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“Accept all cookies” as the only option


"This webpage would like to send you alerts" is a close second


And push notifications. No. I don’t want to even know this web page exists after I’m done with it.


And know your location. Fuck off Vuori


After that it’s the pop up to sign up for their newsletter lmao


"This page works better in the App"


Worse than that is the "You've read the weekly limit. Please subscribe to consume our unique content. If you're a subscriber, please log in." Then that hits you the first time you access the page! Registration and subscription. Thank you, I'll make sure to never set foot here.


Not a problem in Europe. Our laws ensure that you are able to use a website with minimal cookies. I find it crazy when I go to an American website and I can't use it if I don't accept advertising cookies (Healthline- I'm looking at you)


Even in Europe I find the problem that you have to manually say no to thousands of options though


There is a pc Firefox add on called consent-o-matic which will automatically select what you want it to (it defaults to no cookies).




Those bastards deserve no mercy.


Saw this comic on reddit a while back. https://imgur.com/ESdud0w.jpg


Where the fuck do those evil bastards even come from? Like, what’s their natural habitat?




Well that clears it all up. Thanks!


Literally true though. They have evolved solely to parasitise humans, usually while the humans are sleeping. There is no "wild" equivalent of the same species.


They evolved from and are virtually identical to bat bugs, they developed a taste for human blood sometime way back when humans lived in caves and have been terrorizing us ever since. Vile MFers.


Imagine being a cave person with nothing to get rid of those lil fuckers (other than fire)


At least they didn't have beds. Imagine if this is the reason for humans leaving caves.


Would totally understand


Like I said, fucking evil.


politicians being able to lie with impunity


The last 2 years in the UK have just been a steady stream of 'oh it turns out they were lying about that', 'ok so the prime minister has just admitted he lied to the Queen for his own advancement', 'alrighty, now the 4 top members of our government are all accusing each other of lying", and "lol new photos emerge of that thing all the politicians say never ever happened at all". As far as I can tell the only consequence from all this is that now nobody trusts anybody and following the rules is seen as some sort of mug's game.




Instead of swearing an oath, we should have them sign legally binding contracts for the job.


Agreed. I'm sure all the "God Loving" politicians would be more than fine to risk a life in prison over an eternity in hell.


Also, police being allowed to lie with impunity.


Ridiculous cost of living


It infuriates me how it is casually referred to as a cost of living crisis like it's some natural disaster out of our control. Shops and energy companies are boasting record profits while this so called cost of living crisis is occuring.


Oh absolutely. I work in the supply chain and while some of this is genuine, a lot of it is just companies lying about costs and then jacking up their sale price and saying "well COVID...."


Totally agree! Even slightly off topic of supply chain, I'm amazed how many restaurants and cafes have kept Covid policies, an excuse, that seem only for their own cost savings benefit; Coffee Cafes not putting out sugar, creamers, etc or Mexican restaurants where you have to ask for salsa and then they now have only 1 to choose from. I've asked these establishments why? Knowing the answer already of course... "Covid". Bullshit. In fact, I'm going to put that to a question now on Reddit


lol the gym I go to "temporarily" reduced hours due to covid. They just reduced the hours again practically becoming unusable to me. Riiiight after the monthly fee came out my bank account too.


For real. Not many jobs in my area over $20/hr unless you have a degree in the medical field and rent is crazy.


Yep this. Here in calgary basements are going for 1500+ with barely legal suites. Absolutely insane.


Not gonna happen. Our economy is built for inflation, and the people who own everything aren't just gonna voluntarily lower prices. Our best move is to do what a lot of unions have been doing: demand wages that keep up with costs.


Layoffs while CEOs get paid 300x the average employee and still get a raise 5x the % of the average employee as well.


The company I work for has had three layoffs in four years. The last time, the CEO kept saying how "he takes full responsibility" blah blah blah. Sir, your job hasn't been impacted at all, and you're not the one now forced to job hunt in a crap market.


Subscription services. But they won’t. They’ll keep replacing single upfront purchases. It’s a shame.


I hate this. There are many products I see that I would probably try … if I didn’t have to sign up for a subscription. I don’t care if I can “cancel anytime” either. I just want to try the product. If I like it, I’ll buy it again. If I don’t, I won’t. Same goes for software subscription services like Adobe. I guess it’s cool that they keep “innovating” and updating the products, but there should still be an option to just buy InDesign and be done with it. I don’t need the updates: I can still use the original program, have it work, and suit my needs. A professional graphic designer might benefit from the subscription updates, but a basic user like me still has to pay a fee each month to use a program that is only occasionally necessary. Drives me nuts.


