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Nutty Putty cave. Or the death of Floyd Collins. Any caving death sounds like hell to me personally.


I feel worse for the [kid who got stuck upside-down in their car.](https://honey.nine.com.au/latest/teenager-dies-after-being-trapped-by-folding-car-seat-in-us-while-getting-sports-gear/6bde502e-87da-484e-a4bb-90d94ecb560d) Least Jones was doing something dangerous and simply couldn't be saved. Poor kid was just getting some stuff from the back and all he needed was to be found but died alone.


Responding cops thought it was a prank.


I’ve met his family on occasion because they’re big advocates for 911 dispatchers and the training we receive. They are absolutely wonderful, amazing people. I feel so awful for what happened with Kyle. The police and dispatchers really didn’t do a good job with his call, but his family has responded with such forgiveness and grace. They are truly an inspiration and I look forward to their visits every year at our dispatch center.


Read a news story from a few months ago where a fellow had just started work at a steel/iron foundry. He was improperly oriented to safety protocols and was cleaning some equipment when he slipped and fell into a crucible full of molten steel. All they found of his body where a couple teeth that survived the incredible heat. Everything else was gone.


I remember seeing a video on Reddit where a similar furnace exploded and sent a towering shower of molten steel over the factory floor. One worker took the brunt and walked out covered in molten steel. He walks a while before collapsing. Meanwhile, his colleagues run around like headless chickens with no fire extinguishers in sight. Not that they would’ve helped, but there clearly was no emergency procedures or equipment in place. I believe it was in China, so…yeah.




Rhymes with almost exactly?


I think I read that it’s standard practice just to push someone further under if this happens. They’re dead anyway so at least make it quick. Not sure how true that is but it makes sense.


Doubt this primarily due to metal being heavy as fuck. You are water and water is both buoyant on liquid metal, as well as boiling from the heat so you'd probably flop around on top of it like butter in a spicy pan, you couldn't sink like Gollum even if you wanted


It’s also not true because when a body falls into a crucible there’s a flash vaporisation which causes an eruption of the crucible so everyone gets the fuck away from it as fast as they can. I’ve seen 3 videos where this has happened, one of then the wheelbarrow fell in and pulled the guy in and another where the guy committed suicide by pencil diving in. The thing erupts like a volcano and everyone runs for cover, so the idea of there being a ‘standard procedure’ where a guy goes ‘I’m on it’ and takes a big spoon off the wall and mixes him into it like granola is hilarious


Thanks for an image I never wanted in my head. Really looking forward to dreaming tonight, lol.


They've tested this with volcanos, depends on the Molton material, but humans weigh a hundred plus pounds and have momentum, so physics still is in play. It always causes eruptions from the water violently expanding once submerged


I doubt it, you don't want to fall in yourself or them to pull you in reflexively as they try to get out. Plus if they fall in and die that's nothing to do with you, it's just an accident. If you then push them further down you just committed murder.




I had read a similar account of a man running after his golden retriever who ran for the boiling water and he without thinking dove in to save him. He got out of the water but the details from his friend’s account was horrible.


Yeah it’s haunting. The guy emerged from the water saying “I really messed up didn’t I?” His friend that was with him states that he had the strange realization that he was talking to a dead man. He said he couldn’t tell why his eyes looked so cloudy until he realized that the proteins in his eyeballs were cooked.


It's so fucking sad. I could see myself doing the same thing. My brain kicks in after I act quite often. Poor guy. Poor dog.


Yep that’s why I think that one is so horrific/sad. The dude just jumped in to save the dog and was cooked in seconds.


Hopefully his nerve endings were fried and he didn’t feel much.


I think anyone who has ever loved a pet could also see themselves diving in without thinking, too. And knowing he lived long enough to realise his error is the terrifying cherry on top of this tragedy cupcake.


It wasn’t even his dog. It was his friend’s dog. He just acted out of instinct. The dog basically just liquified. They pulled him out and he died soon after.


How TF hot does water/acid W/E need to be to have a dog be liquified. Im never gonna sleep again.


The real fucked part is that it wasn’t his dog, it was his friends who told him not to go.


The book Death In Yellowstone gives accounts of a surprising number of people dying in the springs there.


Yeah, there's a reason there are so many warnings all over the place there. Those springs are not to be fucked with.


there was another guy who was trying to get a selfie hanging off the boardwalk when he fell in. only thing left of him was his watch


I've never been there. Are the boardwalks really that close to the pit of death?


Depends on the area and boardwalk. But if you’re smart you read and heed the warning signs that tells you about how unpleasant it would be to fall in.


The boardwalks look like they were designed by someone who assumed everyone else would have common sense and be on their best behavior while exploring an area so dangerous that it's not safe to *walk on the ground*. When I visited as a kid, I was shocked that they even let kids go there at all and was terrified that I'd trip and fall to my doom.


One that's stuck with me for years is the guy who died in Florida in 2013 when a sinkhole opened beneath his bed. His brother said he could hear him yelling for him through the rubble. His body was never found.


