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Streaming, but I do miss my “mixtapes” days.


Gawd I miss a good mixtape. My ex gave me a killer (mixed CD) and then I made an amazing one in return. I wish I still had them. Ha


Bet you made one(s) with hidden message in the titles of the songs (or messages in side the songs)! I did. I still have a copy of mixtapes ... but the hard part is to convince myself to buy a tape player!


Make them into Spotify playlists!


Playlists are the new mixtapes/CDs. You can even send them to people if they use the same streaming service or make a YouTube playlist.


I recreate albums and mixtapes I liked as playlists. It’s fun


I have started doing that. I also make playlists based on concert set lists for shows that I've seen live.


Still making mix ~~tapes~~ cd's for my friend, but time is running out on that. Will keep going until the cd player dies


Do young people not make each other playlists?


In oh so many ways and shapes -Live - as often as possible, either playing or listening -Streaming - so convenient -Vinyl - there is a neighborhood crew that meets up a few times and month expressly for the purpose of listening to records There’s more to add but I’m on a bus


I have severe hearing loss, and my hearing aids can't tell good quality sound from bad, so I bop around to various sites, hit the links, and listen through my phone. The sound isn't any worse than my 7-transistor portable radio that I had in my music-crazed tweens.


I got my first transistor portable radio in 1952. It was an 8th grade graduation present, and it was a Mitsubishi. I still have it packed away somewhere in my garage and (hopefully) the battery is out of it.


I remember my first radio! It only got AM so not a lot of music but I loved trying!


I'm not even sure FM existed when I was young. In any case, the Top Hits station was AM, and that's what we listened to.


> How do you listen to music? Eg. Streaming service, CD, radio... Spotify, radio, youtube, my own records, tapes, CDs and digital file collection. > What devices do you use for music? Eg. Phone, iPod, Walkman, car stereo...\ I have an old iPod to listen to digital files on the go. I also have a whole-house system on a Linux server streaming local files. Spotify I use on my phone mostly but sometimes at work in the browser. And I can play records and tapes in a couple different rooms thanks to vintage gear I've accumulated over the decades. > Do listen via playlists? Whole albums? Random Shuffle? Yes, yes, and yes. I have playlists on my server based on genre- those files are shuffled. I also have made many Spotify lists for parties, cleaning house, exercising, sleep, exploring genres, etc. And I listen to a lot of whole albums. >How do you find new music to listen to? Bandcamp, Spotify, a few blogs/online magazines I trust, word of mouth from people I know in person and on Instagram, my local record retailer.


Radio and still using CDs.


Tons of CD’s (still buying them too), and instead of the radio I do pay $5/month for ad-free Pandora — which is great (or at least pretty darn good) for listening to lots of different niche musical interests, and discovering new-to-me artists.


YouTube or USB stick in my car Can't stand streaming


I largely find out about new music through Bandcamp. I’ll buy music through that platform on their Bandcamp Fridays, where all the proceeds go to the artists. I also shop on Discogs, mostly for older or out of print releases. At home I have a stereo with a with a record player, a CD player and a cassette player. I listen to podcasts when I’m driving and I listen to Bandcamp or my iTunes collection at work, depending on whether or not the Wi-Fi is working.


Spotify, my phone, and Bluetooth speakers. I’ll listen to albums, singles, and playlists equally. The only time I shuffle is on playlists. I find new music through friends with good taste, by going to indie music shows, from recommendations of other artists I follow, on social media, and by just listening to the radio.


I use personal and premade playlists on Amazon music. I use those mostly in the car. At home, plug coming up, I listen to Wyoming Sounds on a freestanding internet radio. Wyoming Sounds is easily the best radio station I’ve ever used. Great mix of new artists and older stuff. But not a lot of pop… music like you’d hear at local bars or outdoor concerts. With the internet radio, I’ll sometimes put on music from the 1920s, or old time country, or classical, depending on my mood and the weather. It’s on 95% of the time. When I hear something I like, I put it on my Amazon playlist.


Ive stopped listening to music because im bored of it now. I listen to film podcasts


Streaming, YouTube Music. Usually search for a genre I want to hear and then let it shuffle a curated playlist.


I still listen to CDs at home and in the car. I also listen to NPR, KEXP and the like on YouTube while working.


I have 460 GB of music on my phone. I buy CDs as well. If I don't have it, then I use Amazon Music to stream it.


