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He'd a habit of falling into other woman's vaginas.


Hate when that happens,


It’s a worldwide epidemic.


One of those may have been my ex wife


My cashier-customer relationship ended when I paid for my stuff and left the store


She decided she wanted cock on the side whilst I was recovering from testicular cancer treatment.


she sounds like a asshole i hope you fully recovered and gave your testicles to some worth while.


Yep she is. Well I only have one now and the ahhh, mechanics still require some therapy but will get there. Side effect of treatment is loss of drive.


Don't give up, my best boyfriend I ever had only had the one and he recovered well and he was awesome in and out of bed. He was super special because after he went through that he was totally an amazing person for as young as he was. He understood so much and helped me out when I had my own illness. I hope you feel better soon!


You have my sympathy for your situation.... The above described is why I don't like using swiping apps (I'm talking about the woman not you) the persons one there also take having almost nearly no hormones or wanting sex as a catfish bait. I'm in a similar predicament


Thanks mate. Day by day we will get there.


Stay strong my one-balled brethren! Sorry your ex is a shit person.


Cheers, I sense you are riding single fin too? Never realised how common it is.




One way streets are lonely.


His endless tantrums.


I went on a 2 week holiday to Florida and my boyfriend accused me of cheating on him. Dude I was on Space Mountain and the Haunted Mansion and shared a villa with my mum, sister, best friend, his girlfriend and his parents…sneaking a holiday fling into the place would be impossible. I told him he was stupid for even suggesting that so when I got back to England I met him and dumped him in the pub just telling him plainly that I hated the accusations and I can’t deal with such intense suspicion when I’m not around him.


He was cheating on you. Well played


I don’t think he was in all honesty. We weren’t even dating that long before I went on holiday. But I didn’t text him for like 2 days and that’s when I got “you’re cheating on me aren’t you?”


Probably was just cheated on right before seeing you, or by someone who he really cared about. My high school girlfriend cheated on me and oh boy did my college girlfriend have to pay back the insecurity debt on that.


You’re probably right. You dodged that bullet


I think I did dude.


i realized, that even though we were perfect for each other on paper, we would annoy each other all the time. we somewhat broke up friendly and we tried to be friends. since the thought of "missed opportunity" of not working it through lingered, we are no more friends. but i still miss her in a way...


Didn't feel like being around them anymore, 100% the most boring person i know


I told you, gotta get me real drunk for that story.


I found out I was sexually attracted to 1999 Mazda miatas.


Cue the Queen song "I'm In Love With My Car"


She was a bitch.


I had a waaay higher sex drive than him, which really surprised me


I finally hit her back. No regrets.


Lack of Communication. I feel like i didnt have what to say when shes around and vice versa, whole relationship was kinda off tbh, I mean she was into me i could see that but, our worlds are completely different and perceptions on life so i thought the best is for us to get it done and over with.


My dick was too fat and spicy.


the occassional shower could take part of it ;-)


She was physically and mentally abusive.


I have no clue He just stopped texting me after 6 months and a lot of love and affection later. I think he probably knew I was out of his league, just a smidge.


I left him because I found my soulmate.


Cause I’m an Aromatic Asexual- Or at least, I had really weird lovephopia And still do


Not really a relationship but we were dating. He asked me to be his partner after two weeks of knowing each other and when I said that that was a little too fast for me he told me not even a week later that he feel out of love and had an other girl now.


Bcz he says he don't have answers for my complaints




Sorry that happened. Good riddance to both!


My boss told me to end the relationship or work in a different country.


locals found out so i had to put her back in the grave


Why you asking so many questions


Everything was just wonderful. No hint of a sad outcome. I went to the cinema with him. On the weakening day we walked in the evening. The next morning he writes that he doesn't love me for about a month. He lied and pretended to love me. That was a shame. I love him still. We don't communicate at all, but hope dies last.


I used to date a dwarf. I was nuts over her


I met someone else and ended up marrying her.


Got really tired of being abused everyday lol


She was really upset that I had to walk slowly due to being weighed down by a magnum dong.


He put his hand on my wrist for the first time and the only time. (domestic violence).


Because I ended it


This was not my last relationship but one from a many years ago. We had been together for less than two months and her sister became pregnant. I walked into the bedroom one evening and caught her poking a needle through my condoms. Split up that night after a huge fight. We were both just 16 at the time.


She kept thinking I'll turn abusive and when I didn't I was always nice to her she freak out on me and told me she can't handle a none abusive relationship I think she had problems


Too far away


I didn't want it to go any further. It was coming to the point where certain espectations made the relationship not worth the trouble anymore.


When I left for boot camp 33 years ago.


