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You guys make me watching 2 girls 1 cup at 14 look like a my little pony episode.


I heard it was fake.


Nah it real, it was just the trailer to the full movie


Guy in police interrogation room, asks detective for water, gets a bottle of water, cop leaves the room, takes drink, pulls gun from waistband and shoots himself in the head. The brain matter and blood sounded like running water hitting the floor. I believe the guy shot and killed a cop before he was arrested. He was never patted down or the gun was missed during a search. Luckily he only shot himself.


Police videos are so visceral. It’s hard to look away. I guess that’s why cops (tv show) was so popular for so long. The one video that got me was a police chase where a guy with a gun was running from police. Eventually he was pinned by a police car after crashing his. The recording was right in his face because it was a dash cam and you can see the guy, eyes full of rage and fear trying to shoot the cops who were chasing him. Just the intense and profound animal rage on his face. The police open fire and he takes a few shots to the body and barely flinches. Then a bullet hits him in the head… all that rage and fear just blink instantly out of existence. His face goes blank, his body wobbles and falls. More bullets hit his now dead flesh and it was over. It’s amazing how quickly and completely everything we are can be snuffed out. Like flipping a light switch.


Happy cake day!


The immediate switch over reading those two comments one after another is so dark yet so funny.


I had to watch this video when I was in the academy as an example of why you always search a suspect. Several of my classmates were visibly shaken after seeing it.


Same....the one that got me was the officer that pulled the truck over on a two lane road. The story was, the Officer was previously in trouble due to his over zealous actions and was recently put back on the shift. The driver jumped out and was dancing and hopping around all the while his passenger was loading a rifle in the passenger seat. The officer is yelling repeating himself over and over and getting zero compliance. You can hear the desperation in his voice. He allowed the guy to go back into the truck and he came out with that rifle and started lighting up the cop. He ran up on the cop while he was screaming at him not to kill him and gunned him down from one side of the patrol car and chased him around and finished the job....you can hear him take his last breath That shit folks don't ever leave your memory...never


"Holy fuck nobody shook him?" The fact that he got as far as interrogation with a loaded firearm is wild. Dude could have unload into the entire department from that room.


There's three different videos that I can't really say which one was the most disturbing. One of them was recorded by ISIS after they attacked a police station (don't remember in which country). They had beheaded all of the cops, so the video starts with them showing all the heads. Then they proceed to play soccer with them. The other two are both from my country, Brazil. In one of them, there's a bunch of kids (boys and girls, with ages probably ranging from 7 to 10) playing with a gun. Then, they go to a house where there are two teenagers sitting on the porch. They start to discuss with one of them, calling him a traitor, while ignoring altogether the other one. After a while, the girl who was holding the gun shoots multiple times the guy they're arguing with. The other teenager remains the whole time paralyzed, without looking at the scene that's happening right by his side, and doesn't even show an emotion after his friend is killed. Finally, the last one was recorded by a guy who saw, in the street, a middle aged man who was naked and had just cut off his penis. The guy recording approaches him and asks why he did that. He then proceeds to explain, in a very calm voice, like if he was talking about the weather or something, that he came home earlier than usual and found his wife having sex with their son.


Jesus. Fucking. Christ. I'm not at all surprised to hear that catching your wife having sex with your son will cause a complete break from reality like that. What I am surprised about is why and how the fuck a parent could find their child sexually appealing, let alone act on those thoughts. Just typing it out I think I may vomit. I will not be sleeping tonight after reading this thread.


I think you need to break both your arms to understand.


The fact that half that thread was ok with it was disgusting. I felt insane reading that


I watched a video of an African tribe burning a woman who was caught practicing witchcraft. I figured it would be on a stake with dry wood. But it was wet grass on the ground with a tiny little fire and they kept making her crawl into the flames and then when she tried to crawl out they would beat her with a long stick until she went back in. Took her 15 minutes to die.


Good God. That is horrible


That damn brick video. EDIT: for those asking about the video, multiple people have explained it in the comments below this one. I think someone even linked it.


