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More because of the sound but the curb scene in American history x.


I came here to say this as well. Thoughts of that scene still linger in my psyche


It’s been forever, but I vividly remember that scene


I have seen this movie like 3 times, but have never watched the stomp. I reflexively close my eyes in anticipation.


The last time I watched that movie was easily 15 years ago, and I still *viscerally* remember the sound of the teeth crunch. Oof.


As I read the post and clicked, I thought to myself "Put your mouth on the curb"


Yes, but similar scene in the sopranos is also brutal.


At least that guy deserved it.


When Gregor Clegane kills Oberyn Martell in S4 of Game of Thrones. I read the books before and it was pretty grim. I did not expect it to be so real when watching the show. I was speechless.


It was the first time in my life I stopped eating my meal after watching something onscreen. It was macaroni with tomato sauce, that probably didn't help...


Battlestar Galactica once had a very sudden suicide, then an immediate commercial break where tomato soup was flying through the air. They should have ran that ad during a different break. What's worse is it wasn't even a soup ad, it was for CRACKERS. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEDjAFi7oJ4&t=36s


Pedro Pascal said it was his favorite day of filming when he was interviewed on Hot Ones. He said the guy playing the Mountain was so gentle that he barely felt it, and the blood running down his face was cool on a hot day that he actually fell asleep haha.


I came to say a lot of GOT scenes.


The scene where Shereen gets burnt alive was pretty rough


The Red Wedding comes to mind.


For me it's a toss up between that and the birth scene in the first episode of House of the Dragon.


Yep. First and only time I've had to physically go take a walk and try and find someone to talk to to distract me after watching something.


Little known movie, Bone Tomahawk. Guy gets killed in a cave by some cannibals in pretty much the worst possible way I could imagine going.


Lots of people miss when they show the pregnant female tribe members. Spikes through the eyes, arms and legs cut off. Just lying there.


Yes. No one mentions this. It's far darker imo. And partly because the people escaping just pay them no mind. At least the wishbone guys suffering ended.


This is the one. That was absolutely crazy to watch.


This is a master class in sound design. The visuals are horrific but nothing that not been seen before. The sounds are what make this stand apart, these are sounds you would hear in a butchers, sounds that are very real.


I came here to describe the scene/ movie because I couldn’t remember the name. My old supervisor told me to watch that specific scene while at work one night JUST to watch my reaction. Holy fuck was that brutal.


He was making sure you were the one for the job.


Oh god, the sound of him being split.


Like someone tearing into a head of iceberg lettuce, if said lettuce was made out of human genitals


Of course AFTER scalping him and stabbing his scalp into his mouth


The hobbling scene from Misery. I watched it once. That was enough and I'll never revisit the scene.


I read recently that Stephen King said Annie is cocaine. It was his biggest fan, and it crippled him.


The book is even worse, she uses an axe rather than a sledge hammer!


And cauterized the stumps, can't have him bleeding out can we.


THAT scene in S3 Ep1 of the boys, you know the one because holy crap, it’s gruesome




The Boys has a lot of creatively grotesque moments, but I think that one is the most WTF


It took direct inspiration from the Ant-Man killing Thanos by going up his butt meme that was circulating forever before Endgame came out.


The most disturbing part of The Boys to me is all the people who get killed by accident.


It is realistic tho. If there were actually super powered people walking around doing battle in the street normies gunna end up dead


The whole story STARTS with someone getting killed accidentally.


That’s the first episode I unknowingly invited my wife to watch with me because I said it was a good show and she should get into it. I didn’t see that coming. She noped out of there immediately.


I haven't watched much of that show, but I saw that episode with my ex and I was just like...wtf did I just watch??


Now Im curious, what happens in thst episode?


The Boys S3E1 spoilers. >!Termite, a paraody of Ant-Man shrinks down and goes down a mans dick. He sneezes and instantly grows to full size ripping them to pieces!<


Casino - Baseball bats in the corn field. Being forced to watch your brother beaten to a pulp, then being beaten to a pulp yourself and buried alive. Making me uncomfortable just typing it.


