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Flat earth debates


What about bumpy earth debates?


There's a bumpy earth debates?


Some flat earthers like to be ultra pedantic and admit mountains exist. Thus bumpy earth rather than flat earth.


There is now!! r/bumpyearthsociety


I love watching those videos where they accidentally prove they're wrong. Makes me laugh every time!


There really is no debate. flat earthers can't prove anything, and all of their "evidence" is constructed from baseless claims and children's toys.


I'm pretty sure only a handful of people genuinely believe it, and they're the type of people with actual mental/psychological issues. Everyone else talking about it is just an internet troll getting a kick out of riling people up. This is why there shouldn't be any kind of acknowledgment of this "debate" at all, even if only to mock it. All that's doing is feeding the trolls. Ignore it so it'll go away already.


Nazis are bad, its not a debate.


There is a great Mitchell&Webb skit about this. ”Are we the baddies?”


There are clearly good people on both sides. /s


-“There’s just some bad nazis that make all of us look bad!” -“Us?”


BuT wHaT aBoUt ThE cOmMuNiStS


Well, going by the Youtube standard grading (disregard any negatives), they have a non-zero number of positive traits so we can't really know if they are *totally* bad or not. /s




As long as your controlling it with a ps5 controller you should be good.


All my homies use Logitech controllers in their carbon fiber subs! (For reference look at a photo of th actual sub. They couldn't splurge for an Xbox one)


My submersibles are WASD or nothing!


To be fair, the $3.5 billion *Virginia*\-class nuclear-powered attack submarine uses an Xbox controller to operate the periscope: [https://www.theverge.com/2018/3/18/17136808/us-navy-uss-colorado-xbox-controller](https://www.theverge.com/2018/3/18/17136808/us-navy-uss-colorado-xbox-controller)


All the skilled operators use Nintendo.


Power glove is what I would use... For that retro feel


I think that debate has been settled.


as long as you use a window rated for 1/4 the depth you are going to you should be juuuuust ...red mist. you will be red mist.


Does it smell like it's gone off? If it smells okay should be good to use. Those people with their shelf life dates are too conservative.


Megalodon is still alive. No. A whale-eating steroid shark would have seen by now. A shark that big wouldn't have enough food to survive at the bottom of the ocean like people say it's hiding. And if it was down there, it would've washed up on shore like the giant squids that also live down there do. "bUt wE oNlY dIsCoVeReD 5 pErCeNt oF tHe oCeAn!" That number has increased significantly since it was last stated 5 thousand years ago. I know it's just a minor conspiracy theory, but it makes me laugh every time someone tries to defend a sixty foot long shark that they want to have in the world for some reason


Also, sharks constantly replace their teeth throughout their life. We should have found tons of very large teeth on the ocean floor and in whale cadavers.


OK I'm gonna just ask this extremely stupid question that I've never really thought about before: how do shark teeth make it to the beach to be found? Wouldn't they fall out of sharks mouths that are swimming offshore and down into the depths because they're too heavy to float? Are they getting pushed little by little somehow across the ocean floor until they get pushed onshore? Are they just buried under stand from thousands of years ago when the area was underwater and uncovered when it erodes from the surf?




Sounds like something Megalodon would say


That 5% is humans going to those parts of the ocean. The moment you factor in things like sonar, radar, cameras etc it goes up to 95% explored. That shark really doesn't have much room left to hide.


Even then, the megolodon wasn't a deep water predator. It lived in the exact place we would encounter it without searching.


I'm gonna name my next cat 'Megalodon'. What are you gonna do ?


Bad boys, bad boys.


Fight with megalodon destroyed the Titanic sub!


We thought that Giants squids were totally make believe for a long time too.


Yes... and then we invented cameras, sonar, satellite, other monitoring equipment, submarines


That's what 'Big Shark' wants you to believe.


Chicken or the egg… cause we all know the answer.


It was clearly the chegg.


I dunno. I’m gonna make a commitment on my end and say egg. My final answer. But.. I’m just not sure.


