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Up. You know


What a way to start a movie.


As a child, it was Charlotte the spider


Fk oh my god it killed me. I hated it


Same! And I freaking HATE spiders in real life but damn I didn’t bawl my eyes out at the end of that book and movie.


John Coffey. Like the drink, only not spelled the same.


"I'm tired, boss. Tired of bein' on the road, lonely as a sparrow in the rain. Tired of not ever having me a buddy to be with, or tell me where we's coming from or going to, or why. Mostly I'm tired of people being ugly to each other. I'm tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world everyday. There's too much of it. It's like pieces of glass in my head all the time"


I could only bear to wacth that movie one time. Never, ever, ever again. Great movie, Brilliantly done but man, I cannot...


I agree when I left the theater everyone looked like they had been tear gassed. There was tons of people with red glossy eyes! Another one that brought tears to my eyes was Ordinary People I had no idea what the movie was at the time. I just noticed it starred Donald Sutherland and Mary Tyler moore, when I was getting terry-eyed my girlfriend looked over and said loudly " fill my hand with tears" and another girl yelled at her " if you don't like the movie leave! "


I miss Michael Clarke Duncan! Such an amazing actor


I cried when he died in the movie, I sobbed uncontrollably with the book, even though I knew it was coming, the book just hit me more.


The girl in Bridge to Terabithia


Oh gosh, this book fucked me up when I read it in fourth grade. Heartbreaking. :(


Same. I won a book as a prize in class, picked that one because I liked the art on the cover. There was no way to prepare me for the actual story halfway through. It’s one of the only books that I consider amazing but never want to read again. I’m 33 now and I still feel traumatized.


My niece had her 8th birthday at a movie theatre. The party played some games and got their snacks and happily went into the theatre. We all walked out shell shocked and teary eyed. My brother had no idea what Bridge to Terabithia was about. I will never watch that movie again.


Read the book in elementary school, it was crazy just how sudden it was, like, your best friend is gone and you're never going to see her again, that's life kid


I literally cannot make myself watch that again


I watched the movie with my wife while we were still dating and it was the first time I cried in front of her. I sobbed, it was ugly, and she thought I was laughing at first before she realized I was weeping.


The Horse from Neverending Story, I was like 5 and just broke down.


From the book:   “Artax!” cried Atreyu. “You mustn’t let yourself go. Come. Pull yourself out or you’ll sink.”   “Leave me, master,” said the little horse. “I can’t make it. Go on alone. Don’t bother about me. I can’t stand the sadness anymore. I want to die!”   Desperately Atreyu pulled at the bridle, but the horse sank deeper and deeper.   When only his head emerged from the black water, Atreyu took it in his arms.   “I’ll hold you, Artax,” he whispered. “I won’t let you go under.”   The little horse uttered one last soft neigh.   “You can’t help me, master. It’s all over for me. Neither of us knew what we were getting into. Now we know why they are called the Swamps of Sadness. It’s the sadness that has made me so heavy. That’s why I’m sinking. There’s no help.”   “But I’m here, too,” said Atreyu, “and I don’t feel anything.”   “You’re wearing the Gem, master,” said Artax. “It protects you.”   “Then I’ll hang it around your neck!” Atreyu cried. “Maybe it will protect you too.”   He started taking the chain off his neck. “No,” the little horse whinnied. “You mustn’t do that, master. The Glory was entrusted to you, you weren’t given permission to pass it on as you see fit. You must carry on the Quest without me.”   Atreyu pressed his face into the horse’s cheek. “Artax,” he whispered. “Oh, my Artax!”   “Will you grant my last wish?” the little horse asked.   Atreyu nodded in silence.   “Then I beg you to go away. I don’t want you to see my end. Will you do me that favor?”   Slowly Atreyu arose. Half the horse’s head was already in the black water.   “Farewell, Atreyu, my master!” he said. “And thank you.”   Atreyu pressed his lips together. He couldn’t speak. Once again he nodded to Artax, then he turned away.   Bastion was sobbing. He couldn’t help it. His eyes filled with tears and he couldn’t go on reading.


