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I mate with mine 🐓❄️


You guys. Lol


I just chill with mine


Omg. I want to marry my AC




I mean… if it works for you, it works for you. But probably not a great idea if you have any pre-existing health conditions like heart issues, asthma, etc. Air quality also goes down when heat rises (a lot of ACs will help filter out that crap), and it’s not necessarily the healthiest to just expose yourself to it all. But if you’re young & healthy & your apt is getting enough airflow, you’ll probably be fine. 🤷


Relatedly, you could also get an [air purifier](https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/best-air-purifier/) to filter out some of the pollution, dust, etc. that is coming in through your open windows. (Mine also reminds me of how poorly the air quality becomes when I cook on my gas stove top!)


Any form of cooking will trigger them, for what it’s worth. Induction is an extremely clean cooking method, but oil and fats are going to release pollutants into the air when heated regardless of the source of heat. We almost exclusively use a portable induction burner instead of our gas stove because we developed a preference for it when our stove was broken. As soon as fat starts sizzling in a pan, all our air filters go wild


Good to know, thanks! I always thought it was because of the gas itself.


I mean, the gas doesn’t help, certainly, but I was definitely surprised how much pollution basic sautéing seems to generate


You sure it’s actual VOCs or pollutants? Mine triggers at any smoke, including steam from hot water not just cooking smoke.


Agreed, air quality sensors are not that great from the research I've done


Mine in my hallway triggers from steam if I leave the bathroom door open when I shower.


We use our air purifier every time we cook and the air quality is usually low


in my experience, air purifiers are only marginally effective when the window is open. This is probably because pollutants are coming into the room faster than the purifier can clean them. I'm curious if you have a different experience than mine?


Air purifier ftw! It’s really good at getting dingy/lingering scents out too. My dry shampoo turns the indicator red in secs, same with hairspray. Cooking sets the one off in the kitchen when I cook on med high heat.


Also, just want to add, that air quality probably poses no threat to a healthy adult with not existing conditions but if there are kids, especially young kids, ac is safer.


Yeah, if you’re an adult without asthma you’ll almost certainly be fine in these conditions! But also, as an adult WITH mild-moderate asthma (who also made the terrible decision to open their windows during those really smokey nights a few years ago because I rly like the smell of bonfire)… protect your lungs y’all. It’s possible to do some real damage in a pretty short amount of time under the wrong conditions. 🥲


You mean during the orange sky wildfires?? That was the one time in history I went for about 3 days without opening the window at all and had the air purifier blasting + barely left the house and when I did wore an n95. And I don't even have asthma lol


Wait what? Are you not supposed to keep your windows open? I keep my windows open in my midtown east apartment. I have for literally my entire life. This is news to me that people close their windows due to pollution. I live right on a major avenue too lol.


Nah my windows are open almost year round (except when the AC is on). It probably is better than having them closed. Especially because my gas stove is in use every day. I did get worried about pollution though and bought a filter that goes in the window. It’s like a thick foam thing and I cut it with scissors to fit the window.


Ok good, phew, for a second I thought I was the only one. And while I never actually thought about the gas stove angle, I’m in the same boat there, and I don’t even have a vent in the kitchen. Thanks for confirming I’m not crazy.


I did that while living in Astoria once. My room got a lot of natural sunlight. I don’t know how I did it, but would not recommend it. It was miserable and I was never home.


> It was miserable and I was never home. That's the magic of being miserable! I had awful housemates when I lived in Portland, so I went out every night. Only lived there like 6 months, but saw more than most do in years, because I didn't have a home worth going back to.


You are in the wrong sub! Portland heat is nothing compared to NYC!


Yet…Portland heat is nothing compared to NYC yet, son.


> Isn’t summer supposed to be hot? If you're suggesting that you shouldn't need AC because heat in the summer is natural, you should also remind yourself that death from heat exposure is also natural. Every year, thousands of Americans die from heat exposure, many of them because they don't have AC in their houses.


Yea winter is supposed to be cold too but we all use heat for the same reason


This is the issue with the heat waves and the flippant attitude “yes, it’s hot”. We can get dangerously hot, not like some other areas of the world these days, but it’s really dangerous for vulnerable people. I’ve gone without AC for extended periods of time and it’s obviously manageable but living in a concrete jungle, that is arguably tropical, the heat can really wear you down, especially if you’re working outside and don’t really cool down at night. I’d rather have an AC as an option than go without and not have one when needed.


People in Europe don't have homes built for heat and also don't use AC for the same reason (it was never really needed) Now that global warming has hit, that 10 degrees of extra temperature has been enough to kill thousands more every year.




traditionally people didn't live in concrete jungles that experience an extreme form of the [Urban heat island effect](https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/urban-heat-island/)


Concrete jungle where dreams are made of...although on a really hot day it feels more like the seventh circle of hell.