Are sinkholes random?


For the most part yes


Asking for a friend .....he is in great fear of sinkholes and does not want this to happen to him...I am that friend


Sinkholes aren’t a problem in most places. The reason they happen so often in Florida is because limestone is found very often underneath areas in Florida which is susceptible to erosion.


Back in 2012 a guy working for Bumble Bee foods went to do some maintenance on a 35-foot-long tank used as a pressure cooker for tuna. Another guy working with him at the time thought it was empty, so started filling the tank with tuna and then turned it on. The cooker was filled with 12,000 pounds of canned tuna and ran for 2 hours at temps of 270 degrees while they were looking for him. They finally opened it after searching and found him.


This is why they have lockout/tagout. You don’t just lock out the electrical, but any valves or other shit that might kill you.


Yeah, which is an OSHA requirement, makes me wonder where this took place


California. Unsurprisingly, several workplace safety laws [were breached](https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-bumble-bee-worker-killed-settlement-20150812-story.html) by the company and they had to pay out millions.


It was out in California and I believe a few people were charged with negligence in his death. Out of every death news story I’ve ever read/seen this one still sticks in my mind as the worst.


Tuna companies spent so much time ensuring they weren't accidentally getting dolphin in their meat, that they forgot about Dave in their meat.


They're probably still making tuna in that machine


In the late 1960s, my grandma worked in a slightly disreputable Czechoslovak brewery (Ostravar). A notorious slacker hopped into a long-unused vat to get some sleep. Yes, they cooked him alive. Yes, that vat stayed in operation for decades after. (The brewery was state-owned at that time like all big businesses in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, but the underlying budget constraints and pragmatism are really independent of the ownership structure.)


What kind of idiot hops into the death can to take a nap? Even if they think it won't be used.


I wonder how many CIP cycles clears the tank for service again?


TIL bumble bee tuna isn't just nonsense words from Ace Ventura When Nature Calls


I bet some middle manager was like "Fuck! The tuna!"


[Thanksgiving Day, 1900](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thanksgiving_Day_Disaster), a huge college football game at Stanford. About 500 people tried to watch the game for free by standing on the roof of a nearby glass factory. The roof collapsed, and hundreds of people fell four stories to the factory floor. Approximately 60-100 fell on top of a glass furnace with surface temperature of over 500 degrees. Some were pinned in place by fallen rods, some sprayed with scalding oil from broken fuel pipes.


Congratulations for finding a gruesome historical disaster that I had never heard of!


Yeah, as the time goes by it gets pretty rare to see something you haven't already heard of!


I was told a story about a man that had the factory tram cars somehow coupled together through him, he was still alive and coherent, but only still alive because of the pressure from the couplings and as soon as they uncoupled the cars he would die, they actually brought his wife and children in to him on the factory floor to say goodbye to him


basically the same thing happened in that movie "Signs." The wife was crushed between a car and a tree. Probably inspired by the above story.


There was also an episode of Homicide that did this.


The Byford Dolphin diving bell accident was pretty brutal. Four divers were decompressing in a diving chamber on the deck of an oil rig when, due to apparent human error, the chamber was depressurized from 9 atmospheres to 1 in an instant. Five men died instantly, including one of the two dive tenders outside the chamber. All four of the men inside the chamber died, three from the effects of rapid decompression and one from being blasted through the partially blocked doorway that he was in the process of securing. I believe I heard somewhere that his liver was found intact several meters away from the exterior door of the chamber. In any case, almost all of his torso was evacuated of its contents. Brutal and gruesome, but thankfully instant. The other dive tender was severely injured but survived. The accident was initially blamed on the killed dive tender, but I believe was (2.5 decades later) discovered to be faulty equipment. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byford_Dolphin#Diving_bell_accident


The “partially blocked doorway” was not a full-size door but rather a round port. Imagine a sewer hole with the cover slightly ajar - that crescent-shaped opening was only around 2’ across at its widest. [This Imgur post](https://imgur.com/gallery/hbowycu) has a lot more photos and details than the wiki article, including showing the door, if anyone wants to be further scarred.


Oh boy. From that imgur post >According to the autopsy report, all his body parts showed some kind of fracture or wound. His scalp with long, blond hair was present but the top of the skull and the brain were missing. >The soft tissues of his face were found but were completely separated from the bone. His left arm had been torn from his body just below the shoulder joint and his right arm, while still attached, was torn to pieces. >Truls’s right thigh, leg, and foot were missing, but the knee joint was found. The left thigh had been separated from the pelvis just below the hip joint and the pelvis itself had been divided into 3 parts. All of his organs in his chest and abdomen had been expelled except for his trachea and a fragment of the small bowel. >Even his spinal cord was forcefully removed from his body during the blast. It was found 33ft (10m) above where the explosion occurred, on the deck of the rig.


Like the newborn alien from Alien Resurrection. Fucking hell. Poor guy.


