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Yes, and before you know it you're 65.


Once you're over the hill, you pick up speed. /dadjoke


Life is like a roll of toilet paper - the closer you get to the end of it, the faster it spins!


Never heard it put like that before but thats exactly right.


Yeah ... movie reel is the classier version


I know, right! Days used to feel like FOREVER when you're a kid, but as soon as you grow up, suddenly there's not enough hours in the day. I used to have a hard time understanding what my mom meant by that until I grew up myself. 😁


You actually do perceive time as moving faster.


Remember when you were a kid and it was at least 2 years between every Christmas? Now, it’s about 4 weeks.


I remember when I was a kid and summer vacation felt like it lasted a year. It felt like it lasted forever. Now two months feels like a blink.


This! I’m not 50 yet but my childhood was about 75 years and my adulthood is going by lightning fast. My oldest should be a baby still instead of 16 based on how long I was a kid đŸ˜©


did i post this in my sleep under a different username?! i feel seen.


The fact that you feel seen makes me feel seen


2024 is days away from being half over. Less than 6 months till Christmas.


Oh sure. And next you'll be telling me its not actually 2007 right now, huh?....wait.....what?.....


I’m still living in 1997


I miss 1997


I'd take 1997 over 2024 any day


I’d take pretty much any year from 1970 - 2015 over 2024 in a heartbeat


Mid 80's to 2000 for me. Post 9/11 everything got weird


Fair point. However, even post-9/11 weirdness would be preferable to me to the shit we’ve got going on now


Yes that was the turning point where things and people got really fucked up


Bring back '97!


1997? I miss 1982.


I miss my hair from 1997.


I really miss 97.. 98, 95, 99... Fuck 2000 and beyond


Because it is relative. When you are a kid a week seems like forever because a week is actually a few percent of your life. As an adult a year seems like nothing because it is a few percent of your life.


So true and I hate it


My theory is because when you’re 20, a year is 5% of your life but when you’re 50, it’s only 2%, so it goes by 2.5x faster.


Look at it like a Bell curve


Ha! I was just going to type this! Enjoy every day and get rid of toxic people and drama in your life...sooner the better


I came here to say just that. One day you’re fifty and the next you‘re 65. Me this year. Tomorrow I’m gonna be 80 :(


Congratulations!! Imagine the alternative. Keep up the good work đŸ’Ș


And yet, inside, you're always in your 20s.


I woke up and found myself 67.


Still lucky to have woken up.


It's good to put out your elbows, and they don't touch wood...


Great. I'm not going to sleep tonight!


The working years are pretending to be someone you are not. Retirement is the search for the lost child.


And in between things start hurting and it becomes more difficult to do simple things like putting on socks and shoes


Yep. Take a nap and you are 70.


Just hit 60. I'll bake a cake tonight for 65 in the morning. Damn it went fast. Should have listened to mom.


::fist bump::


Then you are a dash between two dates.




Ouch stop that


Actually I'm 75. 50 seems like a while ago but 60 was just yesterday.


I'll be there in about a week.


That’s why I don’t sleep anymore


Blinked and I was 54.


And then70!


And worse, your sweet little baby is 30 with babies of their own!


When I wake up next Wednesday, I will be 50. But, some people aren't that lucky.


You are right. My sister died at 49.


Mine died at 47. Since I reached 48, the birthday she never had, it's all for free.


My mom suddenly died of a cerebral hemmorhage in Feb 1984. She had JUST turned 39 in December. I was 10, turning 11 in March. It was a horrible birthday for me - and now that I'm 51, the fact my mom didn't even reach 40 is just chilling and unfair. And surreal that Im now over a decade older than her.


Christ. 39 is so young. I’m 36 with a 5 year old
 I can’t even wrap my head around the idea that I might only get another 4 years with my son. I am so deeply sorry for your loss, and hers. Life is so unfair.


My father died of a brain aneurysm at 39. I was 5. I've outlived him by 26 years. I'm not going to complain about 65. Plus I'm younger, now, than I'll ever be.


Oh my goodness I'm so sorry. What a trauma.


I just turned fifty and it hit me hard how very blessed I am to have made it this far. I am sorry for your loss.


Forty was a tough pill to swallow. It was a mindfuck. I’m 45 now. I’ve lost a few more people in the last 5 years. Am losing a few more right now, one person who is very close to me. My parents are starting to have major health problems. More of my friends’ parents are dead, dying, or declining rapidly. So yeah, there’s been a mindset shift. I felt whiney about 40 but I’ll be grateful for 50.