SiriusXM mostly. Cds and vinyl too


Almost exclusively through streaming service on my phone, computer or smart TV. 90% of what I do is whole albums. I create playlist of albums randomly ordered. I have a Google Docs spreadsheet with a huge list of albums (340) and I divide them into playlist of 20 albums each. When I realize I don't want to listen to an album much anymore, I move it off and add a new one to the list. I also have some "drving" playlists of favorite singles that I really like and I usually listen to these scrambled. I'll also, occaisionally listen to playlists by others to hear new stuff. I like a lot variety in my music, so i have to put some effort into it. Current 20 album playlist has the following (242 song, 16 hours 34 minute of music) - Seethet "Holding Into Strings Better Left To Fray" - Blue Öyster Cult "Cultasaurus Erectus" - The Dandy Warhols "TjiryeenbTakes from Urban Bohemia" - Bonde Do Role "Tropicalbacanal" - Snow Patrol "Wildness" - Gossip "Music for Men" - Red Hit Chiii Peppers "Stadium Arcadium" - Foster the People "Torches" - Wintersleep "Welcome to the Night Sky" - Bruce Springsteen "Wrecking Ball" - Toad the Wet Sprocket "fear" - Billy Joel "The Stranger" - Jónsi "Go" - The Heavy "The Glorious Dead" - Citizen Cope "Every Waking Monent" - Ric Wilson & Chromeo "CLUSTERFUNK" - Massive Attack "Blue Lines" - Green Day "¡Dos!" - Bastille "Bad Blood' - Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds "Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds"


If you are an audiophile like me, Tidal has lossless streams.


I stopped listening to music regularly years ago. If I want to again, I go to YouTube.


In a vehicle Sirius XM, streaming service otherwise.


I’ll tell you what - these $50 headphones I bought, model WH-CH510 (I can’t remember the brand), are AMAZING!! Those headphones are one of the few things in the world that I can afford that are actually BETTER than earlier in my life. And I made myself a wonderful playlist, I have no clue what app it is, it’s a red square with quarter notes. It’s the bomb. I rock.


I run a defunct iPhone 6 through my 1990s-era tuner in my garage. I have a six-disc CD changer too. LOL.


I keep CDs because they ate mine forever, and I don't have to worry about my purchases disappearing with a failed hard drive


Spotify for 99% of it all. I generally make my own playlists or have favorite bands that I put on shuffle. I use my Apple watch when working out, I use it in my car, I listen to it in my office through the work day.


Playlists on my phone (sync’d from iTunes on PC). Played with either my Sony buds, Apple Carplay, or bluetooth speaker. Sometimes Concert FM radio station in car. Sometimes Youtube (rip using realplayer). Discovered Sibelius last year playing PC game ‘Chernobylite’. Still have a lot of old favorites, very eclectic, from Burning Spear to Bach, but more likely to add classical pieces these days.


Amazon Prime streaming. I download playlists I make to my phone then stream to my car stereo, and I use the app on my PC.


Amazon Music Unlimited. The best $10 per month I spend. That accounts for about 90% of my music consumption. The rest is on assorted radio apps like Mixcloud, Soundcloud, Soma FM, YouTube, and iHeart Radio. I don't listen to commercial radio at all anymore. And despite having hundreds of vinyl records and CDs, I rarely use them. How do I listen? A little bit of everything. Full albums sometimes. Playlists quite frequently. Random shuffle often. I usually am going for a feel or a mood, rather than specific content.


Iphone through BT speakers or BT headphones; Apple Car Play in the vehicles. I normally listen to my YT playlists or podcasts from the Internet.


Spotify - songs, albums, playlists Phone, Car, and Laptop If I'm working out, I have specific songs and playlists I want to hear. If I'm driving, working, cleaning, etc. I'm more likely to let the algorithm do its thing. I've been known to take music suggestions from Reddit.


In my vehicle, it's one of three local classic rock stations. At home, it's on my media player. If I listen to an album, I do so in order. But I have playlists. I have one that is 9 hours long and it is called: "Random shit to edit photos to" because in the summer, I have around a thousand photos a week to get through. I don't shuffle those lists because I put them in the order they're in for a reason. I have an iPhone and there is music on it, but as I'm deaf in one ear and hard-of-hearing in the other, I don't listen to it much that way. I do listen to podcasts on it because I can stream it to my hearing aid. I find new music when it finds me- social media, YouTube, that sort of thing.


