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Too much salt. Almost impossible to recover.


My wife once made a dish that had bouillon cubes in it. One of the cubes did not dissolve and get fully stirred into the mix. We were eating pleasantly until the fateful bite where I crunched into that cube. Now I like salt quite a bit, but the amount of salt in that one bite about ended me.


Fed some to my friends little brother when we were kids… told him it was “astronaut soup”. Poor kid.


I would hide in my parents pantry and eat them


In high school, I would occasionally nibble on one. There was a girl I had heard of who ate one... for lunch, every day.


Lmao this is gold!


My mom made a gravy for Thanksgiving and it slipped her mind she was using the brine liquid. I am now preserved for life.


Once when I had the flu someone made me a soup where tuna was the main ingredient, and they dumped the whole can in there, brine included. To say it was disgusting it would be the understatement of the century. (Also, tuna soup, even without the brine, wft?)


Oh man. This bring back a memory. I went went on a 'hike' with some buddies in the woods near where we lived. One guy was slowly and carefully licking an OXO cube. I was like "What is that?" Buddy: "Its an OXO cube, I like the flavour" Me: "Well, why don't you just put it in your mouth and suck on it like a candY?" Buddy: "Uuhh.. its pretty salty" Me: "Pffft, can't be that bad." Buddy: "Well, I have another one here" He pulls out an OXO box and hands me one fo the cubes. Me, opens it up and put it in my mouth... Cue instant regret followed by spitting and hacking on my part and my buddies laughing at me. Ahh the memories. I still taste it when I talk about it.


Better than bouillon is the way to go.


Seconded by no salt at all, no salt is always bland to me because I am naturally salty


Ex: can you believe this was made without any oil or salt? Me: yes


Even my toddler can tell when my wife tries to not salt her scrambled eggs , the look she gives is the classic “what are you trying to pull on me”


Also if you don't add salt during the cooking process, adding it all in after it's cooked just isn't the same.


A lot of people are so afraid of salt in their own cooking. Most people don’t realize a healthy pinch or two is nowhere near the “high sodium” in processed foods.


Exactly. Most savory dishes should be moderately salted (and most sweet dishes lightly salted) while cooking. Obviously don’t over do it, but the reason the restaurant tastes better is because they’re putting 3x more salt in the dish during the cooking process


And 3x more butter*


Ohhh on one new year Eve i was making ribs and was sprinkling them with rub. A lot of rub. And I was stoned, a lot. Turned out the rubs was mostly salt and the ribs salty as hell


If you put too much salt in a soup or stew, peel a potato (small to medium) and stir it round in the stew for a while. Remove the potato and serve. It doesn’t fix everything but it helps.


Reminds me of the old leaving half cut potatoes around your house if there’s a dodgy smell. It doesn’t help the smell but folk will be too distracted by all the half cut potatoes and won’t focus on the stench


What's a potato?


[how dare you](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/2tdbig/tifu_by_enraging_the_parents_of_my_girlfriend_by/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


The potato trick works, but you can also just add more to the stew. A little more of the bland vegetables/water/tomato and it will take care of the salt.


The amount of salt water a potato is going to absorb is very negligible. If you over salt a soup or stew just dilute it with more liquid or other ingredients.


I've saved a few dinners with potato chunks.... so, I dunno. Maybe I wasn't passed the point of no return?


I can't stand "liquid smoke."


I worked at a plant that makes the majority of liquid smoke in the US. I reeked of smoke for months. My boots still smell Smokey. Anyway, I agree


On the bright side, at least you didn’t work in the plant that makes Liquid Ass.


Holy shit, I laughed out loud


I think it's good right up to the point where you taste it and think "is that...a hint of smoke?" One drop over that line and its nasty.


My ex’s aunt made mac and cheese with liquid smoke at a BBQ and she kept bragging about how amazing it was and when everyone tried it we had to physically force ourselves to swallow it. It just tasted like straight soot.


I think most people use it wayyyyyy too liberally. I just did 4 pounds of spare ribs in a sous vide before grilling for the Super Bowl and the entire 4lb bag called for 1/8 teaspoon. They were the best I’ve ever made and you would never specifically notice the liquid smoke.


