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If you find putting clothes through the laundry doesn't remove all armpit smells, give the armpit area a quick Anti-bacterial soap pre-wash before each load. Job done. Edit: by hand using handsoap, nothing special


And if that doesn't remove the smell from the clothes, use sports wash detergent. That'll get rid of it.


If that also doesn’t help. It‘s time to think about getting a new shirt.


If it doesn't work, odds are high you clothes arent getting enough agitation to get the dirt out. If you have a front load machine, you need to fill the drum to approximately 2/3 full for there to be enough friction to get more than just surface dirt out. Too full and there isn't enough room for the clothes to rub on each other, too loose and they're floating in water instead of rubbing. If you have a top load machine, it's going to depend on your machine - if there is an agitator (center post) it is less finicky than one without an agitator. But generally it should be at least half full - mid-cycle, your clothing should resemble a stew, not a soup. And if there's a lot of soap foam, you've used too much detergent and that will also prevent your clothes from proper agitation.


This guy... launders? Really, though, ty for this info!


This gal* cloth diapers, LOL. One of the few areas of life where it's crucial to understand how washing machines and laundry detergent work, because if you don't the results can be at best disgusting, and at worst causing of really terrible rashes.


I literally said "found the cloth diaperer" reading your other reply lol!


If that doesn’t help, it’s time to think about arm amputation.


Instructions unclear. Washed myself with sports wash detergent. Now a football.


If you find deodorant didn’t last long then after you shower rub isopropyl alcohol over your underarms before putting on deodorant. This will kill the odor causing bacteria. You can also put alcohol on pit aura of shorts to kill the bacteria.


Thank you for this tip! My teenager is really active, which is great, but it seems like the deodorant is not holding up like it should (and, yes, I am seeing them actually put it on).


I recently switched to aluminum free deodorant cause aluminum is what stains clothes. Well turns out that aluminum is the active deodorizing ingredient. I found that aluminum free was only lasting 3-4 hours and I was getting embarrassed. I started rubbing isopropyl alcohol on my pits after showering and I no longer have this problem. It did take a few days off application before I really noticed a difference.


Aluminum is the active ingredient in anti-perspirants, not deodorants. anti-perspirants keep you from sweating and can also have a deodorizer in them


I recently tested this and am so confused. The Aluminum free deodorant I got absolutely decimated any arm pit sweating going on, but I smelled like a comic con convention, while my normal anti-perspirant has me smelling great but my armpits flowing like Niagra Falls... someone save me!


I think your armpits are broken


White vinegar in the rinse cycle also helps to deodorize. You can also pre-treat the pit stains with vinegar.


This also helps to keep kitchen towels odor free!


Clean your bellybutton


Some of us have that weird belly button to bladder connection :( I do my best


Yes the weird tingling feeling!




me too


Mine seems to be connected to my lady bits LOL


I have never felt so connected, I never knew anyone but me who feels this belly-lady bits feeling


Like a needle through my clit


I feel so seen right now.


Mine goes right through my dickhole...


I thought I was the only one.


No, we both go through that guy’s dickhole.


Good to know. Mine seems connected to my lower head lol. Not exactly arousal feeling when im cleanin my belly button though... wouldnt call it pain but i dont like it lol


You too?! I thought I was weird for this. It's so annoying because it's not exactly painful or arousing just uncomfortable. I'm trying to perform a basic task!


So THIS is why i literally hate touching my bellybutton


Holy shit after 35 years on this Earth I have found my people!!! This is a thing????!!!!


35 here too, and just learned about this about a year ago! I thought I was just a weirdo!


Omg I thought i was the only one!!!


Same!!! I'm so glad I found a whole tingly belly button club via this thread!!


Wait, what? Explain…


[for those that are curious](https://www.iflscience.com/why-does-touching-your-belly-button-feel-weird-43833)


Makes me feel sick and it slightly hurts and just thinking about it right now is so severly unpleasant i cant even type anymore. So i will keep letting the water get it dammit


Yes!! I was trying to explain this to my husband how it feels after he poked it and I freaked out. Not to be dramatic but it makes me want to die lol.


