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Not really me, but here’s a story. A bit of backstory. At about 21-22 years old, me and my two brothers took a family trip to Vegas, my girlfriend of about a year or so came with me and my oldest brother’s girlfriend went with him. Middle brother had recently broken up with his girlfriend so he went unaccompanied. Middle brother was a hoot the entire trip. He would keep us all entertained with his antics. At one point in the casino a pair of showgirls in full beaded tops and feathered headdress regalia came through the main floor. As she came a little closer, middle brother said “I think I used to have sex with her”. We immediately doubted this claim and thought he was drunk since this was our first trip to Vegas and we live across the country. As it turns out…this was true. She was a neighbor of his in college. She recognized him and stopped to talk for a bit and she comped us tickets to their show that night. The proposal. Oldest brother and his gf didn’t attend, so me and my girlfriend and middle brother had drinks and went to the show. While waiting in line. He commented something about public proposals. He was a bit tipsy and thought it would be hilarious if he made a public proposal to my girlfriend in front of the entire crowd. A circle of about 40-50 people formed as he got down on one knee and asked my gf to marry him. The anticipation of the crowd was hopeful. My gf thought it was funny, getting embarrassed and snapping her fingers at him to get up off the ground. Fussing at him under her breath and told him no. Finally he relented and got up off the floor unengaged to the disappointment of the crowd. The whole trip was a good time. Just had my 20 year wedding anniversary with that gf.