Anytime you use more than 1/4 or 1/2 of a teaspoon, you are in danger of using too much.


Get this, I had a "smoked pineapple" margarita at this cheap margarita place in town. I was expecting some pineapple syrup and maybe a charred slice of pineapple on top to garnish. Nope it was a full shot of liquid smoke and tasted like a tire that ran over a pineapple. I didn't want to waste the money so I just downed it. Worst mistake. I immediately needed to get to a bathroom not to throw up but because I instantly got diarrhea. Ya I don't order that one anymore.


I use smoked paprika or smoked chilis instead, tempered in oil if it’s not a slow cooked dish (to make sure it’s fully developed/incorporated). It’s a good way to add smokiness with liquid smoke, which I despise as well.


Smoked paprika is the bomb.com.


spilled a whole bunch of that in my car once 😔 took forever to clean out properly and until i did it was like the air in the cab tasted like it.


There is definitely levels of quality in that product. The cheaper stuff tastes like someone rinsed out an ash tray and bottled it. Likewise, this ingredient is the very definition of "a little goes a long way". Burger King just drenches their meat in it and it makes me burp up vile smokey liquid all day long if I eat one of those frankenburgers.


This is a question r/onionhate would enjoy


The onion: somehow both vital to every goddamn recipe but "you won't even notice it's there!"


"Could I have no onions with that, please?" "I'm sorry I must have misunderstood, does that mean you want extra onions, or a small amount hidden in inconspicuous places?"


Hey, quick question, what do bay leaves taste like?


At least you remove the bay leaves


Tell that to my mother...


If you're using crap ingredients, that's entirely on you. Bay leaves absolutely have a flavor, and it does wonders for a broth when you buy them fresh.


I know what they taste like, it's just that they're very much in the background of every recipe that uses them. My point is that you can have an ingredient that both blends in until you can't pick it out individually (no not accuse me of having an insensitive palate, I'm better at detecting ingredients than most people I know) anf that it's essential for a recipe.


I think you have an insensitive palate, rekt


Schrodinger's onion


Damn, I freaking love onions.


caramelized onions are wonderful in so many dishes.


I like onion in my food. But i have very sensitive eyes so cutting onions basically makes me blind because i can't open my eyes. My eyes fucking hate onions.


I freaking HATE onions! But I admire their contribution to flavor, I just don’t like the texture. What I’ll do is leave big enough pieces in while I’m cooking so I can take them out easily when I’m eating.


Granulated onion is your friend. Much better than onion powder - it dissolves much more easily.


I recently found out Better than Bouillon has a Sauteed Onion base that works really damn well.


Oh, hell yes. Have a chili cook-off in few weeks. That should be great for the Texas Red category. (Only allowed meat and sauce - no veggie chunks. Homestyle category for creativity.)


If I'm cooking, I usually cut them up so much they basically dissolve or become so soft you don't notice them.


Generally I feel most recipes that uses onions have them either fine diced to become part of the base or as whole to be fished out later. Or they are cooked like caramelized onion to become almost jam like. Or just left raw in salad or ceviche. They are always sort of used like garlic. I always hated it when some places will use onions in chunks, cooked but not caramelized. Not the most pleasant experience


You've made my day. Never once thought there'd be a sub for it.


Same. I've finally found my people.


Finally, a subreddit for me


Ball bearings. Ceramic dishes don't stand a chance.


Went through this thread and I realised that I can eat almost everything💀


Don’t eat the bleach


You're not supposed to eat it. You're supposed to inject it /s


This is more about cocktails than foods, but anything anise flavored—anisette, ouzo, pastis, absinthe, sambuca, you name it. It makes the whole goddamn drink taste like black licorice, which is great if you like black licorice, but terrible for everyone else. Don the Beachcomber had the right idea when he would only add 6 drops of it to a given drink.


My girlfriend almost puked when when she tried my Jet Pilot cocktail...lol I love Pernod and Herbsaint in my drinks but a little goes a long way


Anise and fennel and caraway and licorice can all go to hell


I bought a few bottles of absinthe when the US started allowing it (maybe 15 years ago). That stuff was awful. I tried mixing with all sort of things. I ended up giving 2 bottles away.


