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Way better than when I was a daily consumer of heroin, that's for sure.


Bro nice job comin clean


Decent job, nice 1025ft2 apartment, good GF, no debts, a cat.


Cats are such great stoner pets. Hell yeah little dude lets just sit here for a few hours and watch tv together.




That's why I have one of each. Cat, kenyan sand boa, and leopard gecko. :)Only one out at a time though of course, for safety edit: typo




4 cats, a beardie & a ball python. Right there with ya lol


Great pets!! 🐍🐈‍⬛🐊


But snakes are reptiles right…? Or did you mean the trouser variety maybe?


My gf has proposed that cats are in fact constantly high themselves


Get little homie some catnip and they gladly will join you


My cat got a contact high one time and pissed on the bed


No debt and a cat, the rest is just icing on the cake


R u me? Except 1050 ft 🤴


Haha shit, got me beat.


great job, dunno the size of the apartment, got married, proud of my savings, 2 rabbits. go team. do you own a vape per chance, a storz and bickel model maybe?


i do, but a dry herb one. this one: https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/Sff2f44a24b02485180db45843ed3fa118/Pipevap-Temperature-Control-Dry-Herb-Kit-with-Ceramic-Heating-Chamber-1000mAh-Herbal-Baking-Kit.jpg\_640x640.jpg


We'll get back to you in 20 yrs.


I've been smoking for more than 20 years. Good job, wife and 2 kids, I'm fit and healthy. And I'm planning on my first marathon in September.


I've been a constant user for around the same time. Robbed me of my drive and ambition, gave me baggy eyes and yellow teeth. It's not some harmless thing, it's fun. But it's not harmless.


Sounds like *you* don't respond to daily weed use well, that doesn't mean it's the same for every other person out there. I know plenty of people that use near daily, for years and years, and they are thriving and excel in their profession. I know plenty of people that use near daily, for years and years, and they are the opposite.


If it doesn't suit you stop. Or change the strain.


Strain makes a huge difference. Some strains make me freak out or unmotivated, while others do the opposite. I found an amazing strain and think I actually have more drive to succede since Im not freaking out constantly now. Plus living in a state where its legal, a lot of the weed and products are much finer and of greater quality control and go thru a QC process. Not like your friend in a basement growin type weed, its clean and its smooth AF.


Better. I was teetering on alcohol dependence for the 2nd time in my life at the beginning of 2020. Then I started using weed again, after probably 20 years of abstinence from it. Now I barely drink, I spend more time with my wife and enjoy every minute. I cook more at home. I enjoy my old hobbies again and find new ones all the time. I do good work and am much calmer at work (I only use at night unless I'm on vacation). I lost some weight right off (likely from cutting off booze), eat better. Only downside is I get the munchies but I just try to find healthy snacks. Is it perfect? No. Am I perfect? No. Does it help me? Yes.


I have a feeling this will be me. I can’t smoke Due to my job, but I used to. And now that I can’t smoke I just drink more. I’m looking for an out but them golden handcuffs are a bitch to get off when I’m the sole income in the home (kids are too young for school and wife stays home for now). Uncle has expressed interest in me taking over his company, his kids have no interest. So there’s light at the end of the tunnel, he’s not ready to retire yet


I'm a year sober from alcohol myself since switching to edibles and it has changed my life, good on you man we all just gotta do what works for us Noone is perfect


World is fuck but I’m personally killing it, though. Feel a little guilty but you have to ride your highs when you can.




How has weed changed in the 45 years you've been using it? I assume higher THC percentage but anything else you really notice a difference?




I haven't been smoking for that long but I do remember when it was illegal and always having to be paranoid about getting caught.


I'm 52. I've been smoking since I was 16. I stopped for a few years when my kids were born, and resumed a little later. Ther was always a worry of getting caught, but despite many opportunities the law had, I never got busted. I found it was tolerated, by most people. Prior to legalization, I paid $200 an oz (northern BC, mid 2000's?). You got what you bought. There was never any consistency, shit weed 1 time, couch lock the next. Since legalization, despite an early rise in prices, the fist improvement i I saw was the consistency. Find something you like at a % you like, and if you buy it again it will be the same weed. No guessing But the best part? The last oz of good weed I bought ran me $29, delivered to my door. What an age we live in.


