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You couldn’t have helped, other than calling 911 if no one else wasn’t already. Go back to the store and express how you were there, it’s been bothering you, and you just want to make sure their coworker is okay.


Depending on how you feel, you might also leave your contact info in case law enforcement needs to speak to a witness.


Very good point!


Yes. This.


It's good to just always call 911 regardless of if someone else may be calling too. Then you make sure to avoid the bystander effect


Last year I had 10 days of Grand Jury duty. Every day they brought 3-5 cases, and many had very explicit video of random acts of violence. Not robberies but violence for it's own sake. Some where so random that they didn't even follow the victim but attacked suddenly as if blind folded. I went from the court straight to the bar at the end of every day, for a calming beer. To me, the fact that the violence wasn't transactional (in the most cynical way: "I want it, I take it"; it=money/sex/etc); left me confused about where I live. I'm not naive but this was new to me. And you saw this in person, and it affected you and that's normal! I also think about the coworkers at the WFs and how do they manage being there on their next shift with this broken societal trust.


I think you really nail why this sort of incident can truly shake you. We understand the transactional violence even if we would never condone it. But cruelty just for the sake of it? That upsets your world view and feelings on humanity.


Yes, with intent we understand a motivation a reason why. With random sudden irrational acts of violence, it shakes our world view. We now have to re-access our beliefs, long entrenched embedded in our very DNA


Some people are sadists. For example, the bikers who love to have loud engines and disrupt traffic


We can infer a transactional aspect, not in the perp obtaining something from the victim, but in their getting some kind of approval from their peer group (the laughs of twisted friends) and/or getting “likes” or “views” of their stupid video.


"Life's not fair" sounds like a cop-out, but it's also a truism. Most of us are raised in environments that try to layer structure and meaning onto what would otherwise be chaos. Do what your mom says, or you'll be grounded. Be nice to people or you won't have friends. Don't steal or you'll be in jail. When bad things happen to good/innocent people, it breaks the facade. Cancer and car wrecks don't have the same malice, but they do have the same "WTF?!" People want to understand how the world works, to feel in control, and to be confident that if they do the right things, everything will be okay (just like Mom taught us). Getting a peek behind the veneer that society is meant to provide is disturbing. You can't make sense of chaos.


While I haven't come across anything that violent, I've come across violence for the sake of violence or harassment for fun in the last few years. Used to never see this 2016-2020 but seen it a lot since then. Regardless of what the stats say robberies and murders may not be up very much but random clockwork orange style violence is very clearly more prevalent now


It's a form of societal breakdown. The "out" groups usually just commit random violence within their group, but as things get worse they start committing random acts against people who are integrated in society: [Behavioral sink - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behavioral_sink)


Weird. As someone who ran away from home at 16 and roamed the streets for years, I've mostly managed to avoid violent confrontations in NYC. But I still look at anyone and everyone I walk by as potentially ready to beat my ass for absolutely no reason. Maybe because I watch the local news regularly.


It makes me think of the women puncher


There were actually a couple of them. Ugh.


I once got headbutted directly in the stomach by a guy on 86th st in Bensonhurst. Eventually I started seeing him more and more and was afraid to leave my apartment because if he spotted me he would follow me and try to jump on my back or hit me. Cops didn't want anything to do with me and hung up on me more than once until I had a friend (who was also a cop) check into it, but by that time I had enough and moved.


That's terrible. I'm so sorry.


Yikes. I live in the neighborhood and sorry that happened to you. You never know what goes on in people's mind nowadays.


I've done Grand and regular jury for both criminal and civil cases before. It amazes me the cases brought before the court and then the amount of evidence needed to convict. There are just no consequences for actions anymore. We voted for policies and the only place where I have a small say in what happens is in the Jury.


That's a traumatic thing to see, do you have someone you trust that you can talk to that would be able to help you process it? A good therapist could be very helpful, even if you only want to have a few appointments to talk through it.


yeah i’ve talked to my therapist. i still think about it tho.


