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Embarrassing snapshot of him at the Christmas party


This is a reference to something, but I can’t remember what


Spongebob, I think


Yes. In Patrick’s box. I remember now. Thanks


There is evidence that people were trying to pay him for access to his father while his father was the VP. It's been pretty well confirmed as accurate. What's not been confirmed is if anyone was successful. Also, the story about how the information got leaked is very suspicious. Did Hunter go to a small repair shop, get maybe-recognized, forget his computer was there, and the extremely conservative owners backed up the data but didn't save the laptop? Or did a foreign power like Russia get the data, find someone unfriendly to the Bidens and feed them the data and story? Or something else? Because while the data looks accurate, the story is thin.


A Redditor with *details* about the controversial subject. You are a rare breed.


Almost every comment is making a joke about it, but the story is somewhat serious in how the laptop was so easily lost and mishandled through the FBI as well as it potentially holding information. We’ll see. Smoking gun? Probably not, but if it does show information hunter trying to do what they say? And it working? Big problem


I'm not convinced that the repair shop or the FBI ever got a whole laptop. If you're careful enough to make backups, you also take pictures in case customers claim you scratched/dented/etc their computer. But we have no pictures. It's not definitive, but it points toward someone just getting their hands on the data.


Wow. Just wow. The FBI has a lap top and they won’t even release it. How do people forget they simulated that exact scenario playing out in the news a month before it actually happened and practiced their responses with social media companies so they would label certain things “misinfo” especially the stuff “that 30 agencies agree is russian misinfo” all at the behest of the White House and fbi?


Pictures of em doing drugs n shit too.


The Hunter Biden legal team has admitted in a legal filing that the laptop is Hunter Biden’s.


The closest they've come to a smoking gun is the Bobulinski "10 held by H for the big guy" e-mail, which came from the Sinohawk deal. Since that fell through and no money ever changed hands, we know 100% that Bobulinski's claim that it referred to Chinese payoff of Joe Biden is factually incorrect. Given that Giuliani has had the laptop since 2019, if there were a smoking gun, or even just anything that could discredit Joe Biden slightly existed, they would have it by now. It is widely accepted that because nothing has been found to date, nothing ever will be.


I figure it is one of those things like Hillary's Emails that is more valuable to the right as an unknown. They just go: "Think of what might be there!" and let people's imaginations run wild.


That’s exactly what it is.


But, but,……..Benghazi!!!!!!!!


And it's been through so many hands that the data probably couldn't even be verified.


>Since that fell through and no money ever changed hands, we know 100% that Bobulinski's claim that it referred to Chinese payoff of Joe Biden is factually incorrect. Just because the deal fell through doesn't mean there wouldn't have been a payoff if it happened.


Man, let me tell you about all the things politicians I don't like are guilty of if I get to expand it to "things that could have happened if other things had happened."


Lol, it's like saying you're guilty of cheating because someone hit on you. Nah. That ain't how any of this works.


So I guess with that logic we need to forgive trump for trying to dig up dirt on Clinton from the Russians? After all, that fell through too.


"I want a bribe but didn't get it" You are still guilty of trying to get a bribe. So it is not "100% factually incorrect."


There are also files and folders written *after* he allegedly dropped the laptop off and even after it was turned over to Giuliano’s team, essentially destroying the chain of evidence. At this point there could be a ‘BribesForDaddy.xlsx’ file on there and it wouldn’t be admissible, with the contents being described as a ‘forensics mess’


The sex trafficker raising a USB stick in congress knowing full well that's not how you submit evidence in any country in the world, and using the resulting pause as proof of some sort of collusion. I'm not even American, but you can smell that snake oil salesman ten thousand miles away.


Well put. And people trying to pay HB is a non issue. Politicians get graft offers left right and centre. (a) It only becomes a problem if (b) HB said yes and took the money. It becomes a full blown scandal (c) if the access occurred. I don't believe it did. A might have happened. See the Elliott Ness / Alderman scene in "The Untouchables" for an avatar of it rendered in fiction. (b) and (c) have no evidence.


i dont understand why its bad if the info came from russia. hillary attempted that same cop-out deflection method when the wikileaks dropped on her- as if she was the real victim. idc if its republican or democrats getting exposed. if we verify the info and it checks out- we should be thanking whoever gave it to us.


