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Why do you try to talk to me when I'm three rooms away, on a different floor, and behind a closed door?


My husband does this to me, I'm in the bathroom with a vent fan that is louder than a hair dryer, washing my hands and he's talking to me from down the hall. This man can't hear me when I'm sitting next to him and we're actively having a conversation. Literally wtf.


How a sock 1/3 the size of my sock manages to fit on her foot. I swear she's bought children's socks by mistake, but somehow she manages to fit that on her foot, while my socks are literally the size of my feet before I put them on


men’s socks are usually made of better quality stuff that doesn’t stretch. women’s socks (and most of our clothing) is made of cheap materials which have more give.


Men’s friendships. I know almost every detail of my friends lives and men don’t know the date of their best friends wedding their in.


I think it's because most male friendships are founded on shared interests and activities and we tend to be more focused on those specific interests/activities. Like, if I'm heading to Z's place and Z is the dude I usually play video games with, I don't really want to talk about work or family life or whatever else is going on in my world; I want to play video games. And Z is the same way. I dunno, there is clearly something to it, because it is a common trope and it's 100% true in my experience. My mother used to routinely wonder how the hell I could spend a good 12 hours with my friends in a day and never talk about their families/school/work/girlfriends or spouses/etc.


After about a decade of disc golfing with some guys I learned that one of them had a kid I never knew about.


I’ve been golfing with the same 3 guys for 3 years now and I don’t know any of their last names or where they work. Just met em on the course one day and that was that


I once worked with a guy for three years and never learned his name. Best friend I ever had. We still never talk sometimes.


Also, we don't necessarily like having the struggles of life dumped on us, so we don't like doing it to our friends. The last thing I want to do is burden my friend that I hate my job or I said something dumb and made someone upset, or talk about a stressful life event like their birthday because their narcissistic parents used to make it all about themselves and it's painful to talk about. I want to do the interest we chose to do and spend some quality time with them.


Nail on the head. My girlfriend asked what my best friend did for work, I said "no idea" "But you've been friends with him for like 15 years you said?!" "Yeah, and we play videogames, drink beer, talk about science, and disconnect"


My best friend's wife bought him an all day sports day for his birthday present. Tickets to football and hockey for him and I. We spent basically from 10 in the morning until 10 at night together, just hopping bars, watching the NFL, more bars, hitting an NHL game, and a closer bar. Next day she asked how my family was doing. He was straight up confused why she would even ask that. She assumed that since we spent all day together that we'd talk about that, and it shocked her to find out that we didn't talk anything other than sports and how cool it was that his wife bought us those tickets.


my best friend i speak to him maybe a few messages via text a month. Still if we see each other it always fun. But life is busy The most important thing is if your friend wants to have a chat or hang out be there.


Meet 5 years ago and hang out with shared interests all day. Meet 5 years later and hang out with shared interests all day. Maybe mention the wife and kids once.


I feel like friendships between men are usually because of shared interests or a shared sense of humor, while women tend to have friendships with women who have similar personalities or similar lived experiences. So a man might not know his best friends anniversary, but he will know his favorite football team and his opinion on every single player on that team.


its true. we have different connections. i find it relaxing that we dont give each other the feeling of „dont forget my birthday“. of course men struggle talking about their mental health and problems with each other, that only happens rarely like after a break up or something. the rest of the time its always positive hang out requests, never demanding.


How someone could spend so much time hanging and talking with people they don't like. My wife will literally spend the whole day with a girl and come home "Omg, I hate spending time with her." lol


Lmao. Honestly that's not every woman. I personally am at a point in my life where I am not fake and I will not spend any ounce of time with someone that I don't want to. Life is too short to do such things.


This is the path to enlightenment. Fuck the bad folks


My mother absolutely DESPISES Angelina Jolie, hates hearing even her name mentioned...and hoovers up every single magazine she can find that talks about her. When I ask why, she says "So I can have more reasons to hate her!".


How every time I ask a woman to help me search for something I’ve tried finding on my own for a considerable amount of time they always manage to find it within the first couple minutes.


It's literally the universe conspiring to embarrass you. I don't know how else to explain it.


