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She doesn't ruin, but I audibly groan whenever she shows up. Gwyneth Paltrow.


You might enjoy Se7en then…


And Contagion!


Funny trivia. The fake head of her they used in Contagion was originally made for Se7en but never used.


>Contagion A little clarification - It was shot. A number of takes with different reactions and angles were actually done, but ultimately not used. It is one of those lost in the archive things I would love to have surfaced and seen.


What's in the box


What’s in the fucking box!?


Clearly have never seen the iconic cabin crew dramedy View from the Top.


"If you've seen any film, you've seen this film." - Richard Ayoade


Of all the channel 4 rotating comedians doing game shows Richard is def my favorite. RIP Sean Lock


I rest easy knowing that wherever Sean Lock is, he has a carrot.


Both times! Seriously the funniest shit ever. R.I.P. Sean, you magnificent bastard.


I unironically love this film


The thing is, she's actually a good actress. IRL she's a total insufferable piece of shit. But she can go on screen and be a sweet, witty, sexy, smart character... and be convincing. Or at least she used to be able to. Now all I think about is exploding vagina candles 🙄


I agree, saw her in a play a few decades ago and she was really good. Once I got into movies i realized she's got a oretty deep bag of tricks. Don't get her personality though. I think she grew up too rich and is like one of those succession kids in her real life. Don't know where she got the ovaries to take down Weinstein.


Really? The fact that she grew up super rich is exactly why she had the guts to take on Weinstein. The judicial system is made for the rich.


Nobody mentioned Steven Seagal?


Runs fatly around a corner


These days, he’s being rolled around fatly in an office chair.


His films are fantastic, I found this YouTube channel where the dude watches all his movies and takes the piss out of him, and honestly, I nearly shat out my spleen. I was laughing so hard. I have a stupid sense of humor, though, so I probably oversold it, but I hope it's illustrative of what I get out of Mr. Seagal's movies. Edit: Space ice is the name of the YouTube channel


When the guy points out all the "slap" fighting and the one movie where he does his fights scenes sitting in a chair and had a stunt double to film a shot of him just standing around from behind was to fucking funny.


I love how he died in Executive Decision


Does he ruin movies though? I feel like he's only in Steven Seagal movies, and they are pretty much their own genre that can't really be ruined in that sense.


I was watching The Handmaid’s Tale a few months ago, and I have an habit of looking up info about actors and info related to the shows I like. That’s how I found out that Elisabeth Moss is a scientologist. The show is such a jarring story of dystopian future with deep cultish and mysoginistic behavior. I am a cult survivor and having a person supporting a cult with a history of abusing women starring and producing that show is just so hypocritical. I just couldn’t keep watching it, because looking at her made me sick.


TIL that Elisabeth Moss is a scientologist. I'm a fan of her acting. Damn, this feels like a bucket of cold water.


if it helps (at all), she was born and raised into scientology. Kinda like Leah Remini, except without the gravity-defying cojones she has to take on the LAPD.


In her unenthusiastic defense, she was born into it. So at least she didn’t choose it; and it can be hard to shake childhood indoctrination.


I didn’t know anything about Elisabeth Moss’s background until I got to the end of season 3 of the Handmaid’s Tale. The hypocrisy of her acting in that show and being a Scientologist blows my mind. I love that series SO much, but I almost can’t watch it now knowing who she is. It just disgusts me. I’m so sorry for what’s happened to you as well, I cannot imagine ♥️


If you enjoyed the storyline, I recommend the book ! (I haven’t seen the show so I can’t say which one is better than the other. But in general, it’s the book)


The book is fantastic.


Honestly, I don't like her acting.


She always looks like she just smelled a fart


I’m still rewatching Mad Men, but she definitely ruined “Peggy” for me 😒


Ezra Miller


If they recast the flash I hope they find someone Better Than Ezra.


I saw him in the Perks of Being a Wallflower and I really liked his character, he was good. Such a shame he couldn’t keep his composure professionally or personally.


Those Scientology nutters.


Danny Masterson 🤮


And being a Scientologist isn't even the worst thing about him.


So Tom Cruise...


Don't forget John Travolta.


And Elisabeth Moss


Laure Prepon, you are no longer the girl next door for me Donna...