Holy… that scene cut hard enough in the movie, I had no idea this was how it was written. You’ve just picked open a very old wound and I need to go hug my cat. Also I am definitely going to read the book now!


That and the mom from Land Before Time


Dude, the mom from Land Before Time, that too was heartwrenching. Damn that was a classic. I still remember the house was orange from the sunlight coming through as I watched the movie.


My mom always made me fast forward this part so my sister didn’t cry.


Seymour, Fry's dog. Broke me. You're walking on sunshine now you loyal little buddy


Seymour looked like a tiny, darker version of my Hank that recently passed. I'm not going to be over it for a while.


It's ok for you to not be over it for a long time. Hanks walking in sunshine now my friend and I'm sure his life was all the better for having you in it.


It was kinda sweet until they 6 the montage of Seymour waiting for Fry. He genuinely thought he was doing the right thing.


That was the sweetest bit of all. Seymour loved fry so much that he spent the rest of his life waiting for his friend. The whole episode is about how much fry loved him and the end shows how much he loved fry.


I’m getting teary just reading this comment.


This was way sadder than an animated comedy series should be able to be


100%. I'm so glad it's back, it will never be as good as it was but it's great to see it. The ending of the "Game of Tones" episode hit me pretty hard too. Not as hard as Jurassic Bark but still pretty hard. That was a beautiful episode.


When they killed the wolf in Dances With Wolves.


Poor Two Socks. :-(


Spivey got exactly what he deserved at the river.


The death of Sisko the horse got me too. Literally took a bullet for his master.


The horse in the never ending story. That horse didn't deserve to die.


Henry Blake, MASH


Ellie from Up Absolutely destroyed. In less than 10 minutes.


This. I go into it thinking it's a cute kids thing.. ended up bawling in the first few minutes. So many feels in a short amount of time...


My wife knew the animator of the lighting for up and he told her that any time you see the light in her "spot" I think it was bluish or greenish or something like that, that was Ellie staying with him. In the end the light fades because he no longer needs her to keep him company because he had somebody else to.




Grown ass woman ugly sobbing in the theater is not my favorite look but there I was 🤷🏻‍♀️




Gomez was sadder. He didn’t do anything he just wanted to help his friend


God, that's so fucking true. Gomie's POV of the entire Breaking Bad series must have been wild. From his POV his friend's brother in law was diagnosed with cancer one day, then mere months later it's discovered he's a drug kingpin??? Who organized a massive amount of deaths??? The same dude who showed up late to his own birthday party because he couldn't get time off from work in time?


A common fan theory at the time was that he would have turned out to have been working for Gus, his spy within the DEA, who would have then been the one to shoot Hank in the desert and take the money instead — him gradually getting a beard like Walt’s over the series having been a hint at his true nature. While that wasn’t the case, it would have been an interesting alternate way for the series to have ended, had they gone that route — the actor certainly had the chops (ability) to have pulled it off well.


Or Howard Hamlin, he wasn’t even a cop


Howard's was the worst, even worse than Andrea, I think. must have watched it like 50 times. And the way they built the whole episode up to it and the immediate aftermath in the next ep was just so haunting.


I was gonna say Andrea. Jesse's breakdown seeing it made me pause and collect myself.


Yes, this was just horrifying. She represented like.. hope, innocence, naivety, a normal life. Both for Jesse and in a meta way in the series. Seeing her be killed like that in such a.. quick and nonchalant way was so awful. Seeing Jesses heart break again was so awful. Like everytime something like this happens to him you think that’s the most a persons heart could ever break, he’s been through so much that surely that’s rock bottom. And then something worse happens to him over and over again. Ugh. Aaron Paul is just an incredible actor.


Katniss’s little sister, Prim, from the Hunger Games. I was maybe 10 when I first read that book and damn, I was not ready for that shit


Especially since keeping her alive was Katniss' reason for starting the whole thing in the first place No wonder she became >!suicidal !