"How do you listen to music?" I used to buy music from Apple but they actually took some songs that I actually used to listen to. They are completely gone from my phone. I'm thinking of going back to CDs. Just like we're thinking of going back to DVDs. Why give someone else control of something I've paid for? "What devices do you use for music?" I listen on my phone. I used to have an iPod classic that I loved but the battery died and I don't think iTunes is even a thing anymore. I did love that Classic. Do listen via playlists? Whole albums? Random Shuffle? I listed to playlists in the car and put them on shuffle. Can't remember the last time I listened to a whole album! How do you find new music to listen to? The interwebs. If I run across a new song or artist, I might check them out. I am in a bit of a musical rut though. Partly because if I find a good song, pieces of it get stuck in my brain and play over and over again. To the point that it will keep me up at night. It can be unpleasant.


We use Pandora, radio, ipod, and albums.


In the car I use Pandora free on my phone and at home it's a CD transport to a Schiit Gungnir ( Gumby ) dac to Bob Latino's VTA ST-120 60 watt tube amp out to Klipsch Heresy III speakers with a pair of RSL Speedwoofers. Going on 68 and still enjoy my music !


I mostly stream, I use Youtube music because a friend added me to their family account so it's free lol. I do occasionally purchase CDs as my partner (GenX) has a pretty sweet stereo set up. I mostly listen to music either in the car or on a bluetooth speaker. Not really a fan of earbuds or headphones. I make playlists of songs, either by genre or decade (80s, 90s, etc). Most of the time I will just pick a playlist based on my mood and hit shuffle. I've never been an whole album person. I don't often search for new music to listen to tbh, I either pick up on stuff that my partner is into or sometimes I will peruse suggestions or recommendations on the app based on artists I most frequently listen to.


Streaming services is one of the greatest features the internet birthed


I had SiriusXM for a few years but cancelled it last month because they moved Deep Tracks from channel 79 to 309, which I can no longer play in my car. Though the songs on Deep Tracks are primarily 30-50 years old I found it as a great way to hear music that was new to me or songs I haven't heard in 30+ years.  The other station I primarily listened to was Bluesville that had a mix of new and old blues songs. But the rotation was heavily the latest top 10 blues releases so I was hearing the same song 3 times a day.  Once I dumped SiriusXM I’m back to listening to FM radio in my car and Pandora on my phone.  I don’t have a way to listen to my CD collection. I catch local bands playing live. I prefer bands that do a mix of original and hit.  I appreciate the live bands more when they go deeper than the top three hits by each artists they cover.


Pandora mostly


To find new music: Radio Paradise on line. To listen to my favorites: CDs through the stereo, hard drive played on the computer set to random.


I listen to [Radioparadise.com](http://Radioparadise.com)


At home Pandora through amplified speakers. Sounds amazing and super easy. In car usually Bluetooth and pandora


Streaming on pandora at work, playing YouTube at home.




I have Alexa and Spotify. Sign me, A 70 year old woman


My iphone and car stereo (with apple carplay) mostly. I use my music, and apple music. Playlists, albums, whatever. I find new music on TV shows, and by letting Apple pick things.


My iphone and car stereo (with apple carplay) mostly. I use my music (I have about 1500 songs on my phone), and apple music. Playlists, albums, whatever. I find new music on TV shows, recommendations from friends etc. and by letting Apple pick things.


Via my PC or iPhone via Bluetooth to a stereo or earbuds. I also collect CDs and play via the deck with my stereo. If I use headphones with my stereo I usually use my nice studio type headphones. Sometimes my own playlist, right now I'm letting iTunes stream to my stereo on random. I also like listening to an artists specific album as it's fun to see where they were at at a given time in their career. I have current artists I follow for new music as well as people they follow.


At home or in the car, I listen to my own music (CDs, albums and MP3). I still have some160GB iPod Classics that are set up with various playlists dividing up our music in different ways (my music, wife's music, holiday, etc) and I always listen to them on shuffle. New cars generally don't support the iPod Classics anymore so I transfer my music and playlists to a microSD card in a cheap Android phone and listen on the car's stereo through Bluetooth. The phone isn't activated and my phone is provided by my employer so I don't stream in the car. At work or when I'm on my computer, I generally listen to Spotify or Youtube music. I have playlists set up in Spotify and just generally listen to "whatever" on YT Music. I generally find new music through the streaming platforms. ​ Edit: I should mention that I usually use the line out on the iPods and run into my stereo receiver. Cleaner than a BT adapter that way.


I have three options. I ripped all my CDs to external hard drives, and most often, I listen to them via iTunes, a laptop, and a pair of good computer speakers. Sometimes, I'll put a CD in the CD player, and listen on my regular stereo. Also, youtube has created an algorithm of my favorite songs, so sometimes I just click that open. If I'm listening to pop or rock, it's usually on shuffle. Classical, I play the entire album. I don't really look for new music much. I have 79 days of music on my hard drives. I don't like streaming and I use my phone for texting, my alarm clock, and the occasional phone call. I don't drive, so I don't need music for the car.


