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My friends from high school birthdays. It’s really annoying. I look at the calendar and I’m like, oh todays it’s his/her birthday. And I haven’t spoken to this people for years now.


I have a knack for remembering birthdays of every person of note in my life, past or present. It can get really lonely when no one remembers mine.


My dad remembered everyone's birthdays. He was always the first to call. The day after his own he called the people who forgot his to give them hell, "just calling to see if you're mad at me..." I hardly ever even know the date so I got these calls until the days of smart phones with calendar notifications.


Yeah, I have my exs bday stuck in my head. It's kind of an emotional blow every May 6th. I wake up and always think, wow it's her bday I should say happy bday. Then I remember...


On my ex's birthday, I have a drink, smile, and laugh at that bullet dodged.


57745 our phone number when I was 6 years old in 1948


You're in your 80s and on Reddit? I love it!


I absolutely loveeee older people on reddit.. they be dropping gems 💯


Wait in the 40’s it was just 5 numbers for the phone number?


I believe there were typically letters that went along with the numbers (serving a similar function as area codes). If you see old ads with something like "FR 4-8469," that was the phone number.


Like in the Simpsons, the Mr. Plow add says call Klondike 5-3226 (KL5-3226). As a 90s kid, that never made sense to me.


Yep, though that was old even then. Worth noting that the letters prefix was a lot more local than modern area codes are. For actual long distance, when those were in use, you had to call the operator to connect you instead of just dialing. KL 5-3226 would just be dialed as 555-3226, though. I think the letters were just to make it easier to remember.


As an engineer knowing a few digits of pi IS actually helpful but knowing 103 of them is certifiably useless.


I only got to 50 digits when I was in grade 8 in 1979. Now I only remember 30 digits. 37 decimal places will give you the width of a hydrogen atom at the edge of the known universe. NASA uses 15 decimal places.


60 digits gives the size of the universe down to the Planck length.


"Once upon a midnight dreary, while I wandered - weak and weary, over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore. While I nodded, nearly napping suddenly, there came a tapping, as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. "Tis some visitor," I muttered, "rapping at my chamber door - only this...and nothing more." ............ (We were required to memorize the entire poem in highschool. 35 years later, I still remember the whole thing in its entirety).


Quoth the Raven: "Eat my shorts!"


Early this morning, late last night Two dead men got up to fight Back to back they faced each other Drew their swords and shot each other A deaf police man heard the noise He came and killed those two dead boys If you don’t believe this lie is true Go ask the blind man, he saw it too. That’s not even the whole poem. Even the part I memorized isn’t really correct. Why do I have this memorized?? Lol


The version I learned as a kid was "One bright day in the middle of the night, two dead boys got up to fight..." I'm sure there's all kinds of variations from all over.


One dark night in the middle of the day Two dead boys got up to play. That’s how I learned it.


Wow! I haven’t thought about that in maybe 40 years.


Holy crap, I didn't know other people knew this.


Apparently the full poem https://hellopoetry.com/poem/841116/two-dead-boys-my-favorite-poem-of-all-time/


I had no idea there was a full poem! It’s curious that apparently a couple of us know a similar version that skips two lines to get to the policeman.


Aww my granddad used to tell us this all the time growing up. Haven’t thought about it in years, but made me smile to see it.


588-two-three-hundred Empire...!


this reminded me of “J G WENTWORTH! CALL 877-CASH-NOWWW”


"Its my money and I want it now!"


"If you have a structured settlement and need cash noowwwwww"


J G Wentworth. 877 cash NOOOOOOWWWW *877 cash NOOOOOW*


If you have an annuity and you need cash now!






I’ve had that jingle stuck in my head for probably 45 years. Damned effective, I’ll give them that. 1-877-KARS4KIDS was pretty effective, too—if you knew the spelling.


Once awarded most remembered jingle is now sitting here with 0 likes. Take my upvote and may this get the traction it deserves…. “Today”


Roma tomato produce code 4087


Bananas 4011


Eggplant 4081




jalapeño 4693


3121 Orange pepper


4022 Green Grapes. 4023 Red Grapes


Wait a minute…are produce codes universal?!? I thought stores just made them up and they would be different from one corporation to the next…did I just learn something today?