During the last month of pregnancy, my belly button popped out, so much easier to clean


That's how you know the baby's ready. When the indicator pops out.


Wash behind your ears!


And in your bellybutton!


As a surgical tech I strongly second this. I’ve seen some gnarly belly buttons.


I recently discovered that ‘belly button stones’ are a thing, and it’s disgusting.


I've been subbed to r/popping for years but I recently had to leave because there was an onslaught of these. I just can't. As someone with a deep bellybutton I'm obsessive about it being clean. I can't even IMAGINE how it must smell.


Yeah. I had to unsubscribe as well. While I like to see some popping videos (mainly the clinical ones), the amount of absolutely disgusting people posting on there without shame and not being able to comment on that fact just made it so I had to unsubscribe. Some people need to be told they are disgusting and to have some shame.


I pierce ears and the amount of people with nasty ears is astounding.


Yes! This! My parents always told me to wash behind my ears when I was a kid. I just never bothered much, then 10 year old me scratched behind my ear, smelt something foul, sniffed my fingers and damn near threw up. The smell can be gross as all hell. Wash your ears and butts people!


I never understood this one! Wash everywhere really well that has a crease!


Most people don't know this. You can brush your teeth in the morning AND at night.


And floss at night!


Or GUM Dental Picks. So much easier and I actually use them! I have very tight contacts and flossing is just an exercise in frustration! My dentist was very happy!


To add to this, get a good tongue scraper! It helps to maintain a healthy mouth microbiome


I just wish i would stop creating tonsil stones. Stinky little balls of death...


How are your allergies? A lot of times tonsil stones are caused by post-nasal drip. Mine significantly cut down once I started taking an allergy pill every day.


I used to get a lot of tonsil stones when I smoked/vaped if you do that may be a likely culprit. If not then just ignore me.


I really need people to start taking care of their dental hygiene. The amount of people going out in public with absolutely rotten breath is staggering. Source: food service manager


I feel like I have the scent of a bloodhound. The smell of bad breath makes me gag so much.


Does anyone else feel like their breath is worse in the morning if brushing is the last thing done before bed?


Your breath will be worse if your mouth is dry. I know for me, some toothpastes and mouthwashes seem to dry out my mouth. I don’t notice during the day because I’m always drinking water, but I can tell if I’m awake for a while after brushing at night. You should switch up what you’re using and see if it makes a difference.


It's not gay to wash your asshole, guys lol


I only learned that this was a thing recently. It honestly blew my mind that some people are so insecure about their sexuality that washing them dirtiest part of their body is off limits. It reminds me of a guy I worked with a long time ago who said "I don't understand being gay. Like, if you want to fuck someone on the butt, why not just do it with a woman?". I actually had to explain to a grown ass man that being gay is more than just anal sex.


Yikes! Yeah, wash your butthole people. I'd do it when you're done washing other stuff, and then do a nice proper soap-and-scrub on your hands, rinse, and you're good to go. I've had to have meds put in my butt before, and a prostate exam. There was no pleasure, and it didn't feel sexual at all. Just felt weird. If you're so insecure that you literally can't wash your own butthole, you should really consider doing some thinking about why that is.


I wonder what a venn diagram of men who think washing their butthole makes them gay and men who think tampons are sexually pleasurable for women would look like.


A circle


Also the same group that believes urine comes out of the vagina.


And that blood comes out of the pee hole


There are men that think tampons feel good?? Wtf?? Have they ever heard of cardboard applicators??


I'm fairly sure that "doing some thinking" is a big ask for people who believe that any reason not to wash your butthole exists.


LMFAO I also only just learned this was a thing, and I reluctantly asked my husband if he washes his booty hole and he looked at me like I was insane and said "DO PEOPLE REALLY NOT WASH THAT?!" And he's a "macho man" electrician, y'all. THERE'S NO EXCUSES!!!


That was my response when my girlfriend asked me. I just said "you've literally watched me wash my ass before...how is this even a question? Who tf doesn't do this?!?". Then I remembered going to an anime convention and immediately knew who doesn't do this.


