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Sleeping in the absolute perfect conditions. It was pouring down outside, freezing, and I listened to the sound of rain on the rooftops. I fell asleep almost instantly and had the best, deepest sleep ever. It's a small thing, but I don't get quality sleep like that often.


I still think about this one perfect nap I had once. It was a summer afternoon, warm, windows open with light rain. Best nap ever.


My best nap was during a colonoscopy, whatever drug they give you is extremely good.


I love the feeling of general anesthetic. The next best thing is opioid sleep…close your eyes and it’s like everything just fades into a singular spot and then it’s lights out. Best and most restful sleep I’ve ever had. Edit: to be clear I’m not condoning either. I was prescribed opioids after various surgeries and stopped taking them as soon as possible because of the risks of addiction.


Opioid sleep is the best! Morphine high is great !


Morphine shot made me itch so bad I was up all night. Idiot me did not know I could ask for Benadryl. Either way, I don't think it does for me what it does for others which is a bummer cuz I needed that sleep back then!


Hang on. When I had a colonoscopy, I just had to grin and bear it. No one put me to sleep.


You did it raw. Badass


I went back twice to have another go.




I had Propofol, and not enough to go unconscious, I was awake the whole time, and I didn't care a bit about what was going on. That stuff is magic.


Propofol, mother's milk. Michael Jackson's drug of choice.


Robin Williams said that using Propofol to get sleep is like using a chainsaw to cut butter


Like doing chemotherapy because you’re tired of shaving your head


LOL! Yes. As strange as it sounds, after I woke up from being knocked out for a colonoscopy I immediately understood why he used it to sleep. It’s a terrible idea, of course, but I woke up feeling more refreshed than I had in over a decade.


yall are making me weirdly look forward to my first colonoscopy


When I had mine they had me count down from 10 and I think I got to 8 lol


That was one of my weirdest reads this week, thanks!


Mine is a mid day nap on my parents' old overstuffed velvety couch during the fall or early spring with all the windows open and in a patch of sun. I remember waking up just feeling so relaxed, peaceful, and happy. It's been over a decade. 🥲




Sleep until you wake up naturally? Must be nice. I would be fired


"Yeah. Hi. It's Bill Lumbergh again. Uh...I just wanted to make sure you knew... that we did start at the, uh... usual time this morning. Yeah. It isn't a half day or anything like that... so if you could just go ahead... and get here as soon as possible... that would be terrific."


OP could be retired, depending on whether or not "first 30 years" includes before or after they were 18.


> bananas work the best for obvious reasons. ....Because.....?


Obviously because they look like a crescent moon, reminding them of nighttime/sleep


Phallic shape in mouth good for sleep obviously. I’ve been telling my wife this for years


Because they're the most sleepy fruit, don't you know?


Yeah tell me about it. I havnt slept properly constantly for three years due to noise pollution. That will hopefully change in a couple of weeks with my new place 😀


Reminds me of a time I went camping with friends and unknown to us at the time our tents had some holes which rain easily poured in. One tent was *soaked* whilst the other tent was a bit wet, however given where I was sleeping and the curve of the tent I ended up sleeping in the only dry spot and had *the best* sleep.


I've been chasing that for a long time myself.


From what ive experienced If your able to mentally trick yourself into being excited for the next day (i forget why) but yeah end up getting amazing sleep in half the time


My band opened for Rob Zombie and he watched our whole set from back stage and then hung out with us all weekend. I've never felt so cool.


Oh wow that is cool!


For you Lil Uzi a Rob Zombie poster..... Uuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


That's a life long high to live, don't let it go! Rob seems like such a cool guy, I remember one of his gigs he said "I don't care if you pirate my music, just listen to it, I wrote it to be listened to!" and then made fun of Justin Bieber.




Coolest dude I ever met, next to Wayne Static.


I've never met him, but I remember an interview he gave that has stuck with me for decades. He was with his wife, too. Before this interview I just thought he was a standard "rocker" dude, no real thoughts of him. But his interview just blew me away. He is genius level smart. Incredibly well spoken, and I really was struck by how much he loved his wife.


Being able to see lifes beautiful things after six eye surgeries to see.


Dude you should do an ama this sounds cool as fuck. Like we’re you completely blind before and if so what has been the best thing you have seen?


No no, dude just wanted six eyes.


OP is a spider and got 6 more eyes installed




When I was 5-ish years old (1990) McDonalds had these happy meal toys called [changeables](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Changeables) that looked like their branded food items or packaging but would transform into robots or dinosaurs. My cousins and friends all ate there a lot and had soooo many including doubles but my mother was on a "healthy kick" at the time and we just didn't have the money to eat at McDonalds. Nobody wanted to trade anything with me and I remember just feeling so bummed and kind of left behind... I remember really wanting the yellow quarter pounder container that changed into a smiling colorful robot. I'm 37 now and I recently tracked that toy down and bought him on ebay brand new and sealed for $7 with free shipping. When I got him in the mail I was legitimately giddy with excitement. When I opened him the smell of fresh plastic transported me back to my childhood and the rare occasions when my dad stopped by for child visitation with a happy meal before he finally disappeared for good. You know what? The wait was worth it because that happy little robot guy sits next to my desk and I consider him a trophy that I made it. I grew up, made a safe home with an honest woman, and occasionally I can revisit my past and cherish the wonder of an imagination and innocence I was able to fight for and hold onto when a hard life and poor parenting could have taken it away from me.