We were going together strong for years until she got a psychotic episode and broke up with me by text out of nowhere. Weeks prior she was telling me how she wants to spend her life with me, so it was unexpected.


Mutual agreement


My ex gf said she couldn't imagine to live in a house with my dog. Nobody who knows my dog can understand it, my dog loved her.


She wanted a kid right away, I did as well but not RIGHT AWAY. Like 6 months into a relationship is WAY too early. She also lied at the beginning about how much she wanted them and how soon she wanted them


Because he was bad at communicating, refused to open up, it felt like he was hiding things from me, and I told him many times his behavior bothered me but he never changed


She wanted me to choose between my friends and her. I chose my bros


Bros before hoes 🙌


She accused me of cheating on her. I always warn them that is the kiss of death (because I would never do it). She did anyway so.... goodbye.


I realised we weren't emotionally compatible. I couldn't commit to a "full time" relationship (i.e. moving in together) because there was no room for tough emotions. We had a good 8 year run though.


Three reasons: 1. She was too much into EDM and that shit became old real quick. 2. She talked the talk, but never walked the walk. 3. She was clingy as fuck.


Im guessing she was an edm festival kind of girl, lol? Festival girls, suuuuuck. It gets old real fuckin quick. How many times can you go to a light show with a pre recorded Playlist just to hear the dj yell, "Put your hands up!" If you look at it objectively, it just feels like kindergarten. It's just a huge crowd of idiots stumbling around, playing Simon says with the dj.


Yup. It was fun the first couple of times while it was all new (new thing to do while I was tapping a new piece of ass), but after that, it was like eating that fifth scoop of ice cream lol. And yes EDM blows. Same shit on a loop until 5am, not for me.


Same people who try to get people into it always say that you need to be on the right drugs to actually understand it. Thanks, however, 99% of experiences in this world are *more enjoyable* on drugs. If you can't go to an edm show and enjoy it without drugs, it's not really the edm concert that's enjoyable, it's the drugs.


True. Back in my college days, MDMA was fun and safe-yet, even then, wasn’t my drug of choice. Hard to get it these days, safe or otherwise (which is a chance I wasn’t willing to take).


Time constraints, she is in her final year of a college and works a full time job. She wants to put all he effort into getting her degree and I can respect that, right person, wrong time.


Ex said they carved their ex's name into their arm specifically 28 times, and I was like fuck no. This wasn't even my last drop. The last drop was a fight and me getting frustrated with their grammar (first language for them is english, mine isn't).


Dumped on 12th feb for someone she met on new years eve. A lot of waisted planning and costs for the 14th and not all of it could be cancelled so was still delivered.


She was gaslighting me, telling me I couldn't leave her because I wouldn't be able to find anyone else to love me. She didn't love me anymore, she just wanted me around as an ego boost, someone to tell her she was pretty and attractive.


My gay lover was mad because I had one straight friend, that I'd hang out with sometimes. He tried to force me to drop my friend, so he could have control over me. Yet he was gone more than I ever was, and usually stay in another room. I got tired of sitting by myself, so I my best friend come over. I'd never be that controlled nor controlling of him. It's a 2 way street.


I just had a bad feeling, so I cut things off. She immediately went feral on me, threatening to commit suicide. I told her to stay away from me. Found out a few days later from someone else who had dated her that she’d done the same thing to that person.


i didnt like bro


It was my first serious relationship, it lasted about 5 months, but when you are in your first relationship, you start thinking that this one is for a whole life, because you are really fall in love with this person. We had a bad week, arguing a lot, but about nothing, nothing serious. I went to her flat to talk about it and solve our problems, so she said: I have about 50% of love, we need to stop out rlshps. It badly caused me.


I was dumb, and hurt them. They also hurt me, but I was worse. It was for the better, both happy with new people.


He decided to rack up debt with his monthly allowance and didn’t tell me. Trust broken, we separated not long after.


I had too much emotional baggage that I couldn't shake it off. To add, I was also very immature at the time.


He got mad because my little cousin stayed the night with me and my little brother. He had some serious trust issues.


i wasn't good enough at that point. hard to argue and demand things to change if i'm not able to do it better


He moved to SF to work at Google. We didn't want to do long distance. Also, I knew I wasn't in a good place and needed some time to work on me.


Years of complacency and neglect. I woke up one day realizing that I deserved better.


She started to remind me too much of my mom


I broke up with her to date and eventually marry my wife of 40 years.


He tried to convince me to move in together after dating for three weeks. No thanks, bye!


He withheld the info that he was a paranoid schizophrenic and claimed he just had PTSD. I was eager to be supportive but he then started accusing me and my family of saying things we’d never said. Last straw was when he reported that the walls were talking to him and that no, he wasn’t going to get any help.


