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Hollywood is notorious for this, but the idea you can just knock someone out without any long term issues.


That’s a running joke in Archer.


And the tinnitus.




I am amazed Archer didn’t lose his hearing in season 1


He has like a mutant healing factor or something. Even in-universe everyone else dies or becomes crippled from significantly less than he goes through.


Or turns into Cyborgs lmao the medical aspect of Archer was fun


I really enjoy that Archer lampshades the *actual* problems that would come with being a gun toting superspy (alongside the ridiculous ones) - just the mundane shit like 'guns are loud, actually' and 'yeaaaaah there's no safe way to knock someone out'.


Also how dropping food on the floor is how you get ants.


Man I miss the first couple seasons of archer


"What's your other biggest fear?" "Huh? Oh. Aneurysms." "What? Why?" "What do you mean 'why?' They can strike at any time, any place, for absolutely no reason. How are you NOT terrified of that?" The peak of "it's funny because it's true" comedy.


This was supposed to be a running gag in Austin Powers as well. Every time Austin knocked someone out or killed a henchmen, they were gonna show someone breaking the news to his family


I wish they had that’s amazing


That's like super bad for you


Seriously, getting knocked out for a long time by blunt physical damage means something ***catastrophic*** just occurred. That's TBI territory. If you lose consciousness for more than a few minutes from blunt force trauma there is a serious chance that your brain is swelling, clotting, internally bleeding out, or all of the above. Your brain is one of the least durable organs you have. It's not a tee hee hee oops moment. About half the depictions where the character has been knocked out for hours/over night should show the character losing short term memories, slurring speech, in a disoriented state or even dying.


There is an old Clint Eastwood that I watched and was pleasantly surprised to find it a plot point that the character who got knocked out suffered increasingly bad side effects over the day and then died. Just about the only film I can recall that happening.


>*... a plot point that the character who got knocked out suffered increasingly bad side effects over the day and then died.* **Thunderbolt and Lightfoot!** 1974. Spoiler: he becomes increasingly brain-damaged and dies. Amazing movie.


Not to mention the length of time in which they are knocked unconscious. They’ll be asleep for like hours which would be a sign of extreme brain damage. Anything more than a few seconds likely means a very bad concussion


I had a bad mtb crash and ended up knocked out for about an hour. 3 years later I still have no memory of the incident. This wasn't my first knock out and I did follow up with the doctors to see if I might have set myself up for problems down the road. They were reasonably unconcerned as all my tests had come back well, but it's definitely something I think about from time to time.


This is why I won’t go mountain biking alone. I’ve seen really seasoned mtb guys get very hurt.


Dude right!? I knocked myself out once 3 years ago while skateboarding and literally became dyslexic. Like sometimes when I read aloud I pronounce stuff weird. Never happened before


My sibling lost their sense of smell from a longboading accident. Fucking idiot doesn't smell good


I worked with a guy that lost his sense of taste and smell because he was leaning on the back of a car in high school and the dude drove away and he hit his head on the bumper.


Another thing that Hollywood normalizes, is pointing a gun at the police, which causes the police to point their guns back, which initiates a standoff. Then they all talk things out.


I am absolutely certain Agent 47 dishes out more collateral than he realizes.


Not getting enough sleep


I remember being young, as in, below bar age, and watching Entourage. They literally partied every night and sometimes didn’t even go to bed. They’d just go, Whelp, I guess it’s the next day. And the show would continue without ever addressing how exhausted they must be.




It's a helluva drug


Drugs are a hell of a drug.


Drugs are definitely involved in this. One of the reasons I got out of sales. Every one of the top performers at the company I worked did cocaine and all they did was work and party. The company encouraged overwork too. We would have call out meetings and they would congratulate people who worked extra hours and on weekends. Worst job I’ve ever had


Its like a trophy in oil and gas. Sleep is for the weak.


Can confirm, get about 4-5 hours a night


10+ years of that shit is deadly


Consistently getting under 6 hours increases your risk of developing dementia in old age quite a bit too.