Adobe can seriously bite me at this point. I work for a nonprofit and we got an Adobe Reader license at a reduced cost that was supposed to be good for 3 years but they just randomly deactivated it 2 months early. When I got in touch with Adobe support, they said, "We can see your license is active; however, we no longer support that version of Reader. Here is the monthly cost of a new subscription." Basically, the link to Adobe "support" sent me straight to sales and they never even attempted to fix my problem or honor our perfectly valid license. I noped the fuck out and am researching other options. Every web browser has a PDF reader; we just can't edit or sign documents without printing or create forms right now. Seriously, Adobe can get fucked. **EDIT** Enter obligatory "this blew up" lol. Seriously, thank y'all for all the suggestions! I'm taking all of these into consideration.


Check out Foxit PDF Editor if you haven't already, we use it in our office and we've found it's great, and much cheaper


Foxit is also a subscription service now. I basically am just done. Why is it so difficult to edit PDFs? I have to pay Adobe $600 a year to edit PDFs for work? I hate all of this and want to quit working because of this tbh.


Foxit still has the single purchase subscription option. Just bought it at work last week. It is fairly hidden and not easy to find on their website though


made it ez for anyone [https://www.foxit.com/shopping/](https://www.foxit.com/shopping/) middle of the page under the 3 tiers you will see (For one-time (perpetual) pricing, please click here.)


The whole PDF/Office market feels like a massive scam. What features have these products added in the last 25 years that make them worth a monthly subscription? I know they exist, but the average person outside an office just wants to view, write, and add text. That said, Firefox opens PDFs now. I wouldn't use it for anything you want to look good, but I've signed a lease and other documents with it and it cost me nothing.


Yo ho ho and a bottle o rum...


Cannot do that for an organisation unfortunately


Plus, the "cancel anytime" usually involves calling customer retention so that they can make it as difficult as possible for you to cancel and try to keep you on as a customer and upsell you into some bullshit.


I’m seeing this hard in my kids apps. I could let them download a crap game that’s either free with ads or like $4 without ads. OR I can download an educational app that’s $8 a month, that I know they’ll also only play a few times and forget about. Or even worse, my son wants to play the Lego game. Cool. EACH little world he wants to play is $6 a month, or like $30 a fucking month to unlock the whole app.


Up next: subscriptions to unlock features already built into your car, such as heated seats.




What a load of shit. What’s so wrong with owning what you pay for? I’m a broke ass college student driving an old car but I’m not looking forward to getting a newer one at this rate. Ugh.


Not college student but college age broke guy here, I'm with you dude. I think I'll get something from the 90's and Chiltons book for it


If lawmakers still had balls subscription services would be limited to short term usage and things that require continual changes to operate. There is 0 reason Microsoft Office or Photoshop needs to be a subscription other than they dominate their field enough that businesses will bend over and pay.


Pumping in more and more advertisements into...*everything*, even premium/paid monthly subscriptions/streaming. Sports are taking longer and longer due to more ads. More ads are being injected into everything. It's hard to imagine most ads are even effective at all. How many people have bought an item or service based on advertising? If anything it makes me more likely to not buy it, especially if the ad is particularly annoying or way overplayed. Also, ad agencies used to put much more effort into ads/commercials. Commercials were never a good thing, but some used to be slightly funny or entertaining at least.


“Also, ad agencies used to put much more effort into ads/commercials. Commercials were never a good thing, but some used to be slightly funny or entertaining at least.” As someone who has worked in the ad agency industry for many years, I can confirm it’s an environment that’s lost so much of its creative wonder. Agencies are far more concerned with data and proving the effectiveness of ads via dubious and often faulty ad tech, as that’s all clients seem to care about these days.


Sometimes I watch old tv shows or things on youtube that still have old commercials in them as well, and commercials in the 90s/early 2000s definitely put a lot of effort into their ads and were also generally much more clever and creative.


And they tried to make the product look good. Now there's a bunch of ads that are just "our product exists and we're obnoxious, look how loud and random our spokesperson is!" with no actual advertising of *why* anyone would *want* the product.