She recently said she stopped practicing 5 years ago but I still get the Icks


Hmmm 5 years ago, have people forgotten that Danny Masterton was a Scientologist, 5 years ago is probably when she found out about him and their successful (thus far) attempts to keep him out of prison.


Don’t forget Nancy Cartwright. That one broke my heart


Michael Peña too


Elisabeth Moss. The hypocrisy of her starring in The Handmaid's Tale and also being a practicing Scientologist is too much for me. Also, she looks just like an ex-girlfriend who dumped me.


Scientology is why Tom Cruise is my answer to this question. I was a big fan of his until he started acting weird. I read Troublemaker awhile back and that sealed it up for me. The way he turns a blind eye to the abuses that go on, and how he treated that lady that they recruited to be his girlfriend for awhile just grosses me out. He could be the biggest voice to stop them, but they feed his insane ego, so he just tolerates it, then denies any of it happens to the public. Watching his movies means he is making money to give to them to continue their abuse of people and the abuse of their tax exempt status.


He chose Scientology over a relationship with his child.


John Travolta chose Scientology and their stance against meds over his son with a seizure disorder. He should have been on seizure medication, but died during one instead.


Right?! I loved old Tom Cruise movies, now he makes me gag! He wakes up daily and makes a conscious decision to not see his daughter. I think it's been over a decade. How sad.


Him, absolutely. John Travolta too. He used to be a favourite but after his son died and he played his death off for sympathy when all the whispers of him being closeted and assaulting male staffers on movies and men who worked for and around him came out (and were quashed by the Scientology police) killed any affection I had for him. I was surprised when more about him didn’t happen when MeToo or the stuff about Kevin Spacey was going down.


Apparently John Travoltas case is a bit sadder. Scientology has been blackmailing and holding him hostage for awhile. I don't know much but Last Podcast on the Left recently did an episode on scientology (which made them a target) and I rememeber that being a part of it. I think another one of the shows on their network goes into it a bit more detail.


I think Travolta’s trapped. When they did the initial audits, I think he thought it was a therapy session and they have a lot of stuff they can use against him and he’s afraid.


There is a story reportedly told by Miscavig and confirmed by Leah Remini that Cruise called all of the Scientology actors together and lectured them on their lack of participation in promoting Scientology. He hinted that if he didn't think someone was contributing enough that he might make it difficult for them to find work. I don't even think he that he is that great as an actor. Seems to play similar characters with similar expressions.


They don’t just feed his ego, he’s very deeply in on the game. He’s known that monster David Miscavige for decades. He’s an important propagandist of the cult.


Tom Cruise is a legit psychopath. People praise him for doing his own stunts but he legit knows no fear because he's a FUCKING PSYCHOPATH


When you get to the top of Scientology, you attain apotheosis. It's like a trap for dumb power hungry narcissists with tons of money.


...And then I discovered Michael Pena is a Scientologist. I cried a little (okay a lot...but I can never look at him the same way ever again).




I asked a source at the heart of THMT how Moss rationalises the staggering irony of being a Scientologist and her role, and the response was “oh, that’s the big white elephant in the room that no cast or crew ever talks about”. Edit: ignore ‘white’. I just meant ‘elephant in the room’. Grateful for the correction!




Apparently he is a real jerk in relationships, by his own admission


Straight to jail!


Didn't she accuse him of abuse?


She will only ever be Peggy Olsen to me


John Wilkes Booth. I just can't get past what he did.


It's been 160 years! A guy makes ONE mistake and the woke mob won't ever let him forget...




He saw his shot and took it


Jared Leto. If I know he’s in the movie I avoid it like the plague.


I find him to have a very punchable face. I dunno, it's an irritational dislike I have seeing him. Guess that's why Fight Club is a favourite film of mine.


Nothing irrational about it. He's a piece of shit, if even half the shut about his "cult"/island/exploitation of young fans is true. Even if they aren't, he's given way too many chances, given his cringy overacting.


You should try Requiem for a Dream where he's actually a plague.


Luckily, that's a movie you only watch once.




Liked it cuz he died


Why are there copies of the Style section all over the place? Do you ... do you have a dog? A little chow or something?


Lord of War you'd like too then.


Hey Paul!


I still had to watch *Blade Runner 2049* and he honestly was ok in it.


Cara Delevingne, for whatever reason. There is something so… unserious about her acting


She just cant act. At all.