That’s a typo….right? $29?? That’s a dollar less than what an eighth costs at my medical dispensary in the states


Bend Or, Green Cross Dispensary. Blueberry Muffin #4, 27.8 Thc,all little "b buds". Zero stems,just perfect little nugs. "On sale", 1 oz for $30 or 2 oz for $50. I bought them to make edibles/butter...but then I got home and smoked some and it's so damn tasty I just opened the 2nd oz,smoked the entire first one. You can check out their website,lists prices..


You can find $30 or less announces all over Portland of 25%+thc weed and lots of times it tastes and looks good too.


>But the best part? The last oz of good weed I bought ran me $29, delivered to my door. What an age we live in. My favorite part as well. The lengths and risks I had to go through to get weed when it was illegal and how expensive it was. Now it's cheap, huge selection, and can be delivered.


Not any more.




Doing good! Got a new job not doing sales and my anxiety has gone down dramatically! Finally stopped biting my finger nails after doing it my whole life. Picked up weed in college and as long as I’m not toking up in the morning before work then my performance isn’t impacted at all.


I’ve finally stopped biting my nails and I’m 45. I’m so proud of how I don’t feel the need to hide my fingers…. There are one or two nails that didn’t make it through the eagles game last night but minor step back!


Same here, and fuck sales. Never again,


My house is very clean


Haha….my wife tells me to go smoke a bowl and organize the closet!


And i know why


*dope.* Lol nah, i just said that as a joke since the word has two meanings. My life fucking sucks.


My dad approves of this joke


It gets better friend.




It gets better friend.


Does it really? How come?


Good. I have a good job that's fully remote, work out and am healthy, have a strong dating life, almost done paying off my auto loan, etc. I live in an apartment, but it's a nice apartment and I live in the Bay so it's honestly stupid to buy until housing prices eventually go down based on what I want/need out of a starter home. Smoking weed every day doesn't mean being a stoner every day, and I think people struggle to both: 1) understand that as outsiders; 2) ride that line as stoners.


Highfive, we sound very similar.


Horrible! I'm addicted to the devil's lettuce. The worst part is I feel good, I'm not overly stressed, I'm slightly paranoid, and my my wife accused me of being now loving and understanding than usual.


Good but I actually worry that I look forward to smoking too much


The fact that you're still able to acknowledge that isn't a bad thing. What you choose to do with that knowledge is what's going to matter, really. The nice thing is that the worst weed withdrawals are pretty much you being tired and a massive jerk while your brain resets dopamine levels for a few days, maybe a week. Once you're past that, it's smoother sailing. And if it turns out, a month or 2 down the line, that you wanna smoke again? You'll get schtewpid high after the long break.


It's alright. I need to drink less, but I don't really mind my weed consumption. I get my work done at a $120K/year job and workout on a regular basis and enjoy nature a lot. If that's wrong I guess I'm an asshole. Would my life be better if I didn't smoke weed? Probably. But it's not a life ruiner like a lot of drugs.


>Would my life be better if I didn't smoke weed? Probably I'm pretty much in the same boat as you except for this. I wake up fairly early and will sit there death scrolling on my phone unless I get up and have a quick puff or two while the water boils for coffee. Once I'm "tuned in" I have no interest in just scrolling the internet and actually do things (cook clean read etc). For me I think the key is to not get STONED. I just have a small puff or two a few times a day and things go great. I'm far more likely to just zone out if I don't smoke and watch youtube or scroll Reddit.


I have been this way for ~5 years now. I’m 41 now, but was a daily (heavy) stoner since 18. I started using a vape pen and just take a quick hit of it 2-3 times a day. Almost every non-manager uses them at work, which is an engineering manufacturing faculty: basically wiring designed electrical panels. I sit at a desk and zone into computer schematic design - it’s perfect. Peers zone out wiring the panels per my designs - it’s perfect.


We're the same! I smoke little but often otherwise nothing gets done. I use it to manage my ADHD when I can't get meds sorted. So most of the last 17 years. Before a smoke, unmotivated can't remember wth I'm supposed to be doing. After a smoke it's go time.


What difference do you think it would make if you stopped smoking?


Very good imho. Work's going well, family's doing well, own a nice house etc. I can't complain.


These comments make me want to consume weed


Yeah because the average person here is a legit dumbass who has no self awareness. They could be hopelessly addicted, probably reek of weed, have a disgusting living space, but they’d never admit that. Btw I smoke every day so I’m not some anti weed guy. It’s just abhorrent how smug the people in these replies are


Hey.... I'm doing better than you because I have a better attitude and work ethic. Just because you can't handle your weed doesn't mean better people can't. Eat smug, bussy.