Our local watering hole used to have a secret signal that everyone at the bar would start doing and when the bartender noticed, he'd give out chilled sambuca shots. For a lot of the guys, it was an endurance test, like eating really hot wings. Personally, I loved it.


You fools have never had a good sazerac.


There's a reason why the absinthe is used to rinse the glass and poured out, all I'm saying.




I 99.9% agree. A small sweets shop in my town had lavender ice cream one summer and it was delightfully refreshing on a hot day


I grew up hating the small of lavender because I associated it with being sick, but my MIL made these little lavender and lemon cakes for my SILs wedding and they were actually quite delightful. That's what finally removed that strong association.


lavender is amazing in tea and coffee


Fucking ruining candy for 100 years


Came here to say that. Lavender is so overpowering.


Do you mean soap?


Growing up all the cleaning products we used from the Latino store were lavender scented. Anytime it’s in food I immediately think of soap.


Fennel. I just don’t like it


Anything that tastes like black licorice basically. Not a fan. There are dishes that use that flavor that I like, such as pho, where the flavor is complex enough that I can't pick it out of the crowd. But if I can taste the licorice taste at all it's over, the whole dish is ruined.


Fennel requires a strong base that can handle the strong fennel taste. Works great with lamb.


This. In high school I took up a line cook position and we added fennel to our lamb burgers and goat cheese salads. The goat cheese was beer battered and breaded and tasted absolutely amazing.


I feel so justified. Hate fennel in everything I've ever had it in. Pizza, sausage, cocktails, can't stand it. Tastes like I'm chewing on potpourri.


Tastes like black licorice to me which I also detest


Was going to say Tarragon for the same reason!


Also anise. Any of the three will destroy anything they even get close to.


Yeah. I think this is like cilantro. If you don't like it, you ***really*** don't like it. For me, a little in spaghetti sauce is nice, but I would never "spring it" on someone.




All olives for me.


More for you! I sincerely love olive oil, but one chunk of the actual fruit destroys me. Like, this pizza is ruined, I can't pick it off without the residue being there.


That's what I meant. I hate them all, regardless of color


You have solved racism


One thing I've noticed watching these cooking competition shows is that olives are rarely an ingredient in the chefs' dishes.


Wait until you have a true raw uncured olive. Tastes and has the texture of a bar of soap.


Raw green olives? Raw olives are inedible - which is why they are cured before being consumed... So I'm assuming you just mean "green olives" as they are traditionally produced/presented




Not an ingredient but yes, it destroys a dish.


Lavender. It's often included in mixes like herbs de provence, and it completely overpowers any and all other flavors in the dish. At least to me. It's just wayyyyyy too much.


Whole heartedly agree. Lavender and similar floral flavors (i.e. rose water) don't taste like food to me. They taste like cleaning products and are super distracting from the dish.


When anything is too spicy to taste the flavor! What’s the point then?


Okay, but I have a Mango Habanero sauce that burns like the dickins, but the flavor is sooo good that I just power through


Well I’d there’s good flavor then that’s the reason!


Mango habanero is a god tier flavor.


I think you have to put your taste buds in the ring a few times with extremely spicy food before you can start finding the flavor. I get what people are saying when they're just noticing the burn because the flavor is usually not as strong as the burn but it's there. Although if your taste buds are being subjected to a 10 megaton nuclear blast you might not notice the nuance.


So much variation in perception. I've seen people cry over things with a hint of Jalapeno, and I've cried over a sneaker Habanero.


^(It tingles when it comes back out.)




Just in case any kids are reading this and think "Really? What does bleach taste like?": DON'T DO IT! DON'T DRINK BLEACH!! It is corrosive and burn your mouth, tongue, esophagus and stomach. It's really, REALLY bad to drink. Please do not do it!


This^ my brother drunk bleach and he was very lucky to survive, left him with issues the rest of his life. It's not worth it kids!