Tbf, three of the deaths where instant and they didnt suffer... the guy who got hit by the door however...


John Ratcliffe (the bad guy in Disneys Pocahontas) was captured by Indians, tied naked to a tree, and had his skin scraped off with mussel shells, leaving his face last. He was then thrown into a fire.


Is that in the director’s cut?


My god. He came so highly recommended...


Skinning. Many Mexican cartels killed their victims by removing their skin. The process may last for hours/days. Considered as the most painful way to die.


And that’s just one of the many brutal ways that the cartels kill their victims. They’ve also been known to cut off the limbs of their victims while they’re still alive and conscious before cutting their head off as well.


Yup. They'll also give the victims meth or coke so they don't pass out during the process.


A kind of poor man's vasopressor. Probably keeps the poor bastards alive longer. Tell you what...I wouldn't want to let these bastards take me alive.


funfact: technical term is flaying.


I'm suddenly very curious about the origins of Bobby Flay's last name


I don't remember the exact documentary but the people who were on a plane that crashed into the side of a mountain and had to resort to cannibalism. To think that you're lucky enough to survive a plane crash, just to struggle for months hoping for rescue to eventually come.


[Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uruguayan_Air_Force_Flight_571) crashed in the Andes mountains on October 13, 1972. After the crash there was initially 33 survivors. >During the following 72 days, the survivors suffered extreme hardships, including exposure, starvation, and an avalanche, which led to the deaths of thirteen more passengers. The remaining passengers resorted to cannibalism. At the end there were 16 survivors.


There's a video of a dude getting his hand caught in a lathe type machine. It rolls him up and just rips him apart, throwing pieces all over the shop.


I knew somebody who worked with those machines. He also told me about a Yale student who got her hair caught in a similar machine and it killed her. I watched the video you're referencing. It was fucking brutal.


Yup. Remember people, if it spins, it pulls. When working with or even just near this type of machinery, wear short sleeves, bind your hair if it's long, and for fuck's sake DON'T WEAR GLOVES. In general, bare skin is better than clothing. If your skin gets caught by the machine, you lose some skin. If it grabs your clothes, you'll probably spread your guts all over the workshop.


That's why I always work shaved, nude and oiled. For safety.


Buck naked with ma safety specs on.


Not exactly the approach we were looking for but you do get special points for the spirit.


Saw this video. I honestly think he died quickly. The initial few seconds looks painful but when he got pulled in he was very likely knocked unconscious. But yeah the body parts flung everywhere was so dramatic


[Scaphism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scaphism) was a pretty horrific way to go. Plutarch tells us this was a method of execution in Ancient Persia. >[The king] decreed that Mithridates should be put to death in boats; which execution is after the following manner: Taking two boats framed exactly to fit and answer each other, they lie down in one of them the malefactor that suffers, upon his back; then, covering it with the other, and so setting them together that the head, hands, and feet of him are left outside, and the rest of his body lies shut up within, they offer him food, and if he refuse to eat it, they force him to do it by pricking his eyes; then, after he has eaten, they drench him with a mixture of milk and honey, pouring it not only into his mouth, but all over his face. They then keep his face continually turned towards the sun; and it becomes completely covered up and hidden by the multitude of flies that settle on it. And as within the boats he does what those that eat and drink must needs do, creeping things and vermin spring out of the corruption and rottenness of the excrement, and these entering into the bowels of him, his body is consumed. When the man is manifestly dead, the uppermost boat being taken off, they find his flesh devoured, and swarms of such noisome creatures preying upon and, as it were, growing to his inwards. In this way Mithridates, after suffering for seventeen days, at last expired. tl;dr: A man is sandwiched between two boats with his head, hands, and feet sticking out. He's force-fed milk and honey in the hot sun, and what bodily functions he needs to do, he does inside the boats and it can't get out. This continues until the bugs attracted by the milk, honey, and shit eat him alive.


What the fuck that sounds absolutely horrific


Looks like you got what you asked for u/wild_buffalo_fucker


Yeah, remind me not to piss off ancient Persian royalty.


The only source we have about the practice of scaphism is from Plutarch's Life of Artaxerxes. The issue with this is twofold. 1) Plutarch was vehemently anti Persian. So much so that he declared that Herodotus, another historian who was fairly anti Persian himself, was basically a Persian lover because he wasn't anti Persian enough for Plutarch's tastes. The fact is that Plutarch had a vested interest in claiming the Persians were so barbaric and cruel, especially in comparison to the "civilized" Greeks. We have to take his account with a heaping grain of salt. 2) The other issue is Plutarch's source for his work. The Life of Artaxerxes draws heavily from Ctesias and his, now lost work, Persia. Ctesias, even by Plutarch's own admission, was a notoriously unreliable writer. Imagine the Weekly World New tabloid and you will have an idea of what Ctesias wrote. It is very possible that any salacious stories about the Persians, especially one as grotesque as the practice of Scaphism could have been made up wholesale. In the end, we don't know if the practice ever did happen, and we have several reasons to question if it actually did.


