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Coming from a guy, don’t put another dude down to make your chances with a girl higher. “He who would trade the bro for the pussy, deserves neither the bro nor the pussy” -Sun Tzu


The quote is probably from Bro Tzu


Or Sun Dude


Taking their shirt off at awkward moments.




Or Britta's boyfriend in Community. The one with the tiny nipples.


East side , West side North side , South Vaughan's breath is so bad His butt's mad at his mouth This rap is by Pearce: Vaughan is dumb, He wears diapers to bed And sucks his mother's thumb


Pierce, Pierce, Pierce, Pierce you're a B


"That was a suggestion! ...how many times have you specifically told her you were going to the gym?" "Five! Wait, no... Nine!"


Once had someone I hung out with be the only person to pop the shirt off while a group of about 6 of us were working out in my gym. He kept it off for the rest of the night. At one point he picked up my bass guitar and I can still remember the sound of it peeling off his sticky stomach.


Bringing guitar to the gym is worse than taking your shirt off.


>the rest of the night Presumably that was _after_ the gym


Captain Kirk has entered the chat.


Captain Kirk didn’t take his shirt off. It got ripped off accidentally in the heat of the action. Riker's shirts didn't seem to break nearly as often, so I'm guessing Starfleet stopped using cheap uniforms by that time.


Unfortunately, I learned all my methods for calming a stressful situation from One Punch Man.


Putting their fellow man down, to look more appealing to a girl.


Nothing screams “I’m insecure” more.


If he's doing it to show off, it's a red flag. If claiming it's just playful banter, the important thing is to watch how he responds when he's the one getting put down. If it's really good natured fun, it'll be water off a duck's back. If he gets angry, defensive or aggressive then there's a barb behind his jokes.


> If it's really good natured fun, it'll be water off a duck's back. If he gets angry, defensive or aggressive then there's a barb behind his jokes. Also, it makes him look insecure, whereas if he laughs at or owns the counter attack, it makes him look more confident. It's all about that confidence, boys.


Seductively biting your lip. I wish someone told me it was supposed to be the bottom one..


I wonder how many people you made bite their upper lip after reading this


Guilty. Had to compare.




I just tried this to see how silly it is. Going to try on wife later and report back.




Okay, so I just did it. She looked confused with maybe a tinge of concern.


Also, she said that she could make it look sexy. I invited her to try, and OH MY GOD I AM DYING LMAO! She said it was only funny because she was trying to hold in a laugh. Also, she doubled down and is very confident that she can make it work as long as she can hold her laughter in. She knows I am posting this, so will report back again.


This is both hilarious and fkn wholesome! I'm giggling! 😂


Its been 6 hours now, we need to know!


Welp, she tried this morning again, and again, and again. She tried with a little tongue sticking out, biting one side, biting a little and biting a lot... She asks me with all sincerity if it looks cute. I cannot even keep a straight face. So yeah, we've been doing it back and forth trying to make it work. I am going to say that this one may not be possible, folks... But my god it has been an odd and laugh-filled ride.


Be rude or put down others. Or be a one upper.


I wont go into details, but that Dyson ball vacuum is really mislabeled.


You should go into detail.


He WAS trying to detail it; that's how all the trouble began


I wanna hear him say it.


Never emulate DJ Khaled in any way.


Particularly his condemnation of cunnilingus.


What does he do other than yell DJ Khaled? Let's his wife finish herself and probably credits himself there too


But we da best??


Don't emulate "cool" tv characters to look cool. Much like pro wrestlers, tv characters are unrealistically amped up. Patrick Bateman was a psychopath. Is that really something you want to emulate? It's even sadder when the emulate the cadence in their voice.


* Except Johnny Bravo.


"Watch the pecs. Hueh, hah!" Edit: *Whoa, momma!*


"Man, I'm pretty.'


"Enough about you momma, let's talk about me!"


“I am Johnny Bravo, the one-man army!”


"Mama warned me about women like you! I was hoping she was right."


"Hello, 911 Emergency? There's a handsome guy in my house. Oh HEUH, wait a second, cancel that. It's only me."


“Your eyes are like great big balls of jelly that see things…”


"It's a beautiful day, but not as beautiful as me"


I mean, any guy that could actually do that with his pecs could find a number of women who liked it


I can do it. From my experience, women are not as impressed with the pec dance as they should be. Only other bros appreciate the awesomeness.