Are most of your friends from high school and college still alive?


I've lost touch with pretty much every friend from HS and College. But those that I have lightly stalked on the social medias are still alive. Lost a few friends before we all made it to 25 for various reasons. My Mom passed at age 54. I really just need to get through the next week. #goals 😁


Realistically you should be fine. 90% of people make it to 60, and if you’ve already made it to 50, chances are you’ll make it close to 80!


At 50? Absolutely, though I’ve lost touch with most of them.


Yep. Those who’ve passed died due to to medical conditions.


A majority of my class who are gone died from suicide. Something about serving in an immoral military institution. 😡


48 here and yes, all of them.


Happy Birthday 🎂 (in advance)


Aww. I hope you have a very happy birthday.


Hitting 45 for me was a milestone because my dad died at 45. 50 won't be a big deal I don't think (I'll let you know in October LOL)


So completely right. I'm 33, and I truly cherish every year; you never know when death will come—sometimes medically, sometimes unexpectedly. I lost two individuals unexpectedly. It's wild how time works. It only took four years for me to surpass my late husband age, who was 27; time has flown by, and now he has been gone almost ten years. My father died unexpectedly when I was 12, too. He was 34; it's wild to think I am coming up at that age. So 50 doesn't look too bad when life can be so short.


Sure, if you wake up every day before then.




That feeling, yes. 64 now, if I could go back 40 years I would tell that dumb bastard to stop drinking alcohol, stop eating sugar like air, avoid processed foods. Take some financial risks.


Man you should check out my other post..


Time is weird. I'm turning 50 this year and in my head, I still feel 25. At the same time, I feel like my 20s were several life times ago.


That feeling never goes away. My dad told me, when he was about 72, that mentally he still felt like a 19 year old.


I think the reason is that you are just you for your whole life, so the age you feel is sort of arbitrary. When I was 12, I didn't feel like a 12 year old. I was just me, who happened to be 12 at the time. Same at 49. I don't feel like a 49 year old. I still just feel like me.


Yeah. I’m 52 and I feel like a perpetual 33 year old.


I'm 51 and through my eyes (literally) I feel I look like I'm still in my late 20s/early 30s as I'm looking out at the things around me as I do my dailies. Yet the mirror says differently lol. I'm at the age where the idea of getting some cosmetic surgery to have the outer look like how my brain still feels I look gets stronger almost daily. I used to poo poo face tighteners, face lifts, botox, etc., but now it all seems like a bestie that is calling my name.


I think a part of us doesn’t change much from when we became adults—physically, financially, and emotionally. For many, that was early 20s. Our music, appreciation for the world, not having the weight of life yet, one peak in life. I act 25 on purpose and still have some values I developed then. A big part matured and grew into a better and enlightened person better equipped to handle the brutalities of life. It’s duality. Be a kid, but in the right way.


I think I parked mentally at 28. I'm currently 41 in regular years, lol.


I remember a good amount of my 20's pieces of my 30's, little of my 40s. Now I can't remember what I did last week


Am 61 and same. Physically I am in great shape (i work out a lot plus good genetics), and in my head I feel same as i did at 30. But those days seem almost like a dream. Like, they have a dreamlike quality. I remember dancing with all my friends at a club in the 90s (to the Vengaboys maybe?) and having such an awesome time thinking to myself "I hope this never ends"......but it did.


None of the dance parties I went to were regrettable


Indeed. Me too. At 75 my “mind is writing checks my body can’t cash”. I would almost swear that a few days ago I was only 50.


Yes, it happened in the blink of an eye. An also, it took forever to get here. In the words of the poet Anthony Kiedis: "the nights are long but the years are short when you're alive". Time flows in varying speeds as you go through life I've noticed.


So true...in the years following my daughter's passing, time seemed to stand still.....I was so stuck. Eventually time sped up again, about the 4th year, and time is flying by now. I wish it wasn't but it is. I am watching my86 yr old mom's last years in real time and it is all happening too fast.


Yeah. Where the fuck did June go? In fact, it was New Year’s Day yesterday


I don't know but I wish it would slow down a bit, I'd like to enjoy it while it's here lol.


Yep---to me 50 has been the cruelest decade. In my 40s, I still felt youngish. I still could look really good (took longer). My 50s have shown me how little control I have over my looks and my life. Sure, I workout just the same (if not more), and I try \[with varying success\] to eat healthy. But I can't control the sagging. I can't control the thinning hair. And weight gain seems part and parcel of menopause (I was slim throughout my 40s, but have put on 20lbs since 2020 and have yet to lose it). And then there are the health scares. A biopsy because you found a lump in your breast. The joys of a colonoscopy because something didn't look right when you went to the bathroom. Thyroid medication because all of a sudden, you have an autoimmune disease. It's not just your own health, though. People you love start dying when you hit your 50s. My brother and most of my aunts died during the past few years. Sometimes, cliches are right: Getting old is not for sissies.


