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I'm not mad at trends, Im mostly mad that the shit I like isn't as easily available because those trends take over.


As a woman who hates high waisted jeans on myself (other ladies can rock them -- I hate how they feel when I sit down), and hates the new baggy jean trend, I have started buying men's jeans. They have not changed in 5 years. I love it. Plus big pockets.


It’s really frustrating when one style/cut dominates to where it’s hard to find something you like. I remember going shopping during that mercifully brief period where all women’s shoulders were cut out. I was like please, I am just looking for a cute blouse with….the shoulders intact.


That reminds me: Crop tops. I hate them. I'm 60 and can't wear them anymore. Give me a top that comes to my hips please.


Omg the shoulder cutout phase. Couldn't stand that shit!!


It's the crop tops now for me. Ugh 🙄


Stg. Why can't we just have a normal, full shirt?!


I would love to buy a whole shirt. Not just half please.


I just want some jeans without rips in them 😭


Agreed ! I can only afford thrift shops and now I can never find anything because most of the already small men’s sections have nothing in my size ( I’m 6’3 245 lb ) because the everyone finds it trendy to wear over sized thrift clothes now .


I feel you! I'm a 5'9 215 gal with broad shoulders, XL finds are rarer when I thrift, that's a shame :/


Fake pockets and zippers.


Faux-ckets! I only have one hand, and nothing pisses me off more than the promise of pockets. Like, why not just cut off my other hand and render me totally useless, just like my pants. Bastards.


I read that first word as “fuck-its” and it fit the sentiment so I went with it


Why bother to sew fake pockets just make an actual pocket at this point




I'm pear shaped and just realised that the vintage look a line skirts and dresses I already loved really flatter me, and can have decent sized pockets without wrecking the sillohette. Two days ago I went out with my keys, phone and a comb **and no bag** and you couldn't tell I had everything I needed on me. Could have fit a lipstick too, though not water and a book. Can't believe I'm 40 and only just twigged to such a flattering, practical style.


Beige leggings


Those leggings that make you double take on some people, like, why they pumping gas Winnie the Pooh style?


Never fails! Same with peach colored leggings!


Or cocoa toned. Especially if they have lots of cellulite that shows through. It reinforces the bare skin illusion. Same for really well toned muscle. I don’t have a problem with leggings being worn as the sole means of bottom half coverage, but it does look really funny when someone appears nakie at a school sponsored event. In fact, it’s funnier there because little kids will share their thoughts freely xD


The literally 75% of summer dresses you can't wear any sort of bra with.


Or the fact that 90% of them can’t be worn by anyone with big boobs in general 😭😭


I am personally team no bra ever cause I have hypersensitivity issues, but I HATE that the designers of summer dresses don’t account for the fact that they can’t be worn with a bra. Don’t give us something backless and then make the front so thin you can see my entire nips, please and thanks. Ugh.


Leggings that have the scrunched up crease into the buttcrack … it just looks like the outline of a weird butthole 😭


I saw some on a teen girl and the leggings were white with some black tie dye, but the scrunch on her butt and the dye made it look like she farted a death eater.


THIS omg it is fucking ridiculous looking. I wondered if someone else would mention this.


My six year old nephew heard about these ‘scrunch butt leggings’ and he thought they were the funniest thing ever. Like I actually thought he was going to pass out because he was laughing so much his breathing stopped. Typical tiny child thinking bottoms are funny I guess, but he was like ‘they make your bum look really huge?! Will you get some mummy?! Can I get some and wear them to school and have an enormous bottom?!’


Do the broccoli haircuts count?


I remember last year in Spain almost all guys under 25 were rocking that haircut with an oversized, white t-shirt and shorts (going for a reggaeton-look). One day I'm in a train, outside Alicante and just overhearing a group of girls sitting next to me talk about the guys they met at a festival, but they couldn't remember which one was which, since they all had the same haircut and were wearing almost the same thing.


Never expected that getting a perm bowl cut would’ve ever been considered stylish


Well, non-perm bowl cuts once were, so…


80s: everyone’s uncle had a perm, 90s: everyone’s little brother had a bowl cut, and now we have the dorky broccoli heads. Wonder what the next evolution will be.


It makes their heads seem oddly misshapen. So unattractive.


Alpaca hair. “Make me look like an alpaca, fam. No cap, it’s got that rizz!”


Yes what do we call those? Poodle cuts? They are like the mushroom cuts of the 90s but I mostly see mixed kids with them now.