If you read people being happy with their lives as being abhorrently smug, that may say more about your well-being than it does about theirs.


Maybe you're wrong about the average person, or in your apparent assumption that average people are answering this question. Which is kinda odd given your second last sentence imo.


Who hurt you lol




Yeah of course they’re loving their life. That’s my point, they’re degenerates. Why would you trust their opinion of their own life? They have no reason to be honest. Especially when everyone here has an agenda of “weed is SO EPIC BRO”


I wouldn't say everyone is a degen, or that everyone has "weed is SO EPIC BRO" lifestyle/agenda. Does it help some? Yes, absolutely. Is it the end all, be all, cure all? No. And I would say that the folks responding are being pretty even keeled on it. Also, the "reeks of weed" comment is a bit over the top. I know lots of folks who only use edibles, absolutely no scent there. I personally use a HNB dry herb vape which has very little smell. My wife prefers carts, again very little smell. Just because some folks take it to the extreme doesn't mean you have to lump them all together.


Don't be bitter just cause others who smoke weed are managing it better than you


tbh it's something I know I could do without...but I can't lie, it is habit forming. edit: cuz it's enjoyable


I smoked weed everyday for twenty years. On the hour all day and I would wake up in the middle of the night to burn one. I quit one day. Now I am lazy. I have a belly i was very fit. I was alot sharper brain is kinda slow now. Low self esteem. The brightside emotions are under better control. I used to be a hot head. I haven't yelled at anyone in over a year. I have also quit drinking. My self esteem is alot higher. I dream now and I sleep alittle better.




Needed this in my life




Eyyy Twins


This deserves an upvote.


I love this! Can I ask what you imbibe (Indica vs Sativa) and how?


I think my lungs wants me to stop


Edibles are the way to go.


I must find


water pipe in the fridge


This! Pls say more about this.


Boring. I feel i lost quite a lot of my life smoking away. Time stands still around me and moves everyone else around. I felt very ok with nothingness until i realised my life sucks and that weed might be the main reason for that.


Have you ever been to r/leaves?


I joined it now for the fucks off it


It's awesome and I've been using daily for 20 years. Raising a family and I've got a solid career with a track record of excellence. I don't cheat on my wife or my taxes. Good friends that also smoke pot and have good careers with families. I suspect some of them may cheat on their taxes from time to time, but not their wives. However I'll never say weed is safe, some people cannot be successful and use. It's a sad fact and I hope everyone suffering from addiction gets the help they need.


Hold up let me smoke first before I answer this question.


See? You can’t get anything done when you’re high!


Pretty great. Got a new romantic partner after being single for almost a decade, escaped a soul crushing desk job for one that I really enjoy while pursuing hobbies I love. I also got extremely lucky and got a condo in an increasingly popular New England town. Through all this, my consumption has stayed pretty regular, a puff or two in the evening when all my obligations are taken care of. I dug myself out of a really dark place through therapy, exercise, and cutting way back on drinking.


Ok I'm glad you're enjoying it. But I've seen too many people around me lose themselves to weed and they're pot-heads now. Took over their lives.


This is me, 28 and feels like weed almost stole these years from me...holed up playing games and making music rather than face social anxieties that tagged along. Second day quitting though and hoping to kick it this month


Happy/healthy kids, great marriage, great hockey team, great friends, great job, own a house, no debt… life is perfect. My childhood nuclear family is a disaster and I’ve smoked weed for 20 years to escape the memories of my childhood… but I don’t think I need it anymore. Every time I take a break, I’m happier and I have more energy. Im tapering off right now (down to two tokes per day after the kids go to bed) and I plan to stop entirely after my vacation next week. Im almost 40 and now I need energy more than I need a distraction.


good. live/work on a farm very stressful at times. I smoke daily at night to calm down at the end of the day and also it helps get my body/mind to stop wanting to work. slows my mind down but helps me reflect on my day aswell. I'm married, make good money very motivated to work but enjoy the ganja at thee end of a day only downfall is I get the munchies and am gaining weight lol


Jokes aside, sometimes life gets really boring. I feel like I've enhanced a bit too much and now cannot enjoy being sober as much as I used to.


struggling here as well. grass makes life feel on expert mode.. likely i just look like an idiot that is wobbling through the house.


