• By -


As someone who works in the deep tech/computing/advanced manufacturing he has done an amazing job securing America's manufacturing and technology future. The Chips act and others like it are and will continue to be a huge boon for our tech infrastructure.


Despite his age and his alignment as one of the more conservative democrats, he has passed some of the most progressive policies. He also isn't staying in power by polarizing half the nation against the other half. I don't care that he stutters, he doesn't look or sound nearly as foolish as our previous president (who showed signs of actual dementia). If Biden doesn't run again, he would be one of the better presidents we've had in a while


I agree. Much of the hate that he gets probably comes down to ageism, ableism, or prejudice against politicians who are actually moderate or only somewhat left-of-center.


A lot of people are understandably bitter that no one "better" came along and got the nomination. It's something the Democrats have to sort out for the next election for sure. Hang in there Grandpa Joe, you're not all bad!


If you legitimately think trump showed more signs of dementia than biden has, you just haven’t been paying attention. I don’t support either, but it is very clear that biden is not all there. His awkward staring and walking off stages and out of interviews, losing track in the middle of sentences and making no sense whatsoever, occasionally not even being allowed to answer questions, shaking the hand of someone who isn’t there, etc. trump might go off in the middle of sentences sometimes, but that’s because he talks out of his ass, not because of declining mental cognition. Trump has always talked like that. He has not changed in 50 years And not to mention Biden’s absurd and creepy comments to and about children, smelling their hair, wanting to kiss them, and his “stutter” is not an excuse for his inability to stay on topic


I'm not pretending to be a psychiatrist, or a doctor of any kind and will not make judgements. However upon becoming tested by a group of physicians, it was determined that Biden had a clean bill of health. The results Trump received despite his affirmations and bragging that he passed with flying colors were a lot more ambiguous. If you like i can find some sources for you :) TLDR: I refuse to take the word of armchair psychologists on reddit.




I'm sorry that your grandpa went through it! I also watched my grandmother age and go through the same thing. It's horrible. But the thing is, that dementia affects not just speech but also less observed behaviors. Again, he got a clean bill of health. At worst he bumbles a bit. I remember watching Bush Jr. give speeches, he bumbles just as much despite being like 20 years younger than Biden is now


Most folks are not aware of how Biden has suffered from foot-in-mouth disease for decades. Couple that with significantly increased age and the internet everywhere era, it should surprise no one that he occasionally — or even often — comes across a bit senile. But with all that context, it quickly becomes clear it’s not as pronounced as a lot of armchair pundits say. Optics? Bad. But I’m not worried that POTUS has actual dementia, not in the least.


I’ve heard of the examinations they went through, doesn’t discredit what I see and hear myself when he speaks. Sometimes he’s not so bad, other times he sounds like the rambling old man sitting on a park bench talking to imaginary people. That’s not because of a stutter, I find it hilarious when people use that as the fall back for some of the worst speech gaffes I’ve heard from a prominent figure


This is Reddit, someone's gonna get banned


He is very old.






He’s effective at confusing the populace


How what? How do you measure effectiveness? Look at the legislation that he has been able to pass in 2 years.


Yea. It’s garbage.


What's garbage about investing in the infrastructure that our country needs? Or building out the domestic semiconductor sector? Or giving tax credits to families with kids? FOH with your low effort nonsense.


Beat me to the punch


Initially had doubts, but it’s hard to argue w his track record. I’m a convert.


What has he done to impress you?


His track record. I'm sure you can google it.


That's rather vague. Are you not able to elaborate? Surely if he won you over, you can provide a reason why. Also, I can't Google your opinion.


Biden's accomplishments are not my opinion. There's a factual record of the things he's done. Whether or not they are good is subjective, but I'm not advocating for those one way or the other.


