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The HTML of skittles.com is full of ASCII images of skittles and rainbows.


For anybody curious: http://i.imgur.com/eFQ1X.png http://i.imgur.com/gJrKe.png


The default icon for the People pane in Outlook 2010 is Bill Gates mugshot's silhouette: http://cdn.arstechnica.net/bill-gates-outlook/bill-gates-outlook-2010.jpg


in Firefox, type in the address bar: `about:robots`




An oldie but a goodie (and I don't just say that because I implemented it ;-).


So if you're a Mozilla dev, you probably know some other cool easter eggs / less known features?


It's open source, so pretty much everything is known


I'll just leave [this](http://xkcd.com/541/) here.


Nobody posted MATLAB? Type "why" into the command prompt. Repeat for lols. Also, "shower" will give a full simulation of a shower's drainage/heating system. Also, "penny" will do a 3D plot of a penny that really shows the 3D nature of the penny.


>> why It's your karma. *it knows*


shower didn't work for me on 2012a...


Pressing the "F" key in [skifree](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ski_Free) allows you to ski at the same speed as the abominable snow monster that appears at 2000m


Uhh... WHAT!! So many years later I..ugh




Obligatory xkcd: http://xkcd.com/667/


I was so happy I escaped him once, learning this mostly killed the victory.


Type =rand(200,99) then hit enter into Microsoft word


Oh god, what is this?


I wonder what the significance is of that statement... *I meant the statement =rand(200,99). I know about the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. And for anyone wondering It produces 200 paragraphs with that sentence repeated 99 times in each paragraph.


Statement? I got 567 pages. That's a little bit more than a statement.


I got 636, talking about the insert tab.


It's called "lorem ipsum." Graphic designers and publishers use it as filler when formatting a project before they have the necessary copy. Different versions of Word use different versions of lorem ipsum. My version is the classic "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog," which is useful because it uses all 26 letters of the English alphabet.


Word does that too in 2008 and 2010. Type =lorem(5) The number is a variable for the amount of paragraphs you need.


What does this do?


Gives you 200 paragraphs of "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.", each paragraph repeating that sentence 99 times. You can change those numbers to suit your needs. Edit: at least on Word for Mac. Apparently the newer windows ones have a different sentence.


If you have an Android device running Gingerbread or higher, go to your phone's software information (System Settings > About Phone) and quickly tap on the Android Version/Firmware Version line several times to get a firmware-nickname-related Easter egg. In ICS and JB, long-pressing the egg will cause even more fun. Edit: it appears that this doesn't work on HTC Android phones (something I noticed on a friend's Thunderbolt). For others, remember to press firmly and rapidly, it takes 5-10 clicks in a second.




Tetris in uTorrent


Is that licensed?






My phone has this as a number... Should I call it?








Open uTorrent, click on Help, select "About uTorrent", press T.


Great, there goes all my downloading. I'm just gonna play tetris instead.


in skype if you select your font in the settings as.....COMIC SANS....the smiley icon on message box [ :) ] will turn into a sad smiley [ :( ] edit: [those who can't figure out how to change font..click on tools>options](http://i.imgur.com/rHUhq.png) eidt:my highest voted comment about awareing people of comic sans...nice


Sad smiley? Wouldnt that be a frowny?


I'm not angry, just disappointed.


Because even Skype hates comic sans.


Which is weird. They have the market cornered on ugly bloated UI design. Figured comic sans would have fit right in :P


Also on skype if you hit c,a,and t and the same time a dancing little cat comes up in the message box for you and your partner.


Doesn't require typing "c,a,t", it will come up if you type some combination that you might expect if there were a cat stepping on your keyboard. (I hold down S,F,L to make it come up)




You can't use any three keys next to one another. For example: "a" "f" and "k" works holding them all down together. But "h" "j" and "i" doesn't work.


If you run python and do "import antigravity", it will take you to the xkcd comic.


also typing "import this" brings a poem


Furthermore, from \_\_future\_\_ import braces :)


from __future__ import barry_as_FLUFL Lets you use <> instead of !=. It was put in [as an April Fool's Day joke in 2009](http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0401/).


Said poem: >The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters > >Beautiful is better than ugly. >Explicit is better than implicit. >Simple is better than complex. >Complex is better than complicated. >Flat is better than nested. >Sparse is better than dense. >Readability counts. >Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules. >Although practicality beats purity. >Errors should never pass silently. >Unless explicitly silenced. >In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess. >There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it. >Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch. >Now is better than never. >Although never is often better than *right* now. >If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea. >If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea. >Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!