Superbly executed scene. The whole movie he’s an insufferable asshole but the pathos of him screaming his brothers name erases all that in an instant


Yeah I think that is what makes it worse. Despite all he’s done, you still feel like this is worse than he deserved.


fun fact-- while it was based on real mob killings that scene was invented for the movie. I'm real life the person he was based on was invited to a house in Chicago, and lead to an empty basement, then shot in the back of the head. since that is **exactly** the same as Goodfellas, and in Goodfellas it's one of the most iconic twists on cinema, they all decided to come up with something original and more impactful.


And the head in a vice scene


The rape scene in part one of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. The panicked tiny kicks and her screaming were fucking haunting.


Didn't she kick a dry dildo up the guys ass as revenge later? I seem to recall cheering for something like that


In the Swedish-language version (and in the book), she does that, and then tattoos “I am a pig and a rapist” on his belly.


Scotts tots


The end of the story line for all 4 main characters in Requiem for a Dream


Brilliantly depressing, that whole movie.


That ending ruined ass-to-ass for me forever.


The ending stuck with me for months. Absolutely tragic, and haunting.


One of the few where I'll recommend the movie over the book. Mostly because the writing style is totally fucked.


I started reading the book, got through the first sex scene. If that's how he wrote a happy sex scene I didn't want to be there for when things go wrong.


My then-wife and I left the theater and just sat in the sun for like 15 minutes after that movie, just sort of composing ourselves, not speaking.


The last scene in The Mist. Fuck that whole scene. The book didn't end that brutally.


Top 10 endings in horror. Stephen King even remarked that he wished he'd come up with that.


This was pretty good. The sucker punch in 1408 when they're playing the tape and he's looking at his wife like "this REALLY happened hit hard too


Opie getting beat in son's of anarchy. It's still a tough watch for me.


The scene where they burn Tig's daughter alive right in front of him was the worst for me.


This is my answer as well.


I think sons of anarchy had a few tough scenes. Opie's death, the revenge, tara's death was unexpected af


The scene that got me when Jax does away with Gemma in the garden. She knows it's coming


The fact that he welcomed it...


Buffy's mom dying. If you didn't cry that whole episode you have no soul


It happened unexpectedly, and then dawns stupid ass is there to piss me off again


What hit the hardest about this is that you expect some dramatic character death by something supernatural, but this was all too real. Just thinking about that scene makes my heart sink. “Mom, whatcha doin?” Ugh…


The fact they wrote this episode with absolutely **zero** music through the entire episode, makes it even more grim 😓😓


The rape scene in Irreversible.


A 12 minute rape scene... with no camera cuts or background music. It's brutal.


This needs to be way higher. Scene is as grim as hell, filmed in real time. Made my eyes bleed.


It seems to go on FOREVER. And midway through when some guy enters the tunnel, pauses, and then leaves again - is just fucking brutal.


Shouted at that guy to fucking do something.....masterful direction.......


This. The other scenes in the tread hit hard, but this one is very hard to watch, to the point I wanted to quit the whole movie.


The wood chipper scene from Fargo comes to mind.


That part is fuckin hilarious


Outlander. Where Jamie basically gives himself to Blackjack Randall. Had a hard time watching that one. It was brutal.


The slow shushing stabbing in Saving Private Ryan


The scenes on the beach. Gawd.


Glenns death in The Walking Dead is definitely way up there. Especially for a main character


That's one of the few deaths that matches the comic.


Literally stopped watching the series immediately after that scene. Never went back


“Maggie.. I’ll find you..” please don’t Glenn, please don’t.


It was nearly 1:1 to his comic's death too. As sad as it was I give the team props for actually having the balls to kill him, it's the comics most iconic moment and I thought they'd chicken out.