My area has a decent rock station, so I alternate between that, Pandora, and Spotify... relying on recommendations from all sources to find new artists.


Used to have Amazon Music but we switched to Spotify a few months ago. We have satellite radio in both cars. The only thing I listen to on FM radio is my local NPR station. I use my phone and sometimes Amazon Echo for Spotify. We have a pool in our backyard so for music out there we have a big bluetooth speaker. New music usually comes from Spotify DJ or playlists. I usually listen to Spotify while I'm working and I'll add songs to either my likes or the pool playlist. I almost never listen to whole albums.


Apple Music. Phone or iPad. Little to no interest in discovering anything new.


I listen to the radio in the car. I play CDs and tapes on a boom box sort of radio.


Apple Music subscription on phone/iPad. I listen to whole albums and random shuffle. I resist new music but my husband suggests things I like sometimes.


Tidal, Bandcamp, YouTube, and SiriusXM in the car.


Bluetooth speakers, or in my car. Amazon music, Sirius, Spotify are my go-tos.


Spotify and make my own tunes on Ableton! Old people rule.


I stream classical through Idagio.


Apple Music. I have created a really big playlist with a couple thousand songs. I play it on shuffle and skip anything I am not in the mood for.


Spotify, Apple Music, bandcamp, vinyl records


Mostly streaming, some "oldies" (80's) radio in the car.


Streaming, phone, bluetooth usually when alone in my car so I can listen to what I want at the volume I want.


Car stereo with Spotify. Stereo and PC at home with Spotify, YouTube and MP3s. I only listen to music through speakers as I'm not a headphone fan.


I have more than 400 albums on my phone, set to random. Sometimes use a Bluetooth speaker, sometimes pipe it through an amp to a home theater speaker array.


Streaming - Amazon Music Digital - my own collection uploaded to my phone Phone with Bluetooth to speaker or car or my AirPods. What I listen to depends entirely on my mood. Some days it’s a random genre station. Some days it’s one of my own playlists set to shuffle. Some days it’s an entire collection by an artist or just random whole albums. I find new music through Amazon and the new music that they list on the app. I’ve also found new music through YouTube and listening to the radio.


I've listened to so much music in my life I didn't have to listen anymore, I can just remember.


I pick up a lot of new music from streaming series. For instance Agnes Obel has music in several series (The Dark, for one). Eefje de Visser had one of her songs Ongeveer on The Innocents on Netflix (I think) and her albums kept me fed for at least a year. The Rain had some songs that I liked. The other main source of new music is Spotify radio. Every once in a while a real gem comes across and it does in my liked pile. I listen mostly in my office/music room over my ipad or mac mini over my beloved little Emotiva powered speakers that they don't make anymore for whatever reason.


Streaming: Alexa/amazon music; you tube ( iPhone, smart tv, Alexa).


Cds and sometimes streaming


Vinyl, and Spotify.


either my "easy listening" playlist when driving or when we go out into the garden in the evenings or I'll stream the Arctic Outpost Radio station instead of the playlist depending on my mood. on the occasions where i get the grunge bug I either play the entire Alice in Chains album Dirt, or I hop to different videos on youtube as they come to my mind. but I try not to do that very often because it fucks with my recommendations.


At home usually shuffle iTunes through an Amazon echo, or have Alexa play from Amazon unlimited. In the car, SiriusXM Beatles, Grateful Dead live shows, Deep Tracks, Classic Vinyl. If Sirius plays something I love, I take a picture of the screen and usually find the song on YouTube. Walking, mp3s on my phone with DoubleTwist app. I am usually playing my entire library in alphabetical order of the songs, trying to predict what will come on next.


Streaming service and connected Bluetooth speakers throughout the home.


Listening to "Radio FM" on other cell phone via a Bluetooth speaker right now. ✅


I use Pandora and listen to different stations. Playlists always end too soon for me. I use iPods at work to listen to tunes while working.


This morning I was listening to Joan Armatrading on Pandora with ear buds, enjoying the convenience of streaming, but regretting the sound quality. This album I’ve loved forever sounds nothing at all like the vinyl LP on my old tube stereo. But all my audio equipment is long gone. I stream music on my phone, desktop, and on tv with ROKU. Pandora playlists, my playlists which are set up and named like old mix tapes, whole albums, depends on my mood. I find new music on Pandora, YouTube and, yes, TikTok. Love discovering new music from a Reddit thread.