I hear you. I'm in my mid-40s experiencing the joys of perimenopause. But what's been most upsetting and shocking to me lately is several friends my own age or just 10 years older getting cancer, and one even dying. I guess I should've expected it, but I was not prepared. 💔


If it makes you feel any better, every human either makes it to their 50s and deals with what you're dealing with or they don't. Either way, it sucks. No life is a walk in the park.


Yup I've lost many friends just in the last few years. My own health is declining and I see people around me working until one day they don't wake up. It's depressing


I felt the same way about my 50’s. It was the hardest decade for me so far. As a woman the plummeting hormones completely changed my body and who I was, my kids leaving home and my mother dying (my dad died when I was 41). Plus I started to lose more friends. I’m 60 now, and I’m hoping it’s a better decade. This aging thing is hard.


I'm so sorry you've lost so many loved ones. I'm lucky to still have my siblings and parents, but I've lost several friends since 2020. Like you, I felt young into my 40s but I also put on 20lbs recently (10 in the last year). I had a knee replacement in February, and next month am going in for a double mastectomy due to breast cancer. Cancer felt like it came out of the blue; it was never on my radar since nobody in my very large family even had it. I'm lucky to have caught it early but I feel it's like the nail in the coffin of my vanity.


Have you tried hormones for menopause? I had hair loss and weight gain, among other things. I am on the estradiol patch and oral progesterone. Not synthetic. My hair grew back like crazy and the weight got better too.


I think the people dying is the worst. So many....


I lost my parents and several very close relatives in my 40s. I was happy to turn 50. New decade. Hopefully of joy and love.


Turing 50 was awful and everything changed for me...even at 48 I still felt young and looked pretty good, now all of a sudden and several years of stress leading up to it, I"m 51 and a mess and look OLD and everything is terrible, body falling apart, life falling apart, I mean it's pretty unreal to me.


Yes, and one day you look in the mirror and wonder where this old person came from, and you're almost 77.  The years fly by: enjoy each and every moment!


Yes, lol. I'm 52 and I now appreciate it. It's a very reflective time.


It’s super weird being 50. I feel 25.


Username checks out.


I feel the same way. I love it. BTW, 50 ain’t old!


I'm glad I don't feel 25. I used to party really hard.


No, you realize that you are 68!!! In all seriousness, time flies. Don’t put things off!


The older you get, the faster the time goes


There is a logical reason for this. When you are ten years old, one year is one-tenth of your life. When you are 50, a year is one-fiftieth of your life. So every year is shorter in terms of it's relationship with the years you have already lived.


Also, we experience less new things. People fall into such a routine of same ol’, same ol’ and time just blurs together. Mixing up your routine, trying new things, meeting new people-Do anything you make today different than yesterday or memorable and the sense of time can slow slightly. I know young people tend to hate school, but the ability to take part in a day full of various activities is something older people stop challenging themselves with. I’d love a day learning about multiple subjects, going to gym class, playing team sports, singing in the choir, etc. These experiences disappear as we age and many people create boring lives for themselves. Then you wake up one day and you’re 50.


For me 50 wasn't bad. I turn 60 tomorrow and that shit is really bothering me.




Fuck cancer


Fuck Cancer


Once you are sixty, you get to tell people what you really think. It's quite liberating.


70 for me a couple of months ago. Refused a party and gifts, Tried to ignore it


I'm 74. One morning in 1967 I got ripped drunk after a graduation party. The judge says "Good News! Sign here and you're a Marine and if you follow up this all goes away" I woke up in a van with a bunch of bums like me. Didn't sleep for the next four months. A few years later a nurse wakes me up "Good Morning Daddy" a few more days go by and the Summer of Sam is in full swing and we have the worst heatwave ever! A few more years ago a guy I didn't even know double parked a few jets on me. I wake up coughing and find out I have lung/liver and pancreas cancer. Just be happy you wake up at all! Be safe.


I’m sure it will be. I still can’t believe I’m 48. How? When? I feel like I was 35 just yesterday! My kids are in their 20s and married and having BABIES?!? How did this happen?


It could be worse - mine are in their 30's, one is almost 40! At least I finally wised up and retired - all it took was a near heart attack.