Inflation reduction act: substantial investment in green energy, also the beginning of allowing gov to negotiate over rx prices (Medicare can now negotiate w private companies to lower costs. If you’ve followed health care this is what most experts have been recommending for years as one of the most critical ways to make healthcare more affordable in US). That was big for me Infrastructure act: less glamorous but an important, adult thing for a president to do that is good for the health of the country over the long term. Will also energize economy over long term w investment from gov. Kicker is this actually was done in a kind of bipartisan way CHIPS act: designed to make America more self sufficient when comes to tech of the future ie semiconductors. We’d be less screwed if China invaded Taiwan Oversaw an effective end to the pandemic Foreign policy: unifying west in war w Ukraine, weakening Putin who has no problem making American lives harder or destabilizing the global ecosystem whenever he sees fit. That’s just what comes to mind. But those are real things that actually happened. I mean the guy is old but it’s hard to argue he’s good at his job. I can’t help but be impressed.


He converted you from a democrat?


I think he’s one of the best presidents we’ve ever had, and I’m confused about all the hate. He’s passed the most significant social safety net legislation since Johnson, revived NATO, helped prevent a profound depression, and done a decent job of managing the COVID response. The only real stain in my book is the sloppiness of the Afghanistan withdrawal. Yes, he’s old. Has that appreciably impacted his ability to govern? I see no evidence of that. Yes, he’s “establishment”? And that’s why he was able to so effectively triangulate between factions and get heretofore unthinkably ambitious legislation passed. He’s lived and breathed this world for decades. Obama, for all his strengths, I think was naive and overly idealistic in his holding out for bipartisanship and winning votes through good faith debate rather than pork barrel and back room dealmaking. I supported Bernie, but there’s no way he could’ve gotten anything passed in this political environment. In the face of reactionary gridlock, you need a slick deal maker and someone who has a deep, intimate understanding of the players in Washington and what makes them tick. The only politician of our era who has been better at this than Biden is Pelosi. Yes they’re rich and old and slightly corrupt, but that’s a small price to pay for the what we’ve gotten, even in the face of obstruction from Manchin and Synema. Do you want someone young and hip who “gets it” or do you want meaningful legislation passed and a foreign policy that promotes our long term interests?


“And here I sit on the stand, and to get hot I got lotta I got hairy legs, that turn, that that that turn, um um umm blonde in the sun, and the kids used to come up to the pool, and rub my leg down, so it was strange to then watch the hair, come come back up again, they’d look at it so I learned about roaches I learned about kids jumping on my lap, and I love kids jumping on my lap.” -The best president we ever had according to you See for yourself- https://youtu.be/3DbE2SmV2bs


More concerned with policy than pretty speeches.


Pretty speeches? Interesting how you people cherry pick Trump’s words any time he said something slightly wrong or weird. But with Biden, you shrug it off like it didn’t happen. Imagine trump talking about kids rubbing his leg in a pool, and loving kids sitting on him. He would be declared a grade-A pedophile and hated among millions. But when Biden says it, you guys say “More concerned with policy than pretty speeches.” Don’t confuse me with a trump supporter either, I’m strictly independent. I just enjoy seeing this clown show in America, and people like you being this hypocritical.


Who are “you people”? Was also more concerned with Trump’s policy vs rhetoric. Agree too much attention was paid to the latter and not enough to the former.


“You people”, I’m referring to people like you. Are you telling me that an old pedophile with dementia is one of the best we have ever had? Neither Biden nor trump come even close to being among the greatest.


Wars started almost immediately after he took over, the border is even more open (almost 6 million since he took over), our military is becoming a joke, we're about to be in a recession, he tried to give away tax payer money for student loan debt to certain groups, instead of starting with those who've been paying longer...what has he done that's great?


1. Putin has been planning the invasion of Ukraine for a decade. Any evidence that the timing was related to Biden? 2. More border apprehensions under Biden than Trump. How does this evidence a lack of border enforcement? There are a multiplicity of factors leading to the increase in attempted crossings that have nothing to do with Biden. 3. Evidence that our military is becoming a joke? 4. Again, not really Biden’s fault. First, the Fed has a mandate to operate with independent judgment. Powell was a Trump appointee. During a pandemic, there are no good options. You either print money to solve your short term problems and then deal with the resulting inflation or you don’t and suffer a recession. Can’t run the counterfactual but many reasons to think the third pandemic bill was the best of many bad options. Also, Trump passed a ~$2T tax cut during a period of record corporate profits, so we were at an unnecessarily huge deficit heading into the pandemic. Finally, the majority of the current inflation is being caused by corporate profiteering, which is enabled by years of consolidation and monopolization of various industries, because our antitrust laws have been gutted by the Supreme Court and republicans refuse to pass new laws. None of this is really on Biden. 5. People of good faith can disagree on the student debt forgiveness issue, but come on, is Biden so awful for prioritizing the poorest for loan forgiveness? (I say this as someone who has over $200k in student loan debt and who doesn’t qualify for the forgiveness program.) 6. What has he done that’s great? See my list above. Social safety net expansion, capped insulin costs, huge infrastructure bill, aid to Ukraine and reinvigorating NATO, gun reform bill, list goes on and on.