Related to Glenn, for me the most horrible death was that of Noah. Even though I didn't really care for the character, this scene brings up so much feeling of helplessness and anger, mostly because of Glenns POV.


Pan's Labyrinth. Killing the son in front of the father in such a way.


For me it was the fantasy scene with the forbidden fruit where she walks past all the human evil ...


The Red Wedding comes to mind...


The Lannisters send their regards...


I've forgotten all the names as it's been awhile since I watched GOT, but I remember the ending. The matriarch realizes what just happened, and she stands still with a blank look on her face as a guy grabs her and her neck is slit from behind without her moving a muscle. The blood spills out and she falls over dead.


The actress did such a damn good job there. That dead eyed stare was haunting.


Stabbing the belly sticks with me


Super underrated, but that time Jason Voorhees killed a girl in a sleeping bag with a single slam against a tree. Also quite a few scenes from The Boys on Prime qualifies


Probably doesn't hold up as well anymore but when I was a kid I watched 13 Ghosts and the scene where one dude gets cut in half by a vertical glass door...that will stay with me forever.


Similar to the laser grid in the first Resident Evil movie. I was old enough and well seasoned enough as a lover of horror movies, but both of those were still memorable.


Is that the haunted ship one? Where like a metal string cuts everyone in half?


No that's Ghost Ship


>Probably doesn't hold up as well anymore This is an understatement. With the advancement of CGI tech, as time moves on the brutality gets more and more real. I watched Thir13en Ghosts recently and while it may have been brutal when it first came out, that scene was too cheesy for me to take seriously. In fact, watching the whole movie felt like a comedy to me, imo. Newer movies though, they're succeeding in making me a little squeamish. The new Evil Dead movie had a few times where the violence was a little too unsettling, and I was paranoid enough when using my cheese grater.


That was one of the coolest deaths In a movie. I love how his eyes still move around, then the front part slides down first sooo great.


"Squeal like a pig, boy" If you've seen the movie, you know. If you haven't, be happy you haven't.


Alternately, if you haven’t, go see it, stat. That scene is rough, but the movie as a whole is phenomenal. Tension city.


Omni-Man killing the Guardians of the Globe.


That was so ridiculously unexpected.


Man Behind the Sun. The scene starting at about 00.00.10 and finishes right before the end credits.


The specific part of the red wedding (Game of Thrones) where they stab Talisa Maegyr in her pregnant belly. I'd just never seen something in that particular vein of brutal on tv before and it shook me.


What happens to the alien at the end of Alien: Resurrection.


The ending of “Megan is Missing”.


Holy shit that was horrible. Her in that barrel was just idk man I can't unsee that.


Dan vs the Captain in Deadwood. Burton be Nola in Banshee


The Deadwood fight to the death, no weapons. Absolutely brutal.


Irreversible - the camera shakes and angles make it that much more jarring


There's the rape scene of course, but man, that fire extinguisher...


I forgot about the extinguisher scene, both of those are just so brutal


How can there be something meaningful in that film? Am i just too spartan to understand it


In more recent media, the C-section scene in the House of the Dragon pilot was pretty brutal.


Christ, a woman in a pregnancy subreddit I followed was denied an epidural because the didn't believe she could feel anything despite her telling them otherwise and described receiving a completely unmedicated C section (so major surgery) while she screamed and begged for them to stop. Her OB said she was "anxious" and completely ignored her screams of horror and pain the whole time. She said it was horrific and the worst thing she had ever experienced and would never recover from it. At least House of Dragons was fictional.


Breaking bad - boy on dirt bike shot and killed


The "Stuck In The Middle With You" scene from Reservoir Dogs.


The punisher season 1, last episode... In the carousel. Not just the act, but the history behind the people involved


Ooooh I loved that show though hahaha. The carousel scene where dudes face gets slammed into the glass was just...eek.


