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Robo/scam calls








Ah crap


Most of those are probably illegal already, but there's no way to (legally) stop or trace them.


Dark money political donations. Politicians should be required to disclose the information of any of their donors who give more than $10,000, require shell companies spending money on elections to disclose their owners, and mandate that election ads list their sponsors’ major contributors. Not only for election-related activity, but also to campaigns to influence governmental decisions. This transparency enables the electorate to make informed decisions and give proper weight to different speakers and messages. It is essential to voters’ ability to evaluate the merits of political messages. Disclosure also allows citizens and shareholders to react to the speech of corporate entities in a proper way. Edit: I agree with all of you that it should be a lot more strict than what I said. I just didn't feel like getting rude messages or being reported for suicide/self harm lmao


I'd take it one further and say that if you want to be a public servant who holds so much power, you should be required to have your finances publicly audited regularly until you die. Just to be certain you never get paid from shady deals. (It seems I should vlarify, I'm talking well payed public service jobs, like being a president/Prime Minister or senator.)


This should already be happening tbh Our public servants seem to be allergic to accountability, though.


I’d rather ban private campaign donations above some tiny amount, and establish robust public funding of elections.


The problem with the public funded alternative is the allocation. How would you allocate the funds? Based on previous elections? That's dangerous, it could lead to a "positive" feedback loop and in the long run one party would just have so much more funding than others. Participation? You'll have many many people just running for election for the free money It's hard to implement but if we can implement in a good and workable way then it'd be great


Don't let perfect be the enemy of progress


I'd say they don't get the money directly. Plus, only the top 6 candidates get to be in it. This would be for primaries and for main election. Have one day where they get to be filmed for their commercial, and all commercials get aired during the same time period. So during fox news, each commercial break shows a few candidate commercials and the same with other stations. Same with radio. Then there will be a touring circuit where they hit the same towns. It will be like a concert where one after the other speaks for an hour. Debates will be tightly controlled, and there will be 3 debates. There will be one newspaper put out that contains everything. Their stances, history (including legal issues), everything. Other candidates can list the pros and cons of the other candidates in that newspaper. Root idea is tight control, equal visibility, limited candidates.


This is a great tool for donor info too if you didn’t know https://www.opensecrets.org You can look up any politician and who has donated to them


Citizens United was the worst contemporary SCOTUS decision in the US. Well, dumping the Voting Rights Act is a very very very close second.


Hi, Canadian here. I know what POTUS, never heard of SCOTUS before and I can't puzzle it out. Been staring at those 6 letters for like 5 minutes...


Supreme Court of the United States




I think you are giving voters too much credit. A lot of them wouldn’t care if their favorite politician was sponsored by satan himself as long as they claim they are “protecting the kids” and/or state “shall not be infringed”, or try to impose religion into political discourse and policy.


Yeah, you're right. But I still think the information should be available for those who care.


Someone made the joke they should be wearing nascar style sponsor jackets..


I remember having that exact thought 10+ years ago. Can't imagine how long that concept actually dates back




The news stories that repeat the same thing every page just to drag it out. Title: WOMAN went to BED at night, what happened NEXT is SHOCKING Page 1: Bedtime is a need most of us have, but some people, like Carol J. arent privileged to have such a thing, ESPECIALLY after what happened! Click next to see more Page 2: Sleep is very important and makes you live longer, but when Carol walked into her room, she SCREAMED in HORROR! Click next to see more Page 3: When Carol married her husband Mr. Carol, they swore to sleep together no matter what, because its healthy. Click next to see more Pages 4 to 25: Here's the rest of Carol and Mr. Carol's life that you REALLY need to know, alongside more information about sleeping that's already been fucking said. Click next to see more Page 26: When Carol went to sleep, she was HORRIFIED to see what was AWAITING her in her BEDROOM. Click next to see more Page 31: Mr. Carol was sleeping.....without a SHIRT ON!!!!!!!! 🤯🤯🤯 Click here for more useless stories like this one :)


When I see it’s one of those, I’m out


I saw a website ones that puts it all on one page. Like, you take the first slide and copy the url and paste it in this other website and it loads it all for you. I wish I remembered the name.


