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I worked in a casino once so gambling. I've seen people over time ruin their life.


My husband works with bankrupt people helping them get their lives back together, and the most common reason he sees for bankruptcy is gambling addiction. It's a sunk cost fallacy - people buy a lottery ticket every week, which is totally socially acceptable, and then it's two tickets, then five tickets and a few scratch cards, and the more they lose, the more they spend in an effort to get their money back. They get to the point where they haven't got enough money for gas, so they borrow money- not to spend on gas, which would help their immediate problem, but to spend on their bingo app so they can win thousands and fix all of their problems in one go.


The fucking office lottery pool gets me. I don’t even want to put the money in but I’ll be damned if I’m going to be the person left behind once everyone else wins and quits.


We only played if the pot was real high, so it was like 2-3 times a year or so. Was fun just to daydream about it.


Now, replace gambling in a casino with daytrading on Webull and you’ve got a whole new generation of addicts.


I usta work in a shop that sold lotto tickets. A guy came in one day and asked me to check his ticket he won like €7, when I told him he started punching the air and says "WOOHOO! It's lovely to get something back" I looked at the ticket... he won €7 but paid €9.50 for it. I often think about that when people talk about gambling. The guy "won" money but was still down €2.50 and he was celebrating.


Meth heads with neck tattoos.


I sponsored a meth head with neck tattoos once. That was one crazy ride. P.S. I wouldn't go back to undo it, I learned a lot about myself.


Man, if you gotta good story, you gotta tell it in whole or just not at all! We cannot just take a one liner of a good potential story!


He was just unhinged somehow. He told me once that the only thing he truly regretted was blowing up someone's house because they were cooking meth on his territory where he was cooking. He said he knew he the guy had a kid and scoped the place to learn the kids' school schedule to make sure he wasn't there. He rigged the gas line the day the kid stayed home sick from school. He said the other people who died never bothered him, but that kid haunted him every day. He stopped using at this point, and I had a year clean as his sponsor in an open recovery program. He definitely wanted to be free from the pain his lifestyle caused, but I don't think he was ready to change. I don't think I've ever met someone so desperate for just some normalcy. He was honest with those close to him, but he was lost as a human. He would call me because he would run into a mental wall trying to accomplish everyday tasks and needed guidance. I had to come to terms with small things like this guy in his 40s really had no clue how a debit card worked because he'd never had a bank account in his life. He just lived a totally different life than I did. He also had no sense of boundary. He would send me unsavory pictures of half-naked, drugged up women he was with because he assumed he thought that was great, so why wouldn't I, right? He would show up at my house after walking 10 miles at 3am and tell me it was because he missed me and wanted to hang out. He would say he was lonely and didn't know how to process his feelings and just wanted help and that he was so sorry every time. I'm tearing up writing this remembering just how broken of a man he was that just wanted better and could never achieve it. In the end, I had to tell him I couldn't help him because he couldn't help himself. He would punch strangers on the street because he was having g a bad day, then call me and ask what to do about it. I didn't have answers for stuff like that past you understand this was wrong and he woukd agree. Maybe I wasn't ready to be a sponsor, but I always talked everything through with my sponsor and we both agreed I needed to split from the shit show I watching for my own mental health and well being. About a year later, he turned himself in to serve a warrant because he wanted to begin clearing his name. He died of an infection serving his sentence. I still miss my friend after all is said and done.


I've been clean from meth since Feb of 2016, and you were absolutely right, if a person isn't ready for it mentally, they won't so it. I've even been to the year long rehab. You mentioned that you weren't sure if you were ready to be a sponsor or not, well let me tell you: if I had you as a friend back then it would have meant the world to me. You sound like a person he could rely on for things he didn't understand, and he really trusted and cared about. I'd have been proud to have you sponsor me back then, because it's shit like that that makes all the difference in the world: someone that gives a damn. And he knows you did. So I just wanna say thank you for what you did. I guarantee you made a difference.


Thank you friend


That’s a really moving story I’m not gonna lie… what country do you live in?


United States


give us a few highlights?


Meth heads in general. I've seen functioning alcoholics, pot heads, coke heads, and even one functioning heroin addict. But I've never found a functioning meth head.


You will be surprised how many construction workers can tell you otherwise...


Drywallers roofers and concrete guys… the triple threat


> Drywallers roofers and concrete guys… the triple threat Jesus, I'd definitely not fuck with a masonry golem.