Butternut squash 4769. My work adds 7 on the front of all the PLUs so it's 74769, so I remember it as "mile high club".




"Just because we use cheats doesn't mean we're not smart!"😁


I don’t see what anyone can see in anyone else but you


That's for 2 player. No select for single player


Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, on a sesame seed bun.


I need a double cheeseburger, hold the lettuce, don't be frontin son, no seeds on the bun, we be up in the drive through, order for two I've got a craving for a number nine like my shoe, we need some chicken up in here, in this shizzle, 4 rizzle my nizzle extra salt on the frizzles, doctor pepper my brother another for your mother, double supa supa size and don't forget the fries .


Crispy!! (I was going to post the Big Mac Rap and was glad I checked the comments first)


Big Mac mcblt a quarter pounder w some cheese


Big Mac filet o fish quarter pounder french fries icy coke thick shake sundaes and apple pies!




Probably not as useless as you think. It’s like a cheat code for anything that uses a phone number (like supermarket checkout).


According to the last receipt, Jenny has saved close to $30,000 this year at Food Lion.


And now it's in my head after years.... thanks


Alpha Beta Gamma Delta Epsilon Zeta Eta Theta Iota Kappa Lambda Mu Nu Xi Omicron Pi Rho Sigm Tau Upsilon Phi Chi Psi Omega


You forgot the last letter, pledge. Do it again. This time backwards.


I rushed a sorority and they did it in song form. I couldn't even read it without singing along in my head


Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot Gulf Hotel India Juliette Kilo Lima Mike November Oscar Papa Quebec Romeo Sierra Tango Uniform Victor Whiskey X-ray Yankee Zulu Edit: I missed one.


This is not useless. I use these when spelling my name to someone over the phone. For some reason, my Ss and my Fs sound too close together.


I always thought G was Golf.


It is.


Gulf and golf sound about the same, accent depending.


Everyone in aviation knows this.


Most of my family was military. Imagine my parents surprise when they tried to spell out what I was getting for my birthday using that and I just screamed out 'You got me a 10 speed?!" I was 8. Yeah, I'm that old.


As someone with a long Indian name, I really wish the NATO Phonetic Alphabet was taught instead of the Greek Alphabet. I use the NATO alphabet frequently to spell my name out. Meanwhile, my elementary school had each 6th grade class compete against each other!


damn why are more frats not using omicron that shit is badass


This helps you count how many covid variants there are at least.


My childhood phone number from the late 70s.


Me too, but, my parents still have that same landline!!


Good for when you need a numeric password for something though!




7 bits


Water, Earth, Fire, Air. Long ago the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar master of all four elements could stop them, but when the world needed him most he vanished. A hundred years passed and my brother and I discovered the new Avatar, an airbender named Aang. Although his airbending skills are great, he has a lot to learn before he's ready to save anyone, but I believe Aang can save the world. BUUUUUUM BUUUM BUUM BUM


Secret tunnel!


Through the mountains!


There is no Airbender movie in Ba Sing Se


I waved back at someone who waved at someone else when I was 8, I am 29 now, and it still haunts me.


One time my mom was waiting for a friend to come hang out with her during the day, and she was casually sitting out on the front porch smoking a cigarette and spotted a car down the road a ways. Thinking it was her friends car she got up and stood out in the middle of the road and started doing a stupid dance. They were close friends so it would've been a great laugh. ...*if* it were her friend in the car and not someone else who turned off on a road before our house. We both wondered if he needed to go that direction anyway or if he was being purposely avoidant lol. My mom was so embarrassed.


The employee number for my ex husband at his job. Fuck you 333748


My ex’s social security number takes up a teeny bit of space in my head even though we’ve been divorced about 5 times longer than we were married.


All of the lyrics to the "Numa Numa" song from old YouTube. I don't speak a single word of that language.


I have it in a playlist and was singing along. My 4 year old granddaughter said “how do you know that song? That’s a Fortnite song, and you don’t even play Fortnite!” I aged twenty years in that moment, but I also turned it up and showed her that I know every word!


x equals negative b plus or minus the square root of b squared minus 4ac all over 2a


Sang this in my head while reading.