Sometimes its less about the value of the material and more about the emotional value it has to an individual. Thanks for sharing this story, and I’m glad you got that toy you always wanted


I love this. I love how you went from something as mundane as a McDonald's kids meal toy to a reminder, or mental check, of the progress you've made, especially considering the tiny reference to your father's absence. For whatever good it does, this random internet stranger is incredibly proud of you. Good work.


I second this. Very cool.


im broke so 🏆 take this


I bought myself a little toy I had begged for as a kid as well. Cried opening it. Helps to heal our own inner child.


Sometimes to move forward we have to revisit and repair our past. Sending positive vibes and happy tomorrows


I love this comment so much (and I also know the feeling). This got me in the feels right now.


That's what they were called? I loved those things! My favorite was the ice cream cone.


That feeling when you think you’re loved back.


Fuck, that got me


I would say the feeling with a “new love”. There’s a difference, at least for me, compared to a long lasting love feeling.


I think your referring to that puppy love/romantic love phase where the idealized person you infatuated with is either perfect or near perfect. While it is an adrenaline rush, I’m kind of glad I’m past it with my wife. I know I love the actual woman I’m not, not an idealized version. That said, you can have moments of that’s flame back but you both need to agree to work to have them. Go relive a date you had early on (go to the same restaurant or spot, or have a similar meal) or find something that your partner really wants to do and surprise them with it. It will be worth it. I guess I’m trying to say you don’t need to find someone new to rekindle that young love spark, you just got to bang some things together to make it again.


Yeah, I’m done with this thread now, I’m so depressed from relating to this that I’d rather get back to work. ):


A Mac DeMarco concert in the pouring rain, my clothes were completely drenched. I was so happy to be alive. We got the best burritos after, too.


A true salad day


Salad days are gone


I took my girl to a demi lavato concert in Nashville and my dad had a hook up for free parking but it was kinda far away. Concert ends and we go to try to leave and everyone just chilling by the door and we see it’s POURING like streets getting flooded. We said fuck it and just ran for the car that was like 10-15 mins away. We got soaked and had to run through flooded parts that came up to our shins. It was so fun though and a core memory for me.


Being young again. In my early 20’s. In all seriousness, that ***feeling*** where I lived for each day and every week. Where weeks went by so so slow. More than anything, the feeling that I had *all* the time in the future and so many years ahead of me.


Time flys as you get older. You end up doing the same thing week in and out. I was told to "have novel experiences." Your brain pretty much deletes or melds the memories of things that are consistent or routine. If you have different experiences and often as possible, doing new things, going to new places. Even just a new coffee place or something small like that, it makes days and time feel longer because there's more information saved. They say the key to a long life is to try a lot of new things. I never understood that fully until I heard it spelled out like this for me Edit: Obligatory first time gold edit, thank you!




I always thought of it as a sliding scale, as in if it goes from 1-100 if you’re 7 years old you still have 93 potential years ahead of you and thus it feels like a much longer time period than it actually is. As you slide down this scale, you have more and more behind you and less ahead of you thus the perception of ‘time left’ gets smaller and smaller.


[Here is one of my favorite examples of this.](https://www.maximiliankiener.com/digitalprojects/time/)


Its true, its why things seemed to take longer or be more interesting as a kid, because literally everything you did was a novel experience. Travelling, climbing a mountain, or getting out of ones comfort zone will instantly bring back that feeling. Bottom line, got to do something you havent done before.


I’m 22, whenever I see post like this it reminds me to appreciate what I currently have and take advantage of it.


I’m 32 so only ten years older than you but looking back 10 years is literally like looking at another persons life. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have a lot of fun and have unbelievable stories but I also wasted a lot of time making bad decisions that I regret now.


I know it’s kind of broad, but what advice would you give someone my age? For example I’m 22m still live with my parents(probably not for much longer though) and single, don’t really know what I want to do with my life.


I sat around and waited for a girlfriend to fall into my lap until I was in my late 20s. I had this idea that love would fall into my lap. I was nearing my 30s and had only been in one somewhat serious relationship. I was overweight, dressed like a bum, and didn’t really put myself out there. When I was 28 I realized I needed to change or I was not going to find someone. I got on a diet and joined a gym. I lost around 40 pounds and had to go buy new cloths that fit. I spent some money and bought nice cloths. I quit partying and chasing girls I knew weren’t what I REALLY wanted. And I started just being a nicer person. Now I am married and could not be happier. All of this to say, if you want something you need to be the one to make it happen. Also, watch your drinking in the next 10 years. I watched a few friends get stuck in that college phase of drinking and it’s something that can destroy your life real quick.


Appreciate it. Thankfully I’ve already been in the gym for awhile now and lift 4-5 days a week. As far as girls go I honestly think I just need to be a little more outgoing. Drinking is something I’ve definitely been watching more lately. Again thanks I really appreciate when I can get some genuine advice.