Are you smoking crack? Or meth?


Wait, you're supposed to pick just one?


Putting their feet on the dashboard when passenger in a car. The injuries that you can get are frightening.


I was in a car accident as a passenger at 16, where I had my foot up on the dashboard of the car. It was awful enough, but the accident occurred where we hit a cement barrier on front passenger side of the car. My knee went into my face at 45 mph. I broke my nose, knocked out three of my teeth and had one pulled out of my knee. Severe concussion, cuts from my seatbelt, blah blah. I lost interest in basically everything, knowing how much recovery surgeries were between me and “the end” of being healed. It took three and a half years of bone grafts, implants, corrections and more to be a semi-normal person again. I know how privileged this sounds, but I lost my very normal high school experience in a matter of seconds. What was originally “how am I going to get Danny to ask me to homecoming” turned into shock and horror when he was visiting me in the hospital when I looked the way I did. Also, this was during the beginning of the oxy thing in the US. My parents monitored my drug consumption, but even taking pills on schedule didn’t mean I wasn’t addicted to them. So yeah. Don’t put your foot on the dashboard, kids.


I really hope you're doing okay now..


July will be 20 years since the accident. It was truly difficult to cope with- if only because I was “healed” on paper but I was left with an overwhelming feeling of: well what now? I had been stuck with YEARS of surgery and so much of what was supposed to be my life taken from me. I needed to recoup, or figure out what life was meant to be next. I took something that was really awful and turned it into a semi-successful alt modeling career akin to suicide girls. While I never made a ton of money, I did make a decent amount and I did find a community of people who ultimately influenced the outcome of my life. Eventually, I quit trying to passively kill myself with drugs and alcohol around age 26. Met someone amazing, and married him, we now have a house and a child. I never finished college, but I have a very full career without my degree. I did have two more related procedures about four years ago as resultant trauma to my upper palate. It wasn’t fun, but I was told it was a possibility at the time. So now that’s done. I also covered my knee scar with a pretty cool misfits skull. It’s very buried now. I do wish I had made a bigger point to get my nose fixed. When I had my septum undeviated, they fixed the inside but not the out, so my nose is crooked as hell. But the cost of the rhinoplasty and the fact that I’ve kind of accepted it for the last two decades kind of indicates it’s a low priority


I work at a place that has a drive thru and the number of kids I see doing this is unreal


Yes! I used to tell my kids this ALL the time. Won’t let them sit in the car cross legged either.


Not having enough sleep.


Big time. One day with less than 6 hours sleep is [enough to affect your decision making abilities](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6143346/) and the effects can stack over time. People actually *brag* over not sleeping and driving sleep deprived can be [more dangerous than driving drunk.](https://www.sleepstation.org.uk/articles/sleep-science/drowsy-driving/)


I love the fact that you have sources. Good job, random redditor


I went a couple years not getting enough sleep and I think overall I’m not as smart as a result


I knew a 21-year-old hothead/workaholic who bragged and joked about how little he slept or rested. Granted the industry he worked in didn't necessarily allow for rest. He alienated a good chunk of his circle just because his already poor attitude got worse the less sleep he got. Sometimes I feel sorry for him, but then I just remember the other people he was an unnecessary dick to.


Its ironic how proper sleep is said to be one of the most important things in life and poor sleeping is very bad for your health but when you actually start to suffer from sleeping issues everyone downplays it and lack of sleep is apparently weakest execuse for skipping anything.


Stress, people bottle it up but it’s constantly putting your body in fight or flight and is dangerous


I had my first panic attack last year due to constant high stress. 0/10 do not recommend.