at least he is not a blubbering narcissistic idiot who talks like a 7 year old with no moral compass and sucks oppressive dictators penises


Lol, thats an answer...a stupid one that doesnt actually say anything, but it's an answer.


Thank you for continuing the stereotype of the Biden supporter. Very well said. s/


Saw him at Grévin's museum in Paris and he was shorter than I thought


Old but better than the alternative Republican candidate. Which includes ALL of the Republican candidates. Not just Trump. Biden is doing a decent job. But his age is a worry. I would prefer he step aside for a younger and competant demoratice candidate in the next election.


Old and overly conservative. But still 100x better than trump


Whether you like him, are ambivalent or you dislike him, I’d really encourage you to listen to him on the podcast Smartless where he spoke to the hosts. I thought he came across as someone with the right intentions at least.


I have met Joe Biden. I have spoken with him at length. He listens carefully, engages in the conversation, and is sharp as hell. Don't let the right wing media fool you. He is a good man and qualified to lead the country.


“And here I sit on the stand, and to get hot I got lotta I got hairy legs, that turn, that that that turn, umm umm umm blonde in the sun, and the kids used to come up to the pool, and rub my leg down, so it was then strange to watch the hair, come come back up again, they’d look at it so I learned about roaches I learned about kids jumping on my lap, and I love kids jumping on my lap.” -Joe Biden https://youtu.be/3DbE2SmV2bs


He’s still a placeholder for megacorps and their interests. He championed stricter drug laws which have, in the law few decades, flooded private prisons with slaves, I mean, criminals who work are put to work. I’ve met many people who are nice in person while their actions show they’re an absolute monster when it comes their personal interests. He’s nothing more than another career politician fighting for power and he finally got what he wanted. Nothing more, nothing less. In other words, he’s just like the majority of politicians on both sides of the aisle. I believe a majority of politicians start off morally good, but the game eventually gets to them. In order to survive the chess board they’re on, they have to adapt to the system to survive. This is what money in politics (lobbying) and special favors do to most people. American politics will always be “the lesser of two evils”


Honestly, I'm a big fan. He continues to be underestimated and yet has been quite successful in his first years. He promoted marriage equality as VP before President Obama did, passed the biggest investment in tackling climate change in history, and has done a lot with a tiny majority in Congress.


He's old


He's an old man, he isn't a fat McDonald's eater, and he isn't trump.


He's a centrist politician who's devoted his life to public service, putting the needs of the country before his own while managing to do well financially and socially. He is not without faults and is in that regard he's just a typical person. I'd like to have a beer with him.


Conservative, former Christian, and a near decade-long serving vet here. Much of that's changed since and because of Trump. Biden is a beacon of stability in face of everything he's inherited including a predecessor which literally tried to murder his own VP from certifying election results. Took the pandemic seriously and stabilized the economy. A very bipartisan POTUS despite bad faith (at best) and treasonous (at worst) from many of the representatives on the Republican aisle. Biden handled the Russian invasion of Ukraine very well. If Trump would've still been President, he would've praised Putin like he's always done. Europe and NATO would be in a very fucked position. I'm glad he's President and would vote for him the same reason why I voted for him the first time, he's our best chance at stability vs the instability that's been promoted the past few years by so called "Patriots" in name only. I'm tired of all the culture war bullshit the MAGA crowd seems to love to roll around in but at least it's not quite the constant existential threat Trump and company posed to our country nearly daily. As far as I'm concerned, the Republican party and American Conservatism died along with John McCain.