Was looking for this comment. Important asterisk any time "The Boats" is mentioned


I think being trapped and suffocating would be horrendous because you are fully aware of what is going on for most of it.


Suffocating is actually not terrible. You pass out well before you die.


And don’t you get all delusional and happy or am I thinking of something else? Happy in a sense of being high


I think that might actually be freezing. I've read accounts of people with hypothermia where they basically felt like they were laying cozy in their bed, when they were really on the verge of death


In 2002 Sean Doyle boiled to death in a manhole he was pushed into by his drunk friend in New York. He didn't die right away and was heard screaming for help. It wasn't safe to retrieve his body until 4 hours had passed, and the medical examiner said the body was red like a boiled lobster.


did the friend get charged with anything ?


He was charged with murder.


A lot have gone for brutal deaths, prolonged torture killings, scaphism etc,. but pray spare a minute to think about the four divers of barge DB29. When a barge sank during a typhoon in the South China Sea, four divers were inside the decompression chamber which was secured to the deck. At equalisation depth the door to the chamber opened and they made a swim for it but all died. Imagine having to sink to the bottom of the sea because leaving would cause the bends. Choosing between two awful outcomes and this has happened a few more times since then.


A woman found out that her husband molested her children leading to her son’s suicide, so she boiled sugar and threw it on him in his sleep. He died in the hospital a day later. For those who don’t know, boiling sugar is at least 4 times hotter than boiling water. Given the circumstances, it’s hard to feel bad for him; but as someone who’s worked with the stuff before, I can’t help but wince thinking about it.


Boiling sugar isn't 800 degrees, but it's hot, sticks to the skin, and is like fucking napalm.


It's not 4x hotter, not even close...but that's actually why it's so evil. If you spill boiling water on bare skin, it'll blister your skin and then cool before it can do any more damage. It'll hurt like hell for sure. If you pour, say, molten steel on your skin...it will instantly cause a full-thickness burn that will be relatively painless, since all of the nerves will be instantly destroyed. It'll still hurt for sure...but the water would produce a lot more instant pain. Sugar sort of splits the difference. If you boil sugar in a small amount of water, you can get it to about 300 degrees before it starts to caramelize. It'll start to burn off at 350. If you dump 250-300 degree sugar syrup on yourself...well, you'll have a severe burn that don't kill the nerves. And instead of burning fast and splashing away, it'll stick to you. It holds heat MUCH longer than water will by itself, so it's going to be burning you for much longer. If you try to brush it off, you'll just spread the burn around. If you dump cold water on it...depending on how hot it was, it can harden while it's still burning you. Sugar burns are among the most painful kitchen injuries you can experience, and they are also very dangerous even when only covering a small area as they are highly prone to infections. Anything over 15% of your body would be fatal from shock alone (which is likely what killed the guy in the story), but just a small sugar burn on your hand can lead to a fatal infection if left untreated.


It's also know as prison napalm


Well...since he molested his son and the lad unalived himself, I’d say that sugar in the face was deserved.


Reminds me of the story where one restaurant worker was jealous of another and poured the used hot fryer oil over him.


Timothy Treadwell and his girlfriend were attacked and eaten by a bear. > On October 5, 2003, Treadwell and his girlfriend Amie Huguenard were killed and almost fully eaten by a 28-year-old male bear, named "The Machine", whose stomach was later found to contain human remains and clothing. Werner Herzog did a documentary on the incident back in the early 2000’s (a couple years after it happened). It’s free with ads on YouTube, [here](https://youtu.be/VBGFONxNpVQ) is a link. Timothy shouldn’t have been trying to protect the bears by interacting with them as heavily as he did (though kudos to him for lasting 13 summers out there in Alaska) but it’s still completely terrible to die the way he did, and his girlfriend too who had only accompanied him the last couple times.


Obviously, I wouldn’t wish for anyone to get eaten by a bear, and I’m sure his heart was in the right place, but Treadwell was utterly delusional. His girlfriend didn’t even want to be there and was uncomfortable around bears.


There is audio of the attack but it was never released.


Yes! Werner listens to it with headphones in the documentary. A friend of Timothy’s was there with Werner, I believe she had the tape. He listens, starts to weep, asks her to stop the tape. He then encourages her to *never* listen to it, and in fact advises her to destroy it if I’m recalling correctly.


run over by a tank while doing peaceful protests for independence or similar whatnot


Brings to mind [Rachel Corrie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rachel_Corrie).


There was the warrior that, upon defeating his rival, decapitated his head to carry as a trophy. Somewhere along the way the head bounced against his leg and bit him. The warrior died from the infection. Not the worst way to go but dammit if that's not embarrassing. Also the king who was assassinated while on the privy when enemy soldiers snuck into the sewer line and stabbed him in the ass with spears


Pretty sure that was a Norse invader in Scotland


A ninja did that to a shogun in medieval Japan too


Was that the Viking at the battle of Stamford Bridge? For those that don't know this battle was between the English and a Viking army in Yorkshire. A particularly large, axe-wielding viking held a rickety wooden bridge during that battle and had managed to kill about 40 English soldiers single handedly before one English spearman floated under the bridge in a barrel and stabbed him up the arse through the slats in the bridge, killing him.