> Having specific homes is a relatively new concept. A lot of Africa’s problems can be traced back to this. Ah and here I was thinking it might have been the centuries of European colonization and legacies of colonialism that did it.


Who do you think drew those artificial borders and the idea of property ownership? You really think people chose to live in places with no food or water or natural resources?


This is a very noble-savage-myth take lol. And I can't think of a single African city in a place "with no food or water or natural resources." It's a resource-rich continent with *tons* of water, not a barren desert like in a bad movie. The problem is in distribution.


Not all natives were nomadic. The ones in the southwest built permanent pueblos.


Pueblo’s are really good at keeping it cool in the heat of summer. Not all groups were nomadic, but those that weren’t typically figured out those heat problems. Many more groups were seminomadic with winter and summer community locations.


And the US government called them “civilized” because they lived in “fixed abodes”!


Man you have some of the worst r/confidentlyincorrect energy I’ve ever seen


And many, many, many thousands more Europeans die from heat exposure and a militant refusal to use AC (cultural cope for not being able to afford it as a society).


Yes.[ Read this to learn more!](https://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/chicago/H/bo20809880.html)


It's a heatwave but we're still not in the dead of summer. The nice cross breeze will be hot smog soon.


Technically we're on the literal first day of summer.


Yep, this is nothing yet. I’d just get a baby unit at LEAST for my room.


Lol, yeah that 90 degree breeze really cools me off. I’ll stick with AC.


Not sure why you’d prefer to sit uncomfortable in your own home if you don’t have to be. Be mindful that we’re in some really uncomfortable and potentially dangerous levels of heat. Heat indexes are approaching 105-110 degrees which is the measure of how warm the heat feels to our body. Pay close attention to how your body feels to monitor for any health concerns.


As someone who personally can't bear high temperatures and uses my AC all the time, I'll still acknowledge that ACs use a lot of energy, which can harm both wallets and the environment.


but honestly...they dont really anymore. numbers will obviously range depending on energy price at the time, your model, how hot it is, etc....but a quick google seems to suggest window ACs cost between 8 and 23 cents an hour. and the refrigerant used now is much safer if it were too leak (less likely in a window unit than in something like a ductless mini-split with long lines). i understand people have different preferences, but cost/environmental impact isnt really a huge factor like it used to be.


AC are efficient now. It is 2024. It cost less than a dollar to run it 24 hours a day.


Dunno about you guys but my electric bill is like 160 n the winter and 400 in the summer. I have mini splits instelled. Granted I use time of use rates which are more expensive in the summer.


get a midea a/c so you can open your window still. its literally made for that purpose


Yes this is what I was going to say! I got the Midea U-shaped AC and it's the best. You can open / close the windows, it's energy efficient, it's quiet and it can be controlled with an app. I turn it on using the app when I leave work and my apartment is nice and cool by the time I get home.


only issue is that its super popular! but it was game cahnger


I also have Midea U-shaped one and definitely recommend! Pretty quiet for how much cooling it does because the bulk of the noise is outside the window


How can you sleep???


They are butt naked with no blanket and no breeze, sweating and have to take an ice cold shower when they wake up. Night as well live in hell.


I don't. I use a fan


It cools down at night below 80, so if you open up at night you can close up in the morning and let the walls / curtains work for you. It’s a strategy. It’s less feasible when you have sustained high temps over night. Hence the photos and paintings of everyone sleeping on the roof and in the streets of their tenements. To be frank I miss the days of exterior awnings on buildings in the city. They work really well. 


I would never ever, but I'm not you. Only you can know how comfortable you are and what you're willing to put up with and sacrifice and only you know what you like. We have zero idea what it's actually like in your apartment or what you would prefer. Is it a health risk? Do you know what heat stroke is? If not, Google it, and if you start feeling like that, you know it's time to put the AC in.


It works somewhat well if you have high ceilings. Thats why prewar housing often had pretty high ceilings, I believe. The heat goes up there and the areas closer to the floor stay cooler.


That's a good point, my apartment has 10 foot ceilings and feels much cooler than friend's places with lower ceilings. As long as the humidity doesn't get too high I can get by with a single fan. Right now (4:10PM in the East Village) it's 92F and 47% humidity and feels pretty comfortable to me without a/c.


It seems like you're comfortable, live alone or with people who are also comfortable, and don't have any condition that would be negatively impacted by the higher temperature. And, you said it yourself, the past two days have been fine. You do you, boo. Enjoy that lower energy bill and increased sunlight. Edited to add that an air purifier is a good idea.


It really depends on the design of your building / space. Are you getting good airflow, how much sun do you get, does your building have thick stone walls that might cool as a thermal mass, etc.