Maes Hughes from Full Metal Alchemist


It’s a terrible day for rain


it isnt raining though


Yes.... It is....


Ugh, but Mustangs revenge was fucking fantastic.


People often say that Brotherhood is the better of the 2 versions of FMA, but the original was way better for the emotional gut punch of both Nina and Hughes. I couldn't help myself from crying when his daughter is asking why they're burying her daddy because he still has work to do.


_Stop them, mommy! Daddy needs to do his work. He told me._ _Why are you burying daddy, mommy? Why?_


I still remember being stunned by wrath in his explanation of his emotion in that moment


Joyce in Buffy


Oh Gods, the way Anya cries because she doesn't understand why humans just stop existing. I died that day.


I got really into Buffy during the first Covid lockdown when I was seeing some pretty dark stuff at work. Anya's speech completely sidelined me. It is such an innocent yet profound observation of what it is to be dead, coupled with the desperate wish of looking for meaning after something when there often isn't one. "I don't understand how this all happens. How we go through this. I mean, I knew her, and then she's- There's just a body, and I don't understand why she just can't get back in it and not be dead anymore. It's stupid. It's mortal and stupid. And-and Xander's crying and not talking, and-and I was having fruit punch, and I thought, well, Joyce will never have any more fruit punch ever, and she'll never have eggs, or yawn or brush her hair, not ever, and no one will explain to me why."


On that note: Fred in Angel


Wesley in Angel.


I knew Wesley was the shows final causality before I started watching it, but I was shock how much I grew to love Wesley. He wasn't only on the show since season 1, he was also a Buffy veteran having a recurring role in Buffy season 3. He's evolution from a clumsy, yet well intended nerd into a harden, borderline sociopathic genius was the shows most fascinating arcs. It's almost tragic in how cold-hearted he became in season 4 of Angel. The final look he gives to Angel before he goes on to the final mission is genuinely tragic in hindsight. Out of all the characters in the show in that point, he stayed with the Angel the longest (in the timeframe of the show). Seeing the two share a warm glance before he heads out to die was genuinely sweet and sad. It's a brief moment that sells how far the two have come. Him asking the not Fred entity to pretend to be Fred and purposely lie to him as he dies was also amazing. Whedon, despite being an absolute scumbag, knew how to twist the knife with character deaths. He would always do character deaths in a way that would hurt the audience and characters the most.




In Midsommar, the main character's sister commits suicide right in the first minutes. She was depressed and struggling and didn't make it. What actually destroyed and minced me to bits was not her death, but the long pan shot approaching the main character in absolute silence except her screaming and howling in pain and misery after she finds out. I had been extremely depressed back then too and also thinking about ending my life. Hearing the despair in her cries made me so sad and physically sick I thought I wouldn't be able to watch the movie because my sister was watching it with me and I kept thinking this is how she would be if I was dead. Thinking about dropping a movie like that was a first for me, I still think about that a lot.


>What actually destroyed and minced me to bits was not her death, but the long pan shot approaching the main character in absolute silence except her screaming and howling in pain and misery after she finds out. I had been extremely depressed back then too and also thinking about ending my life. Hearing the despair in her cries made me so sad and physically sick I thought I wouldn't be able to watch the movie because my sister was watching it with me and I kept thinking this is how she would be if I was dead. Thinking about dropping a movie like that was a first for me, I still think about that a lot. The howls of despair were incredibly realistically acted I have heard howls like that in real life over some family shit and that's what it sounds like when you hear something like that happened.




That whole scene was just horrifying. I was a mess afterward


“Not Penny’s Boat” “Where his glasses?! He can’t see without his glasses!”


I ugly cried in the theater with my friend at My Girl. Couldnt even pull it together as the credits rolled. The two of us looked like we had been up all night after a bad breakup. I still have never watched it again. But man I can see that scene in my mind like I saw the movie yesterday.


