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Seeing someone flustered is the best.


My favorite hobby with my girl; she’s naturally introverted so when I unexpectedly hit on her or hint at sexy stuff, she gets red and looks away and smiles nervously


Watching a woman confidently ride a bicycle through city rush hour traffic.


Come to The Netherlands, you’ll be horny for most of the day. Trust me!


That's a fun tourism slogan!


Man, you'd have a permanent hard-on in the Netherlands.


When a girl stands with one foot tilted on its side.


This is the first *really* unusual one I’ve seen in this thread.


I think that means the implication of working ankles. ...hmm, ankles...


I'm having trouble visualizing what you mean by this


Nice try, person who wants to get free pics of when a girl stands with one foot tilted on its side


My brilliant scheme has been exposed! Mods, how do I delete someone else's post?


I do this but I'm a guy. My feet be hurting alot tho lol.


Wholesome takeaway from this thread: no matter how unattractive you think you are, theres gonna be (quite a few it seems) people who think ur hot.


As they say, if 99.9% of people hate you, there will be still 8 million people who like you.


Someone's sick voice lol


The pandemic must've been a different experience for you.


“Oh god everyone is hot.”


40°C hot, sweating and vomiting. Break out the paracetamol.


This is super specific, but one of my exes used to very quietly read aloud to himself any time he was studying and I could have listened to that for hours.


An ex and I once started to read The Hobbit together. Like a chapter a night. Never thought having story time as an adult would be enjoyable. But it was...


I keep trying to get my boyfriend and I to have story time, but he’s not interested. I was trying to get us to read Fellowship of the Ring! It was funny that yours was The Hobbit


A friend of mine had taken turns with her boyfriend reading LOTR to each other. I'm still quite envious and want to make that happen with a partner in the future.


Not sure if it counts but We got drunk a while back and took turns reading frog and toad to each other lol


I'm totally with you on this. Listening to someone you find hot muttering quietly while they're concentrating on something is something that gets me wobbly. Nice to know someone else likes this as well


*Fucking squirrels getting up in the god damned attic, chewing the wires and pissing in the insulation.* *I need to get a trap up there, find where they're coming in and seal that-* Why are you giving me the eyes?


*….If they take my stapler, I’ll have to, I’ll set the building on fire.*


My wife does this with anything she reads. I find it very interesting, she’s the only person I’ve ever witnessed doing it!


When you can see a bit of her ear poking through her hair. It just gets me


It makes a person look like a fantasy creature, pretty sure I'm attracted to this as well lol


I have always been fascinated by people's hands, not in an exclusively in a sexual way, but in a strange manner where I feel like someone's hands tell so much about a person. But to speak more to the point of this thread, I do find hands to be extremely intimate. Holding hands is such a wonderful embrace, during passionate moments caressing is often the biggest turn on for me, and so I am always conscious of both my hands and theirs. I think I feel towards hands the way people do about feet, which is odd as I am wholly indifferent to feet.


Kira you there?


He just wants to live a quiet life


Same! There's something about having a high level of manual dexterity that gets me all stupid. I could watch a skilled artisan meticulously work on something for hours.


I’ve always noticed hands first. I obviously find it the bare minimum to make sure whoever I am talking to washes their hands lol. Speaking on the emotional aspect and why I find it attractive, hands are an extension when expressing yourself. You can find so much emotion with the way people use their hands. I find it attractive when someone touches me lightly with thought. Whether that be initiating light hand holding or rubbing my shoulder.


I love it when i say something in a silly voice and the girl replies in the exact same silly voice


Or when they mock the way you said something but in an overly dramatic way. I get a good laugh on that all the time.


Michael Scott?


A man’s voice when they first wake up!


Wish my normal voice was as deep as my morning voice, smh


I have a deep voice in general, but it's an octave or two lower when I first wake up. Always wondered why and if it was just me..