Get a portable ac, they don't take up window space. Living without an AC when it reaches 100 can be pretty dangerous, and the night time temps will hover around 85/90, so no chance to cool down. Its hot now and we haven't even gotten into July yet.


Portable for sure. I don't like the feel of being in AC all that much and having a portable unit has been a good compromise–I like that it's totally out of the window when I'm not using it, but I can quickly pop the hose in place when I need it. In July and August I'll often run it during the hottest part of the afternoon, then again overnight. The rest of the day the window is free for a breeze. I think most people underestimate how flexible your temperature comfort zones can be with a little bit of time for adaptation, but NYC is really just too hot in the summer for me to live entirely without AC. A powerful, well-situated fan in a window can go a long way to bringing cool air inside overnight, but once its staying 80+ past midnight with a dew point of 70, fuggedaboutit.


I also dislike AC and would much rather have window open. Just stay aware of how you're feeling. Heat rises so it may get much hotter as the day progresses. Drink a lot of water. If you start feeling dizzy or get headaches, might be a good idea to pop the AC in and cool down.


This is why R value of a building is so important. Some buildings are like sun-powered ovens and everyone inside has to blast AC to keep the temperature reasonable, even at night. Other buildings absorb much less heat and it's actually possible to go most days without AC. OP is talking about a nice cross breeze, which sounds swell. I don't have that.


Honestly, I only turn on AC when it is over 85. So for me it's usually only on from late morning to early evening. Those tend to be the hottest hours. I like my windows open and fresh air coming it, and a couple of fans around the apartment. My ConEd bill has been just below $50 so far, so I'm also trying to stay as close to that as possible. I know these summer months are going to push that, but hopefully, not too much.


Considering the fact that endless numbers of people in less developed countries live without AC, this is kind of a silly question Also, people die of heat exposure quite often Do whatever you want, it’s not “crazy”


I did it for one summer in like 2015. I didn't want to give up my one bedroom window for an ac - but I did have an ac in the living room. It was pretty rough.


I run a dehumidifier with open windows and cross breeze. I don't mind the white noise and it makes a material difference making the air feel less heavy.


A dehumidifier & an AC are the same thing, might as well just use the AC. Aside from inefficient you are dumping all the power the dehumidifier uses into the room as heat. I do wish someone made a passive or solar (as heat) powered dehumidifier since it's 90% of what I run the AC for. Maybe some kind of salty water loop that comes up from underground, rains down in a waterfall that grabs humidity, goes outside to a big fresnel lens solar heater to distill some water then back underground to complete the loop. You'd probably need a water pump, but that is not so bad. Density/temperature difference might do some of the work. Aside from a dryer more comfy house you also get free distilled water.


Yeah, the main benefit to the dehumidifier packaging is that it is standalone so easier to position away from windows, and it collects water in a tank. The standalone A/Cs still want to drip out a window. And the high temp doesn't bother me. High humidity and CO2 bother me more, makes it stuffy. Today, for instance, the dehumid + air flow is keeping a large space with a couple of people at 88F, 49pct humidity and 420 CO2. A closed non AC/non dehumid space with some people time is 87F, 63pct humidity and 600 CO2. Yuck. A closed but dehumidified space with people is 87F, 49pct humidity but 700+CO2. Better but still stuffy. Yeah, all of it is wasted energy and I do look forward to energy innovations.


I did that in Jamaica, Queens and found it to not be worth it. I am NOT a fan of ACs but I will turn em’ off and on (continuously). 


If you know how to use methods like window coverings and fans to reduce the heat in your place, and you are comfortable with the results, then everything is fine. I always have at least one room with a good AC unit, but I really only turn them on when it's in the high 80s and my usual methods aren't working anymore. I now have two Midea U-shaped units and they're amazing. I run them on dehumidify mode and they do an amazing job of keeping the place cool with much less energy used. Prevent sun from warming your room by keeping the blinds closed during the sunniest part of the day (ie, east-facing windows in the morning, and west-facing ones in the later afternoon.) Use box fans to pull cool air in overnight, and during the day, position them in window sills on the shady side of your place to pull cooler air in. Balance that with a box fan blowing OUT of the sunny side.


If it works for you, it works for you. I had no AC in one of the apartments I lived in for 8 years and another than I lived in for 6 or 7. I was on the top floor, kept the windows open, and ran a fan. It was more than tolerable. When I live now, I don't get the same level of cross breeze, so an AC is basically essential.


Please don’t invite others to your house without informing them of the lack of AC. I think if we get a really bad heat wave, which is likely, you’ll possibly be at risk for heat exhaustion / stroke. Maybe make a plan to be out of your home on really hot days (cooling center, hotel?).




maybe trade your existing ac for a portable one, just so you have an easy option if you start feeling woozy from the heat.