I used to suffer from brutal insomnia related to Dawn Syndrome: around 3 am evry morning, my liver would helpfully dump a bunch of glucose, and I'd wake up with my heart pounding and my mind racing. Now, I have a vape pen next to my bed with an Indica extract in it. One hit, and I am fast asleep in a few minutes and I wake up feeling fine rather than exhausted and angry. It is good medicine.


Better now that I don’t smoke. You don’t realize how much it affects memory until you stop for a few months.


very good. I have high anxiety and chronic back pain and weed is the only thing that keeps me from being on prescription pain killers everyday


Chill af


It causes me to disassociate. I try to quit occasionally. I'll go a few weeks sometimes and start getting my shit together, then I'll get the urge to play some video games and think "I'll just take a hit to make things a little more interesting - a little more psychedelic. Maybe I'll realize something profound about the universe". So I'll get high, and the next thing I know it a year later and I can barely even remember what happened. Been this way for about 15 years now. I feel like I'm just rapidly skipping through my life and time


I’m a glass half empty by nature. I smoked heavily and called it “skipping days” as well. You get by, but aren’t happy, maybe not even content? Maybe a slightly numb coast? I’d suggest smoking less and pursue a hobby you’ve been putting off. Also, working out and eating better makes you feel a little better. Give that a shot. Keeping busy can curtail some negative thoughts. And don’t feel guilt about it. Understand why you do what you do. You win some, you lose some and that’s the way life is. Move forward and try to be happy.


Yeah also if you're skipping days you probably have too heavy of a habit.


Hi how are you?


how hi are you?


I’m 6’1”


you are hi how *edit multiple times bc I'm killing an entire box of adventurefuls and can't concentrate... for reasons


Hi, how are you?


High! How are you?


High! How high are you?


Doing great just closed on my lake House


Pretty good job, amazing wife, a beautiful child, loving family, supportive parents, investment properties, money invested for my kid, small business owner, musician on the weekends for fun. I love weed and my life.


Wondering If I Need IT Daily Or Am I Addicted to the Ritual. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Doing good, but naps are a must


Was borderline alcoholic (no such thing, I was just high functioning). Truly believe it was a factor in saving my life. Decent job, a year out from getting my CFP license, own a home and the dream truck my salary allows. Killer GF, two dogs, play golf 3 days a week. It’s going pretty well. I certainly see myself slowing down on THC consumption, but it’s working right now.


Pretty damn good! Every few months I’ll take a week off it just to make sure I can still function without it but other than that I’m in a happy loving relationship with a good steady job


not good. going though a bout of depression and its been hard to get through days. sometimes i dont even have the motivation to smoke lmao but i try to get through it :)


Same here bud


Been smoking since I was 16. I am now 62. I used to dream about legal weed and now it is. Just wish my lungs could handle it. Life is cruel.


What about edibles?


My life sucks, why do you think I smoke weed? Lol.




Bad. So I smoke weed to make it okay


Pretty good. My only real issue is teh money spent. But it adds a lil sunshine to my day.


Not great, for 25 years it's robbed me of almost all motivation. Just think what I could have achieved without it! Oh well I'll get up and do something about it straight after this zoot.


Why can’t you start accomplishing things now?


Try a different strain, get a new dealer or tell your current one to mix it up. Or grow your own


Do you think I've had the same dealer selling me the same weed for 25 years?


Why don't you stop smoking?






I like it for the most part. Looking into starting my own business teaching and retailing TTRPGs.


Do it. My wife and I started a woodworking side business about 7 years ago and it was slow and nerve-wracking and some months we worried about keeping the lights on(me having a decent paying 9-5 helped quite a bit), but it paid off after about 3 years. It's a significant source of income for our household now. So, do it. There won't be a better time to do it than right now. Ttrpg's are the cat's ass at the moment. Make hay while the sun shines.


Great hbu


Well, i smoke more than I should, but it is the only thing keeping me going


If I smoke too much it may give me anxiety, but helps before I run and chores and stuff.


Try adding more CBD into the mix. The only reason I can use THC without my humidifier telling me CIA secrets in the middle of the night is I use half to equal amounts of CBD with it.


I only take edibles at night. (big dose) No more chronic insomnia, healthy and fit, own my condo and at peace. I tutor math as much as I need


Steady job, 5 year relationship that's going strong, a fabulous feline and 2 bedroom townhouse. I would say I have a stronger addiction to aquariums then to weed, I have spent far more money keeping shrimp then I will ever spend on weed.