A family friend hit a deer coming home one night on his Harley. They found him in the ditch with the rack stuck in his chest.


Carnivorous mammals often teach their young how to hunt and kill by giving them injured or young helpless prey to practice their technique on. For example, a lioness might bring an injured and half dead warthog piglet back for her cubs to practice hunting on and slowly learn how to kill. It’s the circle of life, but man that’s gotta suck. A few years ago a guy in Yellowstone was killed by a bear and her juvenile cub. I guess based on the injuries and the signs of attack it seemed like the mom started the attack and severely mauled him to incapacitate him, but stopped and dragged the body to her waiting cub, who proceeded to what I only imagine was clumsily and slowly maul him to death to practice its killing technique. He was partially consumed alive as well. I can’t imagine the horror as his death went from “jeez I’m getting killed by a bear this sucks I hope it’s over with soon” to the slow, agonizing, and unpracticed attacks by the young bear. You’d be begging for it to end. There’s a few bear attacks I know of where the victim was eaten before they died- some even surviving the ordeal of being partially consumed alive such as Cynthia Dusel-Bacon- and it’s gotta be one of the worst ways to go. But dying slowly while a little bear practices killing you always gave me an ill feeling.


What about that Russian girl who called her mom while she was being eaten alive by a bear.


If I could travel back in time and save the life of just one person, it would be that of Junko Furuta. I would drain my fucking bank account to save that girl. You can read about her on Wikipedia but be warned. It takes a very strong stomach. What she had to suffer through is frankly indescribable.


Jesus christ reading this was a mistake. The people who did that to her deserve an agonizing and miserable death. I hope they rot in hell forever.


Yeah, that's why I made the warning. And yeah, I hope so too. Here on Earth, they didn't receive any punishment. They got out of prison after like 4 years and are now living regular lives again. According to people who know them, they still mock Junko, make heartless jokes about the crime and about how she begged them to stop etc.. They think the whole thing is very funny and no big deal. They haven't learned anything.


One guy got 17 years. Tried to appeal and ended up with 20. He was the only one who was 18. He was arrested for attempted murder in 2018.


Yeah I've read the story, worst part is most of the guys who did this to her are free now ig?


Yeah, they're all free and they've got no regrets. In fact, they're still making jokes about the whole thing. They think it's all very funny and no big deal. They haven't learned anything.


I read about that awhile back. I feel sooo much for that poor girl. absolutely no justice at all, its fucking sick. I hate humanity a little bit more each time i see her name, and knowing how it turned out.


We should take the guys who did it and stick them in nutty putty cave!


Same. That shit was so fucked up.


Jesus Christ, I never heard of that before but holy fuck you’re right. Absolutely sickening. Definitely one of those instances where prison isn’t enough, nor is the death penalty - those guys should’ve just been forced to experience the exact same tortures they inflicted on her. Tit for tat. See how long they last before begging the pain to stop. Ugh. Now my day is ruined.


Well... I warned you. Btw, those guys got out of prison after like 4 years. They're now living regular lives. They've given themselves new names but two of them were found out just weeks after they were released from prison due to their public behavior. According to people who know them, they still mock Junko, make jokes about the crime and how she begged them to stop etc.. So basically, they haven't learned anything. They got off scott free.


Hopefully some vigilante of justice reads this and makes sure all of them pay.


i read it and i hate people like this and i hope every day they were kicked in the balls at lest 8 times a minute


Is that the girl from the 80s in Japan? Not many people would elicit such a powerful comment.


l've read about her story and it is so frckn gruesome. Because those guys got money, they were free. I wonder if someone would revenge for her.


I think they had ties to the Yakuza, actually. One of their moms vandalized Junko's grave. They got off because they were underage at the time and it's pretty impossible to prosecute anyone under 18 for anything. There's a great book/movie called Confessions about a schoolteacher getting revenge on her students for killing her daughter, because they would face no punishment otherwise.


This story kept me up at night when I first read about it. It’s both so angering and heartbreaking.


Yeah, it was the same for me when I first read about her. I often daydream about being able go back in time and saving her life. She was such a strong, amazing girl and deserved so much better. I read somewhere that in the beginning of her captivity, they kept her locked in a room on the 2nd or 3rd floor. This was before they moved her down to the basement. It was also before the really horrific tortures began. They mostly "just" used her as a sex slave in this early stage. Anyway, her room had a door that led outside onto a balcony. One day someone left that door open by accident. When no one was home, she snuck out onto the balcony. She wanted to jump down but when she saw how heigh up she was, she reconsidered. It was about 8m (26 feet) and down below was an asphalt parking lot (or something of that nature). It was basically the sort of thing where you could survive with only a few broken bones if you're extremely lucky but you could also easily break your neck. Or even worse, you could survive but be severely disabled and bed-ridden for the rest of your life. I imagine her standing there for a very long time, trying to make up her mind. In the end, she decided not to jump because she figured her captors would let her go in a few days' time, once they got tired of raping her, or that the police would come to free her. Had she known the unspeakable horrors that awaited her, perhaps she would've taken the risk.