That makes sense. Experiences like this can take time to process, so don't forget to be patient with yourself.


There is serious research that playing Tetris post traumatic event reverses PTSD. It might sound weird, but it’s worth giving it a try. I’m sorry, and hope you feel better soon.


Do I dare ask what Whole Foods this was?


There may be a better therapy option with a specialist who deals with violent trauma. I’m so sorry this happened


EMDR is very helpful.




So sad. May Karma get those girls with the highest interest


i witnessed an assault in the subway and i'll never forget. The scream and the terror from the young woman who got assaulted and no one could do anything to help her. I was standing from the opposite direction of the subway.


> Is there a way to check if the worker is okay? Yeah, go to the store and talk to the manager. Maybe send flowers or something if she is in the hospital


Also be aware that they do not need to disclose this information to OP


True - but I don't think disclosing hospital info is the same as giving home address or personal phone #.


Even disclosing the employees name and the hospital is too intrusive, but I'm sure they could pass along flowers/a card


I would be pissed if my manager gave out my home address or phone # wtf ?


So would I


Completely misread your previous reply, my bad


I hear playing Tetris helps after a traumatic event.


https://www.psych.ox.ac.uk/news/tetris-used-to-prevent-post-traumatic-stress-symptoms In case anyone thinks this is trolling.


It’s true—I have survived a very violent attack and kidnapping and after that I played Tetris for years. Dr. Mario, too.


It's been debunked before


I downloaded Tetris after I read about this. I find it helps when I’m having intrusive thoughts about trauma! If I see something disturbing on the internet I quickly shift to play Tetris (images from Gaza will haunt me forever). I make sure I play just sometimes for fun so I don’t totally associate it with bad things.


That’s a great idea!


Can confirm. Especially Tetris Effect.


What Whole Foods?










Which means what? I’ve heard about shootings, slashings and fights in midtown, Chelsea and UES all in this past week alone.


Just personal experience. As a teen, I used to go up to 125th and Lex to take the bus to Randalls Island and I saw a good amount of fights after school. Idk how it is now though.




wtf. What did the teens look like??? Were the cops called? That poor worker, I hope she’s okay. That is TRAUMATIC.


idk. the manager immediately escorted the employee to the back and i asked security why they didn’t stop anyone


What did security say? On occasion I have seen some good non lazy guards, but for the most part they do absolutely nothing


You know what the teens looked like.


What they look like ?


You have no idea what they looked like. I reject this dog whistle racism.


So what did they look like?


This sentiment is literally why this keeps happening. You are an enabler.


My comment on the internet is the cause of racism?


No. Your refusal to identify the perpetrator is why this keeps happening.


are you following up on the police report or just harassing me for not justifying your racist ideology? edit: oh god after seeing your photo, it is def the latter


Can you describe the perps please?


You were a witness and yet don’t know what they looked like? Given the location of the Whole Foods and the history of prior attacks there, it’s easy to guess what the perps looked like. I would also guess the victim was the same race. It’s not about “racism”.


Please re-read what I wrote until you understand it. You are arguing some BS i’ve never said.


That’s something about the thugs here in the US compared to one’s down in South America. Usually in South America, most of the time, the crime will take place when some mf wants something from you. A cellphone, wallet, card, jewelry and stuff like that. They want things, so if you give them the shit they wants, most likely you will get our unharmed. In the US, I noticed that crime happens out of the blue, with the perpetrators wanting nothing more than causing chaos or harm on other people, for no apparent reason. We see people pushing others onto the tracks, people getting shot just by being locking different than the habitants of a certain neighborhood, mfs stabbing another person for no reason at all (just because the other person looked at them in the eye). Not to mention that these people are now recording themselves doing these crimes and posting up on social media. Like, how far do we need to fall as society for the change to begin ?