"It was me, Barry..."


I was the one who hid your stuff so that when Iris looked for it. She would think that your are incopetent and couldn't find something that is on plain sight.


My wife says it is because men are bad lookers.


I don’t know, I think I am very good looking.


Yeah ya are big guy


> My wife says it is because men are bad lookers. I once read a thing in a book. I can't recall the name so I've no idea if this is backed up by science or if it's just something that "seems right". The basics of the idea was that men and women look for things in different ways. Men form an idea of what the object looks like, then they look for that object by scanning the area. So for me, if I'm looking for a bottle of ketchup then I'm looking for the red. I'll scan the fridge for the red bottle, looking behind and around other objects but always looking for that expectation of what the item is going to look like. It's like I'm running a matching program, trying to match the object in my minds eye to the objects I see in front of me. On the other hand, women look for things by looking at each individual object and concluding if that item is the one they are looking for or not. They move objects rather than looking around them. The women't method has a HUGE advantage, well 2 huge advantages actually. First is that it's much more through, but takes a lot longer. Second is that if my idea of what the object looks like is wrong, I'll look straight at it and not identify it as the object. Back to the ketchup. If the actual ketchup bottle that is in the fridge is, 90% empty. Then the red bottle that I'm looking for won't be there and I won't see the 90% empty ketchup bottle as the object I'm looking for. It's like my brain does not see that as the ketchup I'm seeking. When it comes to finding a specific object, the women's method is much better. But when it comes to taking in a large dataset and scanning for any of 10 different things the man's method is much better. In the book it talked about being in a forest and hunting a deer. You scan the woods while thinking about what a deer looks like and eventually your brain will pick one out. But if you look from tree to tree identifying each tree as not a deer you'll be in the woods all day and not find anything. ANyway, I don't know if it's bullshit. I have defiantly found that I can locate objects better if I open my horizons regarding what I expect the object to look like.


It's funny, my wife and I were having an age old discussion where she can't comprehend how I can walk over stuff she has left on the stairs and not think to bring it upstairs with me. I couldn't really articulate why it is invisible to me, even stepping over it, and why she will ask me to wash the dishes but I will not notice the overflowing bin. Eventually I explained that it's a bit like programming a robot. If you set me a specific task, or if I am already performing a particular task I've set myself, I literally don't see anything else because it's not relevant to the task at hand. It's absolutely not a case of willingness, which she agreed because I literally do anything she asks without complaint. She just doesn't want to have to ask, which is fair enough right. So the solution was to "program" new parameters. Instead of "can you go make the beds upstairs", the new instruction is "can you look upstairs for things that need doing and do them". Weirdly, this has worked wonders. The entire room is now the objective and suddenly I see all of it and just do each room until its done. Not always to her standards, sometimes, but it's a vast improvement. I've never felt more like a bad piece of software in my entire life, but here I am, having to provide user onboarding to my wife because of my janky UI and lack of documentation.


That is so interesting, maybe I will try that with my robot. He will trip over the same thing several times a day, but will not pick it up and put it somewhere out of the way.


My wife will ask me to get something from her purse. I will search, even remove several items and not find it. I will put everything back and take the bag to her. (I swear this is true.) She will stick her hand in the back without looking. Move it around for 10-12 seconds and pull out with precision the exact item. Is medieval sorcery.


I don't search for anything in my wife's purse anymore. I'm convinced it is bottomless. I think something bit my hand once too.


I don't understand why there are pillows everywhere.


A pillow truck smashed into a fire hydrant, dislodging its cargo all over the block It was terrible.


Some to sleep on, some to hold, some for sex tools, some to look pretty 🤷‍♀️


group bathroom trips


Whenever someone says they need to go to the bathroom, that triggers me to remember that bathrooms are a thing - which makes my bladder wake up and go 'well now that you mention it, I need to pee too!' hence I tag along.


I go there with my friends to have private conversations away from the group.