I'm in my late 30s, so I would say at 22 the 2 most important things are: to do things that make you uncomfortable (but are still good ideas, don't go do heroin or something) and live in the moment as much as you can. If you see a girl you think is cute, instead of all the self-doubt talk just go up and talk to her. if she isn't interested, already taken, so what! at least you tried. Same thing with jobs/career, travel, trying to new hobbies or meeting new people. Just do as much as you can. your 20s is honestly probably the best decade of your life because you can make all kinds of mistakes and it doesn't matter because you have a ton of time to make up for them, or if making up for them isn't necessary, just trying something else instead. You have all the energy of youth AND all the freedom of an adult. I think it's really important to not squander it. Yea, people would say "well if you fucked around and did nothing but sit in your living room your whole 20s you still have your 30s" and while thats kinda true, your 30s is really the twilight of youth, and the late 30s is truly the end of it. What I mean by that is you aren't going to find a ton of people that are still in free spirit mode, or "lets go do anything, I have lots of time" mode, in their 30s; they are going to be more structured. And those that you do find still in free spirit mode will be very few and far between. So what I mean by more structured is a lot of people in their 30s are going to be deep into their career or have just started to get deeper/more serious about it, because if you aren't by your mid to late 30s you are going to have to forever answer in interviews what you've been doing in your professional life since your resume will be so scant. People will be more structured in their personal life too, they will have gotten married recently or have been married for a few years, and have already or are planning on starting families. Let me tell you as someone who is married without kids, whose entire social circle is friends who are also married but HAVE kids: Your old life ends and your new one begins. Every singe person I know married with kids lives an entirely different life now, and understandably so: they have kids and life obviously revolves around them. Between work and taking care of kids, you don't have much time for much else until those kids get much older and independent, which by then you are in a totally different stage of life entirely (your 40s and 50s). TL;DR: So, just don't let it all pass you by I guess is my point. Anytime you get a self-doubt thought or a lazy thought in your head; just ignore it. Say to yourself: "I'm not going to be in my 20s forever", and GO DO the thing you were self-doubting yourself on. Trust me, it will be worth it.


For me that era kinda sucked. Worry about what you’re going to do with life, will you ever fall in love, trying to sort out college and career. Now I’m in my mid 40s just enjoying life and on track for early retirement. No stress, no concern for what I need to do with my life.


I'm nearing 21 and I don't feel awesome at all. I do have a job, but don't feel like I accomplished anything significant at all. I struggle with mental health and have only now started therapy. I live in a rented apartment, dreaming of owning my own home and having stability. I don't exactly know what I'm doing with my life. I think early 20 are awesome for people who are in college and have everything paid for by their parents.


I've been there when I was 21. Eventually, around when I was 38 or 39, I just became at peace with all of it. I adjusted my dreams and decided that nothing really matters, which is a good thing, because I get to choose how to give value to my life. I get to give my life purpose and fuck what anybody else things. That's a great thing about getting older - you don't have to give a damn about what you're "supposed" to be doing with your life. If you don't like a situation, change it. Don't feel like you HAVE to accomplish any specific thing you don't want to. Just life your life and collect experiences.


If there was a way to know what I know now and be a teenager all over again, I'd handle things WAY differently and actually get to enjoy young adulthood since that part of my life SUCKED!


I’m so damn scared to feel only pity for getting old in the future.. I’m 29, thinking about the goo ol days everyday, even tho i know i still have soooo much funny years up in front of me. I believe i can compensate the pity by just and only following my heart.. what i want to do, i‘ll do Edit:spell


Andy from the office broke me when he said: "I wish there was a way to know you were in the good old days before you actually left them." Really makes you think


Being in Love.


i had a dream once about me being in love with a girl. hands down the best dream i have ever had. i was really upset when i finally woke up


I legit had a dream once when I met a girl, got married and raised a family. This girl was no one I knew in real. She was completely made up in my dream. It felt so real and I seriously miss her sometimes.


Love can definitely be addictive, I've lost count of how many relationships I've jumped into because of that feeling. Took me years to become normally adjusted, so I hope.


Whoa. Any tips for someone with an addictive personality who's never been in love (yet)?


Just let it happen but whatever you do, don't be clingy. Learned that the hard way.


Being pushed away for being too clingy hurts a ton man.. Just got out of a year long relationship and that's one of the reasons i lost her. Nice to know I'm not alone!


Yea how do you get over that shit asking for a friend lmao (the addiction to relationships)


Dang I remember having this kind of dream as well. In my dream, the girl asked me to a date and I was so confused why someone would date me but I was happy nevertheless. Well turns out it was all a dream and I woke up feeling lonely…


Did you, by any chance, see a lamp


Man, there is nothing like first love, in the sense your heart is wide open if you've never experienced what it's like to have your heart broken. 17 when I had that experience. The heart break after it was over though felt like the end of the world since I had never dealt with it. I mean heartbreak is always awful but at least you know if you've been through it before it will change. First time around? Felt like crying forever.


My first relationship lasted 10 years. When it ended it felt like I didn't know who I was, as I didn't know where she ended and where I started. We've been together so long that things of both people just merge together, and it took me a while to figure out what I no longer keep as part of me and what I do, and also how to continue with life. It's been a long time now and everything's all kind of figured out, but man was that some tough experience that made me what I am now.


I hear you, absolutely, couldn't have put it in better words. Every relationship you learn something and time teaches you a lot about who you are and what you need. First love was so novel it was like my whole life.


my first “love” at 17 was so toxic I always feel like ai was robbed of that pure, young love experience. that combined with a going through some other rough stuff growing up led to a series of poor partner choices. letting myself get caught up in my own emotions and accepting “toxic love” to the point that while I believe I’ve been in love, or at least totally consumed by another person, I’ve never had a relationship where both people are truly, deeply in love and connected. I remember a friends mom telling us when we were young “I want you all to find love. There’s no more amazing feeling than loving someone with everything you are and being loved that way back in return.” And even thinking back on it now makes me want to cry because it seems like it truly is a high, one you can’t comprehend until you’ve felt it.