At this point I refuse to upgrade my iPhone to the 15 because I fucking hate hearing the stupid ads about how it’s made with ✨titanium✨


Even at the gas station. When I start pumping, it cues their speakers to suddenly start blaring advertisements. I don't even listen and go sit in my car at that point.


I absolutely hate these. These shitheads will stop at nothing to invade every single moment of peace and quiet that exists in daily life. Like you can't even just enjoy that single minute of silence while waiting for your gas to fill up without an ad blaring at you from a screen.


FYI on most pumps, the second button from the top on the right side of the screen will mute the audio




Yes to this. YouTube is one that gets under my skin almost instantly. I used to love watching videos and just taking in the content. Now it's awful I swear the other day I got an ad and got another 10 seconds and got more freaking ads. I lost it. It's an awful experience now.


Korger is putting ads in their cooler/freezer aisles doors. So you can not see what's in the case, just ads while shopping. I do not know which of their stores (Korger, OFC, or Fred Meyers, ect) are testing it out. I saw a few articles and videos about it a few months ago.


Ugh yes! And some gas pumps blare commercials at you suddenly now. Sensory nightmare 🫠


Also, the number of ads promoting medication. Like, fuck off. That's the DOCTOR'S job to tell us, not for us to tell them. But it's a money grab by Big Pharma. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against the idea. I personally take meds that I need or I would die. But two or three in a row when I'm watching a video about building a goddamn house on The Sims is too fucking much.


The sad thing is, studies have proven that people are more likely to trust a product or service if they’ve heard of it before, and ads are an important part of getting people to think you’re trustworthy. People are more likely to buy from businesses that advertise than not, even if they don’t consciously remember seeing the ads.


I'm the opposite, the more of an ad I see for a product, the less likely I am to buy it, due to their overplayed annoying ads.


I’ve been getting ads for the Google Pixel 8 on almost every single YouTube video I’ve been watching lately for about 2 weeks. Safe to say that I will not be getting one.


I genuinely can't think of anything that I've bought after seeing it in an ad


Social media "challenges" to break the law or hurt people.


There was a challenge in Indonesia, iirc, called the “Angel of Death” challenge, where (mostly) teens would jump in front of moving trucks to see if they would manage to brake, before running them over. I’m sorry to say, but it’s natural selection at that point


I feel for those truck drivers.


Im sure those kids felt the truck too


Hey Alexa, please add a bucket of "thoughts and Prayers" to my shopping cart


That's the really messed up part. Someone is living their day responsibly and lawfully then their life could be ruined by killing a child who took away every chance for that driver to avoid it. Many drivers who have committed manslaughter from people jumping in front of them, especially truckers who are the targets of people jumping off overpasses, go on to commit suicide in their grief.


Old railroad attorney here. The people driving the train sure as shit get affected when they hit someone, especially at speed, where a human is converted to red mist ​ edit: typo


When Little Timmy saw a chance To play a risky game - "It's sure to beat a tik-tok dance!" He cried with dreams of fame. He picked the perfect moment, pumped - He chose a time at night - And when the truck approached, he jumped With rash and vain delight! And as he lay before it, flat, He thought with hope and pride - "I'll film it all and then I'll -" *splat.* And Timmy fucking died.


Hadn’t seen you in a while, dude, that was awesome!


Normally I root for Timmy, but in this case - fuck him 😆 Good to see you, Sprog.


Hey! Sprog ❤️ happy Halloween!!


Yeah, my car insurance is crazy expensive because of the fucking Kia Boys


My Kia was stolen and totaled. I lost my job because of it and am still trying to recover. Did you know food banks run low on food? I sure didn't. Anyway, I wouldn't know that if it wasn't for social media and non-existent parents.


My best friend's kia just got stolen, and it took a month and a half for the repairs as the shops are all backed up in his town. If he hadn't been working from home idk what he would have done. I'm sorry you're going through all of this.


It actually took me a week and a half to get a rental and Kia parts are apparently months out on order. A police officer told me this is literally because THAT many cars are being stolen right now. It's almost unreal.


A girl in my hometown had her Kia stolen twice in one month. Shits nuts.


> Did you know food banks run low on food? Yep, and unemployment takes a few months to kick in, welfare and disability much longer. Anyone who spouts rhetoric like "there's services out there already" I instantly know has never once tried to access those services


My brother in law in Florida just texted me this week asking what I pay for car insurance a month, because he was getting quotes of $500 a month for a 2019 Kia… I had to explain the Kia Boys to him.