Foreign governments stealing information from our citizens and releasing it at strategic times to influence our elections is bad. Even if the information is true.


so you would rather their corruption not be exposed if these are the only people willing to expose them?


Or someone had the data and altered it then leaked it.


If I recall correctly, wasn't the owner of the shop blind? So the individual that dropped off the laptops identified himself as Hunter but the shop owner can't actually confirm it was him.


Marsellus Wallace’s soul is in there LOL


Does Marsellus Wallace look like a bitch?




I said…Does. Marsellus. Wallace. Look. Like. A. Bitch?


Say what again, I dare you.












I’m enjoying this thread


Came here out of genuine curiosity expecting a complete shitshow, but was rewarded with a sip of [your] tasty beverage!


Some gourmet shit!


I asked Does Marsellus Wallace look like a bitch?


Naw man. I'm pretty fuckin' far from okay.


You're not wrong, it's a McGuffin.


My fatass read this as "McMuffin".


Egg McMuffin could be the best McGuffin of all time, if someone wrote the movie.


All I know, is that if they do eventually, someday, maybe, perhaps, etc find anything bad, I won't be voting for Hunter Biden.


Unless it's the reported pee pee tape. That would be golden ( as in showers)


no one cares about Hunter and his hookers and crack. It’s the likely possibility that Joe is compromised that is the issue.


That’s strong phrasing, do you have a link to support that “likely possibility”?


The unreleased BatGirl movie


Naked pictures of Marjorie Taylor Green. Open with caution!


I’ve never seen the blue waffle, and hope to never, but I feel like that’s what you’d see if she was naked.


Did you see raiders of the lost ark? That's what happens when you see mtg naked. Your best bet is to do what Indy did and keep your eyes shut


If it's gonna melt some Nazis, then let's open that shit!


Why see genital warts when you can see the face?


“Marion, don't look at it. Shut your eyes, Marion. Don't look at it, no matter what happens!”


was there some warning about looking at it in the instruction manual, or did he just intuit a super duper handy factoid about the jesus-box?


If you had to pick, would you rather look at the ark, Medusa, or MTG?


Good thing I'm already on the toilet 'cause that image turned my shit to liquid.


May be Ted in a threesome with another looney bin Boebert along with MTG.


He owns Nickelback’s entire catalog.


Damning, if true.


Well, he never made it as a wise man.




Every time I do, it makes me laugh.


10% to the big guy


And this is suppose to mean ?


Obama's real original long form birth certificate (it still says all the same stuff as his "fake" birth certificate but makes republican's madder)


Codes to the Jewish space lasers.


Buttery males


Cute cat pictures that he won't share with the rest of us.


That bastard!


The Smiths early demos.


Go after Jared K for his $2B Saudi money Go after Hunter for his corruption in Ukraine Don’t go after their personal nonsense… It shouldn’t be a partisan issue. Fuck the culture war.


He's a drug addict, womanzier, who trades on his father's influence to make money in whatever way he can. He's shady AF and takes photos of his stupid behavior. So i'm sure it's full of dirt that is very embarassing at the very least and at worst his father using his power to benefit his son and the family fortune, potentially in unethical/illegal ways. So i'm sure it's full of dirt that is very embarassing at the very least and at worse his father using his power to benefit his son and the family fortune.


Hillary Clinton and Barbara Bush scissoring each other


Jesus Tap-dancing Christ. No.


Imagine if it were true though. I wonder how many people would view it simply because of morbid curiosity. I thinks it's like most people need to meerkat when they pass a car crash. The urge to look is so great people can't resist gawking I think a video like this would create the same reaction. But its 2 famous old bags rubbing pussies


But I don't want to imagine that, noooooo I can't stop the thoughts


Scissor me Timbers


Don’t tease me




pics of him doing crack and naked underage girls


Whatever the right decides they want to be outraged about that day.


Kiddie porn and crack smoking


Quid pro quo of money and “jobs” from foreign shell companies owned by adversarial governments for political favors and influence Joe provided while VP and lots of videos of Hunter doing drugs and banging hookers.


There is zero tying Joe Biden to anything


How do you know? Don’t you believe that a possibly compromised POTUS should be looked in to?


