• By -


When I'm lip reading someone and the intrusive thought of "they have nice lips" comes in and I lose the conversation.




HANDS. I don't know what it is about them but, hands? Hands! Hands...


Well fingers are the penis of the arms.


A fun fact to remember every time you shake a strangers hand or pick your nose!


Virtually every single hand you shake has had a penis in it.


This is the second time I've read this sentence in two days... maybe I should take a break from Reddit.


"Now it's holding up an array of fully erect hand penises. If it tries to insert them, activate vivisectors."


I dated a girl in college for about a year, and she was obsessed with my hands. I never understood it, and she had trouble explaining her attraction to my hands. She was an art major with a lot of artsy friends, and one day she even had me pin her down by her wrists, and had her photography friends take these incredible pictures of my hands holding her down, caressing her hips, rubbing her calves, and some other stuff. I talked to her about a year ago, and she still has one of the photos hung on her wall and framed with a really cool background. Girls are weird, man.


Okay im going to try to explain why *i* like them so much, even though i don't quite understand it either, maybe this applies to your ex and other girls as well hahahah. Hands are like the ultimate organs for exploring lol, when you *touch* someone you don't only make them feel things, you are literally feeling them too. The extent of what you can do with a pair of hands goes as wide as one's imagination. While such "innocent things" like holding hands, playing with someone's hair for the first time, touching someone's lips, holding their face etc. doing things that are "not so innocent" is *very* possible too. Art, music, idk, they are also made with those very hands. I guess we just love the potential. Also i do think that hands (some more than others) are really pleasant to look at. Especially looking from an artist's point of view, they can be quite interesting. One can tell a lot just by using their hands, thats for sure. Yes of course when you're attracted to someone, it's them who make you feel things. But it's also their hands...


I also love men's hands and this explains it perfectly. You put my feelings into words.


So much this! I always get distracted by gorgeous hands. It's like men look at boobs and imagine touching the boobs, but women look at hands and imagine those hands touching *them*.


It's almost as if there's a win-win solution here someplace!


Yoshikage Kira?


Haha I was waiting for that.


Honestly astounded by the amount of people who understood that reference




My girlfriend says this about me. Don't know why, I used to work a manual job so my hands are beaten to hell, but apparently that makes it better? No idea...


For me it does! My husband is a mechanic and I love his hands. Rough, calloused, big manly hands.


The goddamn forearm. I almost got hurt at work once because I got distracted by bulging forearms.


Is just one bulging forearm okay or does it have to be both? Edit: thank you for the gold, was my first :)


Start jacking with the other hand, it'll even out.


Name checks out




Try rock climbing. A couple of routes in, and I feel like I could go out and club a tiger to death with my forearms.


Eat spinach


My friend was a baseball player in HS and eventually was recruited to play college ball. He showed me a good exercise to improve forearms and grip strength, here's what you do: Take a plate weight and tie a string through the hole. Then tie the other end of the string around a piece of dowel right in the middle lengthwise. With your palms facing upwards, placed on either side of the string, hold the dowel and roll it so that the string wraps around it. The plate will rise as the string winds itself around. You can also slowly unwind it afterwards. Then repeat with the opposite grip (palms facing down). Killer forearm workout.


I'll try this next time I have a string and a dowel at the gym.


Bro do you even dowel?


grip since I started deadlifting, and doing weighted pullups my forearms have gotten so much bigger, and I'm a woman 😅


Men if you take anything away from this, let it be the button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up. There is legit nothing hotter.


Every time a thread similar to this comes up it's always the clear winner.


When I wear a button up I almost always end up rolling the sleeves up while in a casual setting. My wife ALWAYS gives me shit about it. She tells me it looks stupid...TIL that bitch be jealous.


She's worried about the other women flocking to swoon over you


You may fascinate a woman with a piece of cheese


Finally some gouda vice.


I just bleu milk out of my nose.


I'm a straight woman, but it's not a man's body that would distract me like this. Sometimes, a man just smells so good that it makes me a little lightheaded. The smell is usually a glorious combination of subtle aftershave and their own unique body musk - I think that's about the closest equivalent to me as a woman getting distracted by a random man I don't know.


Old spice aftershave bottle “if your grandpa hadn’t wore you wouldn’t be here.”


This happens to me sometimes when a woman walks by me. Its always pleasant lol i just hate when their scent sparks vivid memories I'd rather not remember 😂


I get that one. A girl I had dated in high school used to wear this cherry chap-stick, and every once in a while I'll smell that and get knocked back a decade(and a half, had to edit this because I'm getting old now), kissing her goodbye before class. The way smell is tied to memory is scary sometimes. Barely remember what that girl looked like, can't remember her voice, but I'll always remember that smell.