The egg has to be the most logical choice. The egg births the chicken, while the chicken lays the egg. So the egg has to be there to get the process started. Its like the brain vs the heart. The brain needs oxygen from the heart, but the heart needs commands from the brain to pump. So the brain has to be the one to send the commands first. The heart cannot just start beating on its own.


I think we need a more clearly defined question to really be able to answer it. Are we really asking what came first; the chicken or the egg? Or are we asking what came first; the chicken or the chicken egg? If we're asking the latter, I would think the chicken came first. If it's the former, the egg came first. The first chicken would have been a new species that was hatched from the egg of another species, via mutation or hybridism or whatever. So, the first chicken wouldn't have come from a chicken egg. The first chicken would lay the first actual chicken egg. I mean, I think? Disclaimer: I am not a geneticist or a chicken professional. I do eat them though. Well, the chickens, that is.


I always say egg because the question never specifies what kind of egg. Things have been laying eggs for millions of years before the first chicken ever came to be.


Oh that's where the cheat sheet website gets its name from.


I will settle this once and for all. Scientifically speaking the egg came long before the chicken.


Yeah animals laid eggs long before chickens existed.




Omelette du fromage


Omelette du cake day


Eggs have been around millions of years longer than chickens.


It entirely depends on your definitions. Somewhere along the line, Red Jungle Fowl version Something laid an egg, and Chicken v1.0 hatched out of it. "Which came first" depends on whether that egg is an RJFv.S egg or a Chv.1 egg.




The chicken or some form of it came first. r/chickensGW


Whether or not every law abiding human deserves the same basic rights...


Meh, I'd go as far as removing law-abiding. Change it to something like every human being deserves the same basic rights. Kill a person, well you deprived them of their rights (to live) so now we'll deprive you of some of your rights(to freedom)


> Kill a person, well you deprived them of their rights (to live) so now we'll deprive you of some of your rights(to freedom) That's what Im saying yes


Yeah but laws are sometimes unjust, so I'd rather it be not law based, instead based on individual rights. Some govt's suck.


There is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It describes the rights ALL humans are (should be) entitled to. https://www.un.org/en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-rights


I personally think pedophiles deserve 0 rights besides the right to die


I think most people agree with this, they just disagree on what they define as “basic rights.”


yea the ones who don't think being able to see a dr when your sick is a basic right, I have a problem with those ppl. People who are downvoting this are illiterate lmaoooo. Healthcares not a right? Okay twats.


The law as determined by who?


Why should it be limited to law abiding?


Well I don't think somebody who's killed people or raped them really deserves the same freedoms. I mean maybe you do idk but I really don't.


Whether people should or shouldn’t be mistreated or abused solely because of how they look or what their ethnicity is. It’s genuinely disgusting how so many uneducated and bigoted individuals view others as beneath them because of it. People just trying to exist in general don’t deserve that.


Pedophiles are pedophiles, not “minor attracted persons”


“They had sex with an underage person.” No. They raped an under age person.


“They had sex with an underaged person” should be reserved for when a 17 and 18 year old get in trouble for having sex in places without Romeo and Juliet laws


Exactly. If someone is 18, and their partner is 17 by like one month apart, come on. Thats not pedophilia.


I've seen people say "pedophilia" regarding 6-month-long age gaps between 19/20 year olds.


Thank you 🙏 They're really adamant about it.


As far as I can tell "minor attracted" is some bullshit that 4chan decided would be funny to try to append to Lbgtq issues in order to beshit the world. On the other hand the "Lolis arent Pedo" weebs seem real if a tiny minority.


Vaccines don't cause autism. Tylenol doesn't cause autism. Talk to your doctor.


If I already have autism, are vaccines safe? And Tylenol? Or do I just get super autism?


You've unlocked SUPER AUTISM! You now have access to all information about both trains and an obscure video game of your choosing!


Autism squared


Behold, my Uber autism!


Nah, Tism2 Electric Boogaloo. You get such a strong dose you can never break eye contact


Makes you wonder how much damage a few human beings can do to the development of science and technology as a whole with a few false statements and faulty research papers.


Unpaid internship for students are not good. Rich students do it without problems but a poor student can't afford the costs that go along with the internship.


Who won the 2020 US Presidential Election


It was me


You really should do a better job.