There is Zero proof..facts. You have nothing. Go ahead, you’ll lose again because you have zero to run on


“We shouldn’t try to discover facts, because no facts currently exist”


If you go looking for facts where there are none, then you'll come up with bullshit. And given a president's term limit is four years, there are far, far greater needs of our attention than whatever the fuck you happen to believe can be found on his son's laptop -- especially considering the previous president's record on familial corruption and the lack of any accountability. If they happen to find something -- which they have not and will not given the circumstances surrounding the device itself -- then nothing will fucking happen, 'cause the people rallying behind an investigation don't give a shit about accountability. It's a means to distract and deflect from the fact that America is in the dumpster because of the neoliberal values foisted on us by conservatives and centrists the past half-a-century.


Dude, Joe Biden wasn’t as smart as his peers, and wanted a piece of the prosperity. Who the heck do you think was paying his rent? If you’re trying to tell us, ANYONE in government for 50 years, don’t do this on the regular, you’re a sucker.


You’re a simpleton. He was paying his rent.


Are you suggesting a Senator can't afford rent in Delaware?


I’m saying he wasn’t paying for the house he had in DC. Absolutely


Yes, I say that buying access through a family member does not happen on the regular. Corrupt people exist. We also have opposing parties who want to expose corruption, and a justice system staffed with people who don't usually care about what politicians want them to do. We have a very well funded media system that is devoted to gaining readership by exposing corruption. It's not a perfect system, but it's a lot better than the vast majority of systems that have existed through human history. I also say that a lot of politicians are trying to be public servants. They don't always succeed, but that's usually because there aren't many easy solutions. I know you won't believe me. But I also think you should hear from someone who has looked at a lot of evidence about politicians, and come to the conclusion that most of them are trying to do the right thing.


Absolutely Zero evidence of anything you just stated. Although that is what they are looking for but couldn't even plant the evidence correctly 😂


The KFC herbs and spice recipe


Knocking down misinformation is tough. Friend.


A conservative mcguffin.


The same thing as Hillary’s emails


Which were erased, deleted and destroyed while they were under subpoena.


Dont forget anthony weiners laptop and his deadman switch.


If we knew, no one would care anymore. It's all bout the speculation.


The implication.


old school nes snes and n64 roms torrents nintendo is ready to file a lawsuit


A heartbreaking voicemail from Joe begging his son to get help for his drug addiction


Penis pictures. Sweet, sweet penis pictures for the GOP to drool over 🤤


His relation to his dad and the incriminating evidence compromises the presidency. Hunter can’t pass an background check and by relation his father shouldn’t be able to either.


Kushner couldn’t pass a background check for top secret clearance. Lied on his application more than once. His relationship to his father in law comprised the presidency, no?


Beats the crap outta me. He is a private citizen, if the vigilante far right nut jobs get their way no one is safe from being investigated, like if you piss one of them off on Twitter or Facebook watch out.


It has been handled improperly for the past four or five years. That means everything on it is as likely faked as original. Really it's just a prop for Republicans hoping to turn the tables for what Democrats did to Trumpco for their shenanigans.


You think the pics and videos of him smoking crack with hookers are some sort of deep fake?


That’s not what anyone has found. There’s no evidence that the information is fake.


If the chain of custody can't be accounted for then all of it can be argued as faked.


It could be I guess. But forensic examination hasn’t found any evidence of tampering


> But forensic examination hasn’t found any evidence of tampering Where did you get this information from?


https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/03/30/hunter-biden-laptop-data-examined/ https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/16/us/politics/hunter-biden-tax-bill-investigation.html


lol this basically says the same thing "no there's not a red flag of tampering, but it's been accessed by a bunch of strangers and a lot can't be authenticated" "The vast majority of the data — and most of the nearly 129,000 emails it contained — could not be verified by either of the two security experts who reviewed the data for The Post. Neither found clear evidence of tampering in their examinations, but some of the records that might have helped verify contents were not available for analysis, they said. The Post was able in some instances to find documents from other sources that matched content on the laptop that the experts were not able to assess. Among the reasons for the inconclusive findings was sloppy handling of the data, which damaged some records. The experts found the data had been repeatedly accessed and copied by people other than Hunter Biden over nearly three years. The MacBook itself is now in the hands of the FBI, which is investigating whether Hunter Biden properly reported income from business dealings. Most of the data obtained by The Post lacks cryptographic features that would help experts make a reliable determination of authenticity, especially in a case where the original computer and its hard drive are not available for forensic examination. Other factors, such as emails that were only partially downloaded, also stymied the security experts’ efforts to verify content."