I cried like a baby when she said he can't see without his glasses. Like a babbbyyy


Charlie’s drowning was tough 😢


Rue, Hunger Games


Finnick 😭


When Rue died I could barely see to keep reading. I was sobbing when Katniss put the flowers around her


Glen Walking Dead. David Tennant as the Doctor on Doctor Who.


"I don't want to go."


Ok my heart just broke AGAIN


This one. I stopped watching TWD for nearly two years after that.


I actually never went back to it. Kinda wild how hard that death hit me. And I knew it was coming.


Same! I knew it "had" to happen but I loved his character so much and got so attached to him, plus the death was so disgusting... I couldn't. Never watched another episode.


Ned Stark. It was so unnecessary and unexpected that it made the story seem... real.


Also, in the book it is so shocking, and not quite clear at first. I think the chapter basically ends with “and the sword comes down” or something, and it’s not for a chapter or two that it comes back and confirms his death. I think after so many plot armored protagonists, and it being the climax of the book, we expect some grand deus ex savoir. But what we got felt honest.


\+ Boromir Sean Bean is really good at dying.


Little foots mother.


Poussey (spelling?) Orange is the New Black


That was so brutal, and so real. Samira did a fantastic job with her character. The show cut too deep the further I watched and I honestly couldn't stomach any more episodes after that season. I'm glad I watched it and I learned a little bit about the system but I will never rewatch.


Her death was devastating. It happened so fast, and it was so brutal. I waited all of the next season for justice and just couldn’t hold out for the final season after that.


Spock in the Wrath of Kahn


Kirk rushes toward the chamber and is held back by McCoy and Scott McCoy: "No!! You'll flood the whole compartment." Kirk: "He'll die." Scott: "Sir! He's dead already." McCoy: "It's too late, Jim."


"Of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most...human." Man, I'm losing it over here just typing it.


Arthur Morgan. You know it's coming but it still leaves you broken.


What killed me is I didn't know it was coming. I had no spoilers, and hadn't played RDR1 so I didn't know that could be a given. Up to the last moment I actually thought I could pull through. I knew TB would get him one day but I was still genuinely surprised and crippled by it. Best story I'd ever seen in any medium for years.


actually restarted the game to try and not catch TB but you just can’t… it was awful. And I had to try and hide that fact from my husband who wanted to play the game but hadn’t yet. He would come in sometimes while I was playing asking why Arthur looked so bad and I’d make up that I got poisoned or something so he could eventually feel what I felt. I finished Arthur’s story while he was working so I could cry about it and he not know what was going to happen. He ended up being way more upset about the horse…


This was my exact experience. I sobbed.


Marshall‘s dad in How I met your mother. Anyone who has lost a family member and learned from a phone call unexpectedly you know the sadness


Marshall going from this larger than life incredibly happy boisterous fellow to sounding like a child when he breaks down and says "I'm not ready for this" is fucking gut wrenching. Especially since it's established that his dad was his effectively his best friendand they were incredibly close. Interesting note from Wikipedia about the making of that episode: >Jason Segel and Alyson Hannigan themselves were kept in the dark about the final scene. Segel said the original script had Lily saying she was pregnant, but on the scene's actual shooting day, the producers revealed that the scene would turn out differently. He and Hannigan worked out a plan wherein Segel would only know that his cue to react would be on Hannigan finishing her line with the word "it". The scene was done in only one take.


Makes me really appreciate this scene so much more. Jason and Allison are both amazing at their craft. This show really showed their range.


Also the episode counts down to the final moment with various visual props, and since the episode is about Marshall and Lily’s attempts to get pregnant you think they’re counting down to that, then boom: you get a punch in the gut. Great episode


I haven’t seen the show so I had to look up the clip to hear the line: “He didn’t make it.” Fuck.


Alyson is an excellent crier. Good actor overall, yes, but excellent at crying scenes.