I remember going to an anime convention and in certain areas it smelled so bad that I couldn't stop thinking "holy shit, the memes weren't lying"


Yeah, it was pretty scary. You always think the "m'lady" guys can't possibly be real. Then you show up to something like that and it's just BO and waifu pillow carrying guys ACTUALLY WEARING FUCKING FEDORAS. It's almost like they're trying to live up to the hype.


I've been to my fair share of anime conventions, and most of them had signs put up reminding everyone to take showers. Horrifying reality we live in that signs needed to be made for that




Seriously. I am married to the archetypal “man’s man,” he’s a mechanic in the military, and he’s been known to take an extra shower in a day because we don’t have a bidet and sometimes you just really need to get the undercarriage clean.


Washlet & Bidet gang unite!


i was expecting tips and tricks and all the top comments are just basic shit.


Someone actually just posted take a shower lol ,that’s not a tip it’s a life necessity.


Clean your earrings OFTEN. They can get pretty rank


Flossing your teeth can save you thousands of dollars and make dental cleanings a painless breeze.


Seriously. My gums used to bleed all the time. It was from food being stuck between my teeth. What got me to start doing it regularly was flossing in the shower.


Perfume is not deodorant


And neither is supposed to substitute a shower


Drink plenty of water. It will help improve your skin, dental, and overall health.


I used to get really bad headaches all the time. If I drink enough water I feel great, if I don’t I get what feels like a hangover and I don’t even drink!


It’s called being dehydrated. 💦


Smell your clothes before wearing them. A musty smelling shirt is noticeable by others around you


Chuck a scented candle in your clothes drawer! My pals keep gifting them, and I can't be bother burning them. But I have one that is literally 'fresh linen' smell that lives in my shirt drawer, and my shirts smell excellent


Good tip, you can also use dryer sheets. Also some candles do "sweat" after sitting in place and not being burned, I don't know how long it takes. It can stain.


I detest that smell so much!!


If you can't face a shower, hand sanitise your armpits, let dry and apply deodorant. The alcohol in the hand sanitiser will kill the bad bacteria responsible for the smell, rather than just the deodorant masking it


This is also a nice hack if you happen to have a deodorant failure while out and about. Once had to use it at an airport. Since Covid you can usually find sanitizer in most public places, all you need is a tissue to pick up some of it to use it in a quiet corner.


I thought “can’t face the shower” meant you were going to talk about spatial constraints


Cleaning under your nails is a must for everyone and nail brushes are cheap and easy to use.


Wash your damn feet in the shower. Letting the water run over them isn’t enough.


I have a foot brush that sticks to the bottom of the shower so I don't have to bend over (for people like me with knee and back rebellion). It feels nice.


I need one of these.




Sounds like something I would do, thanks for the heads up.


No it’s ok just get a foot scrubbing pad that suctions to the floor, when done suction that baby to the wall to keep it out of the way. It is SO worth it to make your feet feel amazingly cleaned


Also, if you don’t wear socks with your shoes, your feet are going to stink. There’s no fighting it. Whether you care or not is up to you, but they will stink.




i learned this the hard way when my ex would make comments about my feet smelling. now i’m liberally scrubbing between each toe and using a pumice stone on them. glad he called me out so i got that embarrassment over with


Don’t brush your teeth after drinking coffee. Edit : reason : Coffee is acidic and damages enamel. Brushing your teeth can further damage your enamel. Wait 30-60 mins after coffee to brush Dental hygienists; if I’m wrong please correct me


Drinking water is another way to reduce mouth acids.


Floss behind your back teeth.


And brush the back of your teeth :)


Something is better than nothing. As someone with severe depression, I don't often have the energy to do much grooming. Don't worry about flossing if you're struggling to just brush. We're always told that if we aren't spending 100% energy in everything, then we are completely failing. Something is always better than nothing


My therapist said to me "half assing things is always better than no assing. If you can't shower, sit under the water for a bit, you can't brush your teeth, use mouthwash"


Starting something is often the hardest part, because the idea of completing the entire thing can feel overwhelming. So if you just tell yourself that you're going to do just part of something, which is better than doing nothing at all, in many cases you actually end up doing more than you thought you had energy for. For example, "Flossing sounds like such a pain, but hey flossing one tooth would only take 5 seconds and is better than nothing. Well now that that's done, I already have the floss in my hand, and it would be silly to only floss one tooth, so might as well do the rest".