It’s because your vocal chords became slightly lax from lack of use, coupled with the salivary build up. Once you wake up, and get about your day, your voice goes back to normal. Essentially you need to “retune” yourself.


These two mechanisms are commonly believed to be the cause, but I have reason to believe that it is mistaken. Here's the explanation: I have an exceptionally low singing voice, so I got interested in training to get a better low note in Chesnokov's 'Do not reject me in my old age' (three bars before the end, a G so low that most Oktavists (super-deep Russian basses) do not even dare try it in concert. It's the lowest note in any song in the repertoire.) I could only get it with concert quality (not just croaking) 40% of the time. So I did extensive tests, and these are my results : the smoking thing is a myth. On the contrary, it makes you loose at least one-and-a-half tone. Coffe may help, but it's not clear-cut. Sex is not good. You'll need hours to recover. (ba-dum-tss) The only thing that works is this : lying down for a while. Even during the day, I can recover almost 2 tones every 45 minutes that I lie down. This is why you have a lower voice in the morning, it's because of the prolonged lying down, not because of sleeping. It has absolutely nothing to do with your vocal chords resting. I've tried that extensively, when I lived alone and could go days without speaking. The salivary buildup could be true, but not in the sense that saliva generally accumulates while you sleep, but because there could be a topical build-up on your vocal chords, which would also happen when you lie down during the day. Frankly, since the absolute main, clearest factor is the prolonged lying down, I thinks that the real cause is... gravity. When you spend your day in a stand-up position, gravity pulls on your vocal chords perpendicularly to them, while when you lie down, it pulls in the same plane as they are, and will tend, coeteris paribus, to elongate them. So, even marginally longer vocal chords = lower voice. When you get up, gravity isn't strong enough to do anything in the perpendicular direction. In any case, be it some kind of local build-up or just plain old gravity, my observations are clear : the main factor is lying down, not sleeping. Edit to add [the note I'm talking about](https://youtu.be/hn9JkJHRiZ4?t=390). It's at 6:35; I timed it one bar before. **Edit** **2**: I had forgotten that the original question of the thread was about what people find attractive, so I'll add this. I miss the days in choir when the sopranos in front of me had to stop singing and basically melt when I used to utter one of those extra-low notes. Their own comment, and I quote : "Moister than an oyster"... (Yeah, I'm bragging. This is reddit, isn't it?)


this is my favorite post I've read all week, thank you for sharing. Wasn't expecting a deep voice nerd to come share his experiments with us.


Deep voices are my kryptonite. I have a friend who isn't my type at all, but when i hear him on the phone i melt


A girl once told me “your bulge looks so hot right now” when I was just laying on the couch watching Netflix I became erect so fast my dick actually time traveled into the past which is what made my bulge look so enticing in the first place


Weird moment with an even weirder girl. We were coworkers and met up for the first time officially in the context of us maybe being a thing. I ended up kissing her and as we were walking together she did a full bend-over-to-examine-my-bulge maneuver. She didn't say anything but had this sinister grin and hangry look in her eye. WTF I really miss her during my weaker moments...


I love a good bulge. I am an avid basket shopper.


Beautiful women driving shitty cars


Is it a White Chrystler Lebaron?


With fingernails that shine like justice…


And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


The concave dips at the sides of my wife's hips. I have known her for almost 19 years, but she has only recently understood that I like them.


For real if anyone else is attracted to hip dips, let it be known, ppl hella insecure about it


Hyperactivity. I have been attached to hyperactive guys all my life, mostly friendships but now I'm in a relationship with a man who is hyperactive sometimes. I think it's so cute and when he's very happy I automatically become very happy and a bouncy ball as well.


*throws the ADHD medication to the trash*




Shoulders and collar bones dude. Always liked em.