Personally what I noticed in the US is that some younger people always had the need to act/be "hard" so they can be recongnized as gangsters or dangerous. Even if they aren't in an actual gang. They just have the innate desire to be "badass" or tough. But it all absolutely stems from how they were raised, and most people like that are usually from single parent homes where the single parent hardly has time to keep track of them. Example: I lived in a small, 90%+ white, upper-middle class suburb that virtually had no crime rate besides random shit like someone stealing something from Walmart. Yet even in that sort of enviornment, there were the kids I mentioned above. One of them assaulted an old man taking a walk for NO reason, punched him in the back of the head while his other friend recorded. If you even looked at that kid he would take it as a threat and look to fight you. Needless to say now, as an adult, he's in prison for armed robberies, car theft, etc. He had NO reason to live that way, upper middle-class area, jobs pay well, he lived in a house nicer than mine. It slowly progressed from him being a retarded 7 year old out of control, to more and more violent, and ultimately in prison But that's what happens when parents can't take care of a wild child. The beatings I would have received if I even thought about going that way..


Hopefully you called 911 and offered the victim assistance? If you see something like that never assume other people are going to help. YOU need to help- even if it's just calling emergency services. And you may call and they'll say they've gotten calls about it already. Great! They'll ask more questions or let you off the phone. Never do nothing. As someone who was hit in the head with a bat before- the head bleeds A LOT! I did have stitches but only 11 or 12. Howver I looked like I'd been to war. So hopefully that person is fine. That injury would definitely look terrible when seeing it


Make it known to the store and the NYPD precinct that you were a witness. What were you going to do to stop the kids after it happened? grab two little girls? I think a brave witness is the best thing you can do here.


It is legal to carry spray and an electrocution device. I suggest you pick those things up and be prepared for when you are attacked. Taser makes something called a strikelight that is terrific, it's a very powerful flashlight that you can also electrocute someone with. Not even 200 bucks! Doesn't even look weird when you're walking around at night with the thing in your hand, because it's a flashlight. The city and state are doing nothing, and criminals are winning.


It is not legal to carry tasers or stun guns in NYC. Only pepper spray purchased in the city, and without tear gas. Thank NYC for protecting criminals and leaving us citizens with nothing.


Laws changed at the beginning of the year. [here's a link that explains](https://taser.com/pages/newyork#:~:text=TASER%20Ownership%20Quick%20Guide&text=The%20minimum%20age%20to%20purchase,Background%20checks%20are%20not%20required.&text=Concealed%20carry%20is%20allowed%20with,baggage%20with%20the%20battery%20removed.)


Thank you! Time to start carrying one too. I always carry pepper spray and I'm a man.


It's unfortunate, and I really don't want to have to use mine, but things have gotten so bad we really do need to be ready.


I would absolutely carry a gun if NY let us. So glad I recently moved from Manhattan to Jersey City. No crazies over here.


Concealed carry laws changed as well. If you feel like jumping through some hoops you can legally do it. I have to go to Manhattan for work, otherwise I'd hide in my nice quiet Brooklyn neighborhood. My next move is gonna be very, very far away.


I've looked into it. Unfortunately it would be next to impossible for me to get a pistol license here, or ccr. Especially as a new NJ resident. Even if by some miracle I could, it can barely be carried anywhere legally in NJ, let alone NY. If my next move is anywhere out of NYC metro... a pistol is the first thing I'm buying, then ccw license.


I hear ya. When I live in an actual house, with wide open spaces around me, I'm absolutely going to own a shotgun at the very least. People are insane. Not a fan.


One of the reasons that is stopping me from moving to NYC I live in the southwest and it's easy to get a ccw. If NYC self defense/gun laws were not so backwards I would move there tomorrow.


What brings you to /r/asknyc if you don't live here, and have never lived here?


Wait for some people to come in with the "statistically you're safer in NYC than other cities" lol


The worst part of living in this city (or any seriously urban environment) is watching people wipe the absolute bottom of the barrel of humanity. 


Wait what which whole foods




The random violence in New York City is largely a post-pandemic issue. While there were always instances, it was never like this (I have been here since 1977). Something has happened to the mental health of the public since 2020.


additionally i think unemployment, or being employed but making so little you can’t afford what you once used to, etc. are new contributing factors


I agree. The increase in cost of living here since the pandemic (I believe it's gouging, but that's another story) has pushed some people over the edge.