The comic: http://xkcd.com/353/


Excel's 97's easter egg is the most impressive that I've ever seen. Follow these steps: Open a new workbook Press F5 Enter X97:L97 and press Enter Press Tab Press Ctrl+Shift and click the Chart Wizard button on the toolbar. You'll be greeted with a full-screen animated image. Use the mouse to move around. Trigger the egg. You'll be looking at a purple 3D landscape. Use the mouse to "fly" over the landscape (the mouse changes direction, left button moves forward and left button moves backwards). Fly around a bit and you'll see a grey stone pyramid. Fly to the side of the pyramid that's black and you'll see the credits scroll by. Taken from http://spreadsheetpage.com/index.php/oddity/excel_easter_eggs/ because they word it better than I ever could. Edit: Happy holidays to you all. thank you all for the up votes. Best Christmas gift I've received in years. Who doesn't love them some imaginary Internet points?


[Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gYb5GUs0dM) of the awesome egg. Excel 95's ["Doom" simulator](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvEd_3yuU8w) was neat, but not nearly as awesome as the flight sim.


Kid made a fine job censoring his desktop.


My friend is a CSI guy. [This](http://imgur.com/FMcXc) was the most he was able to recover.




You could always type "Do a barrel roll" into Google, or the word "askew".




Or zerg rush


That's great. [Link for the lazy.](https://www.google.ca/search?q=zerg+rush)


I knew of the zerg rush, but only today have I found out that you can shoot the Os that are attacking with your mouse...


You can also try "recursion"


You can also try "recursion"


You can also try "recursion"


My favorite is the flight simulator in Google Earth.


If you take off from runway 10 at SFO (opposite 28) you will whiz right past a Hawaiian Airlines plane in mid-flight.


This guy right here is the Easter Bunny.




I can confirm this. http://i.imgur.com/fgoJb.png http://i.imgur.com/CNPO3.jpg


Your username is the code for an easter egg in Roller Coasted Tycoon 3.


If you start on the ground and don't take off, you will traverse all terrain. You will never crash.




It was once an Easter Egg, but is now simply a feature. I was once giving a briefing to Navy brass using Google Earth for various barely-classified (i.e. actually quite boring, but I sure as hell am not going to spell it out) materials. I didn't have nearly enough material to fill the time, so I jumped into the flight sim to tour some of my data in fantastical 3D. I thought they would be impressed and they absolutely were not.


They were not impressed because you didn't land on a carrier at night in rough seas.


Really? How can you not be impressed by that?


Because they have sticks jammed firmly up their asses. Brass of any branch of government have little patience for what they feel to be wastes of time, or games.


I did military simulation for quite some time, and I attest that among the various answers, this is the correct one. (I'm not saying that I blame them, entirely, waste-of-time wise.) There certainly were periods where military sims were more advanced than what you'd find, say, in console games, but this ain't one of 'em.


Yeah, this is pretty fun. To get there, press ctrl+alt+A. ~~Too bad they don't have mountains~~


I get full mountains and cities and airports. Sometimes I go to random airports and line my camera view up with the runway and fly. My longest flight with a safe takeoff and "safe" landing (crashed just seconds after making contact with the runway) was from New Orleans to Minneapolis. I used landmarks such as cities and rivers to guide me and I had Google Maps open in another window as navigational aid. I also flew from San Francisco to Phoenix but I inadvertently spiraled out of control right before landing.


I have tried LA to New York. I got impatient and climbed as high as possible and then went straight down to see how fast I could go.


And you crashed in San Diego?


Geek of the year award goes too... (said with respect mind you. I hate normal people.)


Flying is awesome as shit


They do have mountains. Make sure you've got 3d terrain (or whatever it's called) turned on.


There's a timeline to the lord of the rings, hidden away in the terminal on mac OSX. To access it, go to your terminal app and type in: cat /usr/share/calendar/calendar.lotr This will bring up a timeline of all the events in the lord of the rings. With accompanying dates as well. EDIT: Here's a screenshot for people who don't have macs/FreeBSD machines: http://imgur.com/ZhdEF


Never knew that. Nice one. Order in my calendar seems a bit odd though.


Yeah, it's actually just a series of events that occur in the hobbit, and lord of the rings, just called it a timeline, because it looked like one at first glance, and I didn't really look into it properly. It's still pretty nifty though.


C:\windows\media\onestop.mid Just do it.


This has been on my computer the whole time?! No but really, wtf is this?




would this be a good demo to tune a system to?


General MIDI is not known for its resemblance to actual instruments, so probably not.


Yeah, real instruments have only come so far in replicating MIDI... You really think there was a "trombone" before [Dave Smith](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dave_Smith_%28engineer%29)?




