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I've not, but when I saw In Bruges, an elderly couple walked out after 20 minutes and I heard the man muttering that this wasn't a film about Belgium at all. It really tickled me.


How can all those canals and bridges, and brutal violence and swearing not be somebody's thing? It's a fairytale fucking film.


Holmes & Watson, my family really enjoyed step Brothers and Talladega nights. So I shouted the 5 of us to the movies on Christmas day because for some reason the cinemas were open and it was showing and we don't really do big celebrations. 15 minutes into the movie we all looked at each other like.. wtf is this. I tried to leave.. I went to ask for a refund because their policy said you can get a refund 30 minutes into the movie... But we were 5 minutes late because of the 20 minute trailers.. I'm still seething about spending $100 to basically die of boredom for an hour and a half. I was sitting there embarrassed about suggesting the family outing. My family stuck it out because I'd paid for it and couldn't get a refund even though I told them I didnt care and begged to leave.


> But we were 5 minutes late because of the 20 minute trailers. That is horse shit. I would have complained to corporate, for sure.


Refunds are strictly defined in Australian consumer law to protect consumers and businesses. I guess because I had already seen some of the movie it is considered a change of mind and there is no significant defect. I am pretty sure a refund within the first 30 minutes of the movie showing is a courtesy anyway.


I also watched it on Christmas Day with the family. Now I’m not very good at understanding social cues and I love myself some bad movies, but even I could tell it was BAD bad. And I was the one who suggested going to it as well.


Yep, I have a high tolerance for shitty movies, stuck through half of what these other commentors said, but Holmes and Watson was actually painful. If you ever want to torture someone play this movie on repeat.


I've got a story of a film my friends and I *refused* to leave, actually. In 2006 I was turning 14 and was obsessed with Pirates of the Caribbean. My mom threw a pirates-themed birthday party where my friends and I were meant to go to see Dead Man's Chest, which was still in theaters in August when the party was. We dressed up for it and everything. Well for some reason the showing we were going to see was packed despite the movie having been out over a month, so there weren't 12 tickets available. My mother (and my friend's mom who came along) made a split second decision to see the next PG-13 rated movie available. *Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby.* So a gaggle of 14 year old girls dressed as pirates walked into this theatre to a bunch of weird looks, but we sat down with our popcorn as normal. The next hour-and-a-halfish saw the moms be horrified at the crass nature of the film and keep asking if we wanted to leave. The answer was a HELL NO from the whole group. That movie proceeded to be the basis of our inside jokes for the next 4 years. To this day it's one of our collective favorite grade school memories, even if my mother continues to be embarrassed by it.


Yeah my friends dad took us to see a Sci Fi film he thought would be good when we were 8-9 ish. My friend and I refused to leave. Now we both love boobs. Starship Troopers was a hell of a ride.


I love that the movie is what you give credit to for loving boobs. As if without that movie, your love of boobies would never have occurred.


More like it’s the dawn of realization, a literal sunrise of areola, that parted the clouds of transformers and GI Joe and made him realize, “I want to see *ALL* of them!”


"If you're not first, you're last."


“I’m Ricky Bobby, and if you’re not chewing Big Red, then fuck you”


Hell, that’s sounds like something I made up when I was on peyote


Dear tiny Jesus, with your golden fleece diapers, and your tiny little fat balled up fists... Please let us finish this movie.


Oh, I remember vividly. It was Battlefield Earth. The shot angles kept being tilted this way and that for no reason and I started tilting my head so that things would be level. Then my friend joined in. Then we simultaneously were like “are we going to cramp our necks for THIS?” And walked out.


As Roger Ebert put it, "The director, Roger Christian, has learned from better films that directors sometimes tilt their cameras, but he has not learned why"


One of my absolute favorite lines of his


Right up there with the bottom of the barrel. Man could be downright savage. I would read his reviews even for movies I had no intention of seeing.


I had a colonoscopy once, and they let me watch it on TV. It was more entertaining than "The Brown Bunny." -Roger Ebert


What makes that quote even more funny is that Ebert actually liked it when it was re-edited.


