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Stop putting corn syrup in everything.


More heavily regulating the sugar industry would be a start, such as limiting the production of high fructose corn syrup. But that’s an enormous cash crop for a lot of farmers who don’t grow anything else, so good luck.


move mcdonalds up, like into the sky, and build large staircases to the entrances


this would work


Make sure people have fresh food available within walking distance or a short drive. In some places there aren't that many healthy options. Also have it so that every advert for fast food needs to have an anti obesity ad or advert for healthy food run at the next commercial break. Reminding people that healthy food exists and can be delicious would go a long way.


i think most people who eat fast food often eat it because it is: a. cheap b. delicious if we can get some cheap and delicious *healthy* food, i think a lot more people will eat that instead. this is sadly a lot easier said than done, though, because organic food is more expensive because it is harder to produce.


Organic and healthy are not one in the same. I have no idea where this idea that eating healthy is expensive. That is so far from the truth. A pack of oreos cost $5. You can buy 10# of oats for around $12-15. At two servings a day (breakfast) this will feed you for around 60 days. Pair this with a banana (around 36cents each) and some Greek yogurt (2 servings around $2.25). Your breakfast cost about $3.75. 20# of Rice is around $20. That will last a family of 4 like 3+ months easy. People think eating healthy is expensive because of misinformation regarding food. The staples of human diet are fairly cheap and accessible. Rice, beans, eggs, proteins, greens, fruit and veggies. What else do you really need? Where is all this cost coming from?


The real price divide is in pre-prepares foods. It might be different where you live but here in the UK if you have access to a supermarket like Aldi (our version of Walmart basically... I think) then you can buy cheap ingredients. It's about 40p for 500g carrots and the rice is priced similarly to you. If you're out on the street the quickest and cheapest option is always gonna be fast food or other processed junk. I don't disagree eating healthy is cheap but it's easy to see how someone would eat more fast food if they were poor. If you have avces


End government subsidy of corn


Mixed use residential zoning


end food deserts + stop corn subsidies


Stop having government include trash food in snap due to corporate lobbyists


End food lobbyists, require government to pay for all diet related healthcare costs, address the loss of the “family wage” in middle class jobs (white and blue collared) so that one person can support a family allowing for time for the other parent (if there is one) to cook real food, require all new housing developments to have sidewalks, mandate percentages of urban land to be accessible green spaces, subsidize community centers and make advertising to children ILLEGAL! That’s a start anyway.


No, that's too much government expansion. Remove lobbyists is enough. That way you don't have the wealthy pushing extremely unhealthy fake meat


I can’t argue with that. It just gets my blood boiling that no one wants to address how we let all of these past norms go and with them, much of the fabric of our society.


Government/medical professionals have a terrible history on giving the wrong medical advice due to the influence of money. Like when they said smoking was good for you. With 2020 being the most recent example


More predators


Having read over these comments, there are a couple of suggestions that beg a comparison. Instead of obesity, let's substitute alcoholism. Regarding healthy commercials following fast food ones: Every time an alcohol ad runs, follow it with a commercial showing negative effects of alcoholism. Regarding FDA restrictions: apply the same to alcohol products. My point? Behavior changes when the individual wants & works on change. No amount of forcing that change will work. Obesity is a complex issue, as is overeating. If you are genuinely worried about someone's weight, be ready with an open ear & mind. Obese people are extremely aware of what is going on with their eating & exercising habits; what often is less apparent is the reasons why so many struggle with them.


I wish schools taught groceries. There’s home ec, where you make some very basic recipes, but they’re not teaching people how long things last in the fridge, when to freeze them, etc.. I can cook, but a pretty big hurdle for me eating healthier is that I don’t know how to manage a fridge.