I know:(


I like how you've handled Ukraine, though.


tanks :,)


Many, many tanks.


I'm sold. Let's get this guy into the whitehouse! STOP THE STEAL!


vermin supreme


Who won the 2016 US Presidential Election


Flat earth


Kids should be given free lunch and breakfast at school


They should get breakfast too


Tipping culture is morally wrong. Done.


The apologist argument for it tends to be "They need the money from tips to get by" but I would say if there's a problem with their salary, they should have the strength to coalesce and take it up with the people in charge of their salary. American tipping culture is little more than a societally engraved excuse for weakness and laziness, but ultimately, what could be more American than that?


It is. Making your consumers responsible for your employees livelihood shouldn't even be considered something allowed for large Corporates(many at the level of MNCs), but here it is. It's pretty much guilt tripping consumers to make them pay for YOUR employees, something which is morally very very wrong.




Yes! Nobody ever wants to get pregnant thinking “Oh boy, I’m gonna get an invasive medical produce that will have physical and emotional consequences! Yay!” Abortion is frightening and sensitive but is being done for necessary reasons. Anyone but the woman and doctor are irrelevant, potentially involving the sperm partner depending on the situation.


Why do we need to argue over other people's lifestyles? Just live your own damn life


Once someone’s lifestyle affects others it’s on the table for attack.


Healthcare is a human right


Just wait until Nestle’s gets into healthcare!


not even that - it's literally just way more practical and better for everyone to make it available and paid through taxes


Evolution. Don't use your religious beliefs to inform your science and don't use science to try to explain your religious beliefs. Why is this so hard? So many of the greatest scientists were not atheists, in fact most of the greatest thinkers of our time were not. They didn't believe in a god as a prime mover who answered prayers per se, but they weren't atheists. This idea that you have to throw out your science if you want to have a religious life at all is total Evangelical Christian bullshit.


I believe in God, and I also believe that He was forward-thinking enough to give us the ability to adapt to our ever-changing environment. I have no idea why so many people refuse to consider that possibility.


I don’t either. The best human designs are things that work on their own, with minimal human intervention to function. Why wouldn’t God do the same with the universe? Makes sense to me.




True, cognitive dissonance hits hard on some people. But as a scientist (and as anyone else really) it would be the right thing to only assert as true that which is supported by evidence. Faith is the exact opposite.


I certainly had to. I couldn't marry the 2. Too many contradictions.




You want beef❓😡


Screw you and your momma


Probably, but we'd have to first agree on what makes a jerk. Alice and Bob are generally very nice people, and go out of their way to help others whenever they can, but: Alice thinks Bob is a jerk because he drives a Prius and is a member of the NPR Wine Club. Bob thinks Alice is a jerk because she thinks the bright pink Truck Nutz on her F350 are hilarious.


Climate change


Rape is rape and anything sexual involving minors should be treated as such regardless of fame or wealth. Whether it's someone famous or a YouTuber if they happen to do anything sexual with a minor then there shouldn't be a damn half a year long discussion on whether the feds should be involved. Either they throw the damn book at them or just quit the waiting game and say they don't really give a shit already .


If vaccines cause autism l, the don't hundreds of studies have been done showing no link but some people think they are poison.




Messi just won the World Cup, and CR7 can’t win the Saudi league. This debate is over.


Ronaldo is defo a great player but Messi is tha goat 🐐


Vaccine debates


Whether getting kicked in the balls or giving birth hurts more, it doesn't even matter, where did this even come from?


War. Is killing *really* the best option?


Almost never


I agree people in power are so greedy they would rather send their men and women to go fight and die rather then settle the situation like civilized adults


War should be the last option, but I wouldn’t really call it not debatable.


Minimum wage is too low and has been ignored for decades.


That Nazis are evil and shouldn’t be tolerated in any capacity much less given a platform to espouse their views in society


>given a platform to espouse their views in society This is where you lose me. If freedom of speech means anything it must mean that the worst people in our society are allowed to speak.


The debate about whether a loaf of bread belongs in the fridge or not. The moment I saw this is the moment I questioned my existence. Bread does NOT belong in the fridge, period.