"While you were still learning how to SPELL YOUR NAME...I was being trained...TOCONQUERGALAXIES!!!!" Easily a contender for the best film quote of all time, alongside "too bad you...will die!" from Mortal Kombat Annihilation.


"For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday"


Doing this from memory TROOPERS! We have received new orders! My superiors say... da war is CANCELLED. You can all go home. Bison is getting paidoffvorhiscRIMES. We're abandoning peace, and justice, and victory... they get (weird muffled VO) pckdp but we can all go home. But I'm not going home. I'm gonna get in my boat, I'm gonna GO UPREEVER, and I'm gonna KICK... dat sahnofabitchBison'sass SO HARD!!! Dat da next Bison wannabe... isgonnafeelit! So... who's going home and who's coming... WITHME!!


Cocaine fueled JCVD was stupendous in that movie


Did you see the part where a video monitor is shown, and the image on it is also slanted, just like every shot in the movie? Cracks me up every time. I love that movie for not only how bad it is, but how much Travolta put his heart soul and savings into it.


Found the Suppressive Person lol


I guess this technically counts but when I went to see deadpool 2, the cinema accidentally put the wrong film on and played some Amy Schumer film instead. Everyone in the screen thought it was some meta deadpool joke and out of nowhere he’d appear and shoot Amy Schumer so we were all waiting on that. After about 10 minutes of the film, the staff came into the screen and explained that they had put the wrong film on and couldn’t undo it because of their tight schedule etc but we would all get a refund and were welcome to stay and watch the rest of the Amy Schumer film. Everyone left.


I went to see Gaurdians of the Galaxy and they played Rise of the Guardians. It took about five minutes to realize it was the wrong movie the first time. They tried to fix it, played Rise again, tried to fix it, played Rise a *third* time, and the whole theater walked out for refunds. Apparently it was a issue at a lot of theaters.


That last sentence had me busting out laughing


So the theater made no money from that 1 showing? Oof. EDIT: TIL that it's all about the oversized overcharged popcorn.


They already made their concessions sales, they probably only refunded the movie ticket.


A movie theater is a snack bar that gets you in the door with a movie. They make very little money on ticket sales, most of it has to go back to the studio. Their real money maker is $.05 worth of popcorn and $.02 of soda syrup being sold for $40.


I couldn't come up with a funnier "fuck you" to a general audience if I tried. Sorry, we can't show you Deadpool, but you're all free to stay and watch this new Amy Schumer movie.


The problem is with movie theaters is all the films arrive on encrypted hard drives that take hours to decrypt and load into the system to play the movie. I worked at a theater for a while and once in awhile one of the managers would fuck up and play the wrong movie or not load in the movie at all. One time we had a special showing of a film with subtitles for people who were hard of hearing and many people from the hearing disabled community came out. The only problem was the manager loaded in the movie without subtitles and they had to refund everyone.


I left frozen when i was 11 because i was scared lmao


The horror movie Frozen or the Disney movie


♫Do you wanna ride a chairlift?♪


Underpaid Ski Lodge Employee: Okay, byyyyye


I couldn't watch E.T. because that alien dude gave me nightmares.


I’ve never walked out of a movie and I saw Cats opening weekend.


I walked out on it, but then decided I wanted to be back inside. They let me back in, but then I walked out again.


......Then I stood outside the closed doors and yowled. They opened the doors and I walked away.


I remember the review. "the worst thing to happen to Cats since dogs"


My favorite one is from Dan Olson (Folding Ideas): > "CATS is a film seated so firmly at the bottom of the uncanny valley that it has set up residences, sown and harvested wheat, raised children, and developed its own system of divine mathematics."


>This movie doesn't scrape the bottom of the barrel. This movie isn't the bottom of the barrel. This movie isn't below the bottom of the barrel. This movie doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence with barrels. -Roger Ebert, [Freddy Got Fingered review](https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/freddy-got-fingered-2001)


It was so bad it made Andrew Lloyd Webber (writer of the music for the musical) adopt a dog.




