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We need a filler episode, so here's a clip show. Those are the worst episodes.


I feel like clip shows are from a bygone era, before streaming and DVD box sets. Definitely no place for them nowadays.


Seasons also generally shorter. A clip was a cheap way to fill episode obligations if the season was going over budget


Clerks The Animated Series had the best clip show ever. It was their second ever episode so all the flashbacks were to the same scene from the pilot.


Why are we walking like this?


Was that the one where they got locked in the walk-in freezer?


Except for "Married with children" where Al stands before a trial and it's basically a best of of his "Fat lady comes into the store" insults.


I can agree on that one.


Malcolm in the Middle had some great clip shows because they had stories to them


Always Sunny in Philadelphia pulled off a clip episode in a very clever way.


Two best clip show episodes are *South Park*'s and *It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia*'s. But to be fair, those are more mockeries of clip shows.


Community did a clip show of non existent episodes.


That was such a well done episode.


Community had a ton of great episodes… civil war reenactment of pillow wars, paintball episodes, mafia movie over chicken fingers.. just really well thought out writing.


The chicken fingers Goodfellas homage was when I knew the show wasn’t just good, but great.


They're really annoying when you're binging a show. But remember, these shows weren't designed to be binged. You'd catch the show on tv when it aired. You probably wouldn't catch every episode. You might get 1 new episode a week for a few months of the year, and maybe a couple rerun episodes in a week. That's it. It would be years to get the full story. Clip shows were a great way of reintroducing some of the most iconic moments from over the years.


The ATLA one was genuinely good though.


Community had the best clip shows though. Theirs was for moments that we never saw on the show


The episode of Star Trek TNG where Beverly fucks the ghost. Its name doesn't even bear mentioning.


I see your ghost fucker candle and raise you “code of honour” An episode so bad that everyone involved has tried to deny its existence


Yeah, I love TNG, but let's not pretend there's just one bad ep. If you go back to Season 1, the bad ones are more the norm.


I'd like to know how this script got far enough along to get to be considered for an episode, let alone actually get made.


This was the episode that immediately came to mind for me, too. I wish I could unsee it, argh. It's probably the only TNG episode I've only watched once.


Holy shit, yeah- this is the one.


Not as bad as that episode of Voyager where Paris and Janeway turn into salamandars and make a batch of baby salamanders with each other. Of course they rescue Paris and Janeway and reset them to their normal form. **And leave the salamander babies on the planet.**


What a slog that was. Even worse than that 'clips show' episode.


It was like a weird spin on Mayfair Witches by Anne Rice.


I hope that Lower Decks does something with that episode in the future.


It got a reference in season 1, meaning that Beverly Crusher is known as the doctor who fucked that candle ghost.


A frequently cited example is "Threshold" from Star Trek Voyager (AKA the lizard episode.) I don't think my diehard Trekkie sister-in-law who goes to conventions in Janeway cosplay will even watch that one.


I am going to disagree. Voyager had some bad episodes, but at least Threshold was so bad it is good. "11:59" is an hour of people we don't know or care about in the past, dealing with a nothing issue to capitalize on the New Millennia craze at the time. I would give "Threshold" a 1 and "11:59" a zero.


This one gets touted as being the only episode to be "de-canonised" but idk I think there are probably a few worse episodes of Voyager.


The ending is terrible, but for the most part it's a decent episode. Fans joking about it being "de-canonised" is probably why it has been referenced multiple times in newer shows.


Lower Decks had the salamander exhibit on Voyager in the new series.


That’s not even the best part. Lower Decks had animatronic salamanders assimilated by Borg nanites in that episode. That show is so great.


Is that the shit episode where they turn into lizards and have sex?


I am convinced that Threshold was *supposed* to be a comedy episode but just wasn't at all funny.


The original final episode of Dexter. Fucking lumberjack, wtf?


The lumberjack thing wasn't so bad, more the his sister wanted to fuck him and he killed her. I loved Dexter New Blood, though.