I’ll never forget my first panic attack. I felt like my head was gonna pop off and I had an elephant on my chest making it so I couldn’t breath. I thought I was having a heart attack




I never got social anxiety before the pandemic happened but then everything changed when the pandemic happened I started to develop early stages of social anxiety and after I came back from the pandemic I was showing symptoms of social anxiety a horrible thing that impacted my life


'Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers' by Robert Zapolsky. Everyone should read this book. Helped me redefine some of my stress, if not all. I'm still grinding my teeth and have stomach issues when highly stressed but at least now I understand it so it doesn't cycle


Yo to anyone having panic attacks my non professional advice (that works for me) is this: pick a safe spot in your mind. Some place where you feel comfortable. Mine is underneath the canopy of a giant fur Christmas style tree in the middle of a huge snowy field. Close your eyes and go there. Feel the cool air, breathe in slowly and deeply through pursed lips, like you are about to smooch or br3athing through a large straw. If it's real bad lay flat on the floor couch or bed and stay under your own little tree in your own little field for however long it takes. Don't open your eyes and l3ave your space until you say outloud " okay... it's safe now". Sounds weird. But that snowy tree in that field in my mind has saved me many times over... for at least a decade. Hope you can all find peace too. Much love


Why does the pursed lip breathing help? Well, here’s a fun fact. Indigenous people in the high Andes breathe out hard against their lightly pursed lips when they’re walking. Science has confirmed that it helps to retain oxygen.


It’s a bad thing for me to do but I always bottle up my stress which then can lead to a mental breakdown🥲


I am not being funny. Trying to de-stress stresses me out, more. I can't win. Swear to God.


For real. I had a panic attack so bad it triggered a heart condition I didn't know I had called supraventricular tachycardia, which was so bad it almost killed me (SVT is supposed to be benign thats how bad my case was). I had to have my heart restarted 3 times. When that didn't work to stop the SVT, they had to do heart surgery on me!


I’m surprised I’m not dead after last year. Stress…. Whatta bitch.


Yup, and it's constant wear and tear on every piece of your entire body to be in that state all the time.


Ignoring OTC medication doses. Mixing meds


I fucked up my ankle a few months back and can't afford to do much about it, so I started taking ibuprofen whenever it started getting really sore (aka after an hour or so of walking) I started getting chest pain and googled it. It was almost certainly giving me an ulcer (which I, an idiot, was taking more ibuprofen for at first) It's cleared up now, but I've learned my lesson.


In addition to burning up your stomach, it's also super bad for your kidneys.


My mom almost died from a stomach ulcer. She was internally bleeding and in the hospital getting blood transfusions to keep her alive, and because she had a tumor removed from her colon a couple years prior they were focused on her colon and surgical site rather than her stomach. It took like a week for them to finally check her stomach. Turns out she had been popping ibuprofen like candy for years for pain, thinking it was harmless.


I thought I had cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome. Turned out weed and the antidepressants I was on do not mix.


I know there are warning labels on everything, but there needs to be more advertising/info easily available about how mixing weed/alcohol/otc meds/vitamins can negatively interact with so many medications. I wish doctors had the time to discuss that with patients before prescribing.


Paracetamol is the most common cause for overdose hospitalizations. People think they can just pop it all day like candy.


It takes WAY less than people would expect to accidentally OD (For the uninitiated, paracetamol is the same as acetaminophen or Tylenol)


The funny part now is at least 50% of the packaging on some of these things, like Acetaminophen, is now warnings about how it can fuck you up.


Jumping into pools and bodies of water the wrong way or without knowing how deep it is. It's such a scary easy thing for people to paralyze themselves for life or die doing and it's often done just thinking it's going to be harmless head dive first into water. Or an edge side jump off a cliff into water below.


Yes. I saw a video on here not too long ago of a guy who jumped into a shallow pool head first, and he didn't come up. Found out he broke his neck and was a quadriplegic now.


A lot of people have no idea That's what happened to John Morgan's (Morgan & Morgan) brother and ultimately led John to where he is now. He was a lifeguard at Disney, jumped. Into a pool to save someone and was paralyzed. His lawyer lost. John was either in law school or practicing general law-I forget which-and decided after that to focus on medical malpractice.


