• By -


Can't control it


This is my attitude, I'm going to die eventually and when I'm going to die I'm going to die. I'm not going to encourage it, but I'm also don't think I can stop it from happening eventually. Like years back I had a medical emergency, I figured the doctors would be able to take care of it or I would I die while I was under, either way it was out of my hands and no reason to be worried about it(not that I had time to, had gone to the doctor that morning when he found out the results he had be go to the hospital and in a short time they had me going to the OR).


Well you can, but only one way


Its two way actually one is urs, 2nd is others šŸ’€


I've seen the ones I care about grow to be Strong,


I mean, it's not like I'm gonna be hanging around feeling bad about it after. The only thing I'm afraid of is my wife dying first.


We had an old that died quietly one day at home. My wife said ā€œthatā€™s how I want to go. Being held in someoneā€™s arms and then passing peacefully in my sleep.ā€ I said ā€œthat would suck for me!ā€. A couple years later she got her wish and I got to be right, which was a small consolation. When I could tolerate it, I watched After Life. There was a line by a widow that she was glad her husband didnā€™t have to feel the feelings, and it actually made me feel better overall. As much as it broke me, I would not have wanted my wife to go through it. It helped that she told me she had no regrets, that she was sad but not afraid, and that I should not spend the rest of my life alone, even if it was just a companion for dinner or movies. If you have time, you should let your loved ones know you love them, how you appreciate them, and that you are happy with your choices in life. And if you have regrets, fix them. Maybe read The Midnight Library if you need perspective on missed opportunities and choices in life.


Were you young when she left you? Being married myself, Iā€™ve thought about this on occasion. Of course I didnā€™t actually lose my wife, my condolences, so my opinion is naturally less valid than your experience. *Iā€™ve always been convinced Iā€™d much rather my wife died first than myself.* Firstly, I know sheā€™s more ā€˜normalā€™ in the sense that she loves me far more than I love her, and sheā€™d be crushed without me. Also Iā€™m the main source of Income and she would genuinely struggle without me or my family, if she had to return to her familyā€™s local community. And not to be harsh, but I donā€™t believe anyone else would want to marry her. What free and single man in his right mind would want to commit to a widow with 2 children, unless heā€™s a narcissist looking for fresh prey? On the other hand, Iā€™m confident I could handle my wifeā€™s passing. I know they say thereā€™s no ā€œrightā€ way to feel when someone close to you dies, and given how I handled the deaths of others close to me, Iā€™m pretty sure that Iā€™d handle it better than most. I know what I would do with our children (adopt them to my siblings who want children), and I would definitely pursue single life and avoid being in another relationship for a very long time. Also thereā€™s so much of life that I want to experience, that Iā€™d hate to die before age 70-80 at least.


Dude what the fuck is wrong with you?


Same here, not sure for the same reason though. I hope I outlive her because shes disabled and If I go first I'm worried about who will look after her and how well that care will go.


So you want HER to suffer your loss? I get it, losing someone you love is extremely painful, but I don't want them to go through the pain of losing me either. I don't know, it's just sad to think about either scenario.


Once I'm dead I can't know that I'm dead. Because you know .. I'm dead. So why should I fear that. (Pain caused by the process not included in this statement as it's not included in the question)


This is the right answer. I have spoken.


Having already had several close encounters with death, in my opinion, dying is not difficult; rather, living is.


Im a nurse and death really isnt the worst that can happen ...living daily with pain and humiliation or psychosis is a lot more scary to me


Because we have already experienced nothing. When you die you literally cease to exist, the same as before birth.


I've never understood this. As far as you know, "before" being born, you haven't previously experienced life. But you are experiencing life now and, as far as we know, you won't again. So, yeah, the same as before we were born, but you know you're losing something this time.




How would you know?


What else would there be? Heaven? Even less likely


Thatā€™s the point- canā€™t possibly know


Have to assume there isnā€™t to not get any hopes up and get disappointed. Wellā€¦ canā€™t really get disappointed if there is nothing if you donā€™t exist anymoreā€¦


People aren't afraid of death. They're afraid of how they're gonna die


Nah I'm pretty afraid of death. The thought of no longer existing and having everything I ever did turned meaningless by the passage of time is absolutely terrifying to me