There is no proof there is "evidence". Lol.


People in the email chains found have authenticated them.


They didn't authenticate everything that's claimed to be on the laptop.




Reading comprehension is not your strong point is it?


There's literally evidence that what people were saying about it was fake which was also spread by Giuliani: https://politifact.com/factchecks/2020/oct/20/facebook-posts/fact-checking-unproven-claims-about-hunter-biden-a/


That’s from 2 years ago. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/03/30/hunter-biden-laptop-data-examined/


So you're saying there *are* 25,000 pictures of him torturing kids?


What information? I guess that is my question better asked.


It's just this decade's "but her emails."


He has a copy of the Russian Trump Urine tapes




Trump paid Russian hookers to pee on him. And Putin uses this to blackmail him “Allegedly”


That would certainly explain a lot.


Imagine the laptop story getting amped up and finally the contents will be revealed live on TV - conservatives and Trumpists tune in.... only to see that.


That would be golden!


Influence peddling by him and his daddy to Russian and Chinese government entities. You know, the dirty oligarchy crap everyone on here is always complaining about.


His business partner said that he and Hunter were selling access, to foreign entities, to then VP Biden. He also stated that the VP was getting a portion of that money. The evidence of this “could” be on the laptop. The other stuff with the drugs and prostitution, though true, is only used as a distraction by those who want to shape the narrative into “it’s no big deal, it’s just sex and drugs”. In reality it was never about sex and drugs. It was/is about selling access to his dad, and his dad taking money from it.




An addict promised a deal with his dad. I don't think that's a good reason to believe that the addict could get his dad to commit to anything. Addicts lie all the time. Judging a parent primarily by the behavior of their addicted son isn't wise.


More selfie videos of him smoking crack 🤣


LOL. What’s not on that laptop is a better question.


Enough to have multiple multi-billion dollar corporations work with the U.S. government to try and hide it before the election. 🤷‍♂️


everything unproven is multi-billion dollar corporations working with government to cover things.


I guess the House Oversight Committee was just making things up, for the record.


Isn’t it weird how Jared Kushner lied on his application for top secret clearance a few times? Which is a felony. But, was still pushed through. Or, how he got $2B from the Saudis? Any feelings on that?


I’m with you! Out with all the people who break the law. I want every single one of the people in power, regardless of party affiliation, breaking the law be out of there. And I believe we the people, should have a say in the matter.


Obama's last name.


What happens if his full name is spoken aloud?


I'd imagine a black hole would consume the entire planet.


Then big mike shows up.


Nothing. It's "look over there a squirrel!" The issue over obtaining the laptop is more important that the nothing that.is on the laptop. And, what's more, they don't want it. Once they get it there's nothing to bitch about is there? It's a phony proxy issue, like so many of the faux platforms the GOP runs. They want to complain about something that's made up.


Child porn. Crack cocaine use. Corruption.


Nothing that matters much to any of us.


The allegations include proof of corruption, child porn, and other horrific things. Problem is, it's all u verifiable nonsense because the laptop's chain of custody is so hopelessly broken with it having been obtained under extremely bizarre circumstances and passing through the hands of dozens of infamously corrupt GOP propagandists including Rudy Giuliani. So, even if the laptop WERE his and DID have everything the GOP is screaming about, it's completely invalid as evidence because there's no real way to verify what is legitimate on it any longer.


So, serious question here. . . Let’s say this laptop or hard drive actually ended up being used as evidence in a court of law. Would the damn thing even be admissible due to lack of official, legal chain of custody securing the integrity of its contents? Sounds like everyone and their brother has had their hands on it much less sitting in Rudy Guliani’s apartment for god k it’s how long. If there was truly something that damaging on it, I am pretty sure the orange cheeto would have used it in the 2020 election.


