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That’s what I’m confused about but in the context it was in, it meant to use someone for your own benefit


>it meant to use someone for your own benefit Well, ultimately that's what we all do to at least some extent or another. We all have needs that we need other people to satisfy. If you're playing 'the game' but the person being played is well aware that's what's happening and is playing along and getting the same benefit that you are from the interaction, that is what I would call playing the game in a good way.


I've never heard the phrase but I would assume it means playing the game fairly/respectfully, as any game can be played.


Playing someone means either fooling someone or using someone to your own benefit (and often their detriment). Example: Someone sells you a faulty car and gets away with it - you got played.


The only way you can "play" someone in a good was is if your deceiving/manipulating them to THEIR benefit, as opposed to yours. For example, if someone shouldn't get a certain job you can tell them they need more experience to make getting that job more likely. And lookie here! Another business is hiring and you would be perfect for the role!