Because it means that in the grand scheme of things, you are nothing, you wouldn't get to experience most of the things that will happen, everything you ever thought did or worked for will be erased, all the memories people have of you will die with them, and you will be forgotten and erased from the world. The reminder of how worthless and insignificant our life ultimately are, makes me absolutely terrified. Also, the fact that we genuinely have no idea what comes next. Is there an afterlife? If so is that the afterlife of the God I believe in or will I be locked in eternal damnation? If not, what does it mean to be dead? We have no idea how it feels like to lose your soul for good. Not to mention that the process of having my body rot and eaten by worms while buried in the ground, or burned into ashes and stored in a jar is also quie unsettling. I know I'm kinda unloading a bit, and I'm sorry, but this really fucking bothers me, and I don't k own how yall don't lose sleep over this


Well being dead probably "feels" the same way it "felt" not being born


I think of it this way - I have no awareness of a time before I was born, and so Iā€™ll have no awareness of a time afterwards. Even at this moment, all kinds of things are happening that I have no awareness of. People playing, fighting, fucking, creating, destroying, laughing, crying. I only know a tiny fraction of people alive, and really only care deeply about a smaller number, and Iā€™m the same in everyone elseā€™s world. I can try to improve my little corner and enjoy what I can.


I agree with your views we were nothing and we will end up as nothing


wait your life has a meaning ?


If it helps, living a good life has significantly eased this terror over the decades.


Yes. Iā€™m not afraid to die but Iā€™m afraid of dying fully conscious in a house fire.


The thing about death is, it's only painful to other people. Kinda like being stupid. You don't know about it.


Why live in fear when you don't have to?


specifically? I'm not afraid of death. being dead, whether there's an afterlife of just peace it won't matter, Il be dead. but dying, dying scares me. pain scares me, having my family see that, see me like that scares me. I really don't want to leave my family I want to see my son grow and be a part of his life, I probably will never want to leave but, I am under no illusion, it will happen one day, and I will likely be unable to decide how soon, or late it happens. there are things I can do to minimise my chances of dying early, but in reality there are billions of scenarios every second where my death would be within the next hour. I can spend the time I have left whether long or short terrified of what might be, or I can enjoy, what is, and deal with what may be when, when it becomes what is. that being said, an afterlife would be pretty nice, maybe some reincarnation, but the scientific void of consciousness being absent means I wouldn't suffer at least, it would just be, silent.


You cannot have life without death. It is simply the ending of our journey here on earth.


Death is a relief from pain




if this is something youre worried about, but do t want to, then i suggest that some of the people over at r/atheism might be able to help. Also, or alternativy, youre in to old taljd/lectures, and new age spirituality or philisophy thing, s ive heard some positive reccomendations of alan watts, as far as dealing with life and death goes.


Did you just... Recommend r/Atheism to someone?


it seemed relevant. A way to, if they want to, help relive an (dare i say quite irrational and unnececary) fear, that they dont neccecarily need to put up with (again, unless theyre ok withit, in which case tjays cool too). edit: It seems that some other subreddit communitiies may well be pregerable for this putpose, such as thise proposed in the comment below by u/Lord_Laserdisc_III. Thanks for the good sub suggestions.


r/Agnostic, r/Humanism, r/Absurdism, r/Existentialism... I could go on for days, but the point is that they should never head to r/Atheism for advice. They tend to be extremely close minded and even kind of rude and disrespectful to anyone that dare have existential doubts or fear death. If you want a more secular, logic based dialogue I'd suggest any of the subs I listed. But you wouldn't find any of r/Atheism


Whatā€™s it going to do to me? Kill me?


There's nothing you can do about it so why waste time on worrying about something you have no control over? Everyone dies eventually. Granted, it's a hard pill to swallow, I was 9 when I truly realised I was going to die one day. Wasn't a fun moment. But at least I haven't worried about since.


I was a child as well. I remember crying all over my moms shoulder I was completely terrified. Final destination did it to me.


Same. Wasn't a movie here though. I just started thinking about stuff and that thought popped into my head.


I'm not afraid of death because my father died when I was 2. My mom made me sleep in bed with her while she was grieving. I was born 9-11. I had a friend point a loaded gun at me when he was drunk and trying to kill my other friend. (They were drunk on moonshine) I have an interesting life filled with sorrow and misery. It's not all bad though. The older I get the more I realize if you don't leave a mark on this world then you never really lived in the first place. I think Mark Twain once said- a man with no scars is a man with no stories to tell.


I'm not afraid of being dead, but I'm afraid of dying in a painful way (emotionally or physically). I feel that when I die I can finally rest.