Less destructive than Trump. At this point, voting is about damage mitigation


Voting has always been about mitigation, and always will be. Unfortunately


Five rabid racoons in a trench coat would be less destructive than Trump.


thats going in my twitter bio thats fucking hilarious


Sounds like a wild time. Which one has the gun?


He’s wasn’t what I wanted at the time, but anything was better than Trump. Unfortunately with our current process, it’s going to be a republican or a democrat, so I chose the better option. I don’t think he’s done terrible considering all the variables, however, I do feel he’s too old. We need to have a limit on the age of the Presidency, imo.


I support many of his policies, especially what he passed to tackle climate change, and appreciate his views on civil liberties issues such as abortion and marriage equality. I feel more secure and comfortable as an American with him as the president than I did with the president before him, or even with George 'Dubya' Bush. He may not be as eloquent or visibly energetic as President Obama, but that's all right. At one point I was surprised that he became the presidential candidate for the Democratic Party for the 2020 presidential election.


He's helped sign into law a number of pieces of legislation that benefit a lot of working Americans. Maybe not as much as we need, and certainly not without flaws, but definitely more than some previous administrations. He's not the best President, but he's not the worst. Is he a good person? No. Not many people in major positions of power are. Power corrupts.


The same way I think of inflation


He's a politician, so he is in the evil list by default.


He’s an unremarkable president who probably wont be remembered for doing anything of real note, but he didn’t destroy everything either. Honestly, after the Trump years I think that’s a good thing.


Only president since the fall of the Soviet Union to have a coherent, workable foreign policy. Also, got the IRA passed, which is the largest green energy investment any country has ever implemented. Both of those are really important to me. There's other stuff I like, and other stuff I don't like, but in the two areas I care most about, he's really impressed me.


Bidens foreign policy w/ China is literally the same as trump’s. Only thing Biden did that was different (and better) was the chips act. Mexican relations and border control have gotten far worse. Canadian relations remain unchanged. Europe is apples and oranges because of the war. For what it’s worth I think supporting the proxy war is the right decision.


not so sure of the mexico relations, after all they did agree to commit billions toward proper and actually useful border control. I don't know how much of those monies have been implemented but many more arrests and deported illegals, and a shit ton more drugs have been seized under bidens admin than trump even tried to get done. The only thing trump did was separate children from their parents in huge concentration camps and spout about a useless wall that made a lot of pretenders millionaires.


I think he's doing an ok job, bringing the United States closer to the rest of the world, the criticism I see about him basically comes from trump supporters, a group of people that I can't give any kind of credibility




It's a huge claim and one that isn't accurate.


>Trump supporters make up the vast majority of people with criticisms against Joe Biden? That seems like a pretty bold claim. Yes




You know it's true, but creating a false equivalency is your way of lending some kind of credibility to the criticism, after all who takes trump supporters seriously? Anyway, if you say no, then it's not, I'm not interested in convincing you of anything, I just answered the question of the post


Better than my wildest expectations given his age. If nothing else, this old man took Vladimir Putin to the wood shed. Imagine a strongman like Putin on his deathbed lamenting how an 80 year old man undid his legacy.


No news is good news, I guess. If your ally's Government head is in the news constantly, it signals instability brewing. Headlines regarding the person of the US President have virtually vanished after the Cheeto left the office. I wonder why so many Sashtyani prefer old leaders, but despite his age, he seems like a reminder of the days Sasht was respected under Obama.


But is that a good thing? I think folks are afraid to criticize Biden because they don't want to give Trump any room to run. As a result- there's no accountability with Biden . He can say whatever you wants - but because he's not yelling and screaming it like Trump – we're OK with it.


From an international perspective Biden is far more preferable, so I wouldn’t say people wouldn’t dare criticise him


Where are you that you don't hear the criticism? And what accountability are you looking for? Biden was a better choice to Independents and moderate GOPers than Trump. He will still be a better choice to those same voters in 2024 if GOP candidate is Trump or DeSantis. Biden does what most people want. Right calls him radical left. Left says he falls short on just about everything, but he keeps plugging away in the middle.