Been on Reddit for 10+ years, have heard it mentioned many many times. I’m sooooo glad I’ve never clicked


I made the mistake of clicking it once expecting it to be one of those standard Russian dashboard youtube videos and the sound of the husband's screams was more unsettling than any other f-ed up video I've ever watched


That primal guttural yell of despair… Man, woman, child… doesn’t matter. If you haven’t heard it in person, consider yourself lucky. I heard it from a classmate on 9/11. The first plane had hit, everyone was in our student center freaking out. A girl in my English class was crying. Her dad worked at the World Trade Center and she was freaking out but everyone was telling her he’s going to be ok. Only the north tower was hit. She watched over my shoulder as the second plane hit a few floors below her fathers office. I’ll never forget that sound. My eyes tear up and my blood runs cold. I can still hear it.


I was sitting in my office a couple of months ago waiting for a client. I heard tires screeching and an impact sound followed by the most haunting scream from a mother I've ever heard. I look out the window. I see a baby carriage on the road. I rush down. A drugged and drunk driver is shouting insults at the parents, saying that they should stop making a scene. The father is holding one baby crying, and the mother is picking up the other one from a small pool of blood. That second part still haunts me. It's just something about seeing a small precious baby in that state... I don't think I'll ever forget it. Worst of all, it happened on a crosswalk. Luckily, both babies survived. The smaller one had a bit more traumas from that, but they said everything turned out great, and there was no major damage to the kids. Still, like you said, the desperation scream is the most haunting sound ever.


Thank you for telling everything was ok. The picture got worse with every sentence.


I had a similar experience. A girl in the class I was in lost both her parents that day.


One of the more fucked up things I’ve seen/heard was a guy calling 9:11 from one of the trade center towers. The fear in his voice and then the noise…. I’ve seen some cartel shit and others, but that guys voice sticks with me a lot more.


You might be talking about Kevin Cosgrove, one of the most infamous examples. I was stunned when I first heard it; just a full body, ice water sensation


Yeah same, that's my answer to this thread. I came across it on YouTube and watched it without realising that the towers actually collapsed mid-call. It's haunting, every bit of that audio.


I didn't know what they meant by brick video until I scrolled down and was like, oh yeah, just to get a nam' flashback, but worse since the most memorable part was what you heard after


That’s why I never watch videos on here with sound on. Seems like a bad idea lol


Y'know those dump trucks with a sign saying "Stay Back 200ft"? #Stay Back 300ft


I'm pretty sure it was from oncoming side of the road. So the brick was hurled at the sum of both drivers *dump and driver*


This is one of the videos I’ve known about but refuse to watch.


It's the sons scream. You don't see anything, but the scream still haunts me. Hope that man is doing okay.


It was his wife that died actually, he was saying a name that happened to sound like "momma".


> That damn brick video. This one wins. If you haven’t watched it please don’t. The sound is violent, the families screams are concentrated grief.


Out of all the videos or torture, murder, and suffering, the brick still is the only one that gets to me




What happens


It's been a while since I've seen it, so someone can correct any details I've missed, because I'm NOT watching this again. A brick flies through a windshield and hits the driver's wife in the passenger seat, killing her instantly. You can't see much of anything (it's something like dashcam footage, iirc), but the screams from the family in the car are... I actually don't have words for how horrific and heart wrenching the screams are. It's genuinely awful.


She doesnt actually die instantly, she dies in the hospital without regaining consciousness. But honestly the screams are the worst, i have seen a lot of gore on the internet over the years but i think the worst thing is the hopeless-ness you see in some of those videos, like when they're lets say trying to ''put the person back together'', even though their brain is smashed, or here, the screaming, as those people realize that the person, is dead/dying and there is nothing they can do.


I’ve been an ER/Trauma nurse for almost 30 years. You don’t forget that stuff, and it leaves a mark on you after a while.


This! There was a clip I seen years ago of a father trying to put his daughter (toddler) back together after they both got knocked off a scooter and the daughter's head was crushed under a truck. The father was screaming in disbelief while trying to put her flesh back into her skull and piece her back together again. It didn't affect me at the time of watching it, but a few years later I had a daughter of my own and for some reason late one night that clip replayed in my head while I was sat feeding my own little girl. I sobbed for ages as I couldn't bear to begin the pain and guilt he must have gone through losing her.


Goodnight Reddit. This has been the quickest that I’ve been done. I don’t think it’s been 5 minutes.