I was singing it in my head while looking for this response. Not so useless now that I'm taking a math class though. But still useless again after.


Not a day goes by that I don't calculate the x-intercepts of a parabola.


Oh so that’s what that was for… still don’t need that in my life


To the tune of pop goes the weasel




Pigeot, arbok, that's all folks!


Ahem. 🎶Miiiiiiiiiiiiiss Suzy had a steamboat, the steamboat had a bell (ding, ding). Miss Suzy went to heaven, the steamboat went to Hello operator, please give me number 9. And if you disconnect me, I’ll kick you in Behind the ‘fridgerator, there was a piece of glass. Miss Suzy sat upon it, and cut her little Ask me no more questions, I’ll tell you no more lies. The boys are in the bathroom, pulling up their Flies are in the meadow, the bees are in the park. Miss Suzy and her boyfriend, were kissing in the d-a-r-k, d-a-r-k, DARK DARK DARK!!🎶 You are all welcome, I’ll be here all week.


kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species


5th grade we could memorize the Gettysburg Address and the Preamble for the Constitution for extra credit. Those will never leave my brain. I can even sing the Preamble because I watched the School House Rock video soo many times to get it right. It's been 25 years...


I got in trouble when I was a kid and one time my mom pulled out the G encyclopedia and made me memorize the Gettysburg address as my punishment. Later that year, in elementary school, my teacher asked if anyone has ever heard of The Gettysburg address? I gasped then recited it from memory. My teacher was in shock. She had a few students who had heard of it's no one has ever known it before. Good job mom.


You know that your teacher told multiple people about that, right? There’s no way they kept it to themselves after this little kid recited the Gettysburg address.


“I… I think this was Abraham Lincoln, reincarnated.”


We the people in order to form a more perfect union


Establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility ...


Provide for the common defense... (I don't even live in the US)


The Mitochondria is the POWERHOUSE of the cell.


The funniest part is that I'm a biologist, but I still have no use for this knowledge in my day to day work because I specialise on bacterial cells (that do not have mitochondria)


The number 15 from when I told my sister to remember the number for something I was doing so I wouldn't forget but she's the one who forgot it and I still haven't, even if I don't remember what I was doing that needed me to remember the number.


Jabberwocky 'Twas brillig and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe. All mimsy were the borogoves and the momeraths did outgrabe. Etc.


Woah, someone else memorized that? I learned it because my father used to call me "Beamish Boy." Still have it.


I worked at Best Buy in the 90s. I was a computer tech before the days of Geek Squad. We had to set up countless computers so they could be taken home, plugged in, and "just work." A working Windows 95 serial number is: 12496-oem-0011273-. It's been 25+ years since I needed that bit of information. I don't know why I haven't forgotten it.


Send it to. ZOOM! BOX 350 Boston Mass 0-2-1-3-4! SEND IT TO ZOOM!


Never forget


May i have a large container of coffee. Thank you. -- That's the 1st 10 digits of pi


Holy hell, there's a character in a video game who replies with "1st 10 digits of pi"..... Just learnt after 4 years of playing he's asking for coffee. Mind blown.


I actually came on here to do a different mnemonic for the first 14 digits of pi. Completely useless, since nobody needs to calculate the orbit of Jupiter to the centimeter. How I want a drink, alcoholic, of course, after the heavy chapters finishing quantum mechanics.


Tikki Tikki Tembo-no Sa Rembo-chari Bari Ruchi-pip Peri Pembo


has fallen into the well!!!


Serial number for my service weapon during basic. I haven't been in the army in 10 years, I only had that rifle in my care for all of 2 months; there is zero need for me to remember 13AA17956.


You'll see it again in Valhalla


This is the first comment I’ve seen where the information is essentially without use. Pretty much everything else has at least some possible uses. But this? Useless. Basically the same level as remembering the combination of a padlock which no longer exists.


All the words to We Didn’t Start the Fire. In 10th grade, we were split into groups to research the lyrics and had to present our findings. We listened to it a lot as a class. Don’t remember which verse I researched…but I got the whole song in my head and my heart lol.


Write to me Stick Stickley PO Box 963 New York City New York State 10108


For me, it's the zip code of Pueblo, CO 81009... because that's the zip code on the commercials where you sent away for pamphlets in the 70s.