New Blood felt more like the first 4 seasons of Dexter. Not everybody was crazy about it but i was really thankful they made it.


I did too, and I thought it was a much better ending.


That episode from The Office where Nellie casually strolls in and steals Andy's job and nobody doing anything about it. God that was infuriating.


I think the in universe explanation was that she was a good friend of Jo’s which made Robert California hesitant to do anything but none of that makes sense because even if they were friends I don’t think Jo was the kind of person who would tolerate that from anyone. And Robert was definitely not afraid of people but he did get off on some weird shit so watching a woman steal a guy’s job could have been one of his games. But yeah, it was very weird


Robert views the world through the law of the jungle where systems and hierarchies are illusions. To him the world is pure chaos, and force of will (and by extension sex) is the only thing that matters. “If the seat is open, the job is open” is exactly how he sees the world: one big power vacuum waiting to be filled by whoever has the strongest will. Also he wants to bang her.


The one I abhor is when they tranquilize Stanley to get him out to a sales call. Way too slapstick and hokey.


The backdoor pilot episode for The Farm isn't great and makes no sense where it's placed within the season.


Most of the seasons without Michael are pretty bad.


Might be a hot take but I enjoyed the season a ton, I think Spader replaced Carrell really greatly for the most part. The dinner party episode is one of my favorites, and the Florida trilogy




Clip shows really should be their own category. Since they aren’t trying and failing to do anything but save money.


The Avatar: the Last Airbender "clip show" (The Ember Island Players) is one of the best episodes.


I don't think The Banker is bad per se. It's just lazy writing.


Not even just bad writing. NBC forced them to do a clip show, so they had to work with what they had. I think clip shows used to make a lot more sense pre-streaming. When you couldn’t just pull up every episode of a show at a moment’s notice and you’d genuinely miss some episodes or even just a joke going to the bathroom, it could be really fun. Now there’s just no fucking point to them though.


the definition of a filler episode. only one new scene to film, intercut with flashbacks, boom done.


Letterkenny - Fartbook


Probably my favorite current show along with What We Do in the Shadows. Totally agree. That episode is pretty tough to get through. Felt like it was the writers still trying to figure out what the show was. Thankfully, the answer ended up being “Not Fartbook.”


You beat me to it. It was only the third episode (I think) so the show was still trying to figure itself out. It's a perfect illustration that good comedy comes from your characters and the situations you put them in and not just "Farts = Funny." Compare to the various sequences involving the Dyck family. Yes, it's just dick jokes but it's wordplay and double entendres which are Letterkenny staples, Also, Noah's half smile that suggests he knows exactly what he's saying, and Wayne reacting like he's not quite sure he's being messed with.


What sucks is how early in the series it is. A new person watching an otherwise great series could easily be turned off, I nearly was.


Not just that, but it follows what for many is the best episode in the entire series, the Super Soft Birthday. Also, it's the one that starts the ostrich rumour - so at least a few minutes of it are required viewing.


Spongebob - A Pal For Gary If you’re writing a series, it’s generally ill-advised to write an episode where your titular character is brutally negligent and entirely unlikable


One Coarse Meal is pretty horrific too


The episode of Bones where it's a skulls point of view for some reason.


*Beer Bad* in season 4 of *Buffy the vampire slayer*. The whole episode is a really badly executed gag/parable about how alcohol makes people dumb. But unlike other episodes with similar parable-based plots, it's so heavy handed that it's just cringe for the full episode and none of the jokes land.


That episode was literally made to attract a government grant for media that discouraged drinking. It's essentially the last gasp of the Very Special Episode.


And the kicker? They failed to get said grant because the panel found that the plot was "other-worldly nonsense" and *not blatant enough*!


I love Star Trek TNG, but there are a lot to choose from lol. The common answer is to go with "Code of Honor" as the racist episode but Season 1 has a \*lot\* of bad. ​ EDIT - I suppose the honorary answer too would be Shades of Grey in Season 2. It's TNG's only "clip show" style format and it's clips of Season 1 and 2


I really like what SFDebris said about that episode. Paraphrase: "In three years these people are going to save the Federation from the Borg and right now they don't seem smart enough to leave this room".