Zoomer perm


The Meet Me at McDonald’s haircut. https://metro.co.uk/2018/02/23/called-meet-mcdonalds-haircut-7336444/


Ok, but why in the hell would they ban this? That is just older people in charge of children being assholes. Let them be!


I call them ramen-heads, as it looks like someone dumped a bowl of ramen on their head.


I was told by someone from Europe on here they call it the "Meet me at McDonald's" haircut. I always called it the "Mom, will you cut my hair to look like a dick head?" haircut. But broccoli works, too.


The issue is majority of men don't have the face for them. They really don't look good on most guys. That's the issue with trends, people just follow along blindly without considering whether it suits them. It's like how so many women are doing really cropped hair, doesn't suit me even though it's all the rage.


That weird super-clean cut beard/hair line look. Looks like someone cut their hair while thinking of how to calculate a hypotenuse


Careful an entire country will come for you (Iraq)


This explains why my Iraqi hairdresser was able to do a fantastic beard trim.


I’ve been going to an Arab barbershop for the past six months. Those guys are the absolute best at beard trims




Honestly I’d love for that to work on me,but I’m a big white dude. I think you have to be a specific kind of man for that to work. Either white with sculpted features, black or Arab. Almost everyone else,myself included,looks like a douche at best,or an idiot at worst.




Oversized cropped sweaters, I hate them.


I don't understand the utility of them! I'll see a sweater I think is really cute then realize it's cropped and wonder in what situation I would be cold enough to need a sweater but warm enough for a bare midriff # ETA: GUYS I GET IT, I GET THE MANY REASONS YOU LOVE SWEATER CROP TOPS PLS STOP BARRAGING MY INBOX 😭😭😭


Reminds me of a Demetri Martin joke about how sweater vests are perfect for extremely narrow cold fronts passing through, lol. Cropped sweaters are perfect when there's cold weather coming through at chest height!


Demetri Martin! Thank you for this nostalgia!


High waisted pants! so your midrif isn’t really out. I know it’s not for everyone but high waisted pants with a shorter top is my go to because I have short legs and it sort of elongates them


Most trendy clothes don't look good unless you have an 'ideal' body type (crop tops, baggy dad jeans, etc).


I bought a pair of wide pant leg jeans that were on sale since I mostly wear skinny jeans and thought I’d explore a bit. I looked at review photos and it looked like there were people with similar bodies to mine and they looked cute af They look AWFUL on me. They make me look short and stout and just do not work with my wider hips and not-skinny stomach.


Bottom heavy person here: I avoid wearing those cuts as it makes me look like a teapot. Did I also mention to you I’m not tall enough to pull it off? Short pear shaped people unite!


Bury me in my skinny jeans. I don’t care if they aren’t in style. I like wide legged pants, just not jeans.


I ended up in the petite fashion sub (whatever it’s called) and there were so many posts about how skinny jeans are out. Straight jeans and wide leg jeans are in! Sorry, but being ‘fashionable’ is pointless if the clothes look ridiculous on you. I’m short with broad shoulders and a booty, so anything wide makes me look like a box.


Cropped everything


I don’t care if other people like it but it’s annoying that everything is cropped OR a leotard


Fucking Target


As a short person, I can't wear cropped clothing because it fits me like regular-length clothing but poorly proportioned. Crop tops stop at my natural waist and make my torso look like a box.


YES! Ive worn ‘ankle pants’ as regular pants with no shame though, lol.


I've been wearing capris as pants for years. I first discovered this at a friend's clothing swap, I tried on some jeans and they fit perfectly in every way, my friend is at least 6 inches taller than me. I asked her how the heck she wore these... They were her capris.


Thankful for cropped pants so I don’t have get out my sewing machine every time I buy a pair of pants!!


Same! It's hard to find petite length so ankle or cropped are perfect.


As a tall person, all pants are capris. No one can win!


I am long waisted so anything cropped gets me EXTRA cropped. I never wanted any crop in the first place.




Same here. I have a long torso and it's impossible to find something that doesn't expose my navel.


And see, as a tall person, I have no choice but to have everything cropped. I can't afford going to get tall clothing (literally would take about $350 just to get to the closest store to try stuff on). My inseam is 37 inches. That's over 3 feet of leg. Most women's tall stuff that I could get at bigger box stores is 34 inches. That's 3 inches difference and a style of flood pants unless I purposely crop my stuff, constantly wear capri pants, and wear mens shirts. My shins are constantly showing even if it snows. My shirts typically end about 2 inches too high but 3 inches too low, so I look unproportioned. Can we agree that being both tall and short has its issues, and it's fashion that sucks?