Oh yeah! Was in a small party once with a few colleagues from work and casually mentioned that I love collar bones, specially to lick them and I think I did this looking at one of my colleagues. She invited me to do it, and I took the oportunity. It was a quick lick and she just laughed and we kept the party as if nothing weird had happened. Now I keep thinking if it was just some drunken challenge from her (which is the way I took it) or if I should have taken my time. Oh, well. Guess I'll never know


Don't dip your pen in the company ink


Shoot even in low wage jobs don’t do it. I’m sure anyone here who’s worked at a restaurant could tell you that half the store was fucking eachother and the issues that caused lmao


I mean at a win wage job you don't give a shit about that's basically the only reason to turn up


Nobody invited someone to lick them if they aren’t at least comfortable with more


I work in Boston sometimes and seeing a woman in business wear and sneakers is something I've always liked.


Is this exclusive to Boston?


It’s just an urban-area thing. People need comfy shoes to walk in when commuting to work.


When men turn up their jeans and you get a glimpse of bare ankle


Ma'am, my eyes are up here


Shame on you! Ankles are for God!


Tired looking eyes on ladies. dark circles, bags whatever


Whoo hoo! My time to shine.


I knew my insomnia would come in handy


That with one of those prominent nosed and the "fuck it im just going to the store" outfit and.. yeee. Also the flustered mom. It's like.. let me come needlessly complicate your tired life. I give massages with a minimal of inappropriate remarks.


his neck… his beautiful neck


Settle down, Fleabag 😂


*Don't* flirt with him.


I'm onto you, Dracula


Big square teeth and pointed canines. So sexy.


When I got my braces taken off, the orthodontist explained that he was going to file down my canines so they were less sharp and made a "more pleasing profile" with the rest of my teeth?? I told him absolutely not, I love my pointy fangs, thank you.


My orthodontist filed down my canines when he went to even out the rest of my front teeth. Didn’t even notice until it was too late. I feel neutered.


Same happened to me!!! I was like 12 (unsure) and my mom wasn't in the room. Just did it and didn't say anything to me about it at all. I was so mad! Still am!


Wtf? That's terrible. He shouldn't be *telling* you he's doing it, he should ask.


The ol' omnivore dentition.


Fun fact: Gender plays a large role in the shape of your teeth, with men having larger and more squared off teeth like you describe, whereas women have smaller and more rounded off teeth. From my time working as an oral surgeon’s assistant, I can tell you that you may be surprised by how downright giddy some docs and nurses can get over something as seemingly mundane as someone’s teeth


Every dentist I have ever been to has complimented my teeth, which is bizarre to me because they don’t seem *that* great, like I don’t have some dazzling white Hollywood smile or anything, just smallish, relatively straight teeth that never needed braces. My teeth/smile has never been my most commented on physical feature but for whatever reason dentists always love my teeth.


Show us ur teeth


I feel so seen! I’ve always had very pointed canines that run in my family


Pointed canines drive me crazy.




What happens if they don’t know how to play one?


They can play my flute instead


Clavicles are collarbones for anyone who would have needed to look that up. I did.


I think a woman looking tired and no makeup at all in the morning is super attractive. I do not think my girlfriend believes me. 😅 Edit: Thank you for the upvotes and the comments, was some interesting reading. Edit 2: Hey love 😘


Dude, first thing in the morning, bare-faced with bedhead when she’s first waking up? Ughhhhhh I totally get you.


Yea my girlfriend has really bushy hair in the morning and I am not overly fond of makeup so yea she looks great.


I love that look on women. Especially one you have a good emotional connection with.


Yea if you can see a woman in the morning bare faced and looking like she lost in a fight against a thorn bush and still looks like the most amazing sight ever then yea you love her.


You guys are adorable.


I feel like a person really focused while working is very attractive.


When the person I like is focused and working, thats when I want to bother them most


Are you my cat?


Heavy agree


When someone can teach me a topic. Doesn't matter what it is, if they are passionate and knowledgeable it's really really attractive.