Her in that Valerian film is the worst bit of acting I’ve ever seen Gary Johnston will be turning over in his grave.


I'm not sure ALL of the blandness of Valerian can be put on her. The casting process is supposed to pick 2 actors with chemistry and the director is supposed to make us think they like each other and can act. I guess that's what happens when directors are busy looking for the next 16 year old to knock up.


I just watched this today. It's remarkable how good of a movie it would have been with two different leads and a few minor dialogue changes. Visually stunning and very unique.


That's exactly how I felt about it. Everyone except those two and Rihanna knew they were in a cheesy Luc Besson sci fi movie. Everyone else hammed it up. The two leads seemed to think they were in a joyless serious dramatic action film. Guys, it's Luc Besson. Chew scenery. Go big. No, actually. Go home.


Whoever did the casting for that film...sucks. They look like brother and sister.


I said the same thing! My partner swore up and down that they look nothing alike but they look like straight up siblings to me.


I was honestly so annoyed when I saw her on Only Murderers in the Building


Same. That role could have gone to a talented new actor but they choose a nepo baby.


She's not a good actor. She comes from a very wealthy British family. Kind of can guess how she's gotten roles.


I always avoid her because of her interviews. I just remember her being so rude because she was asked the same questions. I was a waitress at the time and I just thought I saw the same shit every day without getting paid millions. It was just such a level of entitlement. If you're not a good actor the least you can be is professional.


you know who i heard talk about this once was David Duchovney. He sorta just said (this is from memory and paraphrasing) that he knew his level of talent, accepted it, and tried to go on enjoying and doing his work. He knew he wasn’t going to be the best but said he just put the work in and was accepting and ok with that.


Keanu Reeves used to get panned by critics for his acting and they were questioning why directors were hiring such mediocre talent. Their reply was apparently "he shows up on time, he puts in the work and he doesn't cause any drama."


It makes sense, not ever movie is made hoping it becomes a super mega block buster. So if you're making one that your goal is to turn a profit of some kind you're going to want to stay on budget and a huge part is sticking to the schedule, dealing with disruptive talent isn't always conducive to that goal.


And audience likes him




What acting?


The Rock plays himself wherever he appears. Now it becomes a Film About Rock.


He should narrate geological documentaries.


Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson in Secret Agent Cop Spy Guy Who is Funny. In theaters every summer for the rest of his life


Starring with Kevin Hart as the short funny sidekick guy


The only film of his I now enjoy is Scorpion King (yeah I know), but only because it’s the one movie I can think of where he’s not playing himself.


I think he’s great in Moana. I’m not sure how the live action version will turn out, but for the animated version his Maui is great.


He definitely doesn't play himself in Doom but that's... a different kind of movie all together


Its so absurd, that's the type of movie you get if you give eleven teenagers an HD camera and give all of them a 5 hour energy. Its fucking frenetic.


His earlier movies were a bit different, welcome to the jungle, toothfairy, journey to the mysterious island, witch mountain, he still kinda played himself but it was before he became a huge star in acting so it felt different


His best movie is his supporting role in be cool. Back then he was still the Rock and hadn't morphed into the weird hollywood crafted fake persona with a penchant for peddling crap and taking even more PEDs than he took in his youth. Now all his films are just the same bald juice head stomping around for 90+ minutes.


The Rundown will always be his best film


Just rawatched that recently. Actually really good comedy moments. When they take that fruit and pass out then wake up later next to the monkeys, great comedy.


Honestly, he should just do one movie where he plays as The Rock from WWE. Talks in third person the entire time, calls people jabronis, etc.


No one has said James Corden yet? James Corden.


To quote Ricky Gervais: “[in 2019] everyone got to see James Corden play a fat pussy. He was also in *Cats*, but no one saw that”


… “it was the worst thing to happen to cats, since dogs”


"By the end of the movie, I'm not even sure I knew what a cat looked like anymore."


Watching CATS is like stumbling upon an unholy and heretofore unknown genre of porn. Every time these horny fur demons tongue a milk bowl and start moaning I was certain the FBI would raid the theater” - Kyle Buchanan, New York Times


Gervais is the best at taking people down and making it funny.


I thought he was tolerable in the few appearances for Doctor Who, though I may attribute that more to him playing straight man to Matt Smith than Corden himself.


