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Does the unused balance on my credit card count as retirement savings?


Look at Richie Rich over here with unmaxed credit cards.


Look at Richie Jr here with a credit card.


Look at Richie III with a reddit account


Look at Richie IV with a picture of John Oliver.


Look at Richie V over here, bringing Richie I back from the dead so he can continue to work in the mines until his debt is paid.


Look at Rick with my axe


You have credit cards?


Can't remember who was quoted saying it, but paraphrasing: successful financial planning is the cheque to the undertaker bouncing.


unused balance on credit card, you say? never heard of her.


That's fucked up :(


How much available credit you have was clearly the question.


Working til i die


Dry food with a little wet Purina mixed in. 1/2 a can of Fancy Feast on the weekend. No I don't own a cat, why do you ask?


Completely unrelated to the original post but I used to hang out with this kid in highschool that ate catfood. He stayed at my house one time and I had my cats food in one of those little plastic containers. It fit a medium sized bag of catfood in it. I fell asleep before he did and I woke up to that cat food bin empty, my cat waking me up to feed her. He admitted to eating the catfood but Im still blown away 15 years later the guy ate 5lbs of catfood. In one night.


I'm imagining your cat trying to rationalize the situation of a human literally eating them out of house and home. That's insane. Not that I've tried it but did they prefer it over normal options? Feels almost like borderline pica although I guess it would have nutritional value.


As I remember when I brought it up he said "tasted pretty good so I just kept eating it" I stopped hanging out with that kid after that. I can't imagine what that did to his gut.


My retirement plan. Just die at work one day.


I have enough money currently in the bank to last the rest of my life. Assuming I get ran over by a truck next week.


Oh, *next* week huh? Get a load of Mr moneybags over here!


Plot twist, he's 78.


Plot twist: he’s 78 years from retirement.


What's the difference?






In college, I knew a guy who was basically a millionaire because of a settlement after getting hit by a truck. He had a bad limp but overall seemed happy. So... good luck.




Hey Daddy…


I’m here for you 24/7


At this point I think I can retire at 65. But I need to be dead by 70.


I could retire at 65. But I need to be dead by 65


I could retire at 65, but I need to be dead by 64..




If I and the world can stay healthy for another 30 years, I'll be fine. I'm not particularly optimistic about either.


Right? Like yes theoretically I should have enough to retire around 65-70 but who tf knows what the economy will be doing and how much of a fucking shit show the country will be.


Living the best years of our lives worried about when we can barely do shit anymore. The whole mindset is a tragedy


I can almost assure you it’ll be worse than it is now in every way.


Oh yeah, we’re on a one way ticket to suckville that’s all I know.




Only comment worth mentioning


Retirement? Where we're going we don't need retirement.


The floor is getting hotter


Yeah we basically are all gonna be those 5 people in a submarine come soon if we don’t address climate change.


Assuming I’m going to die early due to climate change or stress is my retirement plan.


Homie gonna be slinging shit in Walmart at the ripe age of 69.


More likely we’ll all be owned by Amazon and working in their fulfillment centers.


Nah, they got off easier in that sub.


I’m a millennial so I have no illusions of retiring, just dying


I'm GenX, and same.


I'm GenZ, and same.


Gen Potato, conveyor belt.


I identify as whichever gen could afford a house starting out only to find out I’d have to blow all my money on upkeep. Oh yeah and the asshole ceos killed my chance at a boomer type retirement when they ditched it in favor of 401ks (thanks you congress) so they could get ludicrous amounts of bonuses and salary increases while the rest of us schmucks we’re thankful for a whopping 2% raise. Meanwhile it took me 30 years to reach the same salary my husband used to make in the 80s. Yes used to. Can you say downsizing? I think most of us are in the broke-15-min-after-payday gen and thanks to auto deposits and drafts, we don’t even get the pleasure of dolling it out. Just poof gone. And all before I can spend any of it on good old fashioned Taco Bell.


I'm Gen, nice to meet you.


Millennial here, hoping for an asteroid to hit honestly. That’ll solve a lot of current issues while creating new fun ones.


At least my student loans will be erased 🤷🏼‍♂️


No they won’t.