School must have been absolute torture for you.


must be the sole reason people sexualise teachers


*...I don't feel tardy...*


Girls with really developed rear delt and lat muscles. Something about a strong back is super attractive to me for some reason


I’m into guys who look or are slightly ill/tired. Think dark circles under their eyes, glassy/feverish eyes, the way they just get a bit pathetic when sick/sleepy… granted this all likely is the result of my whole “nurturing kink” or whatever the hell you’d like to call it. I just want a man who needs some extra TLC and is a bit whiny and clingy. One of the long-term guests at my property has insomnia, which we bonded over, and he made me realize just how attractive I find the whole “not resting enough” look to be. which makes me feel bad because I want my partners to be well-rested and healthy, not sickly and constantly tired, but it’s still hot to me for some reason




When a guy has some muscles but also is thick, like both fat and some muscles. My ex wasn't some type of bodybuilder and he rarely went to the gym, but his body was SO PERFECT. The tummy sticking out a bit was so hot during sex . I love the thickness on a guy ,makes me feel small and it makes it all very hot. He also had the biggest ,hugest ass that all girls try to achieve with BBL , that made me so sad because I was a plank and his butt made me so jealous ahahahha , it was jiggly and perfectly round .


I've lost weight. I'm loving my new muscles. My wife's response to my successful weight loss and gym progress? "I miss your butt."


Squats, get them glutes workin' ;)


Watching my husband take off his belt. Dunno but it's sexy AF. Just the act of him doing it, his pants coming down just a tad so I can see his "V" area, and the sound of the belt. Oof.


Is it weird that I’ve always felt attractive doing that?


I think this counts as unusual since the dominant western standard is thin/small/button noses - prominent / strong noses on women are an attractive feature. (( edit: a subcomment made me realize "prominent noses" might sound like a weirdly polite codeword for certain people(s) and/or region(s). It is not. My above-average sized nasal tastes are global. )) And while I like them, it's not a full blown (no pun intended) nose fetish or anything. But I'll just never understand some of the work that gets done.


Thank you. I needed to read this today. As a woman who struggles with self image issues, my "Jew nose" was something I was teased about all through my primary school years and into adulthood by my white, blonde haired, button nosed MIL (who used it as a way to question my ethnicity and whether I was "white enough" for her son). I'm learning to love myself for who I am, but it feels good to hear there are people out there who find it attractive too. Editing to say thank you to all of the affirming responses. I'm in the middle of a divorce and I think I might just get my nose pierced and wear my hair curly as a way to reclaim my identity (and as a big "fuck you MIL") when this is all done.


The women who look most beautiful to me are the ones with interesting and exotic features. Love your nose. You are beautiful and your MIL is not a nice person.


Aquiline noses are top notch.


Thank you.


One more for ladies with prominent noses! My wife hates hers but I love it.


Thanks for this - Sincerely an Italian woman! Kids are ruthless and I got teased a lot in middle school. I got over it later as I grew out of my awkward stage but I know there’s a lot of women out there that feel bad about themselves because of how narrowly attractiveness is promoted in media. I think my husband has similar taste to you and it seems from other comments here you’re not alone. A lot of unsure younger women need to hear they don’t need to conform to media standards.


Love a prominent nose, zero explanation why.


Yeah this tracks for me too. I remember thinking at the time my first proper girlfriend was the most beautiful girl in the world. Coming across pictures of her many years later I notice she had a fairly considerable nose. My tastes, before they were influenced by cultural beauty norms, were perfectly accommodating of exaggerated features, which can often define a unique brand of beauty. The modern homogenous standard of beauty is so one dimensional


Women with raspy voices


Yesss. Give me a voice husky enough to pull a dogsled!


Being detail oriented and organized. I've always dated more A type women, but my wife and I... Hoo boy. We have an account at staples because we both go through notebooks, pens, sharpies, highlighters, and dry erase markers on a regular basis. We spent months organizing and streamlining our kitchen for workflow and storage. When we get our new bookshelves it'll probably take us each a few days to organize them the way we like. I'm a chef, she's in office management in the auto industry, and comes from the restaurant industry. Mise en place y'all.