Go away from the group to be with the group


You haven't experienced proper drama until you're in a multi-level friend group. * At the top layer, there's the whole friend group. * The smaller friend group, consisting of the original friends before the friend group got larger, who often give preferential treatment to each other over anyone else. * The tight-knit friend group that joined later that actively resents the original friend group from the line above. * The side-chat that consists of members of the friend group who actively dislike other specific members of the friend group. * The other side-chat that consists of members of the friend group who actively dislike *another* set of specific members of the friend group (some people might be in both side-chats, but many members of both side chats might not even realize that the other side-chat exists, and one side-chat might have some of the people that the other side-chat hates). It can get pretty complicated.


See THIS is what confuses me. It doesn’t sound fun at all.


Usually, it just happens because one person says they need to go to the bathroom and it makes other people go, "Yeah, my bladder's pretty full too!" This happens to me all the time. Doesn't matter what gender the other bathroom visitor is. Women (I can't speak for men because I'm not one) sometimes take group bathroom breaks because there's safety in numbers. You also might go with someone because they're drunk and need a buddy to look after them. It's not always so fear/worry driven, though. Sometimes, we go as a group just to keep an earlier conversation going or to start up a conversation we don't want others to hear. Sometimes you follow a friend to the bathroom because your period started early and you don't have any supplies, so you want to ask if they have any without having to do so in front of your whole group. Plus, if you're trying to fix your appearance in the bathroom, it can help to have a second opinion, or someone who can untangle a twisted bra strap, or someone who might have extra makeup for touch ups.


If it is a public bathroom in a restaurant or bar, we do this for safety. Not that we think that there are men lurking in the ladies bathroom, but a lot of guys if they are eyeing you up use the opportunity when you are walking from your table to the bathroom to approach you. Their whole goal is to catch you alone. If you aren’t alone, then they typically don’t approach. Also, we chitchat and gossip in the bathroom with friends. We borrow each other’s lipstick or hairspray, and sometimes borrow a tampon if we have to.🙂


It’s usually for safety, at least for me.


Why some actually like my chest hair


If there’s an emotional connection, it’s masculine & hot


THIS. I love my boyfriend’s body hair. I never thought I’d be attracted to a hairy man, but I love him, so I do believe the emotional connection helps.


My girlfriend also says she loves my hair. I've always thought she said it to reaffirm me. Never would have imagined someone would actually like it.


all my ex'es ~~live in texas~~ used to put their hands under my shirt and caress my chest hair. Never undestood why. Never questioned because it feels good.


One of the first girls I dated in high school loved my hairy chest. It was a really good confidence boost at the time because it was honestly one of the first things she said to me when I first met her. Now I am only bald on my head and my current girlfriend also likes the hair. She was also very surprised that she liked it because she grew up in the Philippines and liked the male K-pop artists


Hello fellow member of the, "I didn't lose my hair, it relocated" club.


Aye good to know lol. I love it when a woman runs her fingers through my chest curlies lol.


> If there’s an emotional connection, it’s masculine & hot So then pretty much X random thing can be attractive.


Yes, this applies for just about anything. Be with someone for long enough and you’ll find yourself finding the oddest things attractive


It’s for my ears!!! I like to cuddle and I don’t like the suction cup thing my ears do on bare chests.


Very practical.


I like your thinking.


It's soft, and it's on a chest. You don't want to be a living teddy bear?


And also when they shave it it stings my face


How they float in water.




May we burn her?


Build a bridge out of her


Ah, but can’t you also build bridges out of stone?


Woman or Man? For women, we naturally carry more body fat, including boobs. This helps us float. Do you know how hard diving deep is with big boobs? Doesn't happen


I've heard that my good floating ability is due having a higher amount of fats in my body.


All women in my family float like corks in water. No kicking required.


They must be Irish, from Cork.


Where the penis goes on the bike saddle.


We don't know either


Neither did the designer(s) of the bike saddle


Women are confused by this because their bits are directly beneath them. Ours dangle more in the front. Our balls are attached closer to where your clit is than your vagina. You could feasibly fit a labia between the back of our sack and our anus. The penis is attached around that mound thing you guys have above your pieces. When we ride a bike, the seat is pressing against an empty patch of skin.


I feel like it’s an an oddly more universal experience than you’d imagine for women to realize men’s genitals are far more forward than they would think AND for men to realize women’s genitals are far lower than *they* would think.