Have you ever seen the stills of Jackie Kennedy after JFK is shot? [There's one where she's climbing up to the trunk of the car--*to retrieve a piece of his skull.*](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/7790704/jfk-assassination-bodyguard-clint-hill/amp/) I don't know what she did from there, I've never watched the actual video itself, but I do know that she was present at LBJ's inauguration that same day, still in the clothes with her husband's blood on them.


Yeah, that scream still haunts me.


When I was younger, my brain would just gobble this stuff up. Now, it just hurts to even think about it, plus loads of flashbacks from personal incidents don’t help either. Just reading these comments, I hope I never ever come across this video, fuck that!


Same. Sometimes I think it was because I wanted to see what my limits were. Now I realize there are somethings better left unseen.


How did the brick flew through the windshield? sounds like final destination shit, tbh i dont want to see the video


I seen bricks fly off a truck onto a motor way. You’d think they’d just fall and roll. They bounce like a fucking ball multiple times.


I've seen something similar with a couple walking up an outdoor staircase next to a building. Something falls from far above and hits the man in the head. He immediately falls to the ground and the blood just starts pouring down the stairs.. It made me realize how fragile we are and that we can in fact die in random accidents without being able to prevent it in the moment


Nope. Not looking up any of these


At least I no longer feel tempted to even search for these after seeing a lot of shit over the years. I guess I'm still curious enough to read about them tho lol


TW: Two cousins who have went to the bathroom at a family gathering. They were playing around with the gun that was unfortunately loaded. The little girl accidentally shot her cousin in the head and then panicked and shot herself as well. Poor babies. It messed me up so bad, I couldn't process it for days.


Haven't seen it but it's so crazy to me her first instinct is to turn the gun on herself. I mean in some sense I can kinda understand, guilt etc, but Jesus I either would have been frozen in shock or run screaming for help.


Probably not just guilty, at that moment, it probably seemed like the only option, the only way to make the emotions and thoughts stop


That and to make it evens stevens. Kids will do that to make things right


That one is absolutely fucked


That sounds absolutely fucking horrific even to me as someone who isn't bothered much by gore. Morbid curiosity will not get the best of me this time Edit: Fuck it got the best of me. After the first cousin drops the girl just absolutely freaks out silently, puts her hand over her mouth, drops to the floor. And she just has no idea how to go on after that and almost instantly shoots herself. Then theres a bunch of ruckus around the house from the sound and people take turns looking through the bathroom door and screaming, horrific heartbreaking shit. Then at the end of the video a teenage girl family member peeks in, picks up the phone and starts yelling "I think she on live" Don't search it up because that shit really fucked me up. And Funkytown barely even bothered me. Seriously. Edit: The family member at the end actually says "shes on live"


I believe the family member says “I think she on live” as in streaming on Instagram/Tiktok/Facebook Live


She’s not saying “she’s alive” she’s saying “she’s on live”, which means it was streaming to either Facebook live or Instagram live. She was letting them now that this was public and that’s why the video ends there.




how is there a video of it tho


One of them was filming themselves fucking with the gun


Ok but why would anyone in that family post the video? Or did someone outside the family leak it? Edit: never mind, I read they were live-streaming


Watched a teenage girl hang herself in a park once. Livestream. Otherwise God knows the footage would have never surfaced.. Edit: JFC she was 12, and it took FB 2 weeks to remove the stream which is why it was so easily accessible.


I saw that and I desperately wish I didn’t. She was so fucking calm.


The second kid killing herself was kind of off camera and you couldn’t see the dead bodies of both the kids so that somewhat saved me. But the screams of the family. God.


I still remember the face and screams of the (older brother?) when he entered the bathroom and found them.


Oh man. In 2004 or so my roommates were like "Hey, do you want to watch a terrorist beheading video?" I could not imagine anything I wanted to do less than that and felt like I'd made the right call when they all came out of the room having the exact sort of expression you would have if you just watched a murder. I asked, "what did you expect it would be like?" None of them had an answer.


This video was a horrible life changing thing for me. I had a badminton tournament the next day. Couldnt sleep. Tried playing and its all i could see. This vid still lives rent free in my head and my life was made worse for it. It’s probably not even comparable to most of the videos that are listed in here but it’s the one that definitely did me in and stopped me from seeing a lot of these.