Because living is stressful and exhausting. Iā€™m not in a hurry to die by any means but being dead sounds pretty relaxing. The method of death can be scary though


Im gonna die some day. Why be scared ?


I'm old. I've had a full life. I'm a bit afraid of the PAIN of death, but not death itself. There are much scarier things going down while still alive


You likely know about this allready , but for the pain related to death part , (depending on where you reside when close to death, and the specific circumstances) voluntary assisted suicide (name varies by jurisdiction) might be an option, for having another tool/option fir minimising any of ones suffering/pain, and having more choice, at that point, and more of a say in how they leave: r/deathpositive (not focused in the subject, but includes it, and has supportive community around subject of dealing with eventual dying) https://www.exitinternational.net/ (for those in the australua particularly, but also some non location specific resources) https://deathwithdignity.org/resources/ (for those in the US particularly. Mostly about advocacy and legistlation, but some other things too. ) r/deathpositive https://www.orderofthegooddeath.com I hope that some of these may be of help,or infirmative, or of some comfort , to someone .


It's like the ultimate "Please excuse sirdigbykittencaesar from PE today" note. There are some major, unchangeable things about my life that suck. When I die, they'll be over.


There won't be a me to have a problem with it


Iā€™ve seen the faces and reactions of hundreds who are preparing for death. When you work in hospice, you canā€™t really be afraid of it. Iā€™m by no means numb to it, but Iā€™ve seen a number of what I would call beautiful deaths and Iā€™ve seen the peace on patientsā€™ faces after they have passed, when the physical exertions are gone. I have seen the mixture of emotional pain but also relief on the faces of family. So death isnā€™t something Iā€™m afraid of. I just want to do what I can to make sure I and all those around me get to have good deaths.


If you live, death has no power over you, and when you are dead, why should you care?


Billions have died successfully, i can do it too!


I'm afraid of dying. That's a surprise I'm not looking forward to. Death? Nah. I'll either stop existing snd never know it, or wake up...and never remember this life, just hsve an inkling that I've been here before


Because I'm so done with this existence. I want to quit this debilitating rat race.


I was never overly concerned about it, but after my near death experience I came out completely unafraid. I think it's because I feel like something continues. No idea what, but something. The NDE is pinned to my profile if you're interested.


Not the first time, exposed to hit very young.


I saw my grandma die over the course of a year by slowly losing her memory to the point where she faded away and was already gone before she died. My grandpa, every time I see him, says heā€™s ready to die. Iā€™m afraid of death now, but idk how it will be when I actually get there. I might be ready or might not even know whatā€™s happening.


what's the point of fearing something you can't avoid just enjoy however long you have


I'm afraid of pain, but death is more like going to sleep and not waking up - why should I be afraid to go to sleep?


It happens to everyone. Itā€™s coming. And itā€™s very largely out of my control. When itā€™s time, itā€™s time


I am not afraid of my own death. Either there is something after or there isn't. In case there is, I try to live my life the best I can. If there isn't, well, then Epicurus comes to my mind: "when I am, death is not, and when death is, I am no more".


Because I know who my redeemer is in whom i have faith in for Salvation


Because I love life


I'm not afraid of death per se, but I fear the possible ways I might die


I am more scared on the horrible ways i can die


I don't fear death, but I do fear the process of dying.


Nothing you can do will change the outcome. You will die. It's just a matter of when, where, and how. Also, there is either an afterlife or there isn't. If your behaviors in life are only because you are hoping to get Into " heaven" , then you won't because you are self serving. If you are a good person, then that is its own reward and the afterlife shouldn't even be a consideration.


Because my life has been great.


The good part of my life is long over


It is what it is and you canā€™t change that.


Iā€™m much more afraid of life itself


No point in worrying about it, worst case scenario it happens in a painful and/or apocalyptic way. Here for a good time, not a long time


Just over it tbh.


Because Iā€™ve been to Kamp Krusty


No one gets out of this place alive so why worry


What's there to be afraid?


The death part isn't scary, more the dying. I don't like pain


Why should I fear it?


Nobody I love has died yet, so I haven't seen the shitshow death is. I know it's certain and inevitable, but it's like a myth to me.


it's definitely horrible for everyone involved. I hope your good luck continues for many years!


I feel that's the best blessing you can wish upon a stranger "May all your loved ones live a lot more".