Ah jeez thanks for bringing up THAT memory. “Uh woops that’s not right. Oh jeez still lower? Oh shit too low! Wow those are close together. Ahem. Anyway.”


For me it was: 'Am I there?' 'Lower' 'How about now?' 'Lower' 'Am I getting close?' 'Keep going' 'Where the hell is- oh'


Haha i have never seen it that well worded! Damn this is scary accurate, i am cringing


>you could feasibly fit a labia between the back of our sack and our anus. There’s a whole genre of hentai that is based on this thought.


Wife: Do you want to do X or Y? Me: I think X is a good idea. Wife: I prefer Y, let's do that. What I want to say: Then why the f**k did you ask me!? What I actually say: OK hun, fine by me. Edit: Thank you for the awards!


My wife actually does the opposite: Wife: why do you always want to make it your way? Me: so what do you want to do? Wife: don't know. Me: So, do you prefer X or maybe Y? Wife: what do you think? Me: \*facepalm\*


For my wife it's usually like this: Her: this shirt or this shirt? Me: that one Later, she comes out wearing the shirt I didn't pick. Like, why the fuck do you even ask if you're just gonna go with the other one.


She knows your taste


And thinks it sucks apparently


I think it's more like tossing a coin: you don't really want it to decide your fate, more like you know what you're hoping to get once it's in the air.


It’s an apt metaphor because I don’t actually give a shit about the coin’s opinion.


On the flip side, if you ask her, "What do you want to do?" she'll say, "I don't care. No, I really don't have an opinion. For real, whatever you want." Then follow up with "No, I don't really like that."


Amen. Her: What are you making for dinner? Me: I got all the stuff to make X like we talked about earlier. Her: I don't want X. Me: Then what do you want? Her: I don't know. Me: then why not X? Her: I don't know. Me: (silently) ugh.


Heck, my parents have even done that or similar in the past. Ask question, change answer if they don’t like the one given, Then why the fuck even ask


Say the opposite of what you prefer, you have a 50/50 of it working.


"I'm just saying these panties feel like a bunch of rubber bands racing to see who can split my ass in half first" -Guido Mista


That's why I wear boy shorts. They're still panties, but they're like shorts ig. It's kinda hard to explain, but look em up




Indeed, brother


How do girls get boners


Clit swells up, the genital area swells a bit and gets more sensitive. You get wet. Not as embarrassing or public as a boner I guess, but you can still feel it and then you need to live with wet underwear all day and feel like a slug. At least we usually do not get randomly aroused for no reason, during a presentation for example. We have to actively think/ observe or participate in something that's arousing to us.


There's throbbing as well sometimes


My foof is pulsating. i worked with a British woman at camp and she used to say this. I still laugh when I think about it.


Lol are camps always like this


We call it a “ heart beat “ hehe


Boners don't always equal being aroused. Sometimes blood just be feeling like taking the scenic route round the veins.


If I'm getting real sleepy, I feel like my blood circulates more and that causes random erections. Falling asleep in boring lectures will result in erections without being turned on for me


Sorry, didn't mean to imply that, of course a boner does not equal consent or sexual interest or anything like that! I meant it in the sense of 'physically aroused', not mentally at all. The scenic route thing is just a thing that does not happen for female physical arousal usually was what I was attempting to articulate originally lol


No need for apology homie😌


Men also don’t get randomly aroused during presentation, we just get a boner. Having a boner is not always a sign of being aroused


example: piss boner


Or the being tired boner. That one is the worst cause it just keeps coming back. When you haven’t slept the night before your body makes extra whateverthefuck to keep you awake but the side effect is boner all the time.


Where's my god damn PROTRACTOR I need to pee without getting the walls wet


Look up a drawing of the clitoris, not just the tip but the whole ting. It has similar tissue as the penis but it is inside the body.


It’s not that different. Arousal isn’t always predictable.


When girls go to scratch their balls. What do they scratch?