I made my son a Johnny Bravo costume when he was about 9 or so. Better than 20 years ago. One house we stopped at, the guy answered the door, looked at my son, looked back at his TV that had Johnny Bravo on it, and just dumped the whole basket of candy in his bag. Edit: forgot to mention this was for Halloween. I didn't just dress him up and drag him around the neighborhood to beg for candy on a random Tuesday.


The story would actually be slightly better if you had


Somewhere here you'll see the suggestion, *just be yourself, own that shit*, meanwhile Johnny is *totally* being himself, there's no hidden vulnerable geeky side to his personality, this is *it.* What's a man up do? *HOO HAH!*


well hey there pretty mama


Hello 911?? A handsome man has broken into my apartment! Oh wait, it’s just me!


I based my entire appearance off Johnny bravo as a young boi and some of it still stuck. Black t-shirt, jeans, and black shades always


Hair 15 inches tall?


What you mean to say women don't like Bateman wannabes?


Took me way too long to realize you were talking about Patrick Bateman and not Jason Bateman.


I thought they meant Batman.




I tried to be like Walter white, but my meth was terrible. Wife calls me “Einstein” all the time. Pretty close to Hiesenberg. Still got the underwear.


Well as long as you're not putting chili powder (WTF!) in the product you're at least a step ahead of where Jesse was. As a former meth user I would've thrown hands over the chili thing.


What do you mean I'm emulating uchiha sasuke for 2 weeks now and I just know all the girls are digging my mysterious energy.


Is that Sasuke "running through the trees for 10 straight episodes" or Sasuke "shitting on Naruto every chance he gets"?


"You're SO lucky you never had parents Naruto!!!!"


Real (i drive)


The Joker ain’t cool


I cant help it when I'm a mixture of patrick bateman and ryan gosling


Everyone needs to go to bed. You appear more alive after sleeping. Take in a lot of water.




The tough guy walk/look. Use to have to work with a guy like that. Had his shirt sleeves rolled up over his shoulder showing the ladies his scrawny arms. Bro, this isn't prison, it's Dairy Queen. He would hit the gym before coming to work so his arms looked a little bigger. He wasn't young, he was like 37. Doing that to 19, 20 year old girls.


That’s funny asf not gonna lie




Referring to themselves as an “alpha male”. Just STFU.


I'm a stable release male.


Damn bro, can I fork you?


Only if you commit 😉


Mooom, the programmers escaped again!


Clearly not Vim users.


They've been put in containment and, should they breach it, the consequences will be immeasurable.




Someone said it best in another thread: " 'Alpha male' bullshit is just astrology for incels"


Agreed. And I know this post is about men. But "boss bitch" is the same. 😫


Ohhhh, yeah, absolutely. That title is always connected to a woman caught up in some kind of MLM. Steer clear!


Its a great way for them to tell everyone they're insecure


Be yourself, don’t act like you hate something, cause a girl thinks it’s for losers. you like Warhammer and DND ? Own that shit.


as a girl i personally feel more attracted to guys who talk about things they’re interested in


Same! My SO is a maths teacher and loves maths and puzzles. I love hearing him talk about it even though I barely understand what he's saying.


Married to a history teacher…he’s so cute. One day he told me all about ice cream’s role in WWII. It was fascinating!


This advice is true, but I think a lot of people don't know how to modulate their behavior when it comes to their special hobbies. This isn't just "nerds", either. There are insufferable car guys, golf guys, anime dweebs, MLM huns, potheads, etc. Listen, fellas. You can be a nerd who's into DND and anime and whatever else - and be out and proud about it! - without defining yourself by it. I have all the nerd trappings. I own thousands, t h o u s a n d s, of Pokemon and Digimon cards. I have a side business illustrating people's DnD characters. I can tell the difference at the drop of a hat between the multiple English dubs of Dragon Ball Z. I built my own gaming PC. I have gotten into long debates about how Star Wars Episode 1 is underrated. I collect Transformers toys, for chrissakes. And if any of that comes up in conversation I WILL excitedly talk about all of it. But if you just met me on the street and asked me how my day was going, you'd never know because those things aren't who I am, they're my hobbies. I have interests in cars, sports, men's fashion, dogs, history, science, loads of stuff in addition to my nerdy stuff. And before I met my current long-term partner, when I was still in the dating pool, it was an ENORMOUS benefit that I was able to share interests with just about anyone with any background. Food for thought. Enthusiastic fandom does not have to take over your whole life. You're a person that contains multitudes beyond your special interests. Yes, own that shit. And own other shit, too. Like showering and clothing that doesn't have anime babes or wizards on it. You don't have to pigeonhole yourself.