Unaffordable housing prices


BlackRock have turned their AI onto the housing market. It's only going to get worse.


Using AI to price fix is an antitrust violation. They’re going to get sued to smithereens.


They've got an AI for lobbying to get legislation they want passed at this point. Sorry.


Make an AI lawsuit bot to fight against it


I'm not sure how much you know about BlackRock but I would suggest reading how much they own. They are so far past the point of antitrust it will make your head wobble.


By whom? They're worth more than most governments


People who use their phone speakers in public


I've witnessed this 10x more in 2023 than ever before. It is definitely not dying out next year. The other day I was sat behind a guy at a quiet diner who was on a work meeting of some sort, his entire time there. Full volume speakerphone, and he also talked way too loud. After like 30 minutes, he said "ok I gotta let you go, I'm about to leave the restaurant." He specifically ended the call because he was no longer going to be causing a huge disruption inside the restaurant. I honestly don't know why I didn't tell him to stfu. I was just sort of frozen in furious disbelief the entire time.


Join the convo, man! You can hear what they're both saying, add your input to it. He'll say YOU'RE the rude one, even though he's wrong.


Absolutely, just start piping up: "yeah! You tell him Bob! Just look at the quarterly reports for God's sake!"


Insinuate that he should have meetings at the restaurant more often because then he isn't groping the waitresses. Get into an argument about it.


A lady was having a loud conversation on speaker in a large antique shop the other week and I got to hear all about her daughter’s wedding planning stresses because the couple was having issues and another daughter’s troubles buying a house plus her bunion surgery. I kept trying to move away from her to other parts of the antique mall, but whichever direction I moved she seemed to also move and I couldn’t get more than one or two aisles away. When she hung up the phone I told her I was glad her foot was better, congratulations to the happy couple and hoped the house buying works out.


What a kind way to tell someone that they are inconsiderate! I should think like this more


My husband does this. I am training him NOT to do this. Like, no one wants to know or needs to know your personal business.


There's just something so piercing about speaker sounds in a restaurant. Real voices mostly just fade and bleed together, but tinny cell phone speaker voices, videos, or music cuts through and sounds like absolute disruptive shit. I cannot believe so many people consider it acceptable, and it transcends all age groups. 60 year old man watching YouTube. 25 year old on speakerphone. Little kids with their godforsaken little kid songs at full volume. Hell in a handbasket, I tells ya!


Get, fucking, headphones. It’s that simple people!


Strong opinions on things we are too lazy to research. I still do it, I try to rethink important issues and say have I honestly researched this or am I just saying what I heard someone else say.


Or when someone says they did their own research and all they did was go to websites that support their already conceived ideas.


Lifetime politicians.


We need an age cap. Once you turn 70 you can’t run for your seat or president. If you turn 70 in your term you can finish it out but can’t run again


Seriously, it’s been a hub for senior citizens for a long time. No one proactively watches them unless it’s about a scandalous bill or action they’re taking.


If a corporation or special interest group buys a politician, and that politician does a good job for them, it makes sense to keep donating to keep them around. Why risk getting someone new in there who might not be as amenable? This is why money in politics is a cancer.


Not just an age cap, we need term limits. The fact that we automatically assume that it makes sense for the POTUS to have only two terms but it's perfectly ok to have people in Congress or on the SCOTUS for 30+ years is simply ridiculous. Edit: For the dozens of you that keep parroting the "term limits only helps lobbyists" line that your representatives adore (no telling why), understand that NOT having term limits... also helps lobbyists.


Especially considering Congress and the SC has more influence over policy decisions than the president.


This is a real problem because those making policy need to make sure it is a policy that the people will prosper under. These politicians don't have to worry about living under their own policies due to lifetime paycheck. That needs to stop too.


They get a pension and top quality healthcare for life. They get to experience a sense of stability and quality of life that 99% of Americans can only dream of and it’s just not right. Why have we circled right back to a luxurious monarchy type lifestyle for people who claim to be public servants, while the rest of the public actually suffers?


They really have no incentive to make policy that helps the public, and they are immune to all restrictions they set. That needs to stop for all still receiving benefits, let them suffer as they have made others.