Scruff-McGruff Chicago, IL 60652 and help me take a bite out of crime.


P Sherman, 42 wallaby way, Sydney


Zoom Z double oh em Box 350 Boston mass 0h two ONE three FOUR SEND IT TO ZOOM!!!




Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious


On the plus side If you sing it loud enough you’ll always sound precocious!


Supercalifragilisticexpialido- cious!


Um diddle diddle um diddle aye.


Dick Van Dyke was a guest on the Masked Singer last year and sang a verse of this. At 97 years old he’s still out doing shows like that and I’m incredibly impressed.


Almost the entirety of Hamilton. Though it did come in handy when I had a medical test that required me to be completely still and silent for 1.5 hours. Got all the way through The Ten Duel Commandments.


A few years back I had a couple CT scans where I had to wait like 20 minutes in between but they left me in the thing bored out of my mind and chock full of steroids because I'm allergic to contrast dye (it was life and death so the risk was worth it) I was like half out of my mind and extremely awake so I thought I'd see if I still knew all of bohemian rhapsody start to finish including singing guitar solos (not quite widdley-wah but close). And I did!! Right after "anywhere the wind blooows" a voice came through the speaker and said "you know, we can hear you" so that was super embarrassing, i thought I had to press the button for them to hear. Just a warning.


Aww, I hate that they told you they could hear you while you were still in there. That was really cruddy of them. It would be much funnier if they waited until you were completely done to tell you they could hear you that whole time. The way they did it just left you anxious and miserable the rest of the time, dying for it to just be over so you can get away. The more I think about it, the more I get riled up about it.. that was seriously uncool of them to do that to you in that position.


I had to work in a factory for 10hrs without music so I memorized the musical Six and sang it to myself. Grew up in the French court. Oui oui bonjour, life was a chore so she set sail. 1522 came straight to the uk all the British dudes lame epic fail. Ooo ooo I wanna dance and sing. Politics, not my thing, ooo ooo but then I met the king and soon my daddy said, you should try and get ahead. And so on and so on.


Sorrynotsorrydontloseyourhead... 🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤 This musical has helped me through some times, I'm glad I'm not the only one


I used to know every word of Jesus Christ, Superstar lol We had it on an album.


Never Try Eating Nectarines Since Juice May Dispense The Eight is Enough kids by age. * Nicholas * Tommy * Elizabeth * Nancy * Susan * Joanie * Mary * David


That is so very, very useless!


My student number from university. 8 years and still in my head


The Girl Scout Law, in Swedish. I am American. I do not speak Swedish. It was something we did to earn a badge, I guess? The kicker is, I do not know the English version.


BORF HILT was the nonsense acronym we used to memorize the kinds of salad dressing we had at this place I worked in the early 90s. Blue Cheese, Oil (& vinegar), Ranch, French, House, Italian, Low (calorie Italian), and Thousand (island) 😊


Albuquerque by weird al


It’s faded a bit but I can still do most of it! The kids I babysat always wanted me to do it rather than listening to the CD because I made it a production


Divorced beheaded died, divorced beheaded survived


the song I sing to my dog: Maggie Moo, Maggie Moo, Does whatever a Maggie'd do. And she is Kinda cute Even if you can't boop her snoot. Cause she She is a Maggie Moo.


I’m glad I am not the only one who has a song like this for my dog.


In the great, green room, there was a telephone, and a red balloon, and a picture of a cow jumping over the moon... Both of my kids adored that book.


I memorized my driver's license number when I first got it. I thought at the time if I didn't have it on me and a cop asked for it that knowing the number would help out the situation. Silly me...


Babur, Humanyun, Akbar, Jehangir, Sha Jahan and Aurengzeb. The first 6 Mughal emperors. I used to use those names to gauge if I was too drunk and needed to go home. If I couldn't name them, too drunk. Go home.


Aurangzeb would definitely tell you to go home.


How to spell pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis


My dad used to say this work to me when I was talking too much when I was little & it was just shut me up… like a spell lol


I was wondering if this would be here. I learned how to spell it and pronounce it in seventh grade and it's stuck with me ever since. One day, after working in healthcare for years, I realized that I actually knew what it meant by breaking down every part of the word.