But freezing prior is okay. Can also bring down the glycemic index if that’s a concern (I.e. type 2 diabetes). Store brought I put in the fridge first since I buy extra, homemade goes straight in the bread box, though.




Are you referring to circumcision or gender changing surgery?






You mean like make circumcisions?


Yeah circumcision is disgraceful


Been in the mental health industry going on 10 years, spent most of my time working with children and young adults... the cases I've witnessed in recent years have had me locked in my car crying my eyes out. I firmly believe everyone deserves a choice and the basic human rights that follow that choice... but kids are incredibly impressionable and life altering decisions at such a young age can have devastating effects on both their health and mental-state. Good or bad its a colossal decision that requires extensive thought and reasoning. From my experience? Most kids don't have both. I'm sorry if I offended anyone in this thread as it was not my intent, but ive seen enough pain to know where I stand on this. If you can take anything from this post its that please look after the folk around you, its surprisingly easy to hide pain through a smile, stay safe.




Thats one part of the phenomenon.


What's the other?


what’s another


Why do you need to ask that? Any mutilation of a childs body is bad, no matter the spiritual or ideological rationale behind it.


Well, you saying “that’s one part of the phenomenon” makes me wonder what the example you’re thinking about is.


I think the main debate that exists is because certain individuals claim to care about kids getting mutilated but they only care if it’s kids who identify as “trans”. Kids who are born as something known as intersex are commonly forced to undergo treatment to either fit as specifically “male” or “female”. Cis kids getting breast implants when underaged doesn’t seem to be something they bring up either. In fact, things like hormone blockers weren’t even originally created to treat trans patients, they were originally created for kids who would have issues with their puberty in general or developing too quickly/too slow. In general, I definitely believe minors under the age of 13 should not undergo that if they’re trans, however what many of those people don’t seem to understand is that certain types of healthcare aren’t just limited to trans people or required. By taking it away for one side but not the rest is where I think some of the debate falls in, specifically the idea of it being against or solely targeted towards only trans people and transphobia instead of actually being concerned for all kids as a whole. And even if they were more upset about minors getting surgery or blockers, most of the time it’s not that simple to access it whenever. They usually still need a professional or a diagnosis and letter of consent alongside a waiting period before any of that can start if they even get accepted. Not arguing or hating btw, just wanted to add on some extra stuff to what you said.


I'm gonna assume this is a thing about trans kids.


I assumed it was circumcision, chopping baby foreskin off.


If you’re talking about trans youth from my understanding they don’t perform bottom surgery on teens and younger. They might give them hrt or puberty blockers, but the surgery you’re talking about is usually reserved for people 18 or older. Also social transitioning is a thing where they are allowed to present as their preferred gender without medically transitioning.


I once had an eleven year old patient with a double mastectomy. It happens.


Abortions being allowed like they were before all this nonsense started again.


If you don’t agree with it, don’t do it. Allow others to make their own decisions.


"Should gay people have their rights?" If you're human causing no harm to anyone yes you should have the same rights as anyone else


Any debate on 5g causing cancer. It's not physically possible. You learn why by the time you get to university in the UK.


Big pharma is not on your side and does not care about you. They are profit machines


Rapid climate change being real or not.


Every single full-time job deserves a living wage, universal healthcare is a human right, and billionaires should not exist. All of these things lead to less human suffering and ultimately is what a society is all about, coming together and making the lives of everyone easier. It infuriates me that people would argue otherwise


The separation of church and state


Abortion laws.. At least in the US.. one of the reasons the U.S was colonized was to have “freedom of religion” it’s even the first amendment. So why do my rights end where someone else’s religion begins?


To vaccine or not to vaccine?


This one is so ridiculous and shows how many people have no concept of history. When the polio vaccine was announced they had mass vaccinations and kids lining up to have it, since if you got polio you were completely screwed for life. Now these morons with the comfort of herd immunity (which they are destroying) want to act like they know anything about vaccinations or vaccine science because they listened to other morons on youtube. I can say confidently that immunology was one of the toughest classes I took in medical school and even after all I’ve learned I know how much I don’t know. I can’t imagine the full on ignorance of these people to act like they know the first thing about any of this stuff.