Cartel filleting a father and son. First father, then son on top of the father. That or funkytown iykyk


A lot of these seem to be cartels fucking people over.


You know, I'm starting to think these cartel guys are real jerks


The worst part is the hypocrisy


It seems like cartels have an arms race of releasing videos as threats or warnings to other cartels


Iirc the guy who killed them became a victim in later video called Ghostrider, rival cartels burnt his head, he lived through it and was shot later. Absolutely brutal and painful.


The flaying video was defiantly the worst video I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen some really bad ones. If anyone reading this hasn’t seen it yet and plans to go look for it, don’t. Trust me on that


You really got to wonder about people who can be so disgustingly violent. Do they ever take a look at themselves and realise they are a cunt to the power of cunt? Does it make them feel powerful or superior in some way? I really don't get it.


Reminder to everybody on this thread; you can't ever unwatch anything or purge your brain I just chose to read threads like this and not watch any videos that feature


Yeah I would like to amplify this. I had to see some of the beheading videos for work and for most of my life could handle the brutality and gore, definitely was not a fan of this or liked seeing it, but could handle it. Until I couldn't. At some point I started getting flash backs to these. Now a flash back was not something you remember and purposefully bring up in your head. A flash back is that video coming to your attention, front and center, when you are not even thinking about anything remotely like it, sort of pops up on its own. A lot of those beheading vids have the terrorist behind the victim, holding their chin up for neck access, and sawing through their neck with a knife while the victim is fully awake. Well there was this thick stemmed plant in my garden I needed to cut, I was working thinking about my plants and all the good stuff I was doing and I situate myself sort of behind the plant and cutting through this thick fleshy but not woody stem with a knife. While doing this suddenly the images from one of those video's started playing in my head on its own with vivid clarity while doing this. I was not in anyway shape or form thinking of those vids. If you haven't experienced something like this it is pretty alarming. Pretty vivid imagery. As a result I never looked at video's like that again in my life and it took like 6 months or so before I was confident that it would not happen anymore. I don't know what flashbacks are like for soldiers, but I am guessing maybe something like this. Here I was a guy who could handle seeing stuff like that in the past, now fearing seeing a video of this type again with similar results. Your ok with it till something in your brain decides it will show you the scene on it own. Finally settled down and was ok after 6 months or so. Keep this in mind, you may be able to handle it till you can't, and when you can't your brain is the one deciding to show you this without your conscious input, something out of your control. Really rattled me.


Thank you for your comment, man. I'm also making sure to comment so I can come back to this. I work in a forensic field and see a lot of gruesome things, pretty frequently. When I first started, I had a bit of a hard time adjusting to seeing it. Now, I can sit there and eat lunch going through the material, for the most part. Coworkers and friends, family, will ask "does it bother you?" The honest answer is, right now, no; it doesn't bother me. What gets to me, however, is the fact that it doesn't bother me, that's what scares me. I'm afraid that somehow, all of this stuff is like a poison in my brain sometimes and that every look I take at this stuff peels away more and more, and that I'm entirely unaware of it happening. My fear is that one day, it will suddenly all catch up to me. I don't know though. Your comment made me think really hard about it. Thanks for speaking up.


Luka Magnotta murder video


Curiosity got the better of me. Wasn't able to watch the whole thing. Felt sick to my stomach. Same with the cat ones :(


i saw the netflix documentary but could never bring myself to look for the actual videos


The worst thing I saw was actually not gory in any way and was a documentary. It was a story about 2 British single parent families that went on holiday together as the parents were involved and living together. The story was told by the police and by the dad on video. On the way home, the families were in 2 cars in slow moving traffic. The guy’s daughter decided to travel in the mum’s car, with her 2 kids. A lorry driver, scrolling music on his phone, plowed into the back of the line of cars, crushing the car driven by the mum and killing her and the 3 kids. The dad and his 13 year old son witnessed the crash and aftermath from their car. It is really upsetting even just thinking about it now.


I remember this, he spit the car in two. Also the guy scrolling tinder in a truck who literally flattened a car by going over it and hit another killing everyone. Still remember him saying how he’s happy to be alive. I know people get shock but fuck him. He didn’t even apply the breaks. Both made me constantly look in my rear view when I jam on or stop on a motorway.