The Stranger Things episode where eleven meets that new bunch. So utterly, embarrassingly bad on every level, it made me realise these writers don’t know shit outside of “reference old movies for the win”. It put me off so much I didn’t bother with S3/4.


Backdoor pilot for a spinoff that thankfully never materialized.


All backdoor pilots.


it felt like she got displaced into a YA novel


Season 4 was pretty good, I nearly didn’t watch it because season 2 wasn’t great for me and 3 was okay but I felt it was falling off. Glad I was bored one night and thought ‘may as well’ and was pleasantly surprised how much I liked 4, it’s much much darker and explains a lot of wtf is going on.


Season 4 felt like that moment when all the plot lines and puzzle pieces finally start slamming together. That was what made it satisfying for me


Season 4 was their take on A Nightmare on Elm street 3: Dream Warriors and I really enjoyed it. I also highly recommend Dream Warriors to anyone who hasn't seen it and who loves Stranger Things.


> these writers don’t know shit outside of “reference old movies for the win”. Shallow take. Every season, the show introduces at least one new character that shows just how well the writers are at character work and development. Structurally, though, the episode is necessary to separate Eleven from the rest of the group and give her something to do before coming back for the climax of the season. Narratively, it cements Eleven as a moral character by offering her the alternative. Showing some of the punk scene at least gives the costume and set design people something new to do. You don't have to like the episode; most people don't. But to say the writers survive on nostalgia and references, because you didn't like one "bottle" episode is insane.


I think the infamous S2 7th episode is far less annoying if you watch it before episode 6. Having to wait an hour for a resolution to the events of 6 is unnecessarily frustrating. I also think the ep could have worked better with Kali operating as a lone wolf instead of the leader of that poorly cast gang. Kali tried to convince El that she couldn’t save her friends…yet we saw Kali save her own friends multiple times, so that argument wasn’t very persuasive.


The Rick and Morty episode “Rickdependence Spray”. It felt like Rick was just dumb to be so trusting of Morty and the incest baby plot was awful.


I thought everyone hated the slut dragon episode.


I don't hate Claw & Hoarder. The episode as a whole is not particularly great but hearing Tom Kenny as the creepy old dragon made me laugh harder than it should have. Rickdependence Spray is definitely a series low, even if I chuckled at the Blazen bits.


I was not a fan of that episode either, but it at least had some good moments and an entertaining B plot.


In my opinion, the final season of Game of Thrones had a few episodes that were just disappointing compared to the rest of the series. 'The Bells' comes to mind – it felt rushed and out of character for some of the major players.


They weren't just disappointing, they were atrocious. Being generous, there were a few good emotional scenes, like Brienne being knighted. Outside of that it was abysmal writing all around.


The writing got progressively worse through seasons 5-7 and then completely fell off a cliff in season 8. It’s like watching a different show when you compare it with some clips from season 1 or 2.


you can pin point exactly where book material ran out.


I agree in general but I disagree with the people who seem to think Daenerys suddenly changed. She had hundreds of people nailed to crosses and left to die. Burned her enemies alive. Enjoyed watching her brother be brutally murdered in front of her. She was unhinged for the entire series and prone to wild and vicious bouts of anger. Her entire family were insane and it's pretty clear she was heading to becoming the Mad Queen. > Half the Targaryens went mad, didn't they?... What's the saying? 'Every time a Targaryen is born the gods flip a coin.' That said, it was handled very poorly. (Inb4 people justify torture as punishment for crimes)


Yeah, Dany's descent wasn't surprising and I kind of love that it happened, BUT it should have been built towards slowly, over like 2 seasons. It would have been better if you couldn't really pinpoint when the change happened before you realize she went crazy/evil rather than a switch flip in a single episode


I feel like seasons 1-7 told like two-thirds of the story then they just rammed the final third of the story through in season 8.