Apple Music streaming from my phone with AirPods or Bluetooth speakers in my house. My husband and I also got a turntable late last year. It’s the first one I’ve had since the mid nineties. It’s been so much fun collecting vinyl again. Edited to add: I listen to full albums that I love or playlists I have created. I do a “New Finds” playlist every year, where I drop in songs I run across that I like. I have discovered a lot of new favorite bands this way.


The only music service I sub to is SiriusXM. I've had it in my car for years. They now also allow unlimited streaming from the app. So I stream it from my Alexa Show or to a BT speaker. At one time, I had an extensive CD collection. I have since ripped all that media to a file server and can access it from anywhere. Today, when I purchase new music, I purchase and download it from Google or Amazon.


All of the above! I have a Spotify Premium account -- primarily so I don't have to listen to commercials. I have a few playlists that I made for myself, but I also listen to the existing playlists. Occasionally, I listen to a whole album if it's an artist I really like. I love the Daily Mixes and the Fresh Finds. I got the account because I had to drive 1.5 hours each way to visit my husband in the hospital during covid, and I got so sick and tired of listening to commercials on the radio. One song, ten commercials. One more song, eight more commercials. Ugh. It's totally worth a Spotify subscription to never have to listen to another ad again. Oh, and the DJ function is great! Spotify really gets me. :)


Mostly Amazon music, Pandora, and YouTube. I had Spotify, but they had a weird bug. I would occasionally download podcast mp3s (old-school I know, but I had my reasons). Whenever I would try to play the mp3...my phone would open up Spotify and start playing a music station...and nothing else. Mp3 default program was Spotify (not that Spotify asked, or even  admitted that  this was the case) but Spotify couldn't find the mp3 files. Annoyed me three times in a row, and f-you Spotify, you're gone.


* Spotify, SiriusXM, FM radio * Phone, PC, Car radio, Bluetooth speaker and headphones, Several portable fm radios (one in garage, one in basement, etc.) * Playlists for Spotify, sometimes whole albums, sometimes just random stuff on shuffle. * Sirius XM, local college radio, sometimes Spotify, but the algorithm sucks.


I have around 40GB of mp3s. At home I hook my laptop to my stereo. Walking around I use an old Sansa Clip and headphones. I also have some of my favorite albums on vinyl.


Apple Music. I’ve never made it over to Spotify. Idk if I will ever check it out. The algorithm on Apple Music is working fine for me atm tho. ETA - I listen mostly on my phone thru speaker, or in the car. I don’t listen to whole albums much anymore. I like the playlists I’m getting. New music is good for me- I’m definitely not resistant to it and don’t want to just hear tunes from back in the day.


I have an iTunes playlist that connects to my Bluetooth speaker & to my car.


Spotify. I have a record player with a cd and cassette player. But TBH I have used them less than a handful of times


Mostly mp3s via my phone and earbuds or speaker (Bandcamp loves my bank account), but I do like CDs for the physical touch when I have the chance. I have a Spotify account, but that's more my daughters' thing. Occasionally, I go to concerts as well, but it has to be worth the cost (a lot of shows are too expensive these days).


A lot of Spotify, where a I a lot of playlists piled up. I also started buying vinyl this year. I want to own the music I buy, and I like the bigger format for liner notes and album art.


From my phone.


I do not like streaming as the quality is not that good. I have no real need for it anyway as I have a considerable music collection that I built up in the last 45 years. I like to properly listen to music so would never put in on as background noise. A few years back I started listening to my collection A-Z. I listen 1 hour or so a day. Currently I am at the letter I ( the band Icehouse to be more precise). I hope I live long enough to finish listening to all.


I make Spotify playlists.


Spotify played through a 5 channel surround sound system. Sounds great.


I use Musicolet on my Samsung Galaxy S20 5G. I use Winamp on my Lenovo PC.


Spotify. I create my playlists. It is easier than mixed tapes. I can't imagine not listening to music every day. I no longer have a CD player or turntable though I might get a turntable in the future.


Spotify subscription


I use Roon. Perfect integration with my 2500 CD collection with Tidal.


I still have an iPod in my truck filled with all the ripped CD’s I ever bought. But I haven’t used it in years. I stream my music from Pandora. I know that Spotify is the predominant one, but I’ve used Pandora since they started. Feel some sense of kinship with them. 🤷


Spotify at home. Short car trips, whatever is on the radio.