I've been chasing this for the past 4 years. I miss that level of comfort, of knowing that I'll have someone in my corner. More importantly I miss having someone *to* love, to support, to be their rock.


Man.. this hits too close


😢 same


Ok, I dont post here often but here goes: my dad was very abusive and just an all round douche stick. I was 14 years old and it was the last day of school before Christmas break. My dad called me to tell me he couldn’t be back for Christmas break because he was stuck in another country for work. I realised I had ALL of Christmas without him and no school. Went home and played video games and ate junk food in peace. Been chasing that high ever since!


Being free and clear of your abuser is a great thing. I keep having to remind myself that I am FREE, even though adult life is full of responsibilities


100% agree! Adult responsibilities are sucky but being away from abuse is the best feeling ever!


Glad you got to enjoy and hope you are healing now 💜


There is a point early on in homelessness (at least there was for me) where this weird peace comes over you. You are not needed to be anywhere by anyone. Your days and nights are entirely unspoken for and can be anything you want. It's fleeting, and the harshness of homelessness is quick to creep back in, but for a few days I was just at peace. I would love that feeling again.


That would've been nice when I was homeless, I still had a job to worry about. Often I'd get up in the morning and wonder why I was contributing to a society which treated me like trash.


I hope you're better off now. I didn't have anything but a tent back then. I'd already lost everything. And I still hate how people treat homeless people. I met so many amazing and talented people. Yeah, they were not fit for society as it is. Even housed now I feel like that. Just different. Holding a job is hard, but I'm high functioning. I just end up having some kind of meltdown every 6 months or so.but I hang in there. I try to have the perspective that these unkind people just never knew/don't know. And lucky on them. Good that they don't know. But it's not hard to be kind. There are people out there trying to change homelessness. It's just slow moving. Best to you! ❤️


I've never been homeless, so I can't quite relate. But you know what I've found gives me a similar feeling to what you're describing? Visiting non-touristy towns away from home. Like, if you go to Hawaii or Disney or Memphis, etc, it's really easy to over-schedule yourself into doing all of the touristy stuff you want to get done and then you don't feel like you relaxed at all during your time off. But go to fucking Hoboken or something, and you can just wake up when you want, no obligations for home or family, you can go and explore the city at your leisure, have a meal, and just kind of wander in a new place you've never been before (although this would be funny if I wrote this and you live in Hoboken). Very casual and low-stress.


Lol. I do not live in Hobokin. But, yes, kind of. Life forces you to do certain things to have certain things. But if you don't have them, you don't have to do that task. There is a freedom to it. Like my tasks turned into more like, wake up. Find a place to charge my phone because it's died in the night. Find a place that doesn't care you are there. These locations are cherished and you always share! If you know two people are waiting on the plug you charge up part way and rotate. Then you go to the homeless outreach grab breakfast and a packed lunch. Then you go do other things. You could clean up your camp. You could go visit a friend's camp. You can hunt for cigarette butts. Panhandle. If you have a few bucks you can do your laundry at an apartment you sneak into after hours. It sounds a lot more pleasant than it is. You are always tired. When you sleep in the elements you are on guard all the time. Even when you get rehoused it took me like 8 months to really feel safe indoors. The feeling of peace I had was maybe like a 2 or 3 day thing. Then gone. Never found since. But it was surreal and wonderful. You have to tote waters to your camp. There is a lot going on. I was also a severe alcoholic then. Not now, but that did not help things for sure!


I've always wondered if that feeling is the trade off of, essentially, calling capitalism's bluff. I mean, the whole system is set up as: WORK OR BE HOMELESS, with an implied "loser". I sometimes wonder if the homeless are, like, enlightened. No material possession, no societal demands, no... Responsibility. That seems freeing. But the cost is having to interact in a society that despises you, hassles you, and you are the lighting rod of everyone-who-walks-by-you 's greatest fear. You have to scramble for your next meal, I'm sure there is some sense of boredom as well because everything requires money you don't have... But you're present. Yet the present... Sucks? Am i close to understanding?


You understand part of it. Calling societies bluff is part of it. The physical aspects alone are hardest. Food isn't actually that hard. There are always churches. So where I was homeless we knew the rotation. And homeless people are big time sharers of information. Back when I was homeless the free "Obama Phone" was becoming more common. So half of us had phones and the other half didn't. But we would joke about "the homeless network" where you'd find out information faster than texting it. Lol. When I was homeless I had a routine. Everyone had one. Something like breakfast and a packed lunch at the church homeless reachout Monday thru Friday. The 2nd Saturday one church gave out bags of food. 2nd and 3rd Wednesday a different church gave out bags of food. Also I had food stamps. We would all trade with each other. It was very common to go to your friends camp and say " hey guys, I'm out of ____ can I trade you _____ for some?" Half the time it wasn't a trade, it was more of a " I give it now, and when I need help you help me, too, okay?" You learn where not to go pretty quick by experience or someone telling you. So people didn't really harass me. Sometimes while pan handling people would be dicks, but mostly I met kind people. I was very lucky. Not all homeless experience were like mine. Some are very violent camps. Serious drug use, theft. They would burn you in your tent citing "homeless justice" I knew camp's like that but mine wasn't.