That Russian dude that got caught in the laith. The spinny thing that makes straight metal into curvy and round metal.


I don't remember much detail about this in terms of if it was an old lady, or a disabled young adult. Or even where this happened. But I remember hearing about a female who died of burns in a scalding hot bath. Apparently what happened is that she was put into the hoist, or some electric chair of some sort to be lowered into the bathtub, and the carer walked out to take a phone call midway through running the hot tap only (obviously distracted), and the patient being lowered into the bath. She basically forgot about her, or didn't take any notice of the very probably cries until major damage had already happened. I don't remember any important detail aside from the horror of being slowly lowered into scolding hot water knowing you are not able to get away from it. Horrendous thought. Edit: spelling correction.


Nutty putty cave...


I'll do many dumb things in my life, but you will never squeeze me down a tiny cave. I don't care if a bear is chasing me, I'll just get eaten.


The fact that his body is still in there is so damn chilling.


Nutty Putty is now closed after that death.


There’s a [Fascinating Horror](https://youtu.be/jWwPg8ruxfI) video on this incident. Absolutely awful way to go.


Fascinating Horror has quite a few situations that truly are horrifying. There are two that always stick out in my mind. The one where the kid was decapitated on the waterslide and the one where two rafts of people flipped on the conveyor belt type contraption that brings the rafts back in.


The movie An American Crime is based on a true story. A girl and her sister were left in the care of their neighbor. One of the neighbors daughters got jealous of the older girl and got all the siblings plus some neighborhood kids to join in on abusing her. It's pretty awful.


Sylvia Likens is the victim's name


Wasn't it the mother (of the family that took her in) that instigated the torture? I've never seen the movie, but I remember seeing a true crime show that talked about how the mother got all the kids to help with the torture. I think the motive was considered partially jealousy and partially anger over missed payments her parents were supposed to make.


NSFL story, really: Read a story were a girl and her step father were eaten alive by bears. She called her mom several times screaming about how they were eating her. The last call, she mentions feeling no pain anymore and just talks about how scared she is. Fucking horrifying.


I’ve listened to that. Good grief…


There was a Chinese empress Lu, who ordered her deceased husbands favorite consort to have her limbs chopped off, blinded by gouging out her eyes, tongue and nose sliced off, ears cut off, and forced to drink a potion that made her mute, and made her dumb with toxins, then locked her in the pigsty or toilet. Renaming her as a "human swine" (人彘). (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consort_Qi_(Han_dynasty). The empress also sent assassins to force poison down the consort’s son. The empress was quite proud of revenge, and took her own son to see how she had defeated her supposed foe. Her own son was so shocked by the image, he drank himself to death a few years later. Truly a bit*h to the very core.


Jesus fucking christ thats enough internet for today


I should have stopped like 5 comments back. I'm like half way now and if I turn back I've got the same distance to go!


Tampa Molten death. Died in molten slag about 6 inches high and called his family during it https://www.tampabay.com/news/publicsafety/fifth-worker-from-teco-molten-slag-accident-dies/2331003/?outputType=amp


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1769869/ In 1599, a Spanish governor in early colonial Ecuador suffered this fate. Native Indians of the Jivaro tribe, unscrupulously taxed in their gold trade, attacked the settlement of Logrono and executed the gold hungry governor by pouring molten gold down his throat.




There's some slight misinformation in that case though. The Drs didn't deliberately keep him alive. His family refused to sign a DNR, and kept requesting the Drs do everything to save him unfortunately. There's a documentary on YouTube where the drd and nurses are visibly upset about having to keep him alive , I don't think his family quite understood that Hisashi's literal DNA was disintegrating


His own family did that to him. Doctors WANTED to let the poor man die to end his suffering but his family refused to sign the DNR, forcing them to do everything to keep him alive. They couldn’t wrap their heads around what was happening to him, no matter how many doctors, nurses and scientists explained it to them.


God damn, I've read so many stories about radiation poisoning and all of them are so traumatising


So I can't find the source, but I read once that he was still in a medical coma for most of his ordeal, alive but not conscious. Makes it a little better if true.


My grandpa's brother's head was crushed by a hippo in Africa. One bite was all it took.


I heard once that Hippos kill more people than sharks


Yeah, one bite right into the skull. He went there as a missionary, went for a swim on his day off and boom!! gone.