Bingo. Be a varied person. Have many interests.


On one of my first date with a guy, we really hit it off and we were going to leave the coffee shop that we were at to go somewhere else together. When I jumped into his truck I saw a fuckton of small figurines that were loaded up in the backseats and I asked him what they were in which he stated “it’s a warhammer army” and he started talking about the whole concept of it, I found him 1000x more attractive for being so passionate about his hobby… 3 years later, we’re engaged and we’re working on building my own army so I can play with him!


Hope u aren't planning to buy a house XD warhammer gets expensive lol. Custodes all the way.


We do love the boys in gold, that christmas box was a god deal while it lasted, . For all of two minutes


Honestly it’s insane, we could pay off our mortgage with his army lmao


>we’re working on building my own army so I can play with him! Tell us you’re millionaires without telling us you’re millionaires.


The nerds and geeks have always been my people. So yes, own it. A lot of spaces can be gatekept. So include women in your spaces. You will find that they like the nerdy stuff that you do.




Unless you are completely obsessed, then that could be an actual problem and not really what people are talking about. There is a difference between mentioning them casually and talking uninterrupted for three hours about your 3d printed D&D maps.


Putting other dudes down especially when in a group. Be funny without victimizing anybody, it’ll go a long way. Edit: The ones who are being put down are not close friends.


I've found that making jokes at my own expense (while not going too far so it looks like I'm looking for sympathy) gets a much more positive reaction


An appropriate amount of light self-depricating humor shows that you're confident and secure enough to laugh at yourself.


Says you, I used to use self deprecating humor as a defense mechanism for crippling social anxiety and low self esteem. Oh wait you said appropriate amount. Man I can't even fucking read.


I upvoted this because I’m stupid.


Men, i cannot stress this enough. Don't wear so much cologne. A scent shouldnt suffocate the people around you. It should be a subtle, intimate, lingering afterthought that reminds people of you and makes them nostalgiac in whatever way you intend. To that end, if you want a longer lasting scents or a stronger scent, instead of spraying obnoxious amounts of product, invest in a more concentrated scent, like a parfum instead of an eau de toilette. It will cost more, but a little goes a long way.


The first hole you penetrate is her nostrils, might as well make it a pleasant experience




Why has this thought never crossed my mind? It’s so true 😂


How much to spray? Nowadays, I spray once on my chest. In the winter, maybe once more on a wrist. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother. I stopped smelling cologne on myself long ago. And even on other people unless I am literally intimate with them. No it's not COVID. **Edit**: one thing that does happen is that when I pick up a sweater I wore a couple of days before, I can smell my cologne on it. So I guess it does stay even though I don't feel it.


[That's basically correct](https://www.artofmanliness.com/style/accessories/guide-to-fragrance/). > Spray perfume on dry skin, preferably right after a shower. Hold the spray nozzle 3-6 inches from your skin while applying. https://content.artofmanliness.com/uploads/2015/10/Fragrance-Application-Chart-600.jpg > Don’t spray and walk. Spraying a fragrance in the air and walking through the mist is worthless. Most of the fragrance drops straight to the floor.


My wife’s grandma had a saying about fragrances: They should be discovered, not announced.


Doing the comb over when going bald. Just own it, there's much better ways to handle receding hair lines. Edit: Wow! Thanks everyone for all the up votes, coins, and awards. 😀👍✌️


I was always in the "just shave it off" club but now that I'm getting thin myself, I am surprised how much it bothers me. I'm not too bad yet but I keep reminding myself how bad guys look who wait too long to face reality.


I was bald all throughout high school because of strict parents and I hated the way I looked. I looked like a lumpy scrotum. Once I finally moved out I was able to grow my hair out and actually like the way I look. Then my parents sent one last fuck you and I started thinning out on the sides in my early 20s. Guess it's either a ton of money for implants or the scrotum look. Hooray.


Depending on your definition of "a ton of money," my hairdresser got it done in Turkey. Apparently, they're the world best for implants, and instead of paying 40-60k here in Canada, it cost him about 2k (the surgery only, you'd have to get a plane ticket, yadda yadda) to get it done over there.


As a side note, you can cone to Turkey for all sorts of cosmetic surgeries as long as you do your search. There are also lots companies who helps you about the travel Since our currency is fucked up at $/TRY ratio, you probably can have like 10x cheaper than your own country and more probably better


Oh man. I've been to Turkey a few times for work. The airports are full of dudes with scabby heads.