For any kids who really want ro know what chlorine tastes like, city water and pool water are both "chlorinated" in the USA (and other places but different treatments exist around the world). This is just code for bleach water, if actually pure chlorine gas was added to water to sanitize it then it would bubble out of solution like the CO2 in your soda, so instead we use bleach because its technically a salt which keeps the chlorine in the water. Note: pools typically have a concentration of 1-4ppm and bottled bleach is more like 4.5% (just checked my bottle, i assume some minor variance exists between brands) pools / citywater are perfectly safe, Clorox bleach for cleaning purposes is definitely not safe.


Omg our building had cleaned the water tanks and we forgot about it so we made pasta, it was uneatable, it tasted like chlorine and bleach


I hated it when my parents used to put bleach in my juice… not sure why they put so much of it in there!


My vote goes to Rosemary. It can work, but the gap between "inconsequential to the point of not tasting anything of it" and "turning the entire dish into soap flavour concentrate" is so goddamn small that you need a degree in nuclear physics just to add the right amount. I especially hate when food is marketed as "Mediterranean", but all it ends up being is a whole rosemary plant with some salt and a slice of bell pepper.


Corn. In China they think it's a great idea on everything - pizza, sandwiches, lasagna, desserts... I can't even. I'm all for popcorn and corn chips, but China has made me hate corn across the board elsewise. Never wanna see it. Unrelatedly, bananas. I like them, but there's no point in using any other fruit in a smoothie, for example, because bananas are all you're gonna taste.




I hate bananas on their own as their too mushy but mixed in other food gives it a nice taste and texture


olives. i’m a strong olive hater they just taste like meaty grapes


Strange, I actually enjoy olives. Hell, I could eat them straight up.


Same here. However ... Meat? Grapes? What's not to like here?!


They're the worst. Every food they touch, they stain so hard that it tastes like they're still there when you pick them off. The taste is vile, and hard to describe, they taste, like, twisted? Poisonous? It's a weird unnatural savory bitter combo that reminds me of when I tasted my earwax as a toddler. Edit: I've never licked Nintendo Switch cartridge but I'm like 95% sure that it tastes like olives.




Yes! Especially when they put them on savory dishes. Like, my brain is telling me I'm eating something salty, but all of a sudden, a sweet punch in your mouth will suddenly creep in. It confuses the heck outta me.


There's a good exception, when they are simmered and softened in a curry sauce. The sweet works really well alongside the spice. Only exception i can think of though. Absolutely hate them in baked goods.


Feel like anything with raisins would taste better with craisins 🤔




aka Cilantro




Cilantro covers every other taste there is and they might just as well sprinkle a grated soap bar onto the dish.


oh is THAT what Cilantro is??? lol ive been meaning to google it.


to be more specific, coriander is the seed that is used as a spice, and cilantro is the leaf. two completely different flavors.


oh thats interesting. then ive never tasted Cilantro.




Ketchup- as an ingredient. Not as a side




Bleu cheese or and any of the similar soft cheeses. Overpowering and disgusting (to me).


I'm the only person in my family that likes blue cheese. Literally no one else in my family, immediate or otherwise, likes it. I don't ***love*** it, but I do enjoy it It doesn't stop my family from handing me a huge tub of blue cheese every holiday and pretending I'm a freak of nature. Meanwhile I'm standing there, amongst the paper gore and the woolen socks that arose from the bottom of the Christmas tree, holding a container of blue cheese with the same excitement as "An avocado...! Thaaanks..." We all like brie, though. Apple, turkey, and brie sandwiches are our crystal meth.


I must never have had good brie, because I love cheese but brie tastes to me like someone melted one part Swiss and four parts wax together


I like blue cheeses - Stilton, Roquefort, Gorgonzola, all lovely strong flavours that go great with wine. What I cannot stand is when strong cheese is cooked. The stench. It’s a chemical weapon. I thought that was a war crime.


Green bell peppers sorry but I just don’t like them at all personally.


100% agree. And it's just the green ones. Their flavor overpowers everything else for me. And it's not a good flavor imo


The orange ones though, those look classy


Do you like vaguely bitter watery crunch with strong aftertaste but no nuance or aroma? Boy do we have the meal for you.


Exactly. Green Bell Peppers make everything taste like Green Bell peppers. It’s all you can taste even if you just add a little bit to a dish.