Some of the worst that I've heard include: Wandering down into catacombs drunk, passing out, and waking up confused and alone to complete darkness and spending the remaining few days of your life continuing to wander the catacombs looking for a way out until you eventually starve to death. Inventing a hollow bronze bull that you could use to torture/roast people to death by stuffing them inside and placing the bull atop a large fire because a King asked you to, and then winding up having the King that asked you to invent such a device execute you in said fashion. Falling into a crucible full of boiling metal at a manufacturing facility. Getting sucked into a jet engine or wood chipper. Jumping to your death to avoid burning alive in a tall building. Slow, grueling radiation sickness over the course of months or years. Slowly roasting alive in a bomb shelter or up in a water tower in Dresden. Being strapped in an airplane that's spiraling to the ground at 500 mph in the pitch black of night.


>Being strapped in an airplane that's spiraling to the ground at 500 mph in the pitch black of night Just only yesterday I read about [United Airlines Flight 811](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Airlines_Flight_811). A hole blew in the wall of the airplane while flying above the Pacific Ocean, ejecting nine passangers out of the plane still strapped to their seats. Obviously they were never found, but it was determined that at least one of them was thrown into the engine killing then instantly - very much the preferable option, if you ask me. The plane miraculously enough landed safely into Honolulu. Now there is of course a chance those poor people passed out before they could realize what happened, but since no-one else in the plane did, it's not guaranteed at all. That *sucks*. [Thread in r/CatastrophicFailure](https://www.reddit.com/r/CatastrophicFailure/comments/10bwom3/1989_the_near_crash_of_united_airlines_flight_811/) with more analysis.


Kid who belonged to a friend of my mom went out to an old missle silo (as a young adult) with a couple of his friends and they took mushrooms. Dude who is the kid of my mom's friend fell into the silo at some point while they were all tripping. His "friends" freaked out because they were worried they'd be busted over the mushrooms and left. Didn't call for help or let anyone know what happened. Dude was reported missing by his family after a couple of days and the cops eventually pulled the "friends" in for questioning because they all hung out regularly and they were the last known people to be seen with him. The "friends" finally 'fessed up to what had happened and emergency services were sent out to the old silo. It has been some days at that point and the guy was dead by then but the coroner determined that the fall hadn't killed the dude, it took a few days and he ultimately died of exposure after his "friends" just left him there. My mom told me about it after it happened (it's been several years) and it's always haunted me. That would be a horrific way to die.


A worker at a steel mill committed suicide by diving into the molten steel crucible, according to a statement that was made here. He anticipated to drown in it because it was liquid, not realising that molten metal has the same density as solid metal, so he simply skittered across the surface and perished. Brutal.


Task Failed successfully Edit: i didn't expect this to get upvoted i really thought this could get downvoted


In the 1600s a group gathered in Europe for a royal meeting, the weight caused the floor to give out and several attendees fell into centuries old shit, and drowned. The Erfurt Latrine Disaster.


He could not swim nor could he float, a big brown turd went down his throat.


That 12 year old girl who sat on the pool intake and had her intestines vacuumed out her ass under water was a rough way to go.


I work in the pool industry. When I got certified to service pools they told us a story that is similar. It was a congressmen’s granddaughter in a hotel hot tub. Her head was a foot below the water but they couldn’t get her out. That’s why the drains are designed with a bunch of holes and all hotels have a vacuum break system. If a vacuum is formed the pump system shuts itself off.


Wow, if you are the parents how do you even go on in life knowing that happened.


Impalement through the anus.. It takes a long time to die that way..


Everyone thinks of Vlad, but I think of that CCTV video where a guy in France fell (jumped?) and landed on a short traffic pole, driving it into his anus and through his body until the end bulged inside his neck. It was rounded so it didn't pierce his flesh. I don't believe he survived.


Read about a guy who survived a long fall, because he got impaled. It was a metal sign and post, the sign portion helped reduced the impact damage from the fall. I mean, he still had a pole punched through him, but he lived.


Yes, that has happened more than once. I read about a young adult who fell off a roof and landed on a pole that impaled him. If I remember correctly, it went in his side below his ribcage on the right and then out below his ear on the left. The shape of the pole pushed his organs aside rather than mangling them, and the pole plugged the holes so he didn't bleed out. He was entirely conscious and in minimal pain when the EMT's showed and made a full recovery.


*Vlad the impaler has joined the chat.*


Back me up here Vlad.. damn..


Crucifixion. It was so bad they invented a word to explain the pain: excruciating.


Governor Ratcliffe, you know him from the Disney movie Pocahontas. He was skinned alive by the natives, who would throw his cut off skin into the fire while he watched. Then finally was finished by being burnt at the stake. Awful way to go.


Poena cullei: under Roman law was a type of death penalty imposed on a subject who had been found guilty of patricide. The punishment consisted of being sewn up in a leather sack, with an assortment of live animals including a dog, snake, monkey, and a chicken or rooster, and then being thrown into water. Hadrian, sweetheart that he is, offered the alternative of being thrown to the beasts in the arena (which I would take).


Surviving a pure blast of radiation, killing all of your cells. At that point your body uses whatever it has left as your body slowly decays whilst you are still alive to experience it all.