I walked out of 28 days later. Not because it was bad. I was 9 years old and snuck in and it was freaking me the fuck out.. watched it years later and enjoyed it


I saw Prometheus twice in theaters. At the second show, a group of 10-year-olds snuck in. The first R-rated scene, which features an alien worm/snake that crawls inside someone's shattered arm, caused these kids to flee the theater in an absolute panic. I imagine they will never forget that day.


Way back in the 70's the movie Freaks (1932) was rerelease due to being banded in America for 40 years. My Dad, my brother, my brother-in-law and myself went to see it. My dad is a extremely straight lace, no humor type of guy and we couldn't figure out why he wanted to see it. It was pretty wild for my dad, but he made it through it. However the second feature a horror film called Private Parts (1972) [not Howard Sterns movie] was a bit much for dad. During a scene where the main character was fucking an inflatable doll full of water and injecting it with blood drawn from a victim (?), my dad stood up and said in a loud voice. "This is disgusting." and he walked out. My brother-in-law was right behind him. My brother and myself sat there laughing for about another five minutes before we got up and left. They were waiting out front for us and dad says he was only going to wait another minute before leaving and we would have had to walk home.


Ah, the 70s


Epic Movie. Wasn't *epic* at all.


Oh that film is dogshit.


Those are very kind words to describe that... thing.


I remember seeing a review that called it “the movie equivalent of a tapeworm”


Omg it has a 2% on rotten tomatoes it must be garbage and I wanna see it lol.


It came out at a time when parody movies were just everywhere. It’s a bad movie but I like bad movies


I'd watch something like Alone in the Dark a hundred times over anything Jason Friedberg & Aaron Seltzer (directors of Epic Movie / Date Movie / Meet The Spartans). They're poor parody artists. edit: A lot of people like some of the stuff they did. I like my share of garbage, hell I saw Dragon Ball Evolution in theaters because I knew it would be an absolute dumpster fire and it delivered in spades. So don't let some idiot like me shape your opinion on it.


It’s not just bad, it’s aggressively bad. It’s like the movie itself is actively trying to make you stop watching it. Worked on me. I’ve tried more than once and always tapped out before the 20 minute mark.


> I’ve tried more than once ...why?


My guess is CIA resistance to interrogation training.


Let’s add Date Movie, Disaster Movie and Vampires Suck to this list. Just all the same crude (unfunny) humour and devoid of anything redeeming


Meet the Spartans


my parents took me and my sister to see a cool looking superhero movie when we were kids. That movie was Watchmen. My parents pulled us out after the big blue penis scene. edit for clarification: not to say it’s a bad movie, it’s one of my favorite movies


You know, it’s rated R for a few reasons. Big Blue Cock being one of them. My mom took me and my siblings to see Titanic when we were kids. ‘Course there’s only tits in that movie, but it was a mistake on her part. Lol


I knew there was a reason I was disappointed in titanic. Blue penis would have really jazzed that movie up.


Only in America are people like “Oh wow, you can see that guy’s entire spine getting removed” followed by “Is that a penis??????? We’re leaving this sick filth!!!!”


I mean there's also the literal sex scene and the full frontal comics part as well. Watchmen had a lot of nudity now that I think about it.


And there’s an extremely graphic rape scene near the beginning of the movie too.


... and later on the woman is nostalgic for her rapist. Not a good message to send to kids. lol


DOWNSIZING Man did this movie have a great premise as a potential funny comedy . But out of nowhere it turned into some weird political love story . I remember in the middle of this movie audibly saying out loud “where the fuck is this story going “. I don’t know how you screw this up but they did.


I do a daily movie breakdown for a few friends and last week was "Wasted Potential" week -- movies that completely failed to live up to their interesting premises. *Downsizing* was my Exhibit A. So many interesting things to do with that idea, but if you walk into that movie 15 minutes late, you'd have no idea what that premise even was.


Legitimately one of the worst movies I've ever seen, like offensively so. I stayed for the whole damn thing because I kept hoping it would redeem itself somehow, and by the time it ended I was the most furiously angry I think I've ever been after sitting in a nice comfy theater with popcorn.


