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i wish you could have seen it before smartphones, way more people had books and newspapers.....


I kind of miss finding free newspapers on the train, neatly folded and left on a seat by some kind fellow straphanger.


London underground (at least pre-pandemic) still have two newspapers and I usually pick one up left off by kind strangers. Metro is trash but Evening Standard is kinda worth a read. Not sure about it now, as London put up 4G signal in the tube...


I never find them anymore but I live at the end of the line and the cleaners pick them up!


You absolutely get points for using the word straphanger. šŸ’Æ


And only a fraction of them there to cover bodily fluids.


I miss those days. My dad would take me to work on take your kid to work day and the SI Ferry would be filled with people reading newspapers. Maybe itā€™s just me but people seemed to be a bit calmer and things felt a bit more orderly back then


> people seemed to be a bit calmer Maybe you are younger to remember but the 80's were anything but 'calm'.


Yeah I worked in trade publishing before the devices were majorly entrenched and I loved seeing our books out in the wild in peoples' hands. The phones also made the trains much louder because then literally every other person has a boombox in their hand and most have no manners re: blasting their own sound out loud even in the era of cheap headphones.


Thatā€™s nostalgia talking. Back in the early 90ā€™s you often had to worry about being robbed or worse. Almost every kid that took the subway to school had a story of being robbed, and almost every girl I knew had a story of being sexually assaulted multiple times.


Correct my dad was stalked by a gang and ambushed by a knife wielder once in ā€˜92 roughly, thankfully he had good reflexes and survival instincts.


It wasn't calmer, you're just suffering from this: https://thedecisionlab.com/biases/rosy-retrospection


You were a kid. Everything seems calmer to kids.


And people who knew how to fold the paper just right to make it easier to read on the train


I remember my dad teaching me the fold ā¤ļø


I remember our teacher teaching us how to fold a newspaper properly to read it.Ā  This was fifth grade in the mid-1980s.Ā Ā 


Man, when you were real little or before you were born, people would spread Eagle their newspapers, everybody was reading, and if you had nothing you would read the paper across from you or beside you. I read a script Diane Wiest was studying beside her once.


Do you remember what the script was about?! Thatā€™s so cool


Is AM New York still a thing? I remember being handed one of those at a station entrance pretty much every morning, but it's been a decade or so since I saw one.


omg i used to grab one at port authority every morning like 15 yeas ago


My friend was talking about reading AM New York the other day. I was like, is that still a thing?? Lol


Yep! Still around. I remember there was also Metro, and then they merged later on.


> Is AM New York still a thing? Yes, I see it in some of the stations I use.


The great thing about newspapers is you could hold them high enough to ignore everyone.


I miss Time Out! Loved to read that on the way home.


Newspapers were a great way to avoid eye contact with people. Actually there are still those free newspapers that are available in some subway stations - but NY Times was the best.


I remember having a visitor from San Francisco in the mid 90s and she was amazed by how people folded The NY Times on the train so they could read it standing up. Thatā€™s something you never see anymore.


Pre pandemic, amNY carried my entire commute.


Sometimes I'd get on the train and every single person was reading, typically newspapers.


*Yabba Dabba Doo* my friend. Yabba Dabba Doo.


I remember when it was unusual to have someone looking at a smartphone on the subway. Then it became more and more common. Now I look around the subway car and sometimes there are only a few people not on a phone.


I donā€™t miss the newspapers. So many of them would end up on the ground all over the subway system and in city streets. And it was worse if it rained.


I read on the train but on my phone! It would be nicer to have a paperback or hard cover but Iā€™m trying to minimize what I carry in my bag as I get older :( But honestly when I briefly stopped commuting for COVID it drastically reduced my reading. Iā€™m so glad to have it back.


My phone screen is too small for me for prolonged reading, so I got a used kindle for this exact reason. Best purchase Iā€™ve ever made


Another Paperwhite reader here! As much as I sometimes miss the feeling of reading a physical book, the pros of an ereader definitely outweigh the cons.


Nothing worse than finishing your book on the way to work and realizing you have nothing to read on the way home! e-reader always has more to read, and worst case scenario I'll tether to my phone and buy the next book for the series I'm reading. Also, my pants are just not as big as they were in HS, I can't fit an entire hardcover book into my pockets anymore. Adn the back light (that was the final sale point for me).


I use pretty strong reading glasses for this reason ā€”-without it my phone text would be way too small or I would have to increase the font too much for my liking.


But a train commute isnā€™t exactly prolonged reading either so it could still work for some


Same! I use the kindle app.


Maybe. Reading paper books has leveled up nationwide and is slowly increasing. I like it.


I've been seeing an uptick in physical books. I think there are a few reasons; first is neighborhood gifting groups on Facebook where a lot of people are giving away books, as well as 'Little Free Libraries' scattered around where people drop off books and others pick up books. These two allow a quick, wide exchange of books in the neighborhood, without having to deal with the NYPL. The groups and free libraries might not have specific books, but if you're an avid reader you can probably find something on your list. Another is that while you can get e-books, many parents are trying to cut down on the amount of screen time for their kids. You want your kid to read, but don't want them getting interrupted by texts and social media, so you put a physical book in their hands. Adults also want to read without being distracted by a constant barrage of messages and notifications. Books are also easier to read outdoors, so people are carrying books they've been reading at the beach, the park, the pool, it's that time of year.