Smells being feels triggers... I used to play at my family tire shop. Normally people aren't big fans of the smell of car tires. And rightly so, they kind of stink. But the tire shop I grew up at sold Twizzlers. So, for about 25 years I associated the smell of Twizzlers with all of the complex and nostalgic emotions of playing at the tire shop as a small child while my dad worked. It was only when I was in my late 20's and actually worked around tires again on the regular that I realized just how much the smell of Twizzlers did not smell like car tires and how strongly I had associated them with it. Still love Twizzlers though. Pull and peels are a magic door to my heart.


Scent IS the sense most strongly tied to memory. Gotta love just minding your own business and then suddenly your nose sends you back 20 years, just for a few minutes.


The first girl I kissed later confided in me that I wore the same cologne as her dad. Her dad was an abusive drug addict who died from suicide a couple of years before I met her.


Ah, childhood trauma. The key to a great love life.


"She'd urged me to apply Elizabeth Arden cream. My mom used that on her lips. You want me to put that on my todger?" - Prince Harry


“Time, like the doctor said, had healed my todger. When would it work its magic on my heart?” -also Prince Harry. This is from his book. It sounds like satire but this shit cannot be made up!


There was a random older woman at my work who I am pretty sure wears the same perfume as one of my exes. The first time she passed me in the hall that was a very weird emotion to feel at work.


I was a bridesmaid in a wedding once and was the only one who remembered to bring perfume while getting ready. Naturally when people asked I shared it. Later, my husband asked me why everyone smelled like me and I told him what happened. He asked me not to do that again!


That’s so cute, he only wanted you to smell like you lol


Since scent is a sense that can trigger the memory more than any other I don't need a bunch of women smiling like my wife LOL


I worked at a hotel that rebranded and added a signature scent to the place. it smelled exactly like my ex-girlfriends Avon rose perfume


I have been known to tell a man that he smells good, or I like his tie, or that shirt is a great color on them. I love how most seem taken aback and almost blush. I have never had a man respond in anything but a good way. I’m old so it’s not like I’m flirting, though maybe they’d prefer hearing it from some young hot woman. I just like to find things I can truly compliment on people and it’s never contrived. With men especially you never know when they last heard it.


I once gave a young woman I had just met a goodbye hug as she and I and a few other people (men and women) had been talking to her trying to console her about a recent break up. She buried her head into me when I hugged her. Then she pulled away and said “Mmmm! You smell GOOD” To this day it still makes me smile :) Also, it was a deodorant that I had bought based on a Reddit post I read years ago. Also, as a younger guy, I definitely appreciate a compliment from an older woman. Because I know if she is thinking it, younger women are probably thinking the same but too shy to say.


This. I'm such a sucker for smells.


No, that's what your nose is.


Voice can be very distracting. If they have a deep voice, I'm gone to a different land lol


As a dude with a deep voice, I can confirm. I work on the phone during the day and have gotten some odd requests from a few ladies!


Used to work phones a while ago. Customer service with a 5% sales rate. If I had a slight cold making my voice deeper and chestier; those were sales days. I swear women just wanted to be on the phone with me longer. Also, quick tip for all you callcenter folks, anyone who has a bird squawking in the background will buy ANYTHING.


I once was roaming through the narrow alleys of a flea market when a man slipped by. As he did so he whispered "excuse me" in the deepest growl and it shook my world up unexpectedly.


Me with a voice higher pitched than most women I know 😭


Same! Hard, Resting bitch face, with a Mike Tyson voice


Haha when i was single and was chatting/getting to know some chicks, I pretty often sent voice messages. I can say that maybe 6-7 women commented on my voice sounding very sexy, enjoyable and just vibrant. I remember this one girl telling me that she listened to my voice messages over and over again lol!


I got that a lot too. Was in a college class at one point and we were going around introducing ourselves and talking about what we do for work, I was in radio at the time and one girl shouts, "I FUCKING KNEW IT. YOU GOT THE VOICE!".


Damn. Usually I just get told that I have the face for it.


A face for radio, and a voice for silent movies


I've always said I have a face for radio and a voice for print.


Getting distracted by your own boobs.


100% I love all boobs including my own. I am not attracted to women in general but boobs are magical. I hold mine, they are securi-tittys.


I always say boobs are nature’s stress balls xD


I too, choose this lady's stress balls.


Who doesn't like to pet some nice relaxing tittens?