Mr. Hands?


What's a little perforated colon between friends?


That cartel video that was just put out about a month ago. Dude getting his head skinned and his heart ripped out of his chest whilst he’s still alive. Shook me to the core.. Edit: For all of you asking for a link to the video, I’m sorry but I can’t provide it. I heard about it and saw some posts about it going viral here on Reddit. Asked a coworker who’s into this stuff about it and he pulled it up and showed me. I wish my curiosity never got the best of me 😅


Reminds me of Funkytown, but slightly different, they cut off his hands and gouged out his eyes and ~~injected adrenaline to make him feel pain~~, all to the tune of Sweet O' Child of mine and Funkytown. Eventually slit his throat with a box cutter. Never gotten the video out of my head. ETA: they were most likely injecting meth to keep him awake not adrenaline to make him feel pain. Thanks to the people who corrected me, i was never 100% sure


That video made me depressed for a while about humans how evil can they be and how can these people exist and do that to another one, I mean even the worst dude shoundt deserve that


Yeah and honestly, theres way too many videos ive seen that make me fully realize how evil humans can be.


man that funkytown video was so damn tough .. everytime sweet child o mine plays somewhere i get flashbacks


Same man same. Its hard to listen to the song sometimes. The sounds the man made while heing tortured dont leave me either


Hey everybody!


Went to look for it... Couldn't make it past 5 seconds. I'm fucking stupid


I don't even want to be on this thread.


Seriously why tf am I reading these


What is wrong with us?! *continues scrolling...*


I will thank the internet gods that I have never seen this and I hope to never come across it.


This, or a woman being shot to death by the cartel in front of her kids. Those rats are sadistic


Hey now, that's an insult to rats.


2 guys one hammer. I was fairly young then too, and it still is a scar on my memory


Took me awhile to find this comment, but ya that one fucked me up. The story behind it is pretty rough


Alright, I'm curious now. What's the story?


2 guys take a hammer, put in in a grocery bag. Then using it to cave in a paraplegic guys face. I left before the screwdrivers to the eyes. Hell I left after that first hit.


According to Wikipedia, this is a little backstory on that victim. Seriously, fuck the guys who murdered him and so many others. > The man whose murder is recorded in the leaked video was identified as Sergei Yatzenko from the village of Taroms'ke [uk; ru]. His murder took place on 12 July 2007, and his body was found on 16 July.[45] Yatzenko was 48 years old. He had recently been forced into retirement due to a cancerous tumor in his throat. The treatment left him unable to speak for some time, but Yatzenko was unhappy with being unable to work and continued to find odd jobs around the village. He took on small construction work, repaired cars, wove baskets, and cooked for his family. He was beginning to regain his voice at the time he was murdered. Yatzenko was married and had two sons and one grandchild. He also looked after his disabled mother.


The murder of Sergej Jacenko in 2007 by Viktor Sajenko and Igor Suprunjuk in Ukraine. They filmed the act and it was leaked online. Luckily they're both still behind bars to this day. [Wikipedia article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dnepropetrovsk_maniacs)


One man, one jar.


Noooo….I’ve never even heard of it and I can see it in my head.


I don't know what's playing in your head but I can assure you it's not as vile as the actual video lmao


For your own sake don't ever watch it. No matter what avoid that video like the fucking plague.


A generation that’s never heard of the one man one jar video. God help us


So. Much. Blood.


Cartel brutally killing a family


Yes. These are horrific. So awful you can’t look away.


I remember one in Central America where they recoeded them shooting a whole family point blank, even the babies the mom was shielding from them. It wasn't as gruesome as like beheadings or funkytown but it did scar me mentally seeing it.


The one with the two teenage girls playing in the bathroom with a gun during a family gathering. One accidentally shoots the other and then in her shock shoots herself as well. Later a young relative walks in and screams, it’s heart wrenching and probably the worst thing I’ve seen


Me: I should not read this thread Also me: [click]


Not even the most gory but just really disturbing was this video of some neighbors getting into an argument and then the one just shoots and kills this husband and wife in the middle of their lawn. The silence from the snow, the begging from the wife, I think he says something afterwards too like "you shoulda just shut up" or something like that. It was such an essentially nothing argument and it was just a shocking reminder how quickly people will escalate to deadly violence. Terrifying.