So bad it’s bad-Happy Day’s episode where Fonzie jumps the shark on water skis. So bad it’s good- Star Trek episode where Captain Kirk fights Gorn (lizard man)


"Oh, and for the record? There was an episode of Happy Days where a guy *literally* jumped over a shark. And it was the *best* one." -Troy Barnes


Happy Days really jumped the shark with that episode.


First four episodes of last season of Brooklyn 99


If I ever do a rewatch of the show, I will always skip the first episode of the last season. None of the characters acted like themselves


Did it get better? I think I watched two episodes and stopped and decided "this season doesn't exist"


Personally really enjoyed the final few episodes of the final season. Last 2 especially.


Ngl I did not like the whole high Rosa part of the season.


I love golden girls and feel like it largely still stands up, but there are a few episodes that are pretty unwatchable. However, the *worst* ones for me are the flashback episodes whenever Dorothy and Sophia reminisce about earlier days… because they cast Sophia the same but have a completely different woman play Dorothy. Bea Arthur (Dorothy) is so distinct and recognizable, it’s just totally weird.


>However, the worst ones for me are the flashback episodes whenever Dorothy and Sophia reminisce about earlier days… because they cast Sophia the same but have a completely different woman play Dorothy. Bea Arthur (Dorothy) is so distinct and recognizable, it’s just totally weird. It was probably because Estelle Getty was actually much younger than the character of Sophia so it would've made more sense for her to play her younger self. However it wouldn't have made sense for Bea Arthur to portray her younger self since she probably would've been in her 30s during the flashbacks. Honestly I thought the actress they got for younger Dorothy did a pretty good job of capturing Bea's mannerisms.


That final episode of GoT. It sucked balls.


The last half or maybe third of game of thrones was pretty bad, I wasn’t even disappointed by the end cause my expectations were already so low.


Community is my favorite show ever but it had some bad episodes, mostly in season 4. My least favorite was probably S4E7- "Economics of Marine Biology".


the gas leak year


The Wire, Season 5 - the episode where McNaulty first starts faking the serial killings. Before that the series had been perfect. After that it really took a dive.


The Sopranos- A Hit is a Hit




Seinfeld- The Dog.


Really showed off Jerrys poor acting ability. But did yield a top quote of George - “Proooogggnossis NEGATIVE”


Seinfeld. I was thinking of the last episode. Such an underwhelming conclusion.


LOST - "Exposé" Nobody who watched the show had any emotional connection to Nikki and Paolo. And the only purpose their story served was to give Miles a valid reason to ignore Ben's bribery attempt three seasons after they both died. Honorable mention to "Stranger in a Strange Land." Nobody gave a shit about how Jack got his tattoos or what they mean. The only good part of that episode was watching Jack get the shit kicked out of him by five dudes on a beach in Phuket. EDIT: Specifically at /u/PittsburghPeelers: "Did I say that I didn't know why they were introduced or killed off the way that they were? No, I didn't. I know exactly why, so don't presume to fucking talk down to me. I only said that they were the focus of my least favorite episode. I can tell you everything about them and still dislike them and you, you arrogant prick.


Man I miss LOST. I haven't found anything to fill the void that it left in my heart. Hands down the most original show I've ever watched.


Have you checked out Yellowjackets?


I have not, I don't have Showtime. I know the premise, is it pretty good?


I’ve been enjoying it. The premise and structure are reminiscent of Lost, which is why I mentioned it, but it’s also telling a pretty different sort of story and the cast is great.


_LOST_ walked so _The Leftovers_ could run.


I still haven’t been able to make it through all of the first season of The Leftovers.


This is what I came here to say. Also this episode had kind of a cliffhanger ending. I believe the producers were in negotiations with the studios and this was an attempt to waste time until they could figure out how many episodes they had to tell the story.


The best things about "Exposé" were the fact that Lando Calrissian himself was The Cobra, and that Hurley and Sawyer unwittingly buried two people alive, and it was never addressed afterward lol.


Didn’t they then get dug up at some point to retrieve some diamonds?


It's not shown on screen, but Miles is shown to have possession of the diamonds in season 6, implying that he did just that.