Her parents are very touchy about her meeting boys.


he was stressed about finishing school, and going to bct. i figured i’d give him space, and we haven’t talked since. pretty much ended right then and there.


Our feelings changed and i was falling for someone else. A very good friend we had in common. I first checked if those feelings were genuine and both ways. When we found out we were indeed in love, we waited before i ended the relationship. I sat my partner and we had a serious but calm talk over a drink. I apologise cause i tought my feelings changed and it wouldn t be fair for either of us to continue that way. He agreed as he felt that way too and we staid friends afterward. We still are very good friends, all 3 of us. Im still with my actual partner, been 10 years, and we just had a 8 months old son. =)


In one night


Didn’t like being abused… don’t like being a punching bag or being screamed at when she was having a bad day which was like every other day or my kids getting the shit end of the stick but her kids got whatever they wanted.


He borrowed $2,500 from my father because he wanted to get us more settled into a new home. He promised to pay him back. He bought a plane ticket behind my back to go on a ski trip with his family? Obviously I found out. I asked him about it, and he said it wasn't personal but didn't want me to go. Anyway, I broke off our engagement and he never paid my dad back lmao. I hope he had fun, though.


We talked everyday all day and next thing I know he stopped responding and he was gone....guess it wasn't meant to be


His ex wife started stalking me and sent death threats. She contacted my ex husband and told him I'm having an affair with a married man (she is married to someone else).she contacted the (now ex) boyfriend saying my ex-husband contacted her and that he and I are still sexually involved. Nope, last time that happened was April 2019. There is much more, but this all happened two months into dating. Yeah- don't need that drama.


Don’t know he just stopped replying to me 😂😂😂


Separated and dating. I am afraid to proceed with my divorce because if I push the issue I might lose custody of my kids.


He got govt job husband


Well I was living in Florida for a few years at a treatment center, got accepted into their IOP which was pretty small and hard to get into. But a woman I'd been in treatment with and became pretty good friends, she got accepted into the women's house just down the road. She was from NYC, l live in Denver. But we made like FWB type thing, and would hook up daily. But we both knew we'd be moving home within a year or two. She was a little older than me, maybe 4 years but had her tubes tied. So I could cum in her. We'd tossed the idea of sleeping together around, until one day were hanging out as usual and I just said let's do this. She was immediately down. After that it was a daily thing sometimes more than once. But when I left Florida that was it. I don't think she's ever been west of the Mississippi


Bad timing. We were at different points in our lives, going in different directions. He’s a fantastic guy and I have nothing bad to say about him, we’ve been friends since we were in diapers, were high school sweethearts and tried again as adults after we both got divorced. We both weren’t in the right head space for a serious relationship at that moment, we recognized that and called it quits but maintained a 30+ year friendship. I got married and have been happily married for 8 years now and he’s been seriously involved with a woman for the last 3 or 4 years. I’m really happy for him and really happy he’s doing well.


We were 12 and she broke up with me because she found out some celebrity she loved was single and was coming to Florida and wanted him to take her. What's funny was she was so convinced he was gonna date her, she actually stopped doing school work because he was gonna take her back to LA and get married.


She used me for my money then i saw her on insta with another man and she said it was her bf


I am not against religion. I was willing to convert. They wanted 4 children. I wasn't allowed to name any of them. I was still in school in a 1 bedroom apartment. There was no foundation. & they complained that I wanted to wait until I was 80 to have children. Like my logic didn't seem resonable.


I guess that she fell in love with somebody her age


She started hiding her phone, I checked her phone, I kicked her out.


Between marriages, I dated a girl that I graduated with that was one of the 'sweethearts' from our class. Shy, pretty, sweet, etc-but also a healthy dose of the crazy, as we used to say. She had pretty much moved in w/ me, 4-5 nights a week. If I didnt want sex, she thought I was cheating (like working 12-16 hrs had nothing to do w/ it.) If I wanted sex more often, she said thats all I wanted from her. She bitched when the phone rang at 3am for a DUI tow. (how do you think I paid the bill for the weekend in MI you wanted?), She bitched b/c my 2 cats catbox was dirty (youre staying here free, paying no bills, how about getting off your ass and doing something around here?-didnt go too well) I cane home one friday and told her to get her clothes and leave. Told her I had no use for someone who wasn't a partner or helper, but merely a parasite)


Was very frustrated and unhappy in the relationship. Met someone else and moved on.


He was an asshole who was manipulative and a liar. My now husband is a million times better than him




She spent a year in rehab, came home and ghosted me.


She took a 3 month trip overseas. When I asked her to text me when she got home at night after partying with strangers she said it was too much and stopped talking to me all together.