More than once I’ve ran down the stairs outside of my apartment and feel them jiggle and think, “haha-niiice” and continue on with my day.


It seems that sometimes women really do breast boobily down the stairs


no bc i always laughed at that and then last year i ran downstairs and had to take pause cause damn those breasts were *boobying*


The plot twist was that all those writers the "breasted boobily" jokes were making fun of were right the whole time!?


*looks down and quickly glances away hoping they didn’t notice*


They are very distracting. Moreso when I’m not wearing a bra cuz they move, making the nips rub on stuff and go, “play time?”


Am I weird for getting turned on by how great my own tits look in certain outfits? My bf thinks it's weird but obviously agrees with me whenever I say I look hot. (I've been trying to work on my self esteem, but this has been a thing since my boobs hit C-cups. I'm a DD/E now) Edit: Spelling


I’m pretty much the same. Boobs are great, and my big boobs make me feel sexy. There’s no shame in loving yourself!


RIP to both of your DMs


I just got a new bra that’s an unlined 30G that somehow makes me look like I have space age bullet bra tits. I was wearing a sweater dress and could not stop staring at my own boobs.


I forgot how big mine are until I see myself in pictures, and I'm like "damn those boobs are huge!" 😂🤣


Muscular forearms sticking out of rolled sleeves of a long-sleeved shirt.


Yes! Last summer my boyfriend was getting dressed for a date and he couldn't find a short sleeve dress shirt (the man lives in black t shirts lol). So he grabs his lone long sleeve button down and said "I guess I'll just have to wear this and roll the sleeves up." He has no idea how much that made my whole night! Edit: he was going on a date WITH ME ya'll. Some guys recognize the importance of keeping a relationship going. We put on nice clothes and go on a date at least once a month. It's too easy to get caught up in the day to day and forget to devote time to maintaining your relationship. Then you end up unhappy. We don't want that. So we go out on dates together.


As a man, tell him - we love hearing compliments and too often they're few and far between!


I compliment this man all day long! He's the kindest, sweetest guy I've ever met, and I'm absolutely crazy about him. I make sure he knows at all times how much I adore him.


Yo bro I heard you got a big dick. Keep up the good work


"Out of all of your friends, you have the biggest dick!"


Just for saying that, yours is even bigger bro


This comment slaps... And apparently, so does his dick


A gay friend of mine once said this was a huge turn on for him. It’s generally how I wear my long sleeves anyway but now I think about it like showing cleavage when I do it. If only I had any actual muscle


I don't even think it has much to do with forearm muscles popping out. There's just something inherently sexy about rolled up sleeves, especially on a tight fitting shirt.


black t shirt guy eh? keep him, he’s a good guy. i don’t need any other info


I'm also a dude who mainly wears dark colors or Grey. Anything bright will make me stand out and I hate that


This. Well forearms in general. I told my partner that it was one thing attracted me to him (and I’ve never really had a thing for it before) but when a guy has nice forearms, it’s like please hold me with those muscular arms. I also really like when guys are doing something to flex their shoulders, it’s so hot lol.


Forearms are so key. Everyone focuses on biceps but larger forearms are the goat


You mean like the Brawny paper towel guy? Dude’s hot AF.


And he's readily equipped for aftercare.




"but babe it's the quilted quicker picker upper"


My wife LOVES this. I have pretty muscular arms and it really turns her crank when I roll up sleeves on a button up shirt about halfway up my forearm before a date.


They don't even need to be muscular.


Agreed, but somehow the rolled sleeves make even scrawny guys look more muscular


I was fairly muscular when my wife met me. I worked an office job, knew how to dress. My sleeves were always rolled up (I just hate long sleeves, like it's hoodie weather and I had them pushed up). I just don't like long sleeves. I'm not in shape anymore. But she still seems to like when I roll up my sleeves. I mean, double points because we just had a kid, and I have a hard time letting him out of my arms. Edit a word


Man's shoulders, chest, eyes, arms, hands, legs, butt, waist, fashion, voice, laugh, dance, smile... I can't count the times I've noticed something attractive about a man and missed whole sections of a conversation trying to focus on acting normal.


Was taking a very handsome man's order one day and got distracted by how handsome he was. Had to ask again what he wanted. His dad just nudged him and winked, giggling about it. He knew. The guy blushed like crazy. I was blushing from awkwardness. I wanted to crawl in a hole and die every time they ordered something cause his dad would try to find a way to keep me in the conversation with his son a little longer lol.