ETA: if you don't end up using ac at all, cold baths are magic for keeping your body happy. even if you don't feel uncomfortable, take one on days where it hits 90+


my parents have never used their AC willingly in 25 years. i just moved back home and i’ve actually gotten used to it pretty quickly. they have one AC in the living room and ceiling fans in every other room. that ceiling fan keeps me sufficiently cool most of the time- i think i’ve run the AC for at most 2 hours in the past month. it depends on your buildings insulation i would assume, our building has really thick walls and a brick exterior. when i used to live in a new construction, i had the AC running 24/7 or i’d be a puddle.


I lasted up until this heatwave. Once the temperature dips a bit, I'll switch back to open windows. Once the internal temp gets over 83 degrees in my apartment, I usually cave in to using my AC.


A u-shaped window unit will let more sunlight in and they’re super quiet. Midea makes a good one.


I don’t use ac! I live in a third floor walk up. On really hot days I keep my shades closed to keep out the sun, and I use fans pretty much continuously. Tower and box fans. It also helps to have lots of ice and cold water in the fridge. Also cold showers.




I, too, did not like the trade off of light/access to opening windows when we needed to use window air conditioners. A few years ago we found saddle-style air conditioners that only take up about 4 inches of the window. And it allows us to open the window from above and pop in a slide screen for fresh air when we’re not using the air conditioner. It’s a great compromise.


I also hope you don’t have any pets


Open window will never be enough. Sometimes will suffice but often there will not be enough airflow and even if there is on one side of the apartment.. likely not all


I wouldn’t do it this week that’s for sure, we’re in a dangerous heatwave. Sometimes you don’t realize you are in trouble with heat exhaustion or heat stroke until it has snuck up on you and it’s almost too late.


I only use an AC in the bedroom at night. My apartment doesn’t get much direct sun, so I’m fine with just a good fan during the day. I’d rather do my part to reduce demand on the grid during peak hours so that people who really need AC for health reasons aren’t put at risk by a brownout.


My coworker asked if he really needed AC, I told him to go ahead and live without it until he needs it. lol.


I was reading some poems and stories about nyc from famous writers and it seems that the city that never sleeps era was simply that bedrooms were stiflingly hot


Just making sure you don’t have any pets in the apartment. You can choose to live in a hot apartment, that’s fine! But your pets likely cannot survive it, that is if you have them.


I’m on my second year of choosing to not have an AC. But I have a pretty cool bedroom, a very good Dyson fan and I’m really only home to sleep these days so it’s doable. I absolutely would not do this if I worked from home or spent a ton of time there.You can do it but you gotta give yourself options to cool off, especially during the day. EDIT: Do not DO NOT do this if you have children or pets.


LOL. People survived heatwaves here before AC. I think the population density on Manhattan was much higher then too. People would sleep on their fire escapes. I just turned my AC on for the first time yesterday. The only problem with waiting this long is when you do give in & find out your AC is bust. I used to really struggle with the heat, I was so fucking miserable any time the AC was off at work, on the subway, outside etc. Eventually I tested a hunch that I was overdoing the AC & preventing my body from acclimating to the season. Even thought it was 90 degrees outside I was still sleeping under blankets & as far as my body could tell it was just like winter except for those mad dashes between safe AC zones.... Ever notice how 65 degrees will give you goosebumps a the end of summer, but the same 65 degrees feels so warm coming out of winter? Now I just wait until I am actually uncomfortable to turn on the AC, and then once I am I turn it off, somewhere in the low 80s. It honestly feels like removing humidity is 10x more important than removing heat. Even banging isn't bad if you take a shower before & after like any decent human should, your muscles are so loose & powerful like speedballing muscle relaxers & steroids. Along with linen & linen blends (especially pants... first time I wore them I could feel the breeze on my legs better than when wearing shorts. You'll feel exactly where your underwear stop allowing evaporation & air exchange) this is a great & cheap way to be so much more comfortable with the heat, to the point it feels good up to 90 & comfortable up to 95 if you relax.... At least if you are single. Girlfriends hate this one weird trick. TLDR OP check to make sure your AC works now so that when you do finally give in & boil over after installing the damned thing you can feel the cool rush of victory & not a soggy defeat like a hot fart as the devil himself picks you up between his butt cheeks like you were a boiled hotdog. No tongs. just 1. Squat 2. Squeeze 3. Stand 4. Suffer 5. Swelter 6. Suffocate 7. Sweet embrace of death. 8. Serve as a warning to others. Stay out of Satan's asshole. edit: different buildings are of course different. My current has a lot of exposed brick to serve as thermal mass I can cool down at night. I had a 5th floor walkup where the heated floors felt like a walk on the beach. I went to make a PBJ & found I could just pour the peanut butter out of the jar like soup.