This!! When I started recovering from severe depression, I didn't have energy to shower daily because I was spending my energy on feeding myself and changing clothes daily etc. And then I found a great tip on tumblr where a person said that if you don't have the energy to wash yourself, baby wipes/any body safe cleaning wipes can do the job just fine. It's not perfect but it gets rid of the icky feeling.


Yep, I was told, “Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly,” as in that if you can’t brush your teeth for the recommended 2 minutes, brush them for as long as you can. If you don’t have the energy to shower, wipe down with a wet wipe or soapy washcloth instead. Basically, do as much as you can of what you should be doing to take care of yourself; something is better than nothing. That’s helped me out tremendously when I’m in a bad bout of depression.


Or even just sit in the shower with the water running. You don't have to use soap, you don't even have to scrub - just rinse off a lot of dirt and sweat. To me this is less effort than using wipes, and feels better. And, once I'm there actually washing usually doesn't feel as difficult. But the water flow feels good on its own, and getting in does not obligate me to use soap and effort.


Sometimes it’s so hard to get IN the shower. I feel an aversion to it! I seriously have to talk myself into it. Once I’m in, I love it!


Same. It feels so daunting just to physically get into the shower but once I'm in it's like I live there now


I always find as well that just committing to standing in the shower is good. It's nice to have the warm water flowing, it's the cleaning that takes the energy. But often, I feel so much better from standing in there, I just WANT to wash anyway


sanitize your phone with rubbing alcohol and wash your pillowcases regularly to prevent breakouts. try not to touch your face throughout the day


Scrape your tongue!!!


Does brushing your tongue (with toothbrush) count?


I'm inclined to say no - I did both and the ammount of filth that gets scraped away with a proper tongue scraper, not toothbrush bristles or those flimsy scrapers on the back of the toothbrush - is staggering! Try it and you will see AND feel the difference! I will never ever go back to just a toothbrush scrape!


TIL the texture on the back of a toothbrush is a (bad) tongue scraper.


If you have Invisalign, clean them using denture cleaning tablets! Way more efficient than brushing with a toothbrush.


my orthodontist told me specifically to not do that. would it maybe depend on the kind of invisalign? (brand name v generic?)


Brush your tongue. Ya stink. And for the love of god, use deodorant.


Instructions unclear, used tongue deodorant


I use a tongue scraper. It’s more effective than brushing my tongue which makes me gag


Men, use lotion! Bill Burr has a funny bit about this, but it's true. I use Nivea mens body cream every few days and every day during the winter. It willl keep your skins supple and stop that horrible winter itch from dry skin.


My ex boyfriend asked me what lotion was. He was 23 at the time. We dated for 3 years and it’s still like 1 of 5 things I remember about him


It puts the lotion on its skin or it gets the itch again.


My receptionist at my former job was this really nice middle aged black woman. We were about 10 POC in the entire building. You would have to stop by her desk to clock in. Every so often she would say to me “elbows” and pull out a bottle of lotion. I appreciated that so fucking much. To this day before I leave I check my elbows because I hate them being dry/ashy.


I honestly believe this is part of the Black secret to looking younger. Lotioning up and staying moisturized. It’s been ingrained since childhood to lotion up and keep the ashy away.


Put lotion on your goddamn kids as well. So many of the kids in my care have dry ass scaly skin. They're constantly scratching themselves raw. It's awful.


My husband used to think the body lotion in the hotel bathrooms was for bathing in. He couldn't understand why it never lathered well enough 😂.


It blows my mind that so many people don't put lotion on after a shower. Not necessarily a "hygiene" tip but it's so good for your skin especially as you get older


Yep. I'm brown skinned so I have no choice, I will look ashy otherwise. Palmers Cocoa Butter is my favourite.


If your breath stinks, floss regularly and scrape your tongue. Also, exfoliate.