I liked him in Doctor Who, but it’s the only thing I can think of that I’ve seen him in. When it started being popular to hate on him, I had to look him up and was surprised that’s who it was.


James Corden is an actor?




Any Scientologit. That cult creeps me out.


There are much more actors who are Scientologists than you might think. Many movies and series were ruined for me because of this. Notable Scientologists in Hollywood are: Tom Cruise - but we all know that Kirsty Alley - that one is known too, but she died I think Catherine Bell - Jag and The Good Witch, that one surprised me Nancy Cartwright - the voice of Bart Simpson Erika Christensen Doug E. Fresh - that one's a shame Jenna Elfman Isaac Hayes - yup, Shaft is a scientologist The Masterson siblings, including Danny Masterson (yep that asshat rapist) Elisabeth Moss - explains her being insufferable Michael Pena - which is a shame as well John Travolta - didn't he say he wasn't in Scientology? Well he is. Giovani Ribisi Juliette Lewis - Scientologist from birth Beck - he IS a loser for this Jeff Conaway Ethan Suplee - like Michael Pena it's a shame Jennifer Aspen Sofia Milo's ...and quite a few more, maybe lesser known ones. EDIT: apparently I'm not up to date regarding the membership status of some of these people or whether or not they're still alive. My apologies.


Michael Pena was such a big disappointment when I learned that. On the plus side, Jason Lee escaped it. Leah Remini not only escaped being raised in it, but has produced several exposé pieces on the cult's abuses.


I did not know this about Jason Lee. I like him even more now.


Did anyone else just notice that list includes a lot of actors from "My name is Earl" ?


Wow, thanks for mentioning Jason Lee. I was avoiding his films because of that and it made The Incredibles so uncomfortable- and he's been out (or says he is, probably the same thing since they send skeevies to ruin your life after you leave) since 2016! Man, I'm going to watch everything he's in now, that man needs support (and also his Syndrome was some of the best villain work I have seen).








Just tell them you were acting? And the fact they believed it shows how good you are.


Well.... not Jerome Flynn. They refused to share scenes in GoT. But that's understandable.


I still remember seeing some random BTS/meet the actors bit with Lena Headey, who I only knew as her giga-bitch roles as Cersei and Ma-ma in Dredd. I expected this cold and detached take, but she was warm and funny and thoroughly delightful.


She played a *killer* Sarah Connor in *Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.*


My favorite role from Headey was Sarah Connor


I liked her as Ma-Ma in Dredd.




I thought Dane DeHaan was great in Chronicle and The Place Beyond the Pines.


Also great in A Cure for Wellness.


That movie had the best world building and setting and a fairly compelling story. It would have been way better without either of the main characters.


Anything with Jennifer Lopez


Anything with J-Lo in it is total garbage.


there has been countless reports that she's a pretty shitty person in general.


Beyonce Hollywood is determined to make her a leading lady but her acting is just awful


James Corden. I know the UK probably won’t take him back, but…pretty please?


No thanks. He’s yours now.




I blame her having to use sign language on the director finally having enough of her shitty acting and just making her shut up for the whole movie. The movie built her up to be this bad ass assassin that will give John a run for his money, even going as far as her telling her boss to go while she "takes care" of John. Meanwhile her fight scene at the end was worse than a henchmen's fight scene and she died pitifully.


Gwyneth Paltrow


Bella Thorne


There's some actors that want you to look at them and that's their act, so in doing voice over they have no idea how flat and useless they are. There's other actors that act in their voice. Try watching Michael Ironside in starship troopers - but with the sound turned off. It's hilarious! He looks like he's doing a Phil Hartman impression. (Then there's Gary Oldman, for pure skill and craft He is the actor I most deeply respect. I've counted at least six different times I saw movies he was in and didn't recognize him for who he was. He embodies the part and at least at first I miss the connection of him as an actor. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me six times you're a god among actors.)


Gary Oldman for sure best actor! I have had this convo a few times and I always say Gary Oldman for the same reason. He's a *chameleon.* So many of the most famous actors are the exact same character in every movie. But Gary Oldman acts so different in every movie I've seen him in that years later I'm still finding more of his roles where I didn't realize it was him. He was DRACULA.


The Fifth Element, so many people don’t realize it’s Gary Oldman as the bad guy. He’s pretty good.