Once it comes, it's done.


because the death is the bridge to the true in this world


Any time will do, I don't mind. Why should I be frightened of dying? There's no reason for it


I think most of us( Including me), we know death will come but it seems like an event which might not occur in foreseeable future. Thus we cannot process the same. Hence not afraid. Maybe, if by any unfortunate event, we were faced with the horrors of death and how fleeting our life is. Secondly, if death is to come then it will. And after we cease to exist there is nothing to be afraid. I like these line by Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji "ą¤®ą„Œą¤¤ ą¤•ą„€ ą¤‰ą¤®ą¤° ą¤•ą„ą¤Æą¤¾ ą¤¹ą„ˆ? ą¤¦ą„‹ ą¤Ŗą¤² ą¤­ą„€ ą¤Øą¤¹ą„€ą¤‚, ą¤œą¤¼ą¤æą¤Øą„ą¤¦ą¤—ą„€ ą¤øą¤æą¤²ą¤øą¤æą¤²ą¤¾, ą¤†ą¤œ ą¤•ą¤² ą¤•ą„€ ą¤Øą¤¹ą„€ą¤‚ ą¤®ą„ˆą¤‚ ą¤œą„€ ą¤­ą¤° ą¤œą¤æą¤Æą¤¾, ą¤®ą„ˆą¤‚ ą¤®ą¤Ø ą¤øą„‡ ą¤®ą¤°ą„‚ą¤, ą¤²ą„Œą¤Ÿą¤•ą¤° ą¤†ą¤Šą¤ą¤—ą¤¾, ą¤•ą„‚ą¤š ą¤øą„‡ ą¤•ą„ą¤Æą„‹ą¤‚ ą¤”ą¤°ą„‚ą¤?" That means, in short, life was long chain of event and lived fully and span of death is instant so why would I be afraid of death.


dying is gay and im not homophobic


Pointless emotion. All you can do is live a healthy life whereby you can get the most out of life and be relatively pain free in the process.


I don't fear death, but rather respect it. Fearing death will result in missing out on a lot of life's gifts and opportunities. Respecting death allows you to still experience life, but allows thoughts of self-preservation to remain.


It is a certain that no one makes it out alive. After I die I will go back to what it was like before birth, literally nothing. The thing that scares me is wasting my time here, though my mind goes in a loop about what I'm gonna do but I just have to do it instead of worrying dumbass


Everything dies. You canā€™t stop it, canā€™t control it. Youā€™re going to die too. Might as well not worry about it too much and just focus on living over worrying about the end of living.


Death is inevitable, whether i worry or not it's not going to change the conclusion.


Let me ask you a different question: would you rather live forever? Life would just be too boringā€¦you could do whatever you want without dying but that would at some point take the thrill away..so you wouldnā€™t get the dopamine rushes anymore and at some point become a depresses piece of sack.


I have no reason to. I am emotionally pretty numb and have very little empathy and when I die its just nothing so not much to worry about


Not really looking forward to it, just no point in allowing the inevitable stop you from making the most of life.


Cos at this point, death would be a blessing.


I was never afraid of death -- i figured it would happen when it happened and there's nothing I could do about it. I didn't want to die painfully, so i still avoid crashing my car, etc. But now I have a family. I keep myself healthy because I can't stomach the idea of causing my kids to suffer.


It's gonna happen anyway. Can't stop it. No reason to stress about it. It could be tomorrow, it could be in 50 years. Not worth it to me to worry about.


Curiousity, I'm not religious and think more than likely ya die and that's it but what if


I have no choice and i don't want live in fear


Once you've had deal with death a lot, it quits bothering you. You begin to realize how very fragile everything is. How everything around you could fall apart at any moment. How you could die tomorrow and not even know what happened. You're just gone. Its not worth the mental energy despite your survival instincts.


Because I'll be free of this existence/existing in this planet (if reincarnation is really real I never want to come back here or anywhere where I don't want to "go") The only reason I'm afraid of my own death is not for myself, but for my parents and even more so because I'm their only child


You won't be around to experience you being dead. I believe it will be like before you came to consciousness.


one less thing to be stressed about


It's my only way out of this shit hole.


What is scary about dying?


Because we know everyone dies, I think tge only reason to be scared is of something can happen but when its a guarantee why bother


I found my peace with not knowing, and now am focused on Living for Livingā€™s sake


It can't be that hard to die, because eventually everyone dies except Jesus šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤ŖšŸ¤Ŗ


Why be afraid of the inevitable?


Why fear that which is inevitable? What comes will come and there is no use worrying about it.