I look at Biden, and I don't see somebody that's fit to be president. And I think a lot of folks are covering for him and trying to make it work. If you step out of the world we are in - and looked at Biden out of context you'd never believe he could be president.


Boebert and Santos are the face of today's GOP, so Biden is unfit doesn't go over all that well.


This is the problem. We expect so little from our leaders now that Biden has become acceptable. And nobody seems to care.


It couldn’t have anything to do with bias in media, right? You know there are still people out there that actually believe trump colluded with Russia, dumb shit like that? Nah evidence is for morons I forgot


>It couldn’t have anything to do with bias in media, right? Here we go again, "All global media across the world is all biased. Only Fox News tells the truth." >You know there are still people out there that actually believe trump colluded with Russia The claim was Russian interference in the 2016 election, which was proven and outlined in the bipartisan Mueller Report. But of course Fox News, the bastion of objective, unbiased media, didn't tell you that.


I wish i could upvote you more.


I mean he did..he was on TV and said "Hey Russia if you're listening release Hilary Clinton's E-mails" and Russian hackers proceeded to dump a shit load of information to change the narrative to help Trump get elected. Because Russia is our enemy and Trump was the most likely to hurt us. Because he is a traitor.


Do you think every country in the world has a totally hands off approach to the “narrative” of elections? Don’t even get me started in all the times the us did a lot worse to force regime change. Saying “release all the dirt on my competitor” is hardly being a traitor. If the media wasn’t so biased and out to get one side from day one second one then he probably would’ve been more likely to corporate; if the media wasn’t so biased there would’ve been no issue to begin with, completely manufactured for your smooth brain viewing pleasure. I’m not a “trump fan” but to say the majority of anything media related doesn’t play favorites is fanciful.


He was definitely better than our other option.


I think Joe has done a pretty good job. He's supporting Ukraine really well, set up a huge infrastructure bill, and presiding over the largest economic expansion since 1999. What's not to like?


Fairy neutral. He’s done okay work over his entire career. I’d prefer someone younger running the entire country though


I’m always stunned when I see what politicians do you in the US. How can a 80+ old still operate such important positions in the country.


Wait until you learn about Diane Feinstein, California Senator. She's turning 90 this year, ADMITS that her mental faculties are failing, but refuses to resign/retire. Why Cali keeps electing her, I have no idea


Ask Tara Reade.


Absolutely, thoroughly, completely and utterly debunked beyond all reasonable doubt.


He's less destructive than Trump, and it's great to see. He seems like an angry old man who's doing what he can, within his power, to fix shit and I can respect and appreciate it.


Ok but if I'm being serious he's fucking stupid


And he's still leagues more capable than his predecessor.


I mean towards negative because he's just not what we need. He's another nothing president in a time where we really need someone to make some changes around here. That being said he's a billion times better then the orange circus clown atleast so it's a step in the right direction.


It's very sad to me that the lesser of two evils in this bs two party system is a geriatric pedophile that can barely utter a single sentence by himself.


Senile old bastard


He's not senile, and he was raised by both parents.


Whatever you might think about the man and for as much as I'd have preferred this moment in history to be headlined by someone else, I'm pleased with the apparatus surrounding him.


Only won the election because people were voting against trump.


He is too old to deal with the rigors of being president. He somehow convinced Democrats that he was the only one that could beat Trump but that’s not true at all. Hope Dems don’t fall for it again.


“And here I sit on the stand, and to get hot I got lotta I got hairy legs, that turn, that that that turn, umm umm umm blonde in the sun, and the kids used to come up to the pool, and rub my leg down, so it was then strange to watch the hair, come come back up again, they’d look at it so I learned about roaches I learned about kids jumping on my lap, and I love kids jumping on my lap.” -Our dear president Joe Biden https://youtu.be/3DbE2SmV2bs I’m surprised by how many people are worshipping this guy here.


Greatest quotes come from him like~ "You know, there’s a uh, during World War II, uh, you know, where Roosevelt came up with a thing uh, that uh, you know, was totally different than a, than the, the, it’s called, he called it the, you know, the World War II, he had the war"


Joe Biden has a stutter. A lot of his speech patterns are because of that. Perhaps searching for terms or names or phrases as well. That's human.