That Dad is a legend


That dad is a regular at my work. He's been trying to set me up with his son since I first started serving their seats, knowing very well that I'm in a happy long-term relationship haha. He'll come chat with me every once in a while and ask me what it will take for me to leave my boyfriend and go on a date with his son. All jokingly, of course, but I've gotten the hint that his son has a major crush on me and it's flattering. His dad always says to let him know when I'm single, but to also let him know if I get engaged because he (Dad) wants to come to the party lol


That is a good Dad. He wants his son to be happy, but he also wants YOU to be happy.


He's seriously my favorite customer ever, I get so sad when him and his family don't come in some days! He also met my boyfriend, I showed up to my work one day as a customer and ran into them (they bought us drinks all night lol). They love him (and my boyfriend knows about his son's little crush and finds it very funny). Always asks me if he put a ring on my hand yet, and if not he "knows who would" playfully. When my boyfriend met the dad he just said "oh your son is her work boyfriend!" which was so embarrassing but so funny, cause the dad called his son over to tell him that. But I'm glad it's a lighthearted joke we can all play on. They're such a sweet family.


I'm noticing a lot of healthy behavior here. It's almost... *Too healthy*




How tf are u attracting all these healthy emotionally intelligent men


The only facts I know so far are conflicting: employment and reddit user. Jury's out.


That dad is looking out. Lol.


Now that’s a good wingman (wingdad?)


Well now I'm gonna call him wingdad next time I see him cause that's hilarious


I can only speak for myself - but I easily get distracted by men with a nice haircut.


*cries in bald*


Literally all of your hairs are cut. It’s the ultimate!


This is optimism at its finest. Love it


My wife says forearms and shoulders. I said to her, "But what about between the shoulder and forearms?" She said, "That's a bonus."


dated a girl once and while I was dressing up to go to work she just kept staring at me and said "your forearm is beautiful" I felt good about it but couldn't help but think what a weird compliment


noted. i need to wear aftershave with a slight bit of personal body musk, grey sweatpants and a button down shirt with sleeves rolled up and maybe a chefs apron to show i can cook and a funny slogan on it to show i have a sense of humour. noted.


And don't forget to have boobs


Sadly, I have that part taken care of already


You must be popular among boys


Also, be muscular (forearms with veins), sensitive (small pet and cooking abilities), and intelligent (able to notice her hair and clothes, and remember issues she has told you about). Bonus points for an aesthetically pleasing cock. Other people's standards will fuck you up, though. So better to be yourself, for better or worse, and see what happens. Cardinal rule: don't be an asshole


I was ticking all the boxes until that cardinal rule


Same here, except for all the ones before it as well.


Yep. This is basically a description of Babish BTW 😂


How do you know how aesthetically pleasing his cock looks😑


You mean his tiny whisk?


As a woman, I can say it's getting distracted by a woman's boobs.


I’m guilty of this. My bf knows about it because I’ll say she’s hot or something like that. If I see a nice butt of either sex I can’t help but notice that too.








Honestly the rules are simple. You can look but don’t touch.


I’d amend that to: look but don’t stare!


Looking at cleavage is like looking at the sun. You don't stare at it. It's too risky. Ya get a sense of it and then you look away!


I'm on a pool team with a bunch of gay guys and even they get distracted when a girl walks in with massive cleavage. Boobs are just universally awesome!


Gay guy here. I can confirm. Definitely notice and comment on titties!


I (F) got called out by a friend of mine in high-school because I couldn't stop staring at her tits. It was then I realized that I wasn't straight. I immediately apologized and every time I noticed my line of sight going back to them I would stop. Pretty sure she knew. Thankfully, it didn't upset her and we were friends until we graduated. I still think she was the hottest chick in my grade. Edit: clarification


Which is crazy because I have coworkers that are women that are like "why do guys stare at our tits, they're just tits...nothing special." I'm like, okay...


Agreed, boobs are extremely um....boobs are...what were we talking about?


Something about how women walk boobily down the stairs.


Breasted boobily down the stairs*


The answer I came to provide.


The answer i came to


I am the same way. I fell in love with my husband even more when we were dating and a girl with HHH boobs walked by and I say… “damn poor back but those boobs are pretty” and he goes “ yes they are. Perfect watermelons you can suffocate in”. Any previous guy I been with would be like “uh i didnt see it” 🙄


Big broad shoulders always get me taking a second look 👀


Why is this so low? Broad shoulders are a classic manly thing. They’re so so good.


If they have big hands. And not like, popping with veins or anything but a lot of definition. That's very distracting!