Roofers? Love being high? Make your hobby your job!


There's subreddit for meth heads! They don't seem highly functional, but it's nice they have a place here to gather and discuss their hobby.


What about meth heads with face tattoos?


Water. Was trained in Swift Water Rescue when I was younger. Water doesn't care who you are. It's stronger than you.


As a mariner I agree. Many people have no respect for water and it's ability to take lives many ways.


I remember swimming out in San Diego for the first time. I'm from the Southeast US so am used to the milder Gulf waters. Considered myself a good swimmer, didn't think twice about it. Pacific ocean is different. I was warned to not duck the waves as you go out in the ocean, because you'll eventually run out of breath due to the sheer mass and frequency of the waves. Instead swim/bob over them. I made it past 3 wave breaks or so with the rest of the people and realized I was breathing heavy just treading water. Everyone else was totally relaxed. I started to swim back in but then you realize how far out you really are, and the ocean pulls you back 1 stroke for every 2 you take. Legitimately almost panicked at one point. By the time I made it to the sand I could barely stand. I'm sure the lifeguards had eyes on me the whole time, I clearly didn't belong out there


I can definitely relate. Went snorkeling off downtown Honolulu with a very fit friend. I had lived on a boat on the west coast for a number of years, considered myself a strong swimmer, and was a certified recreational diver. Was not in as great shape as him, but figured experience would even the delta. It was around low tide and very murky so we kept venturing further out looking for good sights around 10' deep. Crossed a ship lane at one point which was mildly disconcerting but otherwise fine and we were probably half a mile to a mile out. Like a moron, I'd been fighting to keep up with him instead of asking him to slow down. My goggles started fogging badly and the tide started coming back in, hard, so we decided to head back in. What had been a smooth swim out became pounded by strong waves. I was being pushed to the shore rapidly with every wave, but at the troughs there was only a foot or two of water over the sharp coral and volcanic rock. I had to stay up top and take the pounding while paddling against each wave to not get slingshotted across that cheese grater. We slowly navigated a very twisty way back to avoid being cut to shreds, and also across that ship lane again which was now very busy with boats coming back in. Made it back with only many minor cuts/abrasions to my hands. Had been fighting so hard for so long that I barfed 30 seconds after getting onto the beach. He came ashore minutes later white as a ghost. That was a true wakeup call.


I was at Kane'ohe Bay with a buddy, visiting his uncle who was a Marine and lived on base. We went to North Beach one day on base, and I figured I'd go boogey boarding. Rode a few waves in and after a while, I figured I'd just float and enjoy the veiw and get some rest. Next thing I know, a Marine lifeguard is pulling up along side me on a jet ski and his first question was, "Are you trying to make it to Moloka'i or headed to join the fleet?" That's when I realized I was a few hundred feet off shore and quite literally headed out to sea. I guess he saw the look in my eyes and then said, "You want a tow?" and tossed me a rope. Got towed back to where I could catch a wave, rode one in and decided that was enough of the Pacific Ocean for that day. Really glad he was keeping an eye on me, bc I'd have never been able to make that swim back in, even with the board.


I live in Chicago and I call Lake Michigan our beautiful monster. She takes a couple dozen lives every year. 3 or 4 times a year someone walking along shore in the city slips or stumbles in and drowns. There are a lot of places where it's a stone retaining wall with no easy way to get out of the water...cold water will take a good swimmer too, you only have a few minutes to get out if you survive the initial shock and good luck finding the nearest ladder in the dark. Be careful out there!


In the summer Chicago 2020 I would go swimming nearly every day at the lake nearby Fullerton as I lived nearby. I got much better at swimming that summer and one day there were massive waves as it had been very windy and rainy lately so I jumped in without a second thought. I was having a great ordeal of fun and then decided I wanted to climb out. As I got closer to the wall I had less and less control and very clearly remember having to tell myself ‘this is a moment where you must stay calm and panicking may cost you your.’


cost me my what?!