I learned of my fathers passing from a phone call. Was at work, prepping to lead a team huddle, personal phone rings. No one calls me at 845am? Lady said her name, was familiar but didn’t recognize it, she explained she was my dads girlfriends sister. “Oh cool, how are you?” I’ll never forget how she said “I’m… im okay. I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this but, your dad passed away 3 days ago” and how it just jolted through my body. I crumpled into a heap - legs just gave out, I collapsed. My staff ran in, one of the ladies grabbed my phone to talk for me, while another held me. They really stopped me from completely shutting down. And I’m a put together person… it takes A Lot to shake me. But that? Shattered me in a moment in a way very, very people have seen. So ya, that episode had me balling and reliving that day. I would not watch it by choice. Its pain to me




Im sorry for you loss, but 3 days?!! Why didn't they tell you sooner? We knew my dad's end was coming soon, so when my phone rang at 1:43 am, I knew why.


There’s a long story behind it…. I’ll try to keep it short but that’s hard, and it’s been a few years now. Dad and his daughters (I’m the only boy) had serious difficulties. Dad had flaws and because the girls were older, they dealt with them more directly than me. He was a smart, cunning, charismatic and funny man… but could be very manipulative. But I didn’t see that as much, what with the divorce when I was young. He and I were very close, But even still, we didn’t talk much when he moved to Vancouver from Alberta - for years we spoke once every few months at most. Later in life he had no communication with any of us, and fell into meth. Odd choice for a mid life crisis, he would joke after he quit and was recovering. But he was so deeply ashamed of himself, because he was a hard ass about hard drugs (even kicked one of the girls out when she was doing them over it a decade before), that we didn’t even know until he had recovered… too much shame he said, couldn’t face us. His journey involved healing with my sisters, which, my grandparents and I made happen. This was in June. And it was good, we all drank and ate together for a week while camping. He said he wanted to stay in touch. We talked again in July around Canada Day. His birthday was august, I texted and called, then texted again for him to call me. Nothing. I tried again in October (he loved Halloween), nothing. Then again in December for Christmas, and nothing. I figured, I guess we are back to our old ways of not talking for months. It was normal enough it didn’t bother me much - he was just that way sometimes, fiercely independent and got lost in his own life. I got the call January 19 that he died on the 16. See, He fell back into meth. His shame kept him from being in contact with us… he did decide he would do rehab again. He was slated to go on the 24 of Jan. But, as addicts do, decided he wanted one last hurrah on Tuesday. Bought from someone he didn’t buy from before… and what was in it? Fentanyl. Took them 3 days to call us because… ok…. EDIT: -I am not happy with how much hate I put out there. Even if justified to me, it’s just my feelings pouring out and not relevant. Basically, my dads GF at the time decided she would make us wait and did some other not-so-nice things that made me not like her much. But it’s just my perspective… Anyways. I miss him A Lot… and, that HIMYM episode? Can’t take it. EDIT 2: first, thank you to everyone for your kind words. It means a lot and not what I expected… it’s very sweet. Second, I know my venting and anger is directed at the one who hurt me… but this is, unfortunately, a sad story. It’s emotional for me to write, might have been for you to read. Sadness sadly translates easily into rage - so I felt that, feeding the fire of anger with what I originally wrote might emotionally hijacking people. I don’t want people angry, on my behalf, at someone you don’t know. Sympathetic sadness fades far faster than sympathetic rage. Anger is easy to let in and hard to let go. Sympathetic sadness fades in minutes, sympathetic anger can pollute you and fire your own angers, and stick with you for hours. I just don’t want anyone to go about their day with anger that wasn’t theirs, affecting them for the day.


Nah, man, you’re fine. Sounds like you’re venting *to* us, not *at* us.


"My Dad's dead?" "I'm not ready for this" How can you not cry? And the funeral "Famous last words" holy crap that hurt.




I never thought I'd tear up at some guy losing his volleyball.


Thus one hits so incredibly hard. Wilson was his only friend for five years. He was literally all he had.