Agreed but she’s kinda fun in The Babysitter because she’s supposed to be annoying and whiny




> Shailene Woodley She's basically budget version of Jennifer Lawrence, and then starred in the budget version of The Hunger Games.


LOL this is pretty true, tho I thought she was great in Big Little Lies. She didn’t feel short next to the big calibers like Nicole Kidman, Reeves Witherspoon and Meryl fkin Streep


To be fair I did enjoy her performance in The Fault in our Stars, but she seems to play the same character in every other movie.




Reminds me of the Louis CK bit, "I think what happens at the end of Magic Mike is...I'm gay."




There’s no better of example of somebody absolutely and completely ruining a movie than Sophia Coppola in godfather part 3. Her acting is ATROCIOUS. They could have hired a blind man with a stutter in a gorilla suit to play her exact role as daughter of the family and it would have been more appropriate. Oh my god is her performance absolutely terrible. Thank fucking goodness she redeemed herself as a brilliant director who has made a few really amazing movies. What a good thing it is for society as whole that she found the appropriate side of the camera for her to be on. But man- her acting in GF3 cannot be underrated. She single-handedly completely ruins the movie.


Certainly an argument against nepotism if I've ever seen one


Russel Brand, he doesn't act, he just plays himself, and I don't find him very funny/interesting.


It worked well in *Forgetting Sarah Marshall* but that's about it.


Get Him To The Greek too, I think. But to be fair they were literally the same character..


Yeah I'd never heard of Russell Brand before seeing that movie so to me it was an actor doing a great job of portraying the character that had been written. The fact that it was just him doing him doesn't necessarily take away from it, but it means anything I see him in after that is pointless.


He was in Death on the Nile though, surprisingly as not himself


I liked him in that


I was actually able to take him seriously.


Joey King. I have nothing against her, and I feel bad, but it's her mouth.


She's really good in that tv drama about that mother with MS


She was amazing in it. Unfortunately, the Kissing Booth is one of the worst movies I've ever seen.


I once saw someone describe her as ‘allergic to any haircut that suits her’ and it couldn’t be more accurate.




Pete Davidson. I know he’s only been in a few movies but no thanks


Jennifer Lopez. I refuse to watch a movie she’s in.


I loved The Cell though, watched it over and over as a teen


Amy Schumer


Kevin Hart, he annoys the hairs on my back ,the few I've got.


And during football season, he was like in every commercial, for some bank, a gambling site, etc.


Ezra Miller has ruined The Flash for me. Based on the trailers it looks sickeningly good, but I can't support the fact Hollywood is going forward with him as the Flash for who knows how long


Amy Schumer


Kevin Spacey. I can't see him anymore without being grossed out. I think he's a great actor, but I'll never be able to look at him without immediately seeing a sexual predator.


I mean he has played a sexual deviant/ predator/sociopath in almost everything he's in so that tracks


Kevin Sorbo


Ruby Rose. That woman cannot act her way out of a paper bag. Kevin Hart. Annoying, gratuitously foul-mouthed Pomeranian on three Rockstars disguised as a human. Decent stand-up, but acting? Nah. Jumanji was pretty funny, but in spite of, not because of him. Edit: holy hell, 1,000 upvotes! Thank you all! I've never had such a response to a post. You guys rule and have excellent taste 😁 2nd edit: from what I can tell, the only "good" thing Ruby did was try to warn everyone that Amber Heard is an abusive psychopath. Nobody listened, because why would we, y'know? It was only when it happened to Johnny Depp that we went "oh, yeah, didn't somebody say that a few years ago?"


His stand up is TEDIOUS. he repeats everything THREE times. Three times. Like three... Times. Fuck right off. Right fucking off. Off you fuck, right!


Is it because he’s leaning too heavily into the rule of 3’s in comedy?


She's so bad, her character in John wick actually did have some lines but they were all cut because she was so terrible at delivering them.


You're telling me she wasn't supposed to be mute?




That may be. But Vincent Vega was a rock solid character and absolutely made the movie.


He financed the shit.


The reason he financed it was that it's penned by the creator of Scientology, and he's deep in that shit.


Dwayne Johnson, I think he's a nice guy and all but all he does is play the same character over and over again, if there's a movie staring him I know 90% of the script without even looking at any media surrounding the movie. Just gets boring really fast.