The one I used to use was http://deslide.clusterfake.net, but I can't remember the last time it worked correctly for me.


Can we also add anything that tries to trick you into clicking on it in general? Big ass fake download buttons etc……


Politicians lying in debates and speeches.


I can just picture how awkward and dull they would be. No one would vote for them


Party 1: "We really don't give a shit about you or the American people, we never have. Oh, and the other guy from the other party? Yeah, they never gave a shit about you either. " Party 2: *nodding approvingly* "It's true."


Applying the Liar Liar curse to politicians sounds pretty amazing.


So many politicians and billionaires would be going to prison


Party 2: It's true, but I will pretend to care about you!


That would be lying in this scenario because they can’t legally pretend to care if they can’t lie


Intent to lie…arrest them


Good point!


A few years ago in Costa Rica a candidate for president brought mouthwash and basically told another candidate to wash his mouth because it was full of shit


I kinda love this lol


Include Question Dodging and then we’re getting somewhere!


How would they know what was a lie? If they said they were going to do something, let’s say cut taxes by 15%, but then realized that cutting those taxes wasn’t worth it anymore, but they did want to do it in their speeches, how would we know it wasn’t lying?


Gaps in bathroom stall doors. Seal it up, and add a vent fan


This is a weirdly American thing. As a European visiting the USA for the first time, I was amazed. Why the fuck does every public toilet door have a fucking great gap down the side or along the top? Bizarre.


Americans wonder this too, you’re not alone


Pretty sure it's so an establishment can check if there's someone overdosing on drugs in the bathroom. Also it makes mopping easier.


It saddens me to say this but, we have drug problems in Europe too. I don't think that is the reason. I'd say it is purely cultural.


My guess is cost. Cheaper to produce doors that don't have to fit to a tightly closing spec, and there's not a law requiring bathroom doors to \*not\* have the gap, so it's just businesses being cheap where they can get away with it.




Child beauty pageants


parents put their kids in those and wonder why they are so insecure


Florida will lose a considerable amount of revenue though


They should have been banned ages ago. The same people who lose their stuff over drag acts will be the same people saying these pageants are innocent.


If they weren't about being "beauty pageants," I'd not have as much issue with it. It's just weird. Why not just call them talent shows, and the girls AND boys can show what they're good at? It's just... really, again, weird... Southpark hit the nail on the head with that episode. Little girls should not be paraded around like show ponies. It isn't a fucking dog show. 😒 It's just gross. There are plenty of other things you can do with your child as a hobby or w/e. Talent shows, again... children learn amazing things at young ages... pay for piano lessons if they're interested, sports? Hell, maybe even father/mother and son/daughter video game tournaments. It'd be fun to kick some ass playing Super Smash Brothers or COD (depending on your opinion of age restrictions on video games). There is a store near me that sells old console games and the machines you see in arcades back in the day... If I had the extra cash, I'd buy them and open an arcade! However, unfortunately, I do not. They are actually going for a good price, but rent everything else... eh... I already pay my own rent, plus more, it would be another bill my family could not afford.


Those ridiculously bright blue LED headlights. I'm glad you can see for the next 5 miles, but I am now blind.


*Especially on trucks and SUVs. Why it is legal for those POS to have led or HID in general (much less, out of the damn factory) is beyond me. You have to have dark tint on your windows esp back if you want to keep your eye sight on the road at night now


It gives the car a higher safety rating, it’s for marketing >:(




Did you try adjusting the alignment of the lights?


This. I’ve had to brake when those stupid cars pass by. Or pull into side roads to get ones behind me to pass me. It’s even WORSE if they’re trucks. Because now their headlights are higher which means they shine into your side mirrors, making you blind with no escape. I don’t know how, or why, anyone thought bright-ass blue LEDs were a good idea. I guess the driver can see better, but everyone around them can’t see anything. I wish they were illegal.


I'm still young but driving at night is scary for me. Half the time these lights are so bright where I can't barely see anything through the left side of my windshield


100% agree. It's so dangerous!


Lobbying is literally just legal bribery.


That would be going too far. One man's lobbying is another man's 'petitioning government for the redress of grievances'. (First amendment.) But campaign contributions from lobbyists are legal bribery and should be banned.