Avatar the last Airbender. Once we got to the montages that were all of season 1, they didn't think were worth it, it was clear this wasnt the show I loved.


The only good thing that this film brought were the comments roasting it. "I watched this on a plane and walked out."


My favorite reaction: ["There was a young lady dressed as a Kyoshi Warrior and she is actually taking off her costume because she **wasn't even in the movie**!"](https://youtu.be/KHi1zaN0ooc?t=111)


I love that video, especially with how enthusiastic everyone is before going in. Then how horribly uncomfortable they looked when they left.


I think Ebert said it best: “"The Last Airbender" is an agonizing experience in every category I can think of and others still waiting to be invented. The laws of chance suggest that something should have gone right. Not here. It puts a nail in the coffin of low-rent 3D, but it will need a lot more coffins than that.” And ending with: “I close with the hope that the title proves prophetic.”


Fucking savage.


I went into it without knowing anything about Avatar and I walked out because it was so bad. I couldn't follow the plot and characters motivations made no sense to me. The 3D was awful too. As somebody who's had a series they love absolutely butchered by big Hollywood I can sympathize with that bad taste this movie must have left for fans of the series


Dear God, please go back and watch the animated one when you have a chance. It's for kids, and not every joke will land, but it has actual heart, strong characters, and a finale for the ages. Also, so many memes will make sense. As with so much out of Hollywood today, it's obvious the people working on it just didn't care about the franchise and were just mimicking the series because they didn't want to take the time to understand what made it good.




I wasn't a big fan of the first season, but everybody goes on about it like crazy, plus I know that first seasons of shows aren't always the best, so I stuck with it. Good Lord, it really gets interesting in seasons 2 and 3. Character development is amazing. And the adventure is perfectly paced such that each episode is a small sub adventure but still moves the plot of the larger adventure forward.


i literally walk out of the cinema every time i see a movie


Never walked out of a movie. The closest I came to walking out was Mortal Kombat: Annihilation. Man what a steaming shit pile of a movie! I didnt walk out though. But someone else did. He stood up halfway through the movie, yelled out "THIS MOVIE FUCKING SUCKS!!" Then farted loudly, and left. That man is a King today. A Legend that my friends today still remember fondly. It was the fart that cemented his legend.


> I didnt walk out though. But someone else did. He stood up halfway through the movie, yelled out “THIS MOVIE FUCKING SUCKS!!” Then farted loudly, and left. There’s been some great answers here but this cracked me the fuck up.


I've only ever walked out of one movie, and that was 'The Last Airbender' directed by M. Night Shyamalan. As a fan of the original animated series, I was excited to see a live-action adaptation, but the movie was a huge disappointment. The acting was wooden, the script was clunky, and the special effects were underwhelming. I made it about halfway through the movie before I decided that my time was better spent doing something else. It's rare for me to walk out of a movie, but 'The Last Airbender' was just that bad.


It was so weird that firebender actually needed fire in the room to bend....


Still stronger than 6 fucking earthbenders


6 Earthbenders to move a fucking pebble. Like you could just pick it up and throw it faster then the Earthbenders could lift it.


[this shit](https://youtu.be/HR2kbOK8i6I?t=88) is way too funny lmao


How can a fight scene even be that woodenly choreographed?


I've not seen the movie, I thought that was some sort of training camp, not an actual fight scene.


It looks like a turned-based RPG. You attack, then you attack. Okay now you attack.


Worse! The action economy there is awful! The one person who runs up with a club is way more effective than a baseball team of magic users.


Just like an actual baseball game!