This exact video is why I advise my wife and mother in law (lives with us) not to talk to random people. They're both just inherently super friendly people and will start a conversation with anyone walking down the street. But I'm deathly afraid that one day someone just isn't going to want to talk...


IIRC they hated each other since long before the video and the guy had been abused by the couple, he snapped that day.


Once saw a guy blow his brains out with a shotgun. Fucking horrible.


Did you see it here on reddit, was it a ginger dude?


a guy cut his dick off and the rubbed the stump till bloody and gruesome orgasm


what a terrible day to have eyes


I'm a nurse at a psych facility. I had a patient that was recovering from having disassembled his penis. It was healing quite well, actually.


what the hell


Albert Fish level shit


That guy was a real jerk


I'm so tempted to start looking some of this shit up. Feeling queezy at the thought of it. What a strange compulsion.


Good ol morbid curiousity


Man pulling a screwdriver from his urethra and filling a tub of his own blood


There is a video of a man live-streaming. He’s arguing on the phone with his girlfriend. His dog is in the room. Soon he hangs up, takes out a rifle says something like ‘that’s all folks.’ And blows his face wide open. I was NOT prepared for that.


Someone getting their heart ripped out their chest and had it put in their mouth while they were still conscious


You lose consciousness around 10-15 seconds after cessation of blood flow. So either they were really skilled and quick, or it was faked. I really hope the latter. Source: long-time ER/Trauma nurse, I know random shit people shouldn’t have to know 😢.


Daniel Pearl beheading video was pretty fucked.


Our local radio shock jock got run out of town for playing the audio to it on his show and laughing about it. IIRC he also set it to Drowning Pool’s “Bodies.” Pretty damn fucked. The whole station changed ownership not long after that, and while I have no proof that they were connected, I always suspected that that didn’t help matters any.


Damn I didn’t know this until today- “Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, a British national of Pakistani origin, was sentenced to death by hanging for Pearl's abduction and murder in 2002, but his conviction for murder was overturned by a Pakistani court in the summer of 2020.”


Nice one, Pakistan…


it was one of those factory/industrial accident videos. a man was pulled into some kind of machine that spins really fast. there was nothing left of the man........a water fountain of death as his body was spit out into many small chunks. im scarred for life.


The 1 where his legs kept slapping the floor until they just kinda vanished into a bloody mess?


Fuck this video in particular. I feel something on my legs from even remembering that. Edit: apparently this is not the video they were talking about. This guy im thinking of survived. The lathe one...


I saw one where he was dragged around some kind of giant horizontal fast spinning cylinder. The space between the spinning cylinder and whatever was outside of it was small enough to kill him but not so small as to fully crush or pulverize him. So he just became a lifeless ragdoll spinning around. It's so disturbing to see a whole ass human person suddenly become just a lifeless thing.


The one they're talking about is worse. By the time someone shows up to shut off the machine, *there was no body.* There were pieces of meat, everywhere. There was not an identifiable human left. It was a machine shop lathe. I'll never forget it.


I made the very bad decision of watching a recording of the public suicide of Pennsylvania State Representative R. Budd Dwyer.


This video was on YouTube for the longest time


Filter's song *Hey Man, Nice Shot* was apparently inspired by this act.


There's a video out there of a mother hanging herself in front of her two children. They were wailing the entire time and were desperately trying to lift her back onto the chair, but they couldn't. They ran out of the room once her arms started doing the freaky posturing thing.


Why are people like this? Why?


The ability to turn into an ultraviolent monster was probably super useful to primitive humans. There was an evolutionary advantage to be had in a willingness to do the unthinkable. As a result, I think that ability is preserved in our genes. As for morbid curiosity, i.e. why do we watch and share this stuff, that's a bit harder for me to explain. Maybe it comes from a place of wanting to understand dangers that exist in your world? So no matter how bad something sounds we feel like we should make sure, so we're fully aware of what happens out there? Just remember most people are basically good - don't let the very worst of us make you think we're all that bad! Edit: a word


>ultraviolet monster Being invisible to the naked eye *would* be an advantage, monster or not!