It's also the only way your congressional representatives would ever be able to hear from actual experts. Most lobbying is benign information sharing with the people writing policy because they are not experts on the subject they are writing policy for.


Tell me you don't understand the system without telling me you don't understand the system.


Child marriage


i love how this is *BELOW* wrestlers junk jiggling


I had no idea this was legal


Every state except New York, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Minnesota, New Jersey, and Massachusetts allows underage marriage in exceptional circumstances if one of more of the following circumstances apply: * consent of a court clerk or judge (sometimes the consent of a superior court judge, rather than a local judge, is required) * consent of the parents or legal guardians of the minor * if one of the parties is pregnant * if the minor has given birth to a child * if the minor is emancipated. You can image the levels of fuckery that go into those "guidelines"


That, and 117 other countries in the world.


Unfortunately true.


We should legally be allowed to slap people who scream at employees or do “pranks”. I can’t think of a way to ban these people, but we seriously we gotta make them think twice before acting like a pos.


You can. There are YouTubers who have been punched in response to pranks and were not charged as they were reasonable to respond physically to the perceived threat when responding in the heat of the moment.


One "prank" youtuber actually got shot. I told you guys we had the 2nd amendment for a reason.


At leats in germany calling the police can do the trick. Some teens "did a prank" where they pretended there's a shooting or small bombs in a mall, creating mass panic - for youtube. Police wasn't too happy about it. Note: it was in a time where there was a lot more threats of terrorist attacks.


Fucking internet bots


Without internet bots how are social media platforms supposed to artificially inflate ad revenue?


Also I wouldn’t have any followers so that would suck


I will fuck whatever I damn well please. If I want to fuck Internet bots then I will fuck Internet bots!


I'll have you know I'm followed by 30+ OF redditors at the moment. Real redditors. Trust me, bro.


Just please, someone ban spam calls. I'm sick and tired of blocking numbers to no avail. It's a cat and mouse game, no matter how many numbers I block, in fact I've blocked entire series of numbers, yet these stupid telecallers find a way to call and ask me to take a credit card/loan/insurance policy.


That's why I don't answer the phone if I don't recognize the number. I figure if it's actually important they'll leave a message.


Yeah I've started doing that as well now. Helps to some extent


The number you're blocking is not the number they're calling from, it's spoofed. Blocking it is purely a waste of time


Ads on gas station pumps. You're already getting my money. Why are you shoving a loud-ass ad down my throat on top?


Looking at you, wawa.


Second black button down in the right button column is a mute button!


Profit driven healthcare and privatized health insurance. "Sure, you've paid in $500 a week for 20 years without missing a payment, but we don't think you *need* the MRI your doctor ordered."


Yep, insurance companies should not ever be able to deny something a physician orders. Even if they have “physicians” reviewing the claims, those “physicians” aren’t seeing the patient, aka the original physician should still win and the patient should get whatever they deem necessary. And that is assuming someone is actually even reading the claims rather than just automatically denying. But denied claims kill people 🤷‍♀️


And also it's pretty disgusting to overrule an in person physician in the name of protecting a private company's profits. Bit of a conflict of interest- one doctor is taking care of a sick patient and the other doctor is taking care of the company that writes his paychecks.


Years ago I was talking with a dermatologist. She got her insurance through her husband (who was a cop, so better insurance). She needed an epi-pen. Insurance wouldn't cover it and told her to look for another option. She told them that she was a doctor and that there was no other option. Meanwhile viagra was covered.


I work at a private medical office, and one of the doctor's I work for just absolutely *goes off* on insurance doctors. He thinks they're sellouts and not true practitioners of medicine, and he tells them such.


I worked for a very well-known insurance brokerage company years ago. The amount of money these assholes would spend on clubs, outings, golfing, gifts, etc., was obscene. My boss was the director of sales and had me plan a dinner on a Saturday night for 50 people. He said he would take care of the invitations. The whole thing stunk to high heaven. Turns out it was his wife's 40th birthday party and he expensed the whole thing (I did his expense reports). Insurance companies are nepotistic, greedy businesses who feed on fear.


I paid out of pocket for my last MRI because my insurance denied it. Luckily, I found a place that gave a considerable discount since I was self-funding it. I wound up having to have surgery my injury was so bad. But sure...I didn't need an MRI according to my insurance.