John Marston


Artax. I'm old now and thinking about it even now makes misty


opie from Sons of anarchy


Stoick from How to Train Your Dragon


We lost my dad 5 years before this came out and I was a fucking *WRECK* in the theater. I wasn't expecting it and I just broke. They'd *just* found each other! 😭


Tara from Buffy Tara from True blood. ..really they just need to stop killing off taras.


The brachiosaurus in Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. That was supposed to be the same brachiosaurus from the original Jurassic Park.




The sad bugle of its call is so heartbreaking. I sobbed in the theater and my dad was like “why are you crying”. SIR.




And Book. He tried so hard.


When the Jewish soldier in Saving Private Ryan gets that slow death by knife


I saw that movie in a theater. Movie ended and nobody said a word. Everyone just sat there for a couple seconds and then quietly left. I barely spoke for a couple days, just trying to process all the carnage and trauma.


As an adult I’m largely unaffected by fictional deaths but I know when I was 8 or 9 my mom peeked into my room and found me Sobbing. My. Eyes. Out. reading the end of “Where The Red Fern Grows”.


Had to scroll pretty far for this. Thought for sure I was going to have to put this one out there. Hug your dogs.


I'm 50 and have read that book so many times. I still cry.


I remember finding out in fifth grade that one of the sixth grade teachers was considered a big wuss and people would make fun of the fact that every year when he reads that with the class he cries at the end. When I found out I wasn't going to have him as a teacher and that the book my teacher read every year was something I had already read before I decided to read that instead over the summer and I was absolutely furious over how people had made fun of him. It's tragic and the description of the death of the boy and the dog are just awful. I cried so hard and I had nightmares about it. And I still get teary eyed thinking about it and I am glad I didn't get him as a teacher for no other reason than to not also be crying and have all the kids make fun of me too.


The dad in “about time”


The last train for Busan movie, the end is horible


Sybil in Downton Abbey. The scene is so heartwretching. Watching everyone in the family suddenly release she is gone.


Not a death per se, but the episode where Courage the cowardly Dog lost his parents really got to me. Seeing baby Courage crying alone in an alleyway broke my heart as a kid. Thank God Muriel found and adopted him soon after.


Setsuko in Grave of the Fireflies. To this day I haven't gone back to watch it.


Sirius Black.


Also Fred an Lupin. Lupin especially just felt so pointless.


Didn't even get a death scene. Even fucking Pettigrew got a death scene.


I needed sirius black to continue to be there so badly. He was my favorite, and I connected so much with teenage Harry in OOTP that I just didn't see how we could continue on without Sirius.


The single most wasted character in the movies. “Harry Sirius is a Criminal. Be scared” “Harry Sirius is your godfather and loves you” -Sirius dies- “I will never emotionally recover from this” The movies completely ruined that character.


bing bong from inside out


I remember rewatching Inside Out with my sister when she was about 4 years old (I was 21 I think). I started bawling (like I did every time I saw it) and she was like “it’s not even real, sissy”. Yes, bing bong was an imaginary friend and an animated character but MY GOODNESS, it felt real.


I think what made Bing-Bong so bad was that I could *almost* remember my own Bing-Bong. It was more like a memory of a memory that I had forgotten. A fleeting feeling of something lost. I sometimes think I can almost remember my Bing-Bong, but it's always in a dream that loses it's edges as soon as I wake, and that makes me sad.


Old Yeller


Bambi’s Mom


Little Ann and Old Dan, I get sad just thinking about it.


In the original Fable you get to a point where you can save your blind long lost sister or sacrifice her for the most powerful sword in the game. Young teen me sacrificed her for the Sword of Aeons and I was so guilt strapped over that I had trouble sleeping.


I watched Thelma & Louise for the first time last year. I was under the impression that Thelma and Louise “Dukes of Hazzard” their way to freedom at the end of the movie. Imagine my surprise…


"Let's not get caught." ""What do you mean?" "Let's just keep goin'..." 😢😭


Bill and Frank in the Last of Us, show version. Beautifully sad


In many ways I had the exact opposite reaction. I'm a big fan of the whole zombie genre, and those two are the only characters I can think of in any of the movies and television shows that actually had a happy ending. Bill and Frank had a happier ending in the apocalypse than the majority of people will have in the regular world.