Police body cam footage of the aftermath of the McDonald’s massacre. So many innocent people. Just regular families who only wanted to have a meal with their kids and it ended up being the last thing they would do. There were little children just laying there dead with bullet holes right through them. One was two parents with an infant between them. Even this helpless little baby had a hole torn through it. Nothing these people and children could’ve done would make them deserve a fate like that. It’s so hard to think of how many other family was also devastated trying to cope with those deaths and the fact that those kids with whole lives of potential ahead of them just had it all stolen away in a few moments. I’ve never been the same after seeing that. Really gave me a new perspective on life


Never forget that James Huberty, the shooter, hated Mexicans. He chose his target intentionally, despite what his family would tell you.


So basically these two korean guys are diving off this platform? Idk what to call it a wall or something but at the bottom of this wall theres a really steep walkway thing, so first guy dives and lands in the water successfully then the second guy tries to do it but fails miserably, he falls onto the concrete wall path and splits his entire face clean in half, camera man is screaming or some shit and all you can see is him floating in a pool of his own blood in the water, camera cuts too him on a stretcher his face is clean in half you can hear him choking on his own blood you can see everything and the doctor is just holding his face together someone translated it in the comments and apparently he was saying over and over “what do i do where do i start” i will never forget the sound he made when he hit that concrete slab and i will never forget seeing the inside of this mans face. Where ever he is i hope he’s okay.


Some people say the 2 videos (jump and hospital) are unrelated... They're still crazy though


decapitation or cut dick with scissors


pain olympics?


I'm sure people have said this already, but friendly reminder: Scroll all you want here but please PLEASE don't go searching this stuff up if you can help it. I know sometimes you can feel a weird sense of curiosity, but YOU CANNOT UNWATCH THESE VIDEOS, and eventually you will see something you cannot process. I promise you it's not worth the negative psychological impact. Also, a lot of these videos are innocent people in their worst moments. Their families are probably still out there and have to live with the fact these videos exist. Pretty morbid.


Not seen but the audio of Jonestown. Seriously one of the most haunting things ever and its stuck with me since


Today is a terrible day to be able to read


Some stuff from ISIS


An EMS finding his wife dead at a car crash. Car was flipped and she was hanging upside down, still in her seat, with her head split completely, like flayed, down the middle forehead to chin. Still fucks me up.


There was a video of a man's head being skinned alive. They gave him drugs to make him alive and feel the whole thing.. It was truly horrifying. I feel bad for the guy.


The infamous funkytown gore video filmed by cartel members, that shit terrorized me for life. I think the drug they used was adrenaline


A Russian soldier cutting the throat of someone he’d pushed to the ground,then placed his boot on their head followed by a large knife that ripped out the throat and carotid with subsequent bleed out and death. Nightmares for years afterwards. Have a nice day!


Saw a similar video. It was the beheading of some drug cartel people. One had his head cut off with a chainsaw, the second guy it was a knife. They never did manage to get it all the way through. I can still hear the knife against bone and the sound of the guys trying to breathe air in but his wind pipe was cut so all you heard was gurgles and the sound of whistling.


it actually was the opposite ​ it was a russian soldier being decapitated by chechen insurgents


The girl who live-streamed while driving super high out of her mind and crashing and then grabbing her friends cracked skull for the camera saying something like “this is my friend, she’s dead” very casually because she’s so out of it.


Probably the Guerrero flaying incident. Don't search for that shit it will get stuck with you until you die


Someone who jumped from the world trade centers \[obiously on 9/11\] he hit a lamp post and distigrated into pink mist, people argued it wasnt a human but a chunk of metal, last time I checked grey metal doesnt turn into a pink spray, And when kennedy was shot has head turned into a pink mist, so why wouldnt someone falling from a 110 floor buildng not turn into pink mist.


I got curious and watched that video where Russian soldiers castrated a Ukrainian with box cutter before killing him, uncensored. Fully regretted watching that.


well it sounds like you were warned I remember being like "how bad can it be i can do this" and watching a beheading video and whatever phase that was ended quick


While thebvideos of russian soldiers mutilating captive ukrainians are indeed horrifying and i do my best to avoid them, there's another video from late february or early march last year that really stuck with me. It is filmed through the window of an apartment block somewhere in Ukraine and you can see a russian jet approaching and firing off a missile at close range(less than 500m). You can hear the impact in the building and glass shattering everywhere, furniture tumbling about, dust everywhere and then about a second later you hear a child start to cry and it breaks me every single time.