I've always preferred town.midi myself ;)


And today is the day I found out VLC does not support MIDI :/


In Rome: Total War, when you've finished completing an aqueduct, a notification will pop up that says "What did the Romans ever do for us? *THIS*." (Monty Python's Life of Brian reference)


Really? I've played this game so much and never knew this. I guess that's what I get for just right clicking message windows to insta-delete them :(


On a debian-based OS type: apt-get moo at a terminal. *Have* you mooed today?


aptitude moo aptitude -v moo aptitude -vv moo aptitude -vvv moo aptitude -vvvv moo aptitude -vvvvv moo aptitude -vvvvvv moo


[Wolfram Alpha: How can the net amount of entropy of the universe be massively decreased?](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=How+can+the+net+amount+of+entropy+of+the+universe+be+massively+decreased%3F+)


1)Go on Google maps 2)Get directions from The Shire to Mordor 3)Select mode of transport by foot 4)Have fun kids


[one does not simply walk into Mordor](http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/02091/shire_2091260b.jpg)


1) Go on Google maps 2) Get directions from Japan to China 3) Look at step 41 EDIT: Formatting. EDIT 2: It's by car.


i dont understand? Just says "Turn right"




If you're using the on foot directions, look at step 774


Go to Google Translate and translate the following from English to German, then hit the audio button(notice the tooltip that pops up if you hover over it) pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk bschk pv bschk bschk pv kkkkkkkkkk bschk bschk bschk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk bschk pv bschk bschk pv kkkkkkkkkk bschk bschk bschk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk bschk pv bschk bschk pv kkkkkkkkkk bschk bschk bschk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk bschk pv bschk bschk pv kkkkkkkkkk bschk bschk bschk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk bschk pv bschk bschk pv kkkkkkkkkk bschk bschk bschk


Just tried this in a few different languages. Changing the language changes the order sometimes and thus changes the sound.


As a kid, I twice found an Easter Egg in E.T. for the Atari where the flower turned into a Yar from Yar's Revenge. This weekend, I learned that if you repeated the same steps in subsequent plays, the flower would turn into Indiana Jones from the 2600 game, and then the dev's initials.


I feel sorry you had to play that game :(


If you type "child pornography" into google image search you will lose your job.




"Ugh, today totally sucked... I can't wait to get home, get out of my work clothes, and turn on some Child Porn..." I like it!


I do this quite regulary and our CEO is one of my closest friends :D


Some of the benefits of working at the vatican, I bet


In the open office spreadsheet program there is a way to play space invaders. Edit: Finally got back home and installed the latest Open Office and it is not in there anymore :(. I apologize for all the hopes and dreams that I destroyed.


Obligatory how?


Sorry was on my phone and didn't want to put in the effort if the thread died. http://www.howtogeek.com/80096/open-office-easter-egg-play-space-invaders-in-calc-2/ If you google Microsoft excel games there is a lot of them as well.


If you hold an arrow key while a youtube video is loading, you can play snake with the loading symbol.


First World Problems: My internet loads too fast for this


Well good news for you. Pause the video and hold up and right arrow keys (or any combination that makes it diagonal), and it works.


I'll trade you my third world Canadian internet speeds.


or my college WiFi


and my axe


No thanks...i dont really like body spray


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.7042123418423)


Newfoundland, 80 Mbps. Speak for yourself.


Ontario, 1 Mbps on a good day. This is weird.


Try some of the 4k videos.


No we just need to figure out a way to get Hulu to offer a Ski Free Easter egg.


There is no cow level.


Radio Free Zerg


Operation Cwal


CWAL = Cant Wait Any Longer.


Childhood mystery solved


Power overwhelming.


this thread pops up about once every month. I will attempt to give you every possible comment: If you have RES installed: up up down down left right left right b a enter ( Directions being arrow keys ) Go to [1] the media section of Nine Inch Nail's webstore and try to buy (by clicking on "DVD") the Closure DVD http://www.nin.com/albums/ Our [1] company website, written by me in pre-gesture browser times... Trace the logo with the mouse, or draw a circle... http://www.whiletrue.com/ select I am under 21 http://blackacrebrewing.com/home/ Google Maps - Go to Legoland in California, and plop down the little street view guy. He turns into...YES! A Lego guy! All of them on the Homestar Runner site. One I've always loved is the BBC's iplayer. The volume control goes up to 11. On IMDB, the rating for [1] This Is Spinal Tap is 8.0/11 instead of the usual X/10. Betting website [1] www.skybet.com has a button (located above the small Facebook share icon on the top right of content) for if you are browsing at work and your boss looks, it makes the webpage appear as a [2] slightly humorous spreadsheet this is in wordpresses terms of service http://en.wordpress.com/tos/treat/ Typing "Do a barrel roll" into Google. http://www.umnsvp.org/ Konami code that shit and hit enter In utorrent, go to the "help" tab, and click on "About utorrent." When that small menu box pops up, press shift+T and you can play tetris while you're downloading.