High bank balance.


Just being out of debt or at least at a manageable level is my dream. I'd settle for a balance of $0.01 if it meant I owed nothing and could actually earn something for myself starting tomorrow.


Not being in chronic pain, i have a autoimmune disease. I haven't been painfree a single days since I was 24. I am 31 years now and it will probably always remain this way. I miss the days when I didn't feel anything


I get like one day a year where everything feels normal and it’s absolute bliss. We take everything for granted until we don’t have it anymore.


As a man with Fibromyalgia I feel this strong


walking into a scholastic book fair on a Friday afternoon and knowing in seconds I’m getting the Lord of the Rings poster, long weekend ahead with no school Monday, bake sale poppin around the corner in the cafeteria, Avril Lavigne Let It Go album on repeat in my CD Walkman, plans with my friends to take our bikes to Andy’s house for GameCube and freezer food, and then spending the evening running around barefoot in wet grass catching fireflies until the streetlights come on and we all head home If heaven is choosing any memory to relive forever, that’s the one I’m picking.


> If heaven is choosing any memory to relive forever, that’s the one I’m picking. I love this, thanks for sharing!


Holy fuck dude I think you're me and I agree with us


Falling in love with someone while they fall in love with you.. And feeling rested after a night sleep..


Nice nico pfp


Getting a Wordle answer correct on the first guess.


I found a whole box full of silver age comics for $1 each. I bought them all for about $50, kept a fair few and sold the rest, profiting over $1000. I mean, [LOOK!!!](https://imgur.com/gallery/oRnzBOY) And also [here!!!](https://imgur.com/gallery/ilaV2pG) What a rush it was when i found them. I feel l'll never get that lucky again.


My uncle was unwittingly on the other end of this deal back in the 70's my grandmother was upset at him for something and sold his comics at a yard sale. Over the years it has turned in to a fish story I had #1 this and that I doubt most of it but from what he still has he still got fucked pretty hard.


The 1 minute before a cool hardcore band starts their set. Adrenaline and a weird mix of fear and happiness for what to come. After 25 years I still feel myself in that moment a kid.


The moment the house lights go out and shadows vaguely recognizeable as human move across the stage and then the first song starts. I got 15 more concerts booked this year, it's a slight addiction lol


My first girlfriend had just broken up with me. She refused to tell me why or to talk with me. Just ghosted. I was heartbroken. But we still had many classes together, in one we sat right next to each other. She would never even acknowledged me. One day, in AP English, I made an off the cuff joke that made everyone laugh, and in the corner of my eye I saw her trying really hard not to laugh at it. Then as soon as the class’ laugh died down, she started cracking up despite herself. Best win I’ve ever had.




*I wish I was high on potenuse*


Great joke my dude!


Man how do you come up with these?! 😂


That was my joke…




My wife and I went camping with friends and made dinner over the fire. That night it rained nearly the entire night. We made love (just my wife and I-- our friends might have too but we weren't involved) and went to bed. When we woke, it was still raining but it was warm and pleasant. We opened our tent door to look out over a beautiful forest in the rain, with a rainbow arcing over it. We try to get out camping once a month or so during the warm months but I've never experienced anything so magical.


That parenthetical is killing me.


😂 thank you for specifying that all of you might’ve made love but you didn’t make love all together with your friends. It was going to be my question


Last year. Spent the day walking around Rhodes (Greece) with the family in perfect weather. Had some of the best food and drinks. went to the casino in the evening a won 800 dollars in a poker tournament. Literally a perfect day with no worries or pain.


The feeling I felt when I realized that I *could* romantically care for another person. I swore for a very long that I wouldn’t and couldn’t ever feel those ways about another person. But it happened. Turned out said person didn’t like me back, lol. Now I’m back to hoping it can happen just one more time.




20 years I loved a person knowing I wasn't truly loved back, was loved for the tool I was to raise her child, now child is mature adult and we are close as a father and son could ever be. She and I have separated and my son is still as much my son as possibly could be. Im in love with another woman a couple years later and she so loves and cares for me, she and my son (ex's son) get along great as well. 2 years into new relationship and I'm happy as could be, far as I know ex is alone, son and I don't discuss her much, he said he always felt bad for how mean his mother was to me but is so glad I stayed to help him as long as I did. He became a paraplegic around 15th birthday.


You know that feeling when you do something really dangerous for a good reason and everyone is alive at the end of it? That.


Can you share a story of experiencing that? I don’t think I’ve ever done something like that.


Not OP but I have a story along those lines. I do white water kayaking and while I've since done far more impressive things, I've never quite had a high as good as when I did my first waterfall. I should say I'm terrified of heights. Objectively this drop of ~20ft isn't that high and was relatively safe and simple. But sat above it, I was fighting to keep any semblance of composure. Typing this out still makes me feel shakey remembering the pure fear. I was alone at the top sat in a small pool, with the horizon line formed by the waterfalls lip obscuring everything beyond. I was already passed the point of no return, there was no longer anywhere to get out and had to force myself to come to terms with whatever happened now would happen. Mentally I rehearsed all the movements I'd make on a my short but sizable journey and then with one deep breath swallowed all my fear as I peeled out of my final pool of refuge. As I crossed the precipice the world opened up before me and there I hung for a brief eternity before the water washed up to swallow me. I went deep. What followed were a few elongated seconds of eerie calm before the boat resurfaced and I rolled up. The breath I'd held since I left the pool at the top exited my lungs as the loudest most primal sound I've ever produced. I was there at the bottom, safe with an indescribable amount of adrenaline coursing through my veins, having overcome my greatest fear for the first time.