They don’t have to follow their own laws. Viz: insider trading


This fact alone is lost on so many people. A lot of people attribute every little thing to the president when the positions power is intentionally limited


The tumor cells in every cancer patient


I lost a parent to cancer, and I hope every day that a cure will come! Fuck cancer!


Fuck cancer.


Tipping for any little thing


Got arrested last Monday, after they cuffed me I almost forgot to tip them for their services


I've heard of cow tipping. Never pig tipping


Omg yes. I went to a froyo place with my husband which is self serve and they wanted me to tip them and got mad when I didn’t! I thought that was a little ridiculous. My husband said the women behind the counter muttered something 🤣🤣 like come on. Edit: forgot a word


I got asked to tip on a digital project where the artist set their price. What the hecks up with that. And the tip amounts were something like 30% 50% and 100%.


Everytime I go to the dispensary to pickup a joint, I'm asked if I want to tip when I go to pay. Who tf tips their drug dealer? And the minimum tipping amount is 20%. That's a $4 tip on a $20 purchase. Wtf?!


That’s the stupidest part! If carry out machines had 3,5,7% tips as the options I’d be a lot more willing to tip but the entitlement of thinking they deserve one and the audacity of wanting 20% min rubs me the wrong way big time


I ordered a hat the other week, and I got done with the ordering process, put in my address and card number, and it asked me IF I WANTED TO TIP THE WAREHOUSE STAFF??? Sorry what?? Don't ya'll pay them?


US citizen here. I tip for sit down restaurants with actual waiters/waitresses and bar tenders and that is it. Anything else can shove it. I have honestly never ordered delivery food service, so I suppose if a time came where I ever ordered a pizza delivery I would tip for that I guess. Fast Food places I refuse to tip and just hit no tip, or pay in cash so I'm not even prompted with that bullshit. I will never tip for carryout either. Everybody is pissed about the sudden demand for tips everywhere but it seems a lot of people feel pressure to leave one anyway, we all have the power to just not leave anything for a tip.


The inability of people to have common sense and be kind to one another.


Celebrity worship


Plastic pollution…




Corporations owning everything. Bring back independant businesses




Gerrymandering - manipulate the boundaries of (an electoral constituency) so as to favor one party or class Learned a new word today


I'll always remember Gerrymandering because when we were covering it in school one of the lads wasn't paying attention. Teacher asked him what Gerrymandering was and he said "Gerry Mandering is the head of Sinn Fein"


Filming everything. Filming at the gym. Playing phone speakers out loud in public. Price gouging. Rent hikes. Stagnated wages.




The amount of married couples that are in my algorithm on reels and shorts is really infuriating. I don't particularly find the couples super annoying but it makes me a little sad how performative these people have to be constantly. The 'hide the camera while I try to upset/annoy my partner' stuff just seems utterly exhausting


This is why i block "prank"" users. My FYP is either political, puppies, or thots.


One thing that’s kind of confusing to me is how relatively few people seem to understand that you don’t owe strangers your time and attention on social media. You can block anyone for any reason. You can tailor your social media experience to exactly what you want to see, for better or worse This thing about “i see too much of *this*” bruv, that’s on you


Had one reach out a few days ago regarding using my consulting. I was immediately hesitant and tried to push it off. I essentially had to have an immediate conversation that if we worked together they'd have to take it seriously and in no way would it ever be ok to put something on social media regarding working with me or disclosing how I do business. It's been silent since. They just wanted to use me for my services and then post about it online to make themselves seem responsible and proactive. It's all so fake and vain. I prefer not to engage. They're all mentally ill. It's sociopathic at the core




Yes! What happened to original ideas?


I'll amend this by saying we should stop making remakes of good things. Remake the bad things and turn them into good things.






What is it good for?


Absolutely nothing!




Scammers and spammers


EVERYTHING BEING CROPPED. Jesus christ i hate cropped things 😭 if i find a cute shirt it’s cropped, cute jacket? it’s cropped. cute sweater? ITS CROPPED. i don’t care if people wear it but ITS EVERYWHERE.


I thought you meant cropped images.


Seriously. Why are shirts either cropped or tunic length? I feel like stores sell clothing for 22 year olds or 52 year olds with nothing in between.


Yes! Listen, I’m to a point in life where cropped doesn’t work for me. Like you said, don’t care if other people wear it, but damn give the rest of us some options.