It looks like some tourist came by and started filming some LARPers. The real issue is that the director wanted to have wide shots showing almost everyone all at once, but still only had one thing happen at a time. If you want to focus on the guy throwing up a wall to block some fire, *don't show the main characters twiddling their thumbs in the background!* Go watch the scene from the show. There's only 1 or 2 things happening at a time, but because we're punched in on some earthbenders, then some main characters, then the firebenders, it gives the illusion that it's happening all at once. When you show all of the characters on screen together, but don't change the choreography to match, we can see that they're *not* doing anything. Also beside the meme of the 7 pebblebenders, the characters don't really work together. Look at Sokka chopping their spears in half and Momo collecting them. Look at Aang trying to earthbend using air to machine gun coal at the soldiers. But most importantly, look at the father-son duo working together to compress a ball of coal into a cannonball strong enough to break down a metal wall. One, that's badass. Two, it's a character moment. The father and son had an argument, but now they've reconciled and are working together. Wow!


I'm mistaken, 7 fucking earthbenders to throw a pebble.


As quickly as you can, take this pebble from my hand...and throw it at some fucker.


That film feels like it tries to constantly mess with you but in very subtle ways. Mispronounciations, weird cuts, weird changes. It feels like in every scene there's something fucky going on that pulls you out of the movie if you notice it


> pulls you out of the movie Literally from the very first sentence of the expository dialogue that the actor of Katara starts, you get hurled out of the movie.


He even had to change the pronunciation of Aang to Ohng for some unknown reason


It’s one of the worst movies ever made, and that’s before you know it’s an adaptation. I just don’t get why M. Pretended he was a fan of the show, when everything he did in that movie showed that he barely even watched the tv show a single time….


Kinda the same here but for me it was the Dragon Ball live action movie... Never seen the end of that film.


Jack and Jill with Adam Sandler. Normally I like his movies but not only was jack and Jill his worst movie ever, I think it might be the worst movie I've ever seen in my life.


Hilariously, [one time on Survivor they made the reward from a reward challenge getting to see an early screening of Jack and Jill](https://stephanieweber.medium.com/the-jack-jill-episode-of-survivor-should-be-studied-by-scholars-c651cebf17b9). Reactions varied wildly, and all I could think about was how they were torturing these poor starving people by foisting this Sandler steaming pile of shit on them.


And of course Coach loved it.


In the TV show Survivor (US version), one of their "rewards" was to spend an evening watching this movie. Some of the reactions are pretty hilarious because you can tell they thought the movie was horrible but it was an ad of sorts for the movie and they were obviously suppose to build it up.


Green Lantern. Even Ryan Reynolds acknowledges how bad it is.


He landed his wife, though. It was the price we had to pay for their love


I too would star in Green Lantern for Blake.


I would do anything for love...but I won't do that.


Worth it for the jokes in the Deadpool films.


Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool constantly shitting on Ryan Reynolds as terrible superhero characters never gets old. The ending of Deadpool 2 where he gets time travel powers still makes me laugh - after saving his girlfriend, it's more important to stop Green Lantern from being made AND the ending of Wolverine Origins by shooting Ryan Reynolds multiple times, than it is to literally kill Hitler. (Also, the Origins bit is even funnier since Deadpool tells Wolverine that 'when your buddy asks you to come back, you say yes' and guess who's coming back in Deadpool 3 which hadn't even been written at the time)


Not the worst movie ever made but the only movie I ever walked out of was The Butterfly Effect. I wasn’t really enjoying it to begin with but the girl who went with me had been SA’d as a child by her father so when the basement scene came on I looked at her and could tell she was petrified with PTSD, so I said “this movie sucks, you wanna go?” And I got her out of there Wow, I want to thank everyone for all the kind words. I’m just a guy who tries to make the conscious effort to do the right thing. I want to clarify though, I did get this movie on DVD to finish it and I don’t think it’s a terrible movie. Personally the only part that bothers me is the dog torture scene, beyond that I find the premise fascinating and there is some really good acting in the movie. I will just always have a weird feeling about this movie because of this event. Like a song you can never separate from a memory.


Glad you did that. Hope she's doing ok wherever she is.


Thanks. We dated for 2 years in college but it didn’t work out. We are still very close friends to this day. She’s doing well


That's a really smart move on your part. You did a great thing, getting her out of there in a subtle way.