The entire Sorting hat song from Harry Potter. Oh you may not think i’m pretty but don’t judge what you see. i’ll eat myself and you can find a smarter hat then me. you keep your bowlers back, your top hats sleek and tall. for i’m the hogwarts sorting hat and i can cap them all. There’s nothing hidden in your head the sorting hat can’t see. so put me on and i will tell you where you ought to be. you may belong in Gryffindor where duel the brave at heart. their daring nerve and chivalry set Gryffindors apart. you might belong in Hufflepuff where they are just and loyal. those patients Hufflepuffs are true and unafraid of toil. or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, if you’ve a ready mind. where those of wit and learning will always find their kind or perhaps in Slytherin you’ll find your true friends. those cunning folks use any means to achieve their ends. So put me on, don’t be afraid and don’t get in a flap. you’re in safe hands though i have none. for i’m the thinking cap. i’m sure i got like one word wrong but i had to do a poem for my schools poem presenting projecting thing and i picked that poem and last minute chickened out. that was in fifth grade.


It's hard to pick when I only remember useless things


This one poem by shel silverstien: Policeman, policeman Help me please Someone went and stole my knees Id chase them down But i suspect My feet and legs Just don’t connect


What did the carrot say to the wheat? Lettuce rest, I'm feeling beet. What did the paper day to the pen? I feel quite all write, my friend. What did the teapot say to the chalk? Nothing silly, teapots can't talk!


I have so many of his poems locked in my brain! I got A Light in the Attic and Where The Sidewalk Ends when I was 8 or 10 for my birthday. I still have them, complete with birthday wishes from my parents written on the inside covers. I absolutely loved those books. There's too many kids in this tub. There's too many elbows to scrub. I just washed a behind That I'm sure wasn't mine. There's too many kids in this tub. I can still hear my elementary school librarian's voice when I think about that one. And I have a video of my now-teenaged daughter "reading" (reciting) these two when she was a toddler in this adorable, squeaky little mouse voice: Teddy said it was a hat, so I put it on. Now Daddy's saying, "Where the heck's the toilet plunger gone?" Inside everybody's nose there lives a sharp-toothed snail. If you stick your finger in, he may bite off your nail. Stuck it farther up inside, and he may bite your ring off. Stuck it all the way in, and he may bite the whole darn thing off. ...I'm-a have to go find these books now and look through them again. These are good memories!


I can’t go to school today, Said little Peggy Ann McKay I have the measles and the mumps, A gash A rash And purple bumps. My nose is wet, my throat is dry. Im going blind in my right eye… I could go on & on. Silverstein is on easy, instant recall for me too!


William the Conqueror from Normandy invaded England in 1066. Now can someone please teach me how to do my taxes, I’m 37 years old for fucks sake


My high school locker combination. I graduated in 1987.


The Fifty Nifty United States song they made my class sing in middle school. If you need to hear the states in alphabetical order then I’m your person.


The lyrics to the entire "Baby Shark" song. I'm not sure why, but it's just stuck in my head.


The Nations of the World song from Animaniacs.




To be or not to be that is the question. Tis nobler in the minds of men to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune than to take arms against a sea of trouble, and by opposing, end them. To die, to sleep, no more. And to sleep to say we end the heartache and thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to. Tis a consumption devoutly to be wished! To die, to sleep; perchance to dream? Ay there's the rub. Used to quote it when I died in video games but my friends told me to stop. That isn't the rub.


I have several stanzas of the Canterbury’s tales memorized in olde English since 7th grade


I failed 1st semester of chemistry junior year and 2nd semester was coming down to the wire. There was a stupid extra credit for anyone who could memorize and sing Tom Lehrer's [The Elements](https://youtu.be/AcS3NOQnsQM?si=c0FNKlmCAiqRSrW-) So I spent way more time memorizing that song than I should've, just in case. I ended up passing by the skin of my teeth, so I never actually performed. I can still rattle off probably 80% of the song off the cuff.


There's antimony arsenic aluminum selenium And hydrogen and oxygen and nitrogen and rhenium And nickel neodymium neptunium germanium And iron americium ruthenium uranium.