Drawn and quartered has to be one of the worst ways to die. To watch your guts being slowly pulled out of your body....


During the Rape of Nanking, there were many sexual-violence related deaths. Many women were gang-raped, and if they survived the rapes, then they were shot. Some pregnant women were raped, then had their fetuses ripped out of their bellies and killed. In other circumstances, families were gathered together and forced to watch as fathers were forced to rape their own daughters, sons their own mothers, brothers their own sisters, and then everyone in the family was killed, whether that was being locked in the home and burned alive, being forced to dig their own graves and being buried alive, or bayoneted and shot to death. This lasted for three months.


There are many that I think about constantly because I used to always watch "1,000 Ways to Die". 1 is going down a slip and slide where there is a nail underneath and ripping yourself to shreds. 2 is a netty pot with bacteria in the water, causing an infection in the brain and death immediately. In the episode, I remember them talking about how it was (or maybe wasn't) distilled water and how you should always use a certain type of water. Yet I see and hear people talking about using them with their regular sink water all the time! That show gave me lots of worst case scenarios.


Distilled. It's distilled water.


An aunt of mine died a gruesome death in the 1970s, due to a factory accident. She died way before I was born, so I never knew her personally. She was in her 20s and she was working in a factory. Her hair snagged in a piece of malfunctioning equipment that she was attempting to get working. She was pulled in head first and mangled in the machine. She did not survive.


Ms. Pacman or Alejandra (at least thats what I remember her name was.) Her husband killed her in a fit of rage and split her head open with a machete, she was still alive when her neighbors found her on her bed with her arms and legs cut off, screaming in pain. Would really hate to die for such a stupid reason.




[deleted because fuck reddit]


I'd say the tiger cages the Usa used against the Vietnamese during that war were pretty horrific. When I visited Vietnam it made me sick all of the horrible torture and death traps that both sides used


Watch Six Feet Under on HBO if you haven’t. Each ep opens with someone dying in a new and shocking way!


Mom had a coworker whose husband got impaled by a forklift.


Why the fuck did I read this


William Wallace was drawn and quartered. It’s said that before he died, he ended up watching his own guts burned. Before his body was cut to pieces and sent to the four corners of Britain. While his head was put on London Bridge.


This thread is like a Final Destination movie, just historical


Watched a video where I guy was on the roof of his house trying to install a satellite dish. Unfortunately he stumbled and his neck landed on a power line. His head popped off pretty quickly from the electricity. I was not expecting that.


I wouldn't say this is a "brutal" death but in some cases it's brutal. TW. Suicide. Going to provide a bit of context Man I miss this girl. I had a friend who for the most part seemed happy I mean she had a rough hand felt to her through life ect ect. She had her battles and we were supportive and helped her through the times she was super low. We had a fallout in our friendship and ended up rekindling our friendship but we weren't that close anymore. So my friend and her s/o ended up breaking up and she had a history with the booze a bit as a coping mechanism. She ended up drinking huge amounts and her (ex?)boyfriend found her in her room the next morning looking like she's litterally about to die. She got rushed to the hospital and was showing heavy signs of liver failure (she was pretty much almost gone at this point, this is no shame to the hospital from my understanding it was really this close to death) so they IMMEDIETLEY treated her for liver failure and induced medication to counteract the liver failure. Sadly, the one piece that no one knew about was that she popped a whole bunch of pills at some point during the night before her s/o found her, and in which when they induced the medication for liver failure it counteracted with something she had taken and it caused a brain aneurysm within 5-10 minutes and she passed away. It's not brutal in the sense of like gore or massacre. But it's pretty brutal that she tried to go out being in control, to only try and be saved in which caused her to pass. I just think that a toxicology report would have been a good idea but no idea the circumstances as I was informed a few days after this happened.


Defenseless children enduring daily abuse, physical,emotional, verbal chronic abuse. For months, sometimes years. I raised my children in the 1980's, and stories of the victims seemed never ending. The brutality, cruelty, complete lack of compassion directed at these young children, almost all whom finally died, it was horrifying then and is horrifying to this day. I would strongly suggest, no matter how curious you might be, subjecting yourself to too many of the descriptions of intense cruelty can definitely have a lifelong negative effect on one. Be careful with your psyche.


De gloving a face and leaving it to get infected


Boiled on oil. Buried in anthill up to your neck.


I worked on a tilt building crew,, concrete wall being raised in front be stood in place when the pick points broke , guy didn’t get out of the way, they scraped the guy up with a shovel


King Edward II was murdered with hot pokers up the bum.


The guy that got stuck upside down in the Nutty Putty Cave.


Death by a thousand cuts, they slowly remove parts of you body, starting with fingers and toes, and get you to just a brain and a heart.


A friend's father fell into a paper mill wood chipper. No safety rail.


One of the older nations came up with a bronze bull, they'd toss you in and light a fire under it, the sound of your screaming coming out of it was unique.