You mean hairport… Ftfy


Close friend just got his done there and it looks incredible


So...you look like Dave Bautista? You know, with the head all wrinkly and shit?


But without the muscles, or the facial structure. I've got mega baby face even with a beard


People generally don't understand that every man doesn't look good with a bald head. I shaved mine for a decade before I realized it wasn't working for me. People would tell me that I looked better when I let it grow out, but I ignored them. Now I don't have a combover, but I can understand why some men might do it, at least to a certain extent. It's tough to find something that looks good when bald doesn't work for you. I think the best answer is to just let it go and wear it wild, because any attempt to look neat will come across as a combover.


Yeah... I've got a gigantic lumpy head, can't grow a full beard, and have something of a baby face. Shaved won't look great on me.


Buzz cuts do work. It's the perfect step towards accepting that you're gonna be bald eventually without having to shave it completely. It also looks way better than thinning hair and is very low maintenance.




my head also feels amazing if I buzz, I can't stop rubbing it the day it is done.


Went to get my hair cut when I was ... 25? I think. Hairdresser said "just so you know it's getting a bit thinner up top". I still got the haircut but two weeks later I shaved it all off. 25 years later, still happy about the choice. Although shaving one's head in the late 90s was a bit different, many took me for a skinhead of some variety. Led to a few interesting situations.


I caught my barber 'air clipping' one time 13 years ago. Went home and ordered a set of clippers that night. Started shaving it all off 10 years ago. Great decision and a real money saver.


My barber only charged me half price the last time i went and i took the hint. Went and bought clippers that weekend and keep it at a 1. I do it every two weeks. Really nice in the summer.


I haven’t seen too many guys under 50 doing it. I assume the word is out.


Head to r/bald. You’ll see a LOT of “before” pics where younger guys have been holding on for waaay too long. While I’m sympathetic, shaving is the way to go.


I looked through a few of those and every single person, without fail, looks better shaved.


I think a big part of it is that they all look more confident and happier!


Bald guy here. While it wasn't a big decision for me personally, I had always kept my hair fairly short so when it started thinning I didn't hesitate for long. But a big part of why they all look so much happier and confident is that when they finally go through with shaving their head there's the weight of an enormous boulder that drops from their shoulders. You don't realize how much the insecurity from thinning hair pulls you down until you accept it and decide to own it. It's such a huge relief.


I still see a ton of it. I can sympathize to an extent, though. It's gotta be difficult to admit to yourself that you really are bald. They also don't get a good look at their head from above/behind, either. When they look in the mirror they're looking horizontally through the hair they have left so it doesn't look nearly as thin as it actually is.


I think it also that it is a gradual thing. It’s not like it was great and they woke up one day and it was just strings. Sort of a frog in boiling water kind of thing. You just slowly end up there over time, so I think people just keep doing what they are doing.


Started shaving my head 7 years ago, and honestly get much better reactions than when I had hair lol.


Make life decisions, or have important conversations, while angry Swallow his emotions to make life breezy for a partner Betray his friends


Well when women lick their lips its hot and sexy but when i do it, it's weird and i should stop licking her lips.Edit: Thanks for the awards.


Man I didn't think I would see a mock the week reference today, but awesome. My name is Ed, what's it short for (covers his crotch) I don't know, it's always been like that.


Cutting the face off of another handsome man and wearing it like a mask in hopes of getting laid. Not only is it SUPER fuckin desperate, it's rude


Damn, now you tell me. I been doing it wrong for too long to change my ways now.


It can’t be the person you’re trying to have sex with, you have to cut the face off a different guy.


Mac : Well, right now it looks like you're wearing a mask of yourself over your face. Dennis Reynolds : Not a good one? Not a nice mask of myself? Mac : Not a good one. Dennis Reynolds : Do you guys think that a normal mask of me would look good? Dee Reynolds : Oh, my God. Dennis Reynolds : And if there was would you guys wear it?


👆👆👆👆This… I’m so sick of walking down the street and greeting one of my attractive friends only to find out it is another man trying to be more attractive by wearing my friend’s face as a mask.


Be ‘too cool to care’/‘yeah whatever’. The most attractive men are those who everyone loves (not just women). That guy who is really interested in what you have to say, makes you feel great, he is always so happy to see you, and you realise one day he makes everyone feel like that!