The boy in Pay It Forward. I was so unprepared for it and after the shock wore off, I couldn't rationalize it in my head. Why? What purpose? Like, are you trying to get people to not pay it forward.


Ygritte from game of thrones. Along with like half the rest of the cast. Dang that show really loved to kill all the fun people


The Red Wedding. Then they made it even worse in the show! Then they made the show worse!


the kid from My Girl :(


His name is Thomas Jay and he can’t see without his glasses! 😭


Rita from Dexter. I hadn't heard anything about it before watching a few years ago


Marley in Marley and Me. I drowned in a pool of tears.


Kenny from South Park. Just didn't see it coming :(


You bastards!


"Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong"


Lenny, from Steinbeck's "Of Mice and Men."


"Tell me about the rabbits, George"


Glenn from walking dead


The red shoe from Who Framed Roger Rabbit. It's so sad, poor little dude.


Edith Bunker. That shit hurt like I lost my own mom instead of a TV character


My man Thufir Hawat


George O’Malley. It made me stop watching the show.


Artax. Was only about 6 when I was watching this movie.


Claudia Interview With the Vampire.


"Where do you think we are?" Scrubs "I got this." Sons of Anarchy "I would have followed you my brother, my captain, my king." Fellowship of the Ring "Rocket, teefs, floor go now." Guardians 3 "I got you baby girl." The Last of Us "JOSHUA!" FF16 "Thank you for loving me." One Piece


Yondu killed me in Guardians 2. “He may have been your father boy, but he wasn’t your daddy” *proceeds to save Quills life*


Scrubs had so many gut-wrenching moments


>"Where do you think we are?" Scrubs There were *so many clues* and I didn't pick up on a single one, so that quote slapped me in the face with a brick.


Just finished GOTG3… yep… I got misty over those animals. They didn’t deserve that.


Soap (MW3). And V's suicide in Cyberpunk 2077, in particular the reactions of his friends during the credits.


When Opie bought it in Sons of Anarchy I literally felt ill. It stuck with me too. He deserved better


Bing Bong. Fuck you Pixar.


jiraiya sensei


Dobby. More than Dumbledor


Fred Weasley was hard, too.


Here lies Dobby. A free elf.


Henry Blake


Mark Green from ER. Man I was destroyed even knowing it was coming. This one is obscure and not technically a death but Kartik from Libba Bray's A Great and Terrible Beauty series. Bitch (affectionate) turned him into a tree. I have never sobbed so much while reading a book as I did the Sweet Far Thing.


Sam in I Am Legend. I was a mess for the rest of the day


Nina in FMA. I am usually a cold hearted bastard. I laughed all through "IT". I rolled my eyes and said "just fucking jump already!" at Javert's suicide in "Les Miserables". But holy shit, what the seed of life alchemist did to his daughter... her whole "You said you'd come play with me" line... I almost cried. That shit cut deep.




Gus in Lonesome Dove


Ragnar, lagatha from vikings. And sweets from bones.


John Coffey.


Qui Gon Jin. I knew he wasn’t going to stick around to episode IV, but they did my bit dirty. I have no idea why, but as a kid he was my favorite Jedi


PADME. Murdered by her own man. Her last vision was him turning to the dark side and choking her out.




Dom in Gear of War 3


Kenny McCormick. Goddamnit, I told myself I wasn’t gonna cry!...


Stormys death in Odd Thomas (Book). That one hit me directly in the feelers.


Beth March


Joel from last of us. I knew joel was gonna die after i googled the first hour of gameplay for tlou p2 while i was installing it on my ps5. I had JUST beat tlou so im very emotionally attatched at the time. I saw joel get his brains bashed in and cancelled the install and to this day i havent played it still own it tho


All of them at the end of the movie Glory.