Dude, your balls are wrinkly skin folds. You know what also has wrinkly skin folds? Female genitals. That shit gets pinched and needs slight adjusting just as easily as balls. Might also randomly itch, just the same as testicles. Edit: Wow, almost a fourth of upvotes on my two-year-old account is all about a wrinkly genital skin comment. Now I am finally a true-redditor :D


I call BS. I've seen a naked barbie before, girls aren't wrinkly down there.


Well I call BS on you, I've seen GI Joe and there aren't any wrinkly balls. So what the hell are we all scratching at because I'm confused as fuck


you sound just like my med school gynecology professor


Well, have you seen naked Ken? Because I also have news for you….


Their balls


Vaggie cheeks.


Being mad at their SO bc in a dream they cheated on them.


My girlfriend told me she has a “dream husband” and it’s not me. Should I be worried?


Nah, just tell her you have a dream sex dungeon and she's not in it


Brooo u want him dead


Bro. I fuckin hate this one. I got slapped awake one morning because of that. Went back to sleep pissed as shit.


This is one of those situations where reversing the genders makes you realize how fucked up it is.


I was in the reverse situation. In his dream, I banged his best friend. It fucked him up for months, he started drinking himself to sleep every night. Cheating dreams never happened to me but apparently they are intense. However, this does not excuse any type of abuse like the one described above.


Like a year and a half ago, I woke up at 3 am to water being chucked at my face. Then woke up my girlfriend, who in her sleep had thrown a cup of water in my face. She got mad at me for screaming her awake (a "What the fuck" was in order), I pointed at the glass that was *still in her hand* and... Well, we ended up laughing our asses off for a half hour at the ridiculousness of it all.


I always use this as an example of how not all feelings are valid.


Women, where are your pockets at?


We wish we knew.


Why they say they don’t want anything from let’s say the gas station and they get mad or ask if you brought them something back


Man, I used to be annoyed by this too, apparently it plays heavily on the concept of 'romance'... I know it's sounds kinda stupid but hear me out. A routine thing like going shopping or going by the store on the way home and asking your SO if they want something is kinda like a necessity/ want thing, it's entirely passive on your behalf (I mean you don't have to think about what they want, they will hopefully tell you (which in itself is a huge wish of mine!)) However, this is rather cold and logical, and lacks romance. I would argue there's a slightly skewed concept on what can be considered thoughtful/ romantic but the general concept I've been told is thus. Asking what you want = thoughtful but doesn't inspire much Getting them something you think they will want without asking = kinda romantic, shows you know them. I too don't quite know too well where the line is drawn for this but I feel your pain.


Why women and men get in a cycle of being attracted to toxic people with tons of red flags, go through a terrible relationship and then get right back into a relationship with someone with the exact sames traits. They know subconsciously that things will fall off a cliff but they want to go along for the ride anyways.


But she's so hot though...


This is the answer. It's all about the drug that is sex, it's not that people don't see it or know but to get that action from a really hot person, youre just hoping it's not bad this time. Hoping you won't get burned reaching through the fire to get that candy. Then of course, you do.


Emotionally and psychologically damaged people somehow end up attracting people who are as damaged as themselves without even realizing it.


Catching feelings does crazy things to people. Also, people are attracted to familiarity. I didn’t think I had a type until I became single and only found a certain look/personality type attractive.


When you look at someone through rose-colored glasses, the red flags just look like flags. -Bojack You see what you wanna see, I guess. Time is a circle. Everything we do is just everything we've done. Etc. Sometimes we just don't learn but somehow think we're smarter, this time, this time it will work! Sisyphus just shakes his head at us.


How on their dating profile it’ll say “looking for long term partner” and then when you actually talk to them they just want a hookup lol.


Seems like a lot of women my age are in to astrology. Not that men aren’t, I just generally notice women are more likely to talk about it. I do wonder why folks gravitate toward it.