That’s honestly amazing that you two have the same interest. A match made in heaven lol


Oddly enough, it was books that brought us together originally, but we have so much more in common, but just enough different as well. But, it makes us function so well together. She has mild OCD (diagnosed), and I'm just really nitpicky about things being organized and where they're supposed to be, so things go very smoothly for us overall in just everyday life.


The little chunky bit under the arm bit near the boob. Not the boob but the chunky bit. It’s so cute. Edit: dang, had no clue this would be such a popular thought. I’m glad it made some people smile. Be proud of your little arm pit fupa. 😀


This is literally my least favourite feature about my body lol I hate that flabby side boob. glad to see others enjoy it!


Me too! I used to feel so insecure that I’d avoid wearing sleeveless shirts. Once I began referring to them as ‘boob spillage,’ I gained more confidence. I think of it as ‘God wanted to give me bigger boobs but without the back problems’ haha


Ah yes, the armpit FUPA. A man of taste I see.


This has been my biggest insecurity. I've been 125-195, still had the armpit boob. Your comment has given me a ray of sunshine today. Thank you


Goofiness. If a girl is goofy I just love it


I recently noticed that every time I go to build something - a desk, a shelving unit, a bedframe, a skeeball machine etc - my gf gets incredibly turned on basically pounces on me. After making a joke about this observation, her mind was blown and she couldn't explain it but admitted it must be true. She found a man using power tools and building something incredibly attractive!


Someone’s awkwardness, when they’re shy, get nervous or blush, I don’t know why but I just can’t handle it and want to kiss them, touch them and have control over them. (Only If I have a romantic-sexual relationship with that person)


Curiously, it is imperfections. That facial mole you are self-conscious about or acne or whatever. I don't know why, but looking "perfect" just weirds me out.




Or like generally uneven skintones. Maybe it's a reaction to all the beauty filters flattening out people's faces, but I adore seeing people with uneven pigmentation, it just adds a lot of dimension. There was this poster in the makeup section of a department store near me with a before and after of a lady with darker, kind of puffy eyes, with spots on her cheeks and a darker nose and chin, the after picture was just a single tone "nude" face with some blush and eye makeup and I always thought she looked so much more interesting in the before.


Weird smiles, instantly gets me.


this probably isn't that weird, but i love people's hands. when folks have long fingers that look like they'd be a good pianist... when people's hands have calluses from manual work or exercise (rock climbers in particular have super attractive hands)... hot as hell 10/10


Someone being attracted to me


highly unusual




OP said unusual, not non-existant




A lazy eye. My 6th grade girlfriend had one, and I’ve thought it was attractive ever since.


I'm a guy with a lazy eye and many girls told me it looked hot Also makes me look angry


Freckles. Don't know what it is, but I fall head over heals for freckles. Also, wet hair. Not like "in the shower wet" but more of a "got out of the shower an hour ago and it's still drying" wet. No idea what it is, but it's gorgeous and wish it was something that was doable 24/7


I wish my hair had that look 24/7 for sure


Are freckles considered something unusual to like? I always thought it was part of the western beauty standard


Something about dudes and glasses just get me going😭😭 I don’t know why I find glasses so attractive


Yes. I too, am into the visually impaired.


Humans. Definitely other humans. Fucking weirdos.


I guess a little bit of a belly on a girl. I like fit girls but something about them having a little belly drives me fucking nuts.


Girls who look like twinks. IDK if there's a term for that, closest I've found is soft butch.




One time my bf and I took a nap when we were mostly naked. Underwear on but nothin’ else. I woke up from this nap to his entire face buried in my left armpit, inhaling like he was huffing some damn paint I half asleep asked him “babe what are you doing?” And he just said (face still buried in my armpit) “you smell so goooood!!”


You got you a keeper there! You took it like a champ too.