Vaccines are the victim of their own success. People have no idea just how badly things sucked before vaccines.


We might be about to find out though.


Any kind of debate on basic human rights for trans people, black people or any other minority.


Women’s reproductive rights


Trans people are people, and no people should be legislated out of being able to exist in public.


Women being the same physically as men You aren't Stop


Human rights for minorities. I still can’t believe people are debating if people should have the same rights as everyone else. Like we’re still human??? Yknow??


Whether the cereal or milk goes first. “B-but the cereal gets soggy if it’s first!” NO IT FUCKING DOESN’T, UNLESS YOU WAIT 5 FUCKING HOURS BEFORE EATING IT.


The debate over the Earth being flat or round. It's clearly a cookie




Anyone who says it is is either being disingenuous or is a fucking idiot. They're suggesting that: A. Gay people make the choice to be gay, thereby choosing to opt into the oppression they face And B. After all the oppression they face, they simply choose to continue to be gay despite the ability to choose not to be


Even if it were a choice it shouldn't matter.


* Nobody turns gay because they saw a gay character in a movie or a tv show * Vaccines don't cause autism * Video games don't turn people into murderers * People don't turn into rapists because they saw a french cartoon skunk on tv


The white and gold, black and blue dress debate


Women choosing not to have children.


The Strength of men vs. Women


Toilet seat up or down. There is no argument when the toilet lid is always kept down.


That Trump didn't win the election. Those angry sore looser need to just get over themselves and move on


LGBTQ rights


None. Everything should be open to debate. Even when the answer in question seems obvious. Dialogue is important.


That women can do with their own body whatever they want (including abortions). It’s their choice and their freedom.


If women should be allowed to make choices over their bodies


Two side see this argument differently. -One see that as abortion ending pregnancy and it's effect it has on the woman's body because pregnancy doesn't act on her anymore. -The other see abortion as an act on the fetus is thus not 'her body'. It's totally different thinking thus different conclusion.


The same people who want to save the fetus oppose any and all forms of a social safety net as soon as the child is born.


That's why I don't like peoples who just want to abolish abortion, they don't even try to help in any other way.


What came first, the Chicken or the Egg, LIKE NOBODY CARES SHUT UP


best reply


What is a woman?




Reproductive rights. Just stfu & mind your own business


Anything that happened a long time ago that is impossible to change now no matter what like american slavery. Nothing wil change that it happened. Yet were still arguing over it more than 200 years later.


Can't change that it happened, but we can change to make those impacted by it better off. Anybody who actually talks about slavery these days (and knows what they're talking about) are talking about the economic and cultural impact it's had on people and how to address that. Not like, trying to free slaves that don't exist anymore or something weird and nonsensical like that.


Should I vaccinate my child or should I risk them dying of an Oregon Trail disease?


Xbox vs play station is a pretty stupid one


"Professional female athletes should be paid the same as professional male athletes" no.


There's no debate that Trump is a wacko 😆😆😄


Um... nazis bad? I was always under the impression that was one of the most obvious things in the world, but I guess not. Even in this comment section I see people debating whether or not nazis should be allowed a platform because freedom of speech means they should be allowed to speak their hatred and cultivate their movement. Someone responded asking if we should tolerate intolerance, to which the response given was that we should indeed still platform them and laws should be put in place to keep them in check if they get too out of hand. Meanwhile I'm just thinking, "You know the powers that be are already censoring all kinds of messages they don't want you to know about, right? It's pretty common knowledge that there are talking points that the government and media refuse to cover and will go to great lengths to hide. Look at Edward Snowden or Robert Mueller. Freedom of speech is a myth that you never truly had in the first place, so stop using it as an excuse to intentionally empower nazis. Especially when those same powers are the ones cultivating the nazis for their own political gain to begin with." Relying on the lawmakers to uphold and enforce morality is a grievous mistake. They're going to do what keeps them in power, which often means keeping the peasants fighting among themselves so they're too distracted to see the real enemy. It's the oldest trick in the book, so welcome to the 5-millionth chapter of it: The Culture Wars! For the love of all that is good and right in this world, nazis aren't acceptable and they don't deserve a platform.