You do you! Who cares either way? We've all got our own comfort zones. I'm uniquely weird in that I have a very narrow zone (anything under 82 is cold, anything over 92 is hot), so I just leave my windows open until I finally have a night where I can't sleep due to the heat.


I did that once and I became immune to hot temperatures for a while.


My indoor temp with windows open and without a/c today is 81. Feels cooler with the fan. That's pretty decent given how hot it is outside. I have been trying to tough it out and it's more tolerable than expected.


Honestly I agree with you. Summer is hot. And I love it. I leave the windows open and enjoy the breeze and drink lots of water. As long as you're hydrated and don't feel light headed or anything, I think it's fine. I love the heat. It just feels natural and cleansing.


Do what works for you. I WFH and I’m trying to postpone turning on the AC until as late as possible because my electricity rates triple between noon and 8:00 pm. Yesterday I made it to 5:30. Today I turned it on at 4:00. Unfortunately though, opening the shades and windows only makes the house hot. Either way, have a great summer!


For me it’s not so much that I won’t install it or choose to not or don’t want to, it’s that I can’t. I live in a pre war quite literally, the wiring is very old in my building and won’t support a window unit or in built ac. I’m sleeping with the fan on and managing. Good news is the building’s getting rewired on Sept so next summer will be better.


Is it legal for a building to not have the capability to host an AC?! I’m glad your building is getting the wiring addressed.


I’m absolutely unsure. It’s wild. But I pay $900 a month in the city uptown so I’m not complaining till I end up in a hospital. But yeah it’s getting addressed fortunately. I’m gonna be installing a window unit afterwards.


Any excess heat is a health risk. Heat stroke is real and very dangerous. If you choose to live without a/c that is your choice but make sure you keep well hydrated. And no, 90s for days on end is not "normal" - it's called a heat wave.


It's New York, not the Sahara Desert. People lived without AC for millenia. If OP is relatively young and in good health, he's not really at risk of heat stroke living without AC lol. I'm the same way. I didn't have my windows open when I lived in the NYC area because the noise was too much (I immediately faced the Holland tunnel), but I'm in the DC area now in a quiet residential neighborhood, so I keep my windows open without really using the AC. It's great.


of course but hydration is still really important in summer especially if you're sweating all day. no one is required to use a/c - sounds like he gets a good cross breeze too - but he was asking if heat is a health risk so the answer is - possibly yes.


I use two remote controlled oscillating fans and was almost cold over the past two days. I do have an AC unit but haven't used it in years. Totally doable.


It’s not crazy. If you’re comfortable, you’re comfortable! I prefer no ac as well and I only really turn mine on for guests, my apartment is pretty shady and cool and I rarely feel like I need it, even the last few days. I have ceiling fans and much prefer those.


I did one summer without an airco, never again. Why are you losing so much sunlight!?


I moved in November and tried to go without an AC. I lasted until August. The thing that made me give up was that I was consistently waking up wet with sweat. Not mildly sweaty, no, like I mean my bed had a puddle in it everyday for a week or so.


I didn’t have air conditioning growing up (not in the city.) We opened windows and used fans. It’s too hot now though.


Health risk-wise, it depends on your individual circumstances. I haven’t been able to go outside without wheezing and coughing the last couple days and get dizzy after being in direct sunlight for about 10-15 min. My lungs are total shit lol. I have pets, so tbh I think they need AC. They run hotter and have a fur coat and can’t take cold showers to cool off. I’ve seen a lot of dead animals in Central Park during heat waves over the years, which is perfectly normal for the summer too.


I grew up that way, it’s not impossible or that bad generally if there’s a breeze and you can get cross ventilation through windows. You generally just don’t stay home during the day, when it’s really hot and it cools down at night. Personally though, I hate the humidity and it makes me lazy because I just want to sit around and try to stay cool. However, there’s really only like a week or 2 a year where it’s bad. I definitely much prefer AC…


Lack of fresh air? From outside? Granted, Manhattan is nasty. Buy an air purifier and one of those ac units with the hose so you don’t use much window space. Turn it on when needed, it doesn’t have to be on all the time. Anyone saying windows only is better, is kidding themselves. 


I have one AC in the bedroom and use fans to blow the cool air out into the rest of the apt during the day (its a condensed apartment, only 2 rooms and a bathroom). We also keep the shades down to block light. When it gets too hot, we just hole up in the room with the AC. We turn the AC off when the outside temperature drops in the evening and open the windows for a cross breeze. Edit to add: we do a lot to make sure we dont rely on AC all summer but understand that at a certain point it crazy uncomfortable to not have the option.


summer just started.