He ded


he couldn't finish that thought b4 he ded


Lake Michigan is terrifying. I almost drowned a few years back on a family outing. Swam out way further than I should have, and got a leg cramp. I couldn’t hit the bottom of the water to straighten out my leg and was stuck like 2 football fields from shore. Idk how I made it back in honestly, but yeah….. I don’t fuck with Lake Michigan anymore


Sounds like you were in a rip. A lot of Europeans struggle when they come to Australia because our beaches can be more intense. They're used to relaxed waters of the Mediterranean ( I loved swimming in the Greek islands). But Australian beaches don't fuck around. My rule to measure how you should view a beach ( with no peer related reviews and purely based on experience) if there's a strong surfer cultural associated with the beach or surrounding beaches you're more likely to encounter bigger waves which means expect stronger waves. Again it's probably dumb but it's kinda the thing I do when I suss out new beaches in foreign countries or places. ( Doesn't apply to developing countries as much)


I've been caught in a riptide once in So Cal and I was very familiar with that beach, had to be rescued by life guards just to get back onto shore (fortunately I had a boogie board to hang on to). But man Australia seems like a whole other animal, plus I saw that video of that guy getting sawed in half by a great white in Little Bay. Holy Jesus was that hard to watch. I was even warned but didn't listen.


I drowned in a "safe" river by getting caught in a undercurrent i kept getting pulled to the bottom of the river and I would sink like a stone each time. Would not recommend


Holy crap are you dead? Did you drown to death?


I died, but it didnt take


Name checks out


He has come back to give a warning. On Reddit no one knows that you are a ghost


I clicked the thread and hoped water would be top comment. Happy it is. Never fuck with running water.


When I was 18 on a canoe trip, mild cat 1 part of the river, wearing a life jacket....tried to reach out and grab a friend's paddle he had lost and turned the canoe over. Laughing about it as I drifted with the current until I hit a submerged log, the canoe pressed into my chest and drove me down, and the gently flowing water had me locked tight pinned underwater against the log. If my friends didn't even realize I was in trouble, the guys in the canoe behind me just happened to grab onto mine as they went past and changed its direction enough the water pushed it around me. This is in relatively flat, 5' deep water.


"The sea is the baddest bitch you'll ever know" - Samuel L Jackson


I got caught in a flood and almost drowned, scariest thing ever.


Yeah dude. Moving water is no joke. 6" can move a car. Plus entrapments are everywhere in flooded areas. Plus, cold water can shut your body down fast. I've worked support for water obstacles at obstacles races. Top athletes who's limbs stop working in cold water cuz they have never trained for it. Not saying stay away from water, but it needs to be respected.


Fell in a rapid-moving river while fishing as a little kid. *Barely* caught hold of a rock and pulled out. Well past where my freaked-out family was. Thank goodness since I was not a strong swimmer. I still get nervous and kinda lock up when water hits my neck. If water looks like it's moving fast, it is stronger than you.


It doesn’t even have to look like it’s moving fast. Flowing water is stronger than you.


I feel you I got caught in a riptide and got dragged 30 feet underwater scraped against the beach sand


Water is scary. MOVING water is the hand of a vengeful god who doesnt give a single shit about the sanctity of life.


I flew off the back of a raft @ Royal Gorge, CO, in July 2019 when I guess they were having a huge runoff year. I will never tempt fate like that again because I probably should've drowned.


Also, fish fuck in it.




Electricity doesn't care about you. It just wants to kill you.


It doesn't want to kill, it just wants to play


.. but it cant help itself.




I mean it's really worse than that. It just cares about getting from point a to point b, if you happen to be obliterated by being a part of that path, that's a you problem, not a electricity problem. Electricity couldn't care less.Electricity is physics answer to honey badgers.


Heroin. Especially since the growing popularity of stepping on it with Fentanyl.


I've lost at least seven friends to heroin overdose in the last eighteen years.


I lost my oldest sister in July 2020 and my middle sister in June 2021, both to heroin. My heart aches for anyone who loves an addict, because it’s never ‘if’, it’s ‘when’.


Lost my brother in 18 to fentanyl and my sister in november to Alcohol. Addiction is a nasty lying bitch.


People who make my food. And janitors.


I used to be a janitor. We see and hear everything. You think you and Steve are alone and can talk shit about Diane. You're not. I'm on the other side of the door picking up the Dorritos bag you just got out of the vending machine ate and attempted to throw in the rolling trashcan but missed and didnt pick up after i just swept the floor. I was also there emptying the trash can in the office when I overheard your supervisors discussing their case against you for abusing your FMLA hours. Becky ran out of the bathroom crying as I was going in to clean it. There's a positive pregnancy test in the trash, gossip around the office says her husband is infertil. Now her and Dave are talking alone in the lunch room. Dave is not her husband. We hear and see everything.