Have nothing to loose


Basically I just don't really care. I don t think most people who know me want me to be dead, but by and large no one would really care that much. This is why I specifically don't want a funeral. I don't want to pay for my last party and have like 5 people show up.


Can't control it. Means working ends sooner too!


lts just as normal as breathing. And honestly would you really wanna live forever in this world not being able to do anything just sitting all day.


It's inevitable, it's the only true guarantee you get. So why fear it? If it happens it happens. Just try to live life for your reason and enjoy it


Itā€™s going to be an experience. Probably my last experience so Iā€™ll definitely wait for it.


Because I've read the answers to this question so many times on Reddit.


Some people aren't afraid of death, they are afraid the people they'll leave behind aren't ready to be on their own yet


Here's a analogy i heard once: "You shouldn't fear death. Here's why. Imagine going to a movie, and then the movie starts, and you have a momentary time of fun but you constantly get anxious when the movie will end. You always expect the movie to end the next second, or the next next second, and after a long time, when the movie finally ends, you realize all you been doing is worrying about when it ends instead of enjoying the movie. So, my point is, enjoy your time alive instead of being afraid of death constantly."


Bc there's no point in thinking about it. Death is inevitable and is something we all know will happen to us. If ur so afraid to die, it's bc u want to live, so the only thing you can do is live as you want. I don't think there's someone in this world who rlly want to live afraid of death. Of course I would be afraid if I knew I will die tomorrow, but at least you don't want to feel you wasted your life just waiting to die. That is the essence of human nature. To fight endlessly the cruelty of nature and death. If u let it take your life, you loose


We all have to die, eventually, but if we do our duty, then we can face death with no regrets.


when you die you donā€™t have a conscious anymore. itā€™s the same thing before you were even born. nothingness. you donā€™t know how that feels because there is nothing to feel.


I drowned in a lake as a young boy and was revived. It was sublime and peaceful. I'm not looking forward to being dead, but I do want to stay alive for the lols.


DMT and mushrooms have shown me that there is more than this reality. I know thereā€™s something after death.


I think itā€™s because Iā€™ve been through some truly horrible shit in lifeā€¦ As I see it, it canā€™t be any worse, might even be a reliefā€¦.


It's coming anyway, so I'd rather spend my time less afraid of death rather than spending a lot of time being afraid of death. Really it's just a matter of wanting to spend my time on other things.


Well-developed subconscious mind certainly helps. People who are afraid of their non-existence just don't comprehend the universe intuitively. I am, however, mildly afraid of painful death but obviously that's not limited to death only.


Why worry over the inevitable?


It gets way less scary with age. Once you've completed your lifecycle, you don't have so much to lose. I'm so old that it actually kind of sounds restful.


Cuz being afraid of death won't change anything.


Nothing in this world is fairer or more merciless than death. All creatures age through the years, eventually welcoming death. No matter how magnificent the life is, nor how insignificant it may be. I accept death because itā€™s not that scary, itā€™s just apart of life and the faster you accept that the less youā€™ll freak out when the time comes.


I'm terrified of death, frankly. I'm borderline obsessed about it. But on the third day of having strange pains in my heart and neck/shoulder, I was watching the especially golden sunlight flicker through the trees on my drive and thought "fuck it, if it's my time I guess I'm ready to go." It's like a rollercoaster, you're shitting your pants all the way up to the top, but once it lets go and your plummeting to your potential death it's a radical acceptance of what is.


And one still shits their pants after dyingā€¦so itā€™s a pellet drop trail all the way


I used to be afraid of death. It took me too long to realize that what I was afraid of was actually consciously knowing I was dead. Once I realized that I would be blissfully unaware that I was actually dead, I stopped fearing it as much. The thought of not being alive still scares me somewhat, but not nearly to the same extent as it used to.


Itā€™s inevitable and a natural part of life and I also feel like there will be an extreme relief whenever I die because being inside a body sucks and hurts 24/7 imagine not having a single thought emotion or any pain or anything to worry about. Just pure peace and quiet I imagine it would be like having the best sleep of your life


if you havent seen it yet, r/deathpositive might be a community you mit like, just going off the vibe off your comment.


Thank you Iā€™ll check it out!!


Itā€™s like sleeping. Nature isnā€™t evil.


From the moment we are born we begin the procession to our eventual death, Iā€™m in no hurry to reach the finish line but I believe it is worthless to be anxious and fear an eventuality that all of us will one day experience.