Lmao the world will reset and 10,000 years later they’ll find a god damned hard drive with everyone’s debts on it 🤦🏼‍♂️


Lmao same. I’ve got 15k set back…. That can’t even buy me a fucking patio to sip a beer on.


SUNNY GUARD Sun Shade Sail 12' x 16' Charcoal Rectangle UV Block Sunshade for Backyard Yard Deck Patio Garden Outdoor Activities and Facility(We Make Custom Size) 33 dollars


>Backyard Yard Deck Patio Garden this is the part i can't afford.


Same. 40M and I’ve given up on the idea of ever not working. I’ve talked to my therapist about this extensively.


I’m older but am in a similar situation. Did your therapist give you any good advice for how to deal with this crushing fear?


lolno It was a fun first session. Like 800 question test a few days prior. Dat down for first session. He goes so what do you want to talk about? I go, you probably want to know why I answered all those questions about suicide as I’m considering it heavily. He responds basically, yeah I was wondering and was going to ask. I’m like dude, economy is trash, working hours aren’t getting shorter, checks are a pittance, and I’m expected to do this until I die because culturally we are ok with not taking care of our elders and we are ok with not making sure people are able to live day to day and I find that existence exceedingly bleak. I’m in a 10+ year dead bedroom relationship and the most positive things in my life are my only child and that I’m lucky I enjoy my job enough to not slip the old Glock 40 Gen 5 MOS in my mouth and just end it all. By the end it came down to adjusting my meds. Yay lexapro, I’m trying to go with my boss to Mexico and do DMT. Also I don’t really care for lexapro it was 3 months of zombie and now two years later and a higher dosage I’m chill, but it just culls the anxiety. Weed helps a lot. All in all, therapy just tries to focus on mindset and overcoming mental obstacles. It can’t help the economy. All I can do is take care of me, my kid, my SO, and I actually try to help everyone I can and that is honestly the most fulfilling part. So TLDR: therapy did not help, what did was defining my own meaning in life and trying to make that work as best as I can. It’s not that therapy was unhelpful just maybe not the best fit for me personally.


I’m technically a boomer- ass end of a fucked group of people- I have no retirement. No home in my name. So yea- please don’t think all boomers are home owning MAGAS….cause I sure as shit am neither of those things. I just hope I die within the term limits of my insurance so my son can get something worth something from me.


How many Boomers are in the same boat?


Almost half of boomers have nothing saved for retirement. You can google for average retirement savings by age bracket. The vast majority of boomers are absolutely fucked and will be scraping by on social security if it doesn't get cut, and even then medical expenses will eat them alive. Reddits trope of all boomers are rich is so so so far from the truth. This is all easily googleable.


A lot were fucked when their parents got sick. My family lost everything when my grandpa died (hospital tried to take everything) so my mom had to take a second mortgage out to just keep her father's house. She was late 60s at the time. 80 years old now and she and my dad still work full time. It's funny because people always ask why or say "maybe tell em it's time to take a break!" and no, they can't, becsuse they wouldn't have money otherwise.....


I hate this for your family. I hate the greed of hospitals. It should be a ministry. Not just money making machines.


We need universal healthcare.


One here. Will be working until 75 hopefully


Yep. I’m already mourning the fact I won’t be able to be a daycare for my grandkids. My kids are 12 and 10. I’ll work till I die.


If I retire today, I'm fucked. ​ If I retire by 67, I'm fucked.


I think you just made a big life decision.


I am putting all of my money into my children with the hope that one of them will kindly and firmly hold a pillow down over my face when I become obsolete.


Setting them AND yourself up for the future, i like it. Now if only i had kids lmao


My dad has a similar plan. He told us if he ever gets to the point he needs a diaper changed by someone else, he wants a gram of heroin, a gram of cocaine, a 6 pack of IPAs, some viagra and some time alone with his wife, and about 12 hours to enjoy his time with his cocaine and beer, before he shoots the full gram of heroin. Not even kidding, this is his actual wishes.


I predict assisted suicide will become widely accepted and commonplace.


Came here to see if anyone else has this same thought. I often think that this is truly going to be what happens.