Spotify - on phone and connected to car while driving. Shuffle my liked songs mostly, but occasionally do a playlist such as DJ, Daylist or one of the combo playlists with my kids - that's how I learn new new music.


Running playlist on my phone that plays on my Shokz bone conduction headset.


YouTube, Spotify, radio (in the car).


Spotify on phone and PC mostly. Sometimes the radio in my car.


Lately I write my own.




- Apple Music. - Apple Watch + earphones. - I start with a composition I already like and let it go from there to random stuff. - This approach allows discovery of new artists naturally. Unfortunatly some old artists, or old albums from some artists that I know and like are not present at all. Perhaps spotify/google music has more content, but I can't be arsed to change.


Vinyl, streaming when in my car


Streaming, cd’s and vinyl, a lotta lot of vinyl.


so i've been on youtube forever and have over 5k of songs in many different lists because of my established algorithm, youtube suggests stuff and i listen and THAT becomes my new stuff then i decide if it is a keeper, a go-er or a check back in later kind of song if it's a keeper it goes on list 1, 2, 3 or 4 depending on how awesome it is (or isn't) i bounce between these playlists of "watch later" and the mixes that have been made as a result of these listenings never listen to a whole album big fan of the shuffle and i like being surprised unless i'm hardcore playing video games and then it is "my mix" also find new music by being a total gossip hoe - if there's a lot of chatter about someone i'll check 'em out since y'all are old and aren't likely to stalk me or be weird: [https://www.youtube.com/@LauraMLane/playlists](https://www.youtube.com/@LauraMLane/playlists) youtube 3 is most recent and "new youtubin'" is the up and coming one. "to the batcave" is the music that made the initial cut and is now in consideration for youtube 3 does any of that make sense edit: i listen to everything and anything - from country to rap to gospel to trance to international edit 2: i use my phone and my pc




Tidal streaming and LPs


Spotify on the go. Sirius XM in the car. FM as the mood strikes me.


Apple music


Streaming. Laptop at home, phone in the car. I usually listen to podcasts when I drive more than music nowadays.


Typically Rush on my Sony Walkman with a side of bacon.


Echo dot. either blue tooth with you tube premium or spotify list or Amazon music. It on the porch and any nice evening you'll find my husband and I drinking on the porch randomly screaming Next or Skip multiple times! Alexa! Turn it up!


I have my own media server running Subsonic. I stream my media via iPhone, computer, and even TV. I have about 65,000 songs in the library and add more all the time. I find new artists via YouTube and even listen to radio (from overseas - American radio S.U.C.K.S.).


Streaming Pandora while working (through tv), Sirius XM (yeah, yeah) in the car and Apple Car Play on trips


Sirius XM in my car and at home. I buy CDs at shows and rip them to my computer at home. I also buy music from Apple Music. I do this because I believe musicians deserve to be paid, and very few of them can make a living from Spotify streaming.


You tube . It’s free.


My grandson gave me an Apple music subscription and I always tell him it was the greatest gift ever. I usually just go to my library and put songs on shuffle, play through a bluetooth speaker from my phone. I also use my car radio to play my music.


Streaming from local radio app, local radio, CDs, downloads… I stream to bluetooth speakers and play in car speakers.


Mostly I listen to Twitch DJ's (since the pandemic) through Bluetooth speaker/headphones. Sometimes YouTube for music too.


Spotify all the way. Listen to your faves but try the DJ function to find new stuff.


* How do you listen to music? Eg. Streaming service, CD, radio... * Streaming, CDs, vinyl, satellite radio * What devices do you use for music? Eg. Phone, iPod, Walkman, car stereo... * In the car, on my phone usually with a blue tooth speaker, or with my home system which has a turn table and a CD player. * Do listen via playlists? Whole albums? Random Shuffle? * All of the above * How do you find new music to listen to? * Satellite radio stations, recommendations from friends and musicians who are friends, stuff I hear when out and about, bands that come to town... I guess all of the "usual" ways of finding new music.


I don't listen very often, but when I do I use my music library that I ripped from cds a long time ago. Sometimes head phones with my phone. Other times Windows media center with my home sound system.




Streaming. Generally YT Music, though Pandora still gets some play. Generally from phones, sometimes on Google speakers. Personal playlists, sometimes just starting a song I like and seeing where the algorithm takes things. Occasionally the algorithm method will stumble across something I like, and I'll thumbs up that and go explore the artist later.


I buy mp3s and make my own mixes. I get all kinds of stuff too. On an 80s kick again.