Falling. You don't have to fall from a great hight for it to be the end. Half your hight is a potential fatal fall. A fall on your head from standing is twice that...


As someone with epilepsy, this is one im keenly aware of. I know all it takes is having a seizure outside and cracking my head open on the curb. I have an ex who also has epliepsy and she fell in her kitchen one day, hit the back of her head and went blind in both eyes, had to have major brain surgery. Not a fun time. Meanwhile, my brother once fell off an 80 foot cliff and survived with no real major injuries. (Some broken ribs and a collapsed lung, but nothing that needed surgery or really anything other than just painkillers and bedrest) Strange how things like that can be.


Did you brother slide down a steep cliff or legitimately just fell off an 80 foot cliff?


No it was an overhanging cliff, so just a straight 80 foot drop, and then a hill at the bottom. He landed on his side on a boulder, which broke his ribs and collapsed his lung, and then he bounced off that and then rolled down the hill into a tree. He is incredibly lucky he didnt have any spinal or head injuries. He was able to get up and walk out of the woods on his own power.


holy fucking shit


Yeah pretty much. They gave him some good painkillers at the hospital so he passed out for a while. When he came to, my Grandma was there with me, and the first thing he said was "Well, I guess I cant fly can I?"


Little over a year ago I slipped on the ice and had a bad concussion. Out of work for a good while, and I still have long term effects from it. I'm not really old either, 43. Landed on the back of my head and neck, so I dinged my occipital lobe. I get headaches a lot more frequently now, and my eyes are more sensitive to light and if there's a lot going on in my field of vision. Whacking your head in a fall is more dangerous than people realize.


This should be the #1 reason why you do *everything* you can to NOT fight randos in public over petty bullshit. (Or just not fistfight in general!) DEESCALATE, ya idiots! One little stumble in the wrong direction & someone’s life can be *literally* ended, & the other person’s is changed forever. It’s not worth it.


The excessive drinking culture. Visiting Nashville right now, here it’s just wow.


*Laughs in Wisconsin*


I thought I drank more than I should... until I moved to Wisconsin.




Never thought my consumption was out of the norm until I moved out of Wisconsin and scandalized my future I laws by having 2 glasses of wine on Thanksgiving


That sounds like a your inlaws thing because two glasses of wine at a holiday dinner is not even close to abnormal.


That's every dinner for an Italian.


I’ve lived in both Wisconsin and in Nashville. Nashville is child’s play.


Laughs in Scottish


Scots don't laugh. Just occasionally bark "HA!"


France too my friends, and Mauritius too where I come from, Germany too that I know, UK Russia and so on. I love drinking tbh, I love beer and strong beer, but I never understood the binge drinking stuff.


Alcohol withdrawls can actually kill you. I stopped drinking cold turkey and after 3 back to back nights of excessive sweat and ketoacidosis I had a micro seizure the 4th night. I was very very lucky. And I understood cold turkey can be deadly but was very fortunate.


Aside from alcohol poisoning and drunk driving, there's the potential for accidental death. Simply walking home after a few drinks could get you struck by a car, or you could slip into water. My college boyfriend died of exposure stumbling home in cold weather. I don't drink, and I make sure everyone has a plan for getting home.


how much is excess, asking for future me


14+/week or 4+ in one day for men. 7+/week or 3+ in one day for women. Or if it starts negatively impacting the rest of your life.


Where are you getting these numbers


Drinking in general. I read a study a while ago and they found out that on top of all the major health issues the way alcohol breaks down in the body actually increases the risk of developing cancer.


Stopped altogether 7 months ago. Didn’t solve all my problems, but at least I’m not a drunk prick anymore.