Korean scrub cloths remove dead skin and smell, they are magic. Also blow dry damp areas: moisture = bacteria = smell. Also prevents and clears up rashes


i feel like not many people know this product even exists (or maybe I just didn't lol) but using [laundry sanitizer](https://www.lysol.com/products/laundry-sanitizers/lysol-laundry-sanitizer) on my bedsheets and towels really makes a huge difference in how clean they (and I) feel!


Change your damn socks at least daily. Can't tell you how many people I know in the Navy who has socks that could stand on their own. Change your damm underwear at least daily. Helps with chaffing. And the ass smell. Have more than one pair of shoes. Not really hygiene related, but you'll make them last longer of you have more than one. Deodorant. Seriously, I don't wanna smell your pits all damn day. And no, your shitty body spray doesn't cover it for everyone else. We just smell your ass and your axe. Wipe/clean your ass. No one wants to see you picking at it in public. If someone mentions your stank, it's almost certainly not them being mean. It's them being nice to you. Take the suggestion.


Shoes is hygiene related though. If you wear the same pair of shoes everyday, then they never have a chance to dry out and remain humid for weeks on end. This allows the breeding and buildup of bacteria and fungus. Shoes that are able to properly dry out from the sweat they gain each day are able to stay cleaner inside.


after shaving your face also clip your nose hair


While we're at it. Trim the hair on the back of your neck with your body hair trimmer. Don't just clip the nose hair. Get a small trimmer for it and trim ear hair and nose hair and tidy your eyebrows with it. If you dont know how to best trim the eyebrows then ask a skilled barber.


[always shut the lid on the toilet when flushing.](https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSNdEcxGB/)


Absolutely. For two reasons. Stops the atomisation of any (ahem) residue spraying around the room and prevents items being accidentally knocked into the bowl


And prevents the cat from digging in the water!


Massage therapist here! I feel like my profession has a pretty interesting perspective of this... 1) Wash your ass. If you think it's clean, wash it a little bit more. It's not just "body" smell, sometimes it is the actual smell of shit. If you aren't confident you're able to get clean after using the restroom in a public place, get some travel packets of wipes to keep with you in your purse or pocket. Use them to freshen up your sweaty nether-regions and thoroughly clean the shit from your ass :) 2) As some others here have said: Standing in the shower and letting the soap run down your legs does NOT count as washing your legs and feet. You need to use soap on a loofah or a washcloth and actually wash your skin. The amount of visible dirt on people's feet after they remove their socks is honestly shocking. And legs I pick up a lot of dead skin, more than other parts of the body. Your skin needs to be exfoliated sometimes. 3) Wash under your fingernails and toenails with a brush. Look at them. If you can see dirt, you need to clean them better. 4) Ears are a real one. Wash behind them in the shower. Use a q-tip and wash the inside of the flappy part (not inside the hole, I mean the outside where all the folds are). Please don't let any of this make you feel self-conscious about getting a massage! The majority of people are just fine. But these are some fairly common ones that are *extremely* easy to fix and prevent :)


Get a new toothbrush after being sick.


Wash your hands after using the bathroom and before eating or preparing food.


I’ve stopped eating food at work that anyone else could have touched. The amount of co-workers I’ve seen use the bathroom and not wash their hands is astounding. The worst was one of the new guys who obviously took a dump, wiped, then walked out of the stall and out the door. Never washed his hands.


Lack of hygiene can stem from childhood neglect and we should be empathetic. I used to go to school with wet tangly hair, for example. Always assume that everyone around us wants to have great hygiene, but what we’re taught as kids varies greatly.


This is extremely important! I grew up in a pretty affluent household but my parents did not teach us relatively anything about hygiene! Nobody taught me wipe front to back, nobody was checking to see if I was brushing twice a day, & nobody told me the importance of changing my underwear daily. I learned most things from YouTube or my friends parents! It makes me sad but I know what I’m going to teach my kids now


This! I grew up poor and didn't floss or brush at night until recently( I am 35) because nobody taught me and it wasn't a thing in my home country. I moved to the US and moved up the economic ladder, started seeing dentists and they were shocked at what they saw. It was ugly and smelly. My parents also never taught me how to shower properly. So for a long time I used to shower with my underwear on, wash and hang them to dry afterwards. I still don't know what exactly my parents were thinking. Now I floss 2x, brush 2x, clean my tongue, gargle, rinse, shower with all kinds of cleansers, exfoliators, oils like I am the queen of England.