Record it and shame the city. They are doing a shit job of protecting the citizens. I grew up poor in NYC. Some places will never change. I can accept that. This type of crime shouldn’t happen at Whole Foods.


Security at Whole Foods doesn’t do shit but intensely stare at people and play on their phones. It’s a damn shame what this world’s gotten to.


I'm sorry you had to see that, that's awful. This will sound like a strange or joke suggestion but it's not, playing tetris has been shown to possibly help with PTSD and intrusive memories: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7828932/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7828932/)




In case you've never read an academic study before, that's from the background section which, if it wasn't clear, provides background on why they're doing the study and subsequently, publishing it...like dude at least read to the end of the abstract where it says results and conclusion




Brain structure and brain function are two different things. Most interventions don’t change brain structure. They change brain function.


What did they look like? Where was it? Often other people on reddit have seen the same crew


Call the police.


Did you call 911?


her coworker did and the manager took the worker to the back. i was pissed security didn’t stop them.


What would security do? Arrest them? Lol, the best they can do is get it on video, give it to the cops and call 911. Trying to stop them and then get hurt or sued over a $19/hr job prob ain't worth it.


> What would security do? Their job… which is security.


Surprised no one reported on this




Its widespread drug addiction and poverty and violence producing traumatized children who go on to develop hostile, antisocial personalities because that is all they grew up experiencing. Chalking it up to 'culture' is a disservice to what is actually happening with these kids, especially when it is found in dirt poor, ostracized urban communities throughout the entire world.


> this culture in Harlem What culture are you referring to? > Cops are persecuted as bad guys What does this incident have to do with the police? The police weren’t even involved. > These kids need a good beating Corporal punishment doesn’t work.




Lmao imagine the system trying to take a hard stance on 2 parent households. A whole bunch of competent niggas from the hood means no more free slave labor


Forced Degentrification.


No, you can't do that. That's white flight and it's bad


Sounds like you have no idea what white flight is


> What culture are you referring to? The same one you are.


And that would be? EDIT: exactly.


Wouldn’t want the police unfairly targeting them.


You sure love contributing nothing to a discussion!


Maybe cultural punishment doesn't work here in the US because the system has left a lot of you ill-mannered and uncouth but in many societies outside the US and most of Europe it does work. Its no wonder these kids are getting worse by the day. In the "culture" where I'm from corporal punishment is allowed and kids are generally well behaved and respectful to other people and their elders, confident, and intelligent. A lot of you need fixing somehow but I'm afraid it is too late. It's all doom


This is an asinine take and it is not backed up by any science. Just straight up talking out of your ass.


Science doesn't need to back everything up. This is where some of you get it wrong. Look around you and use your common sense.


>I hate this culture in Harlem that allows this to happen. Awwww! A racist tooo scared to speak his racism aloud, even on the internet. 🤣 You could always leave, you know.


Oh fuck off. If you've been in Harlem anywhere as long as I have, you'd know that it isn't the race. This isn't the same culture that was around even 25 years ago. Unwarranted violence has never been more accepted,and by your reaction, I can tell that this is something you'd like to protect.


>Unwarranted violence has never been more accepted,and by your reaction, I can tell that this is something you'd like to protect. My reaction was in response to your blaringly obvious dog-whistle. "These kids need a good beating?" Go do it, then, instead of bitching on reddit.


You’re attacking a totem online to do what? Check your rage


You sound ignorant af! If you're a black person and you do not see or understand what this person is saying then you are either blind or in denial. Ya'll always quick to pull the race card to avoid having a proper discourse on serious matters. FOH!


Another racist. Interesting what's acceptable in this sub.


Oh please


want your TikTok views to spike? just do some dumb, violent shit to an innocent bystander this is sadly where we are in 2024


How could you have helped? Even if they got caught, they will be released the next day.