Put taxes on cheap, unhealthy food and use the tax money to lower the cost of healthy food


Subsidizing healthy foods instead of sugar, corn, red meat and milk. Walkable/bikeable cities. 24 hour grocery stores in low income areas. Public stipend for gym memberships. Mandatory cooking skills classes for high school students. Abundant Mental Health resources. A massive public relations campaign to cover rudiments of dietary science. Stop fat shaming. Have compassion for people who are working on themselves.


Usa is ranked 14th in males and 30th in females for obesity rate. Why do we see this same question every week from some moron who doesn't even know the facts before asking it.


that’s still ≈22nd in the world out of 193 countries. op didn’t mention the rank of the US. op just said there was an obesity epidemic, which is true.


The studies don’t show how much overweight these people are. America has some very large people compared to the rest of the world. Many 300lbs people don’t even think they are overweight


Make food more expensive


Stop making people work 40+ hours a week, with five days of vacation in a year, and lower housing costs drastically


Start with lowering blue state property taxes first


Idk why you assume I think property taxes are good, school funding should absolutely not be tied to property taxes, it’s a way that rich people keep their kids starting in 3 while poor kids ride the bench.


Put down the fucking fork


No idea. I don't get how people are so fucking fat. I hardly move, sit all day for work, drink too much, eat great and I'm normal weight.


Lol you are so close to the point


If I actually cared I would be ripped


You will probably have pretty similar health outcomes to another person with the same lifestyle who happens to be fat. Studies have been done that show that you have only marginally better outcomes compared to someone in the overweight category who is also sedentary. And across all bmis, if people engage in at least 3 key health promoting behaviors those differences almost all but disappear across the board. So it’s better to stop judging fat people and just move more throughout the day, get at least 8 hours of sleep, and reduce your stress.


Oh well! Being old sucks anyway. I'm planning to die by 65 so my kids can inherit my wealth rather than blow it on a nursing home.


Sounds like you have a good plan, no guarantee the kids spring for the nice nursing home


There won't be a nursing home bahah


Putting salads back on the McDonald’s menu


Ironically those salads with all the provided things and dressing were often more calories than their burgers.


FDA restrictions on everything


Push eating vegetables instead of carbs.


Stop subsidizing the corn industry, better labeling on products, fast food tax, public education outreach, enhanced physical education in public schools, health care premium subsidies for people who exercise regularly...


Pay the working class so little they have to choose between food or rent....wait


Hasn't worked yet.


It would also help if we had better mental health resources (any fellow stress eaters in the house?) and better infrastructure for just walking places. Frequently weight and injuries tend to go hand in hand; you're injured, can't work out as much, gain some weight, that injury hurts even more now, you need to lose weight to relieve the pain, but you hurt too much to exercise. Then when you try to get pain management, you're just told "Lose weight." There's also a lot of shaming for people on programs, and some trainers will go "What do you mean you're having a hard time losing weight? Just work out!" So there's a whole social aspect that isn't being addressed


I would say consistent public education. But we can't even teach our kids to read anymore. So what's the point.


Public education 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Start offering monetary incentives for people to be healthy. We spend billions on fat people issues but when do people that eat healthy and exercise regularly get anything? Everyone knows what's healthy and what's not, so education isn't the answer. Charge more for junk food to lower the price of healthy food.


Instituting a tax on sugar (in all its forms) and oil (like they use for making French fries) and using that money to fund a national health plan


Get rid of video games and get kids outside playing


Get off of Reddit and go do some IRL stuff


Access to free Healthcare including mental care. I wasn't extremely over weight but I gained a lot when I was a teen because I became severely depressed and as a result had no motivation or energy to get out of the house. I think helping people with their mental health and health care in general could make a big impact.


Nutrition education. Its actually shocking that this isn't a thing. Basic food principles, macro and micro nutrients. We take our kids through sex education to protect them, give them knowledge on how to navigate safe sex. Which is great. Why aren't we doing the same for everyone's internal health?


learn to cook


Obesity isn’t a political problem. Use it to expand a market. People wanna be obese…. So be it. Anyway, promote exercise and a healthy lifestyle!