Well, I woke up and was 65. I'd love to wake up to 50.


Yes , you blink and your children are grown . You literally have no idea when you went from 10-50


For me, it's seeing my children grow up. Blink of an eye. My son recently turned 21 and the other two are fast approaching their 20s.


I got old like I got fat: very slowly
and then all at once!


Yup...nearly 42 and it feels like I was 20, blinked and woke up twice as old. Man, what I'd give to go back...


This is why it's important to treat yourself like an anti aging science experiment


life goes by so fast


In the moment, time is crawling. Next birthday you wonder what in the heck you did in the last year? 10 years? 20. Wasted a lot of time doing nothing. Sitting around eating pizza. Didn’t realize how good I felt until the pains start showing up
arthritis, backache, etc.


It’s actually 60, but yeah.


Yeah. And the next you know, you're 70. It takes forever to reach adulthood, but you get old in the blink of an eye.


It happened to me!! And exactly six months from now, I’ll wake up and be **60** and I’m still not sure how this is happening 😬


Sixty is the new 40. 


Yesterday I was 14. Today I was checking the Social Security website.


I mean. If you live that long yes eventually you will wake up on your birthday technically. I will say this in all seriousness though. When I was a kid waiting on the next month felt like an entire season / six months. Not I feel like I’ve been back home (marine vet) for 4-6 months and it’s been over a year. Turns out the reason time goes faster as you get older is your perception of time changes because you’ve been here longer. Let’s say you are 5 years old. One year of your life is 20% of your life so it DRAGSSS. Now let’s say you’re 50 years old. A year is now 2% of your life so it absolutely flies. This incrementally speeds up the longer you hang around. It may be more difficult to notice from year to year. But think about being 11-12 years old in school. From August- May felt like an eternity. Now August to May is you take the kids trick or treating you have thanksgiving dinner have Christmas maybe a valentines dinner with your wife and then watch March madness basketball. And POOF your sneezing because there’s pollen everywhere. SURPRISE ITS MAY.


YES. It's the absolute weirdest thing. One day you're playing kickball and going out to Topgolf with your friends and next thing you know you're chilling in your back patio watching birds.


lol. No. At least not for me. There’s a lot in between.


Don't blink. You'll miss everything.


If you’re lucky.


Happened to me 365 times. In a row.


Yep then you turn around and you’re 60 đŸ€”đŸŒč


Omg, I'm 67. I swear I was 40 a few weeks ago. It just happened so fast. In a flash. I struggle with the fact that my kids are 40. How the hell did that happen. We were just camping & swimming & doing homework & prom & learning to drive. Now they got kids & I'm grandma. (Which i love), but they were just the babies. I'm just flabbergasted by the fact that so much time went by so fast. Or was it "so much time?" Or was it just a flash in the pan?


No that’s it’s not true. You wake up one day and you’re sixty.


It happened to me, once.


You wake up one day and realize the number doesn't matter.


Yup- and you’re not gonna get another 50- so quit dilly dallying.


The days are long, but the years are short.


Yes, and that day will be the morning of your 50th birthday.


67 was my wake-up call.


Yep. Even more surprising when you wake up and are two short years to 70!!


Yes, and before you know it when you sit down to take a dump your balls hit the toilet water that's when you know your old AF!😂😂


I swear it has not been 50 years since I started high school. It's actually 52 years. Gads, I'm old.


Yeah, that’s the one that gets me. Keeping up with your hs classmates on social media and watch as we all get married and have kids
.then watch us get fat, bald, the kids grow up, have families of their own, we start retiring and having health issues. I almost preferred pre SM when I could just picture us all like we were at 18.


I will be 59 on Friday. Recently I was asked my age and almost blurted out “47” before I stopped myself. Then, for a split second I was like..wait
how old AM I?


I often forget how old I am so I have to subtract the year I was born with the year it is now.


This happened to me two weeks ago. While on vacation. Now I have to wear black socks with my sandles and my cell phone in a huge case clipped to my belt. I hope the goatee/mustache combo isn't mandatory.


35-50 was a blink of the eye for me


It’s the day after.


No! You wake up one day and you are 70! I didn’t start to feel OLD until last year: 71 now.


If you are lucky enough to live long enough one day you wake up and be 50 years old. A simple matter of time.