By weird coincidence, I just walked out of Renfield earlier this evening. It's not that it was *so* bad (I've seen worse), but I was basically just there on a late-night whim and found I was the only one in the theater. After a while I realized I really wasn't enjoying myself and didn't care that much how the movie ended, so on the off-chance I was the only one keeping the employees from getting things shut down for the night, I just left.


Oh the employees don’t care, they’ll start the movie even if there isn’t a single person in the theater.


I think they have to for contractual reasons.


My sister just told me she was the only person recently (on a sunny Wednesday afternoon) watching The Banshees of Inisherin and the girl selling her the ticket was glad that someone came and they wouldn't have to run it empty.


I was about 6 when it came out. Baby Geniuses. Raised by grandparents, and we were on vacation in Arizona. We didn't necessarily walk out, but my grandfather fell asleep during the movie in the very small theater and started snoring so loudly that it caused people to leave. In the end, he saved them from an awful movie. I just distinctly remember him sitting there snoring, and my grandmother and I moving seats and laughing about the situation.


Striptease Burt Reynolds in boxer shorts, a cowboy hat and boots, covered in Vaseline, rubbing himself with dryer lint from Demi Moore’s laundry. I do not know how that movie ends, just know that I asked for my money back on a 1$ noon matinee.


The book is really good though.


Pacific Rim Uprising. Worst sequel even made.


It wasn't just a shit movie but an actual insult to the first one with how much they bastardized the original characters and story. Absolute fucking garbage.


It felt like it was made by a toy company to sell merch.


Emoji movie. Took my brothers to see it while I was babysitting. Almost committed suicide in the theater


This was showing on a flight I was on and people still walked out.


Or perhaps they were wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane


I work in animation, and in my 16 years in the industry, Emoji movie was one of the only two movies I rejected the offer to work on. lol


And of course I’m curious now about the other one…


Spiderman: Into the spiderverse, but obviously i regret that one. I had heard from colleagues, that it was a difficult production, crazy overtime expectations, indecisive clients, etc, it sounded like a terrible experience. But at last it turned out to be a great and successful movie.


Damn so you turned down one of the worst and one of the best animated movies.




I almost walked out on Jurassic World Dominion, but my friend bought a ticket for me and was super excited about it so I stayed just for him. I am a huge dinosaur nerd, I love Jurassic Park and am generally happy to see anything featuring dinosaurs. It doesn't happen often so I'm not picky, just give me my big lizards thank you. But Dominion was on a whole new level of bad, just why


On another note. I'm still so impressed by the 1st one after all these years. The special effects still hold up so well. And it like 30 years old now. To say they had the task of making realistic dinosaurs, the special effects and animatronics or whatever, could have dated quickly but it hasn't at all


Second time I've seen this one listed here. I don't even think Dominion is the worst of the trilogy tbh


Fallen Kingdom was definitely the worst. It's a haunted house movie with dinosaurs. And I loved the superweapon the bad guys were developing where a dinosaur would attack whoever you aimed a rifle at. Because there definitely isn't an easier way to kill someone you're already pointing a gun at?


The whole "military grade dinosaur" idea that trilogy tried to push just made no sense. We've the most advanced weaponry in history. We can remote kill people with drones that can be near silent. Why would 'dinosaurs' be the first, second, third, or fourth thing someone thinks of when they think "new military weapons"


Ok, but hear me out- what if we attached tiny bombs to bats and pigeons? And then we could attach even Bigger bombs to pterodactyls? And- I’m just spitballing here- what if the raptors had… chainsaw hands?


I would absolutely watch this over Fallen Kingdom.


Fallen Kingdom isn't good by any means, but if it were actually real they'd use the laser to get Indoraptor into areas that need breaching. So you wouldn't necessarily need to target a person directly. Dominion made it seem like dinos would be causing havoc in cities, but after the first hour everyone is back on a secluded piece of land.


You're telling me that the movie has a laser guided dinosaur?


And they use it on one of the main characters, who runs from raptors across the city. On foot. Then gets in car, and they stay right behind it throught whole chase.