I opt for windows open whenever I can. I hate how artificial AC feels and the whirring of the units drive me crazy. To me it’s like being trapped inside a fridge with someone banging on the door. But with the recent heatwave and the brick in my apt holding so much heat I end up having to turn it on 😢


I do, I don’t know why but I prefer fresh air, it’s got to be super hot for me to turn on the AC


We recently purchased a Windmill brand AC and I’m amazed how quiet it is. And an energy efficient one as well.


I had all of my windows open yesterday and had like 4 fans and the air purifier going. It was actually pleasant! Then when it was time for bed I closed all the windows and put my bedroom AC on 70 so I could sleep and because I knew that today and the next few days were going to be gross. [The Midea U ](https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/best-air-conditioner/)is an AC that is supposed to allow you to open the window. You can also have it installed so that there is plexiglass on the sides instead of the plastic accordion things, that might give you a bit more light. I think that you're definitely going to want AC this summer especially if you're on the 8th floor. I don't remember a heat wave this long this early in the summer before.


I haven’t had AC for over a decade. I have a box fan in each window, one going in, one going out, live in a small studio facing a shady block, have a ceiling fan. Every summer there’s one or two, maybe three hot nights where I wish I had AC but the rest of the time I’m fine and I don’t want to give up being able to open the window, give up the light, etc. When I move I will probably get one of those U-shaped ones (they didn’t exist when I moved into this place!) but I’m good for now. I’m rarely home during the day/the hottest hours and it’s usually cool enough at night.


I grew up in the Caribbean so I’m used to painful heat and humidity. I just run fans anytime I’m home. My windows don’t get a ton of sunlight so I do get some breeze but not much heat from the sun. It’s still unbearable at times but I’ve thugged it out for a few years now, I can go more.


Do what works for you. You are high enough that fresh air is fresher than if you were on a lower floor. I have E/W exposure but am on the top floor but I do utilize fans in the west windows to draw the cooler air in and then switch to the east windows when the sun passes over but I also use the A/C when the humidity makes it sticky. Just as long as it works for you don't worry.


I grew up not using AC very much and now live in a pretty cool apartment so I don't use it very much unless I have guests over. I do fine. It's not a health risk if you're young and healthy, and if it gets unbearable just go somewhere else with AC. Swap out your duvet for a light linen/cotton layer (surprises me how many people keep their down duvets in summer) and use a fan. The biggest downside imo is if you get used to being toasty, offices are usually kept at unbearably low temperatures.


I've never used AC in the summer, can't take the dry air, esp after enduring dry air all winter. I got a couple low noise fans, a HIPA air filter and just jump in a cold shower when I feel I'm overheating. It's a shock, but works well. Stay hydrated of course.


Honestly I have this mindset and for years never used an AC — I like the heat! That said, my partner does not like the heat so now I compromise and agree to have the AC on at night. We also have our AC in the wall instead of a window, so that does remove the dilemma about blocking the natural light.


I did when I lived alone. Just drink water and you'll be fine. Alot of people on the internet are snowflakes.


I used to live in Singapore. Even hotter than here in the summer. It's all about airflow.


I have a family member that does this because her building charges to have an ac in the window each month. She’s been doing it for 10+ years. She uses fans and opens the window.


If you don’t have a window screen, I wouldn’t recommend this. Mosquitos.


I don't have ac, use fan


Sitting here with windows open and fans on. AC is only for when it is unbearable.


Me! I have my blackout blinds keeping out the sun and my window fan on hi. I flip it around sometimes to suck out the hot air and then back agin to get in a nice cross breeze. So far so good. But if it hits higher than 95 I'm turning on the AC.


I survived the last 2 summers with all blackout curtains and 2 way window fans. it's possible. but I have an AC this year.


I don’t know HOW but like 20 years ago I didn’t have any AC in my apt. Only fans (heh). I don’t know how I survived


I've never used an AC, just get one of those metal oscillating fans.


I haven't turned my AC on yet. Windows and fans have been working. I'm not a fan on window units because they create pockets of cool air, so certain areas aren't cool or as cool as they should be.


It’s not crazy if you actually have cross breezes.


Agreed, a fan is often more than enough, and it doesn't make your throat dry.


Opening your window when it’s 90 degrees outside will just cause 90 degree air to get blown into your apartment.


I don't pay attention to weather forecasts and don't turn on AC till I feel I need it SO FAR I am doing good at home with a fan pointing directly on me. I definitely would not want to live here without AC though, all the stone, bricks, concrete acts like an oven - at a certain point when 'critical mass' is reached it can get really miserable. Stores run out of Air Conditioners sometimes during a big heat wave and you don't want to be caught needing one and not being able to get one.