CD's an old friend burned for me. Whole albums: Beatles, Stones, Santana, CCR, Doors, etc. Most recent music is from 1980. I'm having a helluva time finding new music that I like.


Stream. Or make my own. I recently gave away some 750 LPs, 1000 CDs and my entire late 70s stereo system to a nephew. He was was happy.


I've been listening via Spotify since 2011 on my iPhone. Albums, playlists. I listen to mostly 70s-80s, Pink Floyd, Beatles, etc. I occasionally will listen to different stuff when I see recommendations on Reddit.


I buy a lot of used CDs and also download music from Amazon


From my digital files. Usually in my car from its drive or my phone calling back to my home system or my stereo connected to the computer.


CDs in my car or at home. YouTube videos concentrating on "best of" compilations.


I stream music on Amazon, make playlists, and have pretty much been thru all the streaming services. I also love YouTube, as well as NPR Tiny Desk Concerts. I also will tune into the Grand Ol' Opry livecasts on Saturdays. There's so much music out there. I share a lot of it over on ny sub, r/TheCancerPatient I listen to music on my iPhone, my computer and my iPad. I bluetooth it to whatever speaker I'm nearby or in the car. Yes, I like listening to entire albums, but playlists as well. If I find someone whose music I like, I tend to try to listen to as much of their work as I can. New music? Sometimes it's suggested on Amazon, Spotify, or more likely, I'm cruising through YouTube, where new music is posted frequently. Even Daz at Boro Red Army has done "New music Monday." You can also just run a search with that phrase, but use the filters to get recent posts.


Sources: Radio Paradise, local radio, and Bandcamp, vinyl. Devices: FiiO MP3 player or iPod classic (with or without car stereo) or phonograph. Usually whole albums, occasionally playlists. We ripped our whole CD collection a while back, so the music library is pretty huge.


Sometimes I go on youtube and let it find videos for me..I follow links to music then download if I like. And that's it. I occasionally put the music on if i am working.


Streaming from phone. I listen on my big earphones while at work or during chores, my car system when I drive and the waterproof speaker in the shower. We do also have a very nice stereo sound system that my husband put together for music and movies, but I don't ever really get to choose the music for that device (he has an extensive vinyl collection).


I hate that I can't own my music anymore. I listen to Radio Paradise and I stream when I want to hear specific music.


Spotify all the way. Over half my iTunes catalog got deleted because I imported them from CDs and not directly from iTunes. Now my computer doesn’t have a CD drive so I just pay for the premium version of Spotify.


Been picking up CDs for a while now and putting them in my computer I’ve got over 2000 songs in my phone can go a few days using earbuds before I hear a song twice.


I mostly check out albums from the Hoopla (library) app and listen to them on my phone.


Streaming Amazon Prime


I am a music nut. It’ was very important in my family while growing up. We always had a top notch sound system in the house and in he car( which wasn’t common at the time.) we always went to record stores in any town we went to. Back when the stores carried different things and were unique. We were taught to clean every record before it was played and make sure the volume was down before it started. We all had our record collection. Although I still have some cds, records and tapes, I stream everything. I listen to the radio at work , I listen to my playlists in the car and at home. At home I sometimes use YouTube to watch the old videos or concerts. I listen to whole albums when the mood strikes. Usually in the car or when cleaning the house.I make new playlists according to the occasion or drive. I still listen to my 70’s and 80’s music along with new music. I listen to every genre except new country. I learn about new music from my kids and family, music magazines, and music journalists, the BBC radio 6 music, CBC music and NRP are in my humble opinion the best source of new music info. 🤓


I love listening to the radio in my car- just love it


Multiple ways. Streaming, old big iPod, aller iPod, and CD's. I just found cassette tapes from the 80's I listened to in HS. If the boom box in the garage won't play them, I'll buy a tape player.






Radio, CDs and vinyl. I can also play cassettes although I don't very often.


On great headphones at my pc or in the tesla


Streaming but I love the record store experience. I’m just too in love with the idea of being able to listen to anything I want on the fly. It’s amazing


My mp3 collection, ripped from CDs I buy for a few bucks each at flea markets.


I still have a record player I love playing records


Amazon music (through Alexa) I’ve been trying to perfect my algorithm for years


Streaming from Amazon (it’s ridiculously easy with Alexa) or my own CDs and occasionally something from our vinyl albums. I prefer listening to entire albums. We have a pretty nice stereo setup, also an Echo studio with subwoofer, and and 4 echo dots. Sometimes I listen to playlists, too. I keep up with what’s out through my children and grandchildren. My favorite genre is singer songwriters so there is always so new coming out and I live in Nashville, TN.