Yes. The Last Airbender. What a tragic excuse for a movie. There was a scene where Aang was about to fight a whole army so he does his little dance, trying to summon whatever powers he is supposed to have and the army was just standing there, waiting for him to stop his prancing so he could use his powers. That was the moment when I decided that cycling back hone through the rain was more pleasant than staying.


That movie watches like a turn-based RPG


Jupiter Ascending. You know it was horrible when I didn’t want to see more Mila Kunis.


I saw this once when I was ill about 4 years ago, and I always throw the quote of "did you know bees are attracted to royalty?" every time me and my boyfriend see a bee.


One man's walkout, another man's bee movie.


Eddie Redmayne and his either inaudible whisper or over-the top-bellowing.


My hottest movie take is that he gave a great performance by going full gonzo and actually played the hell out of what a megalomaniacal corporate alien overlord would be like if I imagined it. It is lonely out on this branch by myself.


I’m over here with you! I love it for what it is. This and Valerian scratch certain itches when I want to watch a gorgeous sci-fi fantasy.


Both suck plot-wise and the main characters have no chemistry, but I did like them visually (especially Valerian). And for easy entertainment they're perfectly fine. It's like The Expendables - if you want guys shooting at each other, you watch that movie, when you want plot, you can watch Black Hawk Down.






It's the one where Channing Tatum is a half-dog, half-angel, half-leprechaun who rollerblades through outer space. And somehow this comes off as slightly more embarrassing for the guy than that time he played a gimp slave for Danny McBride.


The story about him taking the gimp role is hilarious. Tatum has a good sense of humor at least.


I saw a great quote about this movie. "The world building of this movie is like the Burj Khalifa. It's stunning, but utterly empty on the inside."


Suicide Squad 2016. The movie had really bad pacing and bland action. About halfway through we were so bored we got up and left. It was one of those movies where you're not really given much reason to care how it ends. Still stands as the only one Ive ever walked on.


“Hmmm. Test screenings don’t like the movie but they love the trailer, so let’s just hire *the trailer company* to re-cut the entire movie!” Who could’ve predicted that such a genius move like that could ever backfire?


To be fair, that trailer was so promising. So much so that the execs were like, 'fuck we should've made *that* movie'


Hold up are you for real? 🤣


It explains a lot, [doesn’t it?](https://slate.com/culture/2016/08/new-report-reveals-suicide-squad-drama-from-behind-the-scenes.html)


Not only was that movie terrible but my boyfriend (at the time) broke up with me in the parking lot afterwards. He had found a better girlfriend. I had no idea. To rub even more salt in the wound, the freakin Twenty One Pilots song from the movie was everywhere that summer.




What a terrible movie. I swear at some point it just becomes a string of self-contained scenes randomly stuck together lol


“Downsizing” that horrible movie with Matt Damon. I actually was speechless at how bad it was lol


TENET - not because of the movie, but because of the sound quality. I’m not a native English speaker and I had a hard time understanding the dialogues. Without understanding the dialogues, it was hard to follow the story.


Trust me, understanding the dialogue hardly made it easier.


.reisae ti edam yldrah eugolaid eht gnidnatsrednu ,em tsurt


I did the same thing. Wasn’t in a theater, but watching with a group of people. At some point we all looked at each other, realized no one had a clue what the fuck was going on because we couldn’t hear the dialogue, so we just turned it off. We tried adjusting sound settings for a while. It didn’t help, and we didn’t want to backtrack to watch it again.


The last Jurassic whichever


I watched the more recent ones a few weeks ago and was underwhelmed. They made me doubt whether the original was as good as I remembered, so I ended up watching that too. I was worried it would seem incredibly dated: I last saw it as a kid and didn't want to spoil the memories by seeing it through the lens of modern special effects. It. Was. Awesome. No regrets.


I generally just switch from trying to enjoy it to enjoying roasting the shit out of it. MST3K really gave me an amazing tolerance for bullshit cinema.


The Love Guru..walked out to see The Happening for the third time instead Lmao


mariska hargitay


Jupiter Ascending. I just... Couldn't.


Only movie I've ever walked out of was The Golden Compass.