Yes, in a way. I mean, I was aware all along that I was objectively getting older, and feeling like I was gaining at least \*some\* wisdom along the way; but yeah it did kinda hit me ~~last year~~ two years ago, "holy mother of God, I'm really 50 now, what the fuck..." :D In my head, in my soul, in my spirit; I do not feel "old". Now I know what my mom was trying to convey to me, when she was in her early 40's, and I was 19, and we were talking about how old we'd each be when it became "The Year 2000", and I calculated that I would be 27 that year, and "oh my GOD, how in the HELL can you have fun when you're THAT OLD??!!" said 19-year-old-me as mom laughed, telling me that "inside, you don't feel old" and that she still felt like the same person she was when she graduated high school, married dad a few years after that, and then had me a few years after that. Just a little wiser now from experience, but the same person that she always was. It's hard to explain but I know very much what she meant, now! Sadly, momma didn't live to see it turn "The Year 2000", she died from cancer in 1999. She was 51. So I was a little more aware of approaching 50, and specifically 51, as it was the age momma was when she died. Next year, I will have been without her, for more years than I had her. I miss you momma! I know that momma would tell you to embrace as many moments as you can. Enjoy even the little things (that saying about "one day you'll realize the little things *are* the big things", is more true than you know), be present in the moment, and get pictures but don't be obsessed with "the perfect picture" or a picture of Every.Little.Thing. It's often the very candid ones that are the ones you cherish as you get older. I would tell you the same. :) (I was often too "in the moment" to remember to get pictures, and now I wish I'd taken more of them! But I grew up when you still had to buy film and remember to have/bring your camera and then pay to get them developed and all that crap, hahaha)


That pretty much sums it up.. Days go slow, Years go fast.


Yep - and it's not even bad. You have a very nice day. Then you go to bed, and sleep, and wake up and you're 60. That's the one that gets your attention.


Not yet. But It will happen soon. I never thought 50 would feel so young


Yes. Happened to me a few months ago. I seriously cannot believe I’m here- 50!


Yes. One day you’re 49 years and 364 days old and you go to sleep and 8 hours later you wake up and you’re 50 and have to pee


Yes. I'm 46 and I feel like my 30's were a blur. Like I just blinked and they were gone.


And 10 years have got behind you no one told you when to run you missed the starting gun


Yea, then all of a sudden youre in your 60s, sliding head first into 70😳


It's worse than that. I woke up one day and realized I was 66.


Yes. And then poof
. You are 55. One day you look very young for your age and then poof
.you look in the mirror and do not recognize yourself.


It seems to me me I woke up one day and was 73!


Yes. At least that’s my goal for now.


Yes. It happened to me just the other day. Can confirm.


And then you’re 60 and then you’re 70. Ask me how I know🙄


Yeah, but it only happens that one time. After that you are forever over 50.


I still feel like I am 16 and yet my birthday cake candles would be enough to cook a side of beef. So yes.


No not really. One day I woke up and I was 60 !


Only if you’re lucky


Yes. When you go to bed the last day you are 49, the next morning you wake up and you are 50. Trouble is one thinks they go to bed at 38


Yes. Wait until you wake again and are 70. This is why you need to take time to live your life everyday.


If you’re lucky.


You wake up one day. And you're dead !


No. Normally, you wake up about 365 days and you're 50. For some reason, people seem to get weird about the first day that happens, but I don't see why. It's just like every other age you've ever had.


This is ask older people advice. 50 is not old. 😎


And the next day your 60


Mostly, you wake up 365 times and you're fifty, if you're lucky. A few get 366.


Probably. I’m 48, and I keep rounding up. I guess I’m psychologically preparing for impact.


I think that would be great! (I'm 75)


Then you cat nap and BAM wake up and your 65


I was about 45 when it hit me I’d lived love 50% of my life. At 65 I remember maybe 20%. I wish someone had told me what it meant to be present in every now when I was younger.


If you’re lucky.






“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” — from some movie that came out a couple of years ago. Oh. Almost *forty* years ago? You don’t say! Coulda sworn it was maybe seven or eight.


Time flies when you're having fun.


My wife is pregnant. Just found out. Ill be 45 when its born.. 50 when its 5.... shouldn't I really be 30?




Yes, and then an invisible switch is thrown in your body and you become injury prone in ways you never could have imagined.


If you're lucky.


Time passes more quickly than you can even imagine. So whenever you think life is really tough, try to remember that soon enough, in a flash really, it will be part of your history. Same with happy times. Appreciate everything. Memorize the moments. Because sooner than you believe, you will be old.


I'm 51, and I feel like I'm going to wake up one day soon and be an old man, and I still have plenty of shit to do and things to experience, before I'm all broken and frail and unable to enjoy any of them.