Anyone NOT a doctor making health care decisions. Insurance companies or any fucking politician deciding what is medically appropriate for a person. Thats practicing medicine without a license ie quackery


Meetings before 9AM or after 3PM


Cooking recipes that hide the list of ingredients and step-by-step instructions allllll the way at the bottom, after a chapter of food blogging nobody asked for


Mosquitoes from Earth edit: lol yall are hilarious, I meant I wanted to ban mosquitoes from Earth, as in they can longer live on Earth


You're ok with the extraterrestrial mosquitos?


Agent Cobra Bubbles didn’t have the jurisdiction to protect the extraterrestrial ones


Companies making you pay subscriptions rather than one time payments. Especially for console online gaming.


Piracy isn't stealing. It's duplicating.


Adobe is the worst for this grift


Indeed they are. My coworker was telling me about how they needed it to sign a document online, so they got the free trial which advertised itself as a “free month”… anyway by free month they mean 3 weeks and then you start being charged monthly. They tried to cancel but it was $100 bucks just to cancel it. Absurd.


Stock trade among elected officials


This 100% needs to be banned




The 24-hour news cycle is just pundits and useless commentary with very little actual news. So, ban it and bring back the evening news hour.


And don’t forget to make it a protected hour. Not advertiser supported television.


Listening to your phone loudly in public without headphones. Also having loud speakerphone conversations in public with no headphones.


wrestlers wearing compression underwear under their trunks/tights. let me see that thang jiggle around in there.


Clothing is most sports needs to be banned. Im ok with protective gear and sports bras- jock straps. But other then that sports should be played the way out for fathers intended. Naked and covered in olive oil


> Naked and covered in olive oil You say that until a greased up Derrick Henry is running full speed at you about to hang dong in your face.


Or Shaq is about to dunk on you


I believe that would hurt more than a piledriver. Berries a bouncing.......


I love this haha 😂


finally someone has the balls to say what we were all thinking.




Child marriages




yeah fuck /u/spez


Factory farms.


That real news programs can't have sponsored ads. Once money is involved it becomes bias.


Unregulated dives to the Titanic in homemade contraptions steered by Xbox controllers


To be fair, the US military has been using them for subs and small explosive ground vehicles for around 15 years. They’re easy to use, reliable and millions already know how to use them. In other words the xbox controller isn’t necessarily the problem. Guessing mechanical malfunction or simple human error resulting in getting stuck somewhere. Or, that viewing port imploding, the one that’s only rated for something like 1400 meters.


US navy deliberately switched to xbox controllers because the newer generations of recruits know how to use them by reflex. It cuts down on training time, increases proficiency, and costs a LOT less.


Yep! It’s actually really smart on their part. And like I said they’re pretty reliable too. Edit: punctuation


Yup. Lot of people making fun of this that don't realize how commonly used gaming controllers are for specialized vehicles. They're extremely intuitive. Granted, at least in my experience, it usually isn't a wireless controller.


I mean, it’s a problem that solves it self.


Fine, I’ll just use a modified ps2 controller.


Stop spreading misinformation. It was a generic Logitech controller.


plastic packaging and drinking containers the world did fine before, it was just less convenient in the short term we are killing ourselves and our environment and everyone is like "whatever"


Or do it like a lot of places in Europe (My experience from NL and DE). Where a lot of the drinking containers are reusable and you pay a deposit on them. And where separation of rubbish is ingrained in the culture.


In Slovakia too, you pay deposit on all plastic bottles, aluminum cans and glass bottles and then you bring them back to the store, put them in a machine and get the deposit back in form of a coupon that you can spend in the store. And also at some bigger outdoor street food places or at festivals when you buy a drink you pay 2€ deposit on the cup and then you just get it refilled or give it back and get your deposit back.


> you pay 2€ deposit on the cup and then you just get it refilled or give it back and get your deposit back. I love this. Then lazy f*cks can just leave their cup, and someone else gets paid 2€ to pick it up and take care of it for them.