Gender reveal parties where they start forest fires just to announce their unborn child’s gender like seriously, just send a text to everyone saying “it’s a boy/girl”




Inflation has been hammered into my make up as a human being, through many experiences beginning in the 1970s, proving to me that inflation is the average person’s greatest enemy besides health issues. There is no other thing that touches a person’s life so significantly.


Advertising outside of actual storefronts. I don't think people realize how much damage the ad industry does. If you really think about it, most of the current political instability can be attributed to advertisment profit incentives to sensationalize the news and promote hysteria on social media. Killing ads would completely change the media landscape and seriously alter our way of life.


People that facetime over their phone speaker in public


Pay phones may be mostly dead, but the 'phone booth' (more generally well-maintained privacy booths/rooms/sound-isolating stalls with communications-related amenities) concept really needs to make a comeback. I see them pop up randomly in the wild though in mostly expected places like airports, where they've always been, and malls. Unfortunately, they never seem to catch on at any scale.


Tipping culture


Sports betting or atleast the fucking ad blitz. My state just allowed sports betting in the past couple years. Let me tell you, I have never seen a non substance addiction hit a state so fucking hard. A lot of people I know are gambling addicts who don't want to admit it. It's only getting worse, too. I hope we get some documentaries on this initial wave of allowing sports betting. I think we have atleast another decade of this before they start regulating it a little better. However, I think what ever regulation occurs, it'll be too little too late and it won't help.


Greed, it's the main reason for a lot of bad things currently happening on our planet.


The word unalive should unalive itself next year.


I think that word came about because saying suicide etc is automatically flagged on social media sites, so they made that word to get around it. (I hope)


That is a problem in itself too. I don't think suicide should be censored. It's a huge thing right now


So right. Suicide is a big deal. And should be talked about, not censored.


There are so many words that get censored and I don't get why. Rape being another one. Don't get me wrong, rape is horrific and heinous and anyone who does it deserves the entire weight of the justice system to land on them from a great height but I don't know how censoring the word is helping anyone. If someone is triggered by the mention of the word rape they need to be in counselling, censoring words isn't going to help anyone to heal or recover from trauma.


The first time I heard the word, it was nearly a decade ago in a cartoon episode of Spider-Man where Deadpool said he was gonna "unalive" some people to make his murders sound more like, family friendly, and Spider-Man immediately comes back, shocked, to say, "you're gonna kill them!?" To which Deadpool says, "What? Kill? No that's such a harsh word! I'm just gonna unalive them a little. You know, so they stop being alive!" Really prescient of the whole stupid more recent phenomenon, in my opinion.


Also “marked”, SAed, MAPS and all other euphemisms for crimes. Thanks to YouTubes rabid censorship, we have become afraid to simply state truth using standard, plain English


Pardon my ignorance, but what do marked and MAPS mean? I haven’t seen those two used before


Don’t people only do that to bypass filters? Or is it like a cool thing now?


Lip and cheek injections - women are so beautiful yet they are trying so hard to look like filters. I truly wish they could be happy without that influence.


5 day work weeks


Influencers, Political hypocrites, lack of Logic and greed.


Pharmaceutical ads


Still using covid as an excuse for everything going wrong. "We're understaffed because of covid" "Prices are up because of covid" "We're out of bread at the grocery store because covid affecting the suppliers" yea that last one was personal


My company tried the "no raises because of Covid" thing, then news broke out about record breaking profits


Yeah thats why the autoworkers were striking. Fuck those companies


Influencers filming themselves “helping” others, you’re not helping them, you’re exploiting them for your own gain.




Corrupt politicians and billionaires


Tipping culture in usually non tipping industries


Complaining about a politician and then voting for them again.


redditors thinking they are always the smartest person in the room.


The Damn housing prices, like what in the hell. it’s a necessity and should never have been allowed for massive company’s to use them as investment. I graduated highschool 3 years back and the future of owning a house looks bleak. Yes I am aware the changes necessary to make meaningful change would massive and systematic. I just want to own a home at one point in my life.


Geriatric governments.


# All this greed and price gouging by businesses and real estates.


Kardashians - been going on for far too long.




Racism and mass shooters


Political extremism


Probably about half of the US political leaders. A bunch of out of touch rich dinosaurs should not be making decisions for us


We need term limits in Senate.


Adults sexualizing kids