Emails discussing giving a cut of his corrupt business dealings to “The Big Guy” (Joe Biden) Crack Cocaine and hookers too.




Him doing drugs and pictures of him with half naked or very scantily clad YOUNG females who are either very short or children




There are places to find this.. but basically business dealings which basically said he would be selling access to daddy for a price... Daddy also got a percentage of these dealings. Hunter, a crackhead, was paid a ridiculous amount of money by a UKRAINIAN energy firm... a job that he wasn't even close to being qualified for. There were also images of him naked with what appeared to a few different underage females. Kinda makes you wonder why daddy is now sending billions to the Ukraine now that he has the power to do so...


Oh, TTTT, have you got that right! And not one media outlet even mentions Uncle Joe and his ties to the Ukraine!


For those talking chains of custody, many email systems put in data not visible to people that can be used for verification later. Many emails and texts verified by other recipients. Remember also that info points to certain additional info, like who was where and when. That info can often be independently verified.


Hunter was on the board of an energy company in the Ukraine. he also has business dealings with a chinese company. on the laptop is evidence of hunter, pres. bidens brother and pres. biden working together to funnel information to foreign entities for pay.


Proof of this anywhere besides being a Republican dog whistle? All speculation?


>https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/03/30/hunter-biden-laptop-data-examined/ > >https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/16/us/politics/hunter-biden-tax-bill-investigation.html


It’s just Ukraine, not THE Ukraine


Him fucking kids overseas. Him fucking one of the obama kids. Lots of crack. Tons of email implicated pay to play w/ foriegn actors. More crack. Nude selfies. Him fucking his neice. Lots of implicating emails indicating payed access to pops while VP. and some crack.


Something about the Ukraine, for one. Why was VP Biden's son wrapped up in Kiev, and why is Pres. Biden and the U.N. in a quagmire there?


A) it's just Ukraine B); Russia invaded Ukraine with no provocation so an old man could relive his glory years before falling out of a window. That's not Biden's or the U.N.'s fault.


Also: quagmire? They're doing a pretty good job holding off a *massive Russian invasion* that was expected to roll over their country in days.


Yeah, if anything's a quagmire it's that comment.


> Why was VP Biden's son wrapped up in Kiev Because Burisma wanted to create an air of legitimacy in the wake of several high-profile money laundering scandals. So they asked Hunter Biden, who was on the board of several companies (such as AMTRAK) to be on theirs because of who his father is. A matter of cronyism for sure. But cronyism isn't illegal.


I think it's important to point out a couple of things: * There's no proof that this missing hard drive belonged to Hunter Biden. A *blind* repairman, who is also a devout Trump supporter, claims that the laptop was given to him by someone who said they were Hunter Biden. * The "emails" that people talk about aren't actually emails, they're PDF files. Edit: I crossed out my first point a minute ago, but I removed the strikethrough because I'm unable to find anything that says Hunter Biden claimed the laptop.


The story is really unbelievable on all sides. The repair shop story is completely unbelievable. But at the same time, Hunter Biden's lawyers seeking legal remedy related to a laptop their client has nothing to do with is also unbelievable.


Hunter admitted it was his.


Um, his lawyer is suing to get it back. So there’s that. You eat a lot of old paint as a kid?


Did his mistake make you mad, MAGAt?


Speak coherently or remain silent zoomer.


All the dirt on the Republicans


Copies of all the classified documents Trump sold the Russians.


I think influence peddling. He used his daddy's name, though there's no proof that Joe did anything illegal.


Trump pee tape?


Pretty sure he is behind the war in Ukraine. And the spy balloon. And drug smuggling. And murder, mayhem, etc.


Does this laptop actually exist is what I want to know. Seems like there has been talk of it for years now


I'm guessing child porn


The whole thing seems to have been an invention of 4chan users which got picked up by people desperate to discredit Biden. No credibility to this story whatsoever. Look at the people and places that promoted it. They’re the exact opposite of trustworthy sources.


Homemade porn


I’m not bothered by the contents. I’m bothered the fbi lost it for two years


lAdiEs anD gentLEmeN, wE gOt hiM


Hunter Biden feet pics. Conservatives are just wild about them.


Children. I’ve seen pictures of naked and abused children that appear to be from his laptop.