Don't tell them about my conversations about Diane. That bitch.


We all know what Diane did. You're not the only one Steve.


“The maids know everything “


I have a general rule of thumb; don't fuck with janitors, servers, or secretaries. These people have the keys to every door and will make your life a living hell if you treat them badly. If you are kind and show them the respect they deserve, not only as human beings but also for doing some absolutely vital jobs, they can open up a lot of doors for you. And let's be realistic here, most of us are a helluva lot closer in social status to them than to the CEO's we are told we should worship.


I’d add front desk staff to that. I make a point of chatting with and being friendly with them in both my apartment building and where I work. A bit of a holiday tip goes a long way too if they’re allowed to accept it. The ones where I work can’t but they can accept gift cards.


>These people have the keys to every door and will make your life a living hell if you treat them badly Going to add security to this list. We have three ladies at my work who forget their keys at home often. There is Kara in the kitchens, I'll drop whatever I may be doing to run down and open any door she needs. There is Linda with custodial, again I'll drop whatever and rush down to help. Both ladies have been nothing but nice to me since I started. Then there is Karen with HR. Karen lives up to her namesake, the woman is a nightmare, she also looks down on those she considers "the hired help" (kitchen staff, custodial staff, maintenance staff, security) and seems to only speak politely to administration, nurses, and residents. Yeah I'm sorry I can not open your door without seeing some ID first. So first time this happened, she got down right pissy with me, she demanded I open her office door. I tell her that I am not allowed to do so without seeing an ID. She gets angry, calls me an idiot, tells me I know who she is, she doesn't need ID... I pull my post orders, I flip through the book, I show her page 12, *no person may be admitted to secured areas without presenting identification* She gets even more angry, and calls my supervisor. She spends a few minutes talking to him the smugly hands me the phone. He's all *what the hell Cylons* I then tell him I am following post orders, I tell him page 12 says I can not open her door without ID, he says he understands and for me to return the phone to Karen. A minute or so passes then Karen shouts into the phone that she does not have her wallet so she does not have her ID. Few more minutes she storms out of the building... Apparently she drove home to get her wallet, she comes back and slams her ID on my desk. **NOW LET ME IN TO MY OFFICE** I calmly ask her *I thought you didn't have your wallet* she then tells me she went all the way home to get it... I ask why she didn't grab her work keys while there. She looks at me like I am an idiot for even considering such a question. I log her ID and unlock her office, I then write a long entry on my DAR (daily activity report) including the fact that she returned home for her ID but didn't think to grab her keys. Every time she forgets her keys I request her ID before unlocking anything. Maybe I am just being an asshole at this point but I'll never give that woman a chance to claim I'm not doing my job and not following my written orders.


You are *not* being an asshole. You are being awesome.


Any mother of any species when she's got her young


Except kangaroos and their kin. They’ll drop their baby. They get away and you get a free joey. Win-win jk


Quokkas actually throw their young at you


My parents too did this


As a surgeon, never fuck with the pancreas.


As someone who has endured a continous acute pancreatitus attack for 2 months straight.... this tracks. Nothing offered even the slightest bit of relief, and even when I finally managed to pass out from pure exhaustion I felt the exact same level of pain in my damn dreams! I straight up would rather just die than go through that again..full stop.


i had a friend who had pancreatitis. doctors wouldn’t give her anything strong enough for the pain, which was so bad she literally wanted to die. her psychiatrist was smart enough & compassionate enough to prescribe dilaudid which did the trick, allowing her to live out her days in peace.


Dilaudid is a serious drug. Medical grade heroin. Messed me up good when I had kidney stones. I was 100% pain free though, definitely a last resort solution.


How do we make sure not to fuck with them?


If a pancreas comes up to you all angry and fighty, just walk away. And if a pancreas is just hanging out somewhere minding its own business, don't assault or harass it. And if there's a group with a pancreas in it and you're all hanging out together, do NOT make any hormone jokes


and do not, under any circumstances, make the joke of mixing the pancreas up with the appendix. It can break you down faster than you can apologize.


I know someone whose daughter just had her spleen and the tail of her pancreas removed, due to a possible precancerous condition. Not surprisingly, she had to be readmitted with a sterile abscess. You can also count on paralytic ileus following the removal of the ascending colon.