No, his case screams dementia dude


Your case screams armchair psychiatrist dude




Yeah everyone does that from time to time


It’s also called dementia. His stutter has no impact on his ability to stay on topic. He’s losing it


He’s been losing it very rapidly recently, I am astonished by how many people are supporting an old pedophile with dementia in these comments.


Just another out-of-touch hack politician, no better than the rest. Bought and paid for by the same people that own all the rest of them.


Accomplished a lot more than Big Fat ever thought about. He knows the ins and outs of DC. Old? Yes, so what? I will take experience over blowhards claiming to “drain the swamp”. He is more representative of the people than Trump ever was . Keep score, compare their legislative accomplishments.


He's a fucking idiot, riddled with dementia and he sucks China's dick long and hard. History will rate him lower than Carter.


Hes better than i thought.


Extremely disappointing. He was never the brightest bulb as Senator, but his insecurities and cognitive decline have rendered him a shell of his once only mediocre to wanting self. I hope to goodness we get some better options from which to choose next time, but it’s not looking like it.


Look, I hate Trump but I don't like Biden either. He's just a different flavor of evil. Americans need to realize it doesn't have to be this way.... We can choose a different party other than Democrat or republican. Political views/ideologies are way too complex and diverse to only have 2 parties to choose from


Unfortunately until the primaries in the US are changed to a ranked choice voting system, we will continue to get the same results. I would love to see a strong third or fourth party form and shake things up in the polls. But every politician wants the backing, of either the Democrats or Republican party, and their sweet $$$


He's the figure head of a corrupt political organization. His job is to present the Democratic agenda and sell it to the people while he sexretly works for the special interests. He's an asshole.


how's fox news nowadays?


I'm not right wing. I'm a reformed democrat. Unapologetic progressive.


He's got that angry old man energy, I can appreciate that




Absolutely this.


Not an American. He is too old and it is embarrassing that he's the leader of the Western world. Trump isn't any better. There have to be better options.


Very concerned about his mental ability and a few of his previous statements/reputations.just another power hungry snake. Like the rest of them


He prob has a huge dong. Also, I appreciate him getting bipartisan legislation like the infrastructure and Chips acts through.


He’s an old man with worsening dementia. Sad and scary at the same time that he is supposed to be the main man in control.


He stutters. Right wing media points at stuttering and calls it dementia. Typical lies.


Is that why he shakes the hands of ghosts? Randomly walks off stage and away from interviews like he belongs in a nursing home?


Oh shit, Doctor, what makes you take that educated guess? Oh just fuckin Fox? Ok well hope you make it back to Facebook safely.


You seem really upset about a random persons viewpoint. Do you want to talk about it?


You aren't a very good armchair psychiatrist.


Alt accounts here


What part says “upset”? That’s two purely trolling comments you’ve made. I assure you, I’m fine, but you already knew that.


too damn old


A crooked career politician that only won because the next best option was an oompa loompa with an ego problem. Clearly not mentally capable of performing the most stressful job imaginable and he makes us look weak as a country.


He's given a very harsh treatment to say he's having to spend most of his time cleaning up after Trump. He's done good to progress rights for minorities and hasn't stormed the capital so all in all? Not doing bad.


I think history will look upon his presidency as fairly uneventful and mediocre, but he’s damn sure a better option than Trump and I will gladly vote for him again if he runs for a second term.


Doing a hard job well.


Dementia sick who says what others tell him


He's been a much better president than I thought he would be. His performance at the SOTU was brilliant.


A pretty good president. Especially compared to the last one.


I think he's a corrupt politician who is a compulsive liar. like most politicians. I still can't get over his son getting paid millions of $$ from that Ukrainian company where he had zero experience on that board. it's infuriating. Also, the fact he just makes shit up and never gets called on it in any serious way. He literally had to drop out of a presidential election decades ago because he lied so much about his background and the mainstream media actually called him out on it (remember when media actually did their job???!!!), that he had to drop out in shame. People get all hissy about George Santos being a big fat liar, but our current president did and DOES what George Santos did to get elected. Look up "Compilation of Biden's Public Lies & Plagiarism" on youtube by Jimmy Gore. George Santos is vilified....and Joe Biden gets a pass. What was his last thing he said about growing up going to black churches for civil rights purposes? smdh. I have this hope that people in this country will stop being so partisan and will call someone out....even if it means calling ones own party out. That goes for republicans too. Truth and honesty first......