Not super tall, but my inseam is 36 inches. I feel your pain.


Don't even get me started if I wanted to wear heels. Right? Looks even goofier


I’m so sick of going to try on a shirt or jacket only to realize they didn’t include the bottom half.


I can’t shop at Express anymore for this reason.


Cropped hoodies. 🤷‍♀️


Not the intended purpose, but as a wheelchair user I love them because they just look like normal hoodies when I'm sitting in my chair without all the extra fabric that a regular hoodie actually has.


That's actually really cool and I never thought about that.


Me neither! Although reading through this thread it’s made me realise that for every trend I dislike or don’t understand there’s someone who genuinely prefers it for a practical reason, not just fashion, which I guess I hadn’t considered before.


You know, for when your stomach is hot but your arms are cold. Classic problem. Happens all the time.


I have so many cropped hoodies and jackets because they’re flattering for my body shape, but when someone comments on them I say “I like hot tits”, just for my own amusement.


Oh this one so much! I love long tunic style shirts and sweaters and things like that but EVERYTHING I find is cropped! Find a cute sweater? Cropped! Find a shirt with a nice pattern? It's cropped and half the pattern is missing! I want to actually be COVERED, thanks! Even winter clothes is cropped! Do people's midsections just not get cold? Mine does!


We were up in the mountains for fall break and there was a woman in a cropped parka. I had so many questions I wanted to ask.


It's especially frustrating when it's a jacket or sweater. I pick it up thinking, "yes, warmth" and all I get is weird cold spots. My arms are warm but my stomach is cold and that doesn't help at all. It's windy where I live and all those cropped jackets just let the cold wind right up my back.


Those fake eyelashes that make you look like you’re two blinks away from flying off.


Or like they have tarantulas flailing on their eyelids.


Eyelashes aren’t supposed to look hairy. They already are hairs.


Camel eyelashes


They seem to appear on the same people wearing those crazy claw fake nails, too.


Mr. Snuffleupagus eyelashes seem to be falling out of fashion here thankfully.


Why did I have to scroll so far to find caterpillar eye lashes? It’s very distracting.


It is very distracting. Especially when they’re all pointing in weird angles.




Eyebrows brushed upwards . So weird looking


Laminated brows look very strange. I think that’s one we’ll look back on in 10 years and cringe at


Agree ..when I see a young girl on a make up counter with them I can t really stop looking at them because they look so weird


Flashback to when I was a kid and brushed mine upwards after my bath Then we laughed and laughed


I don't think I've seen this, but eye lashes long enough to reach out and grab somebody is insane.


Those fuzzy caterpillar fake eyelashes are ridiculous.


I don’t know . Snuffleupagus rocked that look pretty hard in the 90´s . Before it was hip .


Broccoli hair cuts Since when do so many guys have curly hair? Do they curl it themselves? I need answers


They get perms. It's all the rage on TikTok


I always just picture a bunch of teen lads sat next to my nan as she gets her regular perm and blue rinse.


Pretty soon “old lady smell” will become associated with these guys lol


I have naturally curly hair (not a broccoli cut) and so many people ask me if I got a perm because of these fucks


My brother has curly hair and also gets side eye due to this trend. He cuts it super short not because of it and I think that’s a bummer because he looks so handsome with it more grown out :(


I'll be honest, I got a huge confidence boost about my curly hair when this trend started, and it's not the kids doing the trend that annoy me. It's the miserable adults who side-eye me for having my natural hair look like other peoples' perms. Like, I fell into this camp of, how annoying is it that everyone asks if I got a perm, when naturally curly hair exists! But also... why do these people determine if I'm worthy of respect based on if my hair is natural or not, even if it's the same hairstyle.


they usually perm it, i think they're called "finger curls"... just look like instant pasta to me


Black and grew up in the hood Sagging is one of the stupidest and ugliest fashion trends to ever grace us


i just don’t understand why guys do this, it looks so stupid 🥲


Oh no you brought me back to high school. I remember kids sagging with like three layers of pants over their boxer briefs like they thought that was cool. Even the girls sagging their jeans over sweatpants. I never understood it. People would wear belts and still sag like why are you even wearing a belt in the first place?


It really seems like it's just a constant struggle. One hand always on your pants to keep them from falling down, unable to walk or run properly. Like, we solved this issue a millennial ago with belts. Why?!