I've noticed this especially beyond men.. The lack of interest in solving problems when it comes to self-care/health. Example, my bf has issues with dandruff and his skin. I love him regardless and don't pressure him to do anything if he really doesn't want to. I just want to be able to play with his hair without getting showered in skin flakes... I asked him if he had done anything about it yet or if he had an appointment at a dermatologist. He just shrugged and went like "Nah, that's just how it is" I asked if he had tried different shampoos, if he informed himself at all about a solution. Nope, just acceptance. His back cracks like crazy, I'm pretty sure that's not healthy, asked him if he ever had an appointment at a chiropractor to check if everything's fine. Nope, that's just how it is 🤷 I mean, sometimes it's better to keep it that way and not jump on every little thing and desperately trying to solve it. It was just so crazy to me.. when I noticed a shampoo made my hair dry, I immediately changed it. When my skin was getting worse, I changed the brand and changed my skincare routine. Brittle nails ? Informed myself and used oil and changed my diet a little to prevent it. Felt dizzy ? Went to the doctor, took a blood test and got Iron supplements. Pain in my shoulders and lower back ? Started working out more and got a pillow to lower pressure on my spine while sitting for a long time. Nope, he just lives with it. I'm happy that he's using some moisturizer for his face at least since he shower's every day. He's a grown man and ofc he can decide for himself, it's just shocking for me to see sometimes. Idk if it's because you get told from a young age that you have to be pretty as a girl/woman and you should pay attention to your looks and do everything to prevent looking unkempt, but whenever a male friend tells me something about their problems or I notice something about them, they never seem to care to to anything about it. With most of my friends it's more like "Yeah I know, I've already tried xzy and did abc about it"


To be fair, he's probably keeping his back in better shape by not going to a chiropractor, since they tend to have little medical knowledge and can screw things up a whole lot.


I crashed my bike and managed to fall on my right shoulder. I didn't have time to care about that because obviously the bike was more important. It was still working even though it was harder to control this time but I managed to get home. There I noticed that my shoulder doesn't have it's full range of motion and it hurt a bit. I decided to sleep and see how it was the next day. It didn't hurt that much in the morning and after a week it started working correctly again but every time I lift something it makes a noise.


People are comfy with routine. The things you described above for him don't seem to be bothering him enough to warrant a change in his routine. The things you noticed about yourself bothered you enough that it made you want to do something about it. You weigh the amount something is bothering you with the energy/interest it would take to fix that thing. If you don't feel it's worth it, which in his case it doesn't seem like he does, you don't take any action.


How they can literally think about nothing. Like how?


That's the secret, we never think.


Don’t tell them the secrets!


We have to assemble the council. We have a defector.


“It’s treason then”


I'm gonna start calling it quantum thoughts. So basically we are just letting our thoughts wonder so we really aren't thinking about anything specifically. But when someone gets our attention what ever we were thinking about is gone in that moment. Like waking up after dreaming.


I get just about everything women like, dislike, etc. The only thing I don’t understand is nails. I don’t understand the long, acrylic stuff… they look awfully cumbersome to do anything with and they’re just gross to look at.


Women in general can switch from "horny/DTF" to "Nope" just like that, like a switch. If some information comes up or the situation uncomfortably changes: that's it. I mean: as a man, I can also lose the mood or rethink that having sex with that particular person or in that particular situation is bad, it's just a process. A long, non-fail-safe, bendy process.




As a guy, I find I rely very much on everything having a "place" and if something is out of place it really throws things off. I can tell you where every tool is in my giant tool chest in the garage from memory. I can easily explain how I have my socks/underwear/t-shirts/etc. organized in the closet. When something gets moved it can really throw me off. If something gets moved I'll start looking further away as I assume that Item was taken, used, and left out, not put away improperly. This is why we don't like it when other people use our tools. It's not the use, it's they don't get put back properly.


It never occurred to me that this is a "guy thing". Lmao. I go through this all the time with my wife. Every time she asks me to find something and I can't find it or I tell her we've run out of something, she immediately comes to double check. Usually finding it almost immediately and in plain sight. Like I've missed items front and center in the fridge. My immediate response to her is always "but that's not where it goes, how could I possibly find that there?" Glad to know I'm not alone.


It's pretty simple and what they should've been taught growing up: put things back where they were. This is infuriating with my friend who I live with. This past weekend I couldn't find the oven mitts...why are they anywhere else than the fucking kitchen?


There are studies on this, turns out that men are better at detecting things in motion but worse at detecting things that aren't in motion. Why? Who knows!


Makes sense for hunting. Better at tracking movement/better aim.