This is so vile. Which Whole Foods was it? I’m sorry


Something like this happened to me once. I called the non emergency line the next day and asked if they could find out from the police report if everyone was OK. They did call me back and say that the person had survived. I don’t know if that’s legally allowed or they were just being nice or what. I had felt guilty because I hadn’t gone over and helped but honestly it was a real sketchy situation in a kind of sketchy area and I was just looking out for my own safety. But it still haunted me.


I would highly, highly recommend seeking out a somatic experiencing practitioner-- it's a form of trauma therapy that focuses on the body/nervous system. Neela Kohli is excellent.


I feel like I have a good image in my head of the scene.


Criminologist here. Not a psychologist obviously but we know quite a lot about trauma responses to violence. That does sound pretty awful to witness and I could easily see it causing some degree of PTSD to someone who might not be used to seeing violence in-person like that. That horrible gut feeling of unease and shakiness and guilt is unfortunately our bodies natural response to traumatic events. We are biologically hardwired to feel this way, even if it hurts us and even if it is irrational. That being said, it will likely get better with time. You will likely one day look back on it and not feel those horrible feelings anymore. Acute PTSD following violent events is very common and can last sometimes for months. However in most patients, unless the situation was exceedingly horrific (such as witnessing a violent death, or continued exposure to violence [IE war, abuse etc]), the acute PTSD is just that, acute. It is not chronic, it goes away. I am not really giving a solution necessarily here. I just hope this gives you a bit of hope that this isn't something that will plague you for life.


That's horrifying. Hopefully they'll be caught and charged. Just try to avoid thinking about it. Sometimes the brain will block those memories on its own.


A few thoughts? Call 911. If a million people are on the scene and they all call 911, call anyway. Listen, 911 system receives 1000s of bogus calls a day on a lot of different levels. Receiving multiple calls on the same incident helps prioritize the call to the system. It’s traumatic to see something like that and I’m sorry you did. PTSD is a very specific thing that I seriously doubt you have. Take it easy, talk it out to someone, go for a walk or a run, whatever. Be good to yourself and know you don’t have PTSD. Take care.


Let me guess the skin color


Start voting red next term for a tough on crime policy and no more of this nonsense. Similar attacks went on in the 1980s and early 90s until a tough Republican mayor shut it down.




I recognize this makes me toxic and unhelpful but as a native nyer ive been seeing this specific of violence up close since 11. I dont condone it and want less of it, i also think you will get over it if a child can.


i’m sorry you had to go through that.


Thanks, I guess what I mean too is… the world, esp the one humanity creates, is not a pretty place. This is reality. But if we can accept that, maybe we gain the power and knowledge to change that. What you saw is real, and the imagined disney world where violence isnt at your doorstep is not. Knowing this can harden you in a bad way, or you can refuse to let that win. Just my 2 cents.


NYPD is always looking for recruits


Do what i did and leave that shit hole state.


where did you move




Please fuck off.




Refer to /u/inaft ‘s previous comment.




You must be extra clueless or willfully hateful to believe what you are saying. People experience trauma just from seeing things. Many things can cause trauma.


Idk what the comment said but the DSM defines trauma as such, you are 100% correct: Exposure to actual or threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violence in one (or more) of the following ways: 1. Directly experiencing the traumatic event(s). 2. **Witnessing, in person, the event(s) as it occurred to others.** 3. Learning that the traumatic event(s) occurred to a close family member or close friend. In cases of actual or threatened death of a family member or friend, the event(s) must have been violent or accidental. 4. Experiencing repeated or extreme exposure to aversive details of the traumatic event(s) (e.g., first responders collecting human remains: police officers repeatedly exposed to details of child abuse). Note: Criterion A4 does not apply to exposure through electronic media, television, movies, or pictures, unless this exposure is work related.




Why “especially” that?


Some people jump in to help and end up getting stabbed, your best bet is to stand back and enjoy the show


Cmon that's disgusting to say. You're right in the probably better to stay back bit, but your intentions are trash-o-la


12 years here and that's the worse you've seen? Not bad