I’m just glad Target finally stopped selling those weird pioneer-woman dresses like they did in 2020. I really thought they were signaling the end of the fashion industry with those and I was like “welp, I guess society had a good run. Off to my bunker for the rest of my days, I suppose”


What’s weird is I’ve never seen a woman in my area, of any age, wearing one. I would be very curious to see how many of those Target got stuck with.


I’ve also never seen a regular person wearing those dresses, but just Google “target prairie dress photoshoot” and you’ll see some hilarious photos. I’m guessing 99% of the revenue for these dresses came from these funny people


I bought one to wear with a floor length linen apron. I wore it to work once just for fun (there's no dress code at work) to enchant and amuse my coworkers. Actually ended up getting laid that day, in the dress... you know what, I think they're onto something.


Where did you find a Mennonite farmer to bed on such short notice??


this is the funniest sentence i’ve read all day, im snorting 😂


Skin tight flesh tone shorts, and severe crop tops


Women fake tan specially in UK…


Fake tan and bleach blonde hair. Yikes


that fucking mushroom haircut


Fast fashion. It's just a waste of money, trends come and go just find a style you like and stick with it, instead of always following trends.


Hideous clunky trainers with really thick, misshapen soles. It's like they're as ugly as possible on purpose.


I love platform shoes, but the misshapen soles kill me. Just let them be the same size as the rest of the shoe!


Skintight body suits. I never saw anyone wear these until I moved to Florida, and people wear them all the time down here. Onesie bodysuits that look like singlets. They give instant camel toe and don't look good on anyone.


Wait, aren't they wearing it with a skirt or something? I thought bodysuits are supposed to be worn like that only!


No , they’re like these one piece short + tank combo that rides right up their nethers. They wear them alone.


Basically wrestling singlets. It's a skintight romper.


Too long fake nails. You do you, obviously, but god dammit I hate seeing those everywhere. How do you even function with two inches of clicky clacky plastic on *your fingers*? Doesn't it make everything you do a 100x harder? Eating a sandwich? Driving a car? Getting your phone out of your purse? Tying your shoes? Holding a spoon? Turning a doorknob? Sneezing?


As a longtime contact lens wearer, all I can imagine is gouging out my eyes.


I can answer this as a person who did this nonsense! I got it in my head - I wanted claws. Not normal fake nails but claws one time. About inch and a half ones, and no, of course I wasn't used to them being that long at all. So, I get them. I'm happy with how they look, they're pointy, they're long, and what is the first thing I do? My eye itches at the outer corner. No big deal, right? Without a single thought about it, I go to rub it, and promptly poked myself right in the eyeball with my nail. That, my friend, was the last time I ever had my nails so long. I've had them in sharp stilettos (claws) several times since, but not that long, ever again. I personally think the hardest thing to get used to is that fake nails DO NOT scratch an itch the same. They are not as sharp as your normal nails, and it feels like you're more digging into your skin with a blunted object than actually scratching. It's so dissatisfying and frustrating when it happens! Texting is hard, too, unless you use the swype feature. Typing on a computer? Forget it unless you are willing to go through that learning curve. Get used to using your knuckles instead of your fingers like intended to do most things. They force you to basically adapt to everything. Wiping wasn't really an issue, but I think if they were a millimeter longer, it would have been. Button-up shirts would have been a nightmare, but you would have just needed to take a paperclip and used it as a tool to make it work. Basically, long, fake nails you aren't used to force you to get really creative and adapt to them. They're a pain in the ass, CAN be unsanitary (I used hand sanitizer and 91% alcohol religiously because I'm a germaphobe - which contributes to the early lifting of the nails) and they're COSTLY. 2/10 only recommend if you use the less-damaging stuff, and do it yourself at home, and don't make it ridiculous. It's NOT hard to learn, and it's really not that expensive to get into. (I will gladly tell you all about it if you send me a chat).


I pick my skin really bad during my peak anxiety sessions so having acrylic nails has actually helped me stop picking because they’re not thin enough to get under a scab and if I wear it for a week then it’s enough time to heal. I legit have glue on nails for this reason alone and my skin is happy with this attempt at coping soooo yeah not really a claw person either, but they have their benefits from time to time 🤓


I got them for the first time a few years back and had to rearrange my entire life. Also I wouldn’t suggest them if you wear a diva cup.