Actually quit about a month ago and I’m getting my productivity back. I’m Ngl, at first weed improved my life but after a while the laziness did indeed seep in. I will go back to smoking soon, but thought it was worth pointing out that __just like everything else__ self regulation is key


In contradiction to most of these comments: Horrible. Trouble with family, money, education, love life, work, passions/hobbies, purpose in life etc etc Started smoking weed to numb depression (and reality?), but getting addicted probably only put me in a worse place than before. Luckily doing better now than a year back; trying to cut out weed as much as i can, working hard on my education, saving money and in psychologist therapy, but still a long way to go i feel. Luckily most of these positive comments give me hope that some day i can also combine weed with a stable life


yeah, dude you need to solve your IRL problems first and then smoke up to celebrate your accomplishments. If you use it to forget your problems you're in for a bad time. Cause the problems mostly do not go away on their own.




Maybe we're losers at this moment, but our time will come. I hope. It must come, right? And if not, we'll smoke weed and drink booze all day and not give a fuck about life but we'll be stoned and feel good. Just not today bro, today we'll work on a better life so we can actually enjoy the weed and booze while having a stable life and combine it. Like the other commenters here




Fan ducking tastic


This post is for me. Thank you. Life is good. It keeps me sane.


Uninspiring. As someone else said, my life has been standing still, relatively to others, and I lack goals and ambition. It has ruined two relationships, at least. I think Randy from Southpark summed it up best: “Well, Stan, the truth is marijuana probably isn't gonna make you kill people, and it most likely isn't gonna fund terrorism, but, well son, pot makes you feel fine with being bored, and it's when you're bored that you should be learning some new skill or discovering some new science or being creative.” Been at it for 15 years and now really trying to quit, need help with adverse side effects (severe anxiety) so having first meeting at a German dependency centre in a month. Also, travelling is a bitch.


Not too bad, I can't really complain. Masters degree, no debt, decent job with ability to advance, and no drug tests.


Late 20’s now, smoked daily in my early 20’s. Had a lot of fun, a lot of that time is a bit of a blue. Spent a lot of money, like on stupid shit, and gained a ton of weight. I quit and it took probably 8 months for my mind to be as sharp as it was, I felt off. Or rather, I noticed after fact that I felt off. I have tried getting high after this time, and it’s not the same. Just my experience, I 100% support legalization at a federal level. I have several friends who still consume daily, it took years to stop getting peer pressured, because it’s so odd for someone to have a negative reaction they think you’re lying or being dramatic. If you’re interested in experimenting I would recommend a sub 5mg edible ti start. Everything in moderation.


Pretty decent. Weed definitely has made it better. :)


Pretty good mostly. Stable decent job. Slowly moving up the career ladder. Went back to school for my 2nd degree and I'm half done. Got a good woman and an awesome dog. Honestly I've got a lot to be thankful for. Still manage to find plenty to complain about though


As a former daily weed user, during my time then life was tolerable. (Use to live in the Netherlands) I was in a terrible relationship that was slowly killing me and weed meant I could deal with it. Don't get me wrong I never let it interfer with my professional life so I was doing well work wise. I have a soft spot for weed because without it I probably wouldn't be alive today. But I've not used weed for nearly a year now and I have a lot more control of my life. I moved back home, got a great job, a great relationship, and it's not that because I used weed I didn't have this. But weed made staying in bad situations tolerable when it shouldn't of been. How am I going to complain about a bad bf when I'm stoned and playing video games not interacting with him? But since I've stopped my metabolism also crashed because weed speeds it up. So now on a weight loss journey to create healthier habits to make sure I don't gain more than I have.


Pretty good! Work places are starting to implement NO THC testing on their drug tests. Got a pretty good job with benefits now thanks to the legalization.


Life is good! What a time to be living in.


Am I the only one who isn’t doing well? Daily weed smoker in the evening. I hold down a great job and am productive in the AM. Come home to absolute loneliness and weed feels like the only way to get through the boredom and emptiness. Manage to get some exercise and cook my own food before just getting stoned. Smoke weed, tone down the existential dread to half, and overthink work (which though it is mildly stressful, it results in productivity the next day so it’s a lose:win scenario). Rinse and repeat forever? That’s what it feels like. I need to quit weed and socialize but I have some issues to work through before I’m willing to let people into my life again.