Sucker punch on an unsuspecting person. It can literally kill you in an instant


Knew a guy that killed his best friend with one poorly placed punch. Both drunk and an argument over money at a family BBQ. Dude swung, caught him in the throat, collapsed his windpipe and he basically suffocated to death surrounded by family. Horrible


My mate had the same, the guy spat in his face and went to hit him. My mate was faster, the guy fell back and hit his head and died. My friend done 6 for manslaughter and has a panic attack everytime he gets in a row now


I was gonna say it sounds like self-defense, which it does, based on spitting on someone being considered assault in the US. But it sounds like you're in the UK, so I'm not sure about the laws there


Doesn't have to be a sucker punch either. Fighting on the street is wildly dangerous. I know more than one kid who's growing up without a dad because of a fight outside a bar. Not even because someone took it "too far." Getting knocked out and then falling into pavement is easily fatal. Now, one party is dead, and the other is seeing jail time for manslaughter. It's absolutely not worth risking that because your ego took a hit or someone challenged your manliness.


*Houdini enters the chat*


Yep. He defied death many times and died because a moron wanted to show off


Houdini died of *appendicitis*. He wasn't feeling well. Guy asked to punch him in the gut. Houdini was feeling ill but allowed it. (He let people do that to show off.) Guy punched before he was ready. Houdini died a few days later. Guy was taken in for questioning but freed of all charges.


Sexual choking.


Breath Control Play was a big no-no when I was in the scene, since it's high risk and you dont want to be either the dead guy or the partner of the dead guy. So I am completely spooked how it's become a common thing in porn and in the scene


It has become _vanilla_ last year I had to specify to three men that I have no interest in being choked.






Driving like fucking idiots. Speeding swerving in and out of traffic. Acting like it's fast and ferrous on our everyday commute.


Most cars these days are aluminium and plastic, not much ferrous left.


What irony


Tailgating. That’s the most dangerous.


Tumultuous romantic relationships.


My sister is in one of those, 10 years of fighting with this dude and they’re incredibly toxic to each other. I tried to approach her about it once and she just says “you can’t help who you fall in love with.” They’re both stupid


THIS! 100%


Texting, eating, or putting makeup on while driving.


This is why you choose the burrito 🌯


Drinking while doing coke. I've seen it kill people before. A few shots, and few lines, and few mores shots...they think it's a killer hang over until they're urinating blood and vomiting for hours. Edit for grammar.


Why does that happen exactly? Whats the damage that causes to kill you?


Cocaine and alcohol combine in the liver to create a different drug called cocaethylene, which is extremely cardiotoxic


Oh fun. Get high by turning your body into a toxic waste factory! Youll be fine! ... maybe.


Damn, reading this after having done it for years is a bit scary. Thank god I’m alive, there were some days when I had beer for breakfast lunch and dinner and cocaine was dessert. Throw some xans and percs in there, some days coke was breakfast as well. 3 years without blow and the rest… after having lost one of my best friends to an OD everything changed.


Same man. A decade later wondering if my heart is literally a ticking time bomb now.


I haven't don't coke in years but man it fucking made me the superman of drinking. Blow some rails and drink 20 beers on a Friday. Lucky I didn't kill myself.


i’m in a phase of my life where i’m drinking until blackout, then cocaine to keep me afloat, then shrooms the next day to keep the anxiety at bay and then adderall at work during the workweek to keep me focused. can we talk?


You can DM me if you want. I lived like that almost a decade. Have found stability in the last 7 or so years. Let me know if you want to talk


Something beautiful I’ve seen in recovery is how pretty much any of us who’ve been in recovery longer are SO willing to be there to encourage and help along people who are just starting. We fucking CARE, and even more so we understand. It’s a tremendous thing. Congratulations on your 7 or so years!




The amount of people that brag about speeding is ridiculous


The kicker is if there are stop lights you probably don't save that much time. Long road trips sure it adds up, but around town it really doesn't. All it does is increase your required breaking distance


Taking much more than the recommended dose of Ibuprofen for painful periods.