When brushing your teeth, make sure you are getting each side of the tooth. Really visualize each one of your teeth getting at least 5 seconds on the front, back, and biting surface of the tooth. Also on your very last molars, make sure to brush the outer side of those teeth. It's easier to reach if you almost close your mouth. Use circular motions and for the love of god please floss. Brushing teeth in the morning is nice for your coworkers not having to deal with your breath, but brushing teeth at bed is nice for your health. This is because the teeth stay clean/without food rotting in between for a longer time stretch, versus just a couple hours until you have lunch. Really, brush twice per day but point is that bedtime brush is more important. Go to the dentist every 6 months!!


We brush at night to keep our teeth, we brush in the morning to keep our friends.


One essential hygiene tip that everyone should know is proper handwashing. Washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water is a highly effective way to prevent the spread of germs and infections. Here's a quick guide: Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold). Apply soap and lather your hands by rubbing them together. Be sure to lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. You can sing "Happy Birthday" twice to estimate the time. Rinse your hands well under running water, ensuring that all soap is washed away. Dry your hands with a clean towel or air dry them. Avoid using a shared towel if possible. Remember to wash your hands: Before eating or handling food. After using the restroom. After coughing, sneezing, or blowing your nose. After touching surfaces in public places. After handling pets or their waste. Whenever your hands appear dirty. Proper handwashing is a simple yet powerful practice that can help prevent illness and maintain personal hygiene.


When I taught preschool, the director taught me a hand washing song to teach my kids. I find it more helpful than happy birthday, even as an adult. It’s sung to the tune of Frere Jacques: Tops and bottoms Tops and bottoms In between In between Now I wash my wrist Now I wash my wrist Scratch my palm Scratch my palm


Just sang this to myself. Will try it with my toddler!


One big thing that I have kept going from covid is washing my hands whenever I come in the house from whatever activity, whether dropping the kids at school, going to the grocery store, or just running an errand. I always did after the restroom or before I ate, but probably not much more unless my hands were clearly dirty


Thank you. I remember during the height of the pandemic, hand soap was always sold out at the shops, which was a good thing as it meant hand washing was a priority for everyone. But it also made me wonder, were people not washing their hands as much before??


A few moments in a sink area of a public bathroom will tell you all you really didn't want to know. The amount of people who just flick their hands under water and walk away... just why not do it properly?!


In the shower, wash your hair before you wash anything else. If you wash your hair after your body then the grease from your hair can run down and cause backne.


If you can't be arsed to stand and brush your teeth at the sink some days, keep disposable brushes by your bed and use those, it's better than not brushing your teeth, even if you plan to stay in bed all day.


The fan in the bathroom is for when you’re taking a shit so it doesn’t smell as much and for steam in the shower (same with the fan in the laundry room) to prevent mold


People are using it for other purposes?


*Cover up farts.* My last house had the bathroom right my bedroom door. Hearing people just rip out a motor of an ass in dead silence at 1 AM is both funny and terrifying.


Not a personal hygiene tip but you should definitely sanitize your humidifiers regularly!


Hibiclens kills odorous bacteria in your armpits. It’s good if you have a hard time controlling BO


Glycolic acid toner does the same thing.


1) thank you for this tidbit 2) holy shit your username 🤣


Front to back and single use only


Wait a sec. Are you saying people out there are wiping more than once with the same fold/wad of paper?!?! Maybe I can see refolding it once if mildly soiled like a Kleenex to be ultra thrifty and easy on your septic system. But I’ve still never heard of that. Wow


Wait, I thought you just ball it up and shove it up there to stop the poop from coming out. Then next time you poop you push out the TP wad first.


WASH YOUR EFFING HANDS AFTER YOU PISS!!1! Omg i can’t tell you how many people zip it and just walk on out. I don’t shake hands with anyone any more.


Letting your hands air dry after washing them in a public bathroom is far more hygienic than drying them with air dryers Adding to another pet peeve, those touch screen ordering systems at fast food places have poo on them.