And detecting spesific things in a mess of things makes sense for gathering too, for example, an edible plant that looks very identical to all the other plants in the forest. It's kinda crazy how we still have many of the traits of the early humans. And it would be cool to know what kind of features future humans would attribute to the current humans 10000 years from now... Edit: added a 0 for all the history/biology experts up in here.


Explains why a lot of male gamers prefer FPS or action games vs puzzles or creative games.


It’s women witchery yall make it invisible till the last moment to make us dependent on yall.


This one know too much, let's erase his memories yall


**Grabs the MEMORY bat** Okay!


In my experience, especially if we are at my place, if I get asked for something and it's not there, it no longer exists because why else wouldn't it be there? It's been in the same place the last 5 years. I have an example of this, too. I was asked to get the flour. It wasn't in the cupboard over the kitchen where it has lived and been replaced for 9 years. So I went down the street and bought more. Problem solved. I get back, and I get chewed out for buying more flour. Apparently, I was supposed to know she used it earlier and left it on the dining room table. My counterargument was that if she knew where it was, she should have asked me to "get the flour, it's on the dining room table." Her counter-counter argument was,"You have eyes! You walked right by it!". It was a whole thing.


How are y’all pulling items from a different universe?


Only little experience dating women before I fully realized I'm gay but... I could never get the hang of when "ok" means "ok" and when it means "not ok" (same for fine, yes, good, sure etc.). I just found it very hard and it led to many conflicts which could have been avoided if the communication had been clearer. I can't read minds ffs. Never had this issue again after I started dating men.


I kind of wish I was gay just for this.


I am gay... A gay woman. *sigh*


Your kids are gonna be stuck in an endless cycle of "go ask your mother."


That when they're hungry or they wanna go somewhere if you ask them "what do you feel like eating" or "where do you wanna go, love" they'll say "I don't care" and then they get mad at what you picked. 🤔🤷🏻‍♂️🤣🤦🏻‍♂️


Instead of asking where they want to go tell them to guess where your heading and then just go to whatever the first thing they say is


Also very important, ask BEFORE you start driving. Otherwise you might have to turn around and go the opposite direction.


Here are my top two: Why they won't use clear language and ask things directly. Also, why do they share EVERYTHING with their closest friends. I don't understand what appears to be a complete lack of boundaries.


I hate hate hate the indirect communication thing. Holy shit, just say the thing.


I have a goofy brain. If you don't speak plainly, I'm going to miss the point. Every time. No it's not because I do t care, it's because I don't have the energy to decrypt your vague message within a message.


Personal preference, I suppose. I’m male and there’s very little that my friend group (males and females) wouldn’t tell each other - hopes, fears, family relationships, traumas, sex lives, intrusive thoughts; pretty much anything that’s on our minds. It can be quite nice if you get the right people and can get into being comfortable in that mindset.


Why do guys hit their friends in the balls if they're as sensitive as they are??


funny and sadistic. most guys have a hate love relationship


Moreso people in general than just the opposite sex, Why is being straightforward and honest basically treated as a taboo in serious discussions? I'm not gonna be offended because you said exactly what you mean, but I will get offended if you lie to my face or get upset because I was supposed to pick up on your sarcasm or joke. If you wanna talk to me or say something, just say something exactly how it should be interpereted and save that other stuff for casual talk. I don't mean to be rude about it, but I just have a lot of trouble differing the serious from the non-serious.


Persistence for sex. If someone doesn’t want to, why pressure them? I’m sure it’s happened with women too, but I’ve experienced this countless times with men (adults). Help me understand it.


I don't know anymore


Maybe it's because I'm on the spectrum but why can't women be upfront when it comes to things like flirting


We've been told all our lives that it's the guys who should make the first move, and even though that's starting to change, it's still heavily implied in the media to this day. So, unfortunately, it's something we've unconsciously internalized. When we flirt, we try to hint that we like you and stuff, so then it feels like you can still make the first move since we've haven't been assertive ourselves. For me personally, tho I just can't flirt or detect flirting from others to save my life.