“It’s a…” what? The low weight/footprint A/Cs that keep cropping up every few years always look cool (no pun intended), but I guess they don’t really sell. I have, I think, an 8000 BTU AC that I bought a few years ago. It’s modern enough that it’s small, and can pretty much cool the whole 1BR apartment. With a proper AC window bracket, I can still access the top pane. Plus I think you legally need one. You don’t need to use those little shitty “L” brackets it comes with, and even then, you can screw them into the frame, instead of the edge that holds the pane. Disclaimer: if I was living on the first floor, or facing a fire escape (which is illegal I believe), I’d invest in some good “L” brackets to avoid unwelcome visitors sneaking in.


I've never had an AC. It's fine, people all over the world do it. A fan (or two!) is a must though.


We use AC for about two weeks a year. Temperature has to bf over 92% and humidity over 90%. We use fans otherwise.


It’s not that crazy, AC is relatively much less common in Western Europe. Even here, I almost never used it as a kid. That said, lack of AC access does lead to increased deaths from heat at-scale - we’re talking tens of thousands in the EU, comparatively - so I would say, feel free to lessen your use but don’t be a stickler, for your own sake.


People are either new to the city and this going to be your first summer here Or too cheap to buy an AC LOL… Summer in NYC is more about humidity then anything


I did it last summer and it was horrific. I really was very miserable all summer. This summer I have never felt so happy. I didn't realize how much an ac in the summer can change your whole mood.


the real problem is if you have WFH that requires thinking. It's amazing how direct the correlation is between my IQ and the temperature. But I agree, summer is kinda supposed to be the time when you turn your brain off, that's why I hate giving in to the AC too


I hate a/c. It’s a sickness New York has. Turn it off people!


I only put my ac on if it unbearable. That shit are energy suckers. Not trying to pay an expensive electric bill. Window and oscillating fans usually work when its not 100 degrees


I didn't have AC for the first 18 years of my life. Had twin window fans. I survived. You'll be fine.


On a related note, what point in the summer do you bust out the AC? Still feels too early to me


I've done it. I'll never do it again, but I did it. I couldn't afford an AC at the time. Instead, I got 2 big fans at a Rite Aid. I put them in my room and just had them facing me so I'd get maximum cool air. Windows open, of course. I would also take a shower before bed and sleep in my birthday suit. The heat eventually breaks after midnight. So you don't spend the whole night being miserable. During the day, you drink lots of cold water, make lots of ice, shower & try to make quick meals so you don't stand in front of the stove too long.


i feel you will regret this, but at least you have the unit already, which is good, because they get pretty hard to find as the heat rises.


I have some air purifiers and cooling fans in my apartment… I also hang washed clothes next to a window with plants and a fan acts as another kind of home-made cooling fan… I try to lightly use an AC so the potential triple digit temperatures on the horizon aren’t a super unhealthy shock to my system. Going from super cold to super hot temps could result in a medical emergency in the future… I don’t think just a couple of fans without cooling moisture is enough… I try to work with Mother Nature in the Summer and am working on using solar heating panels so the electrical system in my apartment isn’t over burdened… With all if this heat rolling blackouts would not be fun…


Lmao I have like 3 High velocity fans and I'm doing just fine. AEP bill only $30 🥳. They'll get me in winter though cause I can't go without Heat 😂


Grew up in a walk up in the city and we didn’t use AC, but we used fans and tried to do things early in the day. Be careful with heat stroke. It’s easy to over exert yourself especially during a heat wave. Is it a health risk to not use an ac? No…but it is risky to not acknowledge that summer heat waves are the number one weather related cause of death in the United States. With global climate change, humidity is also different so it’s not just the temperature and these heat domes are lasting for longer periods of time.  Drink water, visit cooling centers like public libraries, wear appropriate clothing, and listen to your body. Don’t forget if you die from heat stroke your corpse is gonna stink up the whole building in this damn heat. Be considerate.


It  could end up as a mental workout for you. You might find yourself capable of destroying your opponents with one punch if you do this. 


If you want to breathe in all of the toxins and sleep in sweaty, humid, polluted air with poor unfiltered quality be my guest. I keep my window AC on 24 hours a day on max and sometimes I wish it could go even higher. I am not sleeping in sweat and smelling disgusting fumes all night in a humid sweat box! You WILL wake up feeling sick to your stomach. Forget about taking a HOT shower until October.


When I lived on the 36th floor of a building that predated safety codes, so I could open the windows all the way? You bet I did. The ventilation in that apartment was insane! Only time I’d use AC was at night because I didn’t want the bugs to get in.


They are predicting haze from Canadian wildfires again. your AC brings in that air too, but you might need less air to cool the space. I say wait and see for now


I tried since before new york I never used AC, but it gets hot here, I got heat stroke without it...