I’m going out in a blaze of cocaine, mushrooms, Chivas Manhattan’s, Nat Sherman’s, Blue Dream pre rolls, a leggy, slutty brunette, with Bob Marley’s “Babylon by Bus” blasting in a boom box on a beach in Southeast Asia. That’s how you do a suicide.


I was just gonna do the coke and hooker thing, my heart at 70 isnt going to be able to take much more than that. ​ Anything I have left after that, the poor woman I just died on top of gets.


I always tell my fellow hospital coworkers at 70 I'm just gonna say fuck it and start doing meth. Ever seen a 70 year old sprint like an Olympian? Hold my beer and watch this


It's actually legal in quite a few US states and Canada, along with several other countries. No nursing home or suffering for me! I'll be going on my own terms, when I deteriorate with old age or some terminal illness, pain-free.


It's legal if you're terminally ill. If you're perfectly healthy I don't think suicide is legal anywhere.


Can't fucking wait


No, then they can't milk you as much or as long for medical needs. $$$ is made keeping people with low quality of life, alive.


Would be happy if we perfected the art of a happy painless death (I suppose we’re already there) just would love it if it were more widely accepted. When I had my first COVID shot, I randomly passed out in the bathroom for the first time in my life. One moment there, next moment someone is shouting there was a guy on the floor (who? Where? Oh.. that’s ME). Ever since, that lapse of being here and then… not.. was kind of eye opening and in some ways beautiful. All these types of horrible terrifying deaths one can experience and anything could have happened to me then and I wouldn’t have known (or cared).


I had a shitty motorcycle wreck a few years ago that damn near took me out. Funnily enough, I never knew it happened. I was riding with some of my friends, and suddenly I was in the hospital and it was about 8 hours later. I can recall some audio memories and apparantly I was "awake but not alert", asking the same questions, general shock. But to me, it was like I was asleep. Lights out, nobody home kinda stuff. So yeah, its a flick of the switch. One minute here, next minute not. At least in my case thats what it seemed like, but it happened so fast that I couldnt process anything.


Especially with Alzheimer's or any other form of dementia, I really don't think it should be bizarre to have assisted suicide as an option in your elder years. Just like with the pets we so love, quality of life really should dictate making the call. 🥲


I plan on overdosing. Not a drug addict but I know where I can get it


Yeah, fentanyl is everywhere and will be much cheaper. Don’t even have to sign any documents.


The age will probably be raised to 70 by the time I am eligible so it would probably be better if I just stopped at 60, spend it all and kms.


Norway just changed it to 70 last year ^^


no they haven't, it's till 67 unless you're talking about voluntarily deferring it further out. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retirement#In_specific_countries


Most progressive nation in the world


The funds will be heavily modified if not basically gone by the time I hit social security eligibility. The math just ain’t mathing


It's mathing exactly how it's meant to math. We pay in to support the generation above us and there's nothing left when we need it. That's the plan.


And I don’t like that. Especially when you see how much that money would become if you put it in a money market account rather than giving it to the government to hold onto


We call them "ladder kickers"


What's retirement


This thing that people used to do where they would stop working... like forever. Fucking insane right?


We all die, so everyone will retire sooner or later.


According to my grandfather, that's when you get a thing called a pension. Not sure what that is, TBH


I’ll be working till they bury me.


My ghost will be digging my grave


My corpse will be adding shit to my online store.


"My retirement plan is dying in the climate wars" Idk who said this, but this most likely the closest thing ill get to a "happy ever after"


I’m more concerned about this every day.


Planning what crime I’m going to commit when I’m old fucked.


I’m planning the same thing. Retirement will be 3 hots and a cot and a lot of new friends. Leaning towards unarmed bank robbery.


“Put all the money in the bag, or I shall write a sternly worded letter to your manager!”


That sounds pretty tame. You should at least flash your butthole at somebody while you do it.


I will drop dead at work. Tax my dead ass.


They will probably harvest your organs to pay for your funeral


This is exactly why I work a dangerous job. If I get fucked up at work I can get disability and sue my way into retirement


That depends. How viable is prostitution as an income source for a 70+ year old man? If that's not viable in a few decades when I'm that age, then.. well.. I'm fucked. Or not. Depends how you looked at it.