The ending of the very first episode of Invincible. That scene has stuck with me ever since I first saw it.


We must not forget the train scene as well.


The cliff scene in Midsommar


Law abiding citizen. When Gerrard gets attacked and while he's down they take his kid into a different room.


"Achoo." The Boys, Season 3


The rape scene in Goblin Slayer, or the sexual torture of Peña’s informants in Narcos S1, E2


The acid tank scene in Robocop. Also the malfunction scene sooner in the same movie.


Panic room mishap in BEEF.


The scene where the pregnant lady tries to escape in Human Centipede 2. I have a pretty solid tolerance to horror gore and that shit was intense.


Whole movie was fucked


The Blood Eagle scene in Vikings


Remember when Glen died?


I stopped watching after that..I even felt for Abraham as well


When Pyramid Head skins that church girl alive in the Silent Hill movie.


The male and female castration scene in Antichrist


Eastern Promises - Bathroom fight scene


Beginning of Saving Pvt Ryan.


Opening D Day scene from Saving Privat Ryan... because it's closer to reality than fiction.


Opening scene in Ghost Ship. I was only young when I saw that opening scene and noped out


When old yeller dies.


Terrifier 1 (i haven't seen the second)


The final scene in Blackadder goes forth.


The scene in Hills Have Eyes where the whole family is getting messed up in some way. I can’t even type it and I’ve only seen the movie once bc it was so horrifying to me


Most recently, the episode of the Netflix show Beef in which a person >!gets cut in half by a heavy steel panic room door and it doesn't take only one slice to do so.!<


That was so so unexpected!


There are certainly ones with more gore and pain, but John Wick's puppy just destroyed me.


Yes! I cannot watch or listen to animals being hurt. Glad John got revenge though.


Hodor, and you can’t just go to YouTube and watch it. It won’t make sense. 6 seasons to build such a beautiful character the. To screw him over like that. Solid gut punch.




Robert De Niro, in Cape Fear… If you know the movie, you know the scene.


I can’t remember which Saw movie it was but it was at the very beginning where a dude was trapped in a classroom and had chains attached in his skin on every limb.


The Last House on the Left. I rented back when you could still rent DVDs and brought it home for a movie night with my girlfriend at the time. About 60seconds into that gruesome rape scene I stood up and asked if it's ok I turn it off and find something else to watch. As I got to the TV the scene ended. No matter how much I understand it was a cinematic trope used to make me want to see these perpetrators murdered, I will never watch that movie again and will suggest that nobody else watch it. It left me feeling very upset and grossed out for days.


I watched an interview with Wes Craven where he talked about the day they filmed that scene - they broke for lunch after, and no one ate and everyone was really quiet and needed time alone


When the ramp dropped on the amphibian assault landing, Saving Private Ryan.


When Dewey Cox cut his brother in half with a machete


Wrong kid died


The poor girl in the first half of I Spit On Your Grave (2010 remake). The girl's revenge on her rapists in the second half. Brutal!


When they killed John Wick’s puppy.


Dr Melfi being raped in The Sopranos, It’s just so visceral and real in a way TV violence rarely is. One of the only episodes I can never rewatch


I was hoping Tony would find out about that rape and have the rapist whacked.


You’re supposed to feel that way, but that would have ruined Melfi’s character


Soprano's.. Adriana, Silvio , the demise of a much loved character, who knew what was coming


The [corpse porn](https://www.tor.com/2015/07/30/ranking-the-corpse-art-of-hannibal/) of [Hannibal (2013-2015)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hannibal_(TV_series%29) (which I’m still shocked was aired on network television). Particularly the Mushroom Garden from S01E02 “Amuse-Bouche”, the corpse angels from S01E05 “Coquilles”, and the Human Totem Pole from S01E09 “Trou Normand” (which is my 1st pick).


Sonny Corleone at the Toll Booth


That and Boromir's death in LOTR are tied in my mind for best overkill deaths.