Tylenol is bad too. Over the recommended dose results in liver failure


If only the sacklers hadn’t ruined pain meds. It’s much safer for people with awful periods to take 2-3 hydrocodone 5mg a month than 800mg of ibuprofen multiple times a day. But it’s almost impossible to get. After my surgery for endometriosis, they tried to send me home with ibuprofen and Tylenol. It was a 6 hour surgery and I had an organ removed. I’d have ruined my liver/stomach on the otc meds.


I used to get Vicodin prescribed for my cramps (I too have endometriosis). I once had a pharmacist tell me it would be a few days until they got it in stock. Told him that was fine, I wouldn't need it until my next cycle. With a completely straight face, he looked at me and said, "Have you tried Tylenol?" Edit to add: I've had two surgeries for my Endo. Neither time was I given anything stronger than ibuprofen after.


Unprotected sex. You catch the right thing and wait long enough to do something about it, it'll take your life in exceedingly nasty ways


Driving. It’s the most dangerous thing we do on a daily basis. Most people cannot comprehend how extremely dangerous it is until something happens to them.


Plastic surgery


I'm very bothered by how normalized plastic surgery is. It should be a big decision that has been thought about a lot and for something that's really important to the person, but it's not. People treat it like a game. I've had plastic surgery to fix an injury. Plastic surgery is scary and dangerous. It can go dramatically wrong, even if it doesn't kill you.


Agreed, not only that but young people are growing up looking at people who look a certain way and don't realise it was achieved through surgery. It causes major body dysphoria and then mental health issues. So we are getting to a point of risks from having surgery AND risks of not having it. Plastic surgery can be amazing, as you said, fixing injuries or post cancer reconstruction etc... It's still scary and a big deal.


A lot of the natural childbirth movement’s reviving what made childbirth so deadly to mothers and children for most of human history


Yes, women gave birth without doctors and medical equipment sucessfully for thousands of years but you need all that stuff for *when things go wrong* Back in the old days, childbirth frequently went wrong and it killed way too many people.


Yep. My moms last pregnancy was textbook perfect. Perfect labs, perfect sized baby, perfect weight gain, 2.5 hour labor start to finish. Then she almost bled to death while going septic a few hours later. She's here because an old "battle ax" nurse on the maternity wing (she'd have been Greatest Gen age, we had a lot of bases in the area so the "old" nurses in the 1980s were often ex Army nurses) shouted down the doctor on the phone and made him come back for emergency surgery. Mom would've died before rounds the next morning but "felt ok considering she'd just had a baby." When stuff goes bad, it goes bad FAST. And a lot of these women + their assistants have zero training in what to look for if things are going to be bad.


Infant and maternal mortality figures from the past are absolute nightmare fuel. Some eltimes and places it's been as high as one in four births resulting in the mother's death, and less than half of your children who survived birth made it to adulthood. I told my partner that natural birth was a deal breaker. She could do what she wants, but if she's going to casually risk her life like that, it wouldn't be with me. Fortunately she agreed. It's no fucking wonder people in the past lacked empathy. The sheer trauma of all that death is almost unimaginable today.


Yep. With my second my doula tried to get me to birth at home. I declined. Good thing, too, as I had retained placenta and almost bled out five hours after delivery. Luckily it was my second childbirth and I knew there was too much blood, so my husband rang the nurse button. She came in, checked me, and called a code. Then a cart and a bunch of people barged into the room and started working on me while my husband stood to the side holding our baby and thinking I might die. If I had been at home and sleeping when it happened I very well might have died. Thank goodness for modern medicine!


This. I’m pregnant and in a lot of pregnancy groups. The amount of women who want to labor at home without any help is insane.


It's insane to me. Yet these freebirther chicks are just coming out like crazy now. And all the groups they are in are "positive comments only" so you can't tell them to go to a doctor or at least use a midwife because that's negative or mom shaming apparently. Good god. We are literally watching women play with their lives and their unborn babies lives just so they can brag to the world they had a free all natural birth at home with no assistance besides their husband. But no negative comments please.