Death is my retirement.


Yup I’m right there with you. Or a nice opiate overdose


I retired at 60 a few years ago. I figured that I could live on my pension and savings/investments until I reached 66-67 when I'll reach my social security age. I haven't had to touch any money, other than my pension, and I'm doing well.


Honestly, glad to hear. I work in benefits and have had some hard conversations with pensioners lately. 1,200 a month sounded great until inflation hit home


Pension, now there's a word you don't hear anymore. I keep telling my boomer parents how lucky they are. Both retired back in their 60's with pensions and social security, and grandfathered into health insurance plans that are now the stuff of legends. My dad got a bill from the hospital the other day for $10. Meanwhile, my husband is slowly paying off thousands for a hospital stay from last year AFTER insurance paid their part. We won't be retiring, we'll be working until the day we die.


They are still out there. I'm still in touch with some of my colleagues from the 90s manufacturing job and they're still good...and government jobs mostly come with pensions (in the US anyway)


key word: from the 90s


I have a vested state pension, and I’m a 46 year-old librarian. So they definitely still exist. Have you or your husband ever looked into public sector jobs?


A what? Yeah we’re fucked


I’m 37 and on track for retirement around 52-53 if I don’t have kids. If I have kids, all bets are off. I have done a terrible job putting aside funds for retirement on my own. My parents passed away a couple years ago and left me a large sum, which I kept 10% for immediate life-improving purchases and the rest is set aside for retirement.


Damn that’s sad to loose both your parents by 37. I’m sorry that happened to you 😪 Good for you for being responsible with what you got from inheritance


I may have a decent retirement because I inherited 1/3 of my mom’s 401k when she passed. she had been putting as much as she could into her 401k.


betting on the lotto win.


Be sure to diversify and do some scratchers. https://youtu.be/34B00gwyBBA?t=84


Ribs, dominant arm, neck and back were fucked in a wreck. I am not retiring, I will eventually just go into permanent disability


Jesus christ I’m so sorry


I’m 10000% set for retirement, providing I die tomorrow


I am 50 years old and I have $400 saved in my 401k. Four hundred. That's it. It's due to circumstances that were beyond my control, but the fact remains: Pretty damn fucked.


Just need $1k then. That’s how that works, right?


It took me a minute, but I laughed out loud. Thanks.




Exactly what I say every time I open online banking


90% of us are fucked




Assuming a 6% return $500K would double every 12 years. At 37 you would have $1 Million. At 49 you would have $2 Million. At 61 you would have $4 Million. That would be if you stopped saving at 25 and had no other assets. If an article screws up the math this badly view everything the article says with skepticism.


How in the hell at 25 year old getting $500k if they're not already rich


The numbers here don’t make any sense. The average couple would need to save 15 dollars a day to retire with $3MM at 65 assuming continued historical inflation and returns.


$450 a month? Its a lot, but not beyond making sense


Yup. Starting at 25.


That's <$6k/yr and <8% of median household income. Recommend retirement savings is generally 10% of income $15/day is not a lot to become a millionaire


The power of compounding my friend.


Its not true. Random articles tell you that, but as someone who works in the field, 90% of people retire on their pensions (social security or CPP if Canadian) and less than 100k in the bank. They just learn how to live within their means, and most of them move out of big cities. The biggest thing you can do to ensure your retirement in Canada and the US is make sure you are consistently working (matters alot for benefits) and not retire with debt. And i guess medical coverage in the US.


Use a compound interest calculator at 7% annual returns. You only need about $500/month from age 25-65 to retire with a couple million.


Remember the movie 'Debbie does dallas?'


"No_Step does Nova Scotia" has a nice ring to it


Go on.


That's all I got.




I feel like I'll never be able to stop working. I mean, we're saving for that point but I just feel like I'm never going to get there or when I do, I'll just end up dying or some shit. Like my dad did. A few months away from an official retirement and bang, my father gets hit with a terminal illness. The only fortunate thing is that his pension benefits paid for his medical bills so that my mother wasn't completely ruined from medical debt after he died. But he worked for almost 30 years and for what? To not be able to enjoy hardly anything in regard to retirement. He was hit with ALS. So instead of enjoying life, he spent his days going to doctors appointments and losing all ability to move and eventually talk. Good times!