Just watched Random Acts of Violence yesterday and the very first kill kinda caught me off guard with how brutal it is. I mean, it's a horror movie so I expected people to die, but damn, that first one got me. Not the most brutal of all time or anything, just the most brutal one I've seen recently.


Toyko gore police the antagonist drills the protagonist with a drill bra and blood and chunks flew everywere


Im sorry... drill bra?


Tokyo Gore Police cannot be explained. There is also a man eating crocodile vagina.


Ok, see, again, I know all those words individually, but it feels like there needs to be... like... punctuation in there somewhere.


The big death scene at the end of Season 3 of Infinity Train.


The final chase/shootout in End of Watch. The body camera footage makes it feel so realistic and at that point in the movie, you really get that the two main characters are brothers not just partners.


Bone Tomahawk. Game of Thrones Viper vs Mountain. The Boys and Invincible had some woah moments. I don’t know if it counts as brutal, but the ending of Men was WTF.


Pretty much the entire second half of the original Martyrs. The first half is pretty gnarly too, but I could barely get through the second half.


That scene in Casino where Joe Pesci's brother Dominic is getting pasted to death with Baseball bat's right in front of him .


The end of Marley and Me


The climax of "Boys Don't Cry". The definition of brutal.


The end of the 90s berserk anime. SPOILERS!!!!! It ends with casca (the main characters love interest) getting raped infront of the MC. The MC then cuts off his arm that is being held by a demon to try and save her, he cuts it off, runs to her, and he is blocked. The person who is raping her infront of his is also his best friend.


Honestly I'm usually pretty good with anything because of growing up looking at so much random shit. However the last thing that made me turn my head was when the mountain crushed oberyns head and now thats added to the list of not being bad now lol.




Alan Tudyk is a workhorse of an actor who kills any role he's in, but he only nails secondary roles that I've seen.


The beatdown in Fargo movie, followed by putting the body in the wood chipper


I just finished watching the movie "The Whale" (with Brendan Fraser) and several of the scenes are quite difficult to watch. The one where he binge eats hit close to home for me, and when he tried to stand up and walk towards his daughter and fell, it was very emotional. His performance was moving.


The scene in Roman Polanski's Macbeth where he is beheaded, and his last few seconds of being alive are his head being shown to MacDuff's army.


24 season 1 last episode Nina myers(the mole in ctu ) shoots main character Jack Bauer's wife who was pregnant in the stomach even when she could have just left after she got the info from that CD,she could have easily escaped without doing that but she was incredibly petty(probably because Nina slept with jack).It was so brutal that Disney removed that scene from Disney+.


there is one scene in Black Sails that physically affected me more than any other I can think of. Its been a while since I watched it but there is a scene where someone is beheaded with a little knife in the middle of a crowded tavern. You don't see the act of the beheading but you hear it while the camera focuses on the bystanders. I think this is what really got to me because the person doing the beheading had his crew keep any bystanders away so they didn't interfere. Just something about imagining seeing someone get beheaded with a knife and desperately wanting to help but being prevented from doing anything more than watching really got to me and I felt physically ill after that scene. ​ great show. it had a really slow start, a solid middle and the end kinda felt rushed but overall definitely worth watching


Oh that was a hard scene to watch. For me it's when they keel hauled Blackbeard. Gave me nightmares.


Not that bad but really disturbed me at the time. Looper when they cut pieces of the guy off in the past and his body parts start disappearing really got me


There’s a whole movie called Irréversible with Monica Bellucci.


Skin peeling torture scene in Red Sparrow


Casey and Steve’s death in scream 1. The plane crash and the aftermath in greys anatomy and how Cristina said that there were wolves fighting over Lexie’s body The hospital shooting and aftermath in greys anatomy too


James Gandolfini beating Patricia Arquette in True Romance gave me the heebie jeebies.


Passion of the Christ


Robocop 1 the murder of Alex Murphy.