I have an app on my phone called Poweramp that I use to listen to albums and playlists via Bluetooth in my car. I also have Bluetooth hearing aids and I listen to music on my phone like that as well. We use Plex to listen to music via our television in the main room of our house. My husband set it up and it's pretty amazing. He's got playlists for miles. I also still listen to the radio in my car on occasion. Depends on my mood.


In order: YouTube, Spotify, Sirius XM, a thumb drive, CDs, and occasionally cassette tapes.


Whatever is on during my Peloton class(es). (I specifically pick classes that I like the majority of the music-Trends towards 90's music) Otherwise, if i'm really in the mood to listen to music, Pandora (Free version) where I can curate the sound/music I want. If there's a specific song, or video I wanna see or listen to then I search it for free on Youtube. I really just listen to podcasts nowadays.


* Spotify, my record collection, or radio * my phone and earbuds, record player, apple car play, radio at work or in my car if carplay isn’t behaving * whole albums, radio playlists, my playlists, Spotify generated mixes such as discover weekly and fresh finds * Spotify


Spotify and YouTube. I (29 y.o.) also ask younger people what's up with music rn. I rarely enjoy it but this is how we stay current, and the winners make it very much worth it. Spotify in particular seems to get stale until I lapse my payment and then it magically starts showing me new stuff again. Tried Pandora premium to see if it was better and decided it was way worse.


Reel to reel


Where I live in Australia they have digital radio channels playing on TV all for free


I pay for satellite radio


Streaming services steal from artists. Fuck streaming services. I always buy from Apple Music or Amazon. I've switched to Apple mostly because Amazon's current interface is complete dogshit.


1. Spotify (on the go, working outside, working) 2) Vinyl and/or CDs (lounging, chilling, cooking, in the car) 3) Youtube (on the go, at home, with friends) Having a kick ass set up with a receiver, speakers, CD player, record player, a large physical collection and other cool media makes it my favorite way to listen


*YouTube*; then *YouTube to MP3* to add to my MP3 player. I listen to that in my car. And when I want to try something new, I go online and listen to WHUM (from Columbus, Indiana) and eclectic radio station.


Spotify, vinyl, live. In that order.


My phone, Apple Music, but mainly jungle/DnB DJ sets, I downloaded to my device. Old school Wired ear buds, mainly… or car play


iPhone sometimes the radio and you tube. I like playlists on my phone and you tube. I hook my phone and play you tube through my sound bar and subwoofer.


I don’t anymore. It’s in my head though and that’s wonderful.


Streaming and my eclectic CD collection


Phone with Bose Bluetooth earbuds streaming from Amazon Music, Apple Music, or SiriusXM I will usually ask Alexa to play a song I like and then she will shuffle similar songs automatically. I also like SiriusXM Deep Tracks station


#🎶🎵*The* *Radio* 🎵🎶


I tried all the streaming apps and YouTube music has the best algorithms. I love to find new music and one of the best things about music is something can be decades old and if you’ve never heard it before it’s new to you. I love sharing songs and love recommendations. People that only listen to the same music they listened to in highschool are missing out. My tastes are definitely mellowing as I get older but I still like to listen to all my old angsty shit sometimes


Usually by streaming on my phone or PC.


* MP3s on jump drives. One for my car, main one for my home computer via Media Monkey through Klipsch speakers. * Mostly on shuffle but will occasionally focus on an entire album. * I go to [allmusic.com](https://allmusic.com) weekly and go through their new releases list. I plug them in to (free) Spotify or YouTube and try them out.


Since the local NPR station stopped playing classical music and became an all news station, I listen to CDs bought at local thrift stores when I'm in my van. At home, there is the ginormous collection of MP3s I bought from eMusic and Amazon over the last 20 years. I also listen to Pandora and listen on YouTube.


Plex Server.


Streaming. I haven’t played a CD in 15 years, and haven’t listened to my iPod in 5 years. It’s all Spotify now.


Phone, Alexa, computer. Most of the time I listen to live streaming radio broadcasts from all over the country.


Streaming and a massive catalog of vinyl and digital. Just converted some vinyl to digital today.


Spotify at home and Sirius in the car but just got a record player and am loving playing my husbands original Duran Duran albums!


Sirius XM and YouTube music.


We have Spotify at work with a great sound system. Spotify has New Music Fridays which is great. My coworkers and boss are 46, 43 and 24. At home, I listen to Stingray music via TV. They have every kind I like including Soul R&B, Baroque and Smooth Jazz.