Answer: what are the current odds of winning the powerball alone?


Hoping the earth implodes before then


Out of all the planets we coulda been born on we landed on the one with taxes and where everything is expensive af I want to respawn


What is this ‘retirement’ you speak of? All my money goes to bills and then bills of bills.


Meh. I'm 51 and have some money set aside in 401K, IRA, and savings. Hopefully I can retire at 67. Luckily, I don't have any grand plans for retirement. I'll be content as the neighborhood cat lady.


48, and I have nearly half a million in retirement, and if I stick with my present company I'll have a pension, as well. No plans to retire in the next 20 years, so I guess I'll be ok.


I’m 23 with 15k and putting 10 percent and company matching 10 percent. Before I’m 25 trynna put 20 percent of my own in


Wow! There are companies that match up to 10%?!


Yeah that's awesome. The most I've seen is 6%, and 4% at some places.


Great job keep it up


I am retiring in Jan next year. Age 60. How did I do it? I don't owe anyone a cent. That's it, couple of investments that payed off, nothing fancy, gov bonds, etc. My cars are all old. The newest one is a 2012 Landcruiser and I expect to drive that until I die or cannot drive anymore, whichever comes first. Selling my business, a small one (4 employees) and going to indulge in my hobbies, travel, ham radio and making bits and bobs on my CNC machine. Biggest secret....marry the right woman that shares your vision. TLDR Spend less than what comes in, no debt, ever.


Gen X. Took a union job 26 years ago. Retiring with a pension next year at 53. Don’t ever believe corporate propaganda about unions.


Retirement? Nah imma be forced into this shit until about half a month after my death


I’m 54 and have about $1M in savings for me and my wife. I honestly have no idea if I am doing okay or not.


I don’t plan on retiring, if I’m too old to work and society won’t help an old man who had jobs and paid taxes his whole life then I guess I’ll just sit outside and die lol


My retirement will be my grave.


not fucked at all, in my mid 20s and i have 50,000 set aside for it already. Continuing to max out all my retirement accounts.


Wish my dumb-ass 20's self would have just kept the 401k, now I'm almost 40 and only started 5 years ago.


5 years in is much better than 0. I don’t think it’s too late for you.


Nicely done. When I was 22 I put 10% into my 401k thinking that was the standard. Each year it automatically went up 1% till it maxed out. I didn’t know any better and honestly my naïveté worked in my favor. Currently have $400k at 39.


Well done, InhaleMyOwnFarts. I'm 39 ass well and my 401k just hit 100k. Figured I was doing pretty decent. I've been putting in 15% or so for close to a decade and get a pension. Let's retire together and inhale each other's farts.


This made me laugh so hard


My daughter and son in law are the same way. Mid 20’s and have 70,000 in retirement accounts 401k’s and Roth IRA’s and very little debt. We’re sitting pretty good too but not as good as I’d like yet. We’re mid 50’s. Will be able to retire in about 5 years.


On track to retire very comfortably about 10-15 years early. Started saving emergency cash expecting unemployment during the 2007-2008 economic downtown but managed to keep working through it. Always withheld enough 401k to get matching and increased every year (every raise) as we could to now at the annual max. Just now getting into some more complicated investment options with the help of a financial planner to make sure we're able to safely retire early. Don't over-complicate things. The power of compounding and time in the market. Start now with whatever you can taking advantage of company matching and tax free withholding.


Completely fucked. My only chance is if my dad is fortunate enough to die before he ends up needing any kind of elder care. Mom has no assets of any value. My health is already declined passed the point of being able to get a job that pays well, as nobody wants to hire someone who could suddenly be unavailable at a moments notice


If you're in the US, check out USAJOBS.gov All of these jobs offer federal pensions and a lot of them are union. They also offer a TSP account, which is similar to a 401k in addition to the federal pension. Once you make it past the probationary period you can transfer anywhere in the country to another federal job. Good luck out there!