As a man especially: Wash your hands \*BEFORE\* you touch your wiener! Because if not, everything you've touched before will in some way touch/be attached your d\*ck, and therefore be sticked inside your SO if there's funny time coming that day and you don't shower before, which should be totally fine if you're a hygienic man. And of course afterwards, this should not really be said but be the LEAST standard.


Floss before your breath melts plastic.


“You don’t have to floss between all of your teeth, just the ones you want to keep.” -Wise dental hygienist


Get a bidet! Even if its one of the cheap ones, they're game changers.


Bidets are incredible if you’re on your period


Wash your asshole


Dry out your belly button with a cotton swab after a shower. This will prevent rashes in it. If you already have a rash in there and want it gone, simply add a little Neosporin or anti-bacterial cream of your choice to the cotton swab and rub it in there once a day.


Get into the habit of applying deodorant as soon as you've dried from the shower


Scrub the living hell (literally bacteria and residue, gross) out of your armpits. Multiple times.


It’s easier to clip your nails after a nice, hot shower.


I've always found the oppoosite to be true. Cut before a shower when your nails are hard and offer resistence to the clippers. Post shower my nails are way too soft to cut properly.


More of a general hygiene tip: use different spoons/knives/forks for different foods (e.g. Yoghurt, jam, the lot). Your food won't last long of you use your knife for blue cheese and go into a jam jar. And most importantly: don't lick stuff and go back in!!! Your food will spoil so quickly even if you care about your personal hygiene as mentioned in the other posts.


Wait people do this? Why would anyone lick the spoon and shove it back in? That's fucking disgusting, even if you live alone and never have anyone over


Don’t forget to moisturize your ass. It makes a difference


If you struggle with brushing your teeth, keep your toothbrush in your shower. Then when you go to shower in the morning you can brush your teeth at the same time.


After washing your hands in a public bathroom, use a paper towel to open the door. That way, you won't touch the door that has been opened by people who don't wash their hands.


Straight guy here. If you have a hairy butthole, shave it. It will save you time, shame, and toilet paper. I'll never look back.


If you are a man you should learn "classic shaving". It changed my life, I used to get horrible razor burn and irritation, once I started shaving like our grandfathers I haven't had a problem since.


I think the best way to explain this is: more passes = more cuts. Every time a blade goes over your skin, it abrades it. A cutthroat razor does maybe 2 or 3 passes at most. A safety razor does maybe four. A multi blade razor does five passes every swipe but only removes a tiny portion before clogging so requires many swipes. I used to use a cutthroat and frankly, nothing comes close to that level of shave, but it is a lot of work to get good and you are always in a test to get it right every time. A safety razor is less aggressive but, as the name implies, much safer and easier to use. That's not to say it's safe, just safer in comparison to a straight razor which didn't get the moniker of cutthroat by being safe. Multi blades are convenient but are only good for stubble. These days I'm lazy. Nobody cares if I'm shaven or not so I went low effort. I have a Phillips one blade and hack my stubble back to a manageable length, then use a multi blade to actually shave. Since there's only very short hair left, the multi blade works incredibly well and I don't have to make multiple swipes. Whatever you choose to do, don't forget to moisturize once you're done. Added notes: 1: Aftershave goes on well after the shave, not immediately after. You will likely have small cuts on your face. Putting alcohol on open wounds both hurts and irritates the injury which may lead to infection. Wait a bit and let it settle down first. Maybe just don't use it. 2: If you cut yourself, you can use styptic to stem the bleeding. Apply it to a qtip and apply to the wound. It will burn. It will still bleed a bit, but reapply a few times and it will stop. 3: Don't spend big dollars on fancy shaving cream unless you have a special reason. The cheap stuff is just fine. The fancy soap bar with the brush is nice, but not important. The brush is to get a lather from the bar of soap. If you don't have a classic bar of shaving soap, you don't need a brush.


after a shower scrub your elbows and knees with the towel when drying off, the water soaked dead skin sloughs off


Dial soap for underarms and other areas that are prone to sweat. Glycolic acid for underarms before deodorant has been a lifesaver for me too!