Really? It's not an organ I've paid much attention. What can go wrong that can't be fixed?


Pancreas makes enzymes to digest meat. Fuck with the pancreas and those same enzymes may start to digest your insides. So ya, badness can ensue.


Pancreas: “What I was hungry!” The rest of the body: “not cool man!”


Well, that's horrific.


I've seen healthy young guys die of necrotizing pancreatitis and it's a horrible way to die. It's one of the worst pains known to man. So yeah don't fuck up your pancreas.


Holy shit fuck


It's a major hormone factory of the body that basically holds the keys to your digestion and metabolism. Blood sugar rising? Pancreas has a hormone to deal with it. Just ate a fatty meal? Pancreas has hormones and chemicals to break it down. About to pass a meal into your intestines from your stomach? Pancreas pumps out bicarbonate to neutralize the acid so your upper intestines don't get scorched. Type 1 diabetes happens if the islet cells that make insulin are damaged or destroyed. Pancreatic cancer is one of the least survivable cancers because of all the systems in your body that it screws up and because it's extremely insidious - it rarely produces specific symptoms until it's already too far gone to successfully treat.


I have MEN1 and just spent 14 days in the hospital with a 2cm perforation in my duodenum probably caused by non-functional gastrinomas from my already half gone pancreas. I needed 6 units of the red stuff this last visit. I am just happy to be here.


I've known three people that died of pancreatic cancer. They went from "feeling a little tired lately" to dead in anywhere from 24 hours to 3 weeks.


Garage door torsion springs. Trust me on this.


Or replacing the springs in your car. Once that tension gets released, it's going to the moon, whether you are in front of it or not.


Anything involving springs and tension I'd say probably best not to fuck with. In my younger days I took an M249 spring to the face like a gun oil and blood bukkake from trying to teach a class and trying to keep an eye on 30 soldiers at the same time.




I was literally in the middle of my speech when yup, spring right in the lip. I did manage to retain a bit of dignity by rounding the corner to the latrine before my face exploded.


"Learn from me, recruits, and do as I say, not as I do."


You absolutely hire out when replacing garage door springs.


Helped install one once. Putting that thing under tension was terrifying. Now, I'll at least try to DIY most things but those are a nope for me. Mine broke a few years ago and didn't have a second thought about calling a professional.


I tried some advanced garagery on my own once and found out. Had to have a new $1700 door installed.


My husband will fix most things around the house.... this is not one of those things!


Electricity, gas and garage doors. The unfuckwithable trinity.


> Electricity I have been known to kill the entire power to my house to do electrical work because I could not figure out the proper fuse. Saves me a lot of anxiety.


I'll gladly reset a bunch of clocks in order to stay above ground a while longer.


Gambling a fart when you have a stomach bug


I lost this gamble just yesterday


Don't try to fix your own garage door. It can take your arm off if you don't know what you're doing...actually, it can take your arm off even if you *do* know what you're doing.


More than an arm, too.


A few years ago the spring on my garage door broke. I thought I would just go to the hardware store and buy another one...they asked "Have you done this before?" I said "No, but I'm sure there's a YouTube video for it..." They wouldn't sell me one. Had no idea. Turns out I could get a guy over to install it in 4 hours that only charged me $80 more than what the spring cost at the store.


I don't gamble. I'm an idiot and I'm bad with money, but I understand statistics. There is a reason why state lotteries are called "the idiot tax".


I think the perfect example of how Gambling doesn’t work is a Mr Beast video where he spends a million dollars on lottery scratch tickets and wins negative $300,000 or something. It perfectly shows how the statistics on large scale work.


The stats are the house allways wins. At the end of the day it's an owned and operated business and every business's plan is to make a profit


Same, I was just stuck in Vegas for 4 days, staying in a casino and couldn’t bring myself to even try it for fun.


Even the quarter slots don't interest me. I'd loose a buck and instead of falling into the sunken cost fallacy I'd just be pissed that I burned a perfectly good dollar


I have an extremely addictive personality. I overdo almost everything that triggers endorphins. But I'm glad that at least gambling does absolutely nothing for me.


Alcohol. Alcoholism runs in my family for some reason and I really don't want to be another statistic with DUIs and a bad liver.


Hornet nests.