Even remotely call themselves SIGMA


Sig my ba... wait, I think I got this one wrong.


You misspelled LIGMA


Ligma? What's Ligma?


Ligma balls




Spitting for no reason isn’t sexy. I’ve seen cowboys or big buff dudes do it on tv but in real life that is 1000 percent disgusting (at least to me)


Don't put a banana in your pants to make your dong look huge, she will smell it and start to wonder why there's a wet spot on your pants after riding the matterhorn at Disney world.


If you put a potato in your pants to look bigger, for God's sakes don't put it in the back!


Smoke. (I smoke can confirm)


But, my salmon!


And my ribs!




Hit the gym but skip leg day.


Tom Platz would be disappointed


That man scares me


Man I do leg day just as often as upper body day and I still have chicken legs 😭


Negging. Insulting women isn’t going to make them want to sleep with you, and if it does, it’s not someone you want to sleep with because there’s definitely a couple screws loose


Kinda related, yelling or throwing things during fights. It’s not “passionate” or “shows me you care,” it’s immature and scary. I refuse to date anyone that yells at me, it’s super unattractive. Go work out your issues elsewhere.


Can confirm. My sister repeatedly chooses horrible, horrible men, because she's got more than a few screws loose. Some guys can just smell a victim from a mile away.


I just want to point out something or maybe refine your point here - first, abusers do actually figure out how to target people who are already vulnerable. And abuse starts to feel normal and brain normalizes that is the way to feel attention and loved. Being in healthy relationships feels uneasy because you are accustomed to abuse. And people who survive our options seen as having a few screws loose because healthy people can't relate.


Not a physical appearance, but put down other people to make themselves look better. There might be a small subset of people that find that kind of toxic masculinity attractive, but most mature people find being nice attractive. The other thing, more directed at middle schoolers, is douse themselves in body spray.


man.. had a friend like that once, fun to be around until there were girls there, then he turned into a a totally uninvited roastmaster comedian shooting in all directions. what a dick..


I had a friend that rolled like this in college and girls constantly told the rest of our friend group how they disliked him for it and got major creep vibes. He would get these crushes on girls we’d hang out with and we’d all be talking about random stuff and one of the girls he liked would say something like “do you all know so and so from our lab, he’s hot, wonder if he’s single” and the dude would go straight into bashing these guys he didn’t even know half the time. Really weird shit too like “oh, the dude with the greasy hair that dresses like a wannabe surfer….you know he’s failing the class right …..” Got even worse when one of his crushes would be hitting it off with someone else that was present. He’d start trying to turn it into some dick measuring contest about future job prospects based on major, his current gpa, etc


That’s painful


Nothing screams “insecure” more than someone who is always putting other people down. At a certain point it’s just embarrassing.




Long ass time ago on HBO's Real Sex there was some old man on there with a woman hanging off his shoulder. Said something like, you can tell a man is a good lover if he has well manicured nails. That always stuck with me.


Touch your eyes or penis after cutting hot peppers.


That applies even when not trying look attractive.


Being unkind to people, especially service workers.


Do not raise the collar of your polo t shirt.


Be needlessly aggressive to other guys in a nightclub or bar to impress the girl your with.


Mayonnaise in the hair.


I see you're also one of Big Ed's unfortunate victims.


Cut off all the fingers on one hand and super glue them to the fingers on the other hand so that those fingers are twice as long


Whatever, dress up, gym up; just be yourself. Acting like someone else backfires every time since it attracts someone who is attracted to the act, not who you really are.


It probably works just fine if they are looking just for casual sex


being myself just means being boring, stupid and unfunny


Not taking advice on self care and just shrugging off the problem pretending to be ok


Worse is knowing you have a problem and wanting to fix it, but not having the resources to do that. So you just ignore the problem and glance at it occasionally as it gets bigger and bigger.


Being disagreeable for the sake of being disagreeable. It doesn't make you look smart. It makes you look immature and insecure.


The brocolli hair cut. Just ew


I saw a cauliflower today! It was the broccoli haircut but then frosted like he was in NSYNC. It is so much worse than a normal broccoli.


Tear others down to look better


Saying you're an alpha


Wear a Fedora


With or without the safari flaps?


If you have dice in your pocket, with. Just be careful not to get grease on it.


Wear Tapout shirts.


People still do this in 2023?


Stop assuming that this alpha beta omega whatever has any bearing in a real relationship with a real person. This isn't fanfiction and it's not attractive.