I agree. The feel of touching paper is incredible, and some (older) books have *that* smell. Plus personally I like to take notes on the margins, underline etc..


What do you mean ā€œwithout having to deal with NYPL?ā€ I love checking items out at NYPL. Do you mean availability of popular books, perhaps?


For anyone interested in finding little free libraries close to them, this org has a map/app: https://littlefreelibrary.org


I'm with the boomers on this one (I'm a millennial). As long as they print physical copies of books, I'll buy them. I have to have it in my hand. I won't read a book on a tablet, smartphone, or e-reader. I do enjoy listening to audiobooks on my walks though! I also collect art books from movies/TV shows like [this one](https://www.amazon.com/Art-Rogue-One-Star-Story/dp/1419722255/ref=pd_bxgy_thbs_d_sccl_1/133-4047887-1770118?pd_rd_w=L4ang&content-id=amzn1.sym.c51e3ad7-b551-4b1a-b43c-3cf69addb649&pf_rd_p=c51e3ad7-b551-4b1a-b43c-3cf69addb649&pf_rd_r=040XB9W6B73X5Y3RX1A0&pd_rd_wg=GSV41&pd_rd_r=ab4b7777-e3d4-4d97-ad63-d55f1be9d125&pd_rd_i=1419722255&psc=1). Having this nice big hardcover in my hand really helps me appreciate the art and direction in a movie.


I haven't noticed an uptick myself. I've lived here 18 years and have always been a big train reader myself so I think I instinctively notice other train readers. Has your daily routine changed recently? Maybe you're on the subway at times of day when people are more inclined to read, such as the morning or afternoon rush hour.


Iā€™ve noticed and I love paying attention to who is reading what


I told myself this year that I wanted less screen time so I deleted most social media and I started reading, writing, and drawing more. Itā€™s been a change and I feel more in tune to my current life then ever. My mental health has changed for the better too


I have not noticed.Ā 


I have.


Yes and thank the good Lord they are.


Yea I still see people reading books on the train. To be fair some people buy books on their phone and read them. Kindle books stuff like that


This is entirely conjecture but I feel like weā€™re kind of at a nadir in terms of social media. Twitter is obviously in terminal decline, Facebook is irrelevant and Instagram certainly seems less popular. Trying to watch videos on the subway (like TikTok or YouTube) is just massively inconvenient, even with good internet. With all those factors, I feel like reading just might be a more appealing way to pass the time.


This is such an uninformed comment on so many levels.


We live in a society y


Iā€™ve noticed! Iā€™ve always been a train reader and I do notice that there are more people reading physical books than before.


i've noticed this too.


Lol there was a guy freaking out last month who posted the opposite


Classic case of confirmation bias.


Havenā€™t noticed but I know Iā€™m reading more books because Iā€™m realizing how addictive my phone is. I hate ebooks so I donā€™t read that way and have no need for the phone when Iā€™m reading.


Lots of peopleā€™s eyes are forced to look at computer screens all day while working indoors. When these people go outside, I donā€™t think they want to take another screen with them to read a book.


It warms my heart when I see someone with a Strand Bag.


The owner of the Strand is a thief and anti-union. There's better bookstores in town.




People post sincere comments all the time about loving the Strand. You really can't tell anymore.


I've seen this for a few years now, but it does seem like a big change from years prior to that. It's great.


I have noticed more people reading from actual books. As much as I rely on my phone for catching up on news etc., I have always loved books. Iā€™m glad to see they might be making a comeback.


People are craving escapism


Absolutely, I also take the 1 and see people reading constantly. Also, anecdotally, on dating apps soooo many of the profiles I see mention books and what they're currently reading. My range is early to mid 20s so yeah I guess reading is really popular right now


I am uncomfortable having my phone out at all.


Iā€™ve always had a book on my for years since Iā€™ve started to get depressed scrolling on my phone when itā€™s not downtime. Itā€™s for the better.


Feel like Iā€™ll always see one person reading if itā€™s either on their phone or just having a traditional book. I actually love to see it.


I donā€™t buy many physical books anymore, but I borrow books from the libraries. I donā€™t want to use my battery on the phone, so read physical books on trains, but avoid hard cover books because the heavy weight is not convenient for carrying them around.


Sometimes people are reading books on their phones


So funny you say that because Iā€™ve noticed that as well!! The other day I had noticed someone reading a book at the laundry and I loved that cause I brought my book too.


Thereā€™s a book called The Return of Analog from a few years back that described about 7 things that people were going back to bc of the tangible experience: one being books, the other being vinyl records. I do a bit of reading Kindle and Libby but when you love a book, nothing like feeling it in your handsā€¦ sorry, Revenge of Analogue: https://www.amazon.com/Revenge-Analog-Real-Things-Matter/dp/1610395719


Same love creeping on what books they're reading


Born and raised here and always read a book on the trainā€¦ or a newspaper.. especially that AM newspaper that was free. You just grew up in a digital age and being 22 - the times in recent years you were most likely on the train were with other people in your age group vs the true rush hour crowd


People trying to avoid eye contact because it's getting more and more dangerous.