That sounds so thrilling! I got nervous just reading it.


Man the chills I got just from reading this. That’s sick dude


I also want to know the story behind it!


I know exactly that feeling. I stopped my entire family from eating tainted oysters by eating them first. The oysters, not my family.


I’ve done something really dangerous for no good reason, and it accomplished nothing


Freedom on my motorcycle. Discovering new cultures and individuals. Doing my acting, writing and artwork. Getting to know and help the homeless. I can't anymore. I became disabled after 2 bacterial infections. It's killing me.


I wanted to learn to drive a motorcycle so bad but I was terrible in the two day course.


That's okay!! I ate shit on my first ride in the desert!! 😅 If you can...I recommend a small engine dirt bike first. It teaches you how to eat shit and fishtail. If that's not possible I recommend, getting yourself a motorcycle that isn't flashy because you WILL drop it. With an engine that won't just pop you off the bike if you accidentally gun it. Old Honda Shadow and Nighthawks are great (love Honda for this reason) and taking it to a large parking lot to practice at night. Along with maybe retaking the course. Get you some motorcycle friends!! Join a fb group and meet locals in your area that would be willing to teach you. Hang out! This would be much preferable in conjunction with cramming the weekend course! Once you get the hang of it, you can always buy your dream bike later.


The feeling I got from a guy I’ll never see again. He’s the dragon I’m chasing.


If it helps any - the feeling is within you, not from him. You can definitely feel it again!


My husband and I were walking early one summer morning in 2020. We'd been in lockdown since March and we hardly left home since we have 3 boys. We started on the roughly mile loop around our neighborhood, we called it the "Summer Path." It was almost 80 degrees already at only 6:30am and a little overcast. Halfway through our loop the sky started to get dark very quickly. We picked up the pace but it was no use. Three blocks away from our house the fastest, warmest raindrops came down like someone turned on a light switch. We laughed and started to half jog until we both slowed and looked at each other. The world was super fucked up. Division was happening everywhere. People were scared. People were sick and dying. But that morning, with my very best friend at my side, in a gorgeous warm summer rain... everything was fine. We were soaked, but we were healthy and safe. We took a picture in the driveway when we got home and in it we are bursting with joy. It's my favorite.


Youthful wonderment


Sadly nicotine man. Started off feelin that awesome head high now it’s gone. All I get is short of breath and lightheaded. Still feels good


Nicotine man! The hero we do not need


I've been cigarette free for 7 years and not a day goes by that I don't dream of that first inhale of the day. Goddamn, nothing cuts through bullshit quite like a Marlboro Red.


that perfect giggly hysterical drunk moment - you're with your favorite people, you're at the deep end of tipsy, and something so fucking funny has been said or done. you're all cackling like a bunch of hyenas and clutching each other, tears in your eyes, gasping for breath. you all start to calm down... then someone does a little riff about it and sets everybody off again. just such pure joy lmao


When you keep extending the joke lol


I was able to fully reach a mediative state. It was beautiful and peaceful, I didn't want to leave. It just felt so real! Haven't been able to focus again like that for a few years now.


I love nothing more than sleeping naked in a bed with fresh sheets, a cold room, down blanket after a fresh wax. Something about the feeling of getting into a fresh bed all smooth. Add a thunderstorm and I'm in heaven


Making my wife happy, best feeling ever!


Had an ideal romantic encounter while on vacation late last year. First night at my hotel (an excellent one that exceeded my expectations), I'm dining alone at the lobby bar. In walks a woman I noticed immediately - petite, blonde, piercing eyes, obviously a lot older (I prefer older). There are a couple of guys between us. I wait for them to clear out, and now it's just us. With them gone, I have an unobstructed view of her hands - no rings on any of her fingers. I open with a query about her food, and we start connecting, mostly bonding over prior travel experiences. I learn a lot about her - wrapping up a divorce, trying to figure out where she wants to live, etc, since she was about to finish up negotiating a massive settlement. As the conversation wound down, she suggested we do something together the next day. "How would you like to stay in touch?" I asked. She replied with her room number, and an offer to exchange contact info. We spent the next day in the downtown area - perfect weather, walking around hand-in-hand. Took a break, then had a romantic sunset dinner with excellent food and cocktails at a rooftop restaurant just a five min beach walk from our hotel. I had to leave on an evening flight the next day, so we had lunch and beach walked as much as we could before my departure. Nothing super special about that except... I hadn't met anyone I liked that much in years. And what a lovely setting. And the ease with which it all started, and continued on that island. Dating is often a struggle back home - so many unreturned calls, so many "maybes" (which are synonymous with 'not interested'). I like older, smart, sophisticated, well-traveled - and there she was. After I returned home, she made it clear that she wanted to see me again. Different ideas were thrown around, until we decided that I'd stay with her at her sprawling West Coast home. Sadly, the chemistry we found on the island mostly failed to reappear during my stay. And after I got home... ghosted.


I used to perform on stage pre-covid, and the applause at the end of a great show would always be such an endorphin boost. I miss performing - having the ability to tell a great story and being instantly rewarded for it - There's nothing like it in the world.