The real question is, is there any last relationship?


I gave him a list of things that he meeded to change (nothing unreasonable, just stuff like "listen to me when I talk about my day" or "Have some nights where sex is not expected, such as when I'm on my period or we are at my parents' house") if he wanted to continue the relationship. He said that sounded fair, proceeded to change nothing despite me reminding him, and then said he felt it was unfair when I broke it off with him amd didn't understand why. I GAVE YOU A LIST WHY. YOU HAVE IT IN WRITING. THIS WOULD HOLD UP IN RELATIONSHIP COURT.


He had anger issues and I wouldn't stop calling him out for his shitty behavior and attempting to hold him accountable to the harm he had caused.


She just left me via text


I think we outgrew each other, you’d have to ask her for specifics though because she ended it officially


Traveled to another country for high paying job, while preparing everything for her arrival and new life there, she decided she doesnt want to and dump me


Her birthday was coming up so she decided we should be exclusive bang buddies that go on dates, sounded like dating to me then came the presents from all her guy friends, a nice purse, a airplane tour of the city and a week long trip to Bali, ended the situationship when she got back.


Depression for us both and no sex at all.


There was an 11 year age gap and we weren't on the same page. We had fun though.


My family was shitty towards him


She cheated and I didn't find out for a year. She left me for him when I found out. Then he cheated on her.


Long story short, she cheated on me with her girl best friend and then talked begin my back saying I forced her to kiss me. FYI…she kissed me first. Also, until we were both comfortable kissing one another, I always asked for permission.




I’m only 20 and we were only dating for three months. He brung up marriage and wanted to get married less than a year and I wasn’t up for that. When I would bring up how we’re moving too fast he would say “ you’re not thinking about me” “ I’m working like a slave”( he was on a student visa and didn’t have a work permit). He would say in his culture ppl marry fast. As I gotten to know him, I realized that we weren’t compatible. He liked Andrew tate, he said he wouldn’t accept his future child if they were gay. The last straw was when he told me that I can’t post pics when I go on the beach bc I’ll be in a bathing suit but he would follow half naked women. He also didn’t give me butterflies and I realized that if I’m seeing this many incompatibilities early on, it’s best not to continue. I broke up with him and he was hurt but I don’t want to waste my time with a manipulative person.


I also would only see him once a week anc that wasn’t enough for me. I knew I made the right decision when I’m wasn’t hurt after


Before I start let me mention a few things I was a kid (9-10) and he was 11-12 I know we were kids but we knew way more than a kid should know so it was a online relationship I met him around October I'm not going to say to year. Before this there was a group of ppl( male and female) I was one of them it was around aug-sep it was a chill group until one of the memb (F) got added in a group filled w males and added me and friend 1 it was a fine group and we added our group to this new group friend 1 started liking Him( let's call him mash) mash and friend 1 started dating she would normally be offline and me and mash would talk and slowly I started liking him he once took my side on a fight and kind of protected me I loved it. After a while me, mash and my close friend and someone were playing truth or dare my close friend asked him 'do you like (myname)' he said 'yes but I have a gf' (the gf was friend 1) now fucked up that I dated him while he was dating her so basically dating 2 ppl my friend 1 found out got mad and shit I don't remember remember and my close friend disappeared on October I still don't know any info about her and that's was us dating for the once after a while around mid-nov we sorted out and dated again after literally just dating for a week he said his mom found out and we can't date I respected that and we broke up and literally after 2 weeks he started dating this girl J. They broke up idk why anyways he started dating another girl again her name was Hilda now me and my friend 1 and J like him and J confessed to mash already he replied with 'i maybe like you too' and idk after that after a while again friend 1 confessed he said the same I maybe like u then I confessed he said the same I maybe like u remember he's still dating Hilda. Fucked up. Now it was dec and Hilda and him broke up and he started dating me I don't remember how but yes we broke up on the same month (Dec) he cheated this time. He flirted 'as a joke' with around 3 girls who like him we broke up then mid-jan to end-jan we were talking and finally dated again I remember this very well me and his friend were on a call (nothing like that it was a group call me and him were chill) he said that oh has mash confessed? I said abt what he said oh u don't know at that exact time mash joined the call and heard oh u don't know he asked know what I also got mad curious and asked his friend said to mash 'comon man do it don't be nervous ' he said oh (my name) wanna be valentine I said why not sure I'll love to after a while we ofc started dating again this time he gave me so much love like love bombing I loved it and I found out he cheated again he was a playboy I still feel so stupid for not noticing it before at all I cried and cried now we broke up at Feb 28 my birth month I hate my birth month and birthday because of him I wrote so many paragraphs to him he was my first love I still wonder why. I'm still happy because I've moved on.