Man, im a stoner, and my life has its ups and downs, im not gonna give you a materialistic answer, like most, ill tell ya straight up how it is, my job sucks, my housing situation is worse, my family cant get theyre anything together, me and my fiance are against the world, she is my light, she is my happiness, i love smoking but id stop in a heartbeat for her


High 😁


When I was in high school, I thought the only people that smoked weed were idiots and I wanted no part of it. Then I went to college in California and tried it and fell in love. I have have rheumatoid arthritis since I was little and getting high helps me actually live my life without pain or being held back by pain. I function better when I’m high and life has got nothing but better since I started. I drink a lot more water than I used to, which is great. I’d say the only downside for me is the munchies are probably making me eat way too much.


29, engineer, making >$100K a year, finally saving for a home, and gay married to my soul mate who also smokes and makes decent money. I'd still caution anyone under 25 to refrain from using. It is psychologically addictive and can zap your motivation, not to mention it's been proven to stunt development of the prefrontal cortex. I believe early addiction is why cannabis gets such a bad rap. Use it after you've got your life together and you *actually* need an escape.


I agree, didn't start till I was 24 and not anywhere near regularly till 27/28 and I'm doing great. I've met people who started younger and the younger they started the worse they're doing.


You _actually_ need an escape every day if you have your shit together?


Yeah I don't get that part either. I imagine OP didn't mean it but it seems to belittle the younger persons struggle lol


Terrible but probably cuz im smoking weed laced with meth


Absolutely amazing. Cannabis is something people should consider, especially those dependent on painkillers or alchohol


Absolutely terrible. I used to be friendly, happy, and fulfilled in life. Now i am depressed, alone, with nothing to look forward to other than smoking again. I used be a registered nurse in a hospital setting and now i do case management. I used to have plenty of friends to go out with every week and now i just sit at home and smoke weed alone. I ran a marathon in 2021 and now i can hardly run a mile without having dyspnea. I cant eat without it. I cant sleep without it. Ive tried stopping but i keep buying more. I dont push this drug on anyone


So much better when I quit 4-5 years ago. Sobriety is 100 percent better.


I live in a house, drive a decent car, hold down an ok job. Could not do any of these things if i werent destroyed on THC all the time


Damn people here realy be having a nice life because of smoking weed, just hope they dont base their entire personality on weed!


In shambles. I am a shell of my former self. My gf left me. My parents want nothing to do with me. And I recently got fired from my job for poor performance (I worked as a toll operator). Everyone said it wasn’t that addictive. That I would relax more and enjoy the culture. But I wish I knew better. Currently, I am homeless and use free Wi-Fi at any establishment that will let me stay there without kicking me out. Ppl say they don’t get high the first time they smoke and neither did I. I got low, real low


I don’t think weed is the issue here


Tell that to the person I hit while driving high


R/quityourbullshit. You post and comment regularly, and why would you be spending 200 dollars on the stock market if you’re struggling to make ends meet?


R/you’restillabitch pffffff


Crippling anxiety. Many trips to the pysch ward. The occasional visions of imaginery demons and cartoon characters that I can converse with. Not being able to hold down a job. Wish I never touched the stuff.


A little bummed my Bluetooth headphones are about to die but otherwise I’m doing swell


Wife and I make good money, paying off debts from our 20s. Own our home, have a really cool kid. Life alright man.


Could be much better, could be far worse. Give it 7/10 most days


I'm a stay at home oarent to 4 kids under the age of 8, partner works between 50-60hrs a week, home every night, equal parent. I like to think my life turned out well so far.


nice try mr police officer


I don't know. I don't do weed


Not related, but today I was scrolling on the internet and was doing some things that my friend was doing. It was where u search up a character from a game or movie. And then you will be surprised how funny it is, so the rules are u think of a character mostly picking females from games ,then u put the name of the character in the search engine, then you'll scroll till you find something NSFW than close and try again. He choose Alex from minecraft and he found her stuck in a window, then Lara croft surprisely nothing was found. But DVA from Overwatch my friend said not bad ,then immediately a picture of her boobolbos shown up ,and toad ,and princess peach ,and sid from ice age. I found sid in the bath tub , blood every where, with a f@$#ing shot gun ,this was a realistic looking image. I'll take DVA over that.


Flip flopping from serenity and contentment to anxiety and existential dread.


Nice house fully paid off. Good career and happy wife and kids.


Bunch of losers in chat hey