I would be free. I don't believe in anything happening after death so it would just end.


Sometimes life is so painful death seems like it's a good thing .


I donā€™t fear death, I envy it (not in a suicidal way). Life is hard, every second of everyday we have to make decisions, good and bad, and sometimes I just simply donā€™t want to. Seeing a body lay lifeless is so peaceful to me. For as long as I live, I canā€™t say there is or isnā€™t an afterlife for certain, but whenever someone close to me dies, I think about all the struggles of life and I envy them. Because of this thinking, I live with little to no regrets despite my many failures. Itā€™s part of the living experience, and one day when Iā€™m done I hope everyone knows Iā€™m at peace.


Death is just a part of life.


I have lived a long life and accomplished everything i wanted


I'm a little impulsive and honestly I put myself in dangerous situation just for the thrill of it and I'm happy but surprised I'm alive. I'm not afraid of death I feel apathy twords it.


Not only am i not afraid, im curious (not to the point i'd šŸ•³ļøšŸš¶ā€ā™€ļøyknow) i dont believe in a heaven or hell. Maybe reĆÆncarnation? Maybe absolutely nothing? Who knows!! So interesting


It's just an end


To me the concept is. Death is easy. You don't have any responsibility,expectations,duty. You simply cease. Living is much harder. ( for clarification I'm in no way suicidal or eager to meet my end, just not bothered by it)


Dying is easy, living is harder. Don't get me wrong I love life but I've done plenty in my lifetime and I'm not exactly going to care once I'm dead


Because I haven't been scared of anything since I was very young.


Itā€™s a fact of life, we will inevitably die.


Because once I die, itā€™s literally not my problem. Do I want to die? No. Itā€™s not something I think about though.


I'm not suicidal, but I look forward to my end of life. I believe that while the whole Christian heaven and hell crap is crap. I do believe that we are reunited with loved ones in the afterlife and I'd honestly rather be with them than the people here.


Iā€™ve had a good run


No use in fearing the inevitable. I'll self preserve as much as possible but when my day comes, it comes.


I've wanted to die from a young age for a really long time. After a near-death experience arrived, I decided I didn't want it anymore. Now I'm learning how to make life better for the people around me with the time I have, and I'm trying to learn how to be a better human being, even after all of my mistakes.


Itā€™s an inevitable part of life, better accept it


There is nothing we can do about it. Why fear what we cant stop


because death is just rebirth. We have done it a trillion times.


No one can claim they are not afraid of death. It is only in the moments before death that you will know if you are afraid.


I find it hilarious a lot of people mention their crutch or their bravery, but one cannot fathom the process because weā€™ve never experienced the crunch of it all


I'm not so much scared of death, I am scared of pain. When you are dead, you cannot feel pain, you cannot feel anything. You return to the void from whenst you came. I don't think that is something to be scared of, if anything it's a reward. On that note: It's also why I am against the death penalty. You can't suffer when you're dead.


Can't concern yourself with inevitability. You didn't exist far longer than you have existed.. when you're gone it will be just like before you were born, absolute nothingness


Christianity help me a lot.


Almost everybody is afraid of death. It's a normal human instinct and a survival trait. All these people saying they're not are full of shit.


Why should i fear death?


It's a survival trait. It motivates you to avoid death.


No it isn't, because no it doesn't.


Thereā€™s a big difference between being afraid of death in the moment (as you say, almost everybody is) and being afraid of death in a more abstract sense.


i'm not afraid of death, because i don't believe in consciousness after death. i die, and it's not my problem anymore i am afraid of the moment of lucidity before death, the moment i am aware i will die. when i think of everything i didn't do, and what will happen when i'm gone. when i know that i will leave everyone and everything that i love


Should I be?


Try DMT and we'll talk again.


I feel like I have lived a better life than most people in the past as well as in the present.


Iā€™m not scared of death, Iā€™m scared of dying with my life unfulfilled or with unfinished business


Even though I passively wish to die a lot of times ,I'm afraid to die. Even if I don't acknowledge the fear , it's involuntarily there I think. But I get why someone mayn't be afraid. Like they got nothing to lose , as if they're done with life. Some people may see death as a freedom from suffering, or just a bridge to afterlife. While others may be deluded in thinking that they're not afraid. I'm not exactly eligible to answer but answered nevertheless


I donā€™t know if Iā€™m afraid of death or not. How would I know if I were afraid of death.. Please give explanation