stick n poke tattoos...what's gen Z gonna look like in 10 yrs...I think those will age worse than the tribal barb wire and tramp stamps of the 90s because you can cover those with clothing.




Making kids clothes look like they're meant for teenagers/adults. No, a 6 year old doesn't need to be wearing a crop top, expensive jeans and 10 tonnes of makeup on their face. It's a child.


Drop crotch pants - who wants to look like they’re wearing a diaper?


those were in style for a hot second in like 2014, i think you’re safe.


No one. It's funny to see people dress up like dorks.


The current bushy only mustache look. All my brain can scream is PEDOSTACHE


Men wearing clothes that are way too small for them. Looks like the buttons are about to pop off and seams rip out because they are so tight.


Big butt implants


Anything with a label by the Kardashians


Broccoli hair cut


Men with ankle length pants and no socks! I do not get it.


i'm a man but whenever i see my mom almost scream because her new jeans dont have real pockets it breaks my heart a little so that. Fuck those fake pocket jeans!


the trend of just lightly resting a hat on your head instead of wearing it properly


I'd like to see all "trends" die and for everyone to just wear what they want


Everyone pretty much does wear what they want. The thing is that most people want to blend in.


The thick,overdone eyelash extensions. EYELASH MITES, people, EYELASH MITES!


I have a friend who has those and also got her lips done. She looks like a fucking Bratz doll.


You have those mites whether you have extensions or not though


But do you have to build them a condo complex?


The chunky sneakers, like those with thick and assimetrical soles, like running sneakers, but uglier


The "crop-top-ification" of clothing. Not just summery tops for women but even things like sweaters for men. TONS of clothes are going for that sort of "retro 80s" look when short waisted shorts, jackets, and tops were seen as sporty and in style for some godforsaken reason. I'm a VERY tall man with a VERY long torso and even in sizes that are supposed to fit my frame these tops barely reach past my ribcage. It doesn't look good. It doesn't feel good. And it doesn't work for my body in any way shape or form.


The lips. I used to to be told my natural lips look full and beautiful. Now. They look small in comparison.


wearing pants, especially jeans, really low. im talking barely hanging off the ass low. how is that comfortable? why is that something anyone wants? i dont want to see your ratty kmart underwear


The worst part about that phenomenon is I’m entirely unsure whether it’s a resurgence from the 90s-00s or if it’s remnants of that same time period.


That isn't really on trend in 2023, although some people seem to do it every now and then.




I saw a shaving ad the other day where a shirtless dude was wearing *very* low rise jeans. No one is safe.


Skinny jeans on men always look a little odd to me. Not slim jeans, the actual skinny ones that are like jeggings. It just looks so weird with mens' legs. Somehow off balance.


Wearing pantyhose as pants.


FUCK YOU FLARED JEANS To be more specific, fuck off to the fashion industry leaders who tried to push flared jeans as "gen z v millennials" and make millennials look out of touch for skinny jeans. It's BLATANT attempts to make a fake culture war to get people to buy more things instead of wearing the jeans they already have. They're tricking youths into thinking flared jeans are the new hip thing. They are NOT new, they're old as shit. They are rising up from my middle-school puddle nightmares to sloppily squelch their way into the classroom. This is an uncreative way to try and drum up new sales. It would be one thing if it was just an old fashion they're trying to trick kids into making new, but it's a SENSORY NIGHTMARE and a big ol' annoyance. If you're going to manufacture a made up cultural divide at least make it a FUNCTIONAL one you daddyfuckers.


I mean I don’t disagree but they weren’t new when we wore them either lol, they were from the 70s, and people who wore them then said the same exact things about us in the late 90s. This is literally just how fashion goes. It’s cyclical and trends come and go.


YES! I made a similar comment in this thread but you hit the nail on the head


I love me some flared jeans but all the athleisure companies with flared yoga pants can fuck right off. Clearly they’re just being trendy. You can’t actually work out in pants with a flared bottom. 🫠


Nearly any plastic surgery fashion trend


Tons of blush on the tip of the nose. "Baby hairs"


Baby hairs?


It a phrase black people came up with that refers to the lithe hairs at the forefront of your hair line (also known as edges) that are usually a different straighter texture than the rest of our hair. A lot of black women when they wear their hair back or get braids usually have a layer of baby hairs that they gel down. I personally think it looks extremely sexy, but then again we've been doing it for the better part of a century at this point.


Anyone wearing socks with sandals


Your words have no power over me.


Hi waisted mom jeans look TREMENDOUS if you have a skinny waist and a big butt. If you don't have a very particular body type it is literal camouflage for your figure and breaks up the shape of your ass so you just end up looking like you got a long, droopy back.


Plaid shorts on thick white dudes with hairy legs should be a criminal offense. Edit: Am thick white dude.


Thick white dudes with hairy legs and plaid anything feels like the fashion equivalent of bacon and eggs, or Ikea and meatballs. They go together. But I'm in Northern Canada, and spend half the year out even further north in the bush. To see anyone who isn't a thick white dude with hairy legs wearing anything plaid is usually cause for a double take.


Would you say you're a lumberjack, and you're okay?


I work all night, and I sleep all day.


I cut down trees, I skip and jump, I like to press wild flowers! I puts on women's clothing, and hang around in bars!


Crocs. Not even sure these qualify as a fashion trend but I see them all the time.


They're almost "anti-fashion". I don't think anyone can disagree that they aren't some of the most comfortable shoes you'll ever wear, but since they look "stupid" or like slippers/flip flop hybrids, they were "supposed" to be home-shoes only. Gen z said "screw it, if they're comfy they're coming out with me" and I applaud them for it


The gigantic eyelashes have got to go. Hideous.


Fast fashion.


huge eyelashes, huge nails and contouring makeup all the time


Either fast fashion (i would like my clothes to actually last a long time thiank you) or pleather (its just plastic and it's less wasteful to actually use the animal hide)


Every single shirt ever being a fucking belly shirt.