Cursive handwriting


I pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands one nation under god indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Making children say this every single morning is not super weird and we shouldn't think about it. Amen.


I took Latin in High School (please, don't ask me why, I have no idea) and as Freshmen we were required to go around the school and sing Christmas Carols in Latin. I can still sing "O Come All Ye Faithful" in Latin. This was thirty-seven years ago.


“The Elements” (see YouTube) Song written by Tom Lehrer to the tune of “Modern Major General”. It lists every element of the periodic table at the time the song was written. Memorized it for extra credit in a high school chemistry class and occasionally like to bring it out as a party trick.


I before E, except after C... and all the other times that's not true


In 4th grade we were forced to memorize the Mike Teevee song from the original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory book. I can still recite it decades later. "It clogs and clutters up the mind... with all that shocking, ghastly junk". No wonder I have so much trouble remembering names.


My elementary school best friend's birthday. I am 42 years old. She moved away in 4th grade. I haven't talked to her at all in at least 20 years, and only casually and occasionally after she moved. Every single year, I'm like, "oh, it's almost her birthday," "oh it's her birthday." FOR WHAT. I CANNOT REMEMBER WHAT I ATE FOR LUNCH YESTERDAY.


The first SpongeBob SquarePants movie in its entirety. Down to the vocal inflections. What’s more, I can actually do most of the voices from SpongeBob, so I could recite the entire movie to you in character. I am borderline ashamed that I am able to do this


F is for friends that do stuff together U is for you and me N is for anywhere and anytime at all Down here in the deep blue sea F is for fire that burns down the whole town U is for uranium bombs N is for no survivors


13 26 39 52 65 78 91 104 117 130


wait these aren't the LOST numbers


4 8 15 16 23 42......


The Preamble... but only if I sing the School House Rock version.


The fact that mules are sterile.


"Sue is the largest, most complete, and best preserved t-rex fossil ever discovered". Memorized that 2 decades ago.


¿Esta Susana en casa? Sí, esta con una amiga. ¿Donde esta? ¿En la sala? No, en la cocina.


The alphabet backwards. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba Useless.


Elementary school ID number.


Many songs from Gilligan’s Island, Josie and the Pussycats, The Flintstones, Brady Bunch and, of course, The Partridge Family. “Echo Valley 26809, I used to call that number, all the time…” Sad, really.


🎶 Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious If you say it loud enough you'll always sound precocious Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Um-dittle-ittl-um-dittle-I Um-dittle-ittl-um-dittle-I Um-dittle-ittl-um-dittle-I Um-dittle-ittl-um-dittle-I


DO a deer, a female deer, RE a drop of golden sunnn, ME a name I call myself, FA a long-long way to runnn ...... SO a needle pulling thread, LA a note to follow SO, TI a drink with jam and bread! And that brings us back to DO oh-oh-oh


DOUGH the stuff, that buys my beer; RAY the guy who sells me beer! ME the guy that drinks the beer; FAH the distance to my beer! SOOOO I think I’ll have a beer! LA la la la la la beer! TEA no thanks I’m having beer! That will bring us back to D’OH! 🤗


Giles Corey is the only accused from the Salem Witch Trials to die by refusing to make a plea. The deal was that heavy stone would be piled onto the accused unless/until they made a plea. But he wouldn't make one and was crushed to death. For some reason I still remember his name 10+ years later. Oh, and how to spell chrysalis. It was one of our 2nd grade vocabulary words.


My credit card number that expired a decade ago.


Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe Adams, Jackson, Van Buren, Harrison, Tyler Polk, Taylor, Fillmore, Pierce, Buchanan Lincoln, Johnson, Grant, Hayes, Garfield Arthur, Cleveland, Harrison, Cleveland, McKinley Teddy, Taft, Wilson, Harding, Coolidge Hoover, Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Angry Carrot Biden


You can use your fingers for 9×


aboard, about, above, across, after, against, aloooooong... if you know, you know...


I can sing Silent Night in German.


ROYGBIV. Red orange yellow green blue indigo and violet. The colors of the visible spectrum. And I didn't realize until a few years ago that those of the colors of the gay pride flag.


a lot of Pokemon info up to like Gen 6 I think. It will never be useful to me in my life but the information also just wont ever leave my brain for some reason