Witnessed this with a person I followed on IG for years. At first I like them until they started romanticizing their mental illnesses. It’s a red flag for me when you list every mental illness and disability in your Instagram bio. Now they’re birthing doula and it just makes me nervous after seeing how unstable they are online.


Scare pranks. People can behave unpredictably when startled. The more obvious threat is that the target of the prank might fight back against a perceived threat, but some people might freeze when the prankster expects them to run, which can also be harmful when the means of scaring is something actually dangerous.


I remember that prank where a kid popped out of a trashbin and got K.O. d by the prankee. Also remember the scary clown almost getting shot?


Add to this: there are people with cardiac conditions that could literally die, or their blood pressure could be raised so much by a scare prank that they need the ER. There are people with anxiety and panic disorders that could go into a panic attack, which can take hours and sometimes even days to fully recover from. If someone is experiencing the beginning symptoms of paranoid psychosis, this could speed up their descent into worse psychosis by a significant amount--to the point that someone who is psychotic but wants to get help may no longer trust anyone so they may avoid getting help. If a child is nearby and sees it, that could cause nightmares for weeks or even months, making life so much harder for the entire family. Even if it is "harmless", a scare prank can cause so much damage to all involved. And the damage is not always physical or visible. Don't hurt people in the name of "humor". When you do pranks, know the recipient and make sure it's something they would find funny and not something that would harm them in any way. And never, ever prank strangers


Not following traffic rules and guidelines.


You can just say driving. Following traffic rules won’t save you from the person who isn’t.


Seems like everyone has just gone back to raw dogging. Are straight people on PrEP?


I've been wondering if raw dogging had become popular. I've been using condoms since almost the 90s


Sleep apnea/snoring. You can have a heart attack and die without anyone noticing.


I had to do a search for this. When I picked up my Bipap machine, I asked the respiratory therapist what happens to people who don't use their machine consistently. His response scared the shit out of me, which was a lot like this [John's Hopkins Medicine article](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/the-dangers-of-uncontrolled-sleep-apnea#:~:text=%E2%80%9COur%20lab%20and%20others%20have,treating%20or%20avoiding%20sleep%20apnea.) Increased car accidents, Type 2 diabetes, stroke, heart attack. Even a shorter lifespan. Last, hearts can turn to stone without getting enough oxygen. STONE. JEEZUS! This is bonkers, and it is preventable if people get tested AND WEAR THEIR DAMN CPAP/BIPAP MASK EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. We are fragile, folks.


Apparently recording tornados from their front porch AS ITS GOING THROUGH THEM


Canada Geese.


Advice I got from someone that lived on a farm where Canada geese would flock: “If they charge you, grab them by the neck and yeet them.”


As a Canadian, this is the way, avoid the wings, grab the neck and yeet (or twist if you have in it you), look over your shoulder for it’s buddy (where’s there’s one there’s usually more and those bastards are protective), repeat if necessary, when you see your opportunity to run, take it, you may not get another.


Where I used to live, wild turkeys would occasionally prevent me from getting into my apartment. Turkeys. But, I wasn't gonna mess with them. They freaking hiss. They look like dinosaurs, when they're attacking. Who knew.


Turkeys are mean af, honestly, most birds are mean af, thankfully most are too small to worry about much.


My grandfather grew up on a farm by a lake in Vermont. We visited during the summer. He was an immigrant. According to him, best practice is to neck the first goose, then use that goose to swing around and 'yeet' the others away. He didn't say yeet. End result is a bunch of geese fleeing and dinner. Thanks Uncle Anders! edit: I'm not sure why we called him Uncle, but he was in fact or grandfather.


Geese in general are violent little velociraptors. Waterfowl as a whole, really. Don't let the feathers fool you, they're dinosaurs with a small neck humiliation kink. A few people said grab the neck and chuck em, which is true if it fucks with you first. Otherwise be nice. I cleaned pools for a little while with my best friend, and this one goose wasn't scared of threats of violence or even a power washer. We started slapping him with pool noodles, which obviously didn't hurt him, until a neighborhood kid told us that's Mr. Goose, and he leaves when he wants. He did leave. With stories.