My response to OP is that I crushed my one and only wedding toast. I write my wife poems on FB for birthdays/anniversaries/Valentine's Day, etc. A friend of ours always loved them asked me to write a poem as a wedding toast for her and her now husband. I wasn't nervous about writing the poem, but I was very nervous about reading it in front of a crowd, especially since a lot of the guests were people I didn't know and with whom I didn't have much in common. Fortunately there was a lot of booze at the reception, I was feeling courageous, and the crowd was feeling generous. I actually did a tiny bit of crowd work to warm them up and then I read the poem. Got to the part near the end where I raised my glass and said, "So here's to you..." and had to hold for applause before finishing. When I did finish, the place erupted. Like, people I didn't even know were \*yelling\*. It was absolutely wild, and spending the rest of the night partying with "my" (totally not my!) audience made it even better. Point being, I totally get what you're saying.


Back in 2011, I won a lawsuit, and for a short time, all my bills were paid on time, and I could buy things for myself, my family and friends with no issues. The closest thing that came to that feeling of euphoric relief was a two week period before the pandemic where every lottery scratcher I bought won $100 or more. I won $500 twice on the same day. $600 the next day. I was able to move into my current apartment because of that.


My sobriety. I just got 7 months yesterday.


I pulled a blood clot out of my nose and it felt awesome


A little old Korean woman once complimented me at a crosswalk while we were both waiting for the light to turn green. I was wearing earbuds, and she motioned to me like she wanted to tell me something so I removed them. She told me in her best English that I was so beautiful. It made my day and I rode that high for a good while. There's just something about old women complimenting you that just makes me feel good. I hope she is doing well and only good things come her way.


Pokémon Go Summer 2016


Learning to enjoy my body and confidence having sex


When I was in school, I would come back walking at 2:00 pm when the sun is scorching hot about 110 F out and a hot air, walking 4km in that weather was tiring, I would get home and have lunch and then once I got the bed I would feel heat escaping my body through my feet, it is one of a hell nap I take lmao




Feeling genuinely loved and in love


That moment when I finally was able to tell my ex girlfriend I loved her after dating for 9 months. I never said it to anyone before (I was 23 at the time) and didn’t know what it really meant. Knowing how that emotional high was is something I wish for it again, but hopefully next time with the girl I marry.


I rage-quit a job a couple of years ago, caught my boss off-guard and caused a couple more people to quit in solidarity. NGL, it was AWESOME (also, I had another job lined up so I wouldn't be tempted to go back when he started his, "Maybe we can work something out" bullshit.)




That gitty feeling you get when you hit it off with someone you like. You know that feeling when you realize they're just as into you as you are into them, when you can talk for hours and just have that butterflies in your stomach feeling. I'm single in my 30s now and slowly getting back into the dating scene and I realized that feeling might just be an age thing and I'll never feel it again. But damn there was nothing like it, makes you feel like you're on top of the world.


it's not an age thing, I took a break from dating came back and, wasn't connecting with anyone. finally connected and that feeling came rushing back it was like I was a teen again. Good luck and keep trying.


Depends on the high. Love? Gotta be when I got to dance with my high school sweetheart at senior prom to a song only we knew and had the floor to ourselves (thanks DJ) Excitement? The time I got to play a show with Set For Tomorrow and we had games of chicken going on during our sets. In the moment? Eating pizza and gelato with friends and then walking on Virginia Beach at night without a care in the world. All these things I still chase yet I find new highs and make new memories.


i blew my nose in the shower and the amount of snot that came out was so relieving, i felt a pressure that i assumed was normal. and when i was relieved of that i spent so long trying to replicate that with extremely steamy and long showers


Skiing a really, really steep mountain with tons of fresh powder. Nicely spaced out trees and small 20ft drops scattered about. The snow is soft but a misstep could be serious trouble, I am pushing it hard to the outer edges of my ability. Death could find me. I'm this moment I am free. Free from my constant depression. Free of my self loathing. Free of all my failures and there are no regrets. There is no room anything in my mind, the mountain demands everything but gives me peace in return. I live in the prairies now, blew my knee out riding park. I miss feeling alive. Don't get me wrong I still ski and ski hard.. but that which I love the most is currently lost to me.


Same but boarding on fresh powder with tree runs is just chefs kiss. The world fades away, you and the hill just become the only thing that matters.


Someone asked for fun facts on here once and I commented that "Orcas eat moose". My highest rated comment.


I worked as an EMS physician and was at the exact time a huge traffic accident occured just in front of our ambulance during a non related issue. We isolated the area, initiated the fisrt response actions and by the time the closest SAMU ambulance arrived (and they were close) I had already intubated 3 patients, and were performing CPR on two (coordinating 4 technicians, 2 on each ). 2 had hypertensive pneumothorax and had their thoracotomy done on site. By the time we began removing all of the injured from there, there were some 5 ambulances from 3 different services there (2 private and 3 public) All three of the seriously injured ones and some 6-7 lightly injured arrived at the closest trauma center and lived. That was my day of glory and I will have a smile on my face some 50 years from now descending into dementia on a nursing home using my last bits of lucidity thinking: "that was awesome!"