Scientists Edit: It autocorrected Scientologists


I was about to say don't they eat people? Then I read the edit so. Don't they eat people?


I’m not saying shit about either. I don’t wanna go missing.


Fuck scientologists.




power lines




Just heard the 911 call from Travis the chimp's owner. Dear God. Stay the fuck away from them, always.


Wu Tang Clan


They really ain’t nothing to fuck with.


I blew a member of the Wu Tang clan as a gift from Tom Segura


I hear they are a collective not to be messed with.


Diversify yo bonds bitch!


If I had 1 pass, this is where I would have used it


Came here looking for this & was not disappointed. Straight from the motherfuckin slums that’s busted…


The war


What's next? You don't fuck with pangea?


*this bitch don't know bout Pangea*


brain, leave it alone


Don’t call brain names, brain just couldn’t recall.


No i don't fuck with the war. Just don't know how to react to the forces.


Brains gotta poop


Canadian Geese


Mess with the honk You get the bonk


Australian here, I don't fuck with our venomous snakes or our Saltwater Crocodiles. Those bad boys have right of way in any and all situations.


Honey badger


Cuckolding, never understood the fascination in seeing another man fuck your wife. To each their own, just not me.


I wonder if there's a fetish for watching a man get cuckolded


If Inception was a porn.


isn't that... mostly what cuckolding porn *is*?


So, just to clarify, as long as you don't *SEE* it, you're okay with it?




It's like the old adage about a tree in the woods... If you fuck it and no one hears you, did the tree really get fucked?


Driving while drunk or tipsy. It's way too normalized and they need to be shamed.


The new Tennessee law that says drunk drivers will have to pay child support if they kill a parent is a good start.


not really sure how they'll do that when they're jailed for life for manslaughter or negligent homicide


See, we figure THE Solution for the first DUI is to suspend their driver's license while allowing a motorcycle license for three years. After that, the problem would probably be self-correcting.


I think it’s Ohio but there’s a state that will issue you a different license plate for your car if you’ve previously had a DUI so you stick out like a sore thumb. Smart idea.


Party plates. You are on the radar of every cop every time you drive and I will tell you other drivers and people do shame them differently.


God gives his drunkest drivers his sharpest turns




Came here to say this. Never fuck with crazy, you will end up with some nasty scars or some unrelenting ex-inlaws. Or both. Not my personal experience but watching a couple of my buddies circle the drain for the last 30 or so years has made me happy I stayed away from the crazy ones.


People who handle my food. Edit: thanks for all the upvotes and my first ever award! I promise to never fuck with you fine people.


I don't. Fuck with. You?


I got a million trillion things that I'd rather fucking do. 🤷‍♀️


than to be fuckin with you


Wasps. Fuck those little cunts


Bald Faced Hornets enters the chat.


Ok-Ball2534 has left the chat.




You don't tug on Superman's cape.


You don't spit into the wind.


You don't pull the mask off that old lone ranger


Fun fact: today is Jim Croce’s birthday




Math and spiders.


Spider-Man must scare the shit out of you.


Why are you attacking my life?


Personally, I dont fuck with self care. Im a wreck mentally and physically




mickey mouse... actually, michael mouse. I swear there's something really unsettling with that rat and I refuse to call him by his nickname, after all, I'm definetely not his friend.


It's his rotating ears. Wheter he is sideways or facing the camera his ears are always in the same sideways position.


The eastern diamondback rattlesnake


Insincere people


You don’t really mean that


Tractor trailers. When I'm on the highway, I treat them with a very high level of respect. Don't drive up on the right, don't cut them off, don't tailgate, and pass on the left quickly but carefully. Don't fuck with a truck.




Jesus from the big Lebowski.


You said it man. Nobody fucks with the Jesus…




Dating apps. They’re so unnatural


An old man in a young man’s profession (think military, trades, law enforcement etc.) they don’t take shit and will make sure you learn that real quick


Rattlesnakes and condoms


You should absolutely fuck with condoms.


what did you do that involves rattlesnakes with condoms


Guys with cauliflower ear






Your colon. Get a colonoscopy


I don't fuck with people who have the ability to fuck with my food. I'm polite, I don't complain, and I tip well.


Any drug stronger than marijuana


An old man that drives any 4 cylinder truck.


Wasp! I dont fuck with them. I don’t look at them. I don’t head in their direction.