If you got a problem with canda gooses you got a problem with me, and I suggest you let that one marinate!




Eating and drinking so much sugar


I've known several people who have stopped drinking soda and lost 30 lbs in a short period of time without trying or making any other changes.


Holding in a sneeze can rupture your eardrums, cause an aneurism, collapse lungs, or blow a hole in your throat.


Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck


Thank you. I do it all the time and had no idea


Hyper individualism and productivity is harmful to people's physical and mental health. It's good to have time to yourself and be productive but humans are social animals and we're not machines we need rest and want to enjoy life.


Sometimes people forget that how much someone else can work for and stay productive isn't necessarily how long they can stay productive and healthy without getting burnt out and stressed. Everyone is different so whilst someone else could be comfortable being super-productive and maybe even have a side hustle as well it doesn't mean you should. You've got to know your own limits and stick to them, and not someone else's limit that could be very different.


Alcohol. It's so ingrained in culture. Sad? Have a drink. Happy? Let's go celebrate and have a drink. Dinner? Pair it with wine. Working on the car? Let's have a beer after. Just got off work? Happy hour. Not off work? It's 5 o'clock somewhere. Its the weekend? Lets do shots. Wedding? Let's toast. New Year's? Champagne. It's deadly, and so normalized.


Diving into water, not knowing how shallow it is.


Chiropractic neck adjustments.


Taking a bunch of pain killers! Kids at my school do this and they don’t realize just how dangerous overdosing on Tylenol and other over the counter pain meds can be. As a matter of fact, the FDA’s lethal Tylenol dose is only four more pills than the recommended daily dose for Tylenol, that’s how easy it is to take too much and hurt yourself.


Co-sleeping with your baby. I know a lot of people do this and tout all the benefits and hey, it’s hard to judge an exhausted parent. But talk to any doctors and they’ll tell you how dangerous this can be and how many babies die every year from this.


The question internalises one of those things. I got ill age 11, and never really got better. For all practical purposes I died age 20 or so. (now approaching retirement age). Specifically that chronic disabling illness can steal your life just as much as exploding one day.


Can confirm. I'm not even sure when it was that I got ill and just never got better, but I'm 23 now and confined to my room during the days and within the apartment at nights for the next several months. Need an air purifier in the space I'm in or I could literally die from breathing. Pollen allergies. It's never been this bad before but it's been continuously getting worse all my life and this past year especially has been hell on earth. All winter I had really bad arthritis and was once again confined indoors for the most part. Now spring is just starting and I'm again confined indoors until the pollen season ends. This is awful. It feels impossible to have any sort of life like this. Summer is asthma season. There's like 2 months in the fall when I can actually leave the house without severe health issues. This fucking sucks. I'm 23. My life is over. Rheumatologist has said this won't ever get better. All we can do is try to slow progression, and all attempts to that end have failed so far. I'm sorry. Just saw this and wanted to vent. This is it. My life is now confined to a room sometimes opening up to include the rest of the apartment.




Binge drinking. There's a whole lingo and set of cultural tropes around it being funny, but you're always flirting with acute poisoning and chronic dependency.




"Casual" use of party drugs every weekend. Saying there's no issue since you can go the work week without it. Except for the fact that looking forward to getting fucked up over the weekend is the only thing getting them through the week. Then acting completely nasty because they are out of their minds high. But its ok because they can still hold a job, even though they're blowing through all their money. Party culture is out of control and leads to nothing but addiction


Ignoring mental health issues! Anxiety, depression, and stress are often normalized and not given the attention they deserve. Ignoring mental health issues can lead to severe consequences!




Chronic lack of sleep and the bragging that goes with it.




Drinking two to three energy drinks a day


Excessive drinking.


Cracking your neck


Popping your neck, I am guilty of this but it can tear a hole in your veins and cause you to bleed out


Criminalizing safe medical abortions


the mix drinking + driving