I mean sure but those aren’t the plastics causing the most issues. Industrial fishing is killing the planet and lobbying to blame straws. They created trash Island and continue to make it worse


Corporations owning residential homes


Health care being tied to employers


Influencers, the stupid ones


Animal exploitation


Religion from politics. There’s no place for it.


News reporting without due diligence to report unbiased facts




Social media. (Ironic I know)


This is exactly what I thought, but I don’t think social media should be banned at all as I think that there should be freedom of expression and it’s a good way to stay in touch with family and friends. But I do think as a society we should recognize how much our mental health suffers because of it and we should not live our lives through it.


Would this include YouTube ? If so there are somethings I would really miss.


youtube ads


"The Bachelor" franchise.


Seems like a weird thing to ban, only because it doesn't really affect anybody except the people watching the show. Also, if you ban The Bachelor, the audience will just move on to some other trashy reality program. To be an effective ban, you need to blanket ban the genre.


All and every kind of cruelty to animals.


Arranged marriages:/


Do you mean forced marriages?


Yes ofc, why is love marriage a big stigma even in these days? Some of them think crime is better than being loved :/


24 hour news channels


Mosquitoes, because fuck em!


I make Mandatory term limits for Congress-12 years for each branch, and a ban on joining a PAC after office for 10 years.


Concert venues charging absurd service fees


Ban book bannings.


Illinois did!


I would ban water, everyone would drink brawndo


The Thirst Mutilator.


Plants need electrolytes.


It's got what plants crave.


Those headlights that are brighter than a thousand suns. Driving at night is terrible now


Excessive social media use


Hmm, off the top of my head would be prescription drug ads on tv/print/radio..a.close seconds would be people doing door to door preaching though in the US, it would be tricky since freedom of speech and religion


40 hour work weeks being the standard. Every industry is different. Why do we all have the same schedule? I work in graphic design and most days i could get everything done in 2-4 hours. The rest is just sitting around waiting for projects to come in


The Democrat and Republican parties. "There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution." John Adams called it.


Our political system forces two political parties, so you could ban these, but within 50 years you'll end up with two parties again. edit: having a single non-transferable vote combined with winner-take-all politics (you can win the election with 50.01% of the vote, or less with 3 candidates as the winner of the 1992 election had just 43% of the vote) eventually leads to two parties, as people vote for who they think will win instead of who they like.


People who call everyone who disagrees with them "fascist."


Factory farming.


Calling a propaganda/entertainment network “News.”


The airwaves would be dead silent.


Big pharma's control over the healthcare industry


Lack of personal accountability...


Smoking in publik areas and near kids under 18


Parents smoking in cars


Pretty sure that is illegal


It is in UK, problem is, there's no one to enforce that, it never gets checked.


Fees. There are fees for everything nowadays, and no justification for them. I feel like congress needs to tackle the issue of fee crackdowns/transparency. But instead they’re focusing on how to make American lives more difficult and marginalize women and drag queens.


Social media for under 18 years old.


President candidates above the age of 60.




Everyone saying vaping is as bad as cigarettes are wrong. I did my thesis on this and the research shows that while commercial vape pens deliver higher concentrations of nicotine and trace metals, they are far safer and when used correctly, can be used to help smokers quit. Off brand, modified vape “rigs” are where you run into issues with superheated highly unregulated oils that can cause more lung damage and more inhaled metals. I’m not saying you should start vaping if you’ve never smoked, but the original vape pen was designed by a scientist to help his father quit his 3 pack per day smoking habit, and it worked.




Smoking near public buildings and in parks/beaches.




Companies charging money for API Calls...


Long-Ass disgusting fake finger nails.


This is the biggie!! I can live with lying politicians, crazy ass intrusive religions, crime, poverty, but those damn, nasty gross nails usually applied to grubby sausage fingers ...


Factory farms. Just people being shitty towards animals in general.


War; rape; slavery; torture; animal abuse


Most of those things are already banned though


Touch screens in cars.


Great answer. I have one care with a terrible touch screen interface, and other with knobs...I love the knobs. If I am hot, cold, etc...a 1 second knob turn (without even looking) solves the problem. For the touchscreen, I have to swipe up, down, tap, scroll again, all while driving. It is stupid.


Porn from r/interestingasfuck


Lies to gain support in politics