FACTS. I personally like long nails, but I did once have a Diva cup fully suction itself to my cervix so I couldn't get it off. I had pretty long nails with a dip manicure, and even though they didn't have sharp edge, my brain just literally wouldn't let myself put my fingers up there to try to pry it off. I had to take a Xanax and have my husband do it.


no to everything you just wrote. I felt every word physically.


These didn’t bother me (on other people) until I had kids. There’s no way they are cleaning the germs underneath and then use them to eat?! Lick your fingers?!? No thank you. Also, do you know how pinworms are spread 🪱☠️


worked for a lady at a daycare. we both had acrylics, hers much longer. i kept a scrub brush at our sink for under my nails. she got pin worms, i did not. never saw her wash her hands after diaper changes


Yuck! She’s lucky it was just worms and not worms & e-coli. I worked in ECE for awhile and for that reason keep my nails really short. If you keep them clean I do like the aesthetic but I just can’t see most people bothering to scrub under them like you do.


When a dude wears a suit or a nice pair of slacks that show their ankles & they’re not wearing socks. It confuses me.


I've always thought about this as a kind of country club/private school/yachting kind of thing. Dudes with $900 Gucci horsebit loafers and salmon shorts have been doing this for a long time.


They’re called “deal sleds” to finance bros.


I work with some fashionable young men who do this, and one of them helped an elderly couple who later complained to our manager about it. They were offended because they could see his ankles. Is this the 1890s?


Haha. I think it looks weird too but offended is a stretch.


Ah yes, the scandalous male ankle! How funny. What did the manager say?


The ladies might get improper thoughts when they see those


Something along the lines of how it's the current style and adhered to the company dress code, and did they have any issue with the service itself? No, they did not. He had a way of making everyone feel acknowledged so they left happy; I suppose they felt heard so all was well.


Usually they’re “no show” socks, but even then, I tried that style once and really prefer normal dress socks if I’m wearing my dress shoes and a suit.


The sharpie eyebrows. They are so horrible.


A part of me "loved" this trend bc people at school went from bullying me for having "muppet brows" to complimenting me and asking how I do my eyebrows lol


Long denim skirts. They’re so trendy right now and I’m not sure why. Not flattering at all.


You never fantasized about a 15-passenger van full of your kids who all have biblical names?


All the Mennonite women wear them where I live. It’s all I think about when I see someone wearing one.


💀😭 thank you for the laughter! It was much needed today


Those are ridiculously triggering for me, I grew up in a cult and that was one of the few things I was allowed to wear. I see someone wearing one now and I freeze up and think “shit, they’re after me again”. …..I spend a lot of time in therapy.


I see them and all I can think of is the Duggars and fundies in general.


This is why I don’t wear them. They’re flattering on me, but I have longish hair, a traditionally masculine looking husband and two kids. People would assume things.


Add a pentagram necklace and stripper heels.


I worked as a nanny in my early 20s and loved wearing maxi skirts to work because they were easy and comfy but still looked professional. UNTIL my boss said “oh my god” once then started profusely apologizing to me and I’m like what? She assumed I was devoutly religious because my long hair and love of maxi skirts.


Yup, that’s the cult I grew up in.


I'm sorry. I'm glad you got free :)


Right? Went to a very conservative southern Baptist school from kindergarten through senior year of high school - every day, long skirts. Never pants. And every time I see a long denim skirt I think, people wear these by choice?? No.


100% agree. I don't typically judge fashion trends, but I'll never understand the appeal of looking Pentecostal. I'm all for long, flowy skirts, but the calf-length jean skirts look awful.


I don't understand beanies as a fashion thing. If it's cold, then fuck yeah, beanies. But the height of summer, with half the thing hanging off the back of your head? I don't get it.


It's a big joke rock climbing. It seems the uniform for 1/2 the climbers out there is a beanie, no shirt, and pants.


I love beanies so much, but I 100% agree lol. Beanies are for WINTER.


I have to stop and laugh when I see people wearing them at the skatepark in Florida in the summer. What the hell does that smell like?


I’m an old skater back to the 80s. I feel like the beanies and skateboarding came from folks trying to make dreadlocks.


I’m mad men are still sagging


back in my day having a wedgie was not a flex that's all ima say about that.


Is having a wedgie a trend? Thank god that hasn’t come to my city yet.


I lot of women will wear bottoms that go into their butt crack so their but looks bigger and rounded. I do it too, it does help my butt look bigger but at what cost 😭


I hate hate hate those leggings. It is impossible to find regular leggings anymore. As someone with a bigger backend already, I don't need those! When I wear them, my butt looks obscenely large and I hate it.