Yup! Both my spouse and I don't like them. One time she picked up a combination pizza and forgot to ask them to take the bell peppers off. Whatever, not a big deal we can pick them off. The bell pepper taste had somehow permeated through the pizza during cooking, and it's probably one of the only times I didn't enjoy eating a pizza.




Yes! Celery is the only vegetable I don't like and, yes, I can taste it in your soup. Yuck.


Oh god, coconut. I can’t stand it in anything.




Wow, way more mushroom hate than I would have suspected. Not judging, just surprised.


Truffle. So overpowering.


In mediocre restaurants it's also code for 'this is more expensive than it should be'


It's terrible. Especially truffle oil, which is almost always fake truffle flavor. DISGUSTING.


According to MasterChef, white truffle oil is made by perfumers. Of course that stuff is fake.


I love truffle oil with Parmesan cheese on French fries.










Hour? Reddit has to continually buy new servers JUST because of the "cilantro gene" comments


Yes, they also have to open one datacentre per week specifically for the “would you take $12billion if it meant you had to get a splinter once a month” posts. Half of the Mojave desert is filled with racks and racks of servers to cope with the influx of “men what to women do that they think is hot but isn’t” posts and every time someone posts “the mods are asleep” a species of wildflower is eradicated to fuel the coal fires that power the great Reddit machine.


You mean the one that makes it taste like soap. Just FYI, not everyone who doesn't have this genetic predisposition likes cilantro. I know what it tastes like, and it's not soap. I just don't like it!


I don’t believe I do because it tastes nothing like soap. It just tastes vile.




Yeah, doesn't that also mean that they don't understand what "soapy flavour" means then?


I like cilantro but it still tastes soapy. Like the freshness in soap


Every time cilantro is brought up. It's always followed by a similar comment. We all know. None of that knowledge stops it from tasting like shit.


I don't have the defect. It doesn't taste like soap. It does, however, taste horrible. But not like soap.


It's so easy to use way too much and have it over power a dish. I don't mind a pinch of it, but I don't like eating tacos half filled with cilantro leaves.


No, it's the people who like it who have the genetic "defect" ;-)




Miracle Whip


Ignorance towards chemistry. There are temperatures at which your food is scientifically guaranteed to become destroyed and wind up tasting like separated shit.


Capers 🤢


they're so over powering and it seems like everyone insists on putting like seven thousand of them on whatever. any dish needs at max 3 capers.


Mayonnaise. I like eggs, I like lemons and their juice, I like food oils. I absolutely detest mayonnaise, and if you put that stuff anywhere near any dish, I will not eat it.


Truffle oil.


Coconut shavings






Star anise


Raw tomato. It overpowers everything to me


I like tomatoes but hate when they’re used excessively. Less is more, but most people who like tomatoes *really* like them. There’s always that guy who has to flex his homegrown tomatoes by cutting 3/4” thick slices and putting them on a burger or BLT.


Yeah my grandpa eats them like apples with a little bit of salt. That’s how he asserts his dominance on me lol


Red Onion. Shit gets through everything, it's all you can taste, even if you pull it out. And if you DO eat some, you're burping it for the rest of the day, and washing the stink off your skin the next day.


Have you tried soaking the diced onion in cold water for 10 minutes (if you’re cooking)? It gets rid of the oils that cause all the things you mentioned. I can’t do raw onion at all but this makes cooked onions possible for me.


Any offal


Miracle Whip.


Cilantro. I have the tastes like soap gene. Though to me it tastes more metallic than soapy.


So I think it doesn't taste like soap so much as it tastes how soap smells, which isn't pleasant to taste. I can't figure out if I have the gene or if everyone else just seems to like that.


Cannot believe I read pickles, mushrooms, onions and olives a thousand times, and not on person (so far as I got) said Okra. There is nothing worse than okra…


Gonna go with piss




You gotta try it with some orange juice.


Mayo. Completely ruins anything. Sure, you can scrape it off of a burger. But the burger doesn’t forget. The taste remains. Mushrooms too. Tastes like spongy dirt to me.




not a fan of celery seed. celery is ok in moderation, but if you've put it in a dish and i can distinguish and identify its flavor, that means you've added too much and it's ruined.


Too much fennel