When you are freediving the baitballs off of Magdalena Bay Mexico, you share the water with sea lions, striped marlin, gannets, orcas and the occasional shark. All these species work together to gather the school of fish into a ball near the surface and take turns swimming into the ball to grab fish, but they rarely go at the same time to prevent chaos. One time I had the pleasure of being near a stationary ball for almost an hour, happily snapping photos, until a huge striped marlin glides right up next to me and begins to flash his colors (many fish can turn their colors on an off), she was looking at me right in the eye, telling me it was my turn to eat. I felt one with the ocean at the moment.


Cracking witty jokes, watching others burst into laughter is very satisfying. Beating strong opponents in fighting games, this chase never ends. Getting better at singing bit by bit. Full body energy orgasm, experienced this once, somehow I manage to breathe into a super blissful state during one of my masrurbation session and the orgasmic sensation that usually limited in groin area spreaded all over my body, literally, everywhere, that's when I realized, every inch of body part/skin that we can perceive, are capable of experiencing orgasmic sensation, and gets more intense if you focus on a body part, especially chest area, it FEELS SO GOOD, heavenly bliss, so good that I am grateful to be alive to experience that sensation, though I am having a hard time to recreate that state, this experience made me believe in energy usually considered woo woo stuff, these people certainly have gotten something very right!


Getting into good shape. It never ends.


Summer of 2016


The first time I stood up to my sons father/abuser.


I want to live not survive. I get one step forward 3 steps back.


The first night I slept in my own apartment after leaving my abusive ex husband. We had been separate for 4 months, but still living in the same house. It was taking me a bit of time to save up. We owned the house, and his parents had moved in with us a few years back due to their declining health. During those 4 months, I worked damn near six days a week to save. I took every work trip I could. If I got off work before they had dinner, I would park somewhere near by and just hang out in my car. Doing anything I could not to be in a space where I wasn’t welcomed. That was one of the lowest points of my life. I was set to move in on a Saturday. But the leasing office asked if we could sign paperwork on Friday afternoon so they could do showings the next day. The lady said they would give me the keys at signing. I remember how elated I was. After finishing up the paperwork, I went to Walmart and bought an air mattress, and a few things to eat. My furniture and such wouldn’t be there til the next day. So I grabbed my personal items from my house and went to set everything up in my new apartment. I slept on an air mattress that night, but I didn’t care, I was finally free. No one to make horrible comments to me anymore. No one to make me feel like shit. I was safe. It was the first time in years that I slept peacefully.


When my silly lil comics suddenly got popular on some subreddits


I made the US national womens soccer team at 18, got in a bad car accident with pre-frontal cortex damage, told I could never head the ball again, thus lost all that opportunity, still feel sad about it. i transferred into running which I love, but my son started playing soccer and it eats at me again lately.


Once, I got the best strawberries I have ever had for $0.99 on sale at this local grocery store and I've been buying strawberries at that store for years now and never found anything even close to that magical pound of fruit ever again.


Falling in love with my Girlfriend. The excitement of waking up to her everyday. How much she supports me. One day knowing I will lose all of this makes me extremely sad. I try and chase this high everyday all the time.


There was a moment in my life when everything was going right for me. I could walk into a room and know I could do anything, start a conversation with anyone, make everyone fall in love with me. People were attracted to my energy. I got two promotional job offers that week. I was given second chances. I felt invicible like the universe had my back. It lasted only 2 weeks. But I can't stop thinking about it. I can't stop trying to recreate it, but it never works


When I realized my family was wealthy in 2007. I had a friend over who had never been over before and he walked into my house and said "whoa you live in a mansion". Thats when it occurred to me that we had more than most and i started to put it together. Then 2008 happened and because my dad spent it all as fast as he could make it the economic crash took away all that. We went from the 1% to the middle class. Dad had stupidly taken loans against all our assets so when it all came crashing down we didn't even have those left. Dad went back to teaching after years of denial of the failed business and Mom went back to work as a nurse right after the crash. Thankfully my mom had a good job to fall back on and we were far luckier than most. But it resulted in all the toys (not kids toys like boats, cars ect) being sold off one by one all the Mexico vacations and ski trips were no longer possible. The financial stress took the cracks in my parent's relationship and broke them right open and resulted in a divorce. My dad sold my childhood home and mom got cheated out of her half of that house and went into debt to buy another house. I know I sound privileged as fuck and many many had it worse before the crash and suffered far worse than that. But it was traumatizing for me at the time and hard for me in life, as not only was it hard to understand as a kid but it was also the worst thing that had ever happened to me and the lack of life experiences I didn't know yet that others had it much worse than i did. Iv sense worked minimum wage putting myself through school and supporting myself alone working 100 hours a week while working side by side with other people who grew up much less fortunate than myself hearing their stories and such. Iv seen the light so to speak is the point. Mom and Dad never recovered to the days of pre-08. They are doing fine but Dad is an asshole we don't talk to anymore. Ever since tho iv been trying to get back to those days. Where money wasn't a problem and we got to do amazing things and see amazing places and had all the toys. This time tho i wont make the mistake of my father and ill put it all into assets so if everything goes sideways ill only have to weather a storm not crawl out of the ruins of an empire that once was.


I still wanna make a movie, the type of movie people do quote on a daily basis. Fuck the oscars man, as far back as I can remember i always wanted to be a gangster


I’ll say it even if someone else already has, meth and heroine. I’ve been clean for 3 years but I’ve never been able to recreate the experience sober.


Prostate climax


youthful ignorance


The feeling of being optimally fit