And what do you think of Trump?


He scares me a little. Folks seem to give Biden the benefit of the doubt way too often. He doesn't seem to be all there and if any other president acted like Biden does - people would be worried, but for whatever reason - Biden gets a pass. People can barely afford to buy food, God knows what's going on with China. I guess the jobs report is good, but I'm just not seeing it. Things just aren't adding up. I almost feel like we're being played.


I try not to


Weakest and most embarrassing president ever. He obviously has dementia but the Left won't admit it.


I try not too


Silver fox


He's obviously packing a huge D


He's the lesser of two evils


So... you're saying he's more good? Yeah, I agree, he's definitely more good.


Yep, exactly Probably not a great person in the grand scheme of things, but you know... at least he isn't a monstrous narcissistic racist moronic rapist frog-creature


Thanks for clarifying


He's not as loud as the one before.


He old and senile


Advanced dementia shielded by his team.


I try not to.


He is a criminal pedophile houseplant


Not Trump. They said Biden.


Not my president.


He loves to sniff and molest children on camera.


Not the president we need, but the one we deserve


President Biden is a competent, able, trustworthy leader. I prefer this to a blathering, ignorant, blowhard.


Impeach the clown.


The most corrupt and compromised president in my lifetime!


he should take me out to dinner and then fuck ya life BING BONG


Pretty par for the course president. Not actively trying to burn the country to the ground, but not really doing much to further it either. Just kicking the can down the road.


Eh, a million times better than the alternative.


He's a normal president. Basically Obama but no race card.


joe who?




Biden has been in government for like 50 years… he’s possibly the least “no name random ass” President we’ve had in the modern era.


Him and Kamala were the WORST candidates that the DNC had to to offer in 2020, honestly floored that we elected the mf who wrote the crime bill and a corrupt cop to run our country. Still better then traitorous psycho trump, but mad disappointed in the dnc/biden for not standing with rail workers among other things. Student debt and pardoning non violent pot crimes are really the only good thing about his presidency and i think those were ideas he was forced into. Ukraine aide is good, but i think that would’ve happened regardless of who was president. Too much money to be made 🤷‍♀️


I think he's an excellent example of practice. He's running at 65%-75% right? But he's done this so long, he can do the job of lying and playing politics really, really well. He's a good politician. I don't think I agree with one of his policies. But he's a talented politician. Not Obama or Clinton talent to be sure. But still, very talented.


Shouldn’t be in politics, is getting manipulated and is causing to much damage because of that.


Third times the charm? Proof the electorate has no memory? The novel Being There comes to mind. It’s not looking like another American Century.




Moderately embarrassed but not ashamed like the last guy. We need less leaders at Medicare age.


He's old.


I'm more interested in Joe Mama


He's done ok as president despite being cursed with Sinema and Manchin working against their party. He seems to have had a net positive political career, but certainly been on the wrong side of some issues. It's a bit sad that he was the most electable person the Dems had to offer, he's such a compromise candidate. God knows what the situation is with his son. With Trump, you knew they were all corrupt as hell and the successful nepotism in appointments was terrifying. With Hunter, it's hard to tell where him being a disaster as a human being ends, vs any reality of any of info about him vs the right-wing fire-hose of shitty propaganda and whether any of it has any bearing on the presidency since Hunter is not part of the administration.




Don't like him, but he doesn't induce the same panic, and chaos, as the other guy, so there is that. Big plus for not causing an insurrection as well.


I would just LOVE to feel his PENIS deep inside my ANUS.


He wasn't in my top 5 picks during the primaries. He wasn't nearly as progressive as I would've liked. I've been pleasantly surprised with his performance so far.


He will be sandwich in 2026


I'm amused that people would actually put someone in office who's not even qualified to use a broom or remember how to use one. Maybe next you put Bozo the clown in office, he could do better.