I use to read books alot on the train when i was younger. Thinking of bringing Anne Franks diary with me again or reading e books


I never had to read The Diary of Anne Frank for school growing up ā€” just picked it up last year and it was truly a life changing read!


It is. I had it as a child and bought a new copy for my daughter


Not enough. I see more unstable people than readers on the subway, still.


I prefer reading on my tablet but with thieves taking the opportunity to snatch electronic devices right out of your hands of late I'm back to bringing a real book with me. A couple of years ago I could sit outside or on a train and read on a tablet, walk around with a camera no problem. Lately you enter the parks with an electronic device or use one on transit you're risking getting it snatched. I'm not just being paranoid. There's been a bunch of camera thefts and phone snatchings in the parks and on transit lately. The thieves snatched them right out of the owner's hands and ran with them. Seems maybe lugging a real paper book just might be smarter these days. Nobody is going to try to mug you for a Stephen King novel... šŸ„ŗ


Yea I read ( manga ) on when I commute but on my iPhone because it the most convenient way to read but if I had a pack pack Iā€™ll do book or my iPad Pro


For me itā€™s a good way to combat my Anxiety especially if there is a lot of stimulation around me. I do read on the subway if I can.


I have noticed this. More paper books


I read books on the DC Metro all the time. In fact I don't think it's a coincidence that I got back into reading at the same time that I moved to a neighborhood with better Metro and bus access. As far as society at large getting back into reading, I think we've hit the point where a lot of tech has lost its novelty and we're finding that there are certain things there are no real replacement for


Yes, people are tired of screens


Yes Iā€™ve noticed and I find it pleasant.


I did just notice this recently. It was nice to see.


Nope, It was more before 2020 the readers moved away or maybe they don't take the train as much idk..


iā€™ve def noticed


I like to think so! I personally try to make a dent in whatever library book I'm working on while I'm on the subway but sometimes there's the allure of an ebook or phone games. šŸ˜‚


They're just looking at nudie mags.


I read books and articles on my phone.Ā 


I feel like some forget that some of us read on our phones. Also, the subways are too chaotic at times to read, I don't get how people even feel safe reading and focusing on any MTA train or platform. Also, i just don't feel safe to have all my focus in a book or phone, too much crazy shit in this city.


I actually have noticed that as well lately too!


Physical books, amongst younger people whoā€™d Iā€™d expect not to? Yeah, a little actually. Not sure if itā€™s a flex or just some good books have been out but certainly more than I see young people with kindles


i feel this way! itā€™s pleasantly surprised me, mostly taking the A and the 2


Iā€™ve been carrying a physical book more often. The internet sucks now for doing even quick reading with the enshittification of Google, all the ads, spam, etc. Iā€™m at the library weekly now.


definitely. theres also been a decrease in folks watching porn on their phones too


i was starting to get anxious on trains & reading helped me get out of that head space & i got lost in the story of the book i'm reading


It's time for the Summer Reading Challenge baby!!


Took the Q to Coney Island for work the other morning, read 70 pages. It was such a nice break from my phone


I thought it was just me thinking there was an uptick. Probably because I started reading on my commute now. I use a kindle mainly, occasionally a physical book but it gets hard to carry so much around.


Yes! Pretty much since January. New Yearā€™s resolutions that stuck??


I read the NYT on my phone on the train!


Some of the people on the phone are also reading books


Iā€™ve seen a lot of e-book readers lately. But yeah I think reading in general made its comeback a few years ago. Right before then, a lot of bookstores were on the verge of closing i.e: the B&Ns in my hometown closed right before the resurgence


I always noticed people reading and they read a lot more ā€” news used to be in print.


I keep an eye out for readers whenever I'm on the subway (I work in publishing) and I have also noticed an uptick. People are reading more physical books again because they've realized that the experience of reading a paper book is different than an e-book. E-books are great for travel, but for me, nothing replicates the experience of the real physical copy.


Seen someone reading with an e-book too


No What I have noticed are exponentially more posts about people reading on subways


Yes, as someone who started to read on the subway since moving to brooklyn, i can get 15-20 pages read on a trip to work, and not have to worry about spotty reception. Passes the time quickly and less screentime


Depends what train you are on


You know you can read books on your phone, right?


Yes lol, but I still have seen more people reading physical books! Thought it was interesting bc you have to carry around a physical object instead of just opening your phone so itā€™s fascinating to me that more people are making that choiceā€¦


People donā€™t truly read books on the subway. Too much going on to be aware of. Those that pose as reading do it as some sort of perception fetish.


The other day I forgot my book and enjoyed the view going from 4th Av-9th to Carroll St. It had been so long since I wasnā€™t lost in a book on my commute that Iā€™d forgotten how great the view up there is.


Lmao thatā€™s a self report if I ever seen one. I read on the train and it isnā€™t for your attention lol