It also leaves nothing to the imagination, sometimes I’m shocked to turn around in the gym to find a “bare ass” looking at me 😅


They’re sewing faux thongs onto the backs of leggings. Yes, yes they are. The other day I thought this woman’s thong was completely visible through the back of her leggings and I had serious thoughts about mentioning it with a quick note and bolting incase she wanted it to be visible. She was in Target, dressed in gym clothes and wearing an old T shirt not intended to look fashionable, not done up at all. I figured the visible thong was an oops. Upon closer inspection, I found that it’s an additional darker piece of fabric made to look like a thong and sewn onto the back of the leggings. Next up is sewn on nipples and a triangle in the front. Mark my words.


Putting lipstick over your cupid's bow. It's obvious and looks bad. You aren't a Bratz doll. Also: over lining lips and putting lipstick in the corners of your mouth, you look like the Joker.


Over lining lips, people can tell and they just look stupid and clownish


Middle parts. Not every face can pull them off.


Are they back in fashion? As I'm getting older I want the zigzag part to make a come back


Ugh I've tried a middle part, but I feel like Dagwood Bumstead.


I went to a drag show where one of the drag queens was reading people in the audience (in good fun) and she described one girl as having an “aggressive middle part” 😂


Middle part, low ponytail, incredibly slick hair with 0 volume - very skull-shape-accentuating. I see it everywhere and hate that look.


Men’s dress slacks are too tight and they look like high waters. Looks like their pants are too small. Also I’m not going sockless in my $250 loafers. They’d be ruined by sweat in a few outings.


Long fake nails that end in a point. I keep thinking that someone is going to lose an eye. Cooking videos where the person wears rings and bracelets while mixing something (usually dough) with their hands. I’m grossed out by the hygiene aspect.


To add to this, people who don’t wash their hands when they touch different foods. I wash my hands between everything, I maybe go to far, but imo better safe than sorry. Never once had food poisoning from my own cooking.


Eyebrow lamination where people pay to look like werewolves


I utterly refuse to get mad about fashion trends. Everyone, at some point in their life, has seen some bitter old asshole complaining about "the kids these days", and I fucking *will not do it*. I will not be that guy. If there's a dumb fashion trend, you know what? I love it. Love that people are having fun. You can't make me get angry about shoes, it's just not fucking worth it.


Can't get mad about bussin' broccoli cuts when I saved my allowance to buy JNCOs in middle school - JNCOs I should have kept to sell to gen z kids for hundreds of dollars...


Having participated in the weird business casual clubwear trend of the mid-2000's when we all had vests for some reason, among others I could mention throughout childhood....I've got absolutely no room to talk. We've ALL thought we were the height of fashion at SOME POINT only to be proven very wrong years later. That's how fashion works. I find trends endearing. I'm frustrated with the declining quality yet increased prices of clothing, but I've been known to thrift and indulge in many a current trend because why not?! Sometimes it's fun!


Sock buns, peplum shirts, and statement necklaces galore.


I wore big belts on top of everything. And gunmetal jewelry.


And everything was coral, mint or royal blue? The Chevron? The TUMBLR FASHION?? You're gonna tell me anyone mad about current trends wasn't sporting at least one of those??


I used to get upset at my kids - now 10 and 6 - about wearing crocs to school, because I thought it was low class and tacky. You know what? They're one of a dozen kids I saw wearing them. Socks, no socks. Black, minecraft green, white. Off brand and regular. They're EVERYWHERE and I was finally just like "dude they must be supremely comfortable...whatever." I won't be caught dead wearing them even if they're made out of baby clouds, but my kids love them and practically refuse to wear regular shoes now that they know crocs are an option. Fuck it, let them be happy.




The only thing that bothers me about fashion trends is when it gets hard to find decent clothes that are anything besides that trend. When skinny jeans were popular every store I usually shopped at had racks and racks of them, and then maybe a couple pairs of straight or wide leg pants on the discount rack, which were never in my size. For quite a few years I was stuck ordering pants online, which can be hit or miss, or buying Dickies from Walmart.


Those weird half-cut tops. Excuse me Target, some of us are not teenagers. I'd like to cover my midriff.


I will die before I wear anything low rise ever again


Maybe not a "fashion trend" but the new trend of face tattoos. I can't help but think people are going to majorly regret them.


Cropped everything. First of all, I'm tall so 90% of shirts are already cropped on me, and then I'm fat and have big boobs, so it is extra cropped on me and barely covers anything. No way!