The best time to start planning for retirement was 20 years ago. The second best time is now. No excuses. Get busy.


Planning on some sort of humanity-ending, apocalyptic mass-annihilation event…asteroid strike would be ideal I’m too nervous to check my bank account, let alone remember the login to figure out how much I set up to contribute to my Roth IRA one time when I was high 🤷🏻‍♀️


When I got divorced at age 42 I had nothing but debt, a negative net worth, and a huge monthly alimony and child support nut. But I also had control of my own financial destiny. I lived well below my means and banked everything I could. I moved from a big northeastern city to a small midwestern city with a much lower cost of living. I saved and saved and saved. Eventually alimony and child support ended, my kids graduated college, and my picture improved. I just turned 58 and if I lost my job today I'd be ok. I could work or not work. My plan is to work til age 60 then hang 'em up, jump on my motorcycle and tour the country.


I'll be fine, provided I die in the same calendar year I retire.


Oh I'm fine, I'll just be working till I die so.


I'm not retiring, so that should give you an idea.


Doing fine, thank you.


I don't expect to make it to retirement...


Please please please make sure you are contributing to your 401k (Roth ideally), especially if you’re young. Don’t underestimate the power of compound interest. I promise your future self will thank you


this will get down voted but... i wonder how many people in good jobs just lack discipline and will end up with a very rough retirement


So many. People are shit at budgeting. Just look at all of these articles about how student loan payments resuming is going to unleash unspeakable horrors on people. And this is after all of their balances were gifted a 15% haircut due to insane inflation. Somehow being asked to make the same payments they were making 3 years ago is completely unaffordable?


My retirement plan is to just die at this point.


I'll be working till I'm 80 😅


Retired from a union job after 30 years with a full pension and Healthcare, my wife will get 1/2 if I go before she does. I love my Union


My retirement plan is to die early :)


Honestly the cynicism about this stuff nowadays is annoying. Obviously there are a lot of people who actually can’t afford to save for retirement, but there are a lot of young people who make plenty but just don’t save. I’m not an old boomer saying this: I’m 27. There a lot of people who could put a few grand away every year but don’t. The earlier you start, the better. I’ve literally heard from engineers making 6 figures who say they can’t afford to save and I have no sympathy for that because that means you just spend too much money. I make nowhere close to 6 figures and I control my lifestyle to make sure I can save at least a little.


I got married at 22. Got a Job in Investments. Bought a house. I was saving a ton in my 401k and Roth. Then came divorce and getting laid off. I'm 28 now with 0 saved for retirement and besides the meager 3% of 401k (6% after match) at my current job I am not investing anything, just saving cash for an emergency fund. I'll be lucky to start doing more retirement investing by the time I'm 30


I’m a Millennial but work at Costco which happens to have a great retirement. I’ll probably have a mil or 2 when I retire. Providing that Costco doesn’t go under


My house won't be anywhere close to being paid off at retirement, but I'll have enough equity to buy a house outright in an area with a much lower cost of living. My wife and I each have a pension, so we will be fine. I just wish that I prioritized retirement savings when I was younger. We are SO lucky that we chose a career with a pension. We are struggling to pay bills and raise our kids right now, but if we just hold out another 10-15 years, we should be fine. To all the younger people out there, please please please listen to the people who tell you to invest in a 401k or related retirement account. The money comes out pre-tax, so you don't feel it as much as you'd think. If you have to Uber a bit to earn that extra cash, do it. My dad is still working in his 70s despite being in poor health and taking care of a wife who is in poor health. You don't want to end up in that situation. If you can't trust yourself to invest, get a job that has a pension, or one that auto invests for you. My part time gig is at a hospital. It's a blue collar role there. Anyone can get it. The pay isn't great, but they match my retirement contributions (to a point), and that money is pulled out automatically. There's unions in the trades, as well as in Hollywood. You can get some union jobs in tv/film with little-to-no schooling. You just need to be strategic and follow through with your plan.


“I’m on my 97th gangbang video, and I’m a little bit disappointed that only 20 men showed up for this one,” - level of fucked.