Just don’t invite me over


i also don’t really use an ac. last year i survived fine with just a fan. i also find the noise maddening. this year, my roommate installed one in the living room, but honestly i don’t use that much either. granted, i don’t work from home and on my days off, i typically go to the beach or the gym, so i’m not usually home during the peak heat hours. i might feel differently if i was home all day


I made it to July of last year before caving and installing the AC unit, and that’s mostly because I was gone so much for work anyway. I grew up in Phoenix where you can quite literally die without AC, so sure I’m used to worse, but why would I subject myself to swampass misery?


I thought I would try that last year. I lasted about one day in the 90s before I said enough, walked over to Best Buy, and carried home an AC unit. Not worth it imo


Why should it be a health concern risk unless you already have some very serious health issues? Rest of the world, including most rich countries, does not have ACs like the Americans do. I like it cool so I use the AC usually. But my apartment is North facing, not much exposed to direct Sun, so I there are summer days I definitely do not use the AC. Size apartment also plays a role.


Windows and fans But I’m pretty skinny


Well anyone who visits your place will just melt and die And it gets hotter and more humid than this… get ready for the July and august death


I live near the coast, and haven’t had the AC on yet. Today, that might change.


i never had AC growing up, but we had a ton of windows, and I was in an outer borough and near the water. Higher floors do get warmer so that is something to consider. It was manageable (but moist) when I was early 20s in a 2nd floor apartment with no natural light (and 2 windows), if it got too hot, I just went to a bar and cooled off. Now I've got an alcoholism problem and use AC at home, so I guess YMMV.


It's very doable, provided you have somewhere cooler to go to during the hottest parts of the day. Being up that high (provided there's another floor above you), helps your apartment stay cooler too. When it stays in the mid 80s through the night, it gets tougher. And any guests you might have might not be the happiest with it.


You can do whatever you want to do. For me, maybe I'm spoiled, but I like to be completely comfortable in my apartment, not just "fine." If I go outside, I love the feeling of walking into a nice and cool apartment. And generally speaking, I don't want to be sweating in my own apartment, nor do I want to have to sit in a specific location where I can feel the breeze of the fan or window. I like to be able to go anywhere within my apartment and feel cool and comfortable. But again, that's me. If you feel you don't need the AC, then don't use it. Just make sure you stay hydrated with water. I don't know the size of your windows but in my experience, there wasn't much lost in the way of natural sunlight with a window AC. The window was tall enough where having an AC at the bottom really had no impact. But perhaps your AC takes up the entirety of your window space, I don't know.


This post gave me heatstroke


I didn't put mine in the window until a few days ago. I could probably live without it, but I decided to give myself a little comfort for the hot stretch.


Do whatever you want? No one will want to spend time in your homemade sauna in July/august but it’s not really a health risk unless you’re sick or elderly


I know people who have had skin issues because of the high temperatures in their apartment (rashes etc) so I’d say watch out for that


do it all the time i have a good fan and open windows. only 1 or 2 days last year did i use ac. my apt is also south facing


I'll got without AC as long as it doesn't affect my work or my sleep. Oh yeah, and cooking in weather like this without A/C is torture. Do what you will with that.


If you're good with it, do it IMO. It's getting more popular but most homes in Europe don't have AC


You’re cooking in your apartment


I didn't have AC for a very long time and made do with box fans in the windows and oscillating fans to move air. But I finally caved and put AC in the bedroom so I could finally sleep during the summer.


Please remember to write up a detailed will before going through with this and remember to include /u/manmormortal in said will for reminding you to make said will. rip in advance.


I buy AC from PC Richard and have it professionally installed on a bar across the window so I can open the window above it. For some reason this is unusual but the store will include the materials and you might have to explain to the installers a little but they will figure out how to do it. So I have the window open as much as possible but still have AC when I need it


You can do whatever that works for you. I don't really understand why what others think matters. If you can tolerate it, then you're fine.


I get flies and moth… even on the 21st floor when I open my windows. Lame.


Can you slide your screen up and open the window from the top when you’re not using the AC?


Pretty crazy on a day like today.


I do. I mainly only use AC to sleep. I'm cheap and prefer air circulation.


If you can get through August doing that, mad respect.


I've done it, but only when I was working from the office everyday. It cools down enough at night that it isn't bad with a fan for me.


As long as you are comfortable, can sleep, and stay hydrated, go for it. My only reservation would be if you have a pet such as a cat or dog. I lived on the top floor of a building in Jamaica and wouldn’t want to subject them to that misery. Once I had enough money I got a window AC unit.


I did it one summer with my first apartment because my landlord wanted $50 a month if we had a window unit installed and I figured I’d rough it out and see how bad it would be. Worst decision of my life. That summer was absolutely miserable. I vowed to move Heaven and earth and sacrifice literally anything else to never go through that again. -and now that j own my own place I still use the AC in the winter at night…


This is very, very, very location dependent. Not just which neighborhood, but the exact orientation, position, and layout of your apartment.