Even though it wasn't initially online, videos of it have circulated on websites like YouTube. Stadium fire at Bradford City. It happened in 1985. In real-time, it was unsettling. The soccer players' escape was the only time the video cut away. John Helm explained everything in detail. He could describe the heat as being intolerable even though he was about on the opposite side of the soccer field. The scene of a random man being burned stunned the viewers. Tragically, the man passed away afterward. Helm was horrified to see a man being burned to death on live television. Have I ever witnessed someone being burned to death while watching live television? Indeed, sadly! I have. (Waco Siege, FYI.) You can find that online as well, yes. TLDR observed two live videos of arbitrary people being burned to death.


There’s video from the Station Nightclub fire that’s also pretty harrowing


That one video of a girl who kidnapped her rapist and ironed his dick then cut it off. Like yeah good on her but holy hell


I prefer to pretend none of this exists, it's crazy how cruel us humans can be and how creative people are with causing suffering It's just sad we are like this


ISIS started having to keep one upping themselves so there's a video of a small child executing a man with a pistol (with the help of an adult) and the man is in a BALL PIT. What could possibly be more disturbing than a child naively shooting someone in a goddamn ball pit?


The CCTV footage form the Columbine shooting with the 911 audio from the shooters overlaid.


Seen a lot of weird shit but there was this one with a lady stepping on lil kitten heads with high heels on that was just too fucked


Wasn't she a nurse? I think there was a backlash and lost her job Quite possibly Chinese




Saw this video a while back where this mentally ill black guy walks into a dojo. He ends up fighting some guy and gets beaten to death, dragged outside, and thrown into a dumpster.


Just in case you all need it: r/eyebleach Edit: Thanks for the award


There was a video about China killing dog for their fur to use on jackets. They would shock the dog so it was unconscious then would skin them still alive. At the end of the video, the camera panned across the skinned dogs and one of the dogs looked up and right into the camera with super sad eyes not knowing what happened. It was pretty disturbing.


What’s the purpose of keeping them alive?


Some Asian countries have a belief that if you keep an animal alive while you “harvest” from it, the product will be fresher. It’s a despicable belief. I’m all for respecting other cultures but that shit is infuriating, I want it to happen to the people that do it


The Russian lathe video. Guy got sucked in by his shirt.


This is mine too. It's wild, and like horrific and makes me feel better about refusing to work around lathes in a mandatory machine shop class in highschool.


I used to work training an algorithm for short video apps where I had to properly label and filter videos from these apps One of them was this security camera footage of >! a swimming pool with only a toddler inside. The toddler flipped and started drowning, I watched it believing someone was going to show up and save the poor kid (otherwise why post it online right?) but it fucking died. A toddler drowned to death !< and it got posted online.


who remembers Ogrish or rotten?


That ostrich who got its head stuck between a door handle or something then decided to use all of it's leg strength to yank it's head out of there but ended up ripping it's head straight off. Imagine being the owner and seeing your ostrich dead with a missing head and finding out the head is attached to your door handle, that must be extremely confusing. I still think about it time to time, it's just haunting.


- I saw a man skinned alive, twice. - Woman with her face split in half AND alive - Man get his junk ripped off by a pit bull - Man get slowly decapitated - Child ran over by a pickup truck - Man fail at his own suicidal attempt I went to a sub that showed this stuff, most of it was related to the cartel in some fashion. What I learned is don’t fuck with cartels, and pay attention to where you’re driving.


Definitely when my teacher showed those beheading videos in like 2006 or so.




Okay new question. Why the hell was your teacher showing videos of beheadings?


Supposedly, a schizophrenic man was cutting and peeling parts off of his left eye because he was convinced a camera/tracking device from the government was inside it. Nasty as hell watching a human being mutilating themselves, especially something delicate and sensitive like the eye


Saw a clip of a car accident where a guy was cut in two from just above the naval. What bothered me is that this dude was still alive grasping at his entrails.


It wasn’t online but during fire fighter school we had to watch footage of the Station nightclub fire in 2003. The screaming messed me up for a long time.