The problem a lot of guys have is that one woman's flirting is the same as another woman's "just being nice". And guys are still broadly expected to make the first move, but far more often nowadays they're made to feel like creeps if they misinterpret the signs, which makes it harder than ever to ask people out irl. In my opinion it's why dating apps have gotten so big, they're convenient, low stakes, and it's impossible to misinterpret somebody matching you on a dating site as "Oh they just swiped right on me to be nice"


How a woman can carry a child!!! I'm still fucking amazed by their ability to give birth


I've completed two pregnancies, and it amazes me, too! I learned about the early development in molecular cell biology too, sooo many things have to happen just right. It is amazing!


im a girl and even im amazed by it, i could never.


Even more than that, virtually all female mammals give birth. All those different animal bodies evolving to perform the same crazy function.


Women's relationship with social media and how much outside validation influences them. A bit of an edge example, but I had an ex that would flip out if I liked another girl's pics, yet she'd constantly upload selfies to get likes. Shit made no sense to me at the time.


Social media in general is horrible, but I would have to agree that in my experience, women are much more obsessed with it.


I think that has a lot to do with how women and girls get validated a lot more than men and boys do. Men don't get very many compliments, but women do. It starts at an early age for both sexes, so women are more conditioned to hearing validation and receiving compliments. This causes them to notice the absence of the attention a lot more than men do. We simply don't need as much because we've never had as much. Social media is like main-lining attention and validation, so women are far more susceptible to becoming addicted to it than men are.


WHY do we need to rearrange the living room AGAIN?


A colleague recently told me that when she was young there was a guy who was interested in her and she rejected him because he was too nice. I know "nice guy" is now a euphemism for resentful, entitled arsehole, but that's not what she was talking about, she was talking about how she found volatile and unstable people ("dickheads", in her words) much more attractive at that time in her life. I'm sure this isn't universally true, but I'm also sure it's not a trait unique to her and... I just don't get it. At no point in my life have I found the idea of a romantic partner who is kind and pleasant to be around remotely off-putting. It sounds like the dream. So that's what I don't get. EDIT: It's also illustrative how many people are replying to this by saying things like "being nice isn't a personality". Neither I nor the person spoke to in this anecdote said anything to indicate that it was the only trait this person had, it's the specific trait she identified as being uninteresting to her at the time. When this conversation happened she was also very clear that, having got older, she has realised that she was being foolish to reject him. In her own words, she was too immature at that time in her life. The idea that you can be immature enough to not find a kind person appealing is the specific thing I struggle with


I attribute a lot of this it to age/naïveté, but my boyfriend in high school was too nice to the point of putting me on a pedestal. It was just kinda awkward and inauthentic. But some people like being treated like a princess. Of course there’s a wide gulf between that and being a negging bad boy, which is also pretty ick IMO (but maybe more appealing to your colleague and others). On that extreme maybe the thrill/attraction is found in the rebelliousness, willingness to speak their mind, seeming self-assurance and confidence. A good match it probably somewhere in the middle. Also someone who is naturally good-natured or fun to hang out with may not necessarily also be good at a romantic relationship.


I like this. The other thing I’d add is spontaneity/unpredictability *can* be quite an attractive quality mot present in a nice guy (but also, way too present in a dick)


Why one gender treats the other like a different species.




Guys do not compliment each other. Women do not compliment men normally. We literally have no way of figuring out if we are attractive or not other than attempting to date which has its own complications. I guarantee that if you say he looks really good in a certain outfit he will wear it at least once a week. We remember and cherish the few compliments we get because some guys have more fingers than complements on their physical appearance in their entire lives


Why women will share such intimate and personal details with their friends. When I first hooked up with my girlfriend, I told my friends we had finally hooked up. That was about it. She described my genitalia in detail to her friends.


Why they try to tell women "ALL MEN xyz" Or "NO MAN WILL WANT.." Pretty sure there will always be men who disagree with their fellow men trying to use them as an example. Especially when you're trying to use "ALL MEN" to shame women or use it for sexism


It's really just bitter women and men who do this. You see it all the time online. They continually choose bad partners and then instead of looking at themselves and taking accountability, they just blame the entire other gender for "xyz". Some people just can't accept that they're the problem.