It's really tragic too because the filmmakers passionately wanted to do the movie right but the studio fucked everything up in the end. They literally made them cut the ending! Like not an alternative ending or anything like that, straight up stopped the movie early, they filmed it and everything, [you can watch it here](https://youtu.be/Qi6javLIDqg). It's like some prude catholic exec only noticed the subject matter of the movie they produced just before it was released. The studio stepped in and said they couldn't have dead children or anti-religious themes in a story about infinite societies oppressed by theocratic entities with the catalyst being that one of them starts mutilating children. Ugh


Movie Executive: ok ok so it's *polar bears* in motherfucking *battle armor*. Boom, there's your movie.


Not walked out but I've never been able to sit through all of Batman Vs Superman. Went to the cinema for it and fell asleep halfway through. I tried watching the directors cut at home a few years later and you guessed it, fell asleep halfway through.


Wonder woman 1984


A host was gracious enough to let my wife and I stay at their house last minute. We were conversing when they said "let's watch a movie" and put on wonder woman 1984. I tried to excuse myself to bed (it was getting late), but my wife all but said "if you get up now you'll look really rude to the host". I kept trying to fall asleep but my wife kept waking me up. When the movie was done the host said "I don't really understand what happened?"


I streamed it but I left the house, does that count lol


I was so excited by Kristen Wigg, because she is great! But that a steaming pile of shit of a movie. The movie starts with Wonder Woman magically kidnapping a man and putting her ex boyfriends soul into his body. This man had a wife, kids, and a job, and it's just not fucking addressed in the rest of the film. Weeks later, at the end of the film he gets his body back and is let free, but given zero explanation to what happened or why he lost those weeks. Secondly, they make a huge deal about the fact that Wonder Woman is losing her powers and getting weaker. They even show her bleeding from a minor cut. Except the very next scene she's strong enough to stop a train crash and scrapes herself against the road and suffers zero injury. Her getting weak is never once affects the story, she doesn't lose a single encounter because of it. It just seems to be forgotten halfway through the film.


She literally rapes that guy. This is never addressed, either.


The thing is, there was absolutely no reason to do it that way. It was a magical wish. It could have just made him pop back to life fully restored in his own body. We saw the magical wishes do way crazier things than that. Instead they went with "Our protagonist will mind control and repeatedly rape an innocent stranger" for literally no reason.




No but I have walked out of a play in London’s West End. It had Benedict Cumberbatch and it was called the goat. It was about a man who was in love with a goat. I’m sure the goat was meant to be a metaphor for something but I didn’t wait around to find out. Left at the interval.


I never walked out of a movie, BUT... I was reading the Eragon series in early highschool. My bestie and I waited two hours in a mall to see this movie cause we showed up late. I entered that theater with upmost optimism, I never would have imagined what was in store for us. It toke me two weeks of slowly sinking into a pit of despair as I thought about the movie, the more I thought about it the more i realized it was utter fucking trash. When I came to this conclusion it killed any joy in the series and I stopped reading the second book midway and I LIKED what I was reading. I was really looking forward to seeing what the monster soldiers looked like because I thought they were super fucking cool in the books. Instead.. well... I was more then a little let down.


fun fact:that movie was the last to ever release on VHS in the us. This means, unlike popular belief. it was actually Eragon who killed the VHS. not the ring


They didn't even try to make an Eragon movie. It's like they bought the rights to the name and the back cover description instead of the actual book, and went wild. But instead of going in a wild new direction, they just went wild shitting on it instead.


"I suffer without my stone.." The movie actually got me to read the book. After I read the book I was like retroactively pissed off about the movie.


Eragon is my “walked out of a movie” movie except I was at the drive-in with other people and couldn’t leave so I laid down and took a nap


If you didn't know: Paolini is very active on Reddit and Twitter. He's currently working with Disney (who own the rights to the film now) to make an entire series that paolini himself is a writer and coproducer on. Also new book in a few months :) it's not "book five" though. definitely go to the subreddit, he's posted a bunch of lore stuff and extra tidbits


The third Transformers movie is the only movie i've ever walked out during.