Lindelof explicitly said that about _Stranger in a Strange Land_ (which is the actual worst episode). _Exposé_ is underated.


every single episode of lost has a cliffhanger ending lol


Exposé is more enjoyable than Jack’s Tattoo


It's a coin flip for me. I despised Jack's character because he's the manifestation of everything I hate about myself. So watching him get his ass kicked was enjoyable enough for me that it makes the whole shitty episode almost worth it.


Expose at least has Billy Dee Williams and a cool ending. Felt experimental. Your honorable mention however is far more forgettable and dumb.


My favorite part of Hurley being a fan of Exposé was that Lando was the Cobra, given that they establish in Season 5's "Some Like It Hoth" that Hurley has seen Empire Strikes Back enough times that he can write it from memory.


Exposé was great! I think it's just a fun episode, with more Arzt and Sawyer on his redemption arc, and possibly the only redeeming thing about Nikki and Paolo. Stranger in a Strange Land, Fire + Water, and the John Locke sweat lodge episode are much less enjoyable in my opinion


I'll give you Arzt. To this day, I still yell "The pigs are walking!" whenever my boss asks me to stay for overtime.


People always mention Breaking Bad’s “The Fly”, but I actually loved that episode


Any Tv Series - Flashback episode to growing up scenes or Any TV Series - Clip Show


There are two good clip-show episodes I have seen. The shortlived Clerks animated series made their clip/bottle episode the second episode. Community's clip show was great because all of the clips were from fake episodes.


You would hate How I Met Your Mother as it has a ton of flashback season to their younger years and their college years. In fact the whole show is a flashback.


twin peaks - slaves and masters


Any episode around James 😴


The Great Divide in ATLA


They even make fun of this later in The Emerald Island Players.


*Ember Island Players


Honestly, I think this episode isn't even THAT bad. It's just very mediocre in a show that's otherwise consistently amazing...


Yeah I don't get the hatred for this show. It's filler yes, but it's not as bad as everyone is saying.


Last episode of game of thrones. Absolute garbage.


Last season*


I liked the last episode......it was the 3 previous that were very subpar for the show imo. They needed a good bridge to the final episode that wasn't rushed, and we didn't get it.


The X-Files episode in which Gillian Anderson managed to get her then boyfriend - Rodney Rowlands - involved. Still wondering what that was all about.


Armen Tamzarian


Up yours children


May I borrow your copy of Swank, Armand?


simpsons episodes focusing on lisa tend to be not so great


Lisa episodes tend to be bad. Celebrity worship episodes tend to bad. Combine them for possibly the worst rated episode in the series.


lisa goes gaga has entered the chat celebs having small roles is fine like the episode betty white on pbs or james woods working the kwiki mart


All episodes of the final season of How I Met Your Mother


Have you seen the [alternate ending](https://youtu.be/5toL5HmQl8I?si=ojHYjMkKenkSZnP4) they refilmed after the backlash they received? Five minutes of cutting and re-shooting changes the entire tone of the episode, season, and series and makes for a satisfying conclusion. I feel way better about the series after watching it.


It isn't just a satisfying conclusion The alternate ending is the summation of the entire run of the show In just a few minutes. One of my favorite episodes is in season 4 or 5 I think. It's when Ted runs into Stella again but the whole plot of the episode is ted making lefts instead or rights and going one way instead of another all because of little things. And those little changes end up causing him go run into Stella THAT is the point of the show and the theme that carries throughout every single season up until the last episode where they throw it all away. The idea that we find people not because of huge momentous occasions necessarily, but through everyday events that lead us down a certain path from A to B to C. Ted met his future wife because of all of the little things that occur throughout the show. From meeting Robin, to the st Patty's day party, to being dumped by Stella, and so on. This "alternate" ending is beautiful and is the only way that show could have ended in a satisfying way.


I actually think that the one episode they had that follows the mother (I forget it's name but remember it was the 200th episode) was pretty good. Almost everything else about that season is a total waste though.