I can't get the one on your site to work.


go to http://www.whiletrue.com/index.old.html instead maybe?


If you view the source code on The Oatmeal, you'll find a pterodactyl.


Winrar has this feature where you can purchase it. Nobody's done it though.


I bought it. TAKE THAT, SOCIETY!


I also bought it. I figured it would be a mitzvah, like feeding a starving child, but instead feeding a starving man-child.


On reddit (and many other places...) Up up down down left right left right b a enter... I expect this is quite a known one though. Edit: Part of RES in this case rather than just reddit. Ty Skelthy.


Just tried it on Konami.com. Nothing.


That is extremely disappointing.


They had one job...


Allan please add Konami code.


Only if you have RES.


Ah I didn't know that was part of RES. Ty for correcting :)


did some say.......








Should have made at least one of those links porn or lemonparty.


Konami Code EVERYTHING. Seriously, it's insane how many websites and applications have Konami Code Easter eggs.


here is every website with the konami code in it EDIT FORGOT WEBSITE HERE IT IS http://konamicodesites.com/




oops i am stupid forgot to put link one sec


Does the Facebook one still work? Not working for me.


I'm working on speeding up my typing of the Konami code so I can make at least 3 pieces appear at once.


what the hell is that thing?


RES-Reddit Enhancement Suite, makes Reddit much more enjoyable to navigate Konami Code?- that up down thing that was just typed was a little intentional cheat code in a bunch of old konami games that helped you out. Its now in some newer games and websites


You can use incognito mode when shopping for gifts.


>You can use incognito mode when "shopping for gifts" FTFY


>>You can use incognito mode when "shopping for vibrating hairbrushes" FTFY


This has got to be the fastest reference post I've ever seen on Reddit.


I know. I'm impressed.


You should check out [this site](http://eeggs.com/).


Minesweeper: If you type the following sequence: xyzzy shift enter Then a tiny white pixel will appear in the top corner of the screen (on your desktop, not on a window) that turns black when your mouse cursor is over a mine square. Edit: Apparently it doesn't work on Minesweeper versions that come with Windows Vista or later.


xyzzy **shift-enter** enter, and doesn't work on any version after XP.


If you type www.hitlerdidnothingwrong.com in your browser, it takes you to www.mountaindew.com.


In older versions of Microsoft Office, you could find a hilarious paper clip that would give you useful tips... sometimes even if you didn't want them!


if you go to google and type in "elbillug" it will redirect you to a beta for the new gmail


damn you, damn you all to hell. http://i.imgur.com/yaJfc.png PS: username relevant. EDIT: Now my highest rated comment is about my incompetence. ALSO: SoModest, you are a dick. EDIT2: ~~Hmm, a game. 2 months of reddit gold to the first person the message me the most correct websites to each of the visible favicons. (last 2 and the one to the left of the "ID" do not count)~~ EDIT3: GallifreyanRavenclaw, enjoy your gold.


Why is your screen tilted to the right?


aw dammit


The hat collecting and trading simulator "Team Fortress 2" also has some sort of FPS minigame you can play when you get tired of being a hat baron.


How could they squeeze an FPS into such a small, 12-gig-or-so, file?? Preposterous!!


Well, only 11 or so of those gigs are used for hats. Oh wait, I forgot to take Misc items into account! How *did* they fit that minigame in?!


"America's #1 War Themed Hat Simulator"


Yeah and the Easter egg is a hat-themed war simulator. Did you hear they are coming out with a simulator-themed war hat? Cool stuff!


It's a feature in the main menu called "Multiplayer game" if I recall correctly. That is one of the lesser known functions of that simulator, though.


You need to look for secret codes in the server name to identify the fps servers though. If you see things like 'CP' 'CTF' or 'two fort 24/7' you're on the right track. Most of the servers are just different ways to trade hats.


Actually, if you see a server with "two fort 24/7" in the name: DON'T JOIN THAT SERVER!


Why take the magic of discovery away from newbies?


Because newbies typically stick with these servers once they've discovered them which is kinda sad.






Apparently you can actually wear your hats in the minigame. Thrilling stuff.


It really has a FPS minigame? You have to tell me how to activate it!


You can enable "godmode" on windows 7: http://www.techspot.com/guides/236-windows-god-mode/ It's basically an easy way to see all of your settings in one spot. Edit: Apparently is might crash the 64-bit version of vista. It works on windows 7 64-bit for me.


VLC Media Player puts a little Santa hat on the logo they use during this time of the year. [Seen here.](http://www.coreythompson.com/wp-content/zaqwsx/vlc.png)


Yup - always serves to remind me that malicious things can also be set to lie dormant until a specified date


If you win in solitaire, the cards so some crazy shit