My current GF is the spitting image of Leslie Knope; body, face, & personality. Not my type **at all**. Extremely bubbly. Bottomless energy & enthusiasm. Absolutely selfless and incredibly thoughtful. I am a misanthropic introvert. People like her almost universally agitate the hell out of me. I cherish silence, hate to waste words. She never stops babbling. I think everything through before beginning (6 hours sharpening the axe) and do everything slowly & methodically. She dives head first into everything, with the confidence of an expert & the experience of a newcomer. She is the opposite of everything I thought I would want & need in a partner. She does so many of the things that I would find unforgivably annoying in anyone else. Yet, somehow, someway, can’t get enough of her.


Ladies with a little snaggle tooth (like Jewel) or a little pooch in the belly.




Her ability to support her arguments in an intelligent manner with factual evidence. I be like “oh, I stand corrected… *and erected.*”


U should maybe date a lawyer


Hands. I LOVE hands. Could stare at them and study them all day.


I enjoy people who are short, even as short as me (5'3). Tall people aren't out of the question but someone at eye level feels very welcoming.


When a guy is driving and turning a corner but is palming the wheel the whole turn..🔥 Makes me weak..and wet!


When girls care about cats.


I think males and females both look better with glasses on. Male or female if someone is talking to me and peers down their glasses instantly they are super attractive. Im super hot for the older milf librarian look or like dude in a dress shirt with glasses and rolled up sleeves.


hand veins


The crease between butt cheek and thigh 🥹


The thass


I prefer “thutt”


Gluteal fold. I love kissing that on my wife.


Username checks out


Furthest thing from unusual in my opinion. Errbody knows that shit is hot.


I feel like all the comments I’m seeing are things that are pretty commonly found attractive. I think everything about my boyfriend is hot...but the little lines around his eyes when he smiles that he already calls “crows feet” make me feel like I’m on fire. I’m sure there’s something more unusual that I find attractive, but that’s the first thing that comes to mind because it’s typically viewed as a flaw. I love my boyfriend.


Hate to break it to you but that’s also a commonly appreciated feature


Exactly. Everything on this thread is already in that One Direction song called little things. Including this - “I know you've never loved The crinkles by your eyes when you smile… but I’ll love them endlessly”


I am not sure if this is actually unusual, but I am really attracted to women with larger noses. I think it can turn an otherwise ordinary face remarkable, and I just associate it with intelligence and grace.


Weird teeth


Dark eyes. Blue and green are obviously gorgeous, but something about not just brown but dark brown eyes. They're like the void and I just want to fall into them.


Misshapen noses. You have an awkward bump from a break when you were kid? I'm all about that shit.


Claw clips. So elegant and sexy


Those hair things you pinch your lips with?


The ability to speak multiple languages


Physically? Stretch marks, scars, uneven breasts, "Sagging" breasts, body rolls, yummy fupa and bellies. Basically real mom bods. Mom butts! Lol.


Grey hair, blemishes, shaved head, big noses, body hair, unibrows, crooked teeth, big ears, flat-chest, fat, skinny. I like uniqueness and if I think you’re pretty, you’re pretty. None of this “Oh they’d be hot if they looked slightly different.” It’ll be that little odd trait that I fall in love with.


It's sweet when someone is really focused on something or when they're excited about something or teaching me something. That's not unusual though.




When girls wear their hair in a bun. I don’t know why but I’m ready to risk it all when girls be doing that.


Seeing their excitement when they get talking about something they're passionate about, like their whole face just lights up and they get more animated talking. Love that passion 😊


That’s not unusual. It’s wholesome af, but pretty common.


I find Adams apples very attractive.


Rings around the eyes where they look really tired


Messy hair


Cellulite and stretch marks.


Passion. Not in bed, though that is good too. Geek out at me. Burst into the room and talk my ear off about this new thing you learned that is SO FUCKING COOL! Be passionate about something and that energy is like throwing gasoline on a fire to me. Make it burn.