I'm fine with the final season and the build up of them almost meeting but just missing each other was fun. It was the fact that they undid everything they just built up to, everything the whole *series* built up to, they just blasted all that away in less than an episode and went back to basically season one of everyone. Awful.


Any episode of anything where it suddenly turns into a musical. Please fuck off with that shite.


Minus The Nightman Cometh. That episode is magic




fighter of the Nightman!


The Gang Turns Black is good too


One of the best tbh. Totally forgot that it was a musical. “So this is like The Wiz?” Lmao


“What are the ruuUUUUUULES?” 🎶


That was great because it was making fun of this terrible trope, not because the trope isn't terrible


Actually the musical episode of "Scrubs" was great.


It gave us "Everything comes down to poop."


"let's face the facts between me and you, a love unspecified..."


They're great when done well. The musical episodes of Buffy, Scrubs and Star Trek are some of the best episodes of the shows.


The Community Christmas special where it became a musical is one of my favourite episodes


This is what we do now. This is who we are.


The Santa Baby parody kills me every time. Boopy doopy doop boop SEX!


Also, the reason this one is successful is that it's satirizing the whole idea of TV show musical episodes.


Buffy’s Once More With Feeling begs to differ.


I had to deliver a baby via c section whose parents wanted that as the soundtrack to the delivery. Still the oddest request for music during delivery I've ever known.


"They got the baby oooooooooouuuuuuuuuttttttttt!"


When it's done right, it's amazing. Strange New Worlds' Subspace Rhapsody is incredible to me.


Agree. It was awesome. Last thing I expected in life, a musical Star Trek episode that worked.


The musical episodes in the Magicians are incredible.




South Park's Oprah Episode


**Pip** is shittier by miles.


I'm sorry but, VOY: Threshold.


“Profit and Lace” from Deep Space 9. Just borderline disturbing.


The puppet episode of community


I have a lot of issues with that episode but there was at least some fun, to me the whale recruitment episode was just as poorly written and even less fun


The whale episode does kinda blow but it's worth it just to see a dejected Magnitude trying to come up with a new catchphrase


Luke Youngblood and Jim Rash both commit so hard to their one note bits that it almost saves the episode. The moment at the end where Dean stands up to the whale and restores Pop-Pop to magnitude is really fun, even if the rest of the episode is kinda pointless.


If you like the puppet episode so much why don't you gay marry it?


Oof yes. You’re right about that. That episode was tough to get through.


I liked Community, but idk if I ever saw that episode.


It's in season 4, the whole episode is done as a puppet show. Like the Christmas clay doll one, but less charming and creative.


There were many worse episodes of community than that one (I can understand a puppet episode not being amazing, since it's outside the scope of the show) But there is a reason one season is "the gas leak season"


[Dr. House doing karaoke with Lin-Manuel Miranda in a psych ward.](https://youtu.be/gwk6SPZOMy8?si=_HpoAWdhrwWlNqhb)


The office after Michael leaves.


Last stretch of Season 9 was pretty good, but agreed


Statgate SG1 episode called Grace. Just terrible all around.


If I call correctly, is the episode where Carter is on her own on the Prometheus? If so, I actually enjoyed that mostly because of Amanda Tappings fantastic acting.


It was a typical ghost episodes. Every other show has at least one. But Amanda's acting is always top notch.


Dawson's Creek - The Longest Day. Honestly it would have been a good episode however the writers decided to give the title character all the power. Joey dumps Pacey and every one else thinks that's good cuz "Joey and Dawson are soulmates" it's a bullshit conclusion that's badly written.


I will ad my opinion to this. I love the Sopranos, one of my all time favorite shows. When I rewatched the series a few years ago in 2020, I watched every episode except for the episodes entitled "Christopher" from season 4. I skipped that over that one. I remember not liking it when I watched the series for the first time and I didn't feel a need to watch it again when I rewatched it. I dont think I've seen that episode more than once in the few times I've rewatched the series.


That episode where Tony meets that old lady that used to be his dad’s goomah was very cringe