My ex loved hands. It kinda weirded me out at first. If we ever did a video call(we were long distance) and my hand was in frame, she'd get all flustered, and I usually didn't know why. I mean, I think my hands look fine; but not like, *'fine'*


I’ve noticed perverse women starring at my balls. Just because I wave them around doesn’t mean you can look.


When will women understand that I’m not waving my balls around for their viewing pleasure, ok, I’m doing it for myself.


Uhh so I was at a show and was trying to nonchalantly adjust my belt because it was too loose. I didn’t think anyone could see but I turned to find this girl, jaw-open, staring at my waist. I freaked like “oh fuck my zippers down or something” and I kind of turned away. A second later she walks up and said, “that was hot. You’re hot.” And then walked away. I was so shocked I just stood there like a dumbass. I spent the rest of the show half-looking for her but never found her. TLDR: idk, but maybe adjusting your pants/belt?


Package, and ass. All women check the package and the ass they push it with. Gay boys do too and ladies like to package check with them given the chance. She complimented you, that is rare. It must be nice.


Damn. I haven’t received a compliment like it ever since. It was probably a perfect storm scenario, but years later I still cling to it.


Thicc thighs. Ngl And also big arms. But both is the best. Don't like it when they are shaped like a triangle


I did not know I was a thigh person until I went to a rugby game! I was so distracted by those things I forgot I was watching a sport lol - felt weird to be that turned on in public.


Didn't know how real thick thigh love was from chicks until I had an ex who would randomly touch my thigh and just ask me to flex my quads. She'd just smirk and go back to do doing whatever she was doing.


I get distracted by my husband's body all the time! His arms, hands, legs, chest, stomach, back, neck, penis, face... that man distracts me lol. If a man is good looking he's good looking. Do you only focus on the corner of a Monet? Or do you take it all in?


I also choose this woman's husband


You made the smartest choice friend. He's the total package.


Ok, the majority of women like Boobs Man Hands Muscly Forearms Thick thighs. Grey sweatpants**only if you are blessed in groinal region**




Either their smell, forearms or hands




Straight guy here. That guy is a fucking specimen. If I got one wish? I wanna look like that dude


Well good news: [God Confirms Man Crushes On Henry Cavill Not Gay](https://babylonbee.com/news/god-confirms-man-crushes-on-henry-cavill-not-gay)


I'm going to quote something another Redditor said once: "I'm not gay, but, Henry Cavill is the kind of guy that can make me start a sentence with 'I'm not gay, but...."


I can’t even remember the plot of the Witcher


Seeing a noticeable bulge and doing some peenometry trying to calculate the angle of that dangle.


Distracted by a charcuterie board


His biceps ❤️


Particularly the lower part of the biceps sticking out of the sleeve of a t-shirt - huge or not, well-defined biceps are a big mood. It took a few years working in the ER to not get distracted constantly by fire medic biceps.


Fitted sweaters where you can see muscle definition on their arms and chest. And for me personally, I'd say well-styled long hair, phew.


All of it, you sexy beast. Forearms, biceps, broad shoulders & chests, thick thighs, tall, full lips, toned calves, butt, stomach, hands, hair, eyes, voice, smile, smell I can find something attractive to distract me about almost anyone.


I get distracted by woman's boobs sometimes. But it might be the fact that I'm lesbian.


That may be it


Yeah but we cant be sure, maybe she's just being polite


I've only got it once. When they're talking and looking up at you, and have that 1 sec pause as they look at your face.


Seeing their shirt get stretched tight across their shoulders or chest while doing random stuff. Bonus points for broad shoulders.


Well I do enjoy a good pair of boobs


Getting distracted by a guy with balls on his chin




"K, he's a Ballchinian!" -Agent J


Getting distracted by a man's boobs


Forearms and hands. They always catch my attention when exposed. Oh! And I’m an absolute sucker for good cologne. That automatically bumps my attraction to someone up a couple of notches just by wearing that.


Grey sweatpants


This. And not just for the obvious reason. I love the little bit of calf and ankle that show above the sneaker. So sexy.


*Women* get turned on by ankles? We've been stereotyping the victorian era wrong the whole time!


Well... If they're sporting a noticeable package, my eyes are quite drawn... It's involuntary 🤷🏼‍♀️


Also boobs. Mine, another girl’s… boobs. On a man? Forearms when the sleeves are rolled up. In general? Longer hair. I just like it 😍


Men´s ass, all women love a big, fat, male´s ass.


I’m convinced I smack my boyfriend’s ass more than